We're Picking Rock

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there's the man himself over there morning jim load number one go good [Music] good [Music] jim's gonna take off with truck number two here dad's at the doctor getting a cortisone shot in his other knee the one that they fixed last fall is pretty good and we got allstate peterbilt here they're going to pull into the other side start working on the peterbilt that's sitting over there all kinds of fun stuff going on today i'm gonna let those guys do their thing while i do a little grading on the driveway and then hook up the rock picker it's cold out nothing like that including me this crushed concrete that we put in on the driveway has been doing a really nice job i like it a lot but we got a couple high spots that we need to knock down before we take this blade off to have the rock picker hooked up for a few weeks that looks much better had a pretty good hump right here a lot of water issues right here so we're working on it we'll get a few more loads in here after we see how this packs down right anna hey didge how you doing today where you been all morning come here that's easy now i gotta run this thing in the shop and put on what i call the hammer strap that goes on the hitch it bolts on basically another tab that's bolted onto the hitch so that the clevis style hitch on the rock picker and slide in between the two it's a lot more supportive that way once you get the pin through there so you'll see uh it's up into the 30s now so i don't need to bring it inside there we go [Music] [Music] all right stop hammer strap time boy do i love a good dad joke but before i can get to the rock picker i gotta move this beast i'm going to need a better pin there i'm also going to need to take the quick hitch off or else it's going to get into this ask me how i know [Music] but before jim gets back i need to make sure i've got that other truck loaded so he's not standing here waiting for me to load that thing the dust is swirling around just perfectly so that i can't see anything can't turn the camera on when i'm near the truck at all either or it gets behind this crappy canon lens that they build this junk out of that won't autofocus so i need some i need some glasses there those are cool jim was already back before i finished loading that truck so he's gonna take off and get out of here i'll get the next truck underneath busy day that's a good thing [Music] that truck's loaded dad's going to take that to the ethanol plant i'm actually going to go check a field out here and see how dry this thing is if we can get on this field tomorrow we'd like to spread some fertilizer out here tomorrow morning run some tillage it's not looking good down here this is always a wet part of the field so it's not unexpected but we'd like to get that new planter out and going as soon as we can just so that we've got it dialed in before things get really busy because i'd assume it's going to take us some time to figure that thing out it's not dry not really wet maybe instead of getting out and kicking the dirt the best way to check the moisture underneath would be to get after a little [Music] yeah that worked it actually doesn't look too bad when you till it up a little [Music] all right uh i would say 70 of the acres are okay in this field but the 30 percent that aren't are not i don't think so i think i'd wait to dig it until thursday afternoon that was a lengthier delay for me than it is probably gonna seem like for you guys on video but ready to go again got the big pin just needs a little wiggle that's what she said normally i'd pull this thing into the shop and work on everything but since allstate is in there and they got the valve cover off on the engine on the truck as well as having the turbo open i'm gonna leave the doors shut on that shop as much as i possibly can just to keep the dust out of there so i'll work out here in the 35 degree sunshine see if i can figure out how to move dad's pickup [Applause] first thing on the list tire pressure got another truck back already all right what do you think ditch huh you wanna check the tire pressures oh man i got jealous so the tire pressures are good but it does appear as though we potentially have a bit of a hydraulic oil leak kind of up in this area here not so much here or here but right here got to be coming out of this area somewhere hopefully it's not a seal it looks like well well it looks like a mess that's that's about what it looks like i'm gonna guess at 24 and maybe a 21 or two see if we can get a little movement out of those fittings if they'll tighten up that one snugged up some i don't know if that's enough but it moved well that one's pretty good may as well check the other side here as well which is also a mess the good news is it's not nearly as much of a mess and it tightened up quite a bit so that fitting was loose for sure i'm going to want to keep an eye on this though make sure i know where it's coming from so i'm going to clean that mess up a little bit here and i think the best way to do it is with some wd-40 specialist industrial strength degreaser we got it all cleaned up here now we'll be able to see a little bit better if that thing starts spraying and now i got a message from dad saying we broke something over here it's always fun to hear something broke over at the bin site in this part of the country bins provide a really good return on your investment but man they are a pain in the neck yep yep we broke something so there's a shaft that runs up through here out of the comes from underneath the floor so this is the sump right here this is the center sump where the corn comes out and the shaft must be uh right here i got my finger on it i can feel it right there that shaft comes up through the floor runs up into here into the gearbox this is the gearbox that runs the power sweep basically if it were a car the drive shaft broke which if you happen to be a fan of the 6x modified racing team you know that i've done that a few times too kind of inside not very funny kind of sad mostly the silver lining is that the sweep is nearly halfway around in this bin so it won't be quite so much work to clear out room there's a cover underneath there we'll have to shovel this corn down into the sump so that we can access that cover get underneath the floor we've also got an issue in this bin we can't get the swing running and i think there's a sub plug beside that that red motor back there has also gone bad on us so i'm gonna climb in here with a shovel and open that up right there this corn is sitting pretty decent i'm not too worried about it okay start it up did i start it yeah do you want this i don't want to walk backwards just keep it going i can throw it there just keep it going i got it halfway [Applause] broke or it came loose i normally fixed him in this bit before yeah it's it came loose it's only halfway open 20 halfway open yeah there's two bolts in the shaft they're both good they're both good yeah so here's bin number three out of the four we're currently pulling out of we don't know what the problem is but i believe in this bin there's a chain underneath here so we'll have to get under the floor either over there over here to get to yeah i'd be back there oh let's see if i can feel i'm betting it's a chain underneath the floor that's broke or off jumped off or broke the gears or broke the chain it has not been a a really efficient day for me so tell you what i got to get the rock picker going and then i need to get the field cultivator out oh maybe i'll touch them and deco first i don't know what i'm going to do but i'm going to spend a lot less time on the camera so just here we go [Music] so [Music] so so look at that so try this instead see if i can swing my i can't do anything left-handed look at that [Music] headway [Music] we'll wreck the threads on this new boat yet so we're picking rock we're gonna get the field cultivator out here either tomorrow or early the next morning and then we're going to do some planting [Applause] we're farming there's a decent one there [Applause] see if i can get under it here we go [Applause] some people look at this machine and question why we need it they think it's a worthless expensive slow machine but i look at rock boxes on the front of tractors and think well that's pointless who gets out of a tractor for a rock that you can pick up by hand see in our part of the world if you can pick them up by hand we don't generally worry that much about them and yeah they break things the next question is where do all the rocks come from i thought you picked them all last year family's been picking them for a 150 years they just keep coming up from underneath uh heavy frost pushes them towards the surface tillage rolls them out believe it or not this rock pile was picked down to just about nothing five six eight years ago and this pile right here is only one of them on a 90 acre field there's definitely a lot of places farmed in the world that are much rockier than this i mean we don't have a lot of small rocks it's just those big ones that get rolled out every year so i had to point out this machine is not that worthless for us i'd love to stick around out there and keep going but i really want to get that mendeco hitch switched and the control box mounted and a few other odds and ends plus it's still a little bit too wet out there and we don't have to be in a hurry so i'm not gonna be if there's one thing i hate having sit outside it's a planter so this one is not going to i got the rock picker going okay i already picked a bucket that doesn't surprise me and no i didn't no [Music] [Applause] farmers use big tools get in there [Music] hey other way need a battery other way turn here we are full category five now i got the control box mounted i got the receiver mounted for the gps we're ready to go other than making sure we got diesel in it onyx you're going to let me out you run the door he's not beating up on the dog the dogs are fine dogs are playing see those two never quit i'm gonna keep moving on some stuff here it's only 5 30 there's plenty of daylight left but i'm kind of sick of carrying a camera around and i feel like i've probably got a video that's long enough already that becky's going to be upset with me so thanks for watching you
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 1,041,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, farming simulator, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer, mn farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, millennium farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, tractors, farm equipment, millennial farmer funny, tractor videos, off the husk, farm machinery, big tractors, tractor video, Farm videos, mn millennial farmer harvest, farming, planting 2021, We're Picking Rock, rock picker, rock picking machine, rock picking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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