LDShadowlady's Animal Crossing Minigame Tournament

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yay okay we're going oh my god shoes to stop I got it from eBay like somebody on eBay was selling it for real money and I did it for a video it was $30 it was a video expense [Music] I have best outfit should I take my sunglasses off oh I can't cuz I can't edit the can't edit the wand outfit while I'm in okay so are you all ready for the tournament we have eight mini games if you get first place in one of the mini games you'll get three points if you get second place you get two points and if you get third place you get one point and if you get anything worse than that you don't do their points so you get when you win you lose every single game you will finishes with a score of 0 how many I can drop away which ones do I need sorry I sound and net a net and rod I've got both of those where you guys are adorable get there [Music] you've got it ya know who didn't brought one okay so this is the first minigame is scavenger hunt okay okay so there's a list of items you need to collect and I'll tell you the list first and then you can run off and don't collect them on the counter or actually I'll I'll set timer we like to write down what they are I am NOT to write down what they I see ya write down what they are okay wait a minute okay I'm ready I think you know oh I didn't bring them are you ready for the list of items and that's not the time of when I've finished saying all the items okay Joel that includes to you do you have a pen and paper ready I'm writing it with my keyboard one of each fruit a fish okay wait wait I afraid I have a writing thing I was like I don't know a writing thing I'll paint a pen no I felt like I'm gonna write it on my stream so I can remember one of each fruit fish a bug wait any bugs or any fishing oh wait I brought a fish can you describe the lily for me so one of each fruit a fish a bug a red lily and a white tool including nut what is that six six I'm just gonna stand over by this fruit tree don't mind me get all of them then that's fine but when you do get them all come back here drop them all out on the floor and the first person to do that wins first and then you so once everyone wait I still need I still need a ladder oh but you won't need a ladder for this okay okay the trees have to like tournament areas okay okay ready go oh okay you knew it who didn't it it's crap I grabbed the wrong one piece I should be waiting at the at the finish point in case they come back and they have a way to labret yeah way to look I think I got every fruit I'm actually worried that all you won't be able to find the finishing spot again because he had some real trouble last time I need a coconut some crab right are you coconut oh yeah a red lily white tulip got a bug of fish yes so glad I've so many flowers on my island and no one else really stressed I'm a streams fish that's running on my flowers that's why I had to do this one first cuz I knew people would run on the flowers and destroy them crap I need this fish cast the line somebody ready is any way is anyone close to finishing you know wait where's the I caught an oarfish can I get extra points yeah yeah oh yes I just need a bug drop everything out as soon as you dropped it out oh wait let's see the bun I'm too close no I'm wearing it show you a fish ooh wait wait where's I show me his bug no wait wait I'm trying to find where this where's the main area oh okay so Scott came in fast for a second who was closing after that three people already won hey Dora I think we don't ran it around the same time it was Scott got here and dropped everything free I dropped everything should I drop anything yeah nobody else will I will show you this I would but I should get extra points yeah I was a bad idea over to drop it but then it ended huh yeah oh I thought the time always like you just happened up the fish guy gets two points and Lauren gets one point Congrats guys I'm being supportive yeah I won't have zero points okay so the next fireman is hydrants or the next minigame is hide and singing so for round one of this I am The Seeker so you all have I guess I'll give you a minute to hide cuz three minutes is too long so I'll give you a minute to hide which I'll count down I'll type in the game track when I'm gonna come get you are you allowed to move while you're searching no so when you find a spot Angie and the timer runs out wherever you are sad ass toad when the timer runs out you have to stay there okay and then the second round of it is that and I hide I think I found a good one muted I think I found a good one oh no I can get on red [ __ ] they might one of them might be in here check the museum that's a good idea where they're all in the museum where is that in Ascot I caught you scar oh it's gone he's been got oh he's crying now he's crying he's crying yes wait who's that I found somebody who is that we who actually is that nobody's crying - it was not Oh who's that is that Freya we got Freya Freya has been found I've also been told where Lauryn is yeah find me there's right near yes wait Shelby can you see me like right next there we got good spots we can't even see each other in Rhino yrt we're not the first one time mm-hmm I said this could go on for an hour but you behind me I know right I was waiting I was like oh my god I was waiting I was like if she why I said if she comes behind my tree I'll like show myself cuz she can't see it but she never skated no going to realize who's behind that tree I swear it was a person right there is they know a person right there there is a person is step she looks shocked oh but what is going on here Joel you've been found okay so I found Joel which means that Lauren wouldn't that me game you saw a lark Wow was Lauren are you ran by me probably always gonna be child I was like in this back tree staring standing sideways so you yeah you ran like this way and then went over here and found Shelby and the left looks like okay yay I actually won one yeah so you got 2 points for coming second so I wore this outfit wait I'm just winning a life today the next minigame is an obstacle course do not run on the flowers just in case you can't read the sign it says do not run on the flowers all to my success qualification is run on the fire there you have to do two laps so if you finish the first one if you'd like to just follow me to the finish here real quick you'll be able to see that you can get for this gap in the fence so just continue back to the start to do your second lap and then after your second lap then you can cross this finish line first gets those plays okay ready that's the Hat I mean those Devils that go ahead of the pink or we mute every note for this one get ready set go yeah wait what the heck [Music] [Music] [Music] there's destroyed I play this game way to not run over the flowers just pick them up today so the standings are still left off so if first place was Lauren yeah music yeah I mean it was Joel wasn't it yeah second place two points and then that place was so in the lead right now currently is Lauren with seven points I mean they'll be currently a rope I need to get some fines guys oh my god wait wait I'm my oarfish is gone sorry I mean at least i streamed it so i have memories all your blocking try not to fall in the holes [Music] okay where's the lock this is just gonna be a huge mess in the ring [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] musical chairs I'm so excited for musical chairs north of the island why are we following Scott I'm the biggest into things right okay walk in I'm so nervous snap back in your place okay I feel my last night I'm so scared oh I thought she said stop [Music] [Laughter] hey I ready to get run and then the next thing I say will be stopped so I hate passing over the spots look at the screen so I know like I'm not accidentally favoring wait is it top three yeah nobody else starting the way I came down I never win anything she says wow that was close lion gets two points for finishing in second place and Joel gets three points to finish Wow Scott on your win you're so toxic we who else is mechanics I see this next game play is tag you'll know how to play this way if not I will explain if you this is the tag arena edition yourself somewhere in the arena that's that don't make yeah yes did you say your net broke oh no everyone you don't need your net out right now but as long as everyone's got one that's fine I love just watching us one person will be it and they will have their net out and you have to balk somebody else on the head with your net I'll start as it I guess how do you get first second third doesn't count and at the end of the day like the if it's it's not clear because on some people's screens it looks slightly different at the end of all that it's gonna be what it looks like on my screen since I'm the adjudicator so I will say whether who's who the tag okay wait what happens when you're tagging your help you shout you if you'd hit somebody and you think you lambda2 clean hell somebody say fun okay wait was that good because I make them in how do people get out yeah diggers are just like here's out there's a timer so at the end of the 3-minute timer whoever's it oh yeah they they have to they they're out and then we play another round and again it's not the time and now and I will be at first and I'm gonna go get job [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] oh you're right I got frenzy says you got out of it [Music] yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] how do I not somebody get it I got ollie all you've been bumped [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I had no idea you were like you get changed at the perfect moment I wait yeah so next we have the drawing game so if you like to follow me too okay so we'll go in order of last place - first place if that's okay it means my chair I'm doing that then 2:30 on my phone timer and I'll tell you when your time is up but you can I guess you could I could type in game chat when the time is up okay okay so you can start now but just don't tell anyone else the theme and my try is gonna vote on who who does the best at the end of this I'm gonna if you guys vote for me and Lizzie's chat I'll gift you all sucks I'm playing a win I gotta overtake Joel gonna be a good artist Wow the winner well I mean am I wrong Lord I was robbed in your cake decorating video I'm Justin yes I was I'm Harry Potter all the drawings so obviously the theme was which let's see first of all you got shovels drawing so humans cute cute which with a cat some star and a moon in the sky very cute and this one is from Freya's little bit sticky this one mr. Scott's so Scott it's gone more for like detail here although a similar vibe with the stars in the moon this one is from Steph she's got a bog which honestly looks like a boy the nose I was like trying to get some like extra detail and Lawrence Oh Lawrence is very different from all the others what's not cooling she's got like a happy wish going on here if she holds it afraid a good brick and then finally Joel's drawing I hope you all already decided which one's your favorite because this is the last one Joel's drawing oh it's a good wish hi everyone I think almost everyone's Mitch just winked at the right thank everyone so if so I'm gonna call it you Scott Sully she'll be in first place Lauren in second place and Joel someone else one bad place in a drawing I'm looking at Shelby's one oh it's cuz you put the cat in it I went for all them animals yeah I thought about it okay take a look around the room take in as much as you can make sure you use your like triggers that you can pan around the entire room and see absolutely everything and then I'm gonna ask you questions about the flooring and stuff as well includes everything in the room not it not including people and where people is that okay so everyone got everything hopefully I'm so bad in the room I'm so bad at these types of games fully memorized I got it okay so what I'm gonna do is have you message me your answers on discard as soon as you know what they are and then I'll just go by whoever's messaged me what was on top of the Wardrobe though Ally's sent the word football that's correct best football I was an American football lucemon I get a boy oh so Steph you're fine what animal is in the tank I fell it right there that's I Center it was shovel first I was yeah I wasn't quick enough that right and then Ally that was a red flower what kind of flower was it I think mines right I don't know from Scott Joel and then shovel Lily slowly running shove over the oily but you're a fast anyway okay what color was the rocking chair oh I don't know oh crap I don't know I wasn't sure yeah I'm not ready to announce it Joel you have answered oh sorry I had your thing I said dance to miss black I got it wrong sure alright white in my money when I was writing Brown Oh Brooks women oh wait no I'm wrong I don't know if I'm wrong all right I'll give it one so that's wrong yeah that's what I thought too what color was the cooking clock right all he went in first with blue guys Rock I guess Freddy I came in with white and ice threats afraid oh don't sweat light Browns that's wrong clearly yes chuckles bad wait so end of a fight for shovel mmm I'm terrible at this and that's it brown or black sorry so that's wrong it's not said white so it's got y'all going right last question potentially if everyone else gets it right I'll make sure you can Florence you do one that Scott doesn't marry thank okay what did it say on the door plate above the door I have decided for this game who wins the tournament what color was the Wardrobe free was in first with the outset pink that's correct so you get one point friends on five as well or do we do another one of just me no Lee and then I'll be personal savings yes so I'll do one this is just between Ali and Scott what collects was the lamp the lamp white and it was Scott and then only second [Music] [Music] [Music] I probably played other one cross in the least [Music] congratulations Joe I'm a sore loser yes yay thank you you're welcome I'm sure you know how to oh oh what a supportive you be a gamer oh please hello I'm [Music] [Applause] your tie is I needed that [Music] [Laughter] and then I'll give it to three she might be oh oh oh she's she's running oh oh yes that's what she's doing wait so now I just order it wait Ally's running through my flaps what Bobby just told me security he's my security and Ally Evo Ali's on your somewhere yes Bobby all he's trying to look for you I'm sorry Ally have you seen my evil French monkey I'd like to see where is he oh my god here he's in his house look what he's the only one that doesn't have a cute yard cuz I hate him Olli you want him I want his house I don't want him I got my own monkey guy he has two fridges what do you do why does he need two bridges this house makes me very uneasy like he's looking he's staring us down look at good house he's given you a coffee you would like him in real life I just feel like you've got feel like I'm in a dangerous situation in his house okay thank you thank you could see his 1xtra his butt is exposed yeah it's like you're and like a really tall styling like New York fresh from imagine we're here I'm loving cocktails you're a wizard for some reason I'll show my button yeah pour me a drink sir this is somebody wrote my chat this is the only party allowed right now all this stuff is so cute who is this bill yeah Molly no he's my favorite she doesn't suit your personality come on man what oh I have her in fauna or my two favorites everybody else usually everybody else is replaceable I mean over Molly I don't know Molly's the cutest the cutest give you money okay Bobby's just chasing me around the island saying everybody here wait I'll give you what you're lucky I have a bag of money a nice bag of money would be so kind just listen a wheel off a predator toughen to me Miss Molly Lord jano bunker don't do it
Channel: LaurenzLIVEside
Views: 811,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, animal crossing, new horizons, ldshadowlady, smallishbeans, smajor, dangthatsalongname, theorionsound, shubble, steph0sims, tournament, minigames, mini games, competition, competing
Id: HzwFmejFGH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 5sec (3425 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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