Animal Crossing ...but I RUIN The Island

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so excited load faster oh come on oh yes sir did an island getaway package oh my god good afternoon we're so excited to have you here have you here let us be the first to congratulate you on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure was it a wise decision welcome to the check-in counter for your deserted island getaway package there's so much to loop over to but first let us introduce ourselves I'm Timmy from nook Inc which one oh and I'm Tommy hello why am I going to a deserted island is this always how Animal Crossing is you always go to a deserted island we'll be playing to the island with you to help you get settled think of us as your partners we're in it for the long haul so let's get started shall we now then we'll need to look up your application can we have your name in birthday birthday hope God oh okay you can't change this this can be seen by others okay Oh with online play - should I do my username the word don't use personal info or offensive words I will make sure that I do not put my social security number as part of my name don't worry Oh up no my birthday what's my birthday 7-7 yes no they're so cute I just want to snuggle them oh god they're barnsey Sayyid oh yes here you are our next stop will be why did I make my name that it's gonna bother me every time now because there's no I I can't change it they told me already I should have just said Lauren our next step will be to take a picture of you oh don't worry take as much time as you need to get yourself looking the way you want wait how am I gonna do this it's in the dock we'll be ready when you are oh crap oh my god I'm an idiot I'm making me yeah so excited oh okay all right you guys in the live are you gonna get to see the back end stuff cuz I know I'm gonna take longer than I need you to make myself and then we're just gonna cut straight to me being made no there's no purple oh what is my hair gonna be what's my hair gonna be my gosh she's so cute guys I mean nothing Pat myself on the back but I'm adorable I'm so freaking cute it hurts confirm yep this is me great you're all set all set I'll just go ahead and have that picture too are your records Thanks I look great in it and now let's start talking about your new house how exciting exciting you see we're quite proud of the work we've done to help you feel comfortable in your new home oh yes in fact if you want you can even experience the seasons the same way you're used to them what I mean is we violins in both the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere oh my god there's so many decisions oh there's too many decisions we recommend choosing an island that has the same seasonal pattern as your current home current home okay so tell me Lawrence's good I don't know how to say that without the I Lauren's is soon where do you live now Lynn now haha North America anywhere else I mean North America how did you know excellent that information really helps us focus on just the right Island for you so naturally we recommend that you relocate to an island in the Nemus here there are only a few more decisions to make but does that sound okay you so far so far Oh God you you guys don't know how bad I am cuz you know how bad I am at making decisions very good we have a number of love like an uninhabited islands in the northern hemisphere to choose from I can't wait to go live on a deserted island guys if there was any if there was any good time to go live on a deserted island it would be right now at this time in this timeframe I want to be as far away from civilization as possible once it has internet now then all of our islands are approximately the same size and they're all quite normal so don't worry about whether you'll have nice big enough space or comfort you can't go wrong just follow your instincts and choose an island with layout that looks appealing that's how I do it I'll show you more maps now and you I'll show you some maps now and you can choose the best one for your new home new home oh god this is one I also can't change if I change my mind later all right we're gone with three thank you guys all for boating sorry if I did not vote for your island but out of all of them and after listening to you guys three is the best because I want to do something in the middle on that middle island thing yup wonderful choice choice can't wait to show it up to you ah but before we depart I have just one final question for you if you could only bring one thing with you to a deserted island what would it be what would it be oh god okay sleeping back a nice place to sleep a light food oh my god something to kill me like you were like just let me die I'm not going if I have to be on a deserted island I would rather choose death I mean this is a pretty easy one for me I would definitely go with the food something to kill time I'm pretty good at killing time really good at it sleeping bag I mean I feel like it's not essential lamp kind of essential but you can make a fire but food food how interesting gimme food are you gonna give me food oh I'm sorry that was just a hypothetical question was it though I feel like it's gonna have something to do with something in this game nook ink will fully cover all of your basic needs yes yes oh well thank God Oh your attention please this is a service announcement the chartered flight 4 nook inks deserted island getaway package is ready for boarding any customers waiting to barge to make their way to the gate at this time ah perfect timing come on let's all board the plane together together oh are you guys coming to live in my island with me I hope so you're so cute we can cuddle thank you for taking this chartered flight as part of no cakes deserted island getaway package please sit back relax and enjoy a complimentary video presentation about deserted island life yay Oh am i learn how to not die on this island [Music] oh yeah gross killing oh my god oh I'm gonna ruin all of their lives oh I'm gonna ruin everybody's life I don't know it's a deer I don't know what to do this is the island or this is what the island could be if I don't ruin it oh hi oh my god confetti for me oh we're working oh my god the Christmas fishing none of this is gonna matter because I'm just gonna ruin everything so it's fine this is what we could have if you didn't have me as your mayor of the island this is what could be it's not gonna happen now that you have me Mayor Lauren Lauren's this season WAM welcome to Animal Crossing new horizon my first ever animal crossing game I've ever played yay I don't know how or why that is though like this is right up my alley oh they're all so cute and what is my outfit though no we're here now I know you must be incredibly excited to explore your new Island home but I have one small request would you please join us for a short orientation session in the nearby Plaza our fearless leader himself will be giving a presentation so I'd hate for you to miss it Oh am i I'm not the fearless leader oh thank god you may have all saved your lives we're heading there right now if you'd like to move to follow us I don't like my outfit guys this is not a good look for me Oh talk later job down let's go oh I want to I'm gonna look ugly this is gonna be everybody's first impression of me I mean my face is so cute nobody's gonna nobody's gonna say anything it's fine all here I'll turn it over to you mr. Nook our three adventurers are ready to get started hi mr. duck I'm gonna murder you and rule this island I mean what hi yes yes very good let's see how shall I begin yes of course welcome everyone welcome to your new Island my name is Tom Nook and I'm the founder and president of nook in keshia's today is the first day of your new I of your new life on this pristine lovely island so congratulations and this is a package deal as such new kink staff will always be here to support you and ensure your comfort and safety but first things first oh whoops I'd like each of you to choose a spot of your own it's the first step to putting down some real roots oh no more decisions I'd like you to dream big I do have certain connections in construction and real estate and ah but I'm getting ahead of myself let's just get started with a simple touch shall we oh great I have all these connections but you know 10 tents good enough please collect your text from Timmy or Tommy and then choose a spot to place it give me my tent are you gonna learn seaside bury octet gimme once you find the perfect spot press X to access your inventory and select the tech to place it okay don't worry you'll get a chance to see what it looks like before me oh thank god anyone sits and you'll want a little breathing room so take your time finding a space that works for you oh I suppose I should probably set you up with a map - that'd be great gimme why don't you put up your tent please find your way back here use the map if you need it Oh off you go I hope you find a great spot me too it's gonna cost me much stress and anxiety trying to find this okay pick stuff up yeah do I need this no probably just a tent where are you you're going here this spot is stupid yeah outfit you're Lauren's this side right nice to meet you Rebecca so find a good spot please for your tent I'm looking to push months pitch find somewhere close to nature's that I can train my body my soul Rebecca okay I don't want to live anywhere near you I want to be on the outskirts of society oh my god beachfront property oh we get beachfront property oh my god beachfront property okay well let's uh let's explore the island first but definitely beachfront property where's the other creature there they are where do you want to live yeah wait I got it don't tell me you're Lauren please side right see told you I had it I hate you immediately I'm Tami I gotta tell ya I'm excited and do this whole island thing you heard looks like we're both having trouble deciding where to set up our tents I mean it's a pretty big decision way to make me even more anxious Tammy you bish of course no matter where we settle down on this little island at least Rome be neighbors oh I don't want to be neighbors with you I need to go even further from this person I'm way cuter than both of you okay I'm definitely making my house on that one the spot with the ocean view oh my god I just realized Tammy's name is Tammy and in Tomodachi life I always call ya me a bish Tammy yeah me they're the same person all right Chad is happy with this spot I think it's perfect I'm kind of thinking a lot of other people let's imagine it I think a lot of other people that are playing this game and this same Island pick the same spot but whatever is this a good spot yup away from my everybody oh yeah yeah yeah that's it that's a big first step yeah that didn't take as long as I hadn't thought oh my god look at my little mailbox what's in it nothing oh my god I can I go in my 10 oh I can't okay oh my god so just picture this guys waking up in the morning coming out of my tent and slowly slowly walking over here and being like ah I'm away from all of society feels great Oh Loren's aside you must have found a suitable spot for your tent hmm you're the first one back so I suppose the others must still be searching for just the right location because they're losers you know since you've already done some scouting the others may appreciate your assistance oh no boom I don't want to help them alright I'm not helping Tammy I'll help you you already so up you're dead hey I'm still trying to find this perfect spot I'll be doing some serious cardio so it's gonna have lots of fresh air I think this battle do the trick but I don't know what do you think oh oh I can oh my god I'll find you a spot I'll find you a spot what yummy find a sweet spot put this tent seriously wow we just met you're already doing some heavy lifting on our friendship oh my god I'm putting yummy as far away from my tent or yeah me Tammy I swear to god I love you it just becomes such a funny joke at this point Tammy I'm putting on the other side of the island you you can be a little closer yeah give me your tent the tent is in your hands Reece Bree Rach you got this if you need me I'll be over at the Plaza visualizing how awesome I look like it's gonna be I'm gonna throw your tent into the ocean yeah like right in the middle of these trees sure you're welcome oh my god yeah is it good hello does everybody start with these same two characters or just or is it random you'll already found a good spot huh I was trying to just build for the best spot but I was having trouble because every spot feels like the best one I couldn't just sit here if they get it over forever so I grabbed the stick and throw it and here this where I land it so now this is my spot okay I know there's only so far I could throw the stick but I'm like this I'll find you a spot Timmy well for real you're gonna pick out the perfect spot for me you'd do that for someone you just met you know you're right Laurens east side in that case here you go it's your show now you heard sweet I'm also gonna throw this into the oceans you go pick out the perfect spot for that tent I gave you I'm gonna go away to the Plaza in the mean time okay okay bye y'all tents going all the pain the worst spot I can possibly find on this island there we go uh yeah that's fine that's perfect great yay Jesus far away from me as possible Tammy got a place for a ten now looks like everyone has a spot picked out for their tents now I need to get back to the plaza I'm so glad she's so far away from me she's the worst welcome back everyone I hope you all found just the right size to set up your new homes of course you can sleep on it for a while hmm really get a feel for how to teach you and with that taken care of we can move on to more serious business like throwing an island warming party we'll have it right here in the plaza with a roaring campfire we'll just need a few supplies to get started yes since we'll all be living here together this will be a good test for our teamwork let's see - oh Jesus Timmy Terry Tommy and flip oh my god I wish my name started with the teeth never wish more in my life that my new started with a team Turin can set up things here at the Plaza meanwhile Lauren and I will work on gathering firewood perhaps a little snack oh my god yes and lucky mr. Duke alright everyone let's get to it now I read you come see me for a moment try to make out mr. Nook I'm not totally totally against it if it'll get me food Oh Lord I just wanted to go over what we'll need for the campfire help my face started making his boy super creepy now I think roughly Ted tree branches should do the trick you could find them scattered around the island so when you find one lying on the ground just press wide pick it up meanwhile I'll investigate the pair of that guy times growing in the trees I suspect they're real pears oh you think do you think mr. duck trying to seduce me with fruit mr. Nick I'm not totally against it mr. duck I will go find your your wood I will go find your wood new mr. duck here's the stick okay here's another stack pick it up I know that stick I know that stick another stick oh good good Lauren it looks like you've managed to collect up the tree branches them you found even more than I asked Kelly need 10 but I'm sure you'll find a good use for the rest and yeah I was not listening to you I'll take what you need or what we need off your hands now there you go yes yes that should be plenty for our campfire you made quick work of that great glad that I'll be sharing this desolate island with such a hard worker uh who I mean it was a joke at first that mr. nut wanted a piece of Laurens esand but now I mean he's pretty glad that we're sharing a desolate island together hee hee through in the desolate oh my god this monkey it's monkey stop crowding me yeah get out of here we're having a moment okay stop staring at us and speaking of surviving on a desolate island our next task is to round up something to snack on while you were collecting branches I was evaluating oh whoops whoops whoops whoops they look like pairs there's their smell like pairs and they even taste like pairs in fact there are a hundred percent without a doubt genuine pairs so when you collect six of them for me okay I'm sure that you don't need much guidance here but just in case can you see a tree growing pairs you can press a to shake it then pick up the fruit I'm sure you'll have plenty of pairs for us all in no time great I will go get the pairs here's Paris give me the pairs shake it hair hair hair [Music] wow what a calming and soothing experience this game is I'm sorry that I what did I just what was that what but weeds great great Lauren thanks for that guys probably all came here you were like I'm gonna watch Lauren play a nice relaxing game and instead I'm trying to oh god I'm picking up weeds I'm trying to ruin everybody's lives and make out with the raccoon man so you're all welcome you should know by now though it's Marcel for the new people this is me yeah let's just get weeds cuz Lauren loves weeds apparently I got pears well well I knew you were the red one for the job thank you once again why is this monkey always creeping on me mind your business all right he's gone go ahead and take those pears off your hands and get started on the preparations prepare them good parent good mr. Duke uh you guys know I can't play a game normal you just you just know now is that everything I like your jammies mister oh that's not as gym is regular clothes I thought he changed now is that everything yes yes I believe it is let's get started with the festivities can you date animals and animal crossing I don't know I'm just gonna assume no well good job mr. nug at last allow me to properly welcome you to re your new Island I have participated in many ventures and endeavors over the years but this may be the most exciting helping develop a thriving new community entirely from scratch will truly test my business acumen and perhaps my skills as an outdoorsman hmm oh no we may not have the kind of numbers that I originally envisioned oh we were planning more people for this that just means we'll have to rise to the challenge and I have no doubt that with hard work and perseverance will shape this desert island into I suppose we can't call this a deserted island anymore but what should we call it Oh No oh no I have to decide don't I I said it's a great opportunity as the first residents of the island we should be the ones to name it and in the island and in the spirit of democracy we should put it to a vote majority rule over so take a little time to think it when everyone is ready I'll present your ideas everybody my name kidding me okay chats I need your help again alright everybody saying bread island we do in bread island I have no objections to that don't include it personally in for offensive words hopefully bread is not offensive alright is everyone ready let's try saying our ideas all at the same time ready go bread awesome beach but bird oh my god I hate all your idea I hate all of them I hate all of them let's blended right yes yes each one a potential Jim now for the voting I'll say each name in order you could clap for the one you think is best Lauren seems to have the enthusiasm in the name sensibility she's naming sensibilities let's start there oh he loves me so Lauren suggested bride yeah that's right wow that's an overwhelmingly positive response each and every one of you clap that's right that's right down down to me I suppose if everyone is in agreement we could just go with bread it rocks absolutely sounds great splendid then from now on this island will be known as bread not even just bread island it's just bread what's great I mean tell me people would not want to visit Brent island I'd be all over that well Lauren since you've proven yourself a taming bread everybody loves bread what can I say I'd like to rely on you for other critical decisions no don't rely on me for anything I'm horrible at decision-making yes yes I hereby name you the Resident Representative of bread that's what I've always dreamed of thank you thank you for making my dreams come true learn could you please say where to to is the new spokesperson for your neighbors Oh God do I have to write this again howdy a word or two you can count on me no you can't I'm gonna be a smart howdy not even from the South sure it doesn't make any sense howdy howdy so we'd settled on a name for our island and we've selected our resident representative it's been a big day but it's gotten rather late so let's have a toast I thought you said let's have some toast that was like perfect for bread Island everyone have a beverage in hand fancy beverages it's fresh juice made from pears our new resident representative harvest in on this oh very Island I can't talk then without further ado a toast to bread and the happiness of its residents Cheers toasting to bread the greatest food item ever made yay wait so I have to go to bed while you guys all party look at Tammy Wow Tanner's giving me the stink-eye look this she hates me good I hate you too Tammy is it cuz I'm cuter than you good what do I do now listen say night nighty-night miss the Nook having a good time yes I know this is a bit much so if you feel like - oh whoops keep the fire burning wait what not tired yet wait you work hard you play hard by all means carry on just stop by and see me for a quick check before turning it I've something to give you oh okay what are you doing having fun I'm gonna kick off a new we're cab routine tomorrow so I'm taking it easy tonight back okay good for you hi Tammy I've never settled an island before bread this is gonna be rad you heard I hate you still so can I go should I keep collecting things or will it still be there in the morning weeds gotta get the weeds still alright I think I got all the pears for now feel like taking a short short nap keep the fire burning I'll go do that sounds good to me but first you'll probably want this what the helpful leaf great thank you it's your very own camping cot you'll want to set it up in your tent before you lie down oh and there are a few packages waiting in your tent as well decorating decorating just a few items of user to open packages and use the things per se when you're ready you can move to crawl into bed got another big day ahead of us tomorrow to rest up as much as you can tonight yes yes that's all for me for now sweet dreams Lauren you come to my tent later miss the Nook I'll take that as a yes all the way away from everybody love it there we go that's all I have that's it this is all I got it's eerily quiet in here like I'm about to get murdered or something no music I mean yet no music at all oh it's not the wrong side whatever threw herself on the cot is exactly how I feel from that just now yeah rasp getting sleepy making decisions is hard wow did we progress that the next day that I survived one day on this island more importantly did everybody else oh yeah just a reminder I don't know any of these characters cuz I've never played so looks like you've decided to make your own way in the world get out there and explore new frontiers that's all the that's all the way right daddy oh you don't need to live by anyone's rules but your own the world was made for exploring you know living free being out there it's great feeling yeah but take it from a cat who's been on the road being by your lonesome can grind on the soul what do you mean I love being alone you've got to make friends along the way gambling this crazy world in squaresville without some pals yeah man friends where it's at beacon of rambling I'm doing a bit of that myself my bad maybe it's about time for you to wake up it to your new life oh but listen up that rap I just gave you about my friends is pretty key you'll dig this island life a whole lot more if you share it with some friends if that's your scene yeah an island paradise with your best pal sounds pretty groovy to me cool when you wake up you'll be in sync with real time dig that out in life and I'll catch you later odd isn't sync with real time what's that about I already got that with Tomodachi life Lord are you in there oh I hope I haven't woken you abruptly ah but I do wish to discuss something with you yes yes I'll be here when you're ready I mean you can come in mr. nuke I've been waiting for you all night what time is it right now open really okay it's 3:30 so it's still gonna be bright out yay oh there you are I hope you had a present now pleasant yeah or wellis Mose was bit more than a nap wasn't it it's brand new day it's not that long oh yes it's quite normal to be worn out for such a long trip and a major life event baking of which I have a few more things that you might find useful as you adjust to life in our little paradise I don't know how I'm talking so slow first you'll need one of these yes what are you giving me oh my got a phone it's very out nut phone I had these made especially for Island residents thank you ah I want to make sure it's working right so could you try turning it on for me are you trying to get my digits nook welcome oh my god I have a little phone you put your digits in here miss Anouk good good looks like you're getting good reception as well okay feel free to put it away now hey it's dad Lauren have you ever used this smartphone before I have one of my own nope never never never ever what's a smart phone what's a phone that's so how wonderful of you I dare saying you seem especially well-suited for life on this rustic Island nevertheless I believe you'll find this neck bone quite handy so do take the time to learn how to use it I have one more thing for you is this a dragon I smell oh you son of a dick mr. duck so this includes everything airfare combinations labor tax of course your nut phone I just got taken for a ride what no need to have to pay for any of this that's why companies are nailing bringing your grand top a little - not what oh my god guys I have to swing back to the mainland what a Belles Oh ho-ho good one Lauren wait you'd be serious yes of course I can't believe I didn't think of this well bells are a currency that can be exchanged for goods or services here on bread ah but there's still the problem that you don't actually have any yes of course well no need to worry I was prepared for exactly this type of tricky situation for the getaway package you can pay your fees with miles instead of standard bells I called this extremely helpful service the note mileage program what's that well it's quite extraordinary if I do say so myself with the nut miles program you can earn miles by simply living your life here on bridge I dare say the more you enjoy your Ivan life the more nook miles you can earn and you can use them to pay back your boob in fees and much more so the bottom line is you need Jesus almost 50,000 bills to pay your move in peace but with this new service would you believe it never comes - doesn't miles don't just go ahead and register you so you can pay miles yes yes but there are more details available within your nook phone just open the nut balls out and you'll see that you burned some miles just for traveling to the island enjoy the program now if you'll excuse me I must get back to a few other matters but let me heartily congratulate you once again on your arrival so happy to have you as resident Oh bread and a kind of look great yay okay yes my new life is under whack I can do whatever I want whoo-hoo Oh Lauren welcome welcome as you can see it is quite cozy in here it's funny how cozy doesn't always mean comfortable let me know if you need advice on how to spend your time on this island or anything else you need some advice about basic eyelid materials you should talk to Timmy he can help you procure some of the essentials for thriving in our little paradise and if you want to earn some bells he has a rather generous policy purchasing just about anything not strictly advised advisable from a business perspective but quite generous yes yes uh one more important thing I'm offering a free DIY workshop that can help you really build that your Island experience I think it will be quite useful so I do hope you could take me up on it mm-hmm yeah I have a DIY thing did I talk to me about um about that workshop yes yes the DIY workshop each participant will make and keep their own tools and receive a set of DIY recipes I think it would be quite useful for either than like hmm so shall I put you down for the next available session yeah be free right this very moment so let's get started oh no I don't know I thought it was later all right fine his workshop yah yah yah yah yah yah the materials fella were speeding the craft using workbench for handling today we'll be constructing a pitchfork oh I guess I do have to do this nevermind cool yes we require five mirror tree branches now then come see me once you've protected materials do I have it already oh my god I'm one short of you freaking kidding me Oh Lauren it's great to see you I'm interested in your dad not you Tommy yay stupid workshop maybe go get one stick and come back Oh Lauren found the necessary materials yeah the one other stick you had me go get select a project from the workbench to get started okay give me give me a fishing rod Craig oh she's just Jesus I made a flimsy fishing rod great yes that was perfect now as you can see crafting is quite simple provided you have the correct recipes that concludes my pretty DIY workshop oh there's just one last thing I have a few common DIY recipes for you feel free or free of charge naturally I'll send them to your new phone would you mind opening it up oh yeah you can text me text me anytime mr. Duke Oh splendid thank you the DIY app is now solid on your boat and ready for you to use any time and the flimsy fishing rod you just crapped it is yours to keep it may not last forever but it should serve you well for at least a little while speaking of fishing I'm to a master angular but perhaps I can give you a few tips my experience you should aim in front of the shadow of a fish when you pass your line yes yes I would love to see anything you manage to catch I'm quite curious about the local fauna okay can i craft something using yeah let's grab what we got what else we got fire oh yes I need a net on you more branches oh god I need branches for everything gonna pick up sticks again love it love doing chores oh god it's Tammy yo boring I'm getting a real good vibe from the tent plot you picked for me thanks for the head the terrible tech pot that I gave we've got to look out for each other or wait the best hunter voice we gotta look out for each other here if you ever need anything don't be shy you heard oh yeah I was thinking about how to thank you and I came up with a recipe for a leaf umbrella no thanks alright so the first thing I thought when I got here was now that's a lot of weeds oh my god I love picking up weeds that's kind of where I got the idea it's a DIY project that uses weeds oh my god thank you think about okay think about it weeds are the most abundant natural resource we have may as well use them you heard I still don't like you Tammy I still don't like you got picked up some tree sticks oh and meats sure we Swedes are good you just sweet sweet Tammy give me them sticks Tammy we keep meeting up so uh minutes been treating you well you heard I want it checked I kind of moved here on a whim and I'm not sure I brought it up Bill's me you heard like you hear just there dialing you think you're not even gonna need money yeah I need a plan hmm I heard I can get bail selling foods and weeds and stuff to Timmy but do that maybe I'll be all right give me your sticks hater hater she taking all my sticks I need more sticks where's more sticks oh hey I think these scaredy fish you just sprayed my huge bulging muscles I hate both of you oh I got mops okay yes that's it cool especially about collecting all the different things check the zapper info on the DIY recipes you've collected okay everything yeah so I still I just need wood I need more wood can I also buy wood how much do I have five I know I can't fight anymore should I make a campfire or a butterfly net this Timmy you know waste any time do you uh who we're still setting up but for starters we intend to offer a small selection of goods limited right now but we'll try to have some fresh stock each and every day I'm sure you're busy but feel free to take a look at some of the items we're selling I'll take a look I have no money but oh god an outdoor generator and a lawn chair oh and I can buy tool or better tools I got no they're flimsy what can i buy sticks nope nope it's all garbage so we're not just sellers we're also buy things from you we pay you a little bit in return for any weeds or trash you bring in Oh if you want to know whether we'll buy something just ask okay okay yes let's craft okay we can either make a fire not what the day I want the butterfly net I want to catch some butterflies outside gotta start collecting all done cuz I don't have enough yeah I need oh I used all of it never mind Oh Lauren hello hello what would you like to talk to me about Oh what should I do yes yes that is quite the question I told you terrible making decisions well this island is a diverse habitat for many interesting creatures you know other than us yes yes you can catch all kinds of insects and fish if you practice with your net fishing rod I'd be most curious to see any creatures that you do catch hmm by all means bring them to me okay so I do have a meebo card it's can I use them on this machine how could I forget let's give you a brief explanation about that terminal that is our nook stop it's terminal for services that will further enhance your island life at the moment you can use two services first is nook shopping it's a catalog shopping service for items that can be hard to find on the island second this terminal services automatic Bell dispenser we're also working on a service by which you'll be able to redeem note miles please take advantage of these wonderful services interesting once per day accessing the Nook stop award okay good to know please select for the following services shopping oh I mean I have no money but oh my god a doctor's mask please select the following services um d with this Oh keep our fill why would we have to keep our bells safe pretty stealing stuff so I guess I can't use the amiibos yet I guess there's like a certain time when I get to use them good I can keep collecting them I've been getting like the packs of cards to try and collect all the characters cuz I just like collecting things so that's why I like this game okay I need sticks I'm kind of mad that I made the flimsy net because I could have bought a flimsy net but I can't buy sticks Oh shaking trees are cutting them down can sometimes knock loose a wasp nests have you even heard puffy face folks getting Reese tongue and then fainting oh god there's medicine okay and now I'm terrified to try and shake trees oh can we go in here I'm just exploring now oh okay hello how'd you get in here comes far I locked the front door that doesn't matter we're still getting some up in here so there's no flights sorry about that should be open for flights tomorrow though so be sure to come back then okay so so this is real time now though so I have to actually wait until tomorrow maybe that's good for game pacing so people don't like I mean I know I know that you can uh I know you can set the time to be like you can set it to the next day and mess with in stuff which I might do all right let's I need three sticks he's fishing where's he at fish fish Oh [Music] do it do it I missed it come on darn it come on fishy I see you oh my god just lots of weeding so let's be calm calm and relaxing come on okay ah Oh she'll wait you know conch yes shell yes so really I can't make a campfire well whatever I'm gonna I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna try them catch me slice OH but supplies I'm scared okay I'm scared to shake trees now I saw a butterfly over here where is it where's the butterfly Oh get it oh wait yeah yeah oh my god yes I caught a tiger butterfly I buried my stripes yeah yes go to yellow butterfly showing all butterflies be yellow ha hilarious that's why I will rule this island one day catch the bird darn it Oh useless bulletin board - took pose important notices feel free to use the bulletin board okay oh hey okay I have caught butterflies I just want to catch a fish then I want to be happy anybody going yeah stick place the butterfly down what okay why would I do that then it would be free again I can't find any sticks because frigging Tammy has all the sticks stupid Tammy I'm gonna catch your butterflies crap crap that's amazing how many times am I gonna bump into you today hang on am I being pranked was there anything camera go away I hit her in the head with it oh crap no I wanna hit her again it's got a dirt yeah yeah guys how do I get sticks shake the trees Oh shake the trees to get sticks as soon as I kill her I cut a common butterfly I'll do no no so what do I put my things when my inventory fills up I'm scared to shake trees though because of the bees that I've now heard about I'm gonna get stung in the face typing of Rex why can't Oh Oh [Music] I just need to learn it now now I'm able to learned it's all tuck sweet sweet you followed me okay let's craft a leaf umbrella can i oh my god you're kidding anyone more hardwood okay none of this is useful to me yet I need one more weed of course I do well here we go Wow got it okay so we can make this now yay oh yeah right doing this I can show my butterfly off yeah the rest I can't make right wait I never went into that chest wait no to that box there oh recycling box using it freedom's removed during construction you see anything you like feel free to take it Oh [Music] cardboard box I'll be better take it not what I wanted to do there we go got dance yeah come on I think I have all these already though yellow one okay yeah got that one like you have to catch multiple ones do they just stack or they don't stack I can release it you guys lied to me I don't think sticks fall when you shake trees oh my god you're right nevermind I should have never doubted you guys you're way smarter than I am okay let's just make a campfire and then maybe we can call it a day at least for this stream Oh money money is oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no I knew this was good oh no I'm not cute anymore what do I do help help help help can't you see I'm dying I don't care about the bulletin board I can't see out of my eye help me oh my god can I pick this up at least oh I can't help me please oh my god oh so buddy help me you guys wanted this to happen he's laughing at me help my face um I found a creature a splendid weight in fact oh well you want to look at my creatures do this one oh what a catch I do believe this is a yellow birthday oh and I'd love to send it to him for a closer look would you be ok with that sure I have like 400 that reminds me this is in no way tied to your generous donation just now but I haven't useful app to show you is it the museum app I've heard of the museum it's all about the collecting it is critical it's a terrific resource for an inspiring island researchers such as yourself with this one app you got all the important details about the bugs and fish you catch sweet can you please give me something to help my face where do I buy medicine you guys say bye Oh from Timmy Oh Timmy is it are you Timmy yes you are uh what's for sale 400 bells can you see I need it I need one thank you oh oh you don't have enough money look at my face Timmy no Timmy look at my face oh God Timmy I hate you hate this whole island I hate everybody just all want me you thought I was too cute didn't you what I had stuff I could have sold I had so much stuff I could have sold never bought never ride a ding back to me I'm coming back going back Timmy please fix my face wait so can I sell the rest of our lives ah look at all this information I've caught no fish sweet so I have to collect stuff for that I guess ok let's sell some stuff I want to sell you can take my extra butterfly I guess I'll keep the other or you can take this extra butterfly you can take these two of these pairs I don't know if I need anything else yet so that's good do I have enough money for medicine enough for medicine sold give me the medicine now I'm gonna tell you something about the fruit you just sold me when you eat food like fruit you'll find yourself energized with more power than you might has anyone share that with you know cuz everybody sucks nobody else to tell me anything but you should try eating it once in a while too okay tell me medicine please yes I want one please to fix my face hurt the excellent purchase thank you no I just want to fix my face please just want to fix my face fix my face take the medicine yeah I'm cute again oh yeah ah oh he winked at me he wants me you guys all know he wants me look how cute I am okay all right fireplace is gonna go right here in front of the tent let's get there and then like not right near the door Wow oh my god I love it yeah it's our little camp area hopefully someday I'll put like chairs and cute stuff over here and yeah but I think that's gonna be it for this stream slash video if you want to continue watching me play more Animal Crossing I will most likely be doing more on the second live channel which is in the description below so make sure to go over there if you like actual live streams then definitely subscribe to that channel because that's where I've been doing the majority of my live streams and they're a lot more interactive over there like talking to Chad and saying thank you more so than this one was I'm going to be ending this and then editing it down as much as I can but they're actually I shouldn't have bedded that much out um so it's gonna be a long video over here Alyssa thank you especially if you sat through this entire video and are now watching me right now so thank you definitely leave a like if you made it this far and yeah I really really loved this game so far I love just simply gonna be a game that I'm not gonna like probably continue as a series on this channel just to like lay down and chill and just really I think we could all use something a little relaxing in our lives and I think that's what this game is gonna be for me especially on the switch I can just sit on the counter in bed and just kind of play when the world seems overwhelming it's it's like the perfect timing for this game to come out seriously but thank you guys so much for everybody in the chat who is here I appreciate you all so much we got 22 new members today Wow and a lot of super chats especially some big ones I'm gonna quickly try to go through we got John Jared chan onyx dragon heart funtime Freddy we got Katarina Mallory these are all the new channel members by the way we have zipzee all the things went hard poop and pee oh my god ill Samantha can't sue thank you so much for being channel members we have Catherine Carey we had Leo's blog life jakar Jakarta Abney blink Fox we had Alexis star eczema a queer oka I'm so sorry for butchering that I'm sure I am thank you for being new channel member I'll pred thank you so much Wolfie thank you so much Macey bear okay that was all the new channel members thank you guys so much and then I'm only uh I'm only gonna be able to give shout outs to everybody that did like $5 or more but I will read everybody's posts I promise if you did less than that I appreciate every little bit lera em thank you so much for the super chat you've been watching for years well thank you so much for sticking around for this long meme Lord I have no friends thank you so much the is show thank you so much for the super chat we have it's a me thank you so much for the super chat we have I'm trying to go through Hayden lick off thank you so much Bailey Blackburn thank you so much that was weird uh who else we got Stevie Scott who's Stevie piscine de thank you so much Catherine Carey Joelle henshin I can't I'm so bad this gotcha 7:23 for thank you so much for the super chat you like jungle thank you for the super sticker via neva kuru baby see wha gotcha seven two three four with the huge super chat onyx dragon hearts they got neva kuru gotcha ray thank you for these super chat like I said I'm trying to just do the five dollars or more or else I'll be here forever but I will read all of them afterwards random meanings thank you so much for these super chat Olivia Lawrence I know I said thank you but thank you again for the huge super chat again my goodness we have LR be a gaming thank you so much for the super chat Maisie white thank you for the super chat robo band 5000 thank you that is show thank you so much super Emmerson thank you so much for the super chat Wolfie plays wealthy pause thank you so much and Kirsten animates thank you so much for the super chat I think Oh an ex city wolf thank you so much for the super chat thank you in general to everybody I'm going to end this livestream and then sit in front of my computer and try to edit it down for anybody who missed it or who wants to rewatch it or miss something so that it's more manageable for you to watch so there's not so much going on or downtime or whatever but I think we did pretty good actually but thank you guys so much if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe hit that notification bell if you haven't check out the livestream channel if you want to see more live streams and yeah as always I will see you guys soon there was a new video yesterday if you missed it I think a lot of people missed it but that was yesterday's video and of course there'll be a Saturday Sunday video and this is these videos thank you so much for hanging out and I will see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,609,593
Rating: 4.9364662 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, animal crossing, new animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, funny, funny moments, nintendo, nintendo switch, animal crossing switch, first time, gameplay, walkthrough, part 1, beginning, new horizons, 2020
Id: MKzaFL_xD9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 23sec (4223 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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