Foundation | Ep. 1 | New City Founded in Raptoria | Foundation City Building Tycoon Gameplay

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[Music] hello again there friends and fans Raptor here and welcome back to foundation where today we build the kingdom of rap Toria on a beautiful coast we're going to build kingdoms and castles in homes and marketplaces and more in this fantastic game that you've seen before probably on the channel if you haven't already make sure you go ahead and click or chat blow up destroy that like button because long ago we did a series that you guys loved and now the winter update is here which revamps the military system adds beer production the villagers can move homes and so so much more I know you've been waiting for it for a long time so welcome back welcome to all the people smashing that subscribe button and thank you to all the people becoming members in supporting the channel even more next to that sub button as well so thank you very much for joining me let's start ourselves a new game as we build the kingdom of rap thoria on the coastal regions of our great and glorious Kingdom and we shall build our capital city once again just as a reminder by the way the developers sometimes give me keys to this game and I'd love to give them away on Twitter so if you haven't followed me on Twitter or Instagram or wherever I might give them away make sure you do that down below as well if you don't have one make one because that's the greatest and easiest way for me to do a giveaway if they give me keys I'm not sure if they will but if they do that's where to find them alright without further ado let's get started with the new wonderful update three two one let's go here we go now the game also has mods and other things that the community has made but I'm just here to see what exactly is new from the beginning we have our introduction of course on how to do basic stuff but I played this enough times to where a mediocre at best at it so let's go ahead and begin we'll start paused and we'll take a look at our glorious new lands I already see a place where we're gonna build our Castle right here check this out we can build a bridge it goes across there we'll build our giant castle here maybe we'll build a military base there and we'll build our lovely town along the coast and up into the hills gorgeous beautiful absolutely stunning isn't it oh it's a very good-looking game by the way let's see here so we've got some nice little shallow places here this might be good for farming and of course maybe some homes up here and great areas for logging too so it's very nice mixed bag of different types of landscapes and terrain with a lot of flat terrain over here too bad we can't start our city right there but we can start it here I think we're gonna go ahead and give it a shot right there we've got berries to start with we've got rocks which will allow us to get some stone and then of course all sorts of different trees and then Oh beautiful fishing territory right off the coast as well all right let's go ahead and get started we'll buy this land here by clicking there eventually we'll have to pay taxes and whatnot but let's go ahead and begin by putting down our village center then we can build monuments such as marketplaces and castles and such and then decorate too which is really cool all right let's go ahead and start our village center I think we'll put that right over here we'll make this the center of town close to the coast and we'll plop it right there fantastic yes extraction is now available so in this game if you haven't seen it's very unique in how you gather resources we can put down all the buildings in order to get the resources and then we can paint the areas in which we want the people to gather so for example if we just want a clear cut the entire forest we can definitely do that we're gonna need a lot of wood and we're gonna need a lot of space in order to put all of our buildings so it's gonna be clear cutting all day long including gathering some of those berries - all right that should be pretty good all right I think actually we'll leave the land alone up there and we'll tell all of our people to start cutting down everything okay let's go ahead and start building some basic buildings now we have it paused for a purpose now we're just gonna lay out our town first and then we're going to get working so let's see we got a lumber camp which can cut down logs we've got a gathering hut that can gather berries we've got a granary that connect it looks like it stores food raw food and luxurious food and grain I think we've got a well stone cutter and stonemason Hut all sorts of good stuff good so nothing really new there but it is a good start for us and let's go ahead and start our little logging camp right about here if we hold control we can rotate and again this game is a bail bond steam it goes on sale some time as well so if you have not added it to your wish list you get everybody who watches this channel just loves love's foundation is always asking for more and now that there's an update we finally get to return so it's very exciting I'm very excited very very excited to do this okay we're gonna put a gathering head over here to gather some berries for our people we're gonna try to make this town a little bit more I guess cautious looking and whatnot and not consciously what does that mean dinosaur well that means we're gonna make it look like it was actually thought out a little bit there we are okay so we'll make a couple of gathering huts very important to get those down well well well well well I think we should put our well here that should be well it good perfect I think that went really well excellent okay let's see here oh thank you well thank you everybody very nice you okay we also need room for a stone cutter camp and a sawmill we have limited space here so I'm just gonna ask the folks to start cutting things down so let's go ahead and begin on speed one excellent we've completed building our village Center and look at all of our happy villagers that must be the first couple of people who are commenting down below excellent we've got Steve in here I think what I could do is maybe perhaps rename some of these people after you so if you haven't already said hello down below in the comment section please do and we can totally rename all these people all right we have a new quest we have to assign a builder so this game has a whole workforce that we have to do so we can actually click on things and learn about how many people are in our town what our immigration policy is but also to assign them to work so we can see that we have eight people here what our gold amount is Berry's all that other stuff but we need them to get working so we better get to placing down where we want people to to go so let's see does it actually no okay so we got to assign it ourselves so let me just check all the menus again here no army manager that's a new thing here real estate oh right my favorite building walls oh you guys love it when I think incorporate the entire town in walls all right well let's get to our workplace list and our villagers list and we can start assigning people to jobs apparently there's no workplaces yet but now we can start assigning people to becoming builder so that way they'll build these buildings that we opted to have put down so we'll go ahead and do like three builders is good call and then we'll assign some people to be let's see we want wood cutters to start cutting down that forest or sure to clean out some of that territory and then maybe a couple of people to become gatherers so that way or foragers as it says so that way we can yeah there we go so we can get some food gathering up so there we go alright everybody is assigned a job now eventually people will start coming in from far-off lands to join our wonderful kingdom so it may be perhaps from over here they'll walk all the way through the map and they'll come to our lovely little town now food sources are important in this game too to make sure that we keep everybody happy so we'll need to find things like berries fish and then also farming to that'll be important as well as making beer very important another cool thing is if you remember the game Ospreys that is a game based in like the like Eastern Europe it's kind of similar to this where you can build buildings that you need supplies in order to build them not just money and then people will wherever they walk you'll see paths made so we can make restricted zones so that way people don't walk through here so we can actually make like nice little pass through the forests and roads and things that actually maintain some of the some of the trees so that way it doesn't look clear Clutton clear what clear cut and boring there we go alright so we got our well being put down excellent we got our cutters camp working everybody is working away at making all sorts of improvements to our infrastructure by you know clearing out the land and gathering all sorts of things good we have our to gather huts ready so we can assign three foragers there so we actually have two assigned right now so they'll come over here eventually there we go so two out of three and we have space to expand if needed which we will so that's why I built two of them okay so eventually we can buy more land and expand our territory but the King first requires us which is me by the way will be required to complete some quests and such before we're allowed to expand so unfortunately no aggressive expansion just yet but we'll get there soon don't you worry all right another important thing is to trade as soon as possible - but I think we should get down the remaining buildings that we need so I'm gonna try to put a logging or rather a wood lumber camp here it next to the let's see we'll put a there's our lumber camp there but we're gonna put down a sawmill next to the lumber camp right about here that should be pretty good I want them close together and we're knocking out goals left and right now we're producing berries quest completed good do we get anything for these quests not sure exactly if we do we need to build a granary and then we get a hundred gold so we do need to store the food now so we'll be building our village down here but as you can see the land is quite tight and I don't want to cut down as many trees by deleting buildings by just plopping them down so let's see if we can put down a granary somewhere close by it's gonna be a little rough but that's alright these buildings need to go down so let's do it which way would be nice to put the granary right there maybe that'd be nice next to the mill the next to the the well there we have our little entrance there so you can see where people can get into the well from there and then also to the granary from the other side so there'd be a good spot right there for a road excellent and our foragers are bringing food back so I don't like the fact that they're walking on this cliff it looks kind of weird right kind of dangerous so what we can do is we can actually make this forbidden land so that way people don't walk there so what we can do is we can just make a little thing that says no no to walking directly next to the cliff and we can just have them walk a little further away so that'll be perfect there we go we just want them to walk on the other side just maybe closer to the trees that's all just for safety we don't want OSHA to show up and you know give us a fine or something like that okay that's good let's clean up some of our extraction zones don't have to have them extract over there but this zone will eventually disappear as all the trees disappear as well all right we need to assign a transporter and assign berries to a granary while that needs to be completed first okay well we got all of our workers working we just need some more no warnings or anything so that's good we'll eventually have to trade for tools until we can make our own that'll be a little while away so let's scout for resources while we're at it let's see where our nearest iron deposit is ah there's one it looks like this these brown rocks here that's what we're looking for so let's see there was one over there there could be some over here sometimes it's hidden in the forest and you just got to cut the trees down to find it or look yourself by literally walking through the forest Wow look at how beautifully detailed that is just gorgeous okay well our people are doing a great job of building and doing all the things they need to do when they're done for the day they come back here because we have no homes at the moment we're not allowed to build it yet so we eventually need to gather all the materials and complete all the goals so granary is going up we need to assign a transporter and also assign fairies to be brought to a granary well we'll do that as soon as we've got the grand ramp and running let's beat up town a little bit watch everybody work now we'll see everything get completed hiring multiple builders was a good idea too because that allows us to get the job done while one Sun break you know how it is Union guys now alright perfect spot up here for our military base and then of course our large castle which we can build walls all the way around or towers to make sure the enemy doesn't get in beautiful all right Rani is almost complete we can see that it requires some stone though so we don't have all the materials yet needed for that one so they've gotten all the building done as far as they could they're also building the sawmill too or the lumber bill so let's go ahead and build ourselves a stonecutter camp finally and we just need regular stone for this we don't need anything fancy we can just basically take like cobblestone and make this so let's make this a top priority all right and then our building crews should come over shortly and start constructing that then we'll assign some people to be builders and we've got lots and lots of lumber gathered which is great and they're also doing a good job of clearing things out so that way we can have more buildable space and we've got good berries added so here's what we're going to do as soon as one of the buildings there is complete we're going to switch the workers around let's do this we've got let's say no forgers assigned wood cutters a sign so I want to go ahead and take somebody off the gathering Hut and let's assign somebody to be a worker of the let's see let's assign somebody fold do we have a new person in town maybe I didn't assign them yet let's assign these people to be oh that's right that's the person I just quote unquote fired we're just just we're just reassigning them that's all so we've got all these different people here in our town wonderful eventually you get so many people in the town it used to be where they would just the game gave up about giving people names and they would just be called villager 172 for like their prisoners which they are okay stonecutter camp is complete let's go ahead and assign Steven to be a stonecutter fantastic and then see I want to pick one of the builders now the longer you leave them on that level to the higher they'll upgrade but it's always a good idea to give your initial people a few different jobs so that way they can skilled in a few different things especially at the start so now we'll start getting stone gathered and we should be able to finish the granary and also the sawmill perfect so we got a good supply of wood for a while 55 logs so that's perfect for our people to be able to build everything else out of wood and kind of reallocate the labor to stone-cutting let's do that let's see there we go we'll assign one more person to stone cutting it's fantastic a humble little beginning isn't it be nice by the way if the town the village center had like maybe some tents or something around it because it's just weird when you're when your people are done for the day they just go back and kind of stand around like they're recharging their batteries it's like a Tesla being plugged in for the night or something like that kind of weird but you know whenever they're standing around they're not they're not not a sign but they are doing something alright good look at that we are bringing in the stone and the construction crews are completing the assembly as quickly as possible a beautiful start to our little kingdom I can just see it now I just want to compare like what we do on day ten versus today check that out that's beautiful by the way very nice overlook okay oh we got a little warning here let's see what we got all his goods severity we got red alert everything's okay this alarm will sound every second that everything's okay okay great well well the well has been completed good looks like we're well off on our construction we've also got the sawmill being complete and the granary good I'm glad we gathered all the logs first because now we can kind of just reallocate labor to be towards I think we just make everybody a stone cutter now really let's go ahead and do that we'll have all stone cutters a forger and builders perfect oh yeah look at all the stone they're bringing in so it's kind of nice they're clearing it right out of the path that's kind of neat and you can see how the path there has ended and now everybody's kind of walking through the forest there on the edge so it's a really nice way to kind of control how people move there we are the granary is complete now we just need to assign a transporter and assign a someone to carry berries so let's do that we'll assign our lowest level forward no now that Lois laughs don't cut her transport level one good and let's assign berries to be brought to the granary so we'll go ahead and change this to slot 1 berries and there we go 100 gold for doing that excellent people okay now we need to build ourselves a market so fill the needs of your newcomers 100 gold quest complete good good good so now we're going to build a market assign a trader and then we're gonna start selling berries back to the people very important that we do that otherwise they die which is very bad okay let's go for let's see we're gonna build a new building before we can assign them so let's go for the monument now is what it's under so we can build a wooden bridge or a marketplace now the market kind of has to start small because we're you know unfortunately towards the edge here but we got some space right next to the lumber mill eventually we'll move this stuff way away from town because the wood is you know that's gonna be a great logging sector over there we can also replant trees too so eventually we won't need to cut them down every time so let's get a good storage of we're gonna get a good storage of stones that we build other stuff but the coolest thing about this game is now the fact that we can build our very own thing we can build our very own marketplace any way that we want so it's really fun so we can start with just one food stall which is gonna be important over here at the town center so let's do that we'll just build one on little one little food stall just to get us started and I think we'll build it I'll hold boy I don't know we could just build it like right next to the granary actually and we could just have them sell directly from the granary and then of course we can demolish this and rebuild it later which is really nice let's put down a food stall we'll put down a little thing over it maybe we'll make a sign that shows that we sell food like right here now we're gonna make a nice little sign out in front of the road so people know what this is we can even add some nice little benches maybe welcome people that have a seat there we are yeah we invite you to pull up a seat and have a have a nice little tasty meal to that all right we can put down some fences to make it look all romantic and all that you know whatever like we're building an RV it's very romantic by the way if you've ever taken somebody out on a date to an Arby's very very romantic well that treat disappeared oh there it goes okay well I think that's good enough for the decorations but you get the point right so then once we have everything for this we should be able to start the construction but we assumingly are short on one of the materials we need which is planks so we'll have to assign somebody to be a working at the lumber mill so let's do that - so we'll assign somebody to be here looks like we have nobody free so we got to re reassign it let's assign one of our still oh look at this guy he's get all sorts of skills this is great let's now make you a carpenter which produces planks now we have plenty of logs and storage but we're gonna need some more let's reassign somebody else to be logger again since assign one more to be a woodcutter so now we should be bringing in lots we should be making planks we should be bringing in stone which is great stone is very important too especially at the start because some of the buildings that you need to build towards the middle like for example to church take quite a bit of stone and wood so you want to have a good amount of those together all right once the market is complete we'll assign a new person to that we need people moving in here quick oh look at that we got two planks already wonderful glory to raptorial if you haven't yet spam that comment section with glory to raptorial sure you do that it is awesome to have all of your support okay so we've got our four Jews and everyone oh this is a nice little quaint like just a very small start very nice sometimes it's a good idea to start small and then demolish everything and kind of rebuild it bigger later especially when you're kind of confined to you know building either on them literally the edge of a cliff or down by the ocean which you kind of don't want to do alright let's go ahead and start selling some stuff let's assign our oh boy let's take another let's take our lowest level stone cutter and make them a salesperson a market ender yes and then let's have them sell someone delicious delicious berries there we go excellent all right new quest increase your population by maximizing an emigration probability will trigger immigration wave okay very good totally not dystopian at all alright so now we need to raise the happiness of our village to a hundred so we have fifty right now but the only way we can raise happiness is basically by people buying food so you'll see that go up now nice so now we'll go up and we will have immigrants moving in which means more workers which means more jobs can be completed faster which means we can then build more buildings and unlock more stuff very good every time you play this game it's nice to have little hand-holding tutorial because no matter however you start it's always kind of the same it's just the location is different alright excellent we're doing 88 happiness per hour Marty excellent excellent good good good all right I could also build a stonemason hut but we're gonna need cloth for that so we'll have to trade for that eventually and we can also build ourselves a wooden bridge eventually the rustic church and then the Lord's Manor which will be very good alright two people who were passing by decided to join your village alright random people showing up out of nowhere fantastic where they're at I wonder where they come from we can see them walking through the forest eventually a road will be made we could actually build like you know like a nice little path or something like that or a bridge to help them get here faster like for example if they've got across a large valley or something we could just build a bridge across it and I've broken this game many a times before you guys know that I build walls and bridges and sometimes they disappear literally off the map and even the developers are like I'll send them to save and the dams will be like yeah dude I don't know think you broke it good job breaking our game we'll try to fix it that's legendary all right well these two people should be here soon not until they arrive at the camp can we actually assign them because they're not technically here yet they're not like in our town now I wonder if we can expand yet and built by some more territory so let's see if we can do that if we go to territory it looks like we need 500 gold to do that we can get gold now by selling berries and I think the next good spot to expand to it might be up here ah the kingdom recognizes your efforts in establishing your settlement I am but your humble servant very good now we got more stuff to do we need to build a lord manor a Great Hall and we need to unlock labor for a while look at all this stuff to do holy crap yeah we don't have homes and stuff can we build those yet yes now we can all right I think before we start building homes we need to expand our territory and clean out some of that territory of trees you can see where the people are arriving now isn't that very faint line that they've drawn by walking through so we know they'll be coming from up here so we could built like a cool big city gate for all the travelers to come visit from and we can tell them that like come here and build a big gate here and then a wall around the town with all the cliffs and stuff so that'll be kind of cool all right well my first goal then is going to be to try to get 500 gold so we can buy some more territory before we do the Lord's manner in the Great Hall all that stuff is gonna be an expense for us so we're gonna try to first make money by selling more berries so now we have more people in the town unfortunately nobody wants to move in here anymore so let's go ahead and start getting all of our stuff situated so I think what we need to do is just buy more berries and get some more jobs done so let's see here we want to have some more probably have some more foragers I know food is always important in this game so let's get that taken care of and people probably don't want to live here because we don't have any homes so that's why we have a zero move-in rate now at the moment that's why happiness plummeted to sixty five because now they have a new requirement for residential homes so we got to unlock that territory up here that's gonna take a while isn't it well while we wait I'm gonna try to see if maybe we can sneak in a home or two oh boy maybe we can build some houses just temporary homes somewhere I want them to build them somewhere just see if we can get them I think it's also three homes per person so we're going to have quite a bit of homes that we need to build oh boy I don't I certainly don't want to build it in the forest I want to use that land but I guess we don't have a choice so let's go build back here now the trouble - is the AI chooses where to build a home and sometimes they put a tremendous amount of space between one home and the other and you see how lucky we get looks like they're doing okay now okay we'll build our town then behind the granary looks like two homes are being constructed no three so that should be three six nine Dan that's fine we'll have to build a house though one more time all right well I Hughes has been completed that's good believe that's Canadian for house I do speak a little Canadian there we are they're fantastic okay so let's see if they build some more houses eventually we'll move them out of there then otherwise we'll just be a dead in the water but I want to build the homes up here instead so I guess we'll make a whole village that extends all the way to the back excellent very very good all right homes are being completed good happiness should be increasing and then also our income should be going up - as more people move in and they'll buy more berries and then we'll be able to trade - so let's see what else we have four buildings on lot let's see we have the Lord Manor now and they also want us to build a Great Hall to function with the Lord Manor oh good we got one person that wanted to move in now they they know we have homes so they're definitely wanting to move in still a few more homeless I'm sure see here take a look here and see if we can find out how many people are homeless there should be a way to see that but maybe not to newcomers and eight serfs we have people who are still moving in and I think looks like maximum capacity of these homes are - so we will need more than just that so two four six eight ten it looks like so everybody should have a home soon they're just gonna have to be built so excellent happiness is on the rise I'm gonna wait a little bit until we get some cash and then we can buy our new territory let's try to see what we can do for territories yeah this land here is not great it's on the side of a cliff I think this is gonna be our best bet right there so that's a good spot for us to buy and I think let's see homes are being constructed looking at now the one thing we can do which I really like is we can finally build walls at some point and that we can wall off like for example the city center we can build like a wall around that to separate it from like the residential neighborhood and then make it look a little different you build like a wall around an industrial area and that way or around your farm fields so that way you can kind of keep your fields separated too between each of their owners look at that money is skyrocketing happiness is going up and so is our population it looks like more homes are being built looks like two more being constructed back there and they do require raw logs so we should probably get rid of whoever is working on planks and let's get more people working those rib cutters actually I think we can just do that luckily we're bringing in plenty of food I certainly never want to run out of food so we can keep happiness up and builders are doing a great job so everybody else I guess will be assigned to wood cutting so there you go so a transporter is taking stuff from the gathering posts here the berries and he's bringing it to the granary and then I think either he delivers it to the marketplace or the market stall owner brings goes to the granary and brings that stuff back so that's pretty good all right so once we have 50 actually maybe I can build the lords manor up here that might be a good spot for it don't want to build it just yet in this limited space but we can put it there excellent we got two out of two this time so now we got people coming on in so as soon as they're available as soon as they arrived here at the camp we'll assign them to logging so we need more and more logs because people are building homes like crazy some of them are being turned into planks so let's go ahead and have Steven here make his last day at the wood cutting job or at the plank job and we'll have them as a woodcutter now fantastic so we'll get somebody assigned to planks later and it looks like we've got two out of three and as soon as the other people show up we'll assign them to cutting wood and also probably working as foragers so that we continue to bring in food good I'm happy to see this alright the goal for today has been completed we have our initial start that is beautiful the goals for the future are to buy some territory up here and expand our glorious nation up there so we can build some more homes and then eventually we'll start farming and fishing we'll probably do some farming over here as soon as all of this is completed meaning cut down once we've gathered all that will build our lords manor maybe we can get it up here and then we'll build ourselves a castle and military and rap Korea will be great again you guys have been fantastic thank you for joining me here today make sure you leave a like on the way out welcome to everybody clicking the tap and join and subscribe it's just awesome to have you here supporting this game the developers are lovely so if you haven't yet picked this one up make sure you do follow me on Twitter and Instagram down below for a chance to win if I get keys to giveaway I'd love to give them to you so you can play too I'll see you all next time thanks for watching we'll see you soon goodbye everybody [Music]
Channel: Raptor
Views: 207,734
Rating: 4.946804 out of 5
Keywords: Foundation Game, Foundation Gameplay, City Building Games, City Building Tycoon, Medieval City Builder, Castle Building Game, New Building Games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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