Civilization 6: Deity Byzantium - A Solid Start (Part 1)

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hello everybody my name is provis and welcome to civilization six i love the civilization franchise i always have and it's always so fun to play every time that i do get a spare moment to pick it back up but we haven't touched this on the channel in a while well that's gonna change as of today because we are enticed to return with the addition of two new civilizations in the latest dlc and those civilizations are gall which is pretty fun and byzantium now byzantium is calling my name not only because the memes but because it has several really strong perks that synergize well with each other and suit my play style just fine so i really want to give these guys a go and show you how it works now for our game today we're gonna have six players i will include gold just because i would love to run into the new civ as well we will be playing on deity difficulty because that's the only way you get traction on youtube these days and also instead of a continence map let's go for fractal this kind of mixes things up a lot i find it to be a pretty fun map type everything else we are going to leave by default no special game modes necessary let's just enjoy a really good deity game as byzantium now it's going to get started here and i'm hoping i can run through the perks pretty quickly and show you guys just why byzantium can become an absolute powerhouse an s-tier civilization if played correctly so a lot of byzantium's perks ultimately centralize around starting an early religion and then crusading like crazy with that religion spreading it widely with a very aggressive military for our first ability which i'm not even going to bother trying to pronounce we have heavy and light cavalry units doing full damage against cities that follow our religion which basically means if we can found an early religion and spread it to our neighbors it's going to be a lot easier to conquer and consolidate all of them under my rule and this works for city-states as well this works even better though with a couple of other abilities so we have taxis which gives us extra combat strength for each holy city converted to our religion including our own so that's a little bit of an extra damage boost and also whenever we defeat enemy units we spread the religion to nearby cities so the more we fight the more we kill enemy units the more we are spreading our religion to weaken up their cities and make it easier for me to conquer them unbelievably good for a religious aggressive nation on top of that though we have some very good unique units and a unique building that is also unbelievably good if coupled correctly so the tagma is a unique heavy cavalry unit which we will unlock with divine right and uh not only is a very good heavy cavalry unit that replaces the knight but it also gives all adjacent units extra combat strength a swarm of these guys attacking a city of the same religion can absolutely demolish the enemy cities so this is great and of itself but it couples unbelievably well with the hippodrome the hippodrome is a replacement for our entertainment district we can build it for cheaper and then once it is built we will get a free heavy cavalry unit and every new building added to it will give us a free heavy cavalry unit so if you time this correctly and start unloading on the hippodromes right after you have divine right very quickly you can have a swarm of super powerful tagmas running around and conquering the world for you it's super duper good we also do have a unique naval unit which is not bad by any stretch but probably is not going to be absolutely crucial for me by the way quick note right here have you noticed that basil right here there's like a change in the font for the two that that doesn't make sense to me but all right let's go ahead and get started with our game okay here we are at the beginning of our game now let's take a look-see um okay so we do have a natural wonder right off the bat i'm not the the bee yeah that's not bad it's actually a faith-based wonder we do get a little bit of extra faith in the surrounding tiles which is nice in that extra faith is good for me as a religious nation it's not an absolute ton though will make for a very good um holy site location though i do believe um we have lots of grassland hills but no plains hills which is what i prefer to settle on if possible i take the back there's one right down here i think is this plains hills it is um ooh this is a really good settling location i'm not gonna lie with the coffee and such um and the production yeah this is this is a really good selling location not bad at all i have no idea what else is over here though is the only downside um where do we want to settle well i don't think i want to settle in place right here grassland hills here with trees uh once i settle this 2-2 tile is going to go down to a 2-1 whereas if he moved over here and settled we'd still have a 2-1 but i could work this as a 2-2 later in the future so here is definitely better and it's really close to a natural wonder which will give me some boosts so i think if we're going to settle anywhere nearby and like one more turn we'll go ahead and move here and then next turn we will settle down right along there let's go ahead and cross the river and start moving down to i guess the south or something i don't really know um i'm not sure if i want to focus too heavily on scouting in this particular map i mean maybe we're surrounded by so many hills and mountains i'm a little wary we either need to focus hard on scouting or not much on scouting kind of just take the risk like if we focus on scouts and we're too slow to move around and we can't actually find goodie huts there wasn't a whole lot of point whereas if we don't get a lot of scouts and it turns out we're missing on a lot of good huts then we're going to feel like idiots so we do get some extra error score for settling next to this natural wonder which is great uh as far as our research to start us off we could go for animal husbandry but we don't benefit from that in any way i think we go for the mining since we could take advantage of the stone we do have a boost for astrology already but i'm not going to get the holy site immediately tempting though that might be let's get at least one scout and we'll kind of see how we feel from there may want to get a slinger or a builder after that we'll see um i will say i don't see a lot of great food tiles we do have the rice and that's nice and if we improve that that'll work for us but beyond that we may struggle a little bit for growth in the early game i'm not i'm not sure we have some good opportunities when it comes to production and at least we have a handful of um four yield tiles nearby including a five yield tile up over here so i mean that's pretty nice so i don't value the gold quite as much as other stuff ooh city state okay so that's fine hmm yeah i mean lots of mountains nearby is good though it does mean that we will be able to get campuses and holy sites to great effect i like that a lot and we found another continent which means we get a boost for foreign trade that's nice and we meet mitla we are the first to meet them so we get some extra science and the quest is to send a trade route doable uh your unique bonus is extra growth in cities with a campus district that's actually pretty darn solid i really can't complain much about that i like it a lot hmm okay okay uh well not much to do except for continue moving forward though unfortunately what are we doing in terms of our wait a minute we are admit we are working the wrong tile no no no no we need to focus primarily on the food and production i want to get this extra faith in stuff is nice like if we you know what wait a minute maybe we do work this tile i get less production it's true but the extra one faith per turn from the beginning of the game increases the odds that i can get to 25 before anybody else and if i can get the first pantheon worth um a free settler that actually gets me a pretty big boost to get back on track with where i need to be to keep up on dvd maybe we do focus on the faith it's not what i normally would do but maybe that's the right call we need to get to the magic number of 25 but i'm losing out on production and doing so and that worries me a little bit uh let's go down here we found a goodie hut but also some barbarians who i affectionately like to call barbara's well that's fine how long until we'll be able to buy something by the way what are the costs let's see a s builder 200 could buy a monument could buy a slinger scout for 120 yeah or we save some money and get a trader kind of depends i don't really know well okay um two turns until we can oh we need a player all right skiffia skiffia does not like uh surprise wars at all uh so that's an issue but she's otherwise a fairly militaristic nation she has some pretty good early military units especially with horse archers so she might be a threat for us but she also might not who knows oh we get the goody hut before they do that's awesome and we get a free recon unit yes okay so this actually settles that problem let's have you go to the west i guess looking for any goodie huts off in that direction um i think we want to get either a builder or a slinger next builder is tempting if we were to do that we could get the stone upgraded by now but then what we have to wait until we grow to get the next stone it'll be a little while before we can take advantage of this is this really what we want i'm tempted to say that i need a slinger because i don't know where we're going to have to deal with some early barbarians and being able to ward them off is kind of crucial like if you can't survive the early barbarians you're just outright dead monuments of course the extra culture would be huge too kind of tempted to go for that instead that's the thing what do we want to do well let's think about first what we're going to do as far as technology forget the mining animal husbandry to reveal horses is nice astrology so we can start building a uh holy site to get the extra great profit points as well as some faith would be nice pottery so we can get extra bonuses from farms would make sense once we get to the rice sailing to unlock the amber but i don't think that's a super high priority probably not though it does make this actually a pretty darn good tile i'm not gonna lie hmm i don't think we benefit from animal husbandry right now we could research the astrology and just have the option to build the holy site soon i think instead i'm going to go ahead and grab pottery in case my borders expand to get the rice because once i get a builder that may be one of my best sources of food in the early games so we're gonna be trying for that let's uh scooch up this direction a little bit okay we found a pretty darn good deer tile over there that's really nice um do we go for the monument for the extra culture i would love that it's just between that or a slinger i don't benefit from a builder yet i mean it would be nice production is nice what am i saying all right we're gonna go ahead and grab the builder anyway despite everything i was just saying because getting one extra production could make a difference as far as being able to shave off a few turns on some early buildings and depending on how fast my borders grow we might end up picking up that second stone so i'll have a little bit more to do in the next eight turns with this builder so that might be all right the plus one faith per turn kind of hurts a little bit and you know what actually what we could do is sacrifice um our faith here and instead move here we lose a little grow oh sorry we actually do get faith here we lose a little bit of growth in terms of food but but the extra culture lets me finish code of laws a lot faster and that lets me get god king so i can get out the faith a little bit sooner as well also why are we getting plus two right now is that a bug that's not correct we should not be getting plus two right now i think um you're stuck apparently i don't know why okay someone else is attacking the spearmen maybe we sit around actually and just kind of look for an opportunity to jump in there and kill them oh good we meet somebody else okay i'm guessing skithy has already met them oh rapa nui that's someone else too so you have a quest for an inspiration for early empire that means we need a population of six and if we can build a campus rapa nui would become our friend this lets us build moai improvements which i don't care about extra culture for great persons that's not too relevant for me okay okay okay okay it does still say we're making plus two how are we making plus two from worked tiles oh because our guy moved over here i don't really know if i like that we could go for the production i guess we could double up on this i mean a free settler is huge isn't it it saves the population as well as let us start getting some growth maybe we do just double down hard on this oh boy it makes me nervous but it might be the right call it might be the right call ah okay i think we're gonna go focus hard on the faith screw it it's only deity bro mode right i mean if it's it's not it's not like you know it's it's a heart or anything no freaking heck all right well we are gonna get that code of laws um once you get the code of laws i'm not sure that i want this anymore we're gonna go ahead and pull off of this and go focus on the growth and the production both of which i think are more important but at least we'll be able to get some more faith going uh let's go ahead and kill these guys and get the camp thank you military edition is mine suck it skiffia all right we'll get out of here um there's not much point in exploring in this area because i'm pretty confident that skiffia will have already looked for goodie huts we can start heading off in this direction i suppose could go this way okay you go over here not finding anything new there's some wine ah plains hills over here with some nearby rivers and stuff yeah i wonder if there's any other plains hills we could take advantage of there's one right here with the rainforest see this is interesting to me because it's not a bad spot like if we were to place down a settler where would we go not bad going down here because it's a good choke point and it forward settles against a lot of stuff you could possibly pick up the marble fissures lots of rainforest means good tiles early on coffee we can improve there's a lot to like about it this is over here and also a really good site location all right civics are done there so now we're gonna go ahead and swap around our workers and move here instead still think this is the better way to go so that shaves off quite a few turns as far as growth and it doesn't save me much in terms of a builder one more turn saved that's fine so for our civic we could start working on foreign trade already and we might be able to build a or buy a trader by the time this is done i don't think that's a bad idea to go ahead and get some roads as well as some extra money generation with mitla so i think that's fine volcano becomes active let's go over the god king for the extra faith we do want that though production is tempting and i'm gonna go for the double recon experience just because i would love to get some upgrades for my scouts uh over here okay we find some spearmen um now that i know there are enemies nearby i'm a little bit concerned they could send a scout after me uh that would not be good because i don't have any slingers because i kind of forgo the slingers in favor of a builder which means we could get raided like crazy um one thing we could do that's defensive is move the scout up over here and try to intercept any enemy scouts before they can do anything i think we have to do that because i didn't build a slinger if an enemy scout comes over here i want to be able to attack it and try to block it with my scout and hopefully prevent them from sending hell after me hello jerusalem you have already been met of course eureka for bronze working i think i can accomplish that that requires killing some units right so that's no problem um we'll go over here and just sort of see what's going on answer is really not much yeah the warrior needs to start heading back up here just in case this ends up getting away from me because if they if they find out they're gonna send like three horsemen or something after me and it's gonna be absolute murder and that would suck uh let's start heading up this direction to see if i've missed anything exciting maybe we did maybe we didn't who knows um try going this direction looks like more mountain ranges okay uh haha one more turn on pottery boarders still haven't grown but i do think that we will be able to grab both of these pretty soon we're at 22 um for uh sorry 20 faith for our pantheon in three turns we will be able to get it can we get a faith before any other that's a dead end before any other nation does i want that settler gosh dang it we could have gotten a free builder instead i suppose but i still i think i'll end up investing in the faith instead okay one more turn on pottery good so if you done astrology i think is the right call so we can start working toward getting a um holy site in the next few turns go over this direction not seeing anything new and exciting there warriors still marching their way up over here you should probably be guiding them manually so they don't go the long way around like an idiot you find a path up this direction okay good to know nothing exciting there boo somebody finished the great bath already was it you skiffia no it was not well at least not that i can tell anyway i don't know sometimes you get a little intelligence you can see that they got it actually they may have gotten it i have no idea so there's my builder we did get uh the other stone so we're gonna go here first and go ahead and improve this now we can found a pantheon do we get the settler yes religious settlements when chosen get a free settler in your capital and border expansion rate is faster that's great okay so we get a settler huge huge huge huge um the game recommends down over here on top of the geothermal fissure it's not horrible it does have fresh water it has some pretty good tiles nearby that we could work it's really awkward though so i'm not sure how i feel about it down over here i don't have enough information so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do that at all um nothing really along the coast that excites me nothing over here is that exciting we definitely want to move down south i think that's a given to me it's a question of if we're gonna settle like over here i don't think i can settle on this it's too close right because it's a range of three one two three yeah we can't settle on the coffee because we settled here now that's unfortunate but we could settle right here and it would be a really interesting defensive location on a planes hills so it would still be a 2-2 which is pretty good but is it good enough really good campus location at least one really good growth tile this one's not bad in range of a few things i may go here maybe you think about that for a second uh so with this done the question now is do i go for a slinger yes i think now we need to go for a military units in order to try and ward off any uh barbarians as they come we're only five turns away from having astrology at least so that'll be good and also we're gonna speed up the um nothing new exciting here we're gonna speed up this uh slinger by getting some extra uh production in a minute so that'll be nice um so we no longer want this i think um what we do is we go for just the raw production of these tiles i think raw production is gonna be solid and in five turns we'll finish the slinger that works out perfectly so we can start working on a holy site right away you guys are blocking me from crossing the river i just want you to know that that's rude and i don't appreciate it so we get a bit of extra error score from founding the pantheon which is nice i'm assuming i got the first pantheon of the game because the ai almost always goes for the free settler it's just it's so good that the developers just pretty much programmed right into it you have to go for it um i don't think we're gonna find much else over here so let's head back still want to try to find out if they're gonna send a scout after me let's get that cory going so we do have mason redone thank you we'll get over here next to get another um cory i'm going to place a holy site down here so there's no point in getting a farm i do want to farm down here but we have to wait until the borders expand but that should happen a little bit sooner major river flooding somewhere well that sucks for everyone else but it's not a big deal for me um you go here okay more mountains yeah this is a really good spot we'll eventually be able to get rid of the rain forest in favor of like a campus and a holy site both of which will be attached and then one more district right here means a lot of adjacency bonuses it's a very defensible location and it's still in range of a lot of things that i care about so i think this is probably a good spot for me to go despite what the game might say i think it is actually going to be pretty good let's cross this river and keep pushing to the east i'm i feel great about having that settler i'm not sure that i feel like i'm in a really good spot yet but this at least gives me the opportunity to start catching up and go somewhere good you know i mean the ai starts with extra settlers hello china starts with extra settlers because um they are on deity so anything to make up that gap really can't be underestimated i think all right next turn a couple turns away from getting that slinger we are also going to grow very soon they do have a galley okay a galley produced by this camp probably means no scout at least for a moment i'm not worried about the settler i don't feel the need to escort so let's just kind of explore a little bit more down here you go here i'm kind of hoping you're not gonna get in my way i'll bet you you do actually maybe we should have left the warrior here just to block them they're gonna get in the way i can tell you right now that they're gonna do it let's go up this way hey deserts oh fun i like deserts also a barbarian outpost not too far away okay uh more slingers there's foreign trade done so i'm gonna go to constance nopal and we can't buy a trader we need 170 but i'm not too far off so pretty soon we will be able to build that as far as managing our citizens i think i'm going to go ahead and work on this instead again just kind of focus on some more raw growth and production um though very soon six turns until we are able to get the rice well i want the production because next turn i know i'm gonna go for a holy site which we actually can go ahead and just queue up now if we want um no i can't we haven't finished researching it that still has to time out one more turn and then we can immediately start working on the holy site okay that's fine mysticism envoys tempting i think we're gonna go ahead and start working on craftsmanship though because if we can improve some more tiles then obviously we're going to be looking a lot better one more tile will do the job i could play center farm here but i don't see the point i want to go for this instead it's just a better location straight out um i still need to be somewhat defensive i think with this scout for now but once the slinger's done we'll move him forward like over here and he should be able to intercept any scouts the real trick is gonna be making sure nothing happens there and you didn't get in the way well what do you know okay still not seeing anything new over here though some really good deer tiles apparently lots of production to be had off over there all right increased trade route capacity great um we need a little bit more though you're gonna head up here lots of desert lots of sheep in the desert it's a fun position astrology's done good okay so now let's start working on the holy site knock that out because i want great profit points i very much need great profit points we're going to go here and in five turns we will be able to place down a farm so you're kind of vulnerable for a little bit but hopefully you'll be all right so city right here huh yeah i think we do it okay thessalonica it's still a 2-2 so that's pretty good go ahead and set you to growth and to production this is absolutely the tile i want you to work don't have enough amenities duly noted um i'm gonna start sending the warrior up over here we're gonna try to guard this mountain pass and prevent any barbarian scouts from getting off this direction if we can as far as your production um i mean we don't really benefit from builders at least until you grow a bit more so there's not a lot of point maybe a mine randomly on some hills and stuff but i think that's just sort of okay i think instead we could start working on a holy site immediately right here and it's a bit aggressive but we need holy sites lots of holy sites means lots of faith so i can spread my religion very aggressively so i don't think there's anything i want much more than this i mean a monument maybe but i still think this is probably the better way to go so we're gonna try for that animal husbandry um yeah we probably should you know in hindsight we actually should have revealed the horses but i still think this is a good location um you go up this direction okay finding more borders of china there's not gonna be much more to explore over here stonehenge is built which means somebody is going to have a religion already i'm not gonna get the first religion of the game but that's okay that's sort of probably maybe okay okay um you'll grow in seven turns huh that's about as good as we could ever really hope for so i'm not gonna sweat it too much over here um so slinger's in a good position i think to intercept any scouts you can start heading down to the west again we can find out what else is going on yeah i would love to get more amenities i really would but until we get things like uh irrigation for the coffee nothing i can really do there we don't have a lot in the ways of amenities all right so you're just gonna sleep until uh i tell you otherwise you go along here some copper and stuff okay not a big deal nothing exciting uh i'm not gonna finish craftsmanship we just want the boost to finish it up when the time comes you can head this direction i would love to get some more slingers just for early defense okay we opened up some more areas over here mittle still running around they don't know how to get back home apparently but hey if you're gonna have some free warriors sitting nearby and guarding my territory for me then i guess i can't really complain um try going this direction i suppose let's see we could go into china's borders but that will probably upset them we should send a delegation to them oh wait no i shouldn't have done that well it's okay it works out we have enough gold i meant to get a trade route with a trader so he wanted to do that fortunately i still have enough gold unfortunately i should have bought this like three turns ago and that is my mistake easy to forget okay so let's go ahead and grab that farm done craftsmanship is ready to go irrigation is getting a boost uh let's see you are gonna trade with mitla that'll get a very useful road off in this direction through these mountain passes and it completes a quest for them so we get an extra envoy warriors sitting over here means we are going to be able to defend against any scouts coming over here and slingers over this direction so maybe an enemy scout comes off over here but it'll be a very long time if they do there's so many rainforests in the way and mitla has enough guys running around we might end up being fine okay um so how am i feeling right now well i'm funny not great uh horses if we have horses we do horses over here we need we do need horses that is not optional so we're gonna have to get another settler over here the thing is if we could possibly get to magnus as a government we could not lose population for training new settlers in my capital which is kind of huge because we really need that we need to make sure we keep our population as high as possible we don't have a lot of surplus food right now so yeah uh that that could be worthwhile um so getting another settler early is tempting but maybe not necessarily the best choice a campus for some science is tempting irrigation though because we know we need amenities and also there's some pretty good tiles to work over here though i don't think that uh plantations are usually the best tile improvements they're okay they're okay i don't mind getting a little extra cash right so you're gonna move forward into these hills because i think a good defensive location makes more sense than anything you could even set up over here and actually wait oh hang on we got the three air score is the camp gone it is actually it looks like jerusalem cleared out the camp that was over here well that's good state workforce gets a boost because we built our first district nice could build a shrine not sure i need to not a slinger is tempting another settler is very tempting we'd have to lose a population to do so we kind of would love to get things like granaries for extra food we kind of want to get monuments because i'm very slow right now in terms of my culture more culture helps me get to divine right faster and that's good slingers for defense i think right now we're safe so is it food for growth is it settler for another city but maybe not when there's you know definitely not when there's a camp over here we're not going to do that we can build another slinger i do think we build one more slinger and the two of them are going to go try to clear out this camp then we can feel free to settle somewhere over here with our third city maybe right here for a coastal city as well as the fact that it is defensive planes and has a pretty darn good production tile nearby and then if we can spread out a little bit we'll get the horses get some food that way that's not bad the only downside of a city right here is it's not in the best spot for like a holy site or a campus but it's not far off you might be able to pull that one so um you actually can go ahead and move forward and explore a little bit i suppose and see if there's anything over here now that we know that this camp is gone i'm not as worried about it splendid holy sites yeah that's the error score okay so right now we're at 15 era score we have at least 11 turns can we get another 10 era score in at least 11 turns maybe more dunno maybe kind of depends you go down here don't get cut off by china by accident so i'm hoping i can become friends with china china usually gets happy if you don't build wonders which on deity is just not especially likely to happen military tradition tempting but i think what we want to do is now go for state workforce so we can work toward getting that government title because in 13 turns i can get magnus if i can get magnus as a governor i might just be able to prevent losing a um i might be able to prevent losing a uh uh population and build out a settler so this might time out nicely for me so i think i want to do that you will continue to explore up here we're still not finding anything in the way of goody huts though and i'll be honest this is kind of crippling no extra eurekas no extra money no extra pops and yes he does like me a bit more because we haven't built wonders so that's good yeah um we're not we're not getting much in the way of exploration and it's a serious issue and i'm a little concerned that it's going to set me up for failure over here so really we just have to bank on the fact that this uh whole city thing is going to work for me that's really what it's going to come down to we are 100 banking on these holy sites getting me enough faith and of me getting a religion fast enough that i can use the bonuses of byzantium to actually win that's the only way we have a chance and i do want to go for an early war against scythia they're just too ripe of a target down over here if we can take them out that would be massive for me but worst come to worst we could go and conquer possibly a city-state to get myself some extra cities as well we'll come back to that although in the future because we are out of time so thank you all very much for watching i hope you're looking forward to this series of civilization six if so then i would ask that you hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe and i will see you guys next time you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 354,868
Rating: 4.9298463 out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Civ 6, Civilization, Byzantium, Basil, Deity, gameplay, impressions, strategy, guide, part 1
Id: CRz1p-YZZ4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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