Frostpunk - A New Home (Part 1)

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hello everybody and welcome to promise gaming and frost Punk a game that released last week that I have been looking forward to for months so I am very excited to be playing it for you all today for those of you who are not aware Frost Punk is a steampunk city-builder survival game the basic premise in this alternate steampunk universe is the earth very suddenly and unexpectedly froze over lots of snow lots of ice was it some major climate action something else we're not entirely sure yet that story unfolds as you play but all of a sudden the whole world is frozen and we are playing as the last remnants of civilization so people who fled North using a giant steampunk heat generator to try and keep themselves alive if that generator ever goes out then so too does our last heat source and we will all die now this game is brought to us by the same developers who made this war of mine 11 bit studios and that means you already know these are developers who have no qualms with addressing the dark and morally questionable themes when you push humanity to some sort of an extreme does it bring out the best of us or the worst of us and that is on full display here in frost Punk I am extremely excited to play it let's go ahead and start up a new game we are going to start up the a new home scenario and so let's see to preserve civilization from the chaos of its own downfall we have fled to the end of the world we'll have to adapt to survive who will we become in the process you don't have to customize default difficulties are perfectly fine let's get started we fled from London and crossed the sea to reach the frozen north on the way our convoy was hit by a blizzard and scattered a handful of us managed to reach the site of this generator only to find it frozen solid and abandoned why is no one here did any of our people survive the blizzard are there any others out there whatever we do we should expect the worst now the world as we know it has crumbled all right we have to survive now exactly where this takes place is not abundantly obvious to me it can't be the North Pole because there are trees and stuff so if we fled from London and crossed a sea that is sorta implies to me that maybe we fled into Norway Scandinavia or maybe we just went straight over the North Pole now we're in like northern Russia I have no idea but we're gonna go ahead and get started now it looks like off the bat we're in some sort of a crater I actually don't think that's the case I think this generally might have been on when the cold came and it kind of created this wonderful heat radius around us and then the snow just built up around that heat and formed a giant ice wall look at this it's all made of ice give you an idea of just how much the world is frozen over it's worse than the ice age anyway all right so here we are this is our generator you can see the steampunk aesthetic here which I absolutely love I really do enjoy steampunk and this looks pretty good and every building is gonna be kind of designed in this sort of fashion there's our little civilians down there hi guys how y'all doing they're kind of sticking around the generator trying to stay warm but right now our generator is not on we need to get some coal together so we can activate the generator and try to get some life in this region now as far as our resources we have coal up here then we have wood steel and steam cores steam cores are some sort of a late-game resource we'll have access to later you sometimes need this to build really important buildings but we won't need to prioritize these right away we also have raw food which can then be converted into food rations and obviously that helps make our food go a lot longer so that's something we're gonna want to do at some point as well we also have to manage our hope and discontent for our population obviously the more you pass tyrannical laws or take some extreme measures to survive like adding food additives that fill your stomach and make you sick discontent will increase you also need to manage the hope of your people because if they get hopeless bad things start to happen down here we have our population currently unemployed our 50 workers and 15 engineers workers can do most things they usually gather resources operate certain kinds of buildings cook the food go hunting and so on Engineers can do all those things as well usually but they also are they required to run our workshops to get new technology and they run our medical posts because engineers apparently are also medics there you go so there are a more valuable resource overall we want to manage these guys as effectively as possible we also have 15 children in this little last city on earth children currently can't do anything unless you pass a law that lets them work and we'll talk about that in a little bit for now let's go ahead and start gathering up some resources we know that we're gonna want to get some wood someone to max that out wood steel coal let's max that more colemak set out with the engineers and i'm gonna go ahead and start getting at least a few people on some wood I'm sorry on some steel and then a few more on wood that leaves us with ten more workers currently unemployed we want more coal I guess we can go ahead and get the coal going well actually I think I'm gonna want even more wood because we're gonna want to wood and steel we're gonna want to be able to build stuff as soon as we have this coal I don't think it's gonna be too hard for us to get a couple hundred coal going alright so here we go now first off let's just say the aesthetic of this game is amazing it looks beautiful and here's one thing I really I'm gonna I'm gonna take a second to geek out about something but look at the frost around my screen doesn't this add just a little extra ambiance to the game it's brilliant this is one of the reasons I like 11-bit Studios they like to deal with darker and more artistic forms of videogame expression it's great and something like this it's such a subtle addition but it actually makes you feel more cold as if as as the player is just fantastic I love things like that in the same way that a good soundtrack has to be subtle in order to make a movie really great the same sort of thing is happening here I love that it's just a nice touch workers are needed there's so much to do and not enough hands to do it a quick way of addressing this problem is to put our children to work okay now we have to deal with a whole new aspect of the game and that is laws now to start off we have adaptation laws available as we progress we will unlock new categories but for now this is all we have we could go for what they're suggesting child labor now this would allow us to put our children to work in a safe jobs namely gathering up resources or cooking food they can't go hunting they can't work in the coal mines or anything like that but we can at least make some use of them rather than have them sit there eating our food and doing nothing this is a pretty common thing that I see a lot of people use whenever they're playing this game if you do this this does eventually unlock the option to have child labor for all jobs but that might be a little bit too much I don't know we'll see the alternative is child shelters now these are exclusive I can only take one of these child shelters would allow us to build a building and keep the children safe basically they get out of the way they don't cause mischief but they don't help with anything in particular either now I'm thinking I'm gonna go for this option and the reason and why if I choose this this unlocks the medical apprentices or engineering apprentices this would allow me to put our children to work in a sort of a different way they still go to the child houses but they actually make certain buildings more effective either our medical post so we are more effective at our healthcare or our engineering workshops so we can develop technology faster and instead of going for the short-term benefit of the children I think I'm gonna go for a different long term strategy with this game with Frost punk and where to go heavy heavy into the technology into that extent I think child shelters is going to be pretty useful so we're gonna go ahead and sign that law that actually gives us a lot more hope because people like that we are doing something nice for the children's what is this by the way a stockpile okay we can go to our construction menu here and this is where we can build our new child shelter costs us a bit of wood and steel the current insulation level is two which means I could place it a little bit of further away from the generator and it still would be fine if I place it like right here for example that's still not so bad it's got enough insulation that they won't freeze to death in there or get too sick as opposed to let's say tents and stuff which only have a base heating level of one which means we want to keep those as close the generator as possible to avoid a disease by the way look at this look at the people click crossing through the snow creating their own path it is so cool I just love the look of this game I love it it's so cool anyway we can go ahead and speed up time if you want to that'll be perfectly fine we are gathering up a fair bit of coal we could go ahead and start up some new construction projects for example some tents would not be the worst of ideas we could also get a medical post cook house hunters' Hut gathering post is not a terrible idea allows us to gather resources from the nearby stuff a bit faster for example if we were to place this over here now make it a little bit easier for us to gather up resources very rapidly I think that actually could be really good for us but I'm not sure it's a high priority this seconds maybe that's something we do tomorrow after we've started up the generator first gonna do probably is to get some tents get some of those built around here so that people don't freeze to death so go ahead and place a few of these kind of up not there that's not where I wanted it where's the cancel button cancel there you go get my resources back thank you place stuff like that right now we have 80 people who are homeless this will get me like 30 more residences so we need a lot of tents if we are going to make this work okay we're almost up to the 200 coal that we are going to need which I guess we can probably do right away I guess it's not much a reason not to let's go ahead and place some more tents now people will start to build things whenever they're idle if they're unemployed they will build which also means whenever they finish their work shift and come in at night is a good opportunity for them to start building things so queueing all these up ahead of time is a perfectly valid option for me I'm gonna do exactly that right now we have seven sets of tents that's pretty good let's go ahead and start up the generator and look at the snowmelt what food hang on whoosh there we go snow melts all around it now we have some heat what are the children doing they're just sitting out and playing ah he's waving at hope nope they're going off and doing something what are they doing no hang on I'm curious they're all standing around clapping are these kids fighting each other lack of Shelton that says they're playing but it looks like they're all egging them on into some sort of an argument these kids are a bunch of Rascals that's what they are it's fine all right so we have it was seven houses we need to get one more tenth place you right here for example and I think that's gonna have to be good enough plenty of coal still coming in I think we're gonna be fine there yeah we just wait until the end of the shift and they're gonna go ahead and build all this stuff in a nice warm location which i think is gonna be great we do have a new mission now that we started up the generator we have to secure some food which means we need to get a hunter's Hut or a hot house hunters Hut of course goes and hunts things hot house produce like is a greenhouse basically and then a cook house in order to start preparing up some meals which is a very good idea we're also gonna need to get a medical post pretty early on because people are gonna start getting very very cold and if I get sick well then we're in trouble now here's why that's really important this is different from a lot of silly builders in the sense of the game does not last for decades okay the game only lasts a couple of months I think which means you do not have enough chaunt time to have a bunch of children who then come of age and have go through several generations of people your workers and engineers are a very limited and valuable commodity and you need to protect them as much as possible having medical posts they don't get sick and died is gonna be absolutely crucial it's going to speed up time a little bit I do kind of want to get a gathering Hut down in this area now that we have our housing under control that could be good I really do want to get things like a medical posts but we do need to get some food as well now a cook house does not have much heating so you would want to put it pretty close up here the problem is it takes up a lot of valuable space and I know that we're gonna need at least one if not two medical posts pretty close as well and they have a base level heating as well of one as well and if these are in a cold area they don't work so we're kind of in this awkward position where how exactly do I want to manage all this space I suppose one thing I could try to do I am not allowed to get rid of my stockpile that's interesting hmm I'm not sure what I want to do here the child shelter has been built good so hope goes up people like this so now children have a place to go it is pretty warm actually good level of insulation we definitely can get a hunter's Hut at the very least this has a base heating level of two which means it can place it further away without any repercussions I'm gonna go ahead and place one right here this will allow me to assign some workers to go and gather up some raw food every day which i think makes a lot of sense we do need that cook house I'm thinking we're probably gonna place it out on the Outer Ring here simply because medical posts if they are cold they don't work and if we have a lot of people get sick then we're in trouble we also want the medical post to stay nice and warm so we have better likelihood of people getting healthy we already have someone getting sick okay see what I mean now we need to deal with that so I need to get myself 25 more wood if you want to survive this okay for the child shelter it looks like we don't need any workers for the hunters Hut however we do so I need to pull off of something probably no people here on the steel wreckage let's say hang on I can hover over this and see we have 15 engineers currently working the coal workers working the coal over there another five there I think would we definitely need so let's pull off let's pull off the workers from this wood and one two three four five here and then we're gonna assign all 15 to gather up food now this would be a lot easier if I had signed a law to have children go and do the work and gather up resources so this is the trade-off we're making we're trying to go for a long term plan and that's gonna cost us something so I don't know how well it's gonna work out this is a whole new strategy that I don't see people use all that often I'm very eager to see if it's valid we can pass a new law you have a cool-down so now we can do something new it's go to adaptation okay so we could go for either medical apprentices or engineering apprentices now if we do this our kids will still go to the child shelters but now all these buildings that will become more effective so our medical facilities raise their efficiency okay alternatively engineering apprentices our workshop speed up research new technology faster I want to go for a really tech heavy build and see if this is a valid strategy so I'm gonna end up going for engineering apprentices I think but not right now instead we're gonna go for probably either super food additives to try make our food to last a bit longer get more food rations out of it now if we do soup what we're doing is we're watering down the food to make it go around a bit better more food rations but hope Falls because the food is not very fulfilling and also discontent Rises as they eat it the alternative would be to go for food additives where we basically fill it up with some sawdust and that fills people's bellies a bit better so they're not as discontent but there's a chance of them getting sick sickness is gonna become a huge problem for me I think soup and discontent is gonna be better let's go ahead and sign that law so that when we do build our cook house will become a bit more effective with it and our food lasts a lot longer oh I hate soup all my life it's been thin gruel and empty promises look whatever shut up okay we live in the freaking frozen tundra it's an ice age sacrifices have to be made for the betterment of society ah all right good we don't have enough wood to build a street out here which is what I wanted to do I'd love to increase our gathering rate here but we'll have to wait so these guys are marching off there are hunters they're gonna go off into the wild frost lands out there something I don't know what we call it and they're gonna gather up the food for me looks like people are just standing around waiting for the day the days shift to start we do have access to a temperature map which gives us a rough idea of how cold it is right now and it's currently only minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit that's pretty cold don't get me wrong but it's also not nearly as bad as it's going to get it's gonna get way way way way holder later but all right now people should be off going to work we're gonna start getting some resources very go up it's now work time boom here comes our the resources that we covet so we want to get a cookhouse so we can actually start getting some food rations before people start getting too hungry so I think I'll make that a priority actually wait people are already sick we need to get a medical post ASAP all right we'll do that first I'm just waiting for my wood to come through 22:23 there's 25 all right medical post place one here well leave space for a second one because I'm very confident we're going to end up needing to eventually especially since I don't have a ton of eating to start off but we'll see if we can make that work yeah I need that cook house so now we actually have a medical post getting started once people are done building it we can start sending some engineers to work in here and that will take care of these two people who are currently sick they're not gravely sick yet they just got this sniffles cuz hey turns out it's really cold outside let's go for a cook house and I'm gonna place you right here not super thrilled about the location simply because I know it's gonna have terrible insulation but hopefully people won't have to work in the cook house too often we'll have let's say use up that once we use it I'm saying is that once we use up to 100 raw food I'll stop having people work in here and go do other jobs so hopefully this the lack of insulation won't become a long-term problem all right we have a note of thanks we just wanted to thank you back in London it was only the wealthy that didn't have to send their kids to work in this new world you're creating we can see if things will be different it was the right thing to do when we get some hope out of it the problem is this this new world of yours is freaking cold I don't know I think that's a very good argument to have the children go and do the work but again that's a short-term solution I'm going for a long-term solution and if we can survive I think we'll come out stronger for it if not then clearly we should have had the kids go and do some work alright let's speed up time a little bit so let's see if we had some idle workers they'd start working on this no one is gravely sick so I don't think this is gonna be a huge priority this second I would like to have people work on the cook house so we can start making some rations though so what I probably will do where my current workers I'm gonna have some engineers one two three four five come off of the coal pile and get working over here engineers can build things I think they're pretty effective at building things so these five guys will come and do this and then those are the five that I will probably assign to the medical post to take care of our sick and if you don't have anyone who's sick awesome I can have the engineers go do some work and gather some resources instead alright we've already depleted one of our wooden crates over here good to know now we have a bunch of people who have nothing to do we'll probably assign them over here what I want to do now is get that gathering post so let's build one right over here something like this is probably fine let's actually build out a street first I'll place you like this probably like that is fine and then place the gathering post right here it'll be along the street technically yes that should be fine okay that means if we assign people here they should be able to gather the resources much faster so I'll go ahead and assign one two three four five six seven eight nine ten here and then probably a few people on the steel and that should be the prior best course of action okay I like that that's good let's get this cookhouse built though ma'am Lina start producing some food people haven't eaten in two days now cranky people get when they haven't eaten in two days very cranky it turns out yes anyway engineers are doing their thing everyone should be coming home from their work shift and working on stuff now so this is gonna be fine the street is getting built which means we shouldn't have snow build up here people can walk around a little bit faster and that's pretty good and people from our convoy with basic resources secured for now we can try to rescue the people we left behind build a beacon Scout the frost lands and save as many survivors from our expedition as possible you'll need a workshop to design plans for more advanced building yes we need to do that ASAP so for a workshop there it is fifteen wood and five steel now this has a base heating level of two so I can place it on the outer ring pretty safely I'm gonna place it probably over here I think this is fine I'll go ahead and do that what we need to do is also place a street so that people can get to the buildings easily so we'll do I need more wood okay can I do can't do that either hmm all right well we'll have to just live without the wood for a little bit in the meantime though the cook house is done we do need to assign some people in to this so let's get some people off of this steel wreckage we'll have them work here there we go that should be fine all right some people start turning our food ration I'll get food rations for me and it is gonna sets to soup so we can produce five food rations for every two raw food as opposed to four so we just made our food go a little bit longer discontent will rise a little bit but that's not a big deal let's assign our five unemployed engineers to the medical post and now we should be able to treat the two people that are currently sick I actually don't know can we just have two engineers working here and they'll still be treated pretty effectively I think that actually might be the case so let's go ahead and have the rest go into the workshop which needs a street before we can do much of anything mmm well I guess one thing we could do is just build a street this way it's not quite what I was looking for but it'll be fine I just want to get that research going as quick as we can the gathering post is done excellent so now people can gather their resources a little faster where else is everyone working is anyone working outs you have people getting coal and coal we don't need this many people getting coal so I'm gonna assign some more to getting probably the wood yeah that should be fine okay we'll do that that's a good that's a good set of a way to do things we'll also take off a couple people of Engineers and assign them over here to the workshop we did a research goal set we also need to have a street before this thing will be allowed to work there we go we should have it now can I add a new research I can't I don't know why I didn't give me the pop-up down there but we can we have a workshop which means we can research new technologies so here we go this is the stuff I'm gonna focus on really hard in this run because more technology only makes us more effective more efficient and get access to new forms of buildings in heating we have access to the steam hub and the heaters steam hubs are kind of like our generator we can play someone has a radius of heat makes people a lot more comfortable that's pretty good we also have heaters which we can place in certain buildings like let's say the cook house and make them more warmer that way so people are less likely to get sick that's certainly one option for exploration we can get the beacon this is necessary to set up some scouting parties and this is actually really good because scouting is a very very valid method of increasing your work account and your steam cores right now again we don't have time in this game to have a new generation of workers the only way we're going to increase our population counts is to go exploring and find the survivors so exploration is absolutely critical and we will do this pretty early on resources we can make people more effective at gathering we can also unlock the coal thumper which will bring coal up from the surface of up to the surface of the planet sawmills to chop down local trees or steel works to extract iron from I think the ice walls basically and turn it into steel we could also go for hunters gear which would make us more effective at getting food we get 20 raw food for hunts instead of 15 that does go a long way especially as our population grows we'll want to get that pretty early on I think we can't get a new law though so let's do that first we could go for the engineering apprentices now and just make our workshops more effective and I think I will do exactly that let's make our children actually do something useful they will be the technical engineering assistants and that will increase the speed of our research a fair chunk now know exactly how much but a pretty good amount anyway all right so we actually have three people currently being treated only two engineers are working in here right now if we actually pulled some engineers off of here and put five in here I think it actually cuz I what I was wondering is if you need a one engineer per patient but even with three it looks like the two were doing that so it can't be that way I'm guessing five engineers just makes the three people in here get treated faster and the faster people out there working probably the better so we'll use our engineers to that one to that extent so that seems pretty good all right now it's telling us we can do the technology it gave me a pop up automatically I'd like to do some of these but we don't have any wood yet so once we gather up some resources I think we will go for something now what I can do is actually pull workers off of this hang on let's actually pull the workers off of the gathering the individual sites and we'll set ten to work here this will get us wood or steel I think it gets us both actually so is that getting me how interesting okay so it looks like we could get up to okay that's how much wood is currently there so six per hour how much do we get then if we have ten people working here I don't know as a good question huh okay well let's have some people start depleting this resource and this resource actually I think just more wood we'll just do that let's see what these gathering huts can do then how much am I getting it's waiting for workers it says well I have 10 people assigned oh they're all going to go eat something now that we actually have some food ah right well turns out when people haven't eaten in a while they prioritize getting their meals before they go to work that's fine okay so now we're generating at least a few per hour it's probably it'd be faster if we directly gathered from this but this way we can have ten workers gathering from three stockpiles instead of assigning 45 workers here so this is probably still more effective what's this down here a family torn apart sir a woman came forward after we built the workshop see she said that her husband and daughter didn't reach the city with the main group but she's sure they're still out there she wants to join the first Scout team will send out she urges you to hurry we will do what we can good woman but first I have to light to the beacons we can now go for the hunters tech which I will do just to make sure that we stay on top of our raw food as much as possible so we'll make that our priority afterwards I probably will go for a beacon so we can start doing some exploration and then after that probably heating as much heating as possible and then we'll worry about gathering up new technology that said I think this is actually a pretty good place to end this video kind of a good introduction right now somebody is hungry while there's plenty of food so go get your food and you'll be fine but yeah this is a good introduction into the game you get a good sense of how this is gonna work obviously it gets more and more difficult as time goes on and one of the things I really like about frost Punk is it ramps up the difficulty through events and storyline very effectively so the game gets more and more complex and interesting as we go so I hope you guys are as excited about this as I am I am very much looking forward to continue playing frost Punk if or excited please be sure to hit that like button showing your support leave a comment with your suggestions subscribe if you are new and hit that notified Bell to see my future videos my name is bravas and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Pravus
Views: 303,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Frostpunk (Video Game), frost, steampunk, city, survival, strategy, guide, faith, part 1
Id: 1Ww7RY8Btao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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