Plague Inc: The Cure - Bio Weapon Mega-Brutal Guide

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hello everybody my name is provis and welcome to more plaguing evolved cure mode well guys i did it i beat the bio weapon on mega brutal oh my god this disease is unbelievably unfair it is an exercise in despair and self-loathing i hate everything about this especially on mega bootle it is ridiculous and you have no choice but to resort to what i would consider cheesy strategies if you want to beat it on mega brutal i'm not even sure it's possible to win this in a fair and normal way but that's okay because this is an extremely unfair disease i don't mind playing dirty myself here's the trick about the bio weapon okay it starts off with extremely high infectivity and fatality and will spread very very quickly to make things worse though its quirk is that every new country it infects will increase the base infectivity and fatality rate which means it is exponentially going to be getting more and more powerful the more it spreads the easier it is to get into new countries the more powerful it becomes etc etc until such a point where it infects a couple dozen countries and it is literally impossible to stop so your only hope if you want to beat this on mega brutal is to contain it to a single continent within the first few seconds of the game if you can't do that you might as well restart if that sounds stupid it's because it is and i have wasted about 12 hours of my life trying to get the stars to align for this let's take a look at my task force we're gonna go for fast response emts because speed is king everything else i spit on you this is the one that wins strategic fundraiser because if we can contain this to one continent we're not gonna get a lot of resources from red bubbles we need the hq to give me some extra resources or else i am sunk disaster manager because a lot of people are about to die celebrity scientist for non-compliance pretty helpful an airport controller or port controller either one is acceptable but the goal is to prevent the disease from escaping within the first two seconds of the scenario beginning and no i'm not kidding so anything that helps with that is possibly going to save your game let's get started now i'm gonna start in the caribbean why because i desperately want this disease to start in south america and if it is in south america and i'm located in the caribbean i'm hopefully going to be able to detect it and react within the first couple seconds of the game you technically could probably still win this if it spawns somewhere in africa that does not have access to a port but it would be a lot harder you'll be better off simply restarting until it starts off in south america and not just anywhere in south america it needs to spawn in colombia peru or bolivia one of those three countries so that it doesn't immediately get access to a port or an airport and leave the continent that means that there's over 100 countries in the game you have a less than three percent chance of this run being success succeeding from the very beginning so that's why we want to start in the caribbean and detect it extremely quickly let's go ahead and do that right now now one thing i would recommend doing once you start your game in the caribbean is immediately stop and save the game why because if this is the magical run where you got that less than a three percent chance it's in one of the three countries you want you don't want to lose this attempt so save your game check columbia brazil if it's not there restart save it again check if it's not there restart save again check until you get the perfect run that's exactly what i've got right here i have loaded a run where i did exactly that it took me a few hours to realize that this is the best way to use my time i kept trying again and again and make it work in africa europe and south america just didn't work and i got sick of it so now we're going to cheat quote unquote and use the save and reload mechanics to make sure we do not lose a potential successful run now let's go ahead and grab our operations with the field operatives as we usually do need to grab this immediately now this is going to be kind of stupid but every micro second counts so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just slowly creep forward in time until i see that little hq pop up and then i immediately want to send out my field operatives because every fraction of a second matters now i don't have access to my field operatives over here but one thing you can do once this little guy has popped up click on a country and lo and behold it's there we're going to travel first to brazil because i'm pretty confident it's going to be right in here and i want to find that infectivity and shut down airports and ports immediately in brazil and argentina so let's go ahead and do that there as we travel away it's going to be discovered we need a red bubble up a plane is already getting away unfortunate i don't even have enough points to deal with that where is it going to go i wonder the uk well let's go ahead and shut that down let's pay attention to the uk we're going to have to go and pay them a visit in a minute let's explore the remainder of south america make sure you shut both of these down the second you have the points available okay absolutely crucial anything outside of that you're sunk we're exploring the rest of these countries in central america then we're gonna go over to the uk now let's take a look at some of the special abilities that come with the bio weapon how do you deal with a bio weapon that ramps up exponentially in power and will result in the death of hundreds of millions well you declare armageddon and by declaring armageddon we are going to gain a huge boost in authority this is going to jump up to like 200 in a second and that's to give you enough authority to even have a chance at holding on to world control after the disease starts to spread if you don't pick this i think you automatically lose you have to get it basically first anything outside of that too bad now this comes with a couple of other special abilities both of which are equally important we have expectation management which limits the amount of authority damage per country basically as the disease begins to spread and people start to panic we are going to be taking massive authority losses due to panic and the deaths right this caps how much damage each country individually can be doing to your authority at a given time which is the only way to slow down the authority loss to enough of a trickle that you can actually have the time to win this scenario so you have to get this very early on the other ability is called extreme measures you lose authority by picking this up but you train your field operatives to execute every infected person in the country they currently reside in sounds cruel welcome to the bio weapon we are going to be executing our infected not curing them in order to save the world so let's go ahead and grab some points and grab this first because i need to get to the uk and kill the three people who are currently infected before this country is lost forever let's make sure we actually land here there we go travel over to the uk now as long as this is a manageable number of less than 20 the first level of extreme measures can handle this after that you'll have to pick up extreme measures 2 which uses black ops soldiers instead of killing a couple dozen people per day which is just barely enough to keep up with the exponential growth in the uk right now we'd be able to kill a couple hundred per day but even then if this number were to get up to let's say a thousand you'd lose there would be no way for you to actually beat this you would lose that country forever so you have to nip it in the bud super duper fast it is in central america that scares me but we will come back to that in just a moment let's get over to the uk we're gonna start executing people until it's at zero and then we're gonna go right back to central america congratulations by killing 17 people we just saved the entire population of the united kingdom i'm a hero i know let's go over to central america we're gonna make sure we do the exact same thing before anyone gets over here didn't i get a red bubble i think the person died immediately oh well good okay that solved that problem i suppose thank you we will want to pick up the second level soon but i'm gonna go for the expectation management first because we're gonna start seeing some deaths ramp up pretty rapidly in just a moment let's grab that now so we can have some expectation management we're gonna start losing some authority but hopefully it doesn't get too bad hopefully and then we're gonna go ahead and grab extreme measures level two now i am going to leave these people to their fate in south america they're already dead they're condemned don't even bother expect the disease to run rampant kill about half to two-thirds of the population before it finally peters out and no longer has enough hosts and it starts to naturally die off we are never going to get a vaccine we're simply going to allow the disease to burn itself out okay that's only thing we can do sorry i wish there was another option but there ain't more infectious than tb you say oh gosh i don't know whatever i'm gonna do about that notice we're only losing one authority at a time maybe two instead of losing like 10. okay so that's that's pretty important uh central america actually has 70 summit people infected okay so now we have to pick up extreme measures too and stop this quick there we go right back down to zero pay attention to this now technically speaking instead of just holding onto central america as the bottleneck to prevent south america from going anywhere if it's spawned in let's say africa uh preferably morocco or maybe central africa or angola that can work you just have to hold on to egypt and also saudi arabia because technically there's a slight land connection here not not literally like in the real world but as far as the game is concerned there's a slight land connection between east africa and saudi arabia and what you'll do is you're bounced between these two countries killing off whoever's been infected and you'll be micromanaging this for the rest of the game until africa naturally dies off same thing i think is theoretically true in europe between either the balkan states and russia or if it's already there maybe turkey and russia and keep it contained that way i think you technically could but it would be difficult because they have much higher populations so at some point you're just going to have so much authority loss it's pretty darn difficult to deal with now i'm going to be watching for the exponential growth in brazil and colombia etc we're already there with peru a lot of people are about to die but i'm watching some of these countries to see when they're going to hit exponential growth so i know when to pick up censorship and that is going to reduce the amount of sorry it's going to freeze my authority in place so we don't lose a ton during a one-month period where i expect the most people to die that is the idea behind that anyway let's go ahead and grab the first level of authority just be prepared for it i'm also going to grab infection control which kind of just doubles up if somebody gets through will either kill them or immediately cure them it's one of the two it just doubles up on trying to get rid of the numbers immediately in a single country we're now up to about 122 authority but it's still ticking down ticking down pretty quick here comes brazil it's starting to get to that critical mass oh boy isn't this fun argentina's hitting there already too a lot of people you're either alive in peru you've either killed them or you're just dead already it's just one of the two colombia's about to hit critical mass brazil is now hitting critical mass all right so we're about to see the deaths really start ramping up this is a good time probably to grab the censorship we're gonna go ahead and freeze this in place at 137 authority while everyone just starts to die what we're waiting for now is for only a few about a thousand people to still be infected per country now what i've found happens is that the origin country kind of has a slight research it kills almost everybody then it starts to resurge a little bit with its numbers so we're gonna do to control that is go ahead and grab the lockdown and try to prevent the number of infections just a little bit just a tiny little bit if you've already survived you shouldn't be getting infected again okay that's my philosophy everyone's dying off pretty quick over here colombia hasn't quite petered out yet but it's getting there it's getting there authorities still looking pretty good while most people died and now we're down to only fifty thousand infective about 193 million dead waiting for colombia to get down a little bit more peru is still sort of hanging around there i need this number to go down by a lot i'm going to go ahead and grab the closing of the land borders here as well and uh we could try to go for some other things here and hope that they helped but i honestly don't think that they will i'm going to save my points in order to be prepared for another round of fake news if we need to so peru um there's enough people who are no longer infected in colombia i think i can go to peru and we're going to try to burn this number down towards something acceptable now they just thwarted my uh my attempts to censor note that we're losing a load of authority very fast all of a sudden like really stupidly fast i'm gonna go ahead and grab fake news we now have about a month unless somebody thwarts me again to try and get this back under control starting with peru these numbers are already down to something manageable it all comes down to right now bolivian peru and getting this down within a month okay peru just got down to zero perfect now we're gonna go to bolivia has this expanded in central america it hasn't good let's make sure it stays that way keep bolivia down nobody should be crossing the border and reinfecting anybody so this should be okay nationwide non-compliance scares me if it weren't for the fact that nobody is basically sick over here in the first place if if a plane leaves right now i'm actually gonna get mad okay so there are 55 people left infected in the world they are in colombia and argentina we're going to go to argent they just debunked me again i have seconds to get this figured out okay we're gonna get colombia taken care of uh we're about to lose a lot of authority let's get over into argentina kill them real quick oh there's 19 people left infected where where wait no really though where uh has the game not oh okay i think the game hasn't recalculated there it is barely held on with 34 authority the entire continent of south america had to die but we just eradicated pax 19 it burned itself out three stars 176 days 151 515 points that's aesthetically pleasing and congratulations we've beaten the bio weapon on mega brutal it is stupidly unfair this is not even true what is it showing me as a replay right now i have no idea how this is even possible anyway i think it technically can be beaten if it spawns in africa or europe but really you're already going to be restarting so much why not just restart until it's in south america where you can effectively contain the darn thing and not suffer terribly i mean as it is this got close like four more days of the game we would have lost it was that close so yeah do what you need to in my opinion cheese it as much as you want if the game's already playing dirty i say yeah fight with everything you got right anyway guys that completes our campaign in cure mode with plague inc we have beaten every single disease type on mega brutal difficulty i'm pretty proud of that maybe someday i'll find some more meta strategies that work better for the bio weapon or the nano virus or something like that and i'll revisit with new guides in the future but for now within the first week of this game being released this should be enough to get you all the way to victory i hope you guys do follow these guides i hope you do find them helpful because i sure as heck have put a lot of hours in trying to get these to you thank you all for watching and showing your support by hitting that like button leaving a comment subscribing and hitting that notify bell for my future content my name is pravis and i will see you guys next time you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 606,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, plague, inc, cure, mode, mega, brutal, difficulty, guide, scenario, walkthrough, bio, weapon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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