Plague Inc: Custom Scenarios - Ultimate Troll Scenario

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hey there my name is pravis and welcome back to more play Kink evolved custom scenarios today we are trying out a specific request it is called the ultimate troll plague by exactlyish 2. now this is to go in one of several different directions I'm hoping it's gonna be funny and somewhat family friendly but let's find out it's just another boring day you decide to play Plague Inc however you've played all standard plagues and at least somewhat mastered all the special plagues you decide to play custom scenarios you click on the new tab because you know you're feeling generous well actually you do it because you like to feel like you're being hurt because you enjoy it you masochistic pervert anyway you scroll through a bunch of scenarios trash zero effort um uh my scenario scenario trash stupid another covet scenario okay so let me just say real quick this is so far almost an exact script of my typical experience with the Plague Inc custom Workshop these days and I'm not usually this harsh from my language but like let's be honest like 80 plus percent of scenarios that get put out there feel like they're either not creative or they're pretty low effort and they just like reskin two things and they think that's a custom scenario and I guess it technically is but you really have to sort through to find the gems these days you know and not because of masochistic pervert but like yeah it takes a bit of work so let's continue with this finally a scenario that actually looks interesting without the grammar and stupid spelling of someone who sounds like a desperate for attention second grader oh that's just harsh you'll first look at the symptoms tree oh look all they did was preload one trait let me look at the abilities tree oh look one new thing zero effort what about the yup zero efforts at this point you're mad you know what they didn't even change the damn map by adding an airport so I'm gonna play it through several times maybe just so I can down vote it for wasting my time what the huh that's weird inspired by Indigo Phoenix's troll plague very good scenario by the way hopefully for promise gaming hooray it promises playing this is normal is too hard to try on casual because this game trolls hard with a lot of of different starting spots okay now I'm a little bit afraid but okay we'll give it a go um yeah all right I'm I'm intrigued if nothing else and because you successfully scripted a lot of my life somehow it's kind of it's kind of uncanny uh bacteria type metabolic darwinous oxide and symptoms seems fine I'm gonna try it on normal difficulty and pray that this doesn't totally screw with me but I mean it sounds like the entire point is that it will so let's see if we can find our way through it anyway your new bacteria must spread somewhere all right I would choose Saudi Arabia or Egypt or India or something and yet somehow I feel like I'm gonna get screwed if I do so what would be a little bit different what would still be an okay start how about southeast Asia you never play in Southeast Asia it's right next to India and to uh China large populations it's got a port let's give it a go and see if this works all right Transmissions unlock unlock Transmissions yes you read that right you'll see what I mean unlock unlock that's what you okay well let's see uh unlock okay so yes it is literally unlock the ability to unlock block other things I'm a hematophagy oh so that's what he meant God damn this is so far an exact scripting of things I'm thinking ah it's scary okay zoonosis or bio aerosol okay Kudos so far in the writing decreasing blah blah blah so this looks at the normal stuff if I click on something oh by the way the scenario is called a dumb idea if I click on this stuff just checking to see where's the stuff that says hey this looks like the normal symptoms tree okay so far it actually looks like the normal symptoms tree we'll see abilities unlock cold and heat resistance the title is pity self-explanatory uh then we have the drug resistance bacterial all normal stuff all right I'm moving you to Morocco you don't get to start an already large place that borders China India and Indonesia dang it dang it okay no we're moving to Morocco um I don't have anyone infected here hold on though that was actually pretty good wait a minute that was actually really pretty good you got me there all right all right I've got really high hopes for this all of a sudden I got 25 DNA points huh okay um well let's see we started in Morocco that means that things like rash and sweating will not be as good but still okay uh we do want to go for things like coughing sneezing let's pick this up we could go for the skin lesions a bit early I still think that's worthwhile and no necrosis damn it all right breaking news man coughed in Southeast Asia not new Morocco get it right A man was caught cowing in the streets of Southeast Asia worried that he might be host to a possibly world ending disease he was quickly quarantined great okay well at least wait no I actually have people infected in Southeast Asia now aha I have fooled you right now I'm in Morocco and Southeast Asia all right but I'm out of DNA points so here's hoping I actually spread somewhere and get a little bit of points here because this is so far looking very pitiful um for transmissions I mean let's see um bio aerosol yeah getting some air and stuff would be certainly very helpful if we are going to be in a place like Morocco we need some air Transmissions somehow that could be very useful to me that there's also water which would let me get into places like India so that's actually a top priority let's try to get the heck out of Southeast Asia they already shut down the port what Well that took like no time at all wait is this troll scenario gonna be a thing where like Alexa stop I said nothing that I can think of in the last 30 seconds that should have brought her up and yet somehow she just started speaking in my ear freaking heck you scaring me Alexa anyway um so is this gonna be one of those scenarios they shut down the ports and stuff the second you walk into a country a plague walks into a new nation and up everyone goes into full lockdown whoa whoa whoa what happened to Morocco all of a sudden nausea just like spread like crazy Jason's what happened all right all of a sudden we hit like super critical mass apparently those people are really really susceptible to Naja all right we got ourselves some air Transmissions that's hopeful that we're gonna start really kicking things off what other symptoms could I want let's see system and stuff are pretty good pneumonia good for the cold countries not gonna get that let's go for the cysts and the hypersensitivity it's a kind of a poor man's drug resistance and I'm also gonna pick up the abscesses a little bit of severity we don't want to go too Ham on that but it's okay to a degree and the extra infectivity is pretty good value since I'm having trouble getting enough DNA points getting stuck over here in the worst spot in Africa though is definitely not helping me we are trying very hard to get into some of these um larger population Nations this is gonna be very very slow let's go over some zenosis and try to get around that birds will hopefully help we'll start getting into adjacent countries a bit faster Africa is now starting to really get infected um uh hematology I think that's gonna be like what that's gonna be like blood transmission and stuff I don't usually care much about that so I think we can ignore for it pneumonia still doesn't seem too important I would love to get stuff like let's say some drug resistance but we're not in wealthy countries yet we're finally now getting into India I think the best thing to do is to go for uh water level two which by the way is over here wait what okay so that's a very minor troll if you were going down the air route all of a sudden you find yourself getting water instead if you were trying to lock yourself into one particular uh uh biome I guess would be a word you could use for that well fortunately so far all is going well uh what else we got here so let's go for some drug resistance um bacterial resilience maybe let's instead go for the air transmission it's still pretty good my infectivity is looking solid I'm looking forward to seeing what else the game's gonna throw at me we've had a few really good trolls so far just a few but this is all manageable partly because I still started off in Southeast Asia anyway Saudi Arabia is already working aggressively on the Cure well that sucks but I'm not terribly surprised um I'm gonna go for the cold resistance because I'm pretty confident we're gonna need that uh we are gonna go for some drug resistance bacterial resilience and then I'm gonna go for the pneumonia Let's see we got inflammation what is this unlock unlock coma wanna slow down the Cure with coma you have to go through this okay what is going on oh are you looking for a cheap way to slow down the Cure okay fine here's a bit and then I'm actually not looking for a way to kill the Cure at all um not yet anyway not too much I mean I might at some point but right now I'm feeling pretty good with what I got uh do we want the urban transmission no if anything I want the world probably so we can spread faster in places like Russia Russia shuts down I just shut down all international travel to and from Russia as well just to mess with you problem maybe a little bit but okay that means I now need to go to places like Norway if I can't get into Norway I am actually kind of doomed um let's go for the extreme bio aerosol to boost up our chances let's go for another round of the bacterial resilience and if I can get some additional Birds maybe we can get out of Russia and into neighboring countries like Finland a little bit sooner I'm trying to find ways to get around the fact that borders are closed we did get into Norway okay so now that's Urban getting some rodents wouldn't be too bad I'm actually feeling like I have to try hard this just a smidge I found all this so so we're at BN we need the U that's the real trick if I can get into those we're fine if I cannot score in shrubs um The lethality is there but overall not too bad I could get rid of the inflammation to try and boost my chances I think I have to kind of take the role um game hardening pathogen begins to feel the game is way too easy and wants an extra challenge so it becomes more easy to analyze in the rap increasing research speed yeah so don't pick this up then got it okay um foreign we could try going down the insomnia route but I really don't want to add more severity I'm gonna go for another round of bacterial resilience pulmonary fibrosis I mean I need to slow down that cure I'm aware that is uh starting to trickle up on me a bit let's evolve this though I'm trying to Max my chances of getting into okay we got in the Caribbean now it's a question of Greenland if we can get into Greenland I think we have a good chance of making this work I want to pick up things like the fever but I can't yet um let's just hold on to points at this point I think it's just a roll of the dice tell me we get into Greenland unless unless there's a hilarious way to troll this where the port exists on Greenland but it's incapable of receiving anything that would be an actual literal total troll literal actual total troll it'd be hilarious but let's see I'm not okay there is a boat that left so it's working um The Cure is starting to ramp up on me a bit at some point I don't have a choice I'm gonna have to go for something let's unlock the coma ah where did it go were you looking for something hoping you don't need it bad right now do you I borrowed it well I already found it thank you uh wait no almost there oh no that's not going to be over here is it pick it up and there's coma okay you have arrived all right um on send a boat send a boat send a boat I really don't have a lot of time to play gosh dang our ways this isn't even a troll by the author though this isn't even a troll by the author it just straight out screwed me because that's just what the game always has done since it's ever been accepted I actually don't know if I've seen a single boat go into Greenland though that'll think about it though do you think that they've done that hang on do you actually think that's a thing hang on I'm just curious um let's go for the WTF let's go for insecurity tumors is there for some reason pulmonary edema diarrhea Doo and there's dysentery I'm just looking for anything no necrosis internal hemorrhaging fever there is literally no necrosis here guys I'm just telling you unless you've hidden it somewhere in the description of something no no no no no no okay so when you say I have to go and find the necrosis some other way what do you mean is it hidden somewhere else completely pointless button there's absolutely no way I'm lying about this this button does absolutely nothing do not evolve but there's no point all right let's just see let's just see I'm gonna start ramping up some points as people start to die we got the fever going as well yes the Cure is going let's pick the button we'll see what happens and it was in fact a pointless button okay it's worth a shot genetic reshuffle I'm looking for anything else that could be hidden to me uh but I don't think that there is anything I'm missing I'm pretty sure I have to restart but not because the author got the wool over my eyes but because unfortunately Greenland is still doing Greenland things right okay uh I will be restarting this and hopefully getting up to this point again wait what the heck hold on I'm trying this again and now it's saying I'm not playing lethal enough some generous pair of billionaire business people have decided the world has been paying enough attention to the dumb idea cure research will quickly rise unless you manage to kill them play with more lethality next time hey hold on wait a minute all right um You don't play with lethality in the very beginning of the game I barely got out of it okay well oh my God oh my God okay yep nope yup nope okay the Cure is not working nicely with me today right um I'm pretty sure that's a restart again let's try actually starting in Central America this time around I'm just curious what happens if we play there nice choice so that also means nice try we all know Central America is a Saudi Arabia of boat only places just for that you're starting a Kazakhstan oh and I shut down China as well oh for God's sake come on well somehow I got 57 DNA out of it so who's the real loser here huh actually I feel like I get randomized on how much free DNA I get so I don't know maybe that's actually a good thing for me well what this means is we need to get the birds a little bit earlier send in the birds cross the borders get into China anyway see we got into China anyway what do you know okay once again we just sort of magically hit critical mass in a lot of places I'm not playing lethal enough oh come on I actually just got rid of systemic infection as well and there's the Cure oh for God's sake I don't know if I can get around that in time nope definitely cannot get around that in time okay that's another restart oh lordy ah all right so you need to have a little bit of lethality a little tiny bit of lethality what if I start in Colombia what are you gonna do to me then I'm curious let's just see what do you do if I start in Colombia oh oh nothing oh okay I finally found a nation that you hadn't prepared for hold on what else we got can I start in a place like I mean you're definitely gonna say no to Egypt right like there's no way I'm gonna get into Egypt uh yeah no no everyone knows that Egypt is your backup Saudi Arabia and I'm shutting down Saudi Arabia too well okay but where else are you sending me nowhere I'm locked in Egypt you know what that's actually manageable I think I just need to get the birds I can get around this it's fine yeah see I've got Birds now we're getting into places like the Middle East I've escaped from Egypt I'll know I'll get into Saudi Arabia soon enough you can't stop me the big problem is even if I get into Saudi Arabia what's the point you know I got no ports they got no airports so like even though I have you know actually that we now that I think about it that's the biggest troll of all I may not have been relocated from Egypt I've been left sitting there in a totally useless area where I have to get through Everywhere by land ah whatever they barely started working on the Cure so far by the way I'm pretty sure if you pick up coughing it just immediately gets you detected and that's the whole joke of it also I should note that hypersensitivity makes you think that I'm not going to notice the spelling but I absolutely notice the spelling thank you very much and there goes Russia again the case okay what's a small amount of uh lethality I can pick up like a very small amount I don't want the immune suppression it's a little bit too lethal pneumonia and then I guess pulmonary fibrosis will have to do and once again as soon as I needed some way of getting into a place like Greenland it looks like all boats have stopped and the Caribbean is now closed oh of course there's oh God the actual troll but again it's not the author it's the actual game screwing with me here this run was actually pretty close too I almost had everything I needed even with the Egyptian trolls all right I'm just curious by the way what does happen if I start in Saudi Arabia what are you gonna do all right dumb idea starts in Saudi Arabia that's a surprise what a shocker it must use more DNA to infect people uh okay wait you know what screw that you're starting in Poland okay so that's partly a direct oh and I just made Saudi Arabia worth 80 flasks instead of eight so now they're gonna cure me super duper hard right okay so starting in Saudi Arabia is uh not a good idea got it thank you I didn't think it would be okay finally we got a boat in the Greenland that should be everything now we unleash hell let's go ahead and pick up that coma let's go for the fever the insecurities some tumors could be good there's not gonna be any sort of um necrosis we learned this already but that's honestly fine pick up systemic infection now it's time to just start killing people as quickly as we can we should have plenty of Buffs in Greenland to help us get up to critical mass so unless a really really hilarious event fires off uh that really screws me over at the last seconds we should now have this in the back it should but you know I really wouldn't be surprised if something comes up we're gonna find out um immune suppression should be fine anything else that jumps out of me is really good we can get a genetic reshuffle and I think I just saved my points for that to buy myself a little bit of extra score or react in case something happens like you know what I'm setting the cure to 99 you're too close to winning and then you have to have the points to immediately buy it down or else you suffer everyone's been infected at this point so we should be in the home stretch should be should be watching watching carefully so far so good you got you gonna do it you're gonna throw one last I actually kind of hope they do because it'd be hilarious one last troll no no you're gonna let me win you're actually gonna let me win okay in that case let's go ahead and do genetic read shuffles one two three oh what's over here I don't know game hardening drugs no I can't see what's over pointless button is there a way a dumb idea to destroy Humanity okay okay so not bad but it's still only normal chump try it on a harder level if you aren't chicken foreign yeah thanks for that one okay well we have beatrue at your silly game your silly stupid dumb idea we have beaten you you know you said I couldn't do this on normal you're all like if it's too hard do it on casual did you think I'm some sort of casual filthy casual come on I know how to try hard with the best of them I admit this is pretty darn good I'm trying to remember how much of this has been like literally lifted from the Indigo Phoenix scenario I'm guessing a fair bit of it at least is independent and uh it's it's pretty darn good frankly this scenario is Well written it actually anticipated me on several different levels it actually does a pretty good job of screwing with you but believe it or not if there's anything I would like more from this scenario it's even more trolling I mean at some point you just kind of realize all right take a tiny bit of lethality to avoid this thing you can't rely on Russia for anything got it okay well she got can you throw more trolls my way to screw me over because frankly in a scenario like this it ought to be a pure chaos that's the beauty of it oh overall though I gotta say this was fun I liked it definitely a thumbs up from me thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed if so it has to hit that like button leave a comment subscribe hit the notify Bell and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Pravus
Views: 115,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Plague, Inc, Evolved, simulator, custom, scenario, ultimate, troll
Id: oLD1qnqboPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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