Plague Inc. Evolved - Nano Virus Walkthrough (Mega Brutal)

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hello and welcome to promise gaming and plague inc evolved alright so I have been reading some comments of people recommending some custom scenarios that we can do I'm kind of letting more people leave those comments and kind of creating a list of some ideas but for now I think we need to continue to finish off some of the generic plagues on mega brutal we've already got the bacterial virus fungus narek swarm parasite and The Crow a virus done Marik's worm again that was a brutal video a while back I did that worked equally well for mega brutal I haven't done it recently I could do that at some point I might but we'll see um and then you see the nanovirus here I've already got finished on mega brutal yeah that's because I was doing a practice match before this video I thought that I had set it to regular brutal mode just to try out a new strategy and I would record my attempt at a brutal mega brutal well it worked really well and then I got the little achievement in the bottom that said Oh nanovirus Master I'm like what the heck that can I've had oh wait I accidentally left it on mega brutal so apparently I already beat it I didn't mean to so I have to think that's a good sign let's go ahead and try to replicate results out we eat absolutely all right so the genetic code that I used ATP boost for the bonus DNA you'll understand why that's useful in the beginning the alternative of course I would say red is probably okay orange is probably okay but I think this is perhaps the most advantageous because this is a race against the clock so the extra DNA is probably be really useful genetic mimic I would say is pretty much a must you really want your plague to be as hard to cure as possible ah Quaqua site extrema file these are both my typical go twos I don't think anything's changed on that I think a lot of people will be tempted to go for pathos stasis on this one to make sure your ability costs don't increase but I really really really don't want my virus easier to cure I think that's insane so I'm going to pass on this and instead go for ionized helix which will give you bonus DNA when'd evolving because we may very well get a mutation we don't want and I would like to get it as free DNA rather than say oh great that's five more DNA I have to waste you know I mean so we'll try that now as far up the up that's Brett mega brutal definitely meant to click this last time didn't happen as far as a name apparently we called it iPod last time actually really meant to um what about the iPod Nana no wait there now there's already an iPod nano out in existence and humanity hasn't been exterminated yet hmm well along that line instead we can do is the Android nano yeah when Google comes out with their nano version right I've like a music player or a phone then the world is screwed because you know Google alright let's play whatever I don't care welcome to plague Inc start a location so I'm gonna start on the Egypt as I often do Saudi Arabia is probably a good choice as well maybe India anywhere along the equatorial region should be fun now we start off with 11 points here which is good Oh notice by the way they were already at 2 percent cure progress yeah that's because the nanovirus is special in that it was human-made humans are aware that it broke out and they're trying to broadcast a kill switch or a kill code right from day one so the cure is already beginning and it's really fast by the way so we need to try and get away from them so to counteract that we have a couple of abilities one is code fragment interception why we have the comedy and tragedy masks I don't really know but it is this basically is going to slow future broadcasts it's exactly like genetic hardening but it's cheap and early on so we'll pick that up right away and the other side of the ability tree is radical elements stabilized this is the same thing as a genetic reshuffle so take secure progress that's already been made and shoots it back a few percentage points will probably be making extensive use of this later there's of course this code segment interception this will slow things down a fair bit I'm going to go ahead and go straight for that so there's basically two levels of genetic hardening right from the get-go which should hopefully bring this cure progress under control but my gosh is it going to be rough now as far as symptoms paranoia or insomnia are the two we're going to go for right away this makes people less effective notice that insomnia initially costs zero and paranoia only costs one which is pretty nice so let's go ahead and make use of those we're a slow down to care as much as we can from day one to get as much value out of that as possible but you'll notice it's still going up pretty darn fast I would say that the nanovirus isn't the hardest but it is definitely the moment one of them stressful plagues in the game right now everything is just so fast so fast let's go to pick up air level one so that we're able to speed through this pretty much as quickly as possible we're already on speed three for some reason I guess okay I guess let because I played a game recently it was at speed three just stayed that way I don't think I changed it but oh well whatever let's go ahead and pick up what do we want we probably want water level one honestly get that early infectivity we're already up to thirty percent cure progress and it's been like two months so that's fun good we spread to Saudi Arabia a little bit early I like that I like that a lot as far as some symptoms no I think we're probably well do what they symptoms let's go ahead and pick up rash and let's go ahead and pick up sweating those are two fairly effective options that will lead towards skin lesions oh come on fully sequenced well that was extremely unlucky on our end that might be the end of the game for us we're gonna find out probably have to make use of those kill switches or those code fragmentation things whatever I don't know spread this pain okay it's pretty nice yeah they're definitely curing us a lot faster that was remarkably unlucky but we'll see we can do there's the USA I'm gonna go ahead and pop well let's go ahead and go for drug resistance level one because we are in Europe right now technically and the USA we got a little bit of time but we're not gonna want to run against that clock for too much longer hot countries getting hotter well good thing we are automatically resistant to the heat alright let's pick up radical elements stabilized that should reduce their cure progress a fair bit actually that was pretty significant we have gone to the UK already we're spreading throughout Africa we're gonna want cold resistance fairly soon but I think more importantly genetic hardening level one to slow things down again get this back under control there's Japan for us they found us but that doesn't really matter because they've already started the Cure progress so I don't really care that much about it the reason I'm not going for any storm of lethality early on honestly is because I don't want them to close down their ports you know if a Greenland or any of the other island nations does that then we're in a lot of trouble and I really want to deal with that let's go for genetic hardening level two while we're thinking about it um I wouldn't mind picking up water level two if we can get up to 17 points but uh we may need to keep going for some more abilities and drug resistance cold resistance in particular comes to mind we're gonna pick up your water level two and then we're going to want to go for cold resistance hopefully we'll be okay on the Cure progress by that point let's see how we're doing coach this is level one sure why not we do still have access to genetic reshuffling as well so there are several opportunities for us to try and reset the Cure progress fever develop for free no no no I know it's tempting but absolutely not because I do not want any lethality at all or Greenland may close their borders well before I am ready for it so let's avoid that let's go for cold resistance level two I think then we'll look at medical drug resistance level to keep a few points in reserve just in case we need to do an emergency genetic reshuffle we undoubtedly will go through all of those that that's just pretty much a given it will happen we're actually infecting most of the world right now already which is pretty nice we don't even have very many transmission we don't have very much transmission or very many symptoms at all you for genetic resistance I'm sorry drug resistance level 2 and then we're going to want to go for oh gosh 18 points may be genetic reshuffle 12 points is more reasonable yeah let's see we can build ourselves up to 12 points before it gets too late that may have been a mistake a little worried that it was no we're actually okay okay let's go for that genetic reshuffling right now then by ourselves that time because we know we need it good we're infecting a few more places already got quite a few more points I think you actually get bonus DNA as the nanovirus for infecting people at least I think that's what I've sort of been inclined to believe let's go for encryption breached level 2 there now you'll notice by the way that both these ability trees do have a special ability at the top I don't recommend picking them up so the one for reducing cure progress is replication factory overload you'll get several weeks of significantly boosted infectivity tempting but the problem is once it's run its course you'll become a bit more easily you have less infectivity in the long run I don't think that's going to be very useful to us at least not now you know by the time that we're getting to the late game and this won't matter we'll have already infected people so who cares we don't need it and then there's broadcast interceptor overload which allows you to become immune to the cure for several weeks a good emergency option but it increases your susceptibility to your cure progress later so it's kind of a Hail Mary pass you know that's your last chance to win I don't recommend picking up either of those but we'll see we can do all right we're down to 67% cure progress still haven't reached greenland's but we're getting around we're missing no other islands just greenland ok good so if we can get a good foothold in other countries I'm gonna start pumping in the Cure the kill switch is really go for some insanity slow these guys down insanity and coma are gonna be my two primary sources of killing people come on greenland please I really need you to die now greenland can someone send a boat this sentence and a boat we could go for some drug immunity which actually means that we are completely immune to any form of drugs I think in wealthy countries like I'm pretty sure it just eliminates the modifier that rich countries have not really going to be necessary for us though I don't think it was any point really in picking up air - don't think we'll need it you could go for skin lesions does increase severity increases the likelihood that Greenland will close their borders but the extra infectivity might be necessary for us at this point so we'll go ahead and go for it um how we looking as far as the cure 72% oh boy we're we're pushing it it's getting there Greenland and Korea Korea where's Korea holding out on me briea never volts out on me Korea bares all all right let's go for drugged immunity make sure that we get through Canada there's Korea so come on Greenland please like for the love of God now like don't do me wrong here please just do it get get a boat over there don't close your port just get a boat is that it duck that wasn't it come on hunting patient zero don't do that there we are okay good good good good now we're at a hundred freaking points and we are at eighty percent cure progress okay well let's not spend all of our points right away how many do we need 24 so we can pick up seizures and insanity right away we'll pick up necrosis so that's how those bodies will continue to be infective in places like Greenland's but otherwise I'm not too worried about the infectivity and we still have almost enough points to do with genetic reshuffle that should slow down their cure progress substantially so we're looking at 197 days until it is complete I think that's gonna end up being more than enough time it's actually going even better than my previous run learned a few things coughing for free alright not opposed that should be fine let's start working our way toward coma I think so inflammation paralysis and coma there you go don't think we're gonna need that genetic reshuffle quite yet we just knocked it down to 75% to cure progress that's good Greenland is still infecting reasonably Apple soft ironically is working on a cure device for the Android Nano so there you go there you go battle of the consumable electronics market right there what else could we do I don't even know if I'm gonna need this genetic reshuffle at this point I feel like we're doing all right let's go ahead and save up for total organ failure 63,000 points it's gonna be rough but I think we might be able to do it no healthy people in the world okay so here's cool thing because I picked up ionized helix I can go ahead and just start refunding these transmission don't need them totally pointless so that's like an extra what was that eight points for free right there no big deal fifty nine points the cost is going down the more people are dying so we'll definitely be able to speed that up rather drastically all right total organ failure kill them all oh yeah now we're killing really fast oh yeah oh it's glorious okay Android nano is doing just freaking fine I'll tell you that much um hypersensitivity numb systemic infecting honestly we'll just go ahead and pick up the genetic reshuffle and knock the Cure progress down only 4% that wasn't much at all uh how about number three sevens wow that was not very effective at all honestly um not that it was really needed I mean three percent is a long time for us at this point but still all right systemic infection was just kill these last people off really fast but dropping like flies stupid little flies you created me and now I am your duo and so that's what I think about you Android tell you guys Google will destroy humanity it's it's it's inevitable alright guys that went amazingly well that definitely went a lot better than my previous attempt that was a three-star one I'm surprised it wasn't more but it went really well 600 for 16 days okay but we'd have to stress out too much honestly it was pretty good I think only like one point did the Cure actually get up to like 90% before we dealt with that we were actually in a really good position the entire time that actually worked remarkably well I'm very proud of that very proud of that and you can see with a fairly effective strategy like that that um yeah you can see how my first attempt just I just won without even meaning to totally worked not a problem at all Greenland was really holding out on us that could have been a kink in our plan and had we gotten a little less lucky for example completely genetically resync wincing you know the the nanovirus so that they had in the hierarchy airspeed that could have been a serious problem for us so there are some random events that could have messed us up but everything ultimately kind of worked well to our favor and we just kept on top of that cure by reducing it straight at the very beginning that's the first thing we did we didn't go for any infective symptoms at all we just reduce their cure progress so they would take a much longer time and got the most value out of the insomnia and paranoia as possible and we won no problem no problem whatsoever pretty happy with that all right guys thank you guys for watching this has been promised with plague Inc evolved be sure to leave a comment telling me what kind of custom scenarios you might like to see in the future or which plague I ought to do next and I as always we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Pravus
Views: 830,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plague Inc (Video Game), Plague Inc: Evolved, Nano Virus, Mega Brutal, gameplay, strategy, guide, walkthrough, Pravus, Gaming
Id: cLNC41Qo9x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2016
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