Plague Inc: The Cure - Frozen Virus Mega-Brutal Guide

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hey there my name is pravas and welcome to More Plague Inc evolved cure mode a new disease type has been added into the game the Frozen virus and I'm not gonna lie to you this one's a bit tough it does take a fair bit of luck and some skill in fact it took me a long time to even come up with a strategy that would work consistently on Brutal difficulty we're gonna hope that this works well for mega Brutal today so don't be frustrated with this one it is genuinely quite tough the gist is fairly straightforward it's a lot like your standard virus type which means it's gonna be difficult to trace and it does tend to be very very contagious this one always starts in a cold country and in my experience tends to be fairly lethal and that lethality leads to a lot of panic and a loss of authority which can cause you to lose the game very very quickly so your goal of course is to lock this down on one continent as quickly as possible from there you have one of two different strategies you can either go for a very heavy contact tracing and let's say hygienic route that can work or you can go very heavily in the quarantine route and that that's what I'm going to go for today so to build up our task force let's go for the Fast Response EMTs because detecting it is extremely important early on technical officer to reduce Global infection rate is nice empathy trainers good if you do plan on going for a contact tracing route medical coordinator is extremely helpful reduce Authority loss from Panic I'd say this is necessary celebrity science is pretty solid it does reduce non-compliance I find that's helpful for quarantines in particular and if your last pick you can either go with the airport controller the land border controller or the forensic epidemiologist I actually don't recommend this because while vaccine research speed is great this scenario it's easy to lose track of the infectivity so anything that helps you reduce the chance of spread in my opinion is going to be very good let's go ahead and get started on mega Brutal and I'm going to call this one chill bruh now as far as a starting location I did mention that this disease always starts in a cold country that means it's very likely to start somewhere in Europe there's a few countries in Europe where it's okay to spawn most of the time it seems to spawn in places like Scandinavia or May be Germany or even Great Britain what you really do not want to have happen is for it to spawn in Russia Russia makes things really hard to contain so if that happens I wouldn't blame you if you restart other top contenders could be Canada Canada is actually your best case scenario if you want to restart the game until you have a Canadian start I really wouldn't blame you uh it only has one land connection and only a couple ways out of the country which makes it a lot easier to lock down and believe it or not Peru down over here is actually an option for a spawn as well it's one of the only other cold countries that's not in the northern hemisphere so if you can't find it in Europe or in Canada it could be down here but to be honest by the time you found it it's probably too late go ahead and restart I'm going to start in a place like let's say let's start Sweden okay we're gonna go over here not seeing it immediately okay now we're gonna pause we're gonna go to operations I'm gonna go for investigate outbreaks government Partnerships and deploy field operatives so we can start to explore these are your standard opening moves to detect the disease as quickly as possible now I'm going to move to let's say Germany down over here okay still no seeing it then we're gonna go over here to Great Britain okay not seeing it let's get over to Canada deaths in South America did it actually start in Peru wow it started in Peru and it's already got a few hundred thousand people infected holy crud I don't think I've actually ever seen it happen I knew theoretically it could but I've never seen it happen all right you know what I was saying about restart go ahead and restart wow I did not actually expect to get that on camera that's amazing let's go for that again pick that all up wait for our ability to go ahead and move let's get up to Sweden okay we actually already found it it's in Scandinavia so I don't need to explore around Canada and stuff right now we already know it's in this General region this is a more standard start so the next thing I'm going to do is first check is Sweden the origin country it is that's actually not bad it's only got one port and two border countries I would say this is pretty optimal you know one thing I would recommend for those of you who are trying to beat this go ahead and save there's no shame in it the reason I say to go ahead and save is this is a very difficult and frustrating scenario if you happen to get lucky and discover the origin country early and you have an ability to lock it down don't let that opportunity go by if you want more of a challenge and you want to play this organically when you have some practice that's completely fine but I'm gonna go for a save anyway so we're in Sweden the next thing I want to do is get some DNA and immediately try to go for some lockdowns in Europe we need that right now the reason we're doing that is we need to close down air access and try to prevent this from getting into other continents if at all possible this is our top priority however here's a weird trick to the Frozen virus you can only lock down airports at the very beginning of the game we will have the ability to lock down the rest of the continents later but right now that's the best we can do I'm gonna go ahead and pick up Emergency Care next this is going to reduce the fatality rate wherever our field operatives are located and then we're going to go ahead and start exploring the rest of Europe and look for more of the disease the reason I'm doing this is because countries tend not to comply with lockdown orders if you haven't even proven that the disease is in their country like Russia now they're shutting down their airports I mean other countries are too but like when we do a lockdown like a actual continent-wide lockdown they're not going to respect it okay I don't like that the disease is already in Greenland that's a bit scary uh because Greenland has a tendency to rapidly lose a ridiculous amount of authority because a huge percentage of their population will die very very quickly for now let's get into Sweden we're going to try to shut this stuff down we have not yet gotten the event that is going to allow us uh to start quarantining the continent I'm going to hold on to a few DNA it should pop up there it is baffling of scientists what this does is now under operations we have the ability to analyze the DNA so let's pick that up and then immediately go for a full lockdown of Europe to reduce that infection rate once I get a couple more DNA points I'm also going to go ahead and pick up the infection control because this is going to reduce the infection just like reducing a fatality we're trying to get Sweden back under control before this gets too high I'm going to keep an eye on Greenland though because this country seriously has that potential to go absolutely crazy what we will do is in lockdown of North America fairly early on and that is going to help quite a lot really I'm not kidding when I say that Authority loss in this scenario can be very very sudden and unpleasant you need to be watching for that let's go ahead and just get ready to walk down North America keep an eye on this Sweden's starting to go down it's mostly under control all right we need to get over to you the USA the Caribbean and Mexico then we can go for a full lockdown over here Europe for the most part is doing okay-ish Russia is struggling but it's not too bad let's go ahead and get down over here I'm gonna pick up the lockdown in North America to try and protect Greenland and the other thing I'm going to do is pick up one level of contact tracing so when we get into new countries there's a good chance that we can kind of isolate them and prevent it from getting too crazy the earlier pick this on or the earlier you pick it up I should say uh generally the more value you're gonna get beyond that we now need to start working toward adapting society and then a mortgage in rent relief because the uh non-compliance is definitely going to become a problem and we need to be ready for that let's get into Greenland next because you can see that it's starting to hit toward that critical mass and that's extremely dangerous but with the quarantine plus our guys in position we should be able to reduce this a lot and preserve a huge amount of authority seriously I've had games where Greenland suddenly goes uh by with like 40 000 people infected it's almost the entire nation then suddenly your Authority is dropping by two per day I'm not kidding it's awful keep an eye on Greenland it's always Greenland man let's go for adapt society and then let's go for vaccine research next so we can just get that ball a role in the question is do we go for Accelerated research next or for the mortgage and rent relief obviously the faster you can get the vaccine running generally the better however the UK is starting to give me some trouble they're wrapping a ramping up in non-compliance very quickly that is a bit of a problem for me um I'm gonna go ahead and pick up this next level and that should drop this down by at least a bit the UK is still giving me problems okay Greenland is basically cured so where to go next Russia's fine Korea tends to have trouble a lot I'm looking for a high outbreak locations Russia might be the next big one then there's going to be the UK uh we can go to the UK and try to get this somewhat under control you can see it's now getting into places like China as well let's go for that accelerated research after that the question is do you go for another lockdown of a continent like Asia South America Africa might be time to go for a place like Asia because Korea does tend to ramp up very fast which is a bit scary the UK is under control that's fine how's Greenland okay U.S not too bad yeah I think we're gonna need to do a lockdown in Asia Next so let's go for that let's get over here to Korea and try to preempt this because I'm telling you now that is often a problem though we also need to get into places like New Guinea and New Zealand because they're not going to respect my authority if I don't do that so let's get up there looking for any other major outbreaks for the most part we've stayed on top of this we're doing pretty well the next thing I want to go for then is the DNA analysis level two this unlocks tier 2 initiatives including a nice little thing down over here called border monitoring which is going to help us prevent any uh transmission between countries and that helps prevent more outbreaks so we can control things a little bit better are we doing okay here in Korea with the lockdown in effect the answer is yes okay looking elsewhere where else we have a big outbreak the UK is still an issue as always the country that is uh gonna benefit from your help the most is the one that starts giving you a lot out of trouble we do need to get level four National stimulus I guess I'm going to go ahead and pick that up now because I really can't afford for a place like the UK to just stop uh obeying my lockdown orders we can't let this get out of control all right I'm going to continue looking around here I know there's a lot of pausing in this scenario but seriously stay on top of it Germany is going to be the next big problem so let's let this burn down a couple more days and get over into Germany and shut that down before it's an issue all right let's go over that DNA analysis down over here border monitoring as I said is going to rapidly Trace infectors uh sorry travelers from high risk countries that's what we want but beyond that it's now going to lead to airport screening and Port screening so we can try to prevent any more air and sea travel that is excellent we need to be getting those okay Germany's looking okay Korea for the most part we've been fine on Greenland's okay the US is surprisingly holding out Central America is probably going to have a big outbreak soon I ran not too bad how we doing in the Scandinavian region fine actually we're really on top of this so far we're playing well I need to just not screw it up so maybe that's your cue that you want to save the game which I just did and interestingly enough it actually gets rid of all of the lockdowns huh weird uh keep an eye on greenlands I'm watching that starting to hit a critical mass and that scares me just a smidge um do we want to get up there how are we doing in Germany for the most part fine yeah let's get up into Greenland next uh what do we want to do after that I think we are going to save up for the airport screening which we will grab now just to reduce the number of planes that are sending the disease around and hopefully not impact too many more countries can't keep Greenland under control get that nice and low no critical mass for you then I'm gonna go for the port screening so we can stop having boats going all over the place and that should make it easier hopefully we're gonna see a lot of white Vehicles traveling around from here on out Greenland is still struggling actually why though why are you struggling so much wow okay uh more contact tracing would help with that we could also go for the testing capacity and I will beyond that though there's another thing I want to get and it's called Regional collaboration this is a really unique and Powerful ability for the Frozen virus it allows our operative to support adjacent countries as well just one to start then two with the next upgrade and then eventually all of them which is extremely powerful in countries that have lots of neighboring countries for example Central Europe Russia China you can lock down half of a continent just by parking your field operative there and that's really really good Greenland is struggling for now let's go over to a place like the us we're not going to do a lot of uh have a lot of impact here right now so we're just going to try to prevent this from getting out of control we're now starting to have some people reject my um authority over here we could go for the targeted economic aid and then the debt relief and the reason I'm picking up both is debt relief reduces the non-compliance so much it tends to pay for itself so let's go ahead and do that in both countries spend that now we're down 80 percent non-compliance in both these are probably going to be consistent problems for us but it just kind of is what it is at the moment all right um oh we also need to do one over there perfect Kazakhstan and probably southeast Asia sometime soon this is worth things get frustrating because it starts to use up a lot of your um your points and you really don't like that but okay let's get over to Korea before this becomes too crazy actually for the most part it's not looking that bad we may want to lift the quarantine in Asia I think if we can get Korea down a little bit more I'm going to so we can just stop worrying about the non-compliance I'm actually now okay you know what I'm now actually worried about South America let's lift it in Asia go to South America get that figured out we're mostly okay in Africa that's fine we don't have to worry about the non-compliance there anymore uh let's get down to Central America before this gets out of control and then let's spend some points going for the regional collaboration and expanded jurisdiction so now when we get to Central America we're going to impact Mexico and Colombia at the same time which is pretty darn awesome we love that so that's going to go down fast I imagine Korea is going to ramp up very quickly in infectivity this is the problem with lifting a quarantine only bad things tend to happen we're going to get that lockdown back up there as soon as I have a few more DNA points which will be very very soon there it is go for that lockdown prevent this from getting out of control there we go you can see the numbers going down a lot okay how are we doing in Central America fine how we doing in Greenland building up I'm going to go over here just to kind of Burge this down a little bit seriously Greenland kills me more than anything else I'm not kidding anywhere else looking really really bad um no not right now Korea is actually doing fine on its own Central America is fine we could try to boost up the US a smidge or we could try going to a place like let's say Iran and hopefully that prevents places like Iraq from getting out of control so I don't have to lock down Africa or Poland's having a few issues tell you what let's get to um essentially your for a minute because I'm seeing some problems just go ahead and burn that down a little bit yes I know we have debt issues here that's fine we'll be okay what else we got um let's go ahead and grab the global operations and boom now so many countries are being impacted by our field operatives it's very very powerful we love this thing we really really do all right Poland's starting to go back down good Iran is actually doing okay um how are we doing as far as South America do we need to keep this locked down actually I don't think we do I think South America is fine so let's go ahead and lift that what else what else I'm trying to make sure I don't lose this sorry guys I know there's a lot of pausing here let's go for the vaccine we need to start boosting this up I've spent a lot of time trying to prevent this from getting out of control and for the most part I think that's paying off Europe has given me the most issue we have some issues here let's get to Iran because I can foresee this becoming a problem we'll pay off a couple more countries over there just to prevent this from being an issue I need the compliance uh Korea's sort of okay southeast Asia is kind of okay getting good progress there and I ran okay most of Asia's looking really good actually we might be able to lift that quarantine at some point soon it's still partly going to be Europe let's get back to Central Europe here with 10 more resources what else we want to work on we can go for some contact tracing or we can start reducing the infection rate straight up um not a bad plan always save a few points if you can because you never know when you need that debt relief going for the hand Ross and watching to reduce infection seems good that we can go for self-isolation how we doing in Greenland actually kind of fine that's not too bad but I'm keeping an eye on it yes I know Ukraine you need some debt relief got it yup yup yup that's fine that's fine keep an eye on this we're doing okay Korea is still holding out very proud of Korea so far actually I think we might win this go ahead and pay off the Baltic Stakes this is why I'm saying to get the debt relief early all the way if you can otherwise you only reduce their non-compliance by like 20 and you have to just keep paying them again and again and again it ends up costing a lot okay so yeah Poland and stuff's gonna be a bit of an issue uh Sweden no not too bad still fine there looking great in South America North America is almost completely under control actually and we have a vaccine holy crap we did it okay we are going to lift quarantines no longer necessary though we might have a few more deaths and we're going to buy some Authority and that should get me a decent score we jump back up to 100 Authority just like that wow all right vaccine is fully out and we've won yep that's what the scenario is guys it is a lot of bouncing around and babysitting preventing one particular outbreak from ever getting too out of control and for God's sake don't let Greenland sneak up on you remember that the virus almost always starts in Europe you want it to start in a place like Scandinavia or Poland or even better yet start in Canada that's optimal for you otherwise do not be afraid to make use of the lockdowns they are necessary to work with your field operatives to prevent one country from becoming too much of a focal point if you can do that and preempt where it's gonna go then you actually have a really good chance at winning at the end of the day we got 46 204 points only two stars I'm kind of surprised by that I thought we would have gotten three but you know I think we ultimately just took a little bit too long and that's on me I didn't go for the vaccine development as quickly as I could have woof that was a tough one don't get discouraged guys you can do it it just takes a lot of practice and a bit of luck if you found this guide helpful I would ask that you hit that like button leave a comment subscribe make sure you hit that notify Bell and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Pravus
Views: 341,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, plague, inc, cure, mode, mega, brutal, difficulty, guide, scenario, walkthrough, frozen, virus
Id: 5TR7R9FzLuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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