Getting Pulled Over by Cops Stories w/ Daym Drops | PKA

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and we're live because that's just the nature of being young and i'm not way older now but you definitely gain perspective when you have to go out on your own start paying taxes and living and get a job and do your own [ __ ] and then you very quickly are like oh okay i'm not some kid who cops are like [ __ ] this guy it's like that's just a guy at work who's like god damn it bunch of noise we've been called five times about these all these goddamn kids making huge amounts of noise drinking doing drugs whatever they're doing there i have to go bust it up not gonna be fun like i don't know it's definitely true you gain perspective i have a police story that happened today so i was thankful um so uh so what happened was i get in trouble for telling this but here we go so put some mirrors on that computer hope was driving to school this morning she drives herself now it's been a couple weeks and she has like 500 miles like since she started driving solo but still a new driver right and it's a lot but it's nothing compared to like us for example and she didn't even know this part of it but she was making a right on red and the policeman had a protected left and he stopped short so that she didn't hit him she was completely unaware that that had gone down because she's a new driver and her situational awareness is still developing okay cool so on that note the policeman follows her and when he talked to him he said his intention was just to say hey like your situational awareness is not on yet at these intersections and stuff you you almost hit me but he's following her and he turns the lights and sirens on and follows her she doesn't know she thinks maybe he's after someone else she doesn't she didn't notice him there are criminals about so beat up i know where this happened and i think he followed her for about a mile and she and she's that sirens go in lights going the whole nine yards be chase it's yeah and she and uh she said that for the last 15 seconds or so she knew he was there and that he was after her but that she didn't know where to pull over now this is 8 30 a.m and while the road has no shoulders uh it is lined with um like parking lots and like banks and strip malls and stuff like that so so anyone on this call would have been like i'm gonna pull into the 7-eleven or something and we'll work it out but to her it's like i don't have a shoulder what am i up to so um she's headed into school and thankfully her school has a deputy that directs traffic because the kids have to make a left in front of two lanes did you continue the slow speed chase all the way to [ __ ] school that's real it was about a mile or so did it happen near school yeah yeah so the slow speed chase it happens to school and then um and she's making a left there's a deputy that kind of works as a traffic guard and a side note love that because these are all brand new drivers making a left across two lanes of a busy road there's a deputy that's like you guys slow down you guys go that way these kids don't hurt themselves as they learn to drive so back on topic he sees a policeman with the sirens going and the lights on chasing my daughter at like four miles an hour one mile an hour and she's making a left into school and the deputy who's doing the traffic is like you you are being followed by a policeman you need to pull over here so she did and that's when they worked it out and uh the cop comes over and you know i guess either she wasn't in clear mind to hear him or he didn't explain it but she like when i talked to her after the whole thing she still had no idea why he was following her like what she did to gather his attention in the first place and the ticket i'm gonna get the wording of it wrong but it was like failing to pull over for an emergency vehicle or something like that and uh um and the the policeman gave her her card and said you know like have your parents call me so uh so i called him up and like at first we talked to hope and she was very upset uh um i'm looking for the right word she was crying she was uh just destroy uh hysterical i think is a better word like she was that's even worse yeah i was trying to give her an outlet yeah i know and like i was like as i'm talking to her on the phone i'm like i hope she's in her parking spot because i don't want her even driving a hundred yards at this you know like no there's another guy following me his lights are on too and uh yes so she's uh so she's really not the best version of her and it's like this is gonna be okay you know like if she had done some bad kid offense i would have you know would have handled it very differently but this was like a mistake a mistake that can happen with a good heart exactly yeah and um uh and it's like you know whatever we'll pay the ticket we'll move on everything is going to be okay and i talked to the policemen and i was like i wasn't mad or anything like in my head i was like seek first to underst to be seek first to understand then to be understood right that was the mindset i had so i called him and i was like hey i talked to my daughter like there's a whole bunch of things we don't understand about what went down you know can you bring me up to speed and uh i talked to the policeman for a while maybe call it 45 minutes and you know just all sorts of mindset type stuff i don't like that she didn't pull over the policeman right like let me outline a scenario what happens if she doesn't pull over for the cop now that's the first impression that she's made then she darts to her glove box to get her registration out he might view that in a different mindset than he would with a properly compliant like you know person who'd been pulled over so uh so it's important that like you make that good first impression when you're interacting with policemen and her first impression was the one that maybe somebody with warrants would make right or someone who needs to hide some [ __ ] in the car before we pull over yeah even think of that but that's a thing too yeah yeah let's go a couple blocks so i stuff all the stuff down between the seats to get my knife in my armpit real quick so yeah what i know she she caught a good officer she that's that she definitely did yeah well she is a ginger let's uh for the radio audience out there who are unaware yes she's whiter than most she was never in any danger she could have hit a few people on the way there it wasn't lighter than hers scenario so uh so we talked to the policeman i told him i told him they got a friendly philosophy right like you comply you whatever like this is uh this is an opportunity to to show the first level of law enforcement how reasonable and good you are and that you know everything is going to be okay so uh um anyway he asked about her grades her grades are really strong i'm gonna brag about her later in the show but we just got like her grades fixed and stuff and and now they're fantastic and um uh so um the longs at the end of it after i talked to the cop for a while he threw away the ticket and everything is fine wow yeah he had written it out and everything and gave it to her but he hadn't submitted damn i'm collecting i'm sure you've experienced this scenario exactly like this before just like that i bet you've got a story connecticut just last month and the exact same thing happened to me in less than three seconds however that ticket didn't get thrown out um my wife being hispanic was questioned as to if she's okay i'm on the passenger side i wasn't even on the driver's side got pulled if i was on the passenger side just so he could ask if my wife was okay that was the best conversation in the world but there's something you need to know i wasn't driving anywhere she was driving it's like uh just you know it's just normal uh it must be normal for southerntown because it's not normal for where i come from i was like i don't keep my license on i had it on me i'll just be an [ __ ] no that is not how we behave damn do i need to talk to you and hope no i don't i don't know how to beat you so so but he goes back to the wife and then he just says miss are you sure you're okay what the [ __ ] is the short for you see the wedding ring on her i'm pretty sure she was all right when we passed you because we were laughing well you just know she's sitting there like you know all i gotta do is give him the knot and he will drag your ass out of this car thing you should know the cop is black i'm pretty sure i only talked to him on the phone but you can tell over the phone if a guy's black or white and i'm i'm not gonna look at you for the next minute and i'm gonna ask that you blink if you are in any danger where is this man taking you the policeman was great i i what he really wanted to do was teach hope a lesson and i guess he concluded that that lesson was learned without a ticket and get written out for me and then had it thrown away i honestly didn't know that could happen i thought that old trope of once they write it out it's done because i've never they've even when i'm really friendly and i'm always respectful of the cops and they'll be like hey we're going 69 and a 60. there you go you know just keep it down or keep the speed down and i always like hold that hope maybe he'll be like you know what you're a good guy never have this mindset whenever i meet someone for the first time that my attitude should be that i'm very happy to meet them that that i'm excited about meeting them and i applied it to like sometimes situations that don't really apply like i'll meet the funeral director we're picking out the casket for graham hey wow it's nice to meet you i like that tie you got there i'm glad we're here today but so i'll get pulled over and i'm usually so so friendly i guess that things usually i've had a lot of tickets thrown away i i've gotten a lot of leeway although i must have gotten five speeding tickets over the course of like a year and a half at one point that's that is so many in a year and a half it was so many it was a lot um they weren't all speeding tickets now that i think about i ran like two stop signs i ran through a red light but then there were like three bad speeding tickets [ __ ] leave earlier wherever you're going oh i don't have anywhere to be i just enjoy going fast i could be an hour late where i'm going i'm just going to eat nachos when i get there anyway i just like getting there in a hurry that's all but i would be in the scenario that would repeat over and over where i'm driving and i kind of zone out and the speed limit goes from like 60 miles per hour to like 35 in a really short period of time when you're going from highway to like some [ __ ] town in the mountains and uh and i got stopped one night going like 72 and like a 35 like more than double the speed limit so when i was a teenager that was my benchmark i felt like if i wasn't going double the speed limit i was a [ __ ] and if you think it through like the roads that you know it's a really good benchmark for aggressive driving like yeah yeah yeah like in ocean city the speed limit was only 35. but 70 there is pretty freaking fast remarkable yeah and then like on a highway or something where the speed limit's 55 and you're going 110 it's like equivalently dangerous and uh yeah that was that was how idiot me drove maybe i would tell idiot me that slow down jerk i've never had a ticket written out and then thrown away but i did get pulled over once and not end up getting a ticket when i was leaving i guess i was like 18 or so at the time and i was driving i had a jeep at that time and sent me another guy and then three of my friends in the back and it was real late and we went to taco bell like we're going to grade some taco bell we've just been [ __ ] around playing video games or whatever all night and so i was driving and i get out and on this like windy wooden woods road on the way to the main road to find the taco bell and i get out there and i've no i had to be 17 because i was real nervous about the cop and this guy gets up behind me on this wooded trail road and it was one of those speed limits that even the police fly through there because it is bananas how inappropriately slow it is like i'm going 25 probably like 23 miles an hour in a 25 just hoping this cop who's clearly in retrospect becoming upset that i'm driving so slow is right behind me right behind me and we're passing a bunch of neighborhoods the ones we were passing at that time were pretty nice and i was like all right [ __ ] this i'm just going to turn into a neighborhood let this guy go past me and then i'll pull back out because i'm going to have a goddamn panic attack with all my idiot friends making noise and being [ __ ] while i'm trying to you know white knuckle this through and keep in mind i'm just nervous because it's a cop there's nothing illegal i didn't do anything wrong there's nothing in the car i was just like [ __ ] i don't want to get a ticket so i pull in immediately turns his lights on and follows me in there i pull up right next to the first house he comes out i'm sorry he didn't come out he sat in his car like they do run the plates make sure you're not like a felon or something and then another charger cop pulled up i was like oh that's that's interesting and then a ford explorer cop pulled up and before the ford explorer but after the second charger the guy gets out walks up and is like hey couldn't help but notice you just kind of pulled into this neighborhood after leaving that other one you tell me why i was like yeah honestly i i'm only 17 i'm really nervous driving around cops because i feel like i'm gonna make a mistake i just pulled in here we're on the way to taco bell i just wanted to let you pass so that i wouldn't be so stressed out and he was like okay all right well uh everybody in here how old are you all you guys anybody 18 and i had one 18 year old friend who was there rest of us weren't and he's like okay okay just making sure i'm gonna go back to my cruiser real quick he went back the other cops had gotten out by this point they were just standing around i don't know why like i think they'd all realize at this point this is a [ __ ] call and the guy then came back up asked me to get out of the car and come to the trunk with him and so i got out went to the trunk with him he asked me to open it up so i opened it up looking looking back i now know i didn't have to do that because i know my [ __ ] rights yeah fourth amendment but i just opened it anyway and he searched my car like top to bottom after that had all my friends get out searched my whole car i had my my great grandpa's pocket knife was in the center console of the jeep uh they took that i never got it back so that kind of sucked it wasn't like it was some real real sentimental thing it was just kind of like oh that's a real pocket knife and now i don't [ __ ] have it anymore and he called me around to the trunk again picked up a green airsoft bb because i was in a big airsoft phase and he's like tell why don't you tell me about this i was like that this is an airsoft bb for my airsoft gun me and my friends shoot each other with fake guns in our backyards for a good time and he's like oh is that right i bet that is like throws it back and i didn't really understand that i'm like is this no he he must be being sarcastic or something and so then he pretty much closed it all up realized nothing was going to be wrong with it and then he said all right now i'm going to follow you back to that neighborhood that you left and i was like but we we haven't even been to taco bell yet like we we haven't been where we needed to go and he's like people in this car are under 18 past curfew i'm gonna follow you back and i was like okay i guess and so he followed me back to my friend's house where we were hanging out and then just said like all right and you guys better not be leaving again cause we're gonna have people on this road most of the night and we have your license plate or whatever the [ __ ] you said it was just uncomfortable realizing like god damn it i didn't even do anything illegal and now i can't get taco bell and so you know you should have i understand problems with the police dude i've heard this happen to me at this point the most respect i have for the entire story is the passion you have for taco bell no i'm saying that's love right there i was i was in eighth or ninth grade and i'm a passenger and we're going home because i'm this cool from a roller skating rink and we were all really excited like i don't know if girls paid attention to us or what went so well but we were singing and dancing and this particular old truck didn't have any like cloth on the interior and when you clapped it was crazy loud like hurt your ears so we're all like clapping to the music and like going wild on our drive home from the roller skating rink at peak happiness and uh the driver maybe was going i know he had a couple um if he got another ticket he'd be in trouble so he uh the the policeman like spotted him probably speeding turns around and chases him i think what he actually might have saw was us being idiots in the car and clapping and stuff because he didn't seem to like that he pulls us instead of just pulling over nicely he's he tried to turn into some side road thinking that the policeman like would never catch on to that ruse but clever cop followed us to the side road we get pulled over there and that begins like the interrogation and he is all over us he's checking every pocket he's frisking us i've got like hands on the hood and um like he's just going through everything and at one point like he's he's i didn't recognize that he was looking for drugs like i was too naive to think that that was on his mind i i thought he was looking for guns i don't know really what he was looking for he was just checking every pocket and everything every ticket stubby wanted an explanation on at one point i have this little green plastic case that flips open i don't know about big enough to hold it it was for my retainer thing i had like an appliance pre braces and um uh he uh he's like what what's in this thing and i'm like uh that's that's you don't want to open this like that's that's that's no because it it smelled bad like i don't know if you guys have ever had an appliance but to me there's a really distinctive smell that you would have to wash it out three times a day bad breath smell because all that nasty saliva just dries yes it's still bad breath but i was like embarrassed of that smell you know like like like somebody with more elite hygiene wouldn't have smart mouth i should have had smart mouth so anyway uh he's like you know what's in this thing and i was like i don't want to open that and he's like you know i now he really wanted to open it and i'm like you know it's my appliance he's like if i find anything in here other than your appliance then what happens and and like i didn't know what he was headed and i had no idea this whole situation was confusing to me so i made him like what do you want to find this is the bargain i was like if there's anything in there other than my appliance you can keep my winter coat i don't know how old are you like 14 i don't know all right things are starting to make a lot of sense and i was just like that was the deal that i struck with him and he was amused by it but i was like i know i'm gonna win this bet and uh and we opened it and it was empty like there wasn't even appliance in it and and like that that was kind of when the questioning of me wrapped up like when when i was willing to bet my winter coat on it that you know that wrapped up and um they didn't that you'd be gotten on home they questioned the driver a little longer asked him why he pulled over into that road and he said the perfect thing he's like here's the deal i have a speeding ticket already i'm a probationary driver and if i get another speeding ticket i think i lose my license it's like i was just hoping i wouldn't get one and uh that bit of honesty i think changed the cops i don't know tactic mood etc toward the driver and uh i don't know if he got a ticket or not i really don't recall but uh i think he got a ticket for something that wouldn't make him lose the license like you know all right i'm gonna give you a fine here for tail light that's out how do you feel about that i accept your terms you know and i think that's how it went down he wrote him a ticket for some non-moving violation and called it today [Music] and
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 23,630
Rating: 4.8499999 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, pka podcast highlights, PKA 302 w/Daym Drops Miss Universe/Miss Piggy, Back Burgers, TV Nostalgia, daym drops, daym drops pka, pka 302, pka 302 clips, pka 302 highlights, cops stories, daym drops pka 302
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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