Is Kyle Attracted To A Man?

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Tucker yeah are you familiar with a twitch streamer named Lugh me yes wait wait it's a she's a female right that's the question isn't it um okay hold on Lumi uh so I met her I'm pretty sure she plays with dead mouse yeah Pub G is she playing pub G she's very good at pub G issues yeah she's a yes yeah I met her she's super nice she's a yeah it's yeah she's a female I don't know what she want from me I met her at the pub G event that I did with deadmau5 at a oh gee I'm studious it was her deadmau5 and somebody else I don't understand what's going on who's loony we're getting there yeah neither do I feel like I just got thrown into it something I didn't want to be involved in what are we where we what's going to be in boozled me I was asking if you know boo me it's because here's my little quandary I enjoy watching things gameplay and I think she's attractive now okay my friends they have been mocking and berating me for a long time okay that not only is she not attractive and it's her voice abrasive but that she is actually a man definitely not a man like I can say that with thee I honestly like even if you were I can I can confidently say as as confidently as I can say without you know being firsthand here from all the interactions I had with her on that day the only time that I met her not only is she yeah I feel weird quantifying this because I've only met her once but yes she was super nice I don't know what else to say man yeah she was I don't even want to talk about this I'm not asking you to say anything bad about about her Jana I'm on your side that I like looming as a person as a streamer as a gamer I find her to be attractive I think she's hurt okay she's got a she has a very unique look about her she might not be a traditional classical beauty or something like that but I like looking at her and I send her money occasionally but while I look at and a friend its which is about you know from from Strictly a top-level perspective it seems weird to me that that would be the person that that your friends would fixate on and say hey they're like I believe that this is Saudi see it's not them that he were fixated I have the fixation I like Lou me a lot I think it's not like she's just someone I watch a case like she I find her attractive and I've mentioned him like hey i lumi streaming this chick is cute i like her voice I'm into her and they'll be like ah that is a man chest can you link something so I can see I can't find what this individual looks like lu mi ah not l oh my I don't all right so maybe okay so maybe maybe we're having different experiences here but like not even in the like not even in the room this idea has not even remotely crossed my mind and from my memory she didn't even sat she didn't sound like you or other people would be describing at all yeah see the thing and look again like do you want to watch this video cheers can we watch it she won 20 grand playing video games that's pretty cool yeah she's a great Jean [ __ ] destroyed me at this [ __ ] at this event and it was and it is forever going to haunt me cuz I just died alright I'm a zero yeah I'm at zero again look are we watching this or we're gonna watch a little of it so that we have a reference point here for the for this conversation yeah can I just say that there's the third top rated communist empty three Hotel lotion bottles on the some nail thanks Lou me hell yeah looking at the [ __ ] thumbnail it's just like a normal thumbnail yeah oh God okay we're here got here three two one play what game is this pub g-god this game looks like [ __ ] yeah it's changed a lot I'm just confused voices - quietly no that's not her speaking that's her she's the louder one the one in the background is not her this sounds complete I really like them alright I've got the gist yeah I don't know none of this even remotely strikes any like I would have never even thought of this unless you haven't brought it up and also you know think about it this way like if I'm streaming and I'm just talking like this and I'm in a very monotone voice versus like when I might conversations with her like she sounds I don't know man so Kyle you're smitten you're smitten with lady loo me and your buddies don't agree well you don't mind because you're a maverick you're my buddies enter my buddies say things like hey Kyle look if you want to you know date a girl with a penis like we're okay with that we're not judging you but just to be clear that's a man and I and I defend her and myself VM it's not a man I know it's not a man yes she is like I feel so how uncomfortable I just like this is just such a weird conversation to have please like I feel weird doing this so I'm just gonna leave it at I have a hundred percent codices light in Kyle side okay there is so so this reminds me so much of this thing that happened like years ago no I don't see Jesus let's be real here chiz is the one that's having a problem with this I don't [ __ ] see anything that he's talking about understand cheers are saying that her avatar doesn't match her actual look and and and whatever oh every everybody on the internet is like that with a [ __ ] photo what do you mean might have ATAR is a rule 34 picture of Hank Hill in the shower all right but but hang on let me tell you what like like Tucker getting this uncomfortable out this reminds me so much of this thing that happened years ago we had Joe Lausanne on the show and we had Heather who was Woody's like assistant on the show yeah and we had this little segment called make Heather uncomfortable and I failed at it miserably because I tried to get her to talk about anal sex and she was just open about it she's like yeah he puts it my butt and I was like well I'm out of ideas I really didn't think you'd want to talk about getting [ __ ] in the ass on this show right now but you seem perfectly comfortable with it and you know keep in mind that it was her job to find advertisers for this show as well Oh Lausanne says yeah let me take a crack at it why you so bad at your job why don't we why don't you never have any sponsors on here like never what's going on what's up with that why you so bad it's job just like oh yeah I don't know I was not prepared for a personal attack of that nature can we talk about Bucky [ __ ] again yeah that's what that's what this felt like with Tucker just now because like we were out for two or three hours now we've talked about micropenises and vomiting and and like all kinds of controversial stuff but we started talking about a twitch streamer that he actually knows and like like he's like no let's see this is the thing my compilation how am i define if I knew her well right then I and then I would have no problem like I like you pick anybody else that I've had any any any relationship friend or otherwise with and I'm come uncomfortable saying that right but like the four hours that I spent playing video games with her and and deadmau5 and other people like she's just a super nice person and that's all like I don't know how us to put myself I'm with like wanna be like this I am very much being negative at all you seem I'm not being was it shadow person that is chiz berating the chat with with with some I think she's just jealous that you won't [ __ ] him instead of lieu me I think he's trying to be like well if you're gonna [ __ ] Lou me you'll [ __ ] me right like you know where's the bear it is it's like everybody in our gaming discord and I just think that's a weird target to focus on it's not they're focusing again it's here's the thing that's only when you bring it up I'm sure where you're like every time I see she's streaming I'm like oh [ __ ] Lumi streaming guys I'm gonna watch this for a while cuz again I find her attractive I find her personable uh I like a lot of the things about her I even like her hair I like that there's a little like Japanese weeaboo get up she puts on I like that she drinks no sucky beer and she vapes I'm into it what are you gravely look you probably get along well with with deadmau5 you probably get along well with her like there they're all down you're at like that entire it's not so much more attracted to Lumi what but then what happens inevitably is literally five different people at minimum gang up on me and berate me and mock me during why we game about about me be not and they always preface it with hey cop I'm not a bigot if you want if you're attracted to that that that guy then best of luck to you they they do that to my power if you're attracted to that guy you know what man I yeah it's just that seems that seems like such a stretch that they know that it bothers you so now it's like their focal point on this whole scenario like you've already you've already tried to defend yourself now she's gonna come up know regardless you'd be back I had sexual intercourse and Ike well technology is really great with operations now Kyle like you'll never know future you know they're gonna ask for a birth certificate and it's just you know are they help my friend cuz cuz he's got great taste but now I fear he has a brain tumor okay hold on everybody has somebody that is some that is not their typical type that for whatever reason you're like I don't know why but this is just the utmost importance to me is like trying to figure out if I can either date or whatever I want to see this person I don't know why right everyone has that one person that doesn't fit any mold and I do finally believe that it would be like [ __ ] the posh okay fine Betty White yeah sure but like there everybody has that I believe in that so like that's just your one-off that's your outlier everybody has an outlier that's you're out so so they're just concerned trolling you right Kyle where they're like you know I'm I'm not making fun of you but they're totally [ __ ] with you like they're not actually there am I don't if you touch if you were to type in Google is Lumi a I think you know what it's gonna what what the next the next thing that's going to be filled out
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 168,339
Rating: 4.8741293 out of 5
Keywords: PKA, Painkiller already, pka podcast, pka clip, pka kyle, painkiller podcast, pka clips, pka highlights, kyle pka, pka podcast kyle, pka tucker, pka jericho, kyle lumi, lumi
Id: p4e1RMK7M88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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