Breakfast Scramble on the Big Green Egg

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hi everyone and welcome to another edition of the outdoor home stay at home outdoor cooking show super excited to be with you today today we're gonna do something I think is a little bit of a forgotten mealtime for a lot of us when we're going outside we're gonna do a breakfast scramble on the big green egg so many things you can do I mean let me just think about here from breakfast casseroles vegetable frittatas cinnamon rolls biscuits bacon sausage scrambled eggs omelets gosh you name it some breads banana bread muffins there's so much you can do and I would encourage you give it a try there's nothing like you know step it out on your deck you know some early morning it's kind of a totally different vibe really it's just you the coffee the birds are chirpin you know just hand the sounds of the neighborhood it's just it's really peaceful while your egg is going it's pretty relaxing almost therapeutic if you are better than reading the paper watching the news so I encourage you to get out there and give it a whirl this is super easy a while back you saw Kenny breaking out the walk I'm going to show you another variation to having some fun with that walk as well we've got some scrambled eggs we have just a dice Polish sausage if you're into quantities and recipes it's probably about three and a half four ounces I did four eggs about four ounces of cheese half of a chopped bell pepper and about a quarter of an average-sized onion so we're going to garnish it with some of our favorite yellow bird sauces these are great various degrees of difficult or excuse me of heat from the habanero to the serrano jalapeno I think there's a ghost pepper Blue Agave sriracha as well so lots to choose from depending on how you like it let's take a look at how we were set up over here rolling about 350 400 now this is a little bit different walk the walk can you use the other day sat right in I have that walk at home as well those were out before big reneik had this awesome accessory available I'm using the convector basket everything's out as you can see the walk fits right in I want to make sure it's good and hot so I'm just going to drop a couple drops of water you can see that the kind of beads and evaporates quickly so I know my walk is good and hot I'm gonna use you know most of the time I'm using olive oil but today I'm going to use vegetable oil a couple tablespoons just because it has a little bit higher smoke point drop everything right in there let it get a good sizzle this isn't going to take long that's another great thing about it the Big Green Egg wok comes with a wooden shovel I left that inside so I'm going to use they use a little silicone spatula just to get things going you can kind of already see how we're getting those nice little little bits of goodness going there spread that around let that sit for just a little while you can cook with it open you can cook with it closed if you want to help regulate that temperature you can go ahead and shut it down when I put in my eggs man I tell you I'm just a big fan of the outdoor home steak and roast rib it's great on everything from heavy cuts of meat steaks burgers vegetables eggs you ask Brandon the store manager here what is that good on and he's going to tell you anything and there's my found my wooden spoon by the way that Polish sausage is already cooked so we're just heating it up but I do want to let the onions cook down a little bit as well while that's gone just a couple questions for you have you tried breakfast on your egg if so I would love to hear what's been some of your favorites I forgot to mention pancakes french toast you got the kids home you want to throw them a little surprise treat crumble up some frosted flakes and batter your french toast and then dip it in the crumble frost frosted flakes you can do it on the half plancha gorilla which also works with the expander system not it sounds like I'm not trying to sound like an infomercial but I feel like I owe it to you to talk to you about some of the favorite things that I like to use and have used in the past with success so man give that a whirl frosted flake encrusted french toast I mean what kid isn't going to love that I can't think of one even big kids so give that a whirl I get pancakes eggs you name it what have you done what do you love have you even tried it if you haven't are you inspired after watching this to give it a whirl I hope you are because it's a game changer and what I like about stuff like this and if I can do you know 4 eggs 6 eggs at a time now this would enable me let's say I had a half a dozen eggs in here it'd be pretty easy to feed three to six people depending on I mean six might be a stretch cuz I'd say most of my family could easily put away a couple eggs apiece but with a with the sausage in here and the vegetables mushrooms could go great again you don't like any any of these items pick some ones you do I think mushrooms would be a nice addition he had some cooked potatoes leftover from the other night you could shred some of those in there and really make it a crazy good scramble I can tell those opinions and peppers are starting to soften up a little bit so I might just give those a couple more minutes big trick there sounds like yeah rolling through my neighborhood on morning times about five thirty throwing those papers obviously that's not him so now what I can do if you like it all mixed in there you can just pour your you could pour your eggs right on the top sometimes what I like to do is just push that off to the side maybe give it just another little half tablespoon or tablespoon of oil I'm gonna let my eggs cook a little bit in that first before I stir everything in there there's no wrong way to do it I just kind of like the the eggs and the vegetables and all that goodness semi separated first look at that you want to keep it moving a little bit cause if not your bottom is gonna burn before everything else gets cooked having that all in there helps keep it from sticking to your wok fold it over Oh whoopsie season that up a little bit now depending on the meat you're putting in there I'm not gonna go too crazy because the sodium content in that Polish sausage is going to flavor everything up as well you know if you're on a restricted kind of sodium diet you could just use garlic powder some spices some herbs you like it spicy put some paprika in there whatever your favorite spices are give that a whirl now it starts mixing everything in well that's wrapping up I'm going to grab my gloves my oven mitts these big egg mitts big magnets are pretty handy if you like the fingers if you're messy like me I also have the silicone covered just mitts themselves a little bit easier for cleanup so check that out we're going to just set that you can take this right in your house on the kitchen well it's pretty hot so be careful set on the counter and that wok ring if you desire you get put it right on a plate shut this lid some toast some pancakes some banana bread you name it I mean come on what's better than that I'm trying to think here I don't know if I've talked about our curbside service go to big renege excuse me outdoor Homa calm and you can order your supplies whether it's something you've seen here some sausage some rubs spices accessories maybe you need some pellets for your pellet cooker some propane for your gas grill maybe you just need a whole new unit and you want to shop some of the best in the business give us a call virtual tours we could do that we're keeping you safe delivery to Springfield and surrounding areas call us order pay over the phone get your curbside pickup whatever we do to help hope you're inspired drop some comments in the comments section I'll be keep people keeping an eye on those as well the team here at outdoor home I so be answering those for you and I'd love to see some of your creations as well see you next time at one o'clock outdoor home live cooking demo coming at you for 30 days one o'clock see you then bye
Channel: Outdoor Home
Views: 43,888
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Id: rftYLCLhaeQ
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Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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