How to Set Up Your First Pinterest Ad Consideration Campaign

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hello hello hello today i am going to show you how to set up your very first consideration campaign hi my name is carrie from kmb digital i'm a pinterest and digital marketing strategist welcome to my youtube channel where i help you make more money with less hustle using pinterest so i'm finally doing a video consideration campaigns are pretty easy to set up compared i've been running facebook ads the last couple months and with the ios changes super complicated pinterest ads thankfully are not too hard to set up but it's like after you get things set up what happens next so let's get started the first of all i have to say there there's two most common pinterest campaigns that are run one is consideration the other is conversion now if you are new or newer ish to pinterest take that finger off the conversion button i have been preaching this pinterest i think did a disservice to business owners they used to have a prerequisite that you had to have 50 conversions within a week before you could even run a conversion campaign they took that away and now a lot of people i have seen are running conversion ads that really shouldn't be running conversion ads and this is even when they're getting help from pinterest ad reps and so from my experience you if you're new you need to start with consideration and just forget about conversion now i know conversion a lot of people coming from facebook conversion means getting us getting a sign up a sale add to cart whatever that means to you um but you need to run consideration now consideration used to be called a traffic campaign and so that kind of is misleading yes you are running traffic to a offer but you know if people see your offer and they want it they're gonna buy it right it's like going jumping in your car driving to mcdonald's and then not purchasing right i mean you if you're there you're gonna do what it says that's why we need a call to action on our page whether it's a lead magnet or sales page whatever it is you need to ask for the sale you need to tell people what to do and consideration campaigns are getting eyeballs on that page and that is it conversion campaigns cost a lot more money you're going to be spending more money while you're collecting data so that you can revise your ads and so take the finger off conversion think consideration one of the things that you can do with a consideration campaign is if you're doing a lead magnet for example you're going to have the opt-in page ask for the sign up and then when it flips to the thank you page you can present your offer i would say anything under maybe 4.97 maybe you know i i like to think up to 97 is kind of the sweet spot for that it's it's like an easy uh impulse buy people don't really think too much about spending 97 or you can put it in the form of a trip wire where it's let's say let's say you have a 197 product and then for these 12 minutes you're gonna put a countdown timer on it for these 12 minutes you can get it for 97 and kind of add some urgency to that either way you can present an offer and then use that money to cover your ad spend that's one thing that i suggest consideration campaigns if you have any question they do work one of my clients esther i have done a case study video you can also sign up and get the download at case study with and this is a client that i've been working with over 11 months she has added over 41 000 leads to her email list resulted in over 500 000 dollars in sales just in the last 11 months and she is using consideration campaigns so yes they do work uh so let's get started on setting up your first consideration campaign there's a few prerequisites that you need to do if you are familiar with pinterest um you should probably already have these set up in your account one is to claim your website uh if you don't know if that is done you're going to go into your settings or you can look at your profile there's going to be a check mark and your url will be clickable that means you have claimed your website you're going to want to get rich pins set up if you don't have them and you also need your pin tags set up there is information on pinterest's own website how to do it usually the pin tag goes where your facebook pixel is on your website or on your funnel wherever it may be the base code as it's called when you want to set up a pin tag you're going to get the base code you're gonna if it's on your website you're going to want to use like pixel my site put the base code across all of your website if you're specific to a funnel you'll want to put it on the you know front page of your funnel and then you are always going to have that base code on every single page so if you have just you know a an opt-in funnel which is the sign up page and the thank you page you're going to put the base code on both pages then what you're going to do is you have what they call an event code an event code could be a sign up it could be a add to cart it could be a purchase it could also be let's see add cart page visit so like i like to put on the very front page the event code page visit so i can see how many people land on the page and then i do a conversion or not a conversion a sign up and then i'll be able to tell how many people landed on my page versus how many signed up and learn the conversion of that opt-in page and so you want to make sure there is a tutorial how to do this if you need like more in-depth like videos if you have my course pinning foundations or you can purchase it at i do have a module on installing your pin tags there is a chrome extension which they tell you about a pin tag helper i think it's called and you'll be able to test it to see if the pin tag is actually working on your page so once you have those things set up you are going to need keyword research we're going to set up an easy campaign which is by using interests and keywords interests are they should really be relevant to whatever your product is there aren't a ton of interests in pinterest so you may or may not have an interest i usually like i'm running ads usually about pinterest marketing i do not use interest i specifically use keywords and so you should know how to do keywords if you don't check out pending foundations but you should have a list of a minimum of 25 keywords that you're going to use for your keyword campaign i like to use around 100 if you can but depending on your niche you may not be able to find that many the uh so i usually just have mine like in a word doc or a google doc so that you can just copy and paste um the one thing when you're looking for keywords always you're always going to pick the obvious you're going to go to the search bar type in keywords and then anything that drops down you can use those you want to think of how is a person going to search and have you come up in the search and so you need to kind of come from different angles of how people can search for you like one of the examples i like to use is like a chocolate cake recipe can they find you chocolate cake chocolate cupcakes because they find you like through a sugar-free chocolate cake gluten-free um chocolate desserts i mean like all the different ways that people are gonna find your product and so you can create that list get and then you're going to want to create your pins and then we are ready to set it up we're going to go there now and i'm going to do a walkthrough all right and now let's get to setting up your consideration campaign you're gonna go up here under ads and then create an ad you're gonna it's gonna already be highlighted consideration and then i don't usually need all that i do like to keep the date and then you can just name it whatever you want something that you're going to remember obviously when you come back so give it a campaign name the budget uh typically i like to start with twenty dollars per day hit continue and then targeting details you can up here change the ad group name so again study so for me usually i do something similar you are probably not going to reconnect with this you are going to want to find new customers and so over here you can hit select you could when it said reconnecting with other customers you can upload an audience list which is if you have an email list uh you can upload it and you could create an act like audience but um this is just a simple consideration campaign where pinterest is going to go out and find new customers for you that match certain criteria you're going to get the demographic information back but you're going to basically have a list of keywords that you're going to try and then interests as well if there are any that cross over for me doing pinterest marketing usually there isn't so we're going to go to keywords in interest see this so there are interests here you can click on any of them they do have the little arrow here so you can pick if there is something similar that would fit in your niche for me there typically isn't as far as like pinterest ads there's nothing like marketing sales funnel funneling anything like that so what we're gonna do is gonna add keywords so here you're gonna start out uh previously you would have done research for keywords and i like to keep them in a google doc or a word doc whatever is easiest for you and then basically you're just gonna highlight everything and then you're just gonna oh that didn't work there you go they all show up here there are 135 keywords you could if you are these are all keyword keywords that i had personally gone in and researched myself putting in search terms in the box at the top in the search bar if you're maybe in a niche that has it's harder to find or you need more keywords and you can't really think of any like i just typed in pinterest so i could add best of pinterest like pinterest tips i could add diy pinterest i guess so there's a few things that you can add and then this does tell you you can use this for your organic search as well to know how many searches there are so once you have the keywords in you're gonna go over here and scroll down demographics uh for me i usually target women only just because that is who i choose to target for my business but you can obviously pick men too because that is a growing demographic so i have female and then unspecified you can do all ages or pick specific usually i this is i'm doing this for my demographic you would adjust it to yours all u.s locations or you could pick specific countries you could do postal codes for different countries as well i'm just going to start out with us since most users are in the united states and that's where my audience is for languages it says all languages you click up here unclick it and i just pick english speaking and then devices i leave all devices but typically after a couple of weeks when i get data back i do start to uncheck after i i look and see where my traffic is coming from usually it i do uncheck ipads android tablets and then one of the webs will not get a lot of traffic so i will uncheck those later on the ad placement is you want it in browse and in search so this is if someone searches on the top or if they're browsing in a feed your ads gonna be both places and then you want to keep this at automatic bidding and then all of your pins you would have any pins that you wanted to promote you would have already loaded those into pinterest added in you know uploaded the pin add the url title description all of that so i'm going to go to here otherwise you know you're going to just pick the board so i'm going to do pinterest ads this one how the best practice is to use at least two images i like to do four normally but this is for example sake i'm just using two and then you can click here review selected and then you'll see both of these are the pins that i chose and then i do like to just name them uh like pin one and pin two so that they are easy to go back and look at when you when you have three to four you're gonna basically it's a race they're all gonna go out and pinterest is going to put them all out in front of your audience pinterest users are going to pick which ones they like and so after a week to 14 days i'm going to come back and look at the four ads and then turn off which ones are underperforming and by that i mean i look at the ctr whichever two or maybe it's just one because maybe three are going neck and neck and then i just turn off off the ads that do not perform well and then once you have those chosen you're going to choose the red button here which says launch and then they're launched so you're going to see them over here you'll see this is the one i just did so here we go it's gonna show there and then the ads why are the ads oh the ads are not showing don't freak out they are probably in the pending stage yep they're in the pending stage which is why they didn't show up and then this is where you're gonna find them to get your results do not touch your ads for at least seven days i know you may be tempted but just walk away come back in seven days and then start narrowing down ad creative and then i wait 14 days to start narrowing down the targeting which you would do here thank you for watching all right was that started easy tell me drop me a comment in the link below if you thought that was pretty easy uh once you get the hang of it you need all your pieces done first once you claim your website and get pin tags set up and rich pins all that that's only going to be done once unless you create a new product then you're going to have new pin tags but all that other stuff you do it once and it's pretty much done forever now it's going to go i want you to run it for at least seven to 14 days then what's next i will be back with another video in the meantime this is where people get stuck consideration ads are easy to set up no doubt about it much easier than facebook but there's so much more after that you need to know how to read the analytics what do those analytics mean to your next step are your ads performing do you need to change ad creative then you also need to optimize so if you are getting sign ups but you want to get more you need to know where to go in and optimize by demographics keywords etc and those are the next steps this is where people need hand holding and this is where i am offering you the chance for a small group coaching program with some one-to-one feedback my new group program is called pin ads accelerator you can go there and check it out it is 10 of us getting together there will be a weekly assignment to do and then we will have a weekly group call to answer any questions around that content and then we are going to have bi-weekly one-to-one calls you and me on zoom getting my eyeballs on your ads and so i would love for you to join me and so that way we can turn you from the pinterest noob to the pinterest guru you'll be able to set these up easily and repeatable and really drive ads to your evergreen products if you have any questions or comments please drop down this video thanks a lot bye you
Channel: KMB Digital Inc.
Views: 150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinterest, pintereststrategy, pinterestmarketing, pinteresthowto, learnpinterest, pintereststrategist, pinterestads, adcampaign, considerationcampaign, pinteresttips, pinterest2021
Id: DjM08ov-qO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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