Amazon Affiliate Marketing Course 2021 - Amazon Associates Tutorial

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hey everyone welcome to my free amazon affiliate marketing course i'm going to be showing you how to earn money from the amazon associates program so it's not an easy process but i am going to show you how to create a website like my website's farmhouse and so i'm going to show you the step-by-step process to creating a wordpress website exactly like these websites here now before i get started into the video i just want to go over some notes and then some important video time stamps there are 11 parts to this video so i start by going over just how to get started with amazon associates then how to choose an amazon associates niche how to choose a website host and a domain name next will be how to create a wordpress amazon affiliate marketing website that's one of the most important parts to this video and then there's a few more parts here now if you already have a website and you just want to start earning more from the amazon affiliate program what you might want to do is just come down here to maybe part six and part seven so that will help you learn a little bit more about how to create content to be accepted into amazon associates but every part of this video goes hand in hand so if you're following along you should be able to create your own website and then start to add products to your website now just some different notes that i want to go over before we get into this video there will be a part two of this course released within the next week it's going to be unstructured and it's just going to be a couple hours of me working on the website and showing you some different things that i do on my own websites i'm going to do my best to answer any questions you might have in the comments section so please leave any questions in the comments section i'm not going to be selling or advertising anything in this video there's nothing additional that you need to purchase besides maybe web hosting and some of the tools i talk about please subscribe to my channel like this video if it's helpful and also use other sources of information for affiliate marketing don't just stick to my information and last but not least this video is meant to be pause if you need to slow down the video playback speed you can do that in the video settings okay let's get into it what's up everyone welcome to the surfside ppc youtube channel today is going to be my free amazon affiliate marketing course so i'm going to go through a step-by-step process that you can use to start earning from amazon associates which is amazon's affiliate marketing program so if you're not familiar with any of my videos i created a video series in the past it was from 0 to 2k and my goal was to create an amazon affiliate marketing website and go through the step-by-step process for how to track all of our marketing results all the way up to creating content and earning affiliate income so i created the website and i'm going to show you how to create your own version of an amazon affiliate marketing website and give you an initial strategy so you can get started with creating your website growing your website traffic and ultimately earning an affiliate income so for this video series my goal was to earn over 2 000 per month and if we look at my earnings so i'm looking at my earnings for the summer so i'm always going to have a peak in the summer for wicker because more people are buying outdoor furniture in the summer so understanding seasonality and trends will be important for the niche that you choose i'll go through more of that as we go through the video but if you look here you can see i had to do a 90-day date range so over the course of 90 days so june 2nd to august 30th for my website you can see i drove over 56 hundred dollars in affiliate income and if you look at shipped items revenue it was over a hundred fifty six thousand dollars for shipped items revenue and we ended up shipping over 3 200 products so it takes some time to build these websites and to earn from them but between this income some of the income we had from google adsense and some of the income we had from cj affiliate we were able to earn over two thousand dollars a month so what i'm going to be trying to show you in this series is exactly the step-by-step process for doing that so if you've watched some of these videos in the past what this video is going to do is take all of that and put it into one video so it is going to be a very long video but it's all going to be filled with information that you can use to create your own website just like and just like some of the other affiliate inc income websites that i have as well now this video is going to have some different parts so depending on the information you already know or how much you want to learn today you can start from the very beginning and go through the entire video or what you can do is jump down to the video description and you can go directly to the process that i use to signing up for a web host and creating a website so what i'm going to start with first is basically a high level overview of amazon associates and some frequently asked questions that people might have when it comes to using amazon associates so question number one what is amazon associates and how does it work so we already went through before that amazon associates is amazon's affiliate marketing program so what you need to do is you're going to be an affiliate you sign up for amazon associates with a website with a mobile app or with one of their qualified social networks and what you can do is share products so you're recommending products with your affiliate link and you earn every time someone goes into amazon and purchases something through your link within 24 hours and what you're going to have is affiliate income the more clicks you can drive to amazon and the more relevant and targeted those clicks are for specific products the more you're going to earn over time so if we come back over here and just kind of a four-step process so you want to apply to amazon associates with a website mobile app or social channels you can promote amazon products and drive sales with your affiliate link or your affiliate links for different products you earn commissions when products are shipped so you recommend a product someone clicks on your link they go in they purchase anything on amazon that is part of the amazon affiliate marketing program anything they purchase you're gonna get credit for and then you get paid when you reach your payment threshold which for direct deposit is only ten dollars a month so moving on to question number two where is amazon associates available so we're going to come back over here and if we just come over here to this drop down here you can see i'm in the united states so if you're in any of these countries united states united kingdom germany france japan canada china italy spain india brazil mexico australia united arab emirates singapore netherlands saudi arabia or sweden if you're in any of these countries or poland as well so it's 19 total countries here if you're located in any of these countries you can sign up for amazon associates all you need to do is make sure that you have a website an app or social channels that are going to qualify you now for me i use this really just with my websites and then i will use social media to try to build my websites so i'm going to really focus on websites here i'm not going to be really talking about apps or too much promotion directly from social channels okay so we're going to come over to question number three who can apply to amazon associates and what are the requirements so you need to be in one of those countries where it's available and then looking at the applegate application review process here so i'm going to increase the size of this page so we can read it a little bit easier so you can see we look for associates who are value ad for amazon customers so if we keep scrolling down here first off there's unsuitable sites cannot participate in any circumstance so any websites that are i would consider rated r or violent or anything where if you're not 100 sure if you're able to run google adsense ads on your website or if it's anything that's kind of goes against the terms of service for most advertising programs you're gonna have an issue with getting your website approved through amazon associates so if you're selling something like wicker furniture for example you're gonna have no issues at all because it's a family-friendly website it's not anything that's gonna be rated r or anything like that so i kind of look at it like if it's something that's explicit you might not be able to participate now websites content on your website must be recent generally it's not that difficult to get a website approved so when you create a website what you want to do is start with creating some content on your website so you're going to have to create content anyway so you can't just have a blank website with nothing on it and apply to amazon associates and say i'm going to build it after i'm accepted what you need to do is start creating some content some original content and make sure it's recent and that amazon will go to your website and it should be pretty easy to get through the approval process i would just try recommending writing 10 blog posts based on whatever niche you choose now we'll go through that more and more as we get through the video mobile apps your app must comply with our mobile application policy requirements now you can go into more detail here i'm not going to do that in this video but if you click on this link right here i'll put the links in the video description so you can easily find them and then for social networks we currently only accept the following social networks facebook instagram twitter youtube and so i could actually apply to amazon associates with my surfside ppc youtube channel and try to actually promote different types of marketing products or business products that might be relevant for this audience i don't do that but that is something that i could do so it's really not that difficult to actually get accepted to amazon associates this is the application review process make sure you have a website that would be considered family friendly and there you go a good rule of thumb is at least 10 blog posts robust original content so that's really where you want to start creating a website if you already have a website then you can apply right away okay so next question what is the commission rate for amazon associates and when do i get paid so commission rates used to actually be higher unfortunately they cut commission rates last year so if we come over here and we scroll down you can see this is their commission income rates for specific product categories so amazon games 20 the majority of the niches that you're gonna choose from are going to be either four percent or three percent so they used to be higher and your rates will actually go up a little bit the more that you sell products so i think my rates are about five to four percent so they're up about one percentage point because i ship more products than say a new amazon affiliate marketer but if you look at some of these different categories here you can see amazon kindle devices amazon fashion women's but then as we come down a little bit they have watches jewelry luggage shoes handbags and accessories are all four percent and then basically everything else falls into that three percent toys furniture home home improvement lawn and garden pets products headphones etc etc so the majority of the commissions are going to be within four percent and three percent now when you start actually driving sales your first question is going to be so when do i get paid so the one thing that's a little bit difficult with amazon is you're actually paid 60 days out so i'll go over when you're paid for specific months but the threshold is 10 so if you're using direct deposit the threshold is ten dollars if you're doing a check the threshold is one hundred dollars if you don't reach ten dollars let's just say you make seven dollars for a month it's going to go into the next month's total so the payment threshold is very low you could easily get your direct deposit every single month and if we come over here when will i get paid so payments are 60 days after the end of the month for which they are being paid so payment for january let's just say for example i made 100 in january i'm gonna get paid that 100 in late march it's one of the more difficult things when you're getting started with amazon affiliate marketing because you're gonna see your earnings increase and you actually have to wait a couple months to see that real income so you're getting paid for 60 days previously so you're about on a two-month delay when it comes to getting paid by amazon okay last but not least is going to be how do i promote amazon affiliate products and that's what i'm really going to go through in this video so i'm going to show you how to create your own website to promote amazon affiliate mark marketing products in a natural way if we come over to my website this is my home page so if we click on any of these categories what you're going to see is for example i look at large wicker baskets if i click on this article you'll see a ton of products i have for sale on my website someone clicks through that product they get sent to amazon and i get paid if they purchase something within 24 hours so that's kind of our high level overview of amazon associates i'm actually going to have a full amazon associates tutorial at the end of this video so i'm going to go through the entire back end but i just want to start with an overview so as we start to build our website we have a little bit of an understanding of how amazon affiliate marketing works and how amazon associates work so some five important takeaways amazon associates is the amazon affiliate marketing program amazon associates is available in 19 countries now one thing you're able to do is monetize international traffic with one link so i use one link and allows me if someone comes to my website from canada or they come to my website from the united kingdom i'm able to actually earn from that traffic as well i'll go through that in this video how to sign up for that and how to sign up with different countries you can apply with an established website mobile app or social channels commission rates are gonna vary from one percent to five percent i think the majority are going to be around that four percent range and your commission rates will slightly increase the more that you're actually earning payments have a 60-day delay and you can promote using the website mobile app or social channels that you applied with and you use your affiliate link so when i say affiliate link you can create as many affiliate links as you want but i'm just talking about one specific product or one specific page you're gonna use your affiliate link someone clicks on it and when they go to amazon and purchase something and it gets shipped to them that's when you actually earn your commission okay so for part two of our amazon affiliate marketing course i'm going to go over how to choose an amazon associates niche so we have a high level overview of amazon associates if you already have a website you just want to skip this part you want to start earning from amazon affiliate marketing just completely skip this part and go on to creating a website and you can even skip through that a little bit because if you already have a website i'm going to show you how to create an amazon affiliate marketing store directly on your website so how to choose an amazon associates niche now i'm gonna go through six different ways to choose an amazon affiliate marketing niche and here are kind of the six ways that i look at choosing any if i'm entering a new niche this is what i do so you first want to choose something you have some knowledge and some passion about so i chose wicker because i had knowledge about home decor and i already have a couple home decor affiliate marketing websites so i just kind of went with what i already know now when it comes to finding products you want to promote there's three main things that i try to do use the amazon bestsellers page to find ideas for products to promote so if you come to amazon and you click on best sellers right here you're going to come in with all these different departments it's going to show you best sellers in different categories and departments on their website and let's just say for example you have an interest in automotive you click on automotive you can see what the best selling products are in automotive now if we look over here to the left you're going to see all these different subcategories and some of the best sellers you can see a product like this so it's a car vacuum cleaner it has over 180 000 reviews so clearly a lot of people have purchased this and there's clearly a large market for car vacuum cleaners in general so just looking at this one product i know i can create a website about car care interior car care and i can focus on vacuums they have this cleaning gel here if we keep scrolling down we can probably find more products as well that go directly in our car or you can also expand and have things like compressor tire inflators so car care and car accessories that could be its own niche right there so you can choose that market and you're gonna have plenty of products to promote now what i like to do is we already came up with 20 different ideas so if we come over here so some different ideas automotive parts accessories tools appliances so you can pick one major appliance like a dishwasher or something like that or you can do multiple appliances now just keep in mind the more you expand the niche that you choose the more work it's going to be for you but it also gives you more upside so it's kind of trying to find that balancing act so over here i have home decor and home furniture i wouldn't recommend just creating some you know we have all types of furniture or we have all types of home decor what i would try to do is find something within home decor or home furniture like for me i did wicker guide because then i could just focus on wicker furniture and wicker products so some different ideas here baby products baseball boxing and ufc camping an rv cookware and bakeware so dog pet cat any of those are really big markets that people are always looking for products gaming laptops gaming equipment golf home improvement hot tubs and saunas light fixtures and lamps medical supplies office supplies sewing surveillance and security and survival and preparation these are all really big markets and different things where you can even segment off some of these markets like survival and preparation or surveillance and security and find something specific that you want to promote now coming back over here you can also use a website like to find already successful websites that are for sale so if we come over here and we go to right when you're on the home page so what you can do is do amazon associates and click on search and it's going to bring up every single website that has amazon associates as one of the ways that it's monetized what i like to do is come into most active so seeing what's getting the most bids so if we scroll down here you can see a review website looks like it's kind of uh too broad so a website about kayaks keep coming down bike reviews hub so a website about bikes keep coming down 2k tablets fishing is bliss so just right there we have four markets already fishing tablets bike reviews and we also have so you can find all sorts of ideas by coming to and looking at what's already earning so you can look at things that already have a net profit of 100 200 thousand dollars a month and then what you're able to do is say okay i'm gonna use that as my market because i already know there's successful websites out there like this all you have to do is make sure you're creating better websites keeping your content up to date and continuously improving and you can get your own profit in that same exact market even if there's already established websites i'm not the only person that has a wicker website there are plenty more out there and there are plenty of large websites that sell wicker products as well so you're just trying to find your market within this larger niche now the next two things so i'm not going to go too much into keyword search volume and how to research keyword search volume right in this part i will go through that more as we continue to create this video but what you can do is go to a website like and if we come here it's part of neil patel's website so if you go to ubersuggest you'll find this exact tool here they have paid and free versions of this tool but let's just say i want to create a website about golf so i have a passion about golf i want to create a website that sells golf clubs and maybe what i'm going to do is start writing reviews for specific golf clubs or specific golf brands and maybe i can also keep up with news and write about some of the different tournaments going on to get even more traffic to my website so there's different ways to actually drive more traffic to your website and one thing that can be helpful is if you look up search volume so let's just say i do golf i'm going to keep it very broad and it's going to give me some initial data here now i'm using the free version of ubersuggest it gives me three free daily searches so you don't get a ton with the free version if you register you actually get more ideas but i'm not going to do that right now what i want to show you is the search volume for golf is very high the seo difficulty is very difficult and it's probably going to be that way for any industry you choose so don't focus too much on difficulty whether it's seo or paid if we keep scrolling down and we're looking at search volume you can find all sorts of keyword ideas so golf golf courses near me golf course if we keep coming down and do view all keyword ideas so what we can do is start to see how many people how much search volume these different searches get and if you're seeing things for example golf cart has over 240 000 searches golf clubs has over 160 000 searches golf shoes 135 000 golf bags 90 000 so there's plenty of people searching for different types of golf products so it's definitely an industry i can use now one thing you want to do is avoid using some type of niche that's going to be too small so for example we use the the car vacuum cleaner product before so let's just say i come in here and i say okay i just want to focus on car vacuum cleaners that's probably going to be a little bit too narrow and it's going to really limit your upside so only 14 000 searches for car vacuum cleaners and the seo difficulty is 89 so what you'd rather do is something like car care interior car care or car products and car accessories to try to find more ideas to basically branch out from a narrow niche to something that is more manageable now the last thing i want to go through here is choosing a niche is if you can have news or reviews that can help you grow a lot faster that's kind of one of the mistakes i made with picking there's not really much news related to wicker furniture and wicker baskets it's really more just a product-based website there's also not a ton of reviews that i can do because when it comes to wicker furniture sets there's so many different brands and they constantly have new products that it's not like there's kind of this the best wicker furniture sets for 2021 with product reviews because it's just things change so much within this industry that it's really just so product focused now if we use golf as an example i can write reviews about new golf clubs every single year and i can also keep up with news i can start writing things about you know how to bet on golf and some of the golfers i choose for a weekend and that can allow you to expand into even more markets and kind of sign up with even more affiliates over time so understanding a niche idea if we come over here again we look at these 20 ideas so boxing and ufc you can write about current boxing matches ufc fights over the weekend if you're writing about baseball you can write about news you can review new products baby products same thing you can review strollers or cribs or different things like that things like home decor home furniture it's a huge market because everybody's looking for those but it's a little more difficult to write news or to write product reviews unless it's something that is so popular and isn't really going to change too often so a website like hot tubs and saunas obviously you would just write product reviews all the time and you would also be able to add a bunch of products to your website so it's not always easy to pick the right niche there's not like one perfect answer for it but these are the six things i kind of go through to try to pick the niche that's gonna work best for me so that's how to choose a niche the next thing we're gonna get into is how to sign up for a web host and start with a domain name so we can start building our website okay so now on to part three of our amazon affiliate marketing course i'm gonna go over how to choose a web host and a domain name so pretty easy part but it might take a while for your web host to get set up depending on who you choose here are the six web hosts i would recommend going with i like the two at the top those are my two favorite bluehost and hostgator those are the ones i have the most experience with they have great customer service their web hosting has always been very good for me so i haven't had any issues with those two i know the four down here at the bottom dreamhost host wins in motion hosting and godaddy are all top rated options as well so for me i'm going to end up going with bluehost that's who i use to host all of my websites now a couple things to keep in mind when it comes to web hosting is if you come over here to hosting you're going to see shared hosting dedicated hosting and vps hosting dedicated hosting is the only option that gives you your own server for your website shared hosting means you're sharing a server with other websites so if your website ends up taking up too much resources on that server you're actually going to get throttled so that means that the web host is going to say you can only use this many resources on this server which is fine for most websites but for the types of websites we're going to build you really should be going with vps or dedicated hosting what i would recommend is if you want to start as you're building your website with something like vps hosting if you don't mind having a little bit of downtime it's going to be less expensive otherwise what i usually do and what i'm gonna do in this video is start with a dedicated hosting plan they are a lot more expensive and a yearly plan is gonna cost you anywhere from a thousand to two thousand dollars for the year so it is expensive but what we are doing is building an online business and that's going to be the main thing that you have to pay for so instead of paying for something like inventory when it comes to amazon affiliate marketing products you're not paying for any inventory so you don't have to purchase the hundred of these car vacuum cleaners or anything like that you just have to send people to amazon and you want people to purchase from amazon whatever it is you're promoting so if we come over here to my main expense for this website is about twelve hundred dollars a year and that's for my hosting plan and if you sign up for a 36 month hosting plan that's going to give you the cheapest option so the longer your plan is the less expensive it's going to be so if we come over here to bluehost and we scroll down they have three different plans here standard enhanced and premium i sometimes will start with standard and if we click on select here you can see you can go as low as a month or all the way up to a 36 month term so we're going to create our new domain but just right here i'm going to skip and go to i'll create my domain later and if we scroll down here you can see the hosting plan standard 36 month price is 28 20 2900 let's say so if we come down here we can do a one month price is 150 3 months is 139 per month so it's going to be 419 a lot of times what i'll do is the 12 month price and that's 1200 about so i know the upfront cost is expensive so what you can do is as you're starting to build if we come back here and we come back one more time we'll look at the vps plans and look how much those cost so if we look at vps hosting we scroll down you can see 18.99 a month 29.99 a month and 59.99 a month so let's just say we go with an enhanced vps plan we look at let's say we want to set up for six months so we scroll down here for a six month price it's going to cost us 359 dollars so 360. it's 60 a month it's not cheap for web hosting and i would highly recommend not going with a shared web hosting plan at least using a vps web hosting plan now if you come into all of these hostgator they have their own dedicated hosting all of these are going to be slightly more expensive but the enterprise server at hostgator is better than anything that bluehost offers if we come over here to dreamhost and we scroll down this is fully managed dedicated server hosting you can see they have standard they have an enhanced and it starts at 279 a month for the enhanced and starts at 150 a month and you save the longer your plan is now you can come over here to wordpress and do woocommerce hosting wordpress basic and see how that works for you i've always had issues as my websites have started to grow so i'll give you two options here basically you can do what i'm doing which we're going to start with a dedicated hosting plan for 12 months so i'm going to come over to the top hosting dedicated and we'll come down here to standard and i'm going to do the standard for 12 months now you can do enhanced for 12 months as well i like to start with the standard you can always increase your plan as you go so i'm going to click on standard and we're going to choose this for 12 months now the other option you have is if you go with any of these different options here so you have hostgator you have dream host i went over host wins in motion hosting godaddy so i'm not going to go through each individual one but you can go through some of these different hosting options and start with a smaller plan and then as you start to run into issues with up server up time or anything like that if you start to get throttled you can always move to a dedicated server so dedicated servers are going to be a lot more expensive they're always going to be at least about a hundred dollars a month unless you're paying for several years at a time so that's going to be the same with everything across the board what i have found is the best pricing and the best overall features bluehost and hostgator have been the best for me they also have tremendous 24 7 customer service so if you run into any issues i have been on the live chat with them i've been on the phone with them plenty of times over the years bluehost is my favorite so we're gonna create a new domain and we're gonna do dot com and i'm gonna choose golf for my niche so i've gone over golf a little bit but i think that's a good niche to show you some different strategies and different ways we're going to be able to grow our website now i'm not sure how much i'm going to be working on this website in the short term but for now we're going to get started with our golf website so i'm going to come up with a domain name okay so two of my favorite domain name generators you might already know the domain you want to use now i used i thought that was a good quick domain name i also own that was one i just came up with on my own and i own so those are the three main domain names that i have what i like to do is if i'm not sure where to start with the domain name go to or go to domain wheel is really good because you can enter one keyword you can come over here and i want to have a com so we're going to do golf and we're going to do search domain and it's only going to give me golf domains available with a com ending and usually they're pretty good ideas here so if we keep scrolling down by we keep coming down would you like something really creative here's some keyword related to yours by topic if you like something just click it so golf you can have sounds like rhymes with random random suggestion so i could do golf shot so if i click on golf shot so it really doesn't have to be anything specific when it comes to your domain name but you just want when people see it have some idea of what to expect from that website so if i named my wicker website people would be really confused every time they went to it if we come over here to we'll scroll down they actually give you some that are available for sale but are going to be a little more expensive but if we scroll down here you can see they give me a bunch of different ideas click on show more results and it's going to give me more and more as we go so they're not always the best here and a lot of these are going to be more expensive which if we try to purchase them so i actually prefer so we have golf shot let's just say okay so after searching for a while i came back here to domain wheel and i end up with par golf and there's power golf network par golf zone so i'm just going to keep it simple we'll do part there's also par golf lab but i'm not sure if i like that one too much so what you want to do is just keep going through these different domains you might spend several hours to find the right domain unless you already know that one that you have so i'm gonna just go with so that's not too bad we'll come back over here to bluehost we'll create a new domain click next should be available if it's showing it's available on domain wheel okay so we don't have an issue there par golf zone not sure if i love that domain name but that's what we'll keep it at for now now what you want to do is come to this account information enter all of this information here and choose the plan that you want so for me i'm going to start with a 12 month plan and down here some of the things that you can select so domain privacy and protection i will usually do that one code guard basic i won't do i won't do really any of these other ones here so really all we're doing is domain privacy and protection so what i'm going to do now is sign up for this plan and i'm going to fast forward to the next part of this video okay so i entered all of my information and my payment information as well so now we're just going to click i have read and agree to bluehost auto renewal terms and then you can do click here if you do not want to receive emails about products services or special offers so i'm going to click there as well and we're going to submit okay so it's going to say success next let's create your account so we're going to create our account here it's going to say your receipt is below but they're also going to email a copy to your email so you don't really have to go down there you can download the receipt as well so we're going to create our account okay so it's going to use our domain name we're going to create our two passwords here and we're going to create our account okay so saying your account is in the process of being created please wait a few minutes to set your password so you might have to wait a little bit here especially with a dedicated server sometimes they take 24 hours to set up so once you click on create account what you wanna do is just wait till they actually let you go through and create your account so that's we're gonna do until it allows me to click this button okay our account is ready to go you can now log in so we're gonna go to login okay we're gonna log into our account enter our domain name the password that we just set and here we are here's our back end of cpanel so when you log into bluehost you're going to see a screen that looks something like this so the screen might look slightly different but you're going to see a lot of these same different links that you can click here like file manager php my admin my sql databases so you don't need to know too much in the back end here i'm going to go through everything you really need to know to get started with creating your wordpress website so that's going to be our next portion of this video so we've created our sign up for our web host we've created our domain name we have our niche so we ended up choosing golf and then we also went over kind of an overview of amazon associates so at this point we're ready to create our website which is gonna be used to sign up for the amazon affiliate marketing program so that's where we're gonna go with the next portion of this video is creating our amazon affiliate marketing wordpress website okay so for part four of our amazon affiliate marketing course i'm going to go over how to create a wordpress amazon affiliate marketing website so we just signed up for web hosting and we signed up for our domain name so you'll have to do that before you can get to this part of the video once you have that all set up what we're going to do is we're going to log in to our hosting provider so no matter which hosting provider you use right now what you want to do is make sure you're logged into your account so i'm going to do that now now that we're logged in your login screen might look different even if you're using bluehost they have different login screens depending on the server you choose and depending on whether or not it's your first time logging in so after we log in here you can see we're at home what you can do is click on advanced on the left hand side or if you scroll down and you go to advanced you can click on cpanel so usually what i'll do now is i'll go to cpanel because directly from our cpanel we can actually install a new version of wordpress on our domain name so that's what we're going to do now now you can scroll down to look for the wordpress install or they usually have a search bar at the top so if you just search for wordpress it'll bring it right up so we click on wordpress manager so we're going to click here to install a new version of wordpress on our domain name so in the previous part of this video what i did is i registered the domain name par i don't really love the domain name but i'm not going to keep working on this website so i'm really just using this as an example so what we're going to be doing now is installing a new copy of wordpress on that domain name and everything will be stored on our server that we just signed up for so we're going to click on install a new copy and to keep it really simple so the only things you really want to focus on is you're making sure you're installing this on your main domain name for protocol i would choose https and then for directory you want nothing you don't want to install this in a specific directory you want this to be installed right on your home page so doing this like the way we have it set up now we'll install it right on our home page 5.8.1 is the newest version at the time of this video just make sure you're installing the newest version of wordpress if we scroll down you can enter your site name and site description here so we'll do set this up quickly we'll do part golf zone and we'll do golf store news and reviews okay now we can set up our administrator username and password so i'm going to hide the password and set this up real quick okay so we have our site settings all set up here par golf zone golf store news and reviews our username is all set up we have our password set up so we can scroll down here to the bottom you can select your language if you need to change it we're not going to be installing any plugins right at this time we'll do that later on in the video we're not going to be doing any themes right now we're going to be doing that shortly as well so we'll come all the way to the bottom and click on install you can enter your email here as well if you want to but i'm just going to click on install and that should install wordpress on our website and we'll be able to use it immediately okay so we fast forward about 30 seconds and you can see congratulations the software was installed successfully so our main home page here is just our domain name par and our administrative url so where we're going to go to actually sign in is going to be right at this url here so we can open up first our page and i'll also open up this in a new tab as well so let's open up our website so you can see hello world welcome to wordpress this is your first post par golf zone golf store news and reviews so pretty basic here i mean they're going to start with just a basic theme that they already have installed if we come into the back end you can see our back end of wordpress here so we basically have nothing set up right now if we go into our posts what you're going to see is the hello world post that we're seeing right here on the home page so we have a lot of work to do on our website okay so what i'm going to show you next are two things the first is going to be the plugin that you need to install to turn your wordpress website into an amazon store now we're gonna be doing some configuring with that plug-in as well and you'll also need to be accepted to the amazon associates program before you can do any of this i'm going to show you a little later on in this video what you can do is if you're not accepted into the amazon associates program yet i'm going to show you an initial content strategy that we can come up with so if you want you can fast forward to that part of the video and then come back after you are done so the plug-in that you're going to need to install first is called the woocommerce amazon affiliates woozone w-o-o-z-o-n-e wordpress plug-in so if you come to it's also referred to as the envato market or if you just do a google search for woocommerce amazon affiliates woozone plugin you should come to this page i will put this link directly in the video description so you can easily find it so you know where to go to download this plug-in now the plug-in is going to cost forty nine dollars so if we click on buy license a single site license is a one-time fee of forty nine dollars if you look here you can see you have four licenses for this item so that's just from the websites that i currently own so if you go to support you can see expired that's just for support so i don't really need any support for this right now usually i just look up issues as they happen to me and i'm working on my website so what i want to do is buy a license which is going to be 49 now this is worth every single penny and i will show you why it becomes much easier to build an amazon affiliate store using this plug-in and it does cost money but it's worth the 49 dollars if you're going to keep going and building your website like this so we're going to add this to our cart okay so once we have this item added to our cart we can click on keep browsing and we can go to the top and if we come over here you're going to see web themes and templates so the other thing i'm going to purchase now is a wordpress theme for my woocommerce website so what you're going to find is for woocommerce there's not a ton of free themes that offer you really a whole lot of functionality so you're better off purchasing a premium wordpress theme you don't have to so there are free themes that will work with woocommerce so if you come to you can actually click on free and if we scroll down here you can see they have deli they have boutique and they have storefront so i've used storefront in the past it's not a bad theme actually it's not a bad theme to get started with if you wanted to but in my opinion you're just better off purchasing a premium theme right from the beginning and continuing to work on your theme until you create the website you really want so you don't have to go with the theme that i use but what you can do is if we come over here and we click on web themes and templates so i've already opened the page and once in there you click on woocommerce or e-commerce so if you come over to web themes and templates you click on wordpress what you can do is actually scroll down here and click on e-commerce so once you're in e-commerce one of the options is going to be woocommerce and now you can see over 1200 themes so the one that i use on all my websites is flat some so it's 59 for a single website and you can see for the sales over 172 000 sales a ton of product reviews with five star reviews now what you can do is look at all sorts of different themes here the point of this video isn't to go through every single theme but if you do come to and you look up wordpress ecommerce and woocommerce you're going to find all these different themes that you can go by if you want to find a cheaper option you can so if you want to scroll down and see if there's anything a little less expensive so 39 here most of them are going to be 59 but if you keep coming down you'll see lower prices sometimes they have themes on sale too so some really good themes so this one is minus 20 really good reviews as well i've never used a lot of these themes so if you find one that fits better for your website then use one of these other themes but i have found flatsome to be very easy to use and it gives you a lot of different options as well whether you want something a little bit more advanced or something just for beginners so for this i'm going to do is click right here we're going to add it to our cart select our license we'll just do a regular license and add it directly to our cart so now we have two products in our cart here and if we click on go to checkout you're going to see it's going to be the same exact shopping cart so it's going to show here before it was it's also envato market so this includes a lot of different websites but you're going to purchase them both from the same exact company so when you come to your shopping cart you're going to see your woocommerce amazon affiliates wordpress plugin and our flatsome theme i'm going to put both of these links directly in the video description and i'll also put the link to when you're looking for different wordpress ecommerce themes so you can see all the different themes if you want to preview some different options so our cart total here is 108 and i know you might be saying okay i just paid for hosting i'm having to pay for this amazon affiliates plug-in and this flatsome plug-in and my website's not even making anything yet it's a very small initial investment compared to other businesses that you can run if you're running a shopify website you're going to be spending a monthly fee in that case for this our monthly fee is really just going to be our hosting costs so for right now our cart total is 108 so i'm going to go through the entire checkout process and what we're going to get are two zip files a zip file for our woocommerce amazon affiliates plugin and a zip file for flatsome so i'm going to download both of those zip files and then install them on my website so i'm going to show you how to do that but i'm going to fast forward through the checkout process okay you'll see here payment complete an email confirmation is coming your way and the items are now available on your downloads page so you can find your downloads page by just going up to the top you'll see downloads here or just clicking the link they provide right after you make your payment so we'll click on downloads and you can see we have our theme so flat sum is our theme and then the woocommerce amazon affiliates wordpress plugin you'll see w zone here it's also referred to as woozone so what we can do is we can download both of these so that's what i'm gonna do now is download installable wordpress file only and we're gonna download our woocommerce amazon affiliates wordpress plugin so we're going to download that as well installable wordpress file only now one thing to keep in mind for both products what you're going to need is if you click on download you're going to need your license certificate and purchase code they're going to ask you for that as you install your theme and this plug-in so i can't show you mine because i'm going to use mine for myself so as we go through the process just know that you're going to need to download this pdf and it will show you what your certificate and purchase code is and you'll need to enter them when you install both of these and i'll show you that in a minute so what we're going to do next is we are going to come back to our website so you go to your website and you go into the back end so the way we get there is go to your domain name slash wp admin so make sure you have that page for your administrator page so you can see your back end when you do go in you're going to come to your dashboard so if we scroll down here what we're going to do is come to plugins and add new and what you want to do is click on upload plugin here and we're going to choose a file and for your plugin the file that you're going to use is the code canyon file so the zip file that comes from your woocommerce amazon affiliates plugin and we're going to install that now okay so it's going to say installing plug-in from uploaded file as long as you see this plug-in installed successfully what you want to do is activate your plug-in you shouldn't have any issues when you're installing this plug-in just follow the same steps i just did where you purchase it and then you install that plug-in now they're going to show a few different messages here so first is going to be for the best possible user experience recommend using it with some of the different aaa team custom themes so you can go through some of these different themes here i just use the flatsome theme i haven't had any issues so we're going to dismiss this notice so we need to increase our memory limit and it says they recommend setting it to at least 128 megabytes we will do that later on a couple other things they have here i'm just going to dismiss this notice for now so we don't need to really worry about all these different notices they really want you to purchase some of their different products so amazon affiliates products boxes block amazon product comparison tables so i'm going to dismiss all of these for right now now one of the things you're going to see is woocommerce plug-in not installed so in order for the woozone plug-in to work we need to install the woocommerce wordpress plugin as well that is completely free plug-in so you don't need to worry about purchasing anything for the woocommerce wordpress plugin so if we click on install woocommerce wordpress plugin you can see it here you can also just go directly to your plugins page and go to add new search woocommerce that's really all they did here and you can see woocommerce five plus million active installations install now it's completely free so click on install and activate this plugin as well okay we'll click on activate and what it's gonna say is welcome to woocommerce tell us about your store and we'll get you set up in no time so for right now what i'm gonna do is just skip set up store details so we're going to skip it for right now and you might see a page that looks like this welcome to your woocommerce stores online hq for right now i'm just going to click on x we're not going to go through all this but we will go through this in a little bit as we go through setting up our different plugins and setting up our theme so we come back over here to woozone so if we click on it it should get rid of that notice that we need woocommerce to run okay so now you can see here in our dashboard it's asking for item purchase code so that is what you're going to be looking for on your downloads page you come here to download and you look up your purchase code so i'm going to enter my purchase code now okay so i entered my purchase code at the top here and all i'm going to do is click on activate now and what it's going to say is welcome to w zone setup wizard so we are going to go through this real quick so we click on get started it's going to say what kind of website is this blog online store personal website other so it's kind of a blog and online store but we're going to choose online store we'll click on next what is the state of the website so we're doing fresh install if you already have some content you can do for you already have some content as well so for me i'm going to be choosing this second one here i'm creating a new website with the sole purpose of having a store featuring amazon products so we're basically gonna be creating a blog and a web store so if your answers here aren't that important you can choose some of these other options as well but we're just gonna choose the second option and then it's gonna come into settings and give us some different options for settings now usually what i'll do here is i'll uncheck the on-site cart i will keep 90 days cookies checked again you can change all these settings as you go so don't worry too much about the initial setup process but i will uncheck on-site cart you can keep reviews tab i'm going to keep cross-selling here product availability by country i'm going to uncheck show coupon i'm going to uncheck check out email i'm not going to check and then show free shipping i'm not going to check so what you see here is 90 days cookies reviews tab cross selling and remote amazon images are the only four are going to keep checked right now so we're going to go to next so price is set up i usually use it as amazon or other sellers import product from merchant i will do amazon and other sellers import as publish so when you're importing products you can either import them as drafts or directly as publish i import them as publish if you do it as drafts what you can do is revise your products before you publish them i have done that in the past as well so either or works import products with price 0 i never keep this checked and import attributes i do check this so we're going to click on next so number of images and variations i usually don't import variations so for this i'll do none and for number of images i usually won't do more than five but a lot of times i'll do about three images people don't need a million product images when you are importing from amazon usually what you want are a couple of the best images for that product so usually i'll keep this at three or sometimes even less spin on import so you can auto spin content at amazon to avoid duplicate content so it'll imp it'll spin some of the different descriptions and some of the product details and things like that so i usually keep this checked i don't know if it makes a huge difference really so we'll click on next checkout message i usually just keep this as is you'll be redirected to and i'll do amazon to complete your checkout redirect i usually do in zero seconds so buy button custom text usually for this i'll do learn more i'll do buy button opens in a new tab and then as of text font size usually i'll put this at about 0.8 so you can change this as well i'll show you a little bit more about this as we go but we're gonna click on next now here is where you need to if you don't have an amazon associates account right now what you're gonna do with this part is you're gonna return to the woozone dashboard if you do have an amazon associates account and you've been accepted what you need is your affiliate id and i'm going to show you how to get your access key id and your secret access key id so you can sign up for woozone and connect your wordpress store to your amazon associates account so all i'm going to be doing right now is united states i will show you how to add additional affiliate ids as we go but i want to keep this simple for our access key id and secret access key and our affiliate id that's all going to come from our amazon associates account so what you want to do right now is sign up for your amazon associates account okay so once you sign into your amazon associates account what you want to do is come up to the top and you're going to see your email here and you want to manage your tracking ids so within your associate accounts one of the options is manage your tracking ids and what we want to do first is create a new tracking id for our website so we come over here click on manage your tracking ids it'll bring us to this page i click on add tracking id and what i can do is just par golf zone dash 20 and we click on create we'll see if it'll come up okay so we have our id now so we can copy this and we can go back to our setup and what you're going to see is your affiliate ids so this is going to be our affiliate id for the united states and it's going to make sure that every single click that we send from our website ties back to this affiliate id so we know actually where our sales are coming from so the next thing we need to do is create new access key ids and secret access key ids so the way to do that is coming back into amazon associates and what we're going to do is we're going to come to tools and you're going to see product advertising api so we click on this page here okay so we have to block out some of this right now but you're going to see created access key id status and actions so at any time you can have two access key ids through your amazon associates account they recommend that you change them every 90 days i'm going to be changing these as well after this video so what we're going to be doing first is if you have two here already you're going to need to delete one and make sure you update your access key id and secret access key ids for your websites where you're using them so we're gonna first delete this one right here so we click on delete delete your credentials yes okay so now we just have one access key id so all we need to do is click on add credentials when we click on that it's going to give us an access key and a secret key here so you can download credentials or we'll just copy them right here and we're going to come over to hours setup and you're going to see access key id and you just want to paste those two keys here so your access key will go right here and then if we come back over here you can see our secret key so we're going to copy that as well and we're going to come over and we're going to enter our secret access key so we have our access key id our secret access key id and our affiliate id set up so we're going to scroll to the bottom and what we can do is check our amazon aws keys okay so country united states it's going to say it was able to connect to amazon with the specified aws key pair and associate id so what you want to do next is click on finish okay so you can see now you can go and import amazon products into your website so we can click on close okay so our w zone is all completely set up the next thing we want to do is install our flatsome theme so if we come back over to our website here we just refresh the page you can see it doesn't really change much at all the only thing we have up here is w zone debug bar so we don't really have anything that's really much different here so we're going to come back over to our back end now one of the things you're going to see is when you install woocommerce you're going to have a products section so woocommerce allows you to build an ecommerce store from your wordpress website so for us it's just going to be a strictly affiliate e-commerce store when someone clicks on a product they're going to go directly to amazon there's different ways you can set it up and i'll go through that as we go through the video but i just kind of want you to understand your back end if you see this product section you're wondering where it came from it's from the woocommerce plugin and woozone w zone is what allows us to import our amazon products so coming over to appearance and themes what we want to do is install our flatsim theme now so we want to click on add new you can see right now we have 2021 it's the default wordpress theme installed so we want to click on add new we want to upload a theme and we're going to choose the file that we got when we downloaded our theme earlier from the downloads page so we're going to come to choose file you're going to see it's our theme forest file it's a zip file here and we're going to install now okay so you're going to see installing theme from file flat sum multi-purpose responsive woocommerce theme so we can either do a live preview activate go to our themes page we're just going to activate this and then it's going to ask for our license code so that's why you do need to purchase both of these because you do need to set up your license code so welcome to the setup wizard for flatsome so let's do let's go first thing we want to do is enter our purchase code so i'm going to enter that now and click on register okay so once you do that you're going to see your site is registered thank you enjoy flatsim and oneclick updates so we keep getting updates forever for the flatsome theme so you don't need to keep purchasing it or anything like that the only thing you're purchasing if you purchase anything additional is going to be support so we're going to click on continue now so you can set up a flat sum child theme if you're familiar with child themes already then you can set this up for me i'm going to do skip this step i want to keep this as basic as possible and i'm not really going to be modifying my main html css or php code so if you're modifying any of this code then what you want to do is set up a child theme because it allows you to easily change this code without changing your main theme so we're going to skip this step and we're going to go into plugins so it's going to give us some different options for plugins we're going to skip this step we're not going to add any of them so content so it's going to say install demo content so this will create default posts default pages default blocks as seen as in the demo so you can install all of these i don't do this so i'm going to skip this step you can see some of the different default things if you do install all of these now it allows you to learn a little bit more about the theme i've been working with flatsome for so long that i don't want to go in and install any demo content so i'm going to skip this step logo and design so you can upload a logo right now it's going to show our flat some logo right now so we're just going to keep this as is you can also change some of the design presets so if you want to go through and click on some of these different presets you can do that as well and then when you are creating your website you can actually just automatically have one of these setups here like they do i usually just keep it as the main preset that they have and i keep the logo as is for right now and we're just gonna skip this step so help and support this theme comes with six months of item support from purchase date so if you do have any issues with the flatsome theme you can contact their support team for up to six months so that's something you may want to take advantage of as you're going through everything but what we're gonna do is just click on agree and continue okay and your website is ready so you can see set up woocommerce optional we've already done that let's click on view your new website and we'll be able to see the way it looks so looks a little bit more like a store now than it did earlier you can see we have no menu here we still have the flatsome logo and there's a bunch of different options that we can choose so i'm going to go through all this in a little bit but i just want to show you right now so this is how we set up our wordpress amazon affiliate marketing website so if we come back to our website and we refresh you could see it looks like this we come back to our dashboard the main things we just did is we installed the flatsome theme so we went to our appearance and we went to themes and we installed that we installed the woocommerce and the w zone plugins so right now we're able to do is get started with working on our website so at this point this will conclude part four how to create a wordpress amazon affiliate marketing website we have our website created what we need to start doing now is creating some content adjusting our design so that's going to be the next portion of this video is changing our design and making our website ready to be accepted into the amazon associates program if you're not already accepted so this portion will be really useful if you weren't able to set up your access keys using w zone earlier so we went through the process of setting that all up if you were able to set up all your access keys through your amazon associates account then you're pretty much ready to go to start building your store but what i want to do first is show you how to start writing some different blog posts to show you how to adjust our design how to get a logo and some different things like that so we can really start to build more of an established business than what we have right now which for right now is just we just kind of have our basic website set up and we're kind of ready to start building our store and creating some blog posts okay so next for part five six and seven these are really geared towards people who don't have a wordpress website who really haven't used wordpress that often and also people who are not accepted into amazon associates so i'm gonna be going over how to design your wordpress amazon affiliate website some different plugins you can install and how to start creating some initial content so you can get your website accepted into the amazon associates program once you're able to do a lot of those things it's much easier to build your amazon affiliate marketing website so if you already have a website and your goal is just to create an amazon store on your wordpress website then what you want to do is skip right to part eight you can find part eight by going right into our video description and looking at all the different time stamps so for right now what i'm going to be going over is some different things you can do when you're designing your wordpress website so some six considerations that i would recommend looking at colors so you want to make sure you have a color scheme for your brand in general logo so obviously you want to have a professional looking logo for your company and a professional looking logo on your website fonts so you just want to make sure you're using consistent fonts and i'll go over how to find some different font combinations as well and then three different things to consider as you're building your website and creating your design the header and the footer mainly the header because people are going to see your header as soon as they come onto your website you want to make sure your website is easy to use and easy to navigate your homepage so what your homepage design will be like and the way you're gonna design your blog posts and your pages and different things like that last but not least widgets and plugins how you can use some different widgets and plugins to improve the overall design and appearance of your website so let's get into it i'm going to start by going over colors logo and fonts and then i'm going to go through the next three after these first three so for colors so as you come onto your website when you install flatsome you'll see this is the main design they're going to give you as soon as you install flatsome so the first thing you really want to do is choose what colors you want for your website and that will also go along with your logo design so if we come over here one of my favorite websites when you're trying to come up with some type of color scheme or color combination is so if you come to what you can do is either come over here to the right hand side and click on one of the main colors that you want to build your design around if you know you want your desired design to have teal for example you can click on teal here and it will give you a bunch of combinations that go along with teal if we scroll down what you're going to see is the latest color combos so you can see some different color combinations right here you can click on more combos to find even more ideas if we keep scrolling down these are some of the most popular community combos so you can go through this website and find thousands of color combinations but what's really nice is let's just say we're looking at some of these latest color combos i'm looking at all these colors and i say okay this color combo 6544 i like this design right here and i like some of these different colors and i want to use them on my website so i click on this color combo 6544 if we scroll down what you can actually see are what the exact colors are so they have the hex codes rgb if we keep coming down here you can also see the font color tester so this allows you to see which fonts work well with background colors and the front colors so if we scroll down you can see obviously some of these aren't going to be that compatible here but if we keep coming down so this works well this works well this can work well some of these other ones are just a little bit difficult to read so it helps you understand how you can use different colors within your designs whether you're creating graphics for your website social media graphics or anything like that you can find a bunch of different color combinations here and if we see if we look at this dark background it works pretty well for all these different colors so it's a good way to find different color combinations for your website now for me usually what i'll do is build my design around one or two colors and that's really my main focus is one or two colors and maybe a third color you don't need all these different colors here so sometimes within a combination you might say okay i like this color here i like this color here and we'll go with white as well and those will be my three colors so i'm not actually going to be using this color combination i'm just giving you an example of how you can find different color combinations and if you look here for popular color you could say okay i like this color i want to build my design around this color so we can do is look at this color look at some of the different ideas they have here different combinations that include it so you can easily find a combination for really any business and anything you're trying to portray now next is going to be your logo so if you come over here we have logo and fonts so when it comes to logos you can either try to design your own logo if you have experience with graphic design the other thing you can do is you can get a very cheap logo go to when you come to the homepage one of the options right here is logo design they also have a lot of other freelance services that you might find useful for your business for example website design you might be looking to outsource some of your content creation so fiverr will allow you to do all those different things if i click on logo design here what it's going to pull up are some of the most popular logo sellers and you can see here all these ones at the very top have over 1 000 positive reviews and they're all right around 5 star rated so if you look you can see right here i will design three modern minimalist logo designs starting at 15 i will design a modern and clean minimal logo starting at thirty dollars so for under twenty dollars you can get a logo you can also you can see here some people have options starting at five dollars ten dollars fifteen twenty dollars and you can also find logo designers who will create a logo and social media graphics for you as well if we come to the top here you can select your logo style so if you know you want a mascot type logo if you know you want a signature logo a hand drawn logo a vintage logo you can click on any of these options up here and it will give you the best sellers now for this example i'm not going to keep this website that i'm working on part it's just not going to be a project that i continue after i create this video so i just created two simple logos and i'm going to do is upload them in a few minutes so the last thing i want to go over now are font combinations so if you go to they have learn so at the very top you'll see learn here and one of the things they have is the ultimate guide to font pairing i will put this link in the video description it's also the first link that will come up if you just go to google and search best font combinations because canva has put together 30 font combinations and they're all very popular fonts and you can see here they have different types of topography if we keep coming down you can see canva learns list of 30 font pairings so the first one is a league spartan with libre baskerville and if you keep coming down you're going to see a ton of different font combinations so we'll scroll down we'll find a random one let's go with exhibition so if you look here this one combines railway heavy with roboto condensed if we keep scrolling down we'll look at mediterranean this combines the font synzel with quattro cento and if we keep coming down you can see they actually have designs for all of these so you can have an idea of what it looks like and whether or not you think it's going to fit your brand so looking at the first three here color combinations logo and fonts you just want to make sure you have a cohesive brand and color scheme and the fonts that you're using to go along with your logo so that when you do create designs graphics whether they're on your website or you're creating social media designs that all of your graphics kind of have a similar look to them in a similar feel so people can pick out your brand very easily depending on what you're focusing on so if we come back over to our website what i'm going to do now is change some of my colors change my logo and i can also show you a little bit with fonts as well so one of the things you can do is if you come to your website no matter which theme you installed over here at the top you're going to see customize so if we click on customize that's where we can adjust our header our footer we can adjust our colors so different ways that we can make our website look so you can come here right down the left hand side you'll see header style blog woocommerce layout footer pages portfolio menus widgets so there's a lot of different options here what you can do to start with is let's just say we come over here to header and we come to the very top so you can see html1 is this right here custom content so this is our top bar there's a top bar menu here so you can see assign a menu in theme theme options and menus so there's no menu here yet you could see newsletter so let's just say i know i'm not going to have a newsletter yet what i can do is take this and just drag it right to the bottom that's going to get rid of that at the top and that's going to easily adjust the way this top bar looks you can see we have logo search icon main menu let's say i want to add put my search icon all the way over here to the right hand side i want to get rid of my account and i want to get rid of cart and we'll get rid of the separator too so now what we have up here is a search bar we have this is where our menu is going to go it's our main menu we still have a top bar menu up here we have social icons up here so let's just say we click on social icons what we can do is enter our urls we can adjust the way the icon looks so there's some different styles here we can choose from so as you're going through and customizing the design of your website you can see it's very easy to adjust all of this if we click on logo it's going to bring me right to this logo and site identity portion and if we start scrolling down you can see i can change my logo position so i could put this more towards the center but i'm just going to keep it on the left hand side like it was i can remove this logo and what i'm going to do is upload the different logos that i've created if you don't upload a logo you're going to see just your main site title there which doesn't look too bad if you're doing it just for the meantime as you're waiting for your logo so if we scroll down here a little bit we go to logo image i can select the image and what i'm going to do is upload the two logos that i created okay so these were both really quick logos that i created so what we can do is make sure we put our alt text logo so we'll start with the first logo click on select and what's cool is you can see the way your logo looks immediately on here so i see this logo i say okay it looks okay let's remove it and let's try a different image so we come back over to our media library we have the other logo that we created so we'll do logo 2 and we'll use that for our alt text as well and we'll click on select so now we have our other logo here so it's a better looking logo to me i could still probably improve it make these words at the bottom a little bolder or get rid of them all together so i'm going to keep this logo for now par golf zone it's there's a little logo here on the left hand side we have our texts so this is what i'm going to keep for right now and then what i can do is build off of this main color on my logo so i can make sure that my website is geared around that color so what i can do now is scroll to the top and we can click on back here so we have logo and site identity and what we can do is click on back one more time so instead of being in the header portion we can go to style so if we click on style you're going to see colors and what they have is primary color so we we can change our primary color to match our logo and if we click here my primary color is this green so you can see it changes this at the top here it matches our logo much better it is this color now for this button and you can change your secondary colors if you want so let's just say i choose some type of dark gray okay we'll go with that dark gray here success color we can keep i can choose my main color and make it a little bit darker and then we have alert color we can keep that as red if we need to so type so this is going to be for text so our base color right now it's showing gray so you can see this is that right here the base color this is our headline color and then they have divider color as well so you can adjust all of these different colors on your website link colors so right here is a link so that's the color for our links right now if i don't want that to be the color let's just see how it looks with our using our main color so it's going to adjust this here so on categorize you can see is that color so it doesn't look too bad it might be a little bit too much green so in that case what you can do is come over here maybe you change it to something maybe some type of dark blue we'll see how that looks and those could be kind of the two colors we go with i don't think this is the greatest look in the world but just giving you some different ideas of what you can do to match different colors on your website and again go back to and you can find a really good color combination using your color and another compatible color that would work so let's just keep this like this for right now so we have our link color we have our main color here our headline color now let's just say i want to keep my make my font color a little bit darker so we'll put that as a darker gray okay so now our text is a little bit darker we have our link color here so some different link colors throughout this page and you can see we have our main color as the top bar so if we come back you can see global styles so default button radius not really much we can change there typography so this is where we can change some of the different fonts that we're using so the default here is lato so you can see that's our main for the font that's for our base text font if we keep coming down that's our navigation font you can see our alt font is dancing script but if we come to the top let's just say i want to change my font slightly so for headlines it's lato let's just choose a rant let's just choose lemon here go with something random and you can see it changes that up here at the top now i'm just going to keep mine as lato because it's an easy to read font it looks good on this website but what you can do is go through the different font families and again go back to that font combination article from because they're going to have a lot of those different font families in here so we can do one of those really quickly if we change the font for the headlines and the base font so let's just come over to our font combinations let's just choose this one here so synzel and cuatro sento as long as they have both of those fonts they might not but i'm pretty sure for okay so we have sinzelle and what's cuatro centro okay so you can see here going with those two fonts this is what it would look like so it looks a little bit different you can see the different headlines over here i don't really like the look of this too much it might work for certain websites maybe a recipe website it almost looks a little halloweenish but what i'm going to do is just go right back to lato and keep it as it was but just knowing you can easily change the fonts in here by going to customize and easily change any of your designs so it's actually really easy to change designs sometimes people are a little worried about changing font colors changing the colors on their website but you want to make sure you have a good cohesive design for your website and a lot of that is going to come in here when you click on customize and whatever your theme is it's going to allow you to adjust all of these different options here so you have presets logo and site identity top bar so that's the top bar up here we have our header main so if we click on header main you can adjust the height the text color the background color you can add a background image you can add or remove a divider add a shadow so there's a ton of different things you can do here with your design so i just want to kind of give you a little bit of a background for how to adjust all these things very easily within wordpress and once you're done doing that we click on publish it's going to make our website look a little bit different now with some of our new colors our logo and any changes you make just click on publish and you can easily change them you can also revert back to the initial settings very easily so you don't have to worry about making too many changes on your website and again all you have to do is click on customize at the very top here and the other thing that you can do is go into the back end of your website you can go to appearance and customize that's going to be the same exact link there you can go to themes to change your theme if you want to and a lot of themes will also have their own link here so for flat sum i can click here some theme options advanced and the setup wizard so make sure you go through all those to create a basic starting design so if we come to the bottom you can see our footer is a little bit of a different color our top bar is now matching our logo so we have an initial kind of design here with colors with our logo and you can adjust your fonts as well if you want to once you kind of have all of this set up what you want to do is start adjusting some of your widgets on the right hand side you want to start adjusting your header a bit you want to start adjusting your footer a bit and you want to come up with the overall design that you want for your website so if we come back over here the next three header and footer home page and posts widgets and plugins so let's start with header and footer and for this example i'm going to go over my header and footer and some of the different design elements that i've used on my website so i haven't really introduced this website too much in this video yet but i do own and if we look at the very top of the page it's a very simple header so i have my home page if we click on the logo it'll bring you home you can click here and search there's also just a search bar right there so most people who are going to search are just going to use this main search bar but what we can do is if we go to shop you can see there's a drop down menu so people can easily find what they're looking for let's just say someone's looking for christmas decor so farmhouse style christmas decorations if they come over here they can see all of the different subcategories we have they could easily click on any of these links and it will take them to those pages if they come to blog they're going to see a lot of the same thing so for the blog maybe someone's looking for farmhouse furniture they can see some of the different subcategories we have or they can just click on farmhouse furniture and it will bring up all of our farmhouse style furniture blog posts now the other thing i have up here is top posts so some of the most popular blog posts on my website i have listed here so there's probably a few too many so i could take away some of these so it's not such a long list or i could probably expand this and make it a larger menu so it's easier to find some of these top blog posts the other thing i have is at the very top home shop and blog in case people are unable to find that easily and then over on the right hand side today's deals if you click on this it's just going to bring people to an affiliate page so this is just a way to drive some affiliate traffic so if we scroll down to my footer and we'll come all the way all the way to the bottom of the page you're gonna see i have these badges were here when i started my website so i've just left them there but you can get rid of them easily by going to customize i have my footer menu here so home shop blog affiliate disclaimer and privacy policy you might have other things down here like contact us you might have some of your links to your social media i have copyright 2021 farmhouse goals you can easily adjust that again in customize now what i've done is i've used a widget to display some of my pictures for my instagram profile farmhouse goals so with this people if they scroll down to the bottom might see some of these pictures go to my page and you can see all the way at the bottom follow on instagram so it allows me to gain more followers on instagram if people do come to my footer and then the other thing i have at the bottom of every page is sponsor so i put this on the left-hand side because if people are scrolling on a mobile phone and they get to the bottom of a page this is the first thing they're going to see so it allows me to drive again some additional affiliate traffic i have another search bar at the bottom this is also another thing that goes along with mobile where people keep scrolling down it kind of looks funny on desktop but truthfully most people don't make it this far down your page so if we come over here random products recent posts so i have actually been looking to improve these over here i'd like to have something that's a little bit more geared towards each individual page so if someone's on a christmas page for example they don't just come to random products they see christmas products so that's something i'm working to improve on my website and again you just want to be focusing on user experience with your design okay so i scrolled back up to the top here and if we're looking at my home page what i've done is i started with my different store categories at the top i've adjusted this home page a lot over the last several years this is the home page i've had for a little bit while but i'm probably gonna redesign it again soon what i try to think about for my home page is what are people looking for first and what are people looking for most so for the farmhouse decor store you can see some of these broad categories so if someone comes in and they're not looking for bedding christmas decorations furniture lighting but they're looking for wall decorations they can click here it'll bring them to my store with all the different sub categories if i keep scrolling down so farmhouse decor again i pulled out some of my main decor categories but you can see some of them are the same as the top keep coming down some design inspiration so kitchen designs living room designs modern farmhouse designs i'd like to get more pages here so this is something i want to keep improving farmhouse sinks so very popular category my website farmhouse furniture if we keep coming down farmhouse wall decorations christmas decorations so as we get into the holiday season i'll usually put the christmas decorations towards the top because that's what people are looking for most on my website and then as we come down here on social media about farmhouse goals and then just kind of some overview content so my goal is to get this page ranking decently in google and to get people when they do search farmhouse decor to have this page come up so your homepage design is really important i'm going to show you how to create a custom home page on your website so i'm going to do that in a little bit but the next thing that i'm going to go over is let's just say we click on farmhouse christmas decor here it's going to bring you into my store with subcategories so if we come in here you can see home shop farmhouse christmas decor over on the left hand side there's a drop down so people can click and find any category they want whether it's christmas decorations or any of the other categories in my website you can see on this main page all these different subcategories so christmas signs stockings tree skirts trees wreaths and then it gets into products so these are the different products i have my website you can adjust the products in a variety of ways so first the very top mine is automatically sorted by popularity but if we keep scrolling down you can actually adjust by a to z by price high to low buy most recent products and you can also feature specific products as well so there's a lot of different things that you can do as you're presenting your products to people who are searching your store so on the left hand side i allow people to filter by price there's all product categories here what i do need to get better at is again this farmhouse products a lot of these aren't really geared towards christmas so having five of the most popular christmas products on the left would be a better use here for people if we keep coming down some recent posts again having some posts that would be more geared towards the christmas category so if someone comes in here and they say you know what i'm looking specifically for wreaths some recent posts i have farmhouse christmas wreaths they can click that and shop all of those wreaths in one place and then i have a sponsor here on the left hand side so again just another way to earn a little bit more income so if we keep scrolling down come down to the bottom what you're going to see is it's the same exact footer here so these are things i should probably improve slightly with this website i have seen good results overall with farmhouse goals but what you can do is adjust to have more or less products on a specific page so you don't have as many page numbers here and i'll show you how to do some of that in the customize section in just a minute the last thing i really want to go over so if we come over here are widgets and plugins so if i open up this other page here if i come to the back end of my website so if you're in appearance so you're going to see themes customize widgets menus so in your appearance that's where you're going to adjust a lot of your design elements and some of the things i've been showing you so when you come to widgets you're going to see a page that looks like this and it's going to be different depending on the type of theme you choose and some of the different customizations that you've already made but the main things that are always going to be there are usually sidebar footer and you might have footer too so those are the two things you really want to start with when we install woocommerce you can see we have a shop sidebar so with our shop sidebar that's the one we were just looking at it has product categories it has filter products by price the products list recently viewed products list so people have looked at several different products we have flat some recent posts and we have custom html and that's the sponsor that i showed you so again coming back over here you can see these are all the different widgets and that's why what is showing is currently showing here on this page you're also going to see different widgets for my main pages so if we come over and this is just a blog post for farmhouse christmas decorations and holiday decor and if we scroll down here you can see if i browse this article it'll allow people to look at some of these different subcategories over here for the widgets on the right hand side i have product search i have sponsor blog categories product categories some random farmhouse goals products again this is something i would like to improve on my website and then we have a sponsor here as well that will follow people down the page as they look for different products for sale so my main goal with my design and with a lot of my articles is i have some of these pillar posts so this is what i would consider a pillar post because it links off to a bunch of subcategory posts so when someone searches for farmhouse christmas decorations my goal is to get this page ranking as high as possible if someone's scrolling down they say you know what i'm looking for ornaments they click on this link brings them right down to my farmhouse christmas ornament section and then you can see here if you click on the following link you can find all of our farmhouse christmas ornaments so someone clicks here it brings them to my blog post for farmhouse christmas ornaments so my goal ultimately is to get people to find exactly what they're looking for as easy as possible it is challenging when it comes to product based websites like this because someone looking for farmhouse christmas decorations might be looking for a number of different products so if they're looking for ornaments they can click down here and say you know i want to look at the complete list of ornaments it's going to open up that page once they click it and as you can see here people can scroll down and see all of the different farmhouse christmas ornaments we have so you keep scrolling down you're going to see all of the different farmhouse christmas ornaments so some different ways to focus on your design and again a lot of this is just going to be controlled within your customizations so if we come over here and we look at customizations again we do it for farmhouse goals so let's click on customize here under appearance okay so we've touched on adjusting the header we've touched on adjusting the style if we click on blog here you're going to see some different options so if you go to global they have show date box so if i do that it'll get rid of the date so if you don't want to show the date on your blog post you can just get rid of that show date box here so let's just come back let's look at our blog layout so you can see blog home page header so let's come to our blog and we'll click on this link again as you're going through customizations you can also visit individual pages so if you're just on your home page it's not really going to show you what you're changing here okay so you can see we're looking at our blog layout so right now we have a blog sidebar on the right hand side if we keep coming down they have enable sidebar divider sticky sidebar post layout so normal inline two column three column so you can adjust a lot of the different ways that your website looks so i've played around in customizations for long periods of time as i'm adjusting the way my website looks so you should want to do the same exact thing so if we come down here you can see blog single post so for this again you can adjust the right sidebar left sidebar no sidebar title layout so you could do a top full title you can do an inline title a normal title transparent header you can enable featured image if we click on this it'll get rid of that featured image so different options that you have as you go through and adjust the way that your blog looks sometimes what you might want to do is even if you're focused on creating the design that you think looks the best rather than doing that do something like disable the featured image maybe what you want to try to do is no sidebar just have people focus on the main article and look at your overall results in terms of revenue page views and everything for either several weeks or a month and see if anything is improving or not improving and you really want to focus on how much value you're getting on every single part of your traffic whether it's page views whether it's unique visits whether it's total sessions you want to look at the total value for the number of pages that you're getting so let's come back here so you can see some of the different things when we're customizing our blog if we come over to shop so let's click on shop here and we'll just go to shop home the next thing we can do is look at woocommerce so if we look at woocommerce you can put a store notice up there you can do a adjust the way your product catalog looks so for the shop page display right now i have show categories and products i could do just show products or just show categories for this it's showing all the categories here and as people scroll down it'll start getting into some of the products for category display so let's just say someone clicks on farmhouse wall decor we can do the same exact thing where we're just showing products or we show subcategories or show subcategories and products i usually show subcategories and products i think it just makes it easier to use the website keep coming down default product sorting so we have popularity you can do average rating most recent price sending descending or sales rank i usually just keep as popularity sales and we'll keep scrolling down you can adjust your shop page header your shop page content you can adjust whether you want a sidebar or a filter so you can add a filter menu up at the very top so you can do a sticky sidebar you can adjust the way the list style looks so you want something that's a little bit more staggered you want something where there's basically just one row at a time for me i have three columns and if we scroll down you can see i use an equal image height and 48 products per page so three products per row on desktop three products per on tablet two products per row on mobile and that's just another thing you're just going to have to adjust and see what you think looks the best you can adjust the header up here so the way all of this looks so if we come back over here you can adjust the way individual product pages look see i have the payments icons at the very bottom so i can get rid of those right now but for right now i'm just going to keep it as is product images checkout cart so we're not going to be doing the checkout or the cart with the way the website that we're creating i'll show you how i drive people directly to amazon again these are different things you can test though my way isn't always the absolute best way for every single business i have tested a lot of these things for my websites but i haven't tested every little detail here and there's so much you can test so what we can do is after you're done adjusting any of this always click on publish but again you can see here we talked about footer the header adjusting different styles adjusting the way your blog looks adjusting the way your woocommerce store looks you can adjust layout you can change different pages now one of the things i do want to go over is if you come to pages here you can adjust your default page template so if you want a certain type of page for every single page on your website you can adjust this here and go through all of them and see the way they look i usually just keep it as the default so different things that you can do with your website and with the style the other thing i would like to go over real quick is if we come to our back end of our website so we're looking at the back end of our website you can see i have some different plugins here and one of the plugins that i just installed recently was that instagram feed that i showed you in the footer of my website so this is a very popular plugin called smash balloon instagram feed and if we come over here we scroll to the bottom this is being shown by this plugin so it's called the smash balloon instagram feed and once i installed this plugin it showed instagram feed on the left hand side so this is gonna happen with a lot of the different plugins you install so for example i use simple 301 redirects completely in the back end but if we go to settings here you're going to see 301 redirects that is a link that ties back to this plugin so when you install plugins you need to look for the actual plugin page which is usually going to be in tools in settings sometimes it's in users sometimes it's going to be an appearance sometimes it's going to be in products it depends what type of plugin you installed in this case for smash balloon instagram feed it's right here on the left hand side you're going to see instagram feed and we come here we can click on settings now once we're in here you can see our instagram feed settings so we can configure our settings we manually connected our farmhouse goals account we can customize the way it looks and then you can see display your feed now this uses a short code to display our feed it's very easy to use this is the short code so instagram feed the way that works is if we go to appearance and we go to widgets one more time so i just kind of want to show you the relationship between plugins and widgets and the way they appear on your website especially a wordpress website it's very easy to use and customize it's just understanding how all this works so when we're within widgets and we come over here to the left hand side we installed the plug-in that i showed you earlier the smash balloon instagram feed plug-in we scroll down here you're going to see instagram feed right here so that is the widget that was created when we installed that plug-in it goes along with this instagram feed link right here and no matter where we want to add an instagram feed we can click on this drop down and i can say okay i want to add it to any of these different options so i can go footer one i added it to footer two so if you click and click on add a widget what it's going to do is you're going to come over here to footer two and you can see instagram feed so i just did follow farmhouse goals on instagram and this is a short code so this shortcode is all managed through the smash balloon instagram feed and when we have this here and we enter this widget on our footer two click on save we refresh the page you're gonna see this so this is all controlled by that one plug-in and you can see there is a widget to put these different pictures on my website wherever i want them and there's also a settings page so on the left hand side you see instagram feed a settings page that manages the way this looks so i can customize this and add more pictures to the feed i can add make this only three rows or three columns instead of four columns so you can adjust the way this looks in so many different ways so for this i like the way this looks so i'm going to keep it as is and the way it displays is this instagram feed short code so there's a ton of different short codes and a lot of times they're managed by the plugins you're using i'll go over short codes a little bit more when it comes to woocommerce and how to display different types of products on your pages but a lot of things are managed with short codes through wordpress so it makes it much easier to display your instagram feed or anything else by using a short code so if we come back over here looking at some six important design considerations now we can sit here and talk about wordpress design basically all day for colors for logo for fonts how to adjust your header and footer your home page and posts your widgets and plugins there's a lot of different things to look at and over time the more pages you create the more products you add and the more you have on your website the more you can actually change your design and update the way your design looks so coming back here that's part five it's going to be designing your wordpress amazon affiliate website i wanted to go over some of these different options you have here and in particular one of the main things i want to wanted to go over was just that customize page that i showed you so we come to the top here you click on customize doing that is going to allow you to change the way your shop looks change the way your website looks i didn't want to do too much for right now so i showed farmhouse goals as the example because i don't want to adjust too much before i start creating content so you really don't have to go through your full design yet but i just want you to be aware of all the different things you can customize and change on your website okay so next is going to be part six part six is going to be very quick and it's gonna be popular plugins to install when you get started with wordpress so what i wanna show you here is when we first got started we've only installed woocommerce and wzone the woocommerce amazon affiliates plugin so this is obviously a premium one we purchased i just recently updated it you can see update here when you come to your plugins page you can enable auto updates for a lot of your plugins and i would highly recommend doing that you always want to keep your plugins up to date because what that allows you to do is make sure you have no security issues with any plug-in that is a little bit out of date a lot of times plug-ins are updated just because there might be a vulnerability and there might be people trying to hack with some of the things in that plug-in the only time i've ever had a website hacked was several years ago and it was because of a plug-in so what you want to do is make sure you keep these always updated because if you kind of get behind on some of your plug-in updates you might end up having a security issue on your website so akismet anti-spam this is one you want to activate and sign up for what it does is just make sure it protects your blog from spam so making sure you're not getting spam comments or any other type of spam on your website this is a very popular plugin what i've done is i pulled a list of some of the most popular plugins depending on what you need them for but all of these plugins should work pretty well for most websites so these are 10 popular wordpress plugins technically there's a 11 plugins even though there's only nine on this list but auto optimize or auto optimize however you want to call it i usually just call it auto optimize because it's easier to say and wp optimize are two different plugins that can work well together because they both perform different functions and they don't really step on each other's toes when it comes to just optimizing your wordpress website for speed and optimizing your code and the way that your website is presented to visitors so these are two different plugins and then classic editor elementor and then the other one that comes with new versions of wordpress is gutenberg i still use classic editor so anything i do in this video is going to be shown using classic editor the other ones are going to be more drag and drop type builders so i prefer classic editor you might if you just start working with wordpress now you might prefer to use something like elementor because it's a very popular plugin and if you're not sure how to use it there are a ton of videos out there i am not a professional whatsoever with elementor so i use classic editor that's what i've always used and that's what i'll keep using just because it's hard for me to make too big of a change at this point now yoast seo allows you to manage all of your search engine optimization set custom titles make sure that your website is as optimized as possible for search engines and it's much easier to use yoast seo because you can adjust individual pages create your meta descriptions and make sure you don't have any indexing issues in google or anything else like that so what i'd like to do in the later on in this video is go through more wordpress plugins but for right now i'm just going to go through some of the popular wordpress plugins they're very easy to install and get started with so the next is word fence security it's a free plugin just make sure helps your website from other security issues that you might have there are going to be people who try to sign into your website so what word fence security will do is if someone continuously tries to sign into your wordpress website eventually they're going to set limits to that so there's different things that word fence can do just to make sure you're not getting hacked woocommerce so we've already installed woocommerce this allows you to run an ecommerce store from a wordpress website completely free wp forms allows you to create contact forms and different types of forms on your website very easy to use went over classic editor and elementor if you like a drag and drop more of a visual builder than use elementor if you prefer kind of the classic looking at just writing text and inserting your images basically seeing more of an html and text type of editor then you want to go with the classic editor updraft plus will allow you to make backups of your website very easily now you do need to probably upgrade to a premium version for pretty much any backup plugin you're using but some of them offer some pretty good free versions as well where you can back up at least once a month or something like that as your website gets bigger you definitely want to make backups even if you do it once a week just to make sure if anything happens your website you always have a backup on hand monster insights is used for website analytics so you can connect your google analytics account using monster insights and last but not least is amp for wp aka accelerated mobile pages this allows you to easily create accelerated mobile pages on your website without too many customizations now one of my favorite articles when it comes to plugins is is it top wordpress plugins if you go to google and search the most popular wordpress plugins or if you just come to your own website and you go to plugins and then add new when you click on add new under plugins it's going to show you feature plugins and then if you click on popular it's going to show you the most popular plugins so contact form 7 yoast seo classic editor elementor so you're going to see a lot of the ones i just went over i kind of grabbed some of them from this popular list but all of these are really popular plugins highly rated a lot of people use them but you don't need all of them it's not like you need all-in-one wp migration this is just for moving transferring copying migrating or backup backing up a website with one click wordpress importers you can import post pages comments so you can see here updraft plus you have yoast duplicate post the go to tool for cloning posts and pages so there's a lot of different plugins here and you can keep coming down and look at all these different options so loco translate translate your wordpress plugins and themes directly in your browser keep coming down if you go to the next pages you can see all the most popular plugins there's 53 000 here in the most popular plugins so there are a ton of plugins to choose from this is why it can be really difficult to go over wordpress plugins in a short period of a video but what i like is this list here is it because they've kind of broken down the best wordpress plugins based on what you need them for so wp forms best form builder plugin let's just pick a random one down here constant contact top email marketing tool member press most popular membership plugin keep coming down the bottom so better search replace best replacing tool add sanity top wordpress plugin for ads so there's a lot of different plugins here live chat the best live chat plugin and most of them are completely free some of them are premium plugins and what a lot of these different pages do so this is the problem when you're looking for the best wordpress plugins is a lot of them have affiliate programs so they're gonna tell you about some of the best paid plugins because they're also trying to send you to their own affiliate offers so that's kind of one of the issues for looking for the best wordpress plugins now i don't fault them for it because the paid plugins are very good but sometimes you get marketers that are just promoting something to earn an income so always keep that in mind when you're looking at the best wordpress plugins there's usually five 10 15 plugins that do the same job so look for the top rated and least expensive version unless you need something that offers more customizations so i wanted to go through this quickly so popular plugins to install when you get started with wordpress these are 10 of the most popular wordpress plugins that would work on most websites they all have different uses or they can work well together such as autoptimize and wp optimize so these are some different plugins you can get started with and again you can always change plugins as you go if you find a better security plugin or you find something else you want to use you can always just delete word friends and install the new security plugin if you look up best wordpress security plugins you're going to find pages that have 10 15 20 different plugins that you can use because there's so many plugins that do the same job so this is number six some of the most popular wordpress plugins and some of the ones you should get started with as you start building your website and then the other thing you can do is let's just say you need a plug-in for an image gallery go right to the wordpress plugins page so if we come over here again to plugins what you can do is just go to gallery and just we're just going to search gallery here in keyword and it's going to bring up some of the most popular plugins that will offer a gallery so you can find anything you're looking for here no matter what you need there's always going to be a plug-in for it so just keep that in mind as you install plug-ins i really want new users to wordpress to really understand how plug-ins work and you know how something like the instagram feed when i was showing you earlier will show up now in your appearance and widgets and how you can customize that right on your website and right in your back end of your website so that's gonna be number six ten of the most popular wordpress plugins to install and configure when you get started with wordpress okay so now for part 7 of our amazon affiliate marketing course i'm gonna go over how to create some initial content so you can be accepted into amazon associates so this will also be a useful part for anybody who is already accepted into amazon associates and for anybody that's just looking for a little bit more information about creating content on their website so if we open up amazon associates in the application review process here so one thing they show here is a good rule of thumb is at least 10 posts so when amazon is looking at websites and whether or not they want to accept somebody into amazon associates they're not looking for some massive website that has a ton of different content on it what they're looking for is a website with some recent content that looks like it's going to continue to build so that you can put amazon associates products on your website what they don't want is some bare brand new website like the one that i've created here if i were to try to get accepted with this one here they would say no because there's no content on it the only thing on it is the default post that comes with wordpress there's no nothing unique about it so that's why we have to start actually creating some content and you can see here they have a good rule of thumb is at least 10 posts and you also need to make sure that you've driven some qualified sales so after you sign up it's going to say they're going to check your application once you've driven some qualified sales at least three within the first 180 days so you want to make sure you have a website that's going to start getting some traffic and the way to do that is with some initial content so what i want to go over are some different ideas for initial content so that you can be accepted into amazon associates and not have any issues when you do submit your website so first things first six of the most popular types of content if you have no clue where to get started news and current events is a great way because it's very easy to write quick news stories and i'll go over some different ideas for how to find news ideas basically with any niche that you're in it's very easy to find news ideas and anything current using just google news number two is product reviews product reviews aren't going to work for every single different type of website for example i don't write product reviews for my website because wicker wicker products change so often that it's hard to review them because they don't it's not something where there's you know five different products i can review and compare there's hundreds of products if not thousands of products number three and something that ranks really well on google are list posts if you go to google and you pretty much look for any type of keyword you're going to find some list posts i'm going to show you some different ideas as we continue to go but list posts you know something like just before we showed the 31 most popular wordpress plugins for 2021 so you'll see these list posts and they're always ranking high on google video or image based blogs so that would be something like for surfside ppc if i'm posting my blog to my website and i'm posting the video to go along with it maybe i have some images and some graphics and it's really just more geared towards the video or the image with just a little bit of text that's going to be a very popular type of content as well how to training and tips so using my example for golf there's a ton i can do here for how-to training and tips because people are always looking for ideas on how to swing their different golf clubs how to hit the ball different things like that so there's a ton of different ideas when it comes to how-to training and tips and then another very easy one is interviews or questions and answers you can either take questions and answers from your guests or you can take them for example from people on social media and you can just answer them right in your blog or you can do an interview with somebody who is considered you know maybe a thought leader somebody who's considered very established in whatever industry you're in so if i can get an interview with a professional golfer or a caddy or a golfing pro or anything like that it's going to allow me to post that directly to my website and it's a great piece of content so these are six different popular types of content you want to mix and match the types of content you're creating unless your main goal is just to focus on news or something like that or just product reviews you can still do that as well now one of the popular things with product reviews is for example i can say i'm going to start reviewing golf drivers so i'm going to review 20 different golf drivers and then i'm going to do a list post listing the 20 best golf drivers and focus on the different reviews i had link from that list post into each individual product review have a list of how i rank them for each individual driver obviously that's a lot of work especially a lot of work if i'm trying to use every single driver before i create a review now obviously i'm not going to keep working on this website i just thought it was a great niche to show you all these different ideas because there's so many different things you can do with a sports niche so we're going to get right into it here and after we look at the application review process one of the things you want to do if you're looking for some different content ideas just go directly to google go to the news tab and just search whatever your niches and news so it doesn't really matter what you're writing about if it's something automotive if it's something to do with appliances or anything like that look up some news it might just be really product based but for something like golf you can see here big gambling announcements that can give me ideas on maybe writing some gambling content looking at the upcoming golf tournament so in this case it's the shriners children's open so i'm going to show you how to take something like looking at golf news and coming up with a few different ideas and what i'm going to do is as i go is i'm going to write them all in just a notepad so if i open up my notepad right here you can see this is a great thing to do as you're going through and trying to find new content ideas just make sure you keep a list it could be something you write down yourself it could be something that you'd use like this with notepad or microsoft word you can keep track of it right in the backend of your wordpress dashboard so whatever however it's easiest for you what you want to do is continue to come up with different content ideas so for this just looking right here i can say okay gambling so we'll do gambling we'll do upcoming golf tournament okay so there's a couple ideas already we'll continue to scroll down and what you're going to see here is a lot of times you see okay so phil mickelson on twitter so somebody turned that into an article so i could turn that into an article as well obviously it's already been done but it gives you an idea when you're looking for content ideas is did a professional popular golfer or something like that say something on social media that i can turn into a news article they surprisingly get a lot of traffic not that i'm usually interested in them but a lot of people are so keep scrolling down so just looking at some different ideas here so someone hits a hole in one alongside a golf legend keep coming down lpga first major to undergo sweeping changes new dates venue starting in 2023 so what i can do is say lpga news keep coming down so golfers should do this more as they start getting older the ultimate golfers spending survey so this could be useful for understanding where golfers are spending their money so maybe what you want to do is look at something like golf travel sometimes i'll do a little question mark there is that something that's worthwhile 70 million golf attraction going into the strat in las vegas so that's definitely something you can do so what i'll do is kind of have an overview up here at the top and then as i start getting down a little bit more let's do something like okay so we'll do posts here so the first one i can write about is the strat golf attraction called atomic range so just looking right here you can see it's atomic range i can open up this page and that's something that i can write about so the next thing is looking at gambling and looking at upcoming golf tournament what i can do is potentially say okay let's open up and look at some different betting lines related to the upcoming golf tournament and you can see here there's all sorts of different betting lines so one idea that i can use is say okay how about we do maybe five or ten picks for every single tournament and come up with some idea where people can read my gambling content and i can show some the thoughts behind why i would pick somebody to win an event or finish top 10 an event so some of the big things for golf for example is to miss the cut to make the cut and top 10 finish so maybe what i can do is something like 10 for the top 10 so people can have 10 different golfers so we'll do 10 golfers for the top 10 and that's something that i can do with gambling so we'll come over here and do gambling 10 golfers for the top 10 and i can do this on a weekly basis for every single tournament so the more that i would write about this stuff the more i'm gonna learn about each individual golfer i can use the odds to say okay let's look at somebody who has really good odds and has played well in this tournament before and that could be something that i write about on a weekly basis so as you come up with some different post ideas there might be one-offs like this talking about the atomic range golf attraction in las vegas maybe i write a lot about that so people start googling it maybe they visit my website to learn more about it and then gambling 10 golfers for the top 10 if that's something that i start writing as a weekly column what's going to happen is if i do pick good golfers or i do have good reasoning for why i'm picking golfers people are gonna come back to my website to look at that and i'm just attracting people who have an interest in gambling and over time what i can do is see if there are gambling affiliate programs where i can continue to increase my revenue so that's ultimately your goal a lot of people will say well it's hard to earn from just amazon affiliate marketing and your goal shouldn't be just earning from amazon affiliate marketing it should be creating an amazon affiliate marketing website that you can continue to grow with different ideas now i don't actually know whether or not you're allowed to write about gambling content if you are an amazon associate if that's one of the things that they allow you to do i would assume yes with how much gambling is becoming legalized especially in the united states but that's something you would want to make sure you look at and if not you can create a separate website where it's your par golf zone gambling name it whatever you want to and you can just write it on that website so it allows you to earn from different types of content so the next thing i want to go over is some different news so when it comes to news what you want to do is have something where it's consistent so if i'm going to write about news one thing that's really easy for golf is just writing about who won the previous tournament and who's playing at upcoming tournaments so you can see here here's a recent news from the last tournament for golf not just second win at sanderson farms championship and if we scroll down you can see big video here maybe about 500 words of content a lot of it just being interviews so news is a really easy thing to cover so what i can do is news and we'll do okay so upcoming tournament and previous tournaments that's something i can do again on a weekly basis so right now on a weekly basis we have a gambling article that we can write news so who's playing in the upcoming tournament and that can go along with our gambling content as well and then news who won the previous tournament maybe who finished in the top 10 who played well who didn't play well so i already have three good content ideas just by going through google news so when we come back over here and we're looking at some other ideas for popular types of content so news and current events there's always a ton when it comes to golf specifically for your niche you might just not have that many so next let's look at product reviews so i'm gonna go through a strategy for product reviews and list posts a little bit later on in this portion of the video but what i want to do real quickly is when it comes to product reviews if we come over here and i'm looking at the pga tour superstore if i'm looking at clubs i can look at what the most popular clubs are maybe take the top 10 drivers the top 10 putters so if we come to clubs you can see drivers irons and iron sets putters fairway woods hybrids wedges so i can take these six different categories and say okay i'm going to write 60 product reviews the top 10 for each category and i'm going to write a review about each one of those products and then i'm going to create an article of the top 10 drivers the top 10 iron sets the top 10 putters etc etc so if we come back over to our content ideas here let's just say product reviews and we'll say top 10 clubs per category okay and then we'll do list top 10 clubs per category so we're able to actually write it's going to be a total of 66 articles if i were to write all of these so clubs i could do the top 10 drivers that's 60 articles for these six different categories here and then i have a separate list of the top 10 for each category and i do top 10 drivers 2021 top 10 iron sets 20 21 and i can make sure that anybody who's looking for clubs can find all the information they need directly on my website and when it comes to product reviews you might have a night something where it's like i can't review this if i've never hit it so i know that's something that's kind of difficult to process but really what you want to do with product reviews look at how other people review it maybe look at a couple different sources for each type of club so i can look on amazon to see you know how many reviews each of these products has on amazon if they're available on amazon and then besides pga tour superstore i can find another big golf store that gets a lot of reviews on their products and see how they're reviewed there as well and use the overall review score to come up with the best clubs based on a bunch of different reviews because ultimately if it's just your review you might hit one club really well and one club poorly and it might be completely different for somebody else so you'd rather take all of these different reviews and when you're writing a review the goal isn't to say hey i hit this club a little bit further than the other one it's to come down here to the description to the tech specs looking at all the different details and specifications for the products that you're writing about and making sure people understand everything they need to know about it so when it comes to product reviews you don't have to use each individual product and i can promise you a lot of the product reviews that you're reading on affiliate websites are people that don't use those products all the time they may have used them once they may have not used them at all so that's something to keep in mind as you're writing about different product reviews or if you're creating a list of different products as well okay so kind of going over some different ways to come up with even more content ideas i think i already have my plateful here with all these different posts i have i can obviously write about more news i can write about different clubs as well but the other thing you can do is use a website like quora or any other question and answer website you want and if you come to this website you can do a search at the top you can look for specific communities related to your niche so you can see there's a golf community right here if i click on golf there's 450 000 followers in this category as well so if we keep scrolling down what you're going to find are a ton of different questions here and you might find some questions that you don't want to answer at all that have nothing to do with anything but what it helps you with is golf how can i break 80 so when it comes to golfing a lot of people want to break 100 90 and 80. those are the three main things that people try to do so if you're writing how can someone break 80 what you want to do is try to write a really long article using different tips tricks training exercises everything to how people can break 80. so that means you're shooting less than 80 shots in a round so if you keep scrolling down you're going to find even more questions and what you want to do is find a question where you say you know what a lot of people might have this question so for example i open this why is golf generally an expensive sport i can do right on my website 10 reasons golf is so expensive and go through all the different reasons here and the good thing about quora is you also have a ton of answers to questions already so someone right here gives five different examples of why it's so expensive if you keep scrolling down there's even more answers down here as well where people will list all these different reasons that golf might be so expensive so if you say okay i have eight reasons right now but i need a couple more look at some of the other answers and you can say okay that's a good point too i'm going to add that to my article and offer my own unique spin on it so using something like quora will allow you to come up with a lot of new ideas as well even if it's not something that people are searching constantly into google it's something that might drive a couple people to your website every day and it's an article that you can write in several hours so next is going to be now this is a paid tool so if you're really looking for content you can pay for the premium version of buzzsumo but they do offer i believe two or three free searches per day so you can come in here every day do a couple searches and come up with some different ideas so for example i search for golf exercises you could just do something really broad when i searched for golf it was mostly things that had to do with politics and i don't really would not want to cover politics if i were covering golf as well so if i do golf exercises and we start scrolling down you can see there's a bunch of different ideas here so let's best golf exercises to improve your game stretching exercises for golf to boost your range of motion and flexibility so keep coming down six exercises that can help improve your golf game golf back swing stretching exercise with dumbbell and what's good about this is it's showing which articles have the most social shares so if you're trying to get people to actually share your content or see what people have engaged with the most this is a great tool to do it is very popular tool used by content marketers and just coming through here i can come up with two different ideas where i do okay let's say best we'll do list again best golf exercises and we'll do list again and best golf stretches now what's good about this is if you if i write about the 10 best golf exercises i can also probably do separate articles about golf exercises for more consistent swing golf exercises to avoid back pain golf exercises to hit the ball further so i can expand on this a little bit as i go but right now i have a few different lists and these are types of posts that would rank pretty well do pretty well on social media so just different ideas and then as you're looking for more ideas look at what's currently ranking in google so i just did a search of best golf exercises and this was ranked in google five exercises guaranteed to improve your golf game if we scroll down all they really have are five different exercises a simple reason why they work how to do them and then a video so i could do this easily and create different videos of me doing the exercises that i'm showing and then just write a little bit about why that would be helpful for people who are trying to either hit the ball further or more consistently so coming up with some of these different ideas really isn't too hard and just using something like buzzsumo i can search for different different topics within my own niche to find what people have written about already and i can also find more information from some of the different articles that have been have a lot of engagement in social shares so just by going through some of these quick examples you can see here i have some some ideas up at the top of things that i can always write about some posts that i can start working on right now and then what i can do is start to think about outsourcing maybe some of my content and the way that i usually outsource content is with i've gone over iwriter a lot in some of my previous videos i think it's a great service for people who own websites because all you have to do is register for an account request whatever type of content you want written long form content short form content it's really quality content from actual writers and you request the content you're going to receive it and you have you can either approve or reject it or request a rewrite so if let's just say i'm i want a 500 word article about golf exercises i'm willing to spend 25 dollars for that article so i do that somebody writes an article that i don't think is very good i can reject it and a brand new person will write it now you don't want to keep rejecting articles because people do work hard on them but sometimes you get an article that's just it's not on topic or it's just not written well and what you can do is either download it after you approve it put it right up on your website or what you want to do is reject it and get a new article so it's a very easy service to use it's very affordable in my opinion you can get articles for very cheap so if you're looking for a 500 word article you can get one for probably 10 to 15 and as you look for better writers it's gonna cost you a little bit more and usually what i'll do is try to get you know something like a 500 word article depends on what the topic is if it's an easy topic i'll do 20 if it's a more difficult topic i'll do 25 or 30 so you're really looking for trying to find the best quality for the best price and the other good thing with iwriter is when you do actually create an account they have the google keyword planner built right in so when you go to order content they have the free google keyword planner here so i can just come right here and search for golf if i do golf view keyword research and we'll see what it comes up with okay so you give it a second you can see keyword golf search volume 673 thousand per month competition is pretty low actually but the keyword difficulty index is pretty high tons of results cost per click one dollar and eleven cents but if we scroll down some of the top phrase match keywords top golf golf courses so right away i can come up with an idea of maybe on my website i want to offer golf booking so golf booking and maybe there's an affiliate program for that so that's something you want to consider i could also do obviously i talked about it before golf gambling and affiliate programs so you always want to look for different ways that you can increase your earnings but if we keep scrolling down mini golf so maybe i want to do something where people can search for mini golf courses near them golf carts do i want to write about that at all but if you keep coming down you're going to see some so golf shoes that's another thing that i can write reviews about i will look at used golf clubs world golf rankings maybe i have a page on my website of the official world golf rankings and keep it updated all the time keep coming down golf scores golf simulator golf driving range near me so you can find a bunch of different ideas if we look at view more results maybe we can find even more keywords here okay so looking at more keywords golf handicaps so i can write a long article about how does a golf handicap work how do you actually compute your golf handicap and where can you keep track of your golf handicap keep coming up and we can find even more ideas some masters golf obviously that's a big tournament throughout the year golf range golf rangefinder this is a great way to find a ton of different products for sale so as we build our affiliate marketing website and our affiliate store on our website i can make sure okay let me make sure i'm listing golf groups for sale let me make sure i'm listing golf hats for sale golf range finders that's another type of product and you can see a ton of search volume for all these different products so it's a great way to find even more keywords and more ideas as you're building out your store so i love this is a pretty new feature as far as i know the adding the google keyword planner directly within iwriter you can also use other free keyword tools you can go directly to the google keyword planner through your google ads account you can use there's keyword tool dot io so there's a lot of different free keyword tools where you can find a ton of different keywords and if we come over here you can see i came up with a bunch of different content ideas so if you're just getting started one of the main things that i recommend is writing some different articles on your website so i'm going to come back over to my dashboard for you can see here if i come to post i have the only post i have is the default post that comes with wordpress which is hello world so what i'm going to do is trash this post okay and what i like to do is start with post categories and what i'm going to do is my first category so you're going to see uncategorized here so i'm going to create a new category and i'm just going to call it golf swing tips so i'm going to start with five articles related to golf swing tips i'm not going to go too deep into the articles but if we come over here slug is going to be the url friendly version of the name so you want to do exactly what the name is golf swing tips parent category is going to be none and then you want to write a description here so i could do something like okay so just a couple sentences here usually when it comes to a description you want to write about a paragraph for each category so i'm going to add my new category here golf swing tips okay so we have our new category let's come back over to posts and look at all posts so the first five articles i want to write so i came over here and wrote them here how to hit your drivers straight how to hit golf balls above your feet how to hit a draw golf shot how to hit a fade golf shot and how to hit a low punch or stinger golf shot so articles that i can easily write about 300 to 500 words each and i can just do some simple tips and i can turn them into posts that are also lists as well so what i can do is if i know i'm going to write some lists here so i'm going to do something like five ways to hit your driver straight okay so if we're adding a new post there's two things to keep in mind when you're adding a blog post first is going to be the format of your blog post and you can see here as i create a new blog post it brings me right into the block editor so the block editor is the default wordpress editor now now i talked previously about when i was going over plugins i use the classic editor so i'm going to eventually switch to the classic editor and i'll show you how to do that you can use something like elementor to create your content you can use the block editor already built into wordpress so it really this is really a matter of preference how you want to write is completely a matter of preference you can go into microsoft word and write your blog articles and then just import them into wordpress using the block editor or using the classic editor i just prefer to write directly in the classic editor and do all my formatting that way it's kind of the old way to do it because a lot of people are using these block editors now i just it's just not how i feel the most comfortable doing it so if we do welcome to the block editor you can see here each paragraph image or video is presented as a distinct block of content so if you have a video you can put it right at the top here if you have images you can put it to the left hand side of your text which you can do that with the classic editor as well it's just a little bit more difficult if you're not familiar with how to use it so what i can do is just click on next go through kind of how this works make your make your each block your own get to know the block library so we can go through all this learn how to use the block editor here's a detailed guide so i'm not going to go over how to use the block editor in this video because it's just not something i do very well and i would actually read this guide before i trust my own instincts using this so if we click on x you can see add a title so i can add my title here if i click on the plus sign up at the top i can add a paragraph and you can see add title type to choose block and i can start adding blocks here so if i come over here and choose image you can see it's going to say upload an image file pick one from your media library or add one with the url so using the block editor isn't really all that difficult it's just not something i do so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come back out here we're going to leave i'm not going to save any of these changes my post is gone now so i'm going to go over to plugins and i'm going to add new you can see featured here the first one is classic editor enables the previous classic editor with the old style edit post screen so i'm going to do install now and activate this and that will change the way my posts look again if you want whatever you want to use whatever you feel most comfortable with i recommend finding what you feel most comfortable with maybe spend a few days using the block editor maybe just go directly with the classic editor if you know you prefer to use that okay so i have this plug-in installed now so let's come over to post and we'll just come over to add new so this will allow us to add a new blog post and showing our classic editor here so usually there's a visual portion here and then there's a text portion i'm just writing the text portion so it's basically like microsoft word here and then i just handle all my formatting on my own so a couple things keep in mind with categories so the category we just created over here i usually try to check my category first so i put all my blog posts in the correct categories when you only have one category it's not really that difficult to choose from them but as you start to create more content you might have golf news golf product reviews so different things like that now the other thing i really want to go over in this video is i don't want to show you you know me writing something about golf i don't think that would interest most people here i've probably already talked about golf a little too much so if we come over to add title so when you're creating your title the first thing i want to write is how to hit your driver straight so i could do something like how to hit your driver straight up here at the top or i can just create this into a list article already and say five ways to hit your driver straight every time okay so an enticing headline someone who goes to google and says how do i hit my driver straight this will make it much easier to also update this article over time but what you want to do so you're going to see our permalink here so this is usually when i'll set my permalinks and i'll go over how to do that right now but if we click on edit i don't want this to be five ways to hit your driver straight every time all i want to do is change this url to hit driver straight okay so what that means is if i write this article it's not ranking well in google i say you know what let's write five different ways and we're going to turn this into 10 ways to hit my drivers straight if my url was five ways to hit your driver straight every time and then i changed to 10 ways to get your drivers straight every time it's going to show that 5 still here in the url so create evergreen urls that allow you to go back to your articles and upgrade them and improve them over time so there's nothing wrong with writing an initial article and maybe even writing a shorter article at first and then going back into it whether it's a month later whether it's a year later and improving that article so you can see over here this one five exercises guaranteed to improve your golf game so it was written and published on september 30th 2020. what's going to happen over time is this article is going to lose rankings simply because it becomes more out of date so google likes more relevant and more updated content so usually what i'll do is i will publish an article so let's just say i'm publishing this today so if we click on publish today right now it is october 6 2021 so if i publish this today and then i go back and update it six months from now what i'll do is say okay so now it's updated let's just say it's march 6 2022 i'll change the date here and update the publish date as i update the article as well so i'm going to click on cancel we'll do publish immediately now the other thing i want to go over here is we want to remove the year the month and the day from our permalink here at the top for every blog article so what we're going to do is we're going to save this draft so that's going to save this article for right now we're going to come down to settings and you're going to see permalinks here so we're going to click here and this is going to allow us to choose the way we want our links to look so first your product category base right now it's product category product tag base is product tag so you can leave those as is usually i will leave those as is the only thing i really change is if we come up to the top here for post name i just change it to sample the way they have here sample post and you can see the custom structure post name so what that's going to do is it's going to take away the dates from the url which you don't want i take away the plane i don't want a plain url i want a descriptive url i don't want it to have anything here like you know anything additional besides the post name so we're going to use custom structure i usually just choose post name here so we're going to click post name scroll to the bottom and save changes okay so that's going to update our permalink structure if we come over to our blog post screen where we were creating our other blog posts and let's just say we click on edit here you're going to see it's going to remove the dates from that link so now it's just hit driver straight i'm going to change it to five because i'm only going to be doing five now the other thing i like to do so we're going to save this draft again i know i'm going through a lot here but i really want to set you up so when you're creating new content you have kind of a plan and idea in mind of what you want to do so we're going to do add new for post again and what you can do is save a draft and let's just say list articles so this is essentially going to be a template so let's just say template list articles we're going to save this as a draft and we're never going to publish it so it's just a template that we can use for new blog posts so when you're creating a template you want to have a template for some of the different types of articles that you're going to write if we come over here looking at this example so list posts so this can be our template for list posts you might have a template for news posts where you say okay at the top we're going to do an image or maybe we're going to do an image on the left hand side and then we're going to have text on the right hand side that basically wraps around the image and then just continues down the page maybe you want to do a couple block quotes or something like that create creating different templates makes it much easier to publish new content the same with product reviews if you have a specific template for product reviews where you say okay at the very top we're going to write you know what the title of the product is and then we're going to do you know how many star reviews we have under that and then we're gonna do maybe a quick blurb for each individual product where somebody says this is the best driver i've ever hit in and i've been golfing since 1980. whatever it is having different templates allows you to easily create consistent content so people can follow along with whatever it is you're doing if you're doing one interview per week create a template for that interview otherwise just you know write a brand new article if it's something that you haven't done before but since list posts are so popular what you can do here is say okay our template for list articles is going to be and this is how i usually do it if i am creating templates is i'll say okay two to three sentences and then i'll do in all capitals introduction okay so if i'm talking about hitting your driver straight i might say hey one of the biggest headaches with you golfing is hitting fairways hitting the ball straight so that's my introduction start with maybe a problem and then a solution or present the problem and present the solution you're going to have in the article so that's something i'll also do here is present problem and present solution it means you're just giving an introduction basically about what the problem is and how to basically solve that problem over time okay so that's going to be the first thing that we're doing so we'll just do a little hyphen here okay so we'll come down a few next what i'm going to do is basically number so if you're doing a list number and then blank so i know that probably doesn't make a ton of sense but basically five ways to hit your drivers trader so number is going to be five and then the rest of the headline so basically headline to start list and now here's the other thing i'll do and you can adjust this as you want but i'll do this so h2 and h2 so basically if we were going to do this really quickly i'm going to write it below just to kind of give you an idea of what this article would look like so two to three cents introduction okay so you can see here two to three sentences introduction present the problem and present the solution and then we have our first header so it's gonna be our headline to start the list so here is our introduction here are you having trouble hitting your driver straight stop searching for your ball in the woods and start hitting more fairways and yadda yadda yadda so the next is going to be our headline five ways to get your driver straight so just an idea of how this is going to look so once you get under here all you really need to do is say okay let's make these a header and let's also make them a list item okay so we're going to make them a list item if we have list items here we also need an ordered list so this is just some simple html here you'll also see it up at the top if you're using this classic editor so if we come up to the top you can see img for image ul is unordered list ol is ordered list li is list item so if you're not familiar with any of these what it's going to do is if i have an opening and closing list and let's just say i do this for five okay so now we have basically number one so whatever our first item in the list is whatever our second item in the list is if we're using an ordered list it'll automatically put a number there and we'll have whatever it is that are you know how to hit your drivers trader so since we're doing this as a template what i have is ordered list we have our header here our list item so what it's going to be is list item number one okay so now that we have this you can see we have our ordered list list item number one underneath list item number one image two to three sentences expanding on list item number one now you can write more than three sentences it's just kind of a good rule of thumb you don't want to write too much for each individual list item you don't want to have too many things under each header i think they kind of recommend not having more than 400 words under each header unless it really requires it so if i'm saying list item number one how to hit your driver straighter and let's just say my my thing is practice your swing before you go golfing i can do when you're practicing here's what you want to do an image of maybe some things to focus on as you practice where to practice anything like that so you're just trying to expand on whatever your list items are as you're creating these different types of content so i think it's really important to put together these templates and you want a template for the different types of article you're going to write specifically list articles and product review articles so once you write one really good list article or one really good product review article take that article and just turn it into a template and then you can keep using this template every single time so i can copy and paste this and say okay two to three sentences introduction so come around and just write my two to three sentences headline to start list so five ways to your drivers straighter list item number one practice your swing more et cetera et cetera templates allow you to work much faster and more consistently so that's something to really keep in mind as you're writing articles and consistency is going to be really important so you can continue to grow your traffic and the more traffic you're getting on your website ultimately the more revenue you can drive so usually what i'll do is have several templates and then when you save a draft here you have a template for list articles as you update more of your blog post so we'll come back over to blog posts here you can see template list articles you can just look at all of your drafts to find which ones are templates or what you can do is just at the very bottom you're going to end up having all of your templates so you just come in here there's different ways you can do it you can duplicate this or you can just do edit copy and paste that template into a new article and then as you write you already have how you want your articles to look now it's going to be helpful if let's just come to preview here and see the way this looks so what's good about a template is you can kind of have an idea of how your headers are going to look so headline to start list list item number one image two to three cents is expanding on let's say number one list item number two you can see since we did an ordered list these ones are here automatically one two three four five and it will keep happening for every single list item we put in our ordered list so you can see this would be basically how our article would look in the very beginning and then as we add more list items you can see it's a good format for an article it's easy to follow easy to read so you want to use templates as you're creating content because it's just so much easier to go back and use them and then as you're creating more and more content now for me if i was writing 10 articles right now and i'm trying to be accepted into amazon associates i would write these five right now so that's what i'm going to do in a little bit i'm not going to show you that on the video because it's just don't think people want to see me write a bunch of different articles it takes a lot of time and it's just not really uh overly entertaining the other thing i would do is let's just say news so i would write about the upcoming golf tournament so amazon is looking for recent and relevant content so if i'm saying okay let's write about the upcoming tournament i would cover news for who won the previous tournament so basically i could just almost rewrite some of the different news articles you can find online so there's really no problem with doing that that's what a lot of news is nowadays just people you know finding the first source and then just rewriting it and putting their own opinion on it as well you can also if you're writing about news and current events give your own opinion you don't just have to write like you're you know a journalist if you're not trying to focus on being a journalist for your website so give your own spin on things people want to want to read things that are unique i would write about this new golf attraction so that would be a very easy article the atomic range in las vegas so i could also write maybe start with my first product review so get started with a product review even if i can't you know have affiliate marketing in that product review i can add it later and then maybe start with a list of some of the best golf exercises even if i just do something simple like this you know five golf exercises to you know help you hit the ball further or whatever it is so come up with some different content ideas if you're really struggling with content i would highly recommend using a service like come up with some different keywords you can use the built-in google keyword planner you can also just you know go directly to google and do something like golf exercises okay and you can see the article that we have open so right here five exercises guaranteed to improve your golf game 10 best exercises to improve your golf game so you can look at different videos and come up with some different ideas the other thing you can do that's a very simple way to create a lot of content use this people also ask section click on a question close it click on a question close it click on a question close it right now i have a bunch of different articles i can write all related to golf what is the most common golf injury how do i strengthen my back for golf the best thing is if i say are planks good for golf you can see i feel the most beneficial exercises for you would be planks so i can not only add that to my article about exercises i can say are planks good to build strength in my golf swing and i can write about why it is so they also have here golf tip strengthening core for good golf games so you can find a lot of different ideas just by looking at what's already written what people are asking if you scroll to the bottom of google they usually have a ton of different ideas here golf exercises at home for distance printable golf exercises for seniors so you can create basically a infographic or a large graphic that can be printed out make sure it all looks really good show the different types of golf exercises and you can do one for distance one for seniors maybe one for flexibility maybe 10 golf exercises with bands so start on some of these different topics and just start writing start creating some content if you're having trouble doing that take some of these keywords go directly to iwriter spend a little bit of money and you're going to have some content in no time now you want to make sure you're not investing too much money in content right away you don't want to invest thousands and thousands of dollars if you're not getting traffic yet but as you get started make sure you're writing enough content so you can be accepted into the amazon associates program content on your website must be recent generally within the last 60 days doesn't mean they're gonna you know have any issues if you do have older content on your website but you do want recent content good rule of thumb is at least 10 posts so finishing up number seven i know this is a pretty long part but creating some initial content to get accepted this is where you want to start creating some of the different product or post categories on your website so i showed you me creating that golf swing tips i would also do something like golf exercises and just start writing different articles and when you are creating articles some of the best tips i can give you is if you come into the back end of your website making sure that you're categorizing everything making sure you're using templates and then the way i showed you with the urls you want to make sure you're setting your permalink so that you have very clean urls so you can go back and edit your articles over time i would guarantee that this article right here has probably been updated several times if it hasn't been i'm assuming they're going to start updating it especially as they realize they're going to start losing traffic on that article you can even see here they have some recent articles the 15 best scottish golfers of all time so in 10 years this article might have two or three different golfers on it because there's new golfers all the time and you want to make sure you keep everything relevant and up to date and one of the best ways to do that is making sure you're using these urls where you can easily update your content and you don't have to write a completely new blog post you don't want to write 10 different articles about hitting the driver straight what you want to do is write one article and make it the best article over time so hopefully that all makes sense for part number seven so this is how to create some initial content try to write at least 10 blog posts so you can get accepted into amazon associates and also how you can use a notepad to come up with a bunch of different content ideas just using this right here i can start writing about gambling i could start writing about some different product reviews and then for some easier content some tips some how to's some news so getting started with the content is going to be one of the most difficult parts of building a successful amazon affiliate marketing website it takes a lot of time to create content or it takes a lot of money overall it takes resources which is why it's very hard to create a successful website but you need to just start creating content and be consistent the best tip i can give you is create content be consistent keep improving and make sure you're creating you know you're not creating 10 different pages for the same topic you're just updating those pages over time okay so the next part of the video is going to be how to create an amazon affiliate store on your wordpress website and how to add categories subcategories and products so if we come back over to my website so this is a website that already has a shop on it so you can see right here from the home page at the very top there is shop so if we click here it's going to go to shop and once we get there what you're going to see are some of the different sub categories that i have so baskets decorations furniture cushions ceiling and light fixtures patio furniture if we scroll down you're going to see some of these different products here so let's just say for example someone comes into my shop they're searching for a wicker basket so they click on this part of my shop they're going to go into the subcategory page for wicker baskets okay so once that loads here you can see i have all these different subcategories here and all of these are just based on my keyword research so what people are looking for the most when it comes to any type of category of products so if we keep scrolling down here you can see these are all sub categories and then we get into a bunch of different products here as well so let's just say for example someone sees this here they want to purchase it they click on learn more it's going to bring them directly to amazon you can see at the very end here is my tag wicker0720 and if someone comes in and they add this to their cart and they purchase it within 24 hours i'm gonna get a commission so the way amazon works is if i'm sending people here the more clicks that i can drive basically the more commissions i'm ultimately going to get in the long run so my goal is to get people into my store into my website clicking on learn more and going to amazon so they purchase something directly from amazon and one of the ways that you can easily have products on your website is by importing them directly so that's what i'm going to show you in this video is how to create a shop like this on your website if you already have a wordpress content website in any niche where you can sell amazon products this is a great way to drive additional traffic and drive additional revenue as well so the first thing you want to do is you need to go to your plugins you need two plugins to be able to import products directly from amazon and that's woocommerce so woocommerce is going to allow you to actually add products to your website and product categories so you see here there's a woocommerce tab on the left hand side when you install woocommerce you're also going to get this products tag so you can see all products add new categories tags and attributes so once you install woocommerce it allows you to create this shop page and then the other plugin that you're going to need to import amazon products is w zone the woocommerce amazon affiliates plugin and if we come over here to so i already went over this earlier in the video but if you come over to you do need to purchase a regular license of the woocommerce amazon affiliates plug-in it's 49 it's a one-time fee any additional payments here so it says extend support to 12 months or if you're trying to have support forever you can actually pay to make sure you have support forever however the regular license will automatically update once you purchase it one time so it's a 49 one-time fee for the license and you do get six months of support from their team so if you have any issues you can always reach out and contact them [Music] so earlier in the video i showed you how to install both of these plugins so woocommerce if you go to plugins and add new and you just search for woocommerce you'll see it right there you can easily install it so that's going to be the first thing you want to do is install it and activate it and then the other thing you want to do is install and activate w zone now once you install and activate w zone you do need to be accepted into the amazon affiliate program so if we come to the back end of amazon here you can see to get into the amazon associates program what you're going to need is to be accepted and then what i do is if you come over and go over your name up here at the top and go to manage your tracking ids what it's going to do is going to allow you to add tracking ids for any different website that you create so this is one of my tracking ids here for the new website i'm working on par golf zone so you can see so i know where these purchases are coming from so i know anything through wicker is from my wicker guide website anything from farm goals is for farmhouse goals so it allows you to add a tracking id specific for your website so you want to add that tracking id first now the next thing you're going to want to do is come to your account settings in amazon associates so again right down here account settings so after you create your tracking id so the next thing you want to do is click on edit your website and mobile app list so you can add your website directly to your amazon associates account so that's what i'm going to do now is click on this and add okay so you can see beachfront decor down here at the bottom so if i come in to enter my website all you want to do okay so enter your website click on add and it's really that simple so if we scroll to the bottom here you can see my websites let's click on next and you can see my website list it says are any of them above directed primarily at children under 13 the answer is no we're going to confirm and now you can see our websites and mobile apps are updated here so you just want to make sure you add your website here to your amazon associates account and then the last thing you're going to have to do is actually connect your amazon associates account to your wordpress website using the woocommerce amazon affiliates plugin aka w-zone aka wuzone so there's different names that it's called but it's the woocommerce amazon affiliates plugin so what we're going to want to do and i already showed you how to do this earlier in the video but i just want to go over it again as we're going through this so if you come to tools you want to go to product advertising api and if we scroll down here you can see there's access key id and what you want to do is add new credentials and that's going to give you an access key id and a secret access key and when you add new credentials what you want to do is go back to your website so we're going to come to the back end of our website and you want to go to wzone and you want to go to config so we're going to go to the config link here from wzone okay when you come to this page you're going to see a page that looks something like this i've already set it up through amazon for myself so if we scroll down here what you want to do is enter your access key here and then enter your secret access key here you want to check those keys you should get a confirmation message that your amazon associates account is connected to your wordpress website and then you want to add those amazon aws keys and you want to scroll all the way to the bottom you want to enter your affiliate id here so i'm going to eventually enter affiliate ids for some of these different countries as well but what you want to do is scroll down to the bottom and just click on save the settings once you do that you're going to be able to import products very easily using amazon and using your website okay so once you have those saved what you want to do is you can actually use this direct import extension here as well so you can see that says no product advertising api keys so i still set up my product advertising api keys and then i click on direct import extension so if you come to direct import extension it's going to say your api url and that's going to be the url for our website it's going to say get the w zone direct import extension here so you want to click on that and you're going to see w zone direct import we're going to add this to chrome so we're going to add extension okay so now we have it added here so what we want to do next is we're going to come over you're going to see this api secret so we want to generate a new key here so we're going to generate a new key and we're going to save the settings okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to open up so we'll open up and what you're going to see at the top here is a bar so w zone direct import so you see it at the very top here if you want to import products please go to any amazon product details page so that was from the chrome plugin that we installed here so you can see this is the w zone direct import plugin now we go to amazon this will be at the top of our page and you can get rid of this extension by clicking up here at the top and getting rid of it but let's just say for example i want to add this clock to my website if i click on this clock now you're going to see at the top it's going to say before using this extension you need to authorize it in the wzone plugin on your install so we're going to come back to our website and we're in the back end still in the direct import chrome extension so you're going to see at the very top you want to authorize wzone direct import extension to access and import products into this w-zone install if you don't see this try refreshing the page try reopening the direct import extension link after you've completed the other steps and what we're going to do is we're going to click on authorize so you can see website successfully added so if we come back over here to amazon let's refresh this page and what you're going to see is it's going to show what the product is so you can see the product name at the top the image here and then we have a price and then we come over here for where to import and it's going to say one site selected and you can see it has our website par golf zone here so if we click over on the side it's going to allow us to import into a category now what i would recommend not doing is auto detecting categories from amazon what that's going to do is import amazon categories not all the products in those categories but the exact categories that amazon uses so i'll show you exactly what i mean it's kind of right over here you can see it over on the left hand side but if what you want to do is click on the drop down and choose the correct category for your website now i'm not going to be importing this exact product i just want to show you how this is done i'm going to actually import products in a minute but you don't want to auto detect categories from amazon you want to choose the right category on your website and you want to import this product so i'm not going to do that right now i'm just going to click on close for right now so if you do auto detect uh categories from amazon you see over here there's home and kitchen home decor products clocks and wall clocks when you import this product it will import all of those different categories and subcategories as well i would highly recommend not doing that because you might want to name your categories specifically for your own website for example for my beach website i do beach wall clocks or from for a farmhouse website i would do farmhouse wall clocks and same when it comes to wicker guide if i was importing wicker furniture and wicker baskets it might just say home decor products baskets and have nothing to do with wicker so you want to create your own product categories so that's what we're going to do next so we're going to come back over to our website we're still in the direct import chrome extension page right now so what we want to do is we want to go to products and we want to go to categories and this is going to bring up all the different product categories on our website now let's just open up this uncategorized page so we click on view here and open link in the new tab so you can see if we go to it has slash product category slash uncategorized since we have no products here there's no products at all on our website it's going to say no products were found matching your selection now what we can do is come over here and just go to the shop page so we'll do shop and that's going to show what our shop home page would look like so it's home and shop right here so once you install woocommerce and the w-zone plug-in you're able to actually have this shop page immediately so now we want to do is add some product categories and there's different ways to come up with the different product product categories that you want to add usually what i'll do is i'll use a tool like the google keyword planner so if you have a google ads account already what you can do is sign in and go to the google keyword planner and that's going to allow you to do some keyword research to find a bunch of different product categories the other thing that you can do and it's something that might be a little bit easier when you're getting started is look at an existing store and see the way they set up their categories so one of the things i've done with my own websites is i've used a website like so if you go to since my websites a lot of them are geared towards furniture and home decor a lot of the same categories would line up with what wayfare has and i'm also an affiliate of wayfare so when i'm doing something like for example for my website it's all related to farmhouse style decorations and furniture so if i come to furniture here i could see living room furniture so i can create a category farmhouse living room furniture farmhouse sofas farmhouse love seats farmhouse sectionals so a website like wayfair already has done all of this research to find all of these different product categories so i can see what the most popular types of products are even if you're coming over here you can see shop by color wayfarer deals get inspired so it allows you to come up with a lot of different ideas by looking at very successful companies who have already done it decor and pillows so i might say okay i don't know how i'm going to do window treatments for example so i could do farmhouse window treatments farmhouse curtains farmhouse drapes valences etc etc and it allows you to create really good product categories right when you get started and you can always break them down further if you want to so that's kind of my approach now is i've done the keyword research strategy but it might be easier for me to just say okay let's go to a big golf website for my website and let's just say i want to start adding clubs to my website so i want to start adding some golf clubs so if i click here in clubs you can see they broke it down by drivers fairway woods hybrids irons and iron sets wedges and putters so i could do the exact same thing here so if i click on drivers you can see they have shop drivers so i can see golf drivers here and when i come here obviously it has all these different golf drivers they've broken it down for men's women's boys girls and unisex keep coming down brands and then you can see hand right handed versus left-handed loft so they have a lot of different subcategories over here to the left-hand side what i can do is just say okay i want to start by creating a category for golf clubs so that would be my first category so if we come to shop departments here you can see golf clubs once i'm in golf clubs i can create a category for golf drivers and once i'm in golf drivers i can break it down by some of the different brands and start adding by each individual brand and then i could either use product categories or tags to allow people to search if they want a men's driver a women's driver if they're looking for a right-handed versus left-handed driver maybe if they're looking for different loft here so there's a lot of different subcategories when it comes to golf you might find that the niche you choose doesn't have all these different subcategories for example a lot of the home decor they don't have as many subcategories a lot of it is by color or by price different things like that so what i can do is come over here to product categories and you can see in the back end of my website so we're in products and categories you can see the only one i have here is uncategorized so i can change that to golf clubs so just come into edit and we'll do golf clubs for slug that's the url friendly version of the name so the easy way to do this is just take the name above and just do it just like that put a hyphen in between each word and then just keep it all lowercase for parent category this one's going to be none for right now now you want to write a description for all of your different product categories and you also want to upload a thumbnail now when it comes to finding images for the thumbnail usually what i'll do is i'll just use amazon so i'll use pictures directly from amazon so i just did a search for callaway golf driver that's going to be the example i show you in this video so i've never had an issue with using these images for specific products and if you go on different websites for example here's here's you're going to see the exact same image here and if i come into amazon and let's just say i click on this specific driver and let's just say for example i want to use this picture for my golf clubs product category so i think this picture will be a good picture so people know they're finding golf clubs all you have to do is save the image or copy it i usually try to make sure it's a square image so if we save the image and look at the dimensions okay so what you want to do and i fast forward it a little bit i'm going to show you the image that i'm going to end up using is select the file and upload it so you can use something like or you can use even the paint editor on your website or any type of graphics editor that you're using to create graphics is a free option you can choose and you can upload files there and easily create your thumbnails or any other type of image you need so what you can do is upload your file so if i come over to media library you can see this is the file that i have here i just named it golf clubs so i just combined a couple of different images from amazon so i took this driver picture right here and i took this picture with all these different irons i combined them into one so now when someone's looking for golf clubs you can see it includes a lot of the main golf clubs and all you want to do is make sure your title matches your alt text and we're going to click on use image here okay so we have our image right here you want to add a description for the time being i'm just going to leave this blank but usually for the description i'll add two or three sentences and if there is a parent category so i'll show you that as we add drivers you can enter the parent category here obviously we don't have one yet we're just going to click on update okay so we have our category updated here we're going to go back to categories okay so we have golf clubs right here now if you see this up at the top here update required will soon require php version 7.2 or newer that's all done through the back end of your host i'm going to show you how to do that at the end of this video but for right now you don't need to do that if you're saying it will soon require that learn how to upgrade you could do this either immediately when you start your website or you can kind of do what i'm doing get started with some of the immediate things and then we'll go back and make sure we update our php version that all has to do with your web host so if you choose a different host outside of bluehost you might not see this at all depending on when you install your version of wordpress and when you're using bluehost you might not get this message either but i'm going to dismiss this for right now and i'll show you how to do that later on in the video so now with product categories we have our first one added and that's golf clubs so the next one we want to do is add golf drivers so i went over how to come up with some of your different product categories here you could see when we went to shop by department and we went to clubs they had all the different types of clubs there for example if we were to go through apparel and we click here you're going to see men's golf apparel women's golf apparel etc etc and you can find all of these different products through their sub categories so our first for golf clubs is going to be drivers so we're going to come back over and we're going to create golf drivers okay so the slug version golf drivers again thumbnail down here you can take a picture directly from amazon just like we've done so i'm just going to take this picture right here we'll copy it okay so we have our next image uploaded here so i just did golf drivers we're going to click on use image and we're going to add this new category so we have two categories added golf clubs and golf drivers before we add this category this is where parent categories so you want to choose the correct parent category otherwise it's going to create golf drivers as its own parent category and i want it to be within golf clubs so we're going to scroll down here we're going to click on add new category and we're going to do this one more time for callaway golf drivers and that parent category is going to be drivers so you can create a bunch of parent and children categories so for this one we're going to do callaway golf drivers and we'll do callaway golf drivers enter your description here we're going to upload our image okay so i created this little image here so we use one of the big pictures of their driver and we added a smaller picture in here as well so you can kind of just make sure your images are pretty consistent with what you want it to look like so you can see we have golf clubs golf drivers callaway golf drivers so we're breaking it down by brand we want to add this new category what we could do is create even more subcategories so if we come over here to golf galaxy i could say mens drivers i can keep coming down i can say specific loft right hand left hand so that's something you can also keep doing as you're building your subcategories out and the more subcategories you create the better because what you want to do is make sure that you're adding the exact right products into each category and it's really going to help you as you're creating your store so we have our three categories here and what we want to do now is we're going to come over to amazon and what you can do is search for the product you're looking for that you want to add so you can see i just entered golf driver here so what i can do is i can come down to brand i can click on callaway and we'll scroll down so you can see there is 2021 driver 2020 driver so any of the drivers that they have here for callaway i can add directly onto my website there might not be a ton of products depending on each of your categories and some of your categories might only have one or two products there's no issue with that if you start breaking it down here on a larger website they're going to have the same exact thing so if i click on men's and i look click on just callaway drivers and i'm just looking for a specific loft or a specific flex i might only find one or two drivers that fits my needs but there's no problem with having sub-categories that don't have hundreds of products so what we're going to do is come back over here we're going to open up this page we'll close this one here so this is one of the images i used so we're going to open up this page and the wzone direct import extension will be right at the top here and you can see you can either import this product directly or import this product in all of its variations so the variation is going to include left hand right hand the different shaft materials the the different flex options you have here the different configuration so just as we're looking right here all these different products i could say okay right handed come back over to product categories do right-handed callaway golf drivers left-handed callaway golf drivers and if we come over and we look at some of these different options again so come back over to the right page okay so we could do different shaft materials here that might not be one that's worth actually creating a brand new product category for but flex is definitely one and loft is definitely one so i could say okay i want to include loft of 9 degrees 10.5 degrees 12 degrees this can also be handled using product tags as well so that's something you want to consider as you're setting up your store the more that you can break down each individual product the easier it's going to be for users to actually browse your website this is something i wish i did better on beachfront decor as i was setting up the website so it's something that i've improved over time it's probably something i can keep improving but it does take a lot of time to break these down using some of the different product categories and product tags and allowing people to search through all these different products on your website so what i'm going to do is just add this product we're going to come in here we're going to choose our website you're going to see importing category so we have our three categories here again you do not want to auto detect categories from amazon you want to come down to our callaway golf drivers we want to click on close here and we're going to click right here to add this product you could add all the variations and to say okay people come in here they're going to have the options for hand orientation shaft material flex and configuration you just need to make sure if you are adding variations that your theme supports it and that it looks good to the end user so they can actually choose between all these different variations i have found it's can be difficult when you're importing a lot of these different variations and trying to keep up with all that i prefer to just add one type of product and kind of go that's kind of been my strategy it might be different though depending on the niche you choose so that's something that you're going to have to try to improve over time just making sure you're adding products that people can easily browse through and find so we're going to click this button here we have our correct category so once you have cowway golf drivers click this button and you can see product was successfully added into our database with the id of 28 click here to view the product so let's come in let's view our product so you can see par product callaway golf 2021 epic max driver you can see amazon price 529 so when we import it it's going to import this exact price here it's going to show all of the same information so if we scroll down you can see they have some text here this is our short description if we click on learn more it's going to bring us directly to amazon so we're going to keep scrolling down here's the description it's going to show no reviews here so i've never tried to import amazon reviews and i don't really have any reviews on my products so you're able to get reviews easier from an e-commerce website i have read things where people have imported reviews directly from amazon but i've also read that that's against amazon terms of service for amazon associates so in an effort to not ever get kicked off of amazon associates and lose that stream of income i just don't use reviews really altogether you can remove the reviews tab if you want to or you can try to write some of your own reviews for products it's going to become very difficult if you're adding hundreds or thousands of products to your website so that's just something to keep in mind with reviews you can adjust the way your product page looks again go to customize here and product page and you can change how all of this looks here you can put learn more towards the top you can get rid of the short description altogether you can change the way this amazon price looks so there's a lot of different things that you can change on your website about this but you can see we imported this product here if we click on learn more it's going to bring us to amazon with our par golf zone tag here so if anybody comes in and purchases this it'll come back to our website once you add a product it's going to show duplicate product detected here and show the actual id number of the product on your website so this is how you add different products to your website and now if we come back over to our website again and let's just say we go to our shop page so if we go to shop okay so you can see right here we have our callaway golf drivers on our shop page you can add widgets here to the left hand side so your shop sidebar let's come over to you can see i have some most most popular categories filter by price product categories here so people can search through the different product categories i've wanted to add more with you know adding some different color so for people who are looking for any type of wicker basket or wicker furniture in different colors or styles i can add that to my website as well so it's just something to consider as you're trying to make the shopping experience better for people who are visiting your website now let's come back over to our product page if we come to customize one of the things you can do is adjust so you have subcategories at the top here this is where your product description is going to show up you can add a search bar here so making sure people can search through the different products on your website i also have a search bar at the top here to make it easier to search no matter where you are on my website so this is number eight so this is how to create an amazon affiliate store on your website how to add categories and products so there's a lot of different things you can try and test as you do this but basically what you need are the two plugins so woocommerce and the woocommerce amazon affiliates wordpress plugin you install you activate both of those plugins and then you just need to connect your store from amazon so to your amazon associates account so you just want to connect your wordpress website so for me it's using the back end of that plug-in we have this all connected here so then when we go to amazon we can easily import these products into any category we want and then over time what you want to do is just make sure you're building a store that's easy to use for people so hopefully that all makes sense i'm gonna show a little bit more of this in the follow-up video that i do so this is part number eight though how to create an amazon affiliate store on your website how to add categories and products so plenty plenty here to uh get started with and the next part of the video will be part nine okay next is gonna be part nine for our amazon affiliate marketing course and with part nine i'm gonna be going through keyword research keyword mapping content strategy and weekly strategy so i think these are four really important aspects of growing a successful website and growing your traffic what you need to understand is your traffic will not grow overnight and it's only going to grow if you're constantly updating creating content and making sure that your website is always relevant for everybody visiting it so the more content that you create the more traffic you're ultimately going to get especially if you have a good strategy for creating content so i'm going to give you exactly what i would do if i were to run the par website so with keyword research i would start in the google keyword planner so just sign up for a google ads account it's completely free when you sign up for your account you go to tools and settings what you want to do is go to planning and you're going to see keyword planner now if this window was expanded fully it would be over here on the left hand side keyword planner right on the on the menu when you go to tools and settings so if you come to this page for the keyword planner what you're going to click is discover new keywords and you're going to start by entering keywords here or you could also enter a domain so you can see using your own site will filter out services products or brands that you don't offer so you could actually enter any domain here now what i will usually do if i'm starting with a new website is i'll enter very broad keywords so what i might do is something like golf we could do golf clubs you can enter up to 10 keywords here you don't want to enter too many keywords if they're not relevant to each other like i don't want to get too far away from golf clubs golf equipment i could do golf tips i could do golf tournament and we'll just keep it there for right now so you can see i just have five keywords here and i can click on get results and when you click on get results you can adjust the location up here at the top you can adjust the language targeting up here at the top and when you see some of this data it's going to be the previous 12 months so we're currently as i do this video it's october 2021 so for right now i'm seeing october 2020 through september 2021 so when you get your results here in the google keyword planner you're going to see some keywords that you provided at the very top now you're going to see a range of data here unless you have an active campaign running truthfully you don't need the exact number of searches the more important factor is kind of looking at it from a ranking if you were to rank by average monthly searches you could see here these are the most searched keywords so if we just look over here on the left hand side there's a lot of golfers here a lot of people looking for driving ranges or sometimes people will be looking for mini golf near me so you might not want some of these different keywords as you're targeting for your content so what you can do is refine keywords i actually like this refined keywords they have on the right hand side it's a fairly new feature in the google keyword planner probably came out last year so if we come over here you can see let's say i expand all so you can see brand or non-brand so if i don't want any of these brands in the keyword i can get rid of them all together for me i'm going to eventually target some of these keywords so i want to keep brand keywords so we'll keep scrolling down retailer so i don't want any retailer keywords i'm not going to be targeting people who are searching for costco or amazon or walmart or anything like that resort hotel i'm gonna get rid of that so we'll keep coming down tv network i'll get rid of that you can see other brands here so a lot of these are just some brands that are associated with golf and some of the brands for some of the major tournaments so for right now i can get rid of some of these it might be something where i might want to know okay masters us open some of the biggest tournaments that people are looking for making sure that i'm writing content about those tournaments maybe the upcoming tournament and maybe results from the previous tournament but for right now i'm going to get rid of those we keep scrolling down you could see products so golf clubs golf bag golf balls et cetera i'll just keep all those i'll keep all of these products here as well you can see event so similar to some of the brands we saw above the event so we'll get rid of events for right now as well you can see club so i'll keep all the club i'm going to get rid of year so i don't really want to focus on if anybody's looking at things from the past keep coming down size category we'll keep that now player so you can see it's going to have some of the most popular players here if i'm not if i'm not going to be writing content about specific players right now which i wouldn't be for my website i'd get rid of that as well so what you're going to see is just entering these keywords up at the top and refining some of the keywords i originally had about 6 500 keyword ideas i'm down to about 3 500. and you can see there's still some names in here so these are some golfers as well so you can kind of go through some of your keyword lists and get rid of them usually what i will do is looking at the keyword ideas looking at average monthly searches is i will export this data so if you come up to the very top you can see there's a download button up here you can download all of these keywords so we'll keep scrolling down for right now okay and this in this case for golf keywords there's a lot here that i would not want to export so what i would do is i would export this data and go through one by one for a lot of these keywords to get rid of a lot of these keywords so that's what i can do for right now so if we look at 500 rows there's a lot here there's still a lot of names here that i would never target with my keywords so it's something where what you want to do is come up with a huge list of keywords okay so let's just say for right now i want to download this data so we're going to download it as a csv file so i can open it in microsoft excel and usually what you're going to want to do is plan your content strategy look at your keyword research and create your keyword map just using your microsoft excel so if we open up microsoft excel here we click ok you could also use google sheets or you could use really any additional microsoft excel type of software so there's other options out there you don't have to be stuck with uh with just microsoft excel here but usually what i'll do is i'll come in here and you can see all these keywords so if i'm scrolling down you can see just how many keywords there are here obviously way too many keywords and it's not something where i'm going to be targeting each and every one of these keywords so one of the things we can do is get rid of a lot of these columns now you might want to look at some of the bids here so look at some of the bid ranges a lot of times things that people bid higher on so things that companies are bidding higher on so driving range near me you can see it's a very high bid up here driving range so 17 bid come down here so some of these different keywords you might see some high bids and that generally means that advertisers are making money from that keyword now in some of these it's not really the greatest indicator because some of them are just on specific golfers or something like that but you can see golf lessons near me so 3.87 so that's just an example if you're looking at some of these higher bids in this case i'm not really seeing a ton that's that's giving me too much information they have you can see here three month percent change so some of these things going up and down you might see new keywords that it's worth trying to write about but a lot of times some of them are just golfers who may have just won a tournament recently or something like that so in this case what i would do is i would get rid of currency here and i would just keep the keyword and average monthly searches and we'll get rid of all of these different columns up here at the top okay so we're looking at average monthly searches and keyword what you can also do i'll get rid of these rows here what you can also do is just come to data and just sort by high to low so in this case it's going to be z to a we're going to expand the selection so now we're seeing this by which keywords are the most popular and i already said i didn't want specific golfers so if you go through and just see some of these specific golfers i'll just delete all these rows here so i really just want to focus on some of these different keywords that i can actually rank for and i can actually target with my content some of these have really high search volume so the main thing i want to go over when you're looking at keyword research is you want to make sure that you have a good amount of average monthly searches for some of the different keywords here if you're not seeing something like over 10 000 for your main keyword so you can see here golf equipment between 10k and 100k that's the range you want to be for your main keywords if you have 100k to 1 million or 1 million and more that's not a problem either there's nothing wrong with having more search volume that just means you have more opportunities to rank you don't want a niche so broad that it's going to be difficult to ever rank for your keywords but you also want to make sure there's enough search volume there because limited search volume can really make you lack opportunities and it might be a case one of the the biggest things that i found is with my wicker website is there's a ton of competition there's a ton of competition in the ad space and there's a ton of competition organically and it's been very difficult to rank especially for some of the high volume keywords so trying to get traffic from long tail keywords can be a major challenge so you just want to make sure being between this 10k to 100k for your main keywords is is really important it's going to help you drive more and more traffic over time so what i would generally do is go through this list and at least you know come down to about 500 and i would look through all of them and just get rid of some of these different keywords that i know i'm not going to target so if i keep seeing golfers here i'll keep getting rid of those a lot of these are just equipment so one of the things that might be useful is understanding what equipment people are looking for and then trying to target it with review type blog posts so you also might see something here like golf jokes so if i'm running a golf website i can come up with 100 different golf jokes even if i just take them from online and say 100 of the best golf jokes and when people search it if i rank for that keyword it drives some traffic so 5 000 people are looking for golf jokes if i put 100 golf jokes in a list it might take a couple hours to do and it's going to drive some traffic so it's really not that difficult to see basically what we're trying to do here is trying to come up with a bunch of keywords where we can target them with our content and that is where the keyword mapping comes into play so with keyword mapping what you want to do is look through your keyword list so we see here if i come to the top again okay let's just say i want to write about the best golf balls so my goal is to rank for the keyword golf balls here and you can see 50 000 monthly searches that's kind of an average there so somewhere around 50 000 average monthly searches for golf balls so people are constantly looking for golf balls if we just do a quick google search for that so we can see here some advertisements if we keep scrolling down golf balls for sale dick's sporting good golf balls so it might be something where i could just try to rank with golf balls by adding a bunch of products from amazon like we went over in the previous part of this video so going to amazon making sure that we have a product category for golf balls doing all the different types of brands and making sure we have all the major golf balls on our website but if we keep scrolling down we should start to see some articles there we go best golf balls of 2021 new golf balls for 20 21 so a lot of these will allow us to come up with some different content ideas and basically what i would do is just come up with a list so for every single type of equipment let's just say it's golf balls it could be golf drivers it could be putters you could see odyssey putters down here it could be any of these different types of keywords and i can just say okay the 10 best golf balls that you can buy in 2021 in 2022 so all we're doing is writing this article and we just want to keep it updated so what i would do is first look at what's ranking so you can see here one of the things dick sporting goods actually has two results on the first page of google for just golf balls so they have a really good chance for someone to just click on one of their links up here and they probably also have location results where they have local locations i'm actually surprised theirs isn't coming up for me but you can see here golf balls right here free curbside pickup so if i click here i know i'm going to be taking to the ecommerce portion of their website where it's going to show me all the different golf balls for sale if we keep coming down here so we'll scroll down and we can see so they have how to buy golf balls so this is pro tips and you can see they go over all the different types of golf balls here you can see new golf balls for 2021 for every budget and handicap so this is basically a guide for everybody and this one is the best golf balls of 2021 we considered 85 options so what i would do is try to come up with some type of article that i could be consistent with whether it's golf balls whether it's drivers putters etc that i can continue to write these types of articles and just keep them updated on a yearly basis so i would come back over to my blog post here and if we click on add new what i would do is come up with some type of title so just doing this quickly i could do something like okay so there's my headline golf balls buying guide best options for 2021 and what i would do is rather than keep this as my url is basically just do golf balls you could also do something like golf balls guide i could do best i'm just going to keep it like this so what i can do is every single year when i go to update this article i could say okay in january of 2022 i need to make sure i keep this article updated on my website so write down all your content here obviously review the top products no matter what it is and what i would do is i was take this url so we're going to copy this link address and we're going to map it right here so you're going to create a new column i'm going to increase the size of this a bit okay so you're going to create a new column over here and we're just going to do url now i've shown this in other videos before there's different ways to create keyword mapping and content maps and you can find really good templates online too but just to keep it simple we have keyword we have average monthly searches and we have the link on our website okay so it had the preview link but for right now we're just going to do what the url is going to be and where it's going to go and all we need to do is make sure that we keep this updated every single year the other thing that you can do is over on the right hand side a lot of times what i'll do is basically have like top pages so kind of creates a new column over here and just do top pages you could also do this in a new sheet but i'll just do top pages and make sure some of these pages again it's giving me the preview link because i haven't published it yet but just do some of the top pages here and over time you can adjust this and see which pages are getting the most traffic the things that you want to make sure you keep updated so coming back over here keyword research keyword mapping the next thing is content chat strategy and weekly strategy which are going to go hand in hand what you want to do is come up with a weekly strategy for creating content so that you consistently have new blog posts going out and you consistently have old blog posts being updated so i'm going to keep this really simple i'm going to do it right in microsoft excel i'm not going to make it look great or anything like that but what you can do is just come up with a content strategy again i'll increase the size of this so it's easier to read okay and all you have to do is let's just say monday tuesday okay here we go we'll keep this very simple because you can make this look a lot better you can create a content calendar which is what i would recommend doing what i will do is share a content calendar and a complete spreadsheet for you to go off of you can use it as a template i will share it in the video description so if you look in the video description you will find a microsoft excel file that you could use to kind of guide your overall strategy obviously it's going to change depending on the niche you choose but i'm going to show you how i would do it so content strategy we have the day and we have the task so what i would recommend doing is coming up with a weekly strategy for what you are going to do on each individual day so you have a consistent posting schedule so what i can do is say monday or sunday tournaments usually run from thursday to sunday for golf so what i can do is say on sunday my task is going to be write a recap of weekly tournament okay so if we come over and we look here so this is the tournament schedule for the pga tour just to give you a quick example so these are some of the upcoming tournaments and if we come over here you can see if i look up the upcoming tournament what you're going to see is picks field grade odds golf predictions best bets in las vegas dfs picks that's daily fantasy sports you can see betting picks odds and previews so a lot of people are looking for betting picks previews things like that for the upcoming tournaments if we're looking at the previous tournament so the last tournament was called the shriners children's open so this is the most previous tournament you can see the exact leaderboard here so i can take the exact leaderboard and show what the final was for everybody and here we go five things from the shriners children's open from pga tour who won the previous tournament which in this case is sungjm and you can see they have grades they can they have a storyline here so what you can do is just say okay on sunday night what i want to do is write a recap for what happened in the previous tournament and you can see it's going to look something like this so i can do five things i can do 10 things i could do a few things we learned basically what the final results were who played well who didn't play well and basically that's it that's something you can write up very quickly it's just a matter of being consistent and the more that i write up these different recaps the more that people will come to my website and read them so if you stay consistent with the types of content that you're creating if you stay and keep up with your content strategy it's much easier to actually stay ahead it's much easier to keep driving traffic back to your website and it's also something that you can outsource later on so if you find that you're writing some of these articles they're taking a long time your website's starting to earn some money you might want to invest some of that money back into your content creation that's usually where i spend the majority of my money if i'm investing it into my websites so sunday write a recap of the weekly tournament and then what i can say is for monday or tuesday write something about the upcoming tournament so today is tuesday and you can see here two hours ago cbs sports published this article four hours ago golf digest published this article seven hours ago action network published this article so what i can do is say okay on tuesday i want to make sure i am okay so tuesday is gonna be right preview and betting picks for upcoming tournament now if you want to take it a step further what you can do is over here and see is say i want to have this published by let's just say i say two o'clock p.m so two o'clock p.m eastern standard time you don't really have to do that but let's just say i want to have it published by two o'clock p.m eastern standard time sunday write a recap of the weekly tournament i want to have this published by and let's just say 8 o'clock p.m eastern standard time assuming the tournament's all finished and i can easily write the recap in time so what we can do is publish time okay and now we have tasks for tuesday and sunday we're writing about the weekly tournaments so what i can say is friday and saturday while the tournament is going on thursday as well i could say friday and saturday i'm just going to add products so i'm going to add products and add products okay so that's an important part of building your amazon affiliate store is consistently adding products to your store making sure you have all the top products and you can go through and also edit other products add your own descriptions maybe write some reviews on products so there's different things that you can do but let's just say add products and that's kind of an all-encompassing making sure that we have new products added to our website and as you watch the tournament what you can do is add products to your website so that's what we're gonna do friday and saturday now in the one previous video i went over how to come up with some different content ideas very quickly so you can see here gambling upcoming golf tournament we already have those two the other thing i want to make sure i'm doing is writing at least one article per week kind of going back to golf swing tips how to hit golf shots some different things like that so let's just say i do that on monday let's say monday i write a golf swing tip article okay so i'm going to write some article or update an old article now when you have the task here you can either write new or update old either way works you want to write new as you first get started but what you're going to end up seeing is as you write more and more there's not like going to be some new thing for how to hit your driver straight so what you want to do is make sure you keep that article updated maybe add a new tip maybe add a new drill something like that just keeping your article up to date and for this for publish time let's just say i want it published by five o'clock p.m eastern standard time by the end of the day so we have monday tuesday wednesday we have two days here for wednesday and thursday now you might be saying okay this is a lot of content to write and you don't have to write this much but the more you work on your website the quicker it's going to grow if you're not working on your website and you're not creating new content and adding new products and also going back and updating relevant content you're always going to struggle with growing your website over time you're going to see basically just stagnant results when it comes to traffic so i'm giving you a content strategy where you're targeting different keywords and where you're also going to be able to grow your traffic so coming over here we're going to focus on a lot of these keywords here specifically when it comes to our swing tips with the task and what you're gonna find is as you're writing recaps of weekly tournaments and you're writing preview and betting picks for upcoming tournaments you're gonna find that some of these different keywords here where there's golfers that are getting a ton of average monthly searches if one of these golfers let's say xander chauffly happens to win the next tournament and i say xander schofley wins you know whatever the next tournament is i might start to rank for this keyword when people search for xander shawfully so just something to keep in mind when you're going through your keyword research your keyword mapping your content strategy and your weekly strategy that you might find that you're going to rank for a lot of different keywords that might not even be in your keyword research as you create content so wednesday and thursday these are going to be really focused on our keyword list here so you can see we have golf clubs we had and we're just going to use our example over here so with golf balls so let's just say for wednesday and thursday wednesday i want to write one product review if i have time i can write two product reviews but let's say i want to write one product review and i have one have it published by five o'clock p.m eastern standard time and for thursday i want to do one product guide okay so the product guide would come back to this type of article right here so for drivers for putters for iron sets for wedges so we want to write all of these different guides on our website and you could always adjust what you're doing on a given day we'll do this for five o'clock p.m eastern standard time okay so a simple weekly content strategy monday i'm going to write one article giving people golf swing tips i'm going to show people how to hit a driver i'm going to tell people how to hit a wedge how to do different things like that and what you can start to do is let's just say for example i write how to hit your driver straight let's say i'm really good at hitting my driver i can film myself creating a short five ten minute video that i can publish then to youtube about how to hit your driver straight and if we go to google real quick again so we're going to come over here and let's just say how to hit driver straight so here we go the top result right here is a video result and i promise you this has over a million views on it okay 1.4 million views so how to hit your driver straight published august 27 2020 so in over the course of a little more than a year this has almost 1.5 million views and it probably will get even more than that now this is a huge golf page a huge golf youtube channel 1.88 million subscribers so obviously they're getting a ton of views they get a ton of likes they get a ton of comments but it all has to start somewhere and where that starts is by starting to create videos so i can tell you just from experience building my own youtube channel that your content strategy creating consistent content is what helps you grow it's the same thing with an amazon affiliate marketing website so coming up with a weekly strategy here and sticking to it so we'll change the sheet name we'll rename it to weekly strategy okay and this can also go in with your social media strategy so your content for monday if you are putting out an article about golf swing tips you can say i want to publish this article by 5 p.m after i publish the article i'm going to also publish it to social media i'm gonna publish the article maybe i'll give a quick tip on facebook or twitter or something like that tuesday you're writing a preview and betting picks for the upcoming tournament you wanna have it published by two o'clock p.m so you wake up in the morning you start writing that article now if you find you're trying to build this website along with some of your daily responsibilities whether it's a full-time job you might change your publish times to later you might find yourself waking up earlier in the morning it's not easy to build a successful amazon affiliate marketing website i've i've never tried to make it seem like it's something that's easy and something that you're gonna be able to do overnight it's taken a lot of time for me to build my websites and the biggest thing i can tell you is staying consistent with your content creation the more content you create the better ultimately you're gonna do in the long run for your traffic if we come over here again and look at some of our content strategy what you might wanna also do is say i want to make sure that um doing at least one type of news post every single week so maybe friday or saturday when you're just adding products you just go to google news so that's something i like to do is come over here so we're looking at let's say golf news and we'll just go to the news portion here and you can see some of the top stories here so a former nba player jr smith is playing golf obviously there's some interest there because you can see different articles from some of these top websites so i can write a quick write-up about how j.r smith did as he made his golf debut with north carolina a and t if he keeps going down harry styles hits the golf course with carolina hurricanes players in between tour shows these types of articles while they might seem kind of mundane and might seem like they're not worth your time they help drive a lot of additional traffic so the more that you can kind of come up with in the long run with news and different things like that the more you're ultimately going to drive to your website so they have they introduced the new rule here for golf so i can write about that i can write about some of the quotes that some of the players have had about the rule and kind of just do something quickly easily it might take a total of an hour from researching writing up and publishing and again the more you have on your website about news the more traffic you're going to drive so this is part nine of our video keyword research keyword mapping content strategy and weekly strategy if you're not willing to make a ton of content so you come here you come up with all these content ideas try to outsource it you can hire someone to write content for you you can outsource it using a website like you can get all of these types of articles written by other writers and you don't have to sit there and write each individual one maybe you want to hire someone to write one news article for you every single day and you publish it to your website and you know you pay them whatever you think it's worth it uh for you and for them depending on who you hire and things like that so there's a lot that goes into keyword research and content creation if you're not used to doing it just get started you will get better and better at it as you go the first articles i've ever written were terrible and then i've written some good articles and i'll still write some bad articles so you'll get better and better as you go with writing and it can take a lot of time um but what you want to do is just make sure you're sticking to this strategy so just going days of the week and just say okay monday i'm going to make sure i write my article here or update you know the old article you could also say golf swing tips or golf exercises so you can give yourself kind of a range of some of the different things you want to cover and again as you write articles so we'll just scroll down here a little bit find some something random so proper stands for golf that'd be a good golf swing tip as you write that article make sure you just update your url here so we'll do pargo proper golf stance okay and as i write that article i just keep this updated over time and you can see here 5000 monthly searches so there's plenty of search volume there for something so simple as proper golf stance swing training 10 different drills to hit the ball straight more often so something like that there's so many different things that you can do here and then as you come and you look at your keyword list golf discount stores near me i might just say we'll just delete that all together people are going to find that right on google okay so mojo nike golf ball is just a type of golf ball i can write a review about those step-by-step proper golf grip that's something where you can get a golf club show how to grip it and take pictures of your own grip create a youtube video and just publish that on your blog publish it directly to youtube start building your following in different places so come when it comes to content strategy and weekly strategy there's not a one-size-fits-all strategy but the main thing you need is consistency and then use other forms of media whether it's images or videos and use social media to your advantage depending on what social media channels work the best for your niche so that's gonna be part nine keyword research keyword mapping content strategy and weekly strategy i'm going to have a second part to this amazon affiliate marketing course just because as i've gone through this there's so much more i want to expand on where it's just me working on my website so you can kind of watch how i would go through the process of doing these different types of things so i'll give some more detail especially in keyword research keyword mapping and more but in part 10 i'm going to be going over how to set up some tracking on your website and how to get started with tracking your website traffic tracking your conversions and obviously you can use the amazon associates dashboard to see your earnings over time so we're going to get on to part 10 of the video next okay so the next part of the video is going to be part 10 there's going to be two more parts in part 11 i'm going to do a quick overview of amazon associates but in part 10 what i want to do is i want to go over google tag manager google analytics google search console and show you how to set up all of those on your website and then i'm also going to show you how to set up conversion tracking in this case a conversion is going to be every time someone clicks on one of your affiliate links so it's impossible to track people after they go to amazon directly from your website so what we're going to do is we're just going to track the clicks that drive people to amazon so that way what we can do is focus on driving more and more clicks every single day from our website so what we're going to end up showing you here is just a couple of screenshots from my wicker guide account so when you have a google analytics 4 account and you have it set up on your website again i'm going to show you how to do all of this on the left hand side you're going to see reports so this link over here is reports and when you click on engagement you can see events and conversions so i'm going to show you how to set up a conversion event using google tag manager and google analytics and then i'm also going to show you if you click on conversions how to set up that event as a conversion on the conversion screen as well which is going to help you learn where your conversions come from so these are just a couple of screenshots i took yesterday morning so you could see there's some conversions here some events and this conversion shows that somebody clicked out on one of my external links so where you want to get started is you want two things you need a google account to do all of these steps so i would recommend creating a free google account just go to you can just search google accounts and you can create a google account you can see here i just set up an email for par golfzone so it's just showing corey finish up finish setting up your new google account so the next thing we want to do is go to google tag manager so the url for that is tag it'll bring you right to this page and what you want to do is create an account so we're going to create an account through google tag manager so just name your account select your country you can choose to share data anonymously with google and others i'm just going to leave this unchecked for now container name so you just want to name this your website or if you're doing it for another platform you can do that as well for this i'm just going to be focused on desktop and mobile web pages what this video is about so we're going to do our website here can't type okay target platform will be web and then we're going to click on create so you're going to have to accept the google tag manager terms of service agreement so we'll say yes and you want to also accept the data processing terms as required by the gdpr so you can change your language here if you need to but what we're going to do is click on yes okay so now it's telling us to install google tag manager what you need to do is put this piece of code paste this code as high as possible in the head of the page and then this one it's going to be paste this code immediately after the opening body tag so the easiest way to do that is with a wordpress plugin called head footer and post injections there's different ways to add your google tag manager code to your website but i have had no issues using head footer and post injections and it's very easy to use and install and it's completely free so you want to come to the dashboard your back end of your website you can see we're in the dashboard here for par so when you're in the back end of your wordpress website you want to come over to plugins and click on add new then what you're going to do is add plugins you're going to come over to the keyword fields here to search plugins and we're going to do head footer and post injections you just want to make sure that you're installing the right plugin so there are a few different header and footer plugins you should see this one right here hnf 300 plus thousand active installations and you can see five star reviews so we're going to install it now and we're going to activate it okay so one thing you can see here is there's a little one notification here so it's showing me there's a new version of woocommerce available so what we want to do is update that you can do that directly in your plugins page we can make sure we enable auto updates i'm not going to do that right now but all you need to do is just click on the update button just make sure you keep all of your plugins up to date i noticed that update a little bit earlier when i was preparing for this portion of the video so i figured i'd wait and show you on the video so we updated woocommerce as well but what we want to do is open head footer and post injections which is going to be in settings and it's going to be header and footer so it's not named the exact thing as the plugin is it's just called header and footer in settings so when we click on that it's going to open up the plugin settings page okay so all you need to do is when you scroll down so you open up the plugin settings page you scroll down it's going to automatically show head and footer and you can see here page section injection and then after the body tag so the what we're going to do is come back over here to google tag manager and copy this piece of code right here so i just copied that snippet we're going to come back over to our website and we're going to paste this here the next thing we're going to do is copy the next snippet after the opening body tag so i'll copy this here and we'll scroll down usually i'll enter this here and i'll enter it here for mobile so it's desktop and mobile and that's all you need to do scroll down to the bottom click on save and now you've placed that pixel on your website so the last thing you have to do is on google tag manager we can click on ok and you're going to see here changes not published so after you put that piece of code or both of those pieces of code on your website you want to click on submit and you can add you're going to publish this version of your google tag manager so you can add a version name and a version description so all we have to do is say added head and body code okay so added you can name this whatever you want and enter any description you want the more descriptive you are the easier it is as you go back and look through some of the changes in your google tag manager account since this is kind of a must for every google tag manager account just make sure you know that you've published this container so now we have google tag manager set up on our website so what google tag manager allows us to do is keep all of our tags in one place so just a quick overview of google tag manager so if we click on add a new tag here and we click on tag configuration what you're going to see is they have featured up here at the top but just as we scroll down you're going to see we can add tags for all of these different pieces of software we can add custom html tags and we don't need to make any changes on our website it's all going to be housed here in google tag manager so if i have an adroll account i can put my adroll smart pixel directly on my website without ever having to make any changes to the code on my website it's all handled in google tag manager you'll see a lot as you come down here with different things that you are probably going to use over time depending on your website the linkedin insight tag so we'll keep scrolling down they have the pinterest tag here so i've used a lot of these and you know you're not going to use every single one but there's a ton of different tag options now the main thing we want to do is set up google analytics for so also referred to as ga4 you can still use universal analytics but google analytics is recommending everyone switch to ga4 and if you're setting up a brand new website then i would just recommend using ga4 so next thing we're going to do is open google analytics because we don't have an analytics account yet for par you can see here will bring you to this page so we're going to click on start measuring okay so it's going to say account name okay enter your account name here you can choose how you want to share data so you don't have to share any of this you can share all this i usually just leave it as they have it so we're going to click on next so property name it's going to be the same thing part golf zone and you can do website if you if you're going to end up having a mobile app or if you're going to have different properties but i'm just going to keep it as par golf zone see reporting time zone is the united states you can change this to your local time i'm in eastern standard time i'm just going to leave this as is for now as well you can change currency as well too and you can see down here at the bottom you can edit these property details later in your admin section we're not going to be showing advanced options right now we're just going to click on next it's going to say help us tailor your experience by answering the following so industry category so for this it's going to be sports and business size i'm going to do small and you can choose all of these you can choose a few of these a lot of times i'll just choose all of these we'll click on create okay so google analytics terms of service agreement united states i accept i also accept the data processing terms scroll to the bottom you can read through that if you want i'm going to click on i accept okay so my email communications you can check all these you can uncheck all of them i'd recommend keeping them checked because they're going to show you some feature announcements they're going to show you some performance suggestions and updates you can just get rid of these two if you want so not worry about any offers or feedback and testing so click on save so this is what ga4 should look like when you sign in you can see there's setup assistant over here for your property so you can click on setup assistant if you want you can see here we have data streams what i'm going to do is choose a platform so for this it's going to be web you can see website url so we're going to do par stream name we can do par golf zone website okay so it's automatically going to measure page view scrolls outbound clicks there's three more here site search video engagement and file downloads so you're already going to have outbound clicks measured the one thing to keep in mind is if we don't use google tag manager to set up a conversion event then outbound clicks that go to your social media websites or that go to other websites that you've linked to that are not affiliate offers might end up being counted as conversions so you don't necessarily need to set up conversions if you just want to measure total outbound clicks but i'm going to show you how to set up conversions as well so we're going to enable enhanced measurement and we're going to create stream okay so it's going to show our web stream details here you can see our url our stream name now this is what we need right here our measurement id so we can copy this measurement id and what we're going to do is we're going to come over to google tag manager now you're going to see here some tagging instructions use one of the following to start collecting data add a new on-page tag global site tag google tag manager and you can see here learn how to get started with google tag manager so if there's any additional information you want that i don't go over in this video you can click here and learn more as well there's a lot you can do with google analytics 4 and google tag manager so i'm going to try to keep this as simple as possible what we're going to do is we're going to come back over to google tag manager so what you you're going to see this page right here your workspace we're going to add a new tag we're going to name our tag ga4 code tag configuration so you can see google analytics for configuration is what we want right now we're going to click here now what we're going to do is paste our measurement id so back over here if we scroll to the top our measurement id we want to paste that here and you're going to see send a page view event when this configuration loads that's all you need to check right now scroll down triggering so you're going to click on triggering and choose all pages so what that's going to do is it's going to say we want to measure google analytics on every page on our website and we're going to click on save okay so now with google tag manager you need to make changes in your workspace for google tag manager and then you want to submit those changes over here you're going to see one workspace change so we're going to click on submit and we'll add a so let's say configured ga4 on okay so we have a version name here version description and we'll click on publish okay so you can see down here at the bottom the tag that we added ga4 code google analytics for configuration firing on all pages so we're going to come back to our workspace okay so now the next thing i want to go over is google search console so with google search console you're going to be able to see what searches bring people to your website what searches are driving impressions for your website in the google search results so it allows you to learn a lot about what keywords are actually driving traffic to your website what keywords you can potentially optimize to drive more traffic to your website and there's a lot more as well and in terms of your core web vitals there's a lot more in terms of your overall coverage and indexing of your website so i have some google search console tutorials on my channel i'm not going to go through this in detail because my tutorials are usually a half hour to an hour long there's a lot to learn about in google search console but i'm going to show you right now is how to get it set up on your website so if we click on start now so what we're going to do here is https part and we're going to click on continue okay so you can see ownership auto verified through google tag manager so all it's saying here is to stay verified don't remove the container snippet so the container snippet was the piece of code that we put in our header footer and post injections plugin so we have our container snippet already added to avoid losing verification you may want to add multiple verification verification methods so you could also use google analytics you can use different things to verify your website you only need one verification method so once we click on go to property it should start measuring how our website is doing in the google search results so you're seeing here welcome to the new google search console we've added new features help improve your website's presence so i'm not gonna go through all this right now but we have it set up so we're going to start seeing when people are searching for our website or searching for specific golf keywords that we're targeting and we're ranking and our website is actually showing in the google search results so i would just recommend setting up google search console now because it's going to allow you to collect more and more data and the main way that i drive traffic to my websites is with search engine optimization and google search console is a great free tool that everyone should use now back to setting up a conversion event on our website so if we come into google analytics here what i'm going to show you is before i showed you if we go to reports okay so you can see this is the report snapshot where i was before was in engagement and events and you can also see conversions here as well so i'm going to show you how to set up that conversion event so we're going to come back in here to google tag manager and we're going to start in the variable section so we need to create a variable a trigger and a tag to measure our conversion so we're going to start in variables and you'll see some of the built-in variables here we're not going to change any of those we're going to create a new user defined variable so we're going to click on new we're going to call this conversion variable we're going to click here to choose a variable type to begin with and if we scroll down you're going to see page elements and we're going to choose auto event variable so we're going to click here the variable type you're going to see it automatically shows element and we want to change that to element url that's going to bring up component type and what we're going to do here is is outbound so it's going to be an auto event variable variable type is element url and component type is outbound now affiliated domains what you want to do is enter all the different domains here and you're going to see say the variable value will be true if the url domain does not match the current pages domain and does not match any of the affiliated domains so the easier way to explain this is if i put as an affiliated domain then if someone is on my website and they click on a link that brings them to facebook it will not be counted as a conversion so what you want to do here is enter every single domain that you know you're going to be driving outbound traffic to and you can always update these affiliated domains over time as well so i can say okay any click to pinterest dot com i could say and the last one that i'll usually do because this is going to be the beginning of the url for the way amazon adds images to your website from their products using that woocommerce amazon affiliate plugin is so we're going to come over here you're going to see images hyphen n a dot ssl hyphen images hyphen so go going through it again it's images hyphen n a dot ssl hyphen images hyphen you can also find that by clicking on the images from your products on your website so as you add products to your website you can choose to either house every single product in product image directly on your website or you can choose that when someone clicks on it it brings them to amazon so i'm going to choose that as one of the affiliated domains and then from there all we need to do is click on save okay so we're just clicking on save now the next thing we need to do is go into triggers again you can make multiple changes in your workspace without having to submit it so you see here we have one workspace change i could have just done the ga4 configuration done the variables done the triggers done the tag and just submitted it one time so you don't have to submit it after every single change i usually submit it after i change tags or if i make small changes within my triggers or variables so what we're going to do is we're going to click on new over here and i'm just going to name this conversion trigger and we're going to click on a trigger type to begin with and we're going to do just links so you're going to see here trigger type it's going to show click just links what we're going to do is we're going to do some link clicks and we're just going to do when the conversion variable equals and it's going to be true okay so that's all we need to do here is just links some link clicks when the conversion variable equals true okay so that's going to be save that's going to count as a conversion so what we're going to do next in tags is set up an event for when that conversion variable equals true okay so we're clicking on save here last thing we need to do is click on tags and the tag will be new over here and we're going to do g a for conversion event so for tag configuration we're going to be doing ga4 event so configuration tag it's going to be our ga4 code and whatever you named your configuration tag when you set up ga4 so any whatever you name that ga4 tag that's what you're going to have here so this is just referring to the tag on our website for our ga4 code event name is going to be conversion and we're going to scroll down here and we have to make sure we trigger this so choose a trigger to make this tag fire and that trigger is going to be our conversion trigger so basically we're using a variable to set up the conversion a trigger for when that conversion happens and an event to make it show in our ga4 google analytics account so we're gonna click on save okay so doing all this will allow us to measure conversions like the screenshot i showed you earlier and the last thing we have to do is click on submit so we'll do ga4 event for conversion okay so we have our version name here i entered a description so we're just going to click on publish and doing this will allow us to track that as a an event in our ga4 account so as those happen we're going to start seeing them here in events so obviously i just added that so it's not going to happen yet what we can do though is come over to configure and once you start seeing those events take place on your website so the event in this case is going to be the conversion you're going to start seeing events show up right in this area here so once you see that over on the right hand side you can see this says mark as conversion all you need to do is take that conversion event that we set up you'll see event name conversion from the list and you just want to mark that as a conversion so you're just going to click a button over here and that's going to allow that to become a conversion on your website so very easy to set up this conversion it seems a little bit complicated but if you just follow the step by step that i just showed you you'll start being able to measure conversions and that conversion event on your website you could also just use you know when you come in here to your reports and you go to engagement and events one of them is going to be outbound click so you could just say hey i want to drive more and more outbound clicks over time and even if you're just focusing on that data point you're still going to be able to drive more and more traffic to the affiliate offers on your website so that's going to be part number 10 how to set up google analytics how to set up google tag manager how to set up google search console and then how to set up that conversion event on your website as you start driving more and more traffic you'll start to as you click on the reports here engagement conversions you'll start to see more and more of that come into your website okay now last but not least part 11 a quick overview of amazon associates and how to create affiliate links so i went over how to import products directly onto your amazon affiliate website so that's going to be a huge part of how to create affiliate links on your website but what i want to go over real quick is amazon associates how to create those affiliate links and then the other one other thing i want to go through here are woocommerce short codes so i'm going to show you a few woocommerce short codes to show you how to actually display products in blog posts on your website so what we're going to do is we're going to come over here to when you sign into after you've been accepted to the associates program you're going to get the amazon associates site stripe at the very top of the page so what this allows you to do is you can click here to view your earnings that will bring you into the back end of amazon associates you can see tri-mobile get link a tool to create associate links on the go i'm not going to go through that in this video if you click on learn more here you'll be able to easily learn how to use mobile get link you can create native shopping ads and you can get links for pretty much any page on amazon so let's just say i'm going to click on this epic daily deal here so we're going to look at this daily deal and let's just say specifically i want this product it could be any product it doesn't really matter if you come up here to the top and you see get link if you go to text it's going to immediately give you a text linked for this page you can see here this store id is for every single tr is basically my overall amazon affiliate marketing account my amazon associates account for tracking id you want to make sure you're choosing the right tracking id down here at the bottom if you have multiple tracking ids for me i'm going to choose par golf zone and all you have to do is click on get link and they automatically give you a short link or you can choose a full link i usually just use the short links these will work forever it's not only going to work for a limited period of time so if you're linking to a page and you have this affiliate link set up through your amazon associates account this link will work forever so if i take this link and put it on my website and i can link it to this image or whatever however i want to link it that will allow me to link directly to amazon if someone clicks on it and purchases this or anything else from amazon within 24 hours then i will get a commission so that's an easy way to set up links for any single page you can also choose image so image will just show the image here small medium or large and you just copy this image link here on the left hand side or towards the bottom here and then text an image will be look something like this you have the amazon logo at the top you have the image here you have the name of the product you have the price amazon prime and people can click here to shop now open link a new tab show border so you can adjust little things here now one of the things that's fairly new and i need to start adding to my own website are native shopping ads so if we click on custom here you can see they build pretty nice native shopping ads so image over here we have the product name we have the price we have the rating 4.6 out of 5 and people can click here to buy now the whole entire thing is clickable so if you're on a website it's going to help you drive more and more clicks just make sure you have the right tracking id set up so i would want to make sure i'm tracking these properly if you continuously use the same tracking id then when you come up here to click get link it's going to keep opting to that tracking id so this is how to get a text an image a text an image or create a native shopping ad by going to any product page you can also share these if you share it on facebook or twitter those will both use your affiliate link so if you click on share here it will open up your corresponding facebook or twitter page and you can share this product directly with your affiliate link now if we click on earnings it's going to bring us to the back end of our amazon associates account so that's what i'm going to show you next okay so we're in the back end of amazon associates right now i just want to quickly go over if you click on the home page if i keep scrolling down it's going to show you my earnings i actually don't know what the rules are for showing earnings on amazon associates i know i showed a screenshot of my wicker guide earnings the very beginning of this video but otherwise i'm not really going to be showing reports right now and i'm not going to be showing the reporting on the home screen what you can do is search for products directly from the home screen of your back end of amazon associates so you can search a keyword or you can browse for products here i don't really use that all that often on the home page they'll also show you some kind of some trending things that are new for amazon creators or amazon associates so you can find new ways to earn so if we come up to the top here one of the things you can do is coming over to your name and we can do account settings now you can see your payment history here and you can manage your tracking ids here i went over that earlier in the video but if you need to create a new tracking id this is one place to do it so if we come over to account settings the main thing you're going to want to do is make sure you set up your tax information amazon will keep emailing you basically until you set that up you can adjust any of this contact information view your commission rate card which will actually increase as you drive more and more sales won't increase drastically but you might get an extra percentage at least on your revenue but over here on the left hand side your associates account if you do want to close your account you can do that here so at the very top before i showed you the site stripe that's where we got text image links and created a native shopping ad if you click on this link you can choose to not have site stripe up at the top at all so you can disable it you can change and get rid of the get link or share options i usually just leave this as is so we'll come back over to our associates account now a lot of these other ones here pretty self-explanatory if you need to link store ids you can actually link them so if you have let's say a store id for united states united kingdom and several other countries here you can link them all into one store id you can edit any of your website information so i went over that earlier edit your website in mobile app list just make sure you keep this all up to date as you're promoting products you don't want to be promoting things on specific websites without updating your website list as well not the end of the world if you don't but you just want to make sure you do that so that's kind of your account settings you can change all that here most of it's pretty self-explanatory so just kind of like account settings like any account you'd have so i'm not really going to go through help here i'm not going to really go through reports so i'm going to go through tools promotions and product linking those are the three most important things and if you come to tools one of the things i went over that i want to go over is one link one link allows you to earn from traffic from different countries so monetize your international traffic from europe and japan so i usually do this for canada and uk one of the things you can do is looking at your google analytics account you can actually see where people are coming from so if we come over to demographics and then we click on demographic details here you're going to see users by country users and new users by country so coming back over to amazon if you see hey i'm getting a ton of traffic from a specific country that i'm not monetizing yet create an account so what you're going to do is you want to link your us accounts with your international associates account so all you need to do is come up to the top change the country so if i go to united kingdom and what you're going to do is click on sign up and it should automatically pull up the information from your amazon associates account to your existing amazon associates account and with that what you're able to do is sign in directly to your united kingdom account sign in directly to any account you create through any of these different countries so if you want to create accounts for germany for france anything like that you just want to go here and click on this the country you want to select so for me i use canada united kingdom because i get traffic from those two countries i can expand if i need to but for right now those two are really where i drive a little bit of additional sales and a little bit of additional income so you're just going to click on sign up and then what we're going to do is we're going to come back over here to the united states portion and coming to tools we're going to go back to one link and what you want to do is start linking your us accounts with your international associate accounts so you're going to click here to link and you can set default tracking ids as well so usually my default tracking ids are just the united states ids and then they give me separate ids for different countries and what you can do is in the back end of your website as you get those separate ids we're gonna go to w zone down here at the bottom and we're gonna click on config and if we scroll down you're gonna see your affiliate ids so you can see here i have one for united states i haven't created one for the uk or canada but that is how you do it through the back end of your amazon associates account so you can do that directly through one link and then you can also if you click on redirect preferences here you can choose your redirect preference using either exact match or close match so that international visitors will either be redirected to their local or nearest amazon storefront if there's an exact or similar product available otherwise go to amazon for exact match will only be redirected when an exact matching product is available so a little bit confusing but it allows you to link all of your accounts basically instead of signing up you do have to go through and sign up for different accounts for different countries however it'll all be linked into this one account here so you can also do that through your account settings again so it might seem a little bit complicated but what you can do is change your one link tracking id preferences and link store ids so i've linked my store ids for canada and uk to my united states store so hopefully that all makes sense but you can easily get monetize your international traffic as well so you just need to go to tools and one link to get started so product advertising api i went over earlier in the video if we click here you can generate keys that will allow you to use the product advertising api through amazon so there's different things different types of plugins and tools you can use the product advertising api for i went over it for wzone so i showed you how to do this already and set up your keys so you can have wzone all set up on your website that's the main thing you're going to need to use this for if you scroll down you can add new credentials if you don't have any already and you're going to get an access key id and a secret access key they recommend changing them every 90 days so that's just for security purposes so that is how to get your keys for the product advertising api very simple you just do it right in the back end of your account next is going to be link checker so if we click on link checker here what you can do is enter one of your amazon affiliate links here and what that's going to do is the link checker is going to make sure that you're getting a referral through that link so if there's any issues with one of the links that you're using on your website you can use link checker here to make sure you check that url that it's properly giving you a referral every or a commission basically every time you're driving people to amazon i really don't use link checker ever so it's it's not something i use often but maybe you'll need it site stripe i went over earlier it's going to be at the top of the page so when you go to amazon you're going to see amazon associates site stripe that's the easiest way to get affiliate links for specific product pages or category pages or anything like that now next we're going to come over here to promotions so with promotions you have idea hub amazon bounty program and amazon promo codes so if we click on amazon promo codes and we scroll down to the bottom what you can do is get links for specific promo codes depending on the types of products you're promoting so for example let's just say i was promoting baby bibs i can click on get links here and you're gonna see save 70 on select products from this brand so it allows you to get some different promotions that you can actually put on your website so it allows you to basically have another way of earning another way to drive people to amazon so i don't use promo codes very often usually what i'll do is just try to drive people directly to amazon with product links amazon bounty program pretty easy one to explain so if let's just say i drive someone to amazon and they don't have an amazon prime account and as they go through amazon they add a bunch of things to their cart and they create an amazon prime account through my commission links what you're gonna do is you're going to get a commission for driving someone to amazon prime for people creating a wedding registry and adding things to it for people signing up for prime video people signing up for audible amazon family so all of these will allow you to basically get additional commissions so if we click here and do see all bounties and we scroll down just to show so you can see try audible plus so i would get a five dollar bounty for each qualifying audible plus free trial and a ten 10 bounty for each qualifying audible plus paid membership so it's a way to just basically earn more on your commissions now with my websites i don't usually try to get people to sign up through the bounty program but usually over the course of a month i might have three to five basically bounties that people have signed up for whether it's amazon prime whether it's one of these other audible or prime wardrobe some of these different bounties i've earned three dollars five dollars ten dollars from so just an additional basically commission that you're gonna get from amazon not really anything you need to change or do it's just a way to you can actually try to drive people to audible or something like that if it actually fits within your niche so next is gonna be idea hub so idea hub is going to give you some different content ideas you can see such as inspiration inspirational promotions events deals and products through amazon in one place so if we scroll down trending deals in your top categories based on customer reviews and sales from amazon so i could say okay this is popular it could fit for my website so maybe i want to get linked to this and show that people can save up to 30 on select dining and kitchen furniture so if you come over you're gonna find even more ideas so here we have a bed frame that looks like it's pretty popular pretty good amount of reviews so i can actually get a link and promote this bed frame this could be really useful for people depending on the niche you're in so right here smart true hepa air purifier for home so if i'm in a space where i am actually trying to promote some of these different you know healthy air purifiers and things like that on my website then i can see okay this has over 10 000 product reviews come back over over ten thousand product reviews and maybe i wanna write a review about this product and show that people can save fifteen percent off on it for a limited time so it's just a different way to come up with some different ideas for products you might want to promote so in promotions you have promo codes the bounty program an idea hub three different areas where you can find either some bestsellers or some different amazon products and categories that you can start to promote as well alongside your regular affiliate offers now the last thing i'm going to go through here is product linking so if we click on product links first what you can do here is search for any product so i can search amazon for a specific keyword select a product and i can customize and get html i'm not going to do that right now i really don't use product links that often i just prefer to use site stripe which i went over earlier for the tools i just go to site stripe and i'll just get the text url or now with the native shopping ads they've made them look pretty good there so if you want to use product linking in the back end you can banners so amazon will have a lot of banners that you can use so some promotional links you can choose by category so let's just say i choose we'll just go in pets okay so we'll scroll down so you can see here they have this advertisement right here promoting some dog treats keep coming down same thing promoting dog treats so we have pets here so if you have a website based around pets all you need to do is highlight html paste it wherever you want this to show up on your website and then it will show this image on your website people click on it go to amazon you will get a commission just keep in mind if you come through here you're automatically going to see i have my tracking ids in here so anything that you're doing through the product linking portion will automatically pull in your tracking ids so you can get a bunch of different sizes here if i say okay let's just say i'm looking for a 728 by 90 pets so there's one right here so there's another pets one so i don't use these too often sometimes they have good ones for home and garden that i can use but for mine i usually just kind of focus on creating my own so if we click on home and garden we'll see if we have anything good here okay and if we scroll down here so you can see so seven dollar prime discount for a heating pad this one is an automatic soap dispenser it looks like so immerse yourself in stunning cinema sound so some different things here that you can choose from again not all of these really work with my websites so i could do something like this new arrivals and home on amazon highlight html see how it performs because you're going to get some data about these as well so just another way to come up with some banners for your product linking for me i'll usually create banners myself i don't really use this too often either native shopping ads this is something i use a lot so with native shopping ads you can create your own recommendation ads search ads or custom ads so if we scroll down here just looking at the overview this is what a native shopping ad looks like you've probably seen them before they're on websites all over the place recommendation ads so you'll see some related products down here recommended by amazon search ads so it allows people to search directly on your website it's going to give them amazon results it's a good way to get people to actually go directly to amazon just using the search bar on your website and then custom ads so you can actually put specific products in here or you can say i want products based on and a keyword i enter so there's a lot you can do with native shopping ads let's just say we want to create a recommendation ad all you have to do is click on create here name your ad choose your tracking id you can see we already have one here change your ad format if you want there's grid there's list so you'll see list and there's strip so strip is just a little bit shorter version of a grid so what we can do is choose our category let's just say i click automotive keep coming down here fallbacks you could do search keyword i could literally just enter automotive here as well save and view add code and then all you have to do is put that ad code on your website recommendation ads are responsive and mobile optimized so no matter where you put them they're gonna actually just adjust based on your website so if you put them on a blog post then it will adjust to the size of the blog post if you put it on your sidebar you might have something shorter like a strip here or just one product so it's going to automatically respond to your website so that's why i use native shopping ads i have them on all of my websites now next is me mobile popover okay so you can see it right here at the bottom as people are scrolling it'll come up so found on amazon so this is good because if people are looking for specific products or they're on your website looking at something about a specific product amazon will automatically pull up that product if they have it on their website and it's an easy way all you have to do is highlight this html so we're just going to copy it and then if we come over to our website and we go to the head footer and post injections plug-in we scroll to the bottom all you have to do is enter it here before the closing body tag and you can do it on desktop and mobile so it's going to be on mobile but you can do it on both and just click on save so that's all you really need to do to add that to your website so it allows you to drive more clicks and sales through mobile devices so that's going to be the mobile pop-over last but not least link to any page you can easily create amazon links by going here so what you can do is select a product line select a subcategory link to search results so just enter keywords here link to any page just enter the url and name your link so all of these will allow you to get html to link to those on your website so this is the back end of amazon associates they have a lot of different help articles here you can see boost holiday earnings with these top tips so there's a lot you can learn from back here the main things i would recommend is if you come to product linking i like using native shopping ads and the mobile pop-over you also might want to go through some of the banners if you have any interest in some of the promotions these can all be helpful here as well so tools obviously site stripe that's automatically going to show on your amazon account as soon as you sign up for amazon associates and get accepted link checker i don't really use that too often product advertising api i only use that when i'm setting up the woozone plugin and then one link making sure you're monetizing your international traffic so reports obviously in reports you can see how many clicks you've driven how many products you've shipped how many products people have ordered from you how many returned items there have been and see how much you have been earning basically given on any period they do a 90-day period as a max so you can look at how much you've earned for each individual quarter as well so there's a lot to learn here in the back end of your amazon associates account i just wanted to make sure you knew some of that stuff now the very last thing i'm going to go through and i'm going to do this very quickly and i'll in part two of this video i'm going to expand on this but the last thing i'm going to show you are woocommerce short codes okay i'm going to go through this pretty quickly but if we go to i'll put this link in the video description but it's short codes included with woocommerce so if we scroll down you can use shortcodes to display products to display specific product categories you can show related products you can show basically anything you want to show and it's much easier than doing it manually so if we scroll down here you can see this is a woocommerce short code and that shows the woocommerce cart so if you're using a cart on your website and people are adding products to that cart all you have to do is add this to the back end of your website on a page or a blog post and it will show that person their cart so if we keep scrolling down try to show this an easy way these are some different product attributes that you can use so without making this really too complicated you can use short codes which are gonna look something like this so product limits or products limit equals four columns equal four order by popularity class equals quick sale on sale equals true and on your website it'll show products in four columns so there's four columns here and these are products that are ordered by popularity and they are on sale so it's just a way to show different types of products without having to do it manually over and over again so in order to do this i'm going to bring you to the back end of my beachfront decor website so if we open up beachfront decor the first thing you want to do is install the woocommerce short codes plugin so with the woocommerce shortcodes plugin that will make sure that you can show all these different things on your website so install that plugin just go to the plugins page and search woocommerce short codes it's completely free the next is going to be so i'm going to open up this page and it's a blog post for best tied clocks so if we scroll down here you can see tide clocks and there's a bunch of products listed here so three total columns and basically how i did this is in the back end of my website i have some some of the text you see and you see tied clocks here with a header two and you'll see products category and it shows has a category number here columns three limit of 300 i could do something like order by equals price and order descending and what that's going to do is show the products by price high to low oh make sure you do an equal sign here that won't work properly so there's a lot of different short codes you can use i mainly just use short codes to show specific product categories to show specific products or to pull products from a category like i'm doing here so i'm going to get rid of this here but all you need to do is opening bracket and you'll see this short code right here and that's going to display on your website like this and in order to get a product category so if we come to the back end of my product category let's just say i want the category for beach wall decor now what i do is i scroll over the edit portion here and at the very bottom of the page let me pull this up a bit okay go over edit here at the very bottom of the page you're going to see tag underscore id equals 19302 so it's showing up right down here at the bottom of the page so if we go to edit again what you're going to see is tag underscore id is 19302 and you just put that number directly in here and that's going to allow you to either display all the different products from an individual category or you could do something like products ids oh keep it all lower case equals and i can do individual product ids here and i find the product ids the same exact way so i haven't found an easier way to actually get the product id i don't know why it doesn't just show here as one of the columns but if you come to screen options and you look at the different columns it doesn't have what the id is there so there might be an easier way to actually get ids but that's how i do it just scroll over the edit portion it'll show up at the bottom of the page take that put it in on your post and that allows you to display all these different products on a blog post or on a page so if you're doing your homepage you want to show some of the most popular products you could do products category equals and take a specific category and you can do order by equals popularity and order equals descending and that will show products by the most popular to the least popular so that's the last thing i wanted to go through in this video so coming back over here giving a quick overview of amazon associates and how to create affiliate links but with this video you should have a very good getting started point a very good uh initial strategy at least and some way to actually get started with building your wordpress website adding an affiliate an amazon affiliate store to it adding products directly to your website and how to create some content that's going to drive traffic so if there's one tip i can give to you as we close out this video create content every single day create new content every day update old content every single day add products frequently make sure you have all of your products up to date all of those things to go along with a social media marketing strategy and email marketing strategy and search engine optimization will help you take your website to the next level the last thing i want to say is i'm going to create a second part to this video and it's just going to be me working on one of my amazon affiliate websites just to kind of show you how i work on my own websites some of the different things that i do throughout the day and basically every single day to make sure that my websites are growing and earning good revenue so this isn't some get rich quick thing but it is a good way to build a website that you can keep growing and growing and ultimately if you have a website that's earning money you're not only getting commissions every month but you can also eventually sell it over time if you decide to go on to a different venture so if you have any questions about this please leave them in the comments section i'm going to try to answer questions as they come in on this video i would really appreciate if you subscribe to my channel if you like this video i know it's a long video but it's completely free course so uh you know really no downside there so thanks for watching and hopefully you learned something hopefully you get started with an amazon affiliate marketing website of your own
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 11,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon associates, amazon affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing, amazon associates 2021, amazon associates 2022, amazon affiliate marketing 2021, amazon affiliate marketing 2022, affiliate marketing course, free affiliate marketing course, free amazon affiliate marketing course, amazon affiliate marketing course, amazon associates course, amazon associates tutorial, amazon affiliate marketing tutorial, amazon affiliate store, wordpress amazon affiliate store, affiliate
Id: FJctz5iFdUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 260min 19sec (15619 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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