How To Make Money On Pinterest - Clickbank and Pinterest [Pinterest Affiliate Marketing]

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what's going on everyone it's trey here from wisdom speaks and in today's video i've got something very special for you i want to show you exactly how you can make money with clickbank and pinterest now i'll search everywhere online and i haven't seen a method as good as this so i know for a fact you're going to enjoy this so with that being said i don't want to waste any more of your time let's get straight into it so i'm on my clickbank account right now and i thought i'll quickly show you guys this to prove that i'm actually making money with this method you know and i've made over you know thirteen thousand dollars on clickbank you know if you look over here in the top left corner you know this is proof that this method is working you know and i just want to give you guys confidence you know to trust me and you know follow along with everything i'm about to show you because i promise you you're going to make a lot of money with this method and let me just quickly you know refresh the screen to you know show you guys that this is you know this is real now i'm not making this up you know the same amount of money is still showing so this is going to be an easy five-step process i want to take you through step-by-step each step showing you how you can you know make money with this method you know so i'm gonna start from step one going all the way down to step five majority of people have very short attentions fans and this is why they fail to make money online so if you're serious about making money i suggest that you stick with me all the way through the five steps and i promise you you're gonna make a lot of money but before we jump into these steps i want you guys to just go ahead and smash that like button for me right now i'm going to be giving you guys a crazy amount of value in this video also don't be afraid to drop a comment down below if there's any questions that you have or there's anything that i'm explaining that you don't understand and smash that red subscribe button for me i'm going to be flooding this channel with a whole load of videos to help you make money online so if you don't want to miss it i highly recommend you hit that subscribe button and turn the bell notification on so yeah let's get straight into the first step all right so let me reveal the first step for you guys so you know exactly what you have to do so for step number one what we're going to be doing is heading over to clickbank and finding a high converting offer to promote i'm going to show you the best niches that you have to select and you know and how to find the very best product so if you head over to clickbank um if you haven't got a account i'm pretty sure if you're watching this video you have an account already so i don't have to tell you to sign up you're going to see all the categories along the side here and the best niches that i recommend that you know you go for and are the most profitable are business and investing that's a good niche got the e-business and marketing health and fitness which is the one i'm gonna be showing you today um you have self-help and spirituality all of these niches are very good and you know they make a lot of money on clickbank so let's say for example we're going to go for the health and fitness niche as soon as you click onto the category you're going to see all of these um different products and offers that you can promote and the way how you're going to find the very best products and offers to promote is by going to sort results by and then going to gravity now gravity is simply going to show you all of the you know offers that are being sold by you know everyone that's you know working affiliate marketing and making a lot of sales so the very best offers are going to be right at the top and then you know the worst offers are going to be at the bottom um there are rare cases where you'll get offers out you know closer to the bottom that are good products um but these are normally like new products that are coming in but it's kind of risky to go for them yeah let's say we're gonna go for the keto diet all we're gonna have to do is simply click promote and then you know can type in a tracking id you know it's optional if you want and then hit generate hop links once you have generated hop link you're going to be using this link right here to promote onto you know on pinterest but you're going to do it in a specific way which i'm going to show you later on in the video so now that you've done step one you've gone on to clickbank you know you've selected your niche you've selected a product that you want the second step now which i'm about to reveal so go on pinterest and create your pinterest account and make sure your name is searchable you know so whatever niche you pick make sure that you know you have that in the title of your name so let me head over to pinterest right now so this is where you're gonna go and sign up for pinterest you know all you have to do is enter your email address your password your age you know and then continue if you want as well you can go ahead and connect with facebook it makes the sign up process a lot faster or you can continue with google i'm going to go ahead and continue google just to save time in this video all right so once you signed up this is the page you're going to see i've signed up with my fitness account so it says welcome you know to pinterest and fitness you're going to want to click next and then it's going to say you know how do you identify if you're male or female and then you select what you are and then you know from the uk so it's going to show what country you're from you just want to hit next again and then the last step so this step all depends on what niche you're going for i'm going to be going for the health and fitness news so i'm gonna you know select stuff that has i'm gonna select things that have stuff to do with health and fitness if you went for the business niche for example then what you're gonna do here is select you know different categories that has something to do with business you know this is to help pinterest give you like more ideas so yeah i'm gonna go ahead and click a few that i think that would relate so let me show down here so yeah we have fitness and exercise so you have to pick a five i think you have to hit five different you know categories and then after you're finished you know finding different categories that you want and the pictures that you want to come up on your feed you just hit done and then cool they're going to build a feed for us and then boom you're finished you've created your your first pinterest account once you've done that you want to head over to your account and this is how your account is going to look it's going to be completely plain and as i said earlier in the steps you want to you know optimize your profile so that you know when people search they can find you so for example the name of my you know fitness business is at in fitness so i'm gonna go ahead and change your name to make it you know more attractive and you know so more people can find it so if you head over to here you go to settings and then you go to your first name you just type in whatever your name is you know or you know a brand name come up with something if you don't but if you have a business that'll be better so i'm going to go ahead and optimize this i'm going to make this atom fitness and then i'm gonna put in health and fitness cool let me put in a line right here to make it look a little bit more clean where the hell is the liner okay okay then that's not what we wanted okay cool so i've added in that little line there to separate the item fitness from health and fitness so i'm going to click save and then i'm going to go back to my profile you're going to have to refresh it and cool that's how it comes up so i've got my brand name and then you can see health and fitness cool so now that you created your pinterest account and you set up your bio you know your business or your name with your niche then you're ready to go into the third step so let me go ahead and reveal that for you right now now i'm going to show you exactly how you can grow your pinterest account and this is essential because this is how you're going to get people to come to your account and then eventually make money and guys make sure you keep on watching because this is the most crucial part of the video and if you miss out on this part then you know you won't make any money at all so cool let me head back to pinterest and cool so right now we have zero followers and we're following no one the first thing you want to do is create a board and the way how you do this is by clicking the plus button right here and then clicking board so the types of board you're going to create is all depends upon what niche you're in if you're in the spirituality niche you might type in you know numerology manifestation um astrology because you know that's the sort of things people want from that particular niche i'm in the health and fitness community so i'm gonna go for stuff like let's say um let's go for nutrition cool so once i've created once i've selected a board i want to do i'm going to go ahead and click create and the best thing about pinterest is that they're going to give you good suggestions to go on your board so all you want to do is go down here and you know select on some pictures that you want so i'm going to click save and i'm just going to keep on scrolling through here and just finding the ones that i really like that are you know eye-catching and yeah once you've selected all the ones that you want you just go ahead and click on done and then it's going to show you all your pins so if you head back to your home page now that you're going to see you have a new board and what you want to do here is create a bunch of boards using different people's content and what this is going to do is drive a lot of traffic to your page you know this is how you're going to get your first 100 followers also you want to write a little bit about yourself on your profile so now that that's done i've typed what the page is about you can either put your website url or you can put you know one of the links to your clickbank product but we're not going to do that yet because i want to show you the whole process step by step and then if you want you can type in your location type in london and then you just hit save so yeah once you're done with that you've optimized your profile you've added your description and you've made a couple of boards then the next thing you want to do is go out there and find you know different pinterest are similar to your niche so i'm going to go to the search bar and type in health and the way how you're gonna find um different pinterest starting your niche is by clicking on the right here and click people or you can click boards i'm gonna go for people and then as you can see right here you have a a lot of different you know people that are posting on um that person on pinterest so what i want to do is find an account that's not too big so i can get some you know active followers all right so i found this page they have around 68k followers uh live love fruit so i'm going to click on their profile as you can see this page right here is getting 10 million monthly views you know just with 68k followers and that's that's insane that's a lot of views on a profile that doesn't have that many followers and this is the power of pinterest a lot of people on pinterest you know because if you go on a if you compare this to instagram you know a lot of pages i have the same amount of following don't have anywhere close to 10 million views so you can see from this page right here that pinterest has a lot of customers are using their platform actively so what you want to do here you're going to use the follow for follow method so you want to click into their followers you literally just want to go down the list and start following people so i like to follow people that have profile pictures so i'm going to go for this and keep on strolling down and finding different accounts that you know just look active on the on the platform also you have a 400 a day daily cap um on pinterest so you can follow up to 400 people a day you know so you you can follow quite a lot of people but i suggest that you follow around let's say 50 people every hour just to stay on the safe side so you don't get banned from following people and cool once you've followed a few people you can just go ahead and search different accounts that you want maybe you want to type in you know a different topic within your niche and then you can find followers that way so let me go back to my profile and refresh it i don't know why you have to refresh it as you can see i followed you know 21 people and you want to use this method until you get up to let's say around 100 followers 200 followers you know and it's very easy to get you know followers on this platform so yeah the next step is step four but i think i've showed you a little bit more than i should have uh but that's fine um let's take this off so yeah it was to create the board so i've already showed you how to create the boards and drive traffic to your page that's by going on your account daily and just keep on adding in different pictures and this is easy because you know pinterest already gives you a lot of suggestions now how are you gonna make money with this method and the way how you're going to do this is by heading over to pinterest and then you're going to click the plus button then you're going to create your own pins so now how you're going to create your own pins you're going to have to create content and then paste it right here add your title you know add your description and right here is where you're going to add your link so let me show you how to get the content you're going to want to head over to um a website called and then you're going to want to sign up um i'm actually going to leave a 14-day free trial to canva pro because i feel like camera pro is way better than the free version there's just so much more stuff you have on there you know that the free version doesn't have so make sure you guys go ahead and sign up for camera pro the link is in the description so let me quickly log in here so what you want to do here is get posts for your pinterest account so if you go to the search bar and type in pinterest yeah pinterest pin you're gonna get a lot of different you know templates that you can use to post on your pinterest so you have a lot of different you know themes here and all you want to do is just go down here and find something that is close to your niche you know this one right here looks like it's more in like the spirituality niche this one is more like a nutrition health niche which i'm probably going to be using this is like a health and beauty kind of thing so all you want to do is stroll down scroll down here and then find whatever best suits your page and the product that you're trying to promote so as i showed you earlier i'm going to be promoting like the keto diet and this is perfect you know so let me edit this page right now so it can fit my page so so i'm going to change that to keto curry dishes and then i want to change the website right down here so yeah i'm going to put click the link so that you know as soon as they see this they can understand that it's a keto diet and then they're going to click the picture then it's going to take them straight to the offer so if you want guys you can you know play around with this you can you know change the color you know if it doesn't suit if it doesn't suit the picture you can just change your color that one's a little bit too bright so yeah i wanted to change it to green you can if you want to change this picture you can alright so once you're happy with your design you want to go over to the arrow right here and then save so for step five we're going to be doing is link linking our pins to our landing pages so let me take you back over to pinterest and show you what i mean so right here you would put your image that i showed you earlier add your title you know and then add your description and everything like that and then the link that you got from clickbank which is a link right here from the keto diet this link you're going to be using and promoting it on pinterest this link you're going to be using and promoting it on pinterest but the thing is with pinterest is that you cannot use affiliate marketing links so the way how you're gonna have to do it is go on a website called get response and then create a landing page and i actually have a video that's coming very soon and if you're watching this at a date where i've dropped the video i'm gonna leave it somewhere at the top right up here then go ahead and sign up for um get response i'm gonna leave a 30-day free trial down in the description you can go here and create your landing pages and you know once you put your link from clickbank into the landing page once they click um onto you know your landing page they're going to go straight to the link and if that sounds a bit confusing to you guys i want to quickly show you an example of a landing page and how everything works so let me go into get response all right so this is a good example of a get response uh landing page and this is perfect because it actually matches the product that we're promoting which is the keto diet so um this link right the link the website link to this page right here you're gonna paste it in the destination link um that is attached to the post that i showed you on your canva account and then once they you know click the link then it's going to take them straight to the landing page where they're going to enter their name their email and then once they click get now email will be sent to them you know with the free book or whatever it is that you're giving away then it's going to take them straight to you know the clickbank offer and then you're going to make money that way and this is great because you're going to get their emails in the back end so you can send them follow-up emails you know you can build a relationship with them and keep them in your business long-term also they're going to be able to purchase the product and then you're going to get a commission from this you know and this has been working extremely well for me and a lot of people online are using you know this method to make a lot of money on pinterest and finally uh let me go back to pinterest and show you guys something uh this is the last step um so we go over to here so yeah once you once you have your page set up you're gonna have a lot of boards along the along the bottom here then you're gonna have your pins every day you just wanna go on to your pins the ones that are not your links and this ad just click more ideas and then just keep on adding just keep on adding different pictures just add add add just keep on going down anything that you think relates to your board just keep on adding it and then this is going to drive a lot of traffic to your pinterest account then after that once the people start coming in looking at your boards they're going to go to your specific board and then end up clicking onto your pins which will take them straight to your landing page and you know and eventually make you a lot of money and increase the amount of customers you have with your business and also don't forget the follow for the following method that i showed you earlier that's going to get you a lot of followers and everything like that so you know there's just going to be more people on your your pinterest page and more people are going to see you know your pins and your boards so yeah guys that's pretty much it i showed you exactly how you can make money on clickbank and pinterest you know for free you didn't have to spend any money on anything you know clickbank is free pinterest is free you know and i showed you how you can drive traffic to your page so more people can see your pins and this is very simple and easy so make sure you guys go out there and take action go ahead and make your pinterest and start promoting the products and as i showed you and i gave you the perfect niches that you can use to make a lot of money so yeah i hope you got a lot of value out of this video if you haven't already smash that like button for me hit that subscribe button and don't forget to leave a comment if you have any questions thank you for watching take care and have a nice day
Channel: Wisdom Speaks
Views: 41,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money on pinterest for beginners, clickbank and pinterest, how to make money on pinterest, make money on pinterest, make money with pinterest, how to make money on pinterest step by step, how to make money with pinterest, clickbank pinterest, pinterest and clickbank, clickbank affiliate marketing pinterest, pinterest clickbank method, clickbank with pinterest, pinterest affiliate marketing
Id: 4TS6KzaB_ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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