How To Use Pinterest For BEGINNERS // 2021 Pinterest Marketing Tutorial

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hey guys welcome in today's video we are going to be talking all about how to use pinterest as a beginner make sure to hit that like button so that more people can find this video as well as subscribe to the channel if you're new here and with that let's dive in all right so before we talk about exactly how pinterest looks like and how you can use it as a technical tool let's talk about what exactly pinterest is first and how it's beneficial for you to have a strategy for pinterest irrespective of whether using it as an individual person to build a personal brand or for your business so wikipedia defines pinterest as a social media web and mobile app designed to enable saving and discovery of information now the focus here is on saving and discovery of information on the world wide web this means that pinterest is not just a social media platform but it is also a search engine because it enables people to discover information which is the very essence of a search engine now there are a couple of really interesting things that i wanted to know about pinterest before we move on at the time of recording this there are actually over 330 million monthly viewers on pinterest which means over 300 million people are active on pinterest every single month about 50 of the users are from outside of us so the common misconception that people have on pinterest about pinterest is that it's only used by people in the us and that is not true next up millennials use pinterest just as much as instagram so if you are a person who is let's say looking to target millennials whether that is for your brand or your business you would find it really really interesting to actually leverage pinterest because a lot of millennials actually are very active on pinterest just as much as they are on instagram another interesting statistic about pinterest is that the user base of pinterest is it tends to a little bit more of mid to high income instead of other social media platforms which are more widely or equally distributed so about half of pinterest users make 50 000 or more every year which means they have a higher capacity to spend which means they have a higher power to purchase when it comes to products right which brings me to my next point about pinterest which is that 87 of pinterest users have purchased a product because of pinterest 87 which means that most of the people who are actually on pinterest are looking for ideas and actually shopping around for products which might be interesting to you especially if you're someone who is either selling products currently or plans to sell them in the future now there are a couple of terms that you should know before we dive into the technical bits so the first time that you should know is what is the pin so a pin is simply an image that you would see when you log into pinterest and i will show you shortly um you can also say that if you are saving a pin and then or you're pinning that could also be used as a work so a pen is also a noun when you talk about an image but it can also be used as a word that i was pinning on pinterest that would be then the verb context of it a pinner is someone who is simply an active pin user so this is a funny term but it basically uh signifies someone who is active on pinterest as a pinterest user a repin is when someone actually takes your pins and actually shares that or saves that in their particular boards now one of the best ways that pinterest is different or one of the most unique ways in which it is different is that it allows users to actually save and share your content to multiple other users for a long period of time versus let's say twitter or facebook so every time someone re-pins your content it simply means that someone took your original pin and saved it to one of their boards or shared it to one of their profiles right which essentially gives you more exposure and gets more people back to your account and to your feed now of course pinterest users are a little bit different demographic when it comes to social media users let's say compared to instagram or facebook and that's what i want to clarify here why is it that you can actually use pinterest as irrespective of whether using as an individual or as a business now pinterest users contrary to other social media users are most likely to click through to share and consume your content now this is again something which is very very unique to pinterest because pinterest as a platform has been developed in a way that it allows people to click out of the platform and do other things whereas when you talk about facebook or you talk about instagram those are platforms that really want you to stay within the algorithm and to stay within the platform that's true for youtube as well they don't want you to be leaving the platform and going elsewhere however when it comes to pinterest because it's a sort of bookmarking social discovery site it has been built in such a way that people are all almost encouraged to click out and check out other things on other websites right so the first reason why pinterest is very interesting and should be you know a part of your marketing strategy is because pinterest does not discriminate this means if whether you have a million followers on pinterest or you have 10 followers in pinterest the chance of your content being shown and ranked in pinterest search is just as high so you don't need to have 10 000 followers to have a link that you can add on pinterest you don't need to have an established following to do anything on pinterest really you can grow completely organically even if you're just starting today the second thing that makes pinterest very interesting is that instead of just looking for let's say trending news or instead of looking for travel stories pinterest users are actually looking for information now of course when you compare this to other social media platforms it's very different nobody goes on twitter to search for how they can pay off debt nobody goes on facebook to look for how they can you know do their home redo their home however when it comes to pinterest people are actually looking for information so how to tutorials hacks um how to do certain things and in that sense it is not just a search engine but also a hotbed of potential buyers and potential customers for your business and not only this pinterest users have been growing steadily worldwide so even though it just hasn't been around for a very long time the growth that pinterest is facing and has been going through for the last couple of years has been very very quick and continues to grow beyond over 330 million users that it currently has and is growing all across the world not just in the us or north american market and lastly it's also really important to know that pinterest users actually share the love which means that they just they don't just save your pin and then forget about it they actually share that with their friends they actually go to your website check you out and they actually sign up for forms and buy your products which means that pinterest users are a great potential target audience especially as a business owner or as a budding entrepreneur who's looking for new leads and just wants to reach a bigger audience completely organically so with that said let's talk about what pinterest actually looks like when we talk about the technical aspects so as you can see so as you can see we are now on the pinterest home feed now the home feed is essentially a stream of pins or images which have been curated by pinterest based on what you have been searching and based on what they think you might like now of course if you're just starting out on pinterest your feed might not be as you know developed because the algorithm hasn't really had time to understand what you're interested in what are the topics that you're following and maybe you're not really following anyone so you have a very minimal feed now of course this feed constantly changes it is it gets constantly updated depending on the kind of content that i have been viewing i have been sharing as well as i've been interacting or engaging with you essentially have these this feed curated for you by pinterest now again this is kind of similar to youtube where depending on what you have been viewing on the channel you actually have access to recommended videos and content which has been specifically you know curated for you based on what you might like now as you can see when you zoom in or you just basically once click this image it opens up and it shows you the more details about the spin so it will show you what the title of the spin is which is the ultimate germany travel guide it's also going to show you what the description of this pin is so the top places to go in germany typical budget for food etc it's going to show you the account that this pin has been saved by so i'm the one who's actually uploaded this from one of my accounts so you can see this is the account that the person has saved from you can see if there are any comments on this particular pin you can see if anybody has attached any photos because for example sometimes people post recipes etc and people actually add photos showing how this recipe turned out right now the easiest way for people to actually engage with the pin is one they can just click on this pin and they will automatically be taken to a page which is basically the link that has been added to this pin right now later on i'm going to show you exactly how to do this with pinterest but just to show you kind of briefly how pinterest works is essentially you have pins or basically an image with some kind of text that leads to a particular article or let's say to a landing page or maybe even to a product that you're selling right essentially it can be anything which has a url or a link on the internet so of course you can also have just images but those images are not really going to drive traffic or signups for you because they won't have a link right okay next thing you can do really quickly is if you already have boards you can actually go into one of your boards and save this pin over there right so you can go to one of your personal boards or to your group boards which i'm going to explain to you as well and you can save that pin which essentially is called a repin and that means that you've saved this for your own personal use right so that's how pinterest essentially enables you to not only interact and find the pin outside of pinterest so i'm able to find this complete article about the ultimate germany guide but i'm also able to save it to one of my personal boards so that in the future when i actually plan to travel to germany i will be able to do so now on this tab when you go you're going to see all of the you know recommended inspiration for you as well as some of the trending aspects on pinterest so you can see what are just some of the things that are going around maybe it's something that is interesting for you maybe you actually just want to see hey what's going on and maybe you don't want to miss out on a certain trend right so as you can see day by day you actually have certain trends so there's dreamy yoga studios there is um trend alert the nap dress if you're into fashion how to mentally prepare for the school year for wellness so they try to basically curate some of the things that are trending and that you might be interested in so that you stay longer on the platform and you actually check out different things so how to improve your gut health so as you can see these are different categories like there's food there's wellness there's home decor there is parenting there is birthdays there is travel so monday escapism it's a mix of images and also videos which pinterest has been favoring recently so it's not just video not just images or static images but it's also dynamic videos because a lot of people actually prefer video content and let's say for example in this case they want to see what the recipe looks like how they can make it and they just want to see how it is instead of reading it through right and then you can see specific content based on who you are following so let's say i follow 100 people so they're going to basically show me all of the latest content from people that i'm following now again this is quite similar to for example when you log in on instagram and you're able to see everyone that you're following if you are someone who's used facebook or instagram you would know that this is kind of the same so again the first page that you land in or which is also your home feed is also is always a curated mix of all of these things but you can specifically go on what's trending today and you can also see what is you know what is the latest content from people that you follow maybe you want to give them some love back and you want to share some of their content either way it's a great place to just get started on pinterest now the next thing that i want to take you through is your profile now when you click here on this icon which is basically my profile image now again as you can see i have a pretty established profile so i have over a million monthly viewers and this tends to change between one to two million depending on how much traffic and how much visibility my posts are getting or my pins are getting so as you can see the profile is very basic i've added my email address i've added my website um i have added my my main website that this account represents i've added the categories that this account represents and then you can see a quick description of what this account is all about if someone is just landing on this so if you are a user who is just using pinterest you will have kind of a snapshot here of what this all account is all about and if you're not following the account you can just click here and follow in case in case of this it's obviously my own account so i can't follow myself but you would be able to do this for any other account right now you can see here again four different tabs so you have the activity tab which basically explains everything that i've been doing on pinterest so what are the you know what are the different things that are have been published from my website uh all of the pins that have been going on that's an activity tab you can check the community tab which will tell you all about more about all of my followers so who is following indian girling um you can you know you can just go one by one and even check out all of the followers and see what kind of follower categories i have now again this is great information if you are a business and you're looking to maybe grow your reach then you want to combine and you want to follow for people who have your ideal clients and your ideal audience so you can look around and see who's following this and kind of make your own assumptions or pull your own data or market research you can also see all of the people that i'm following and how many people i'm following in case that is something that interests you now moving on to the more important substantial part of pinterest which is boards now boards are essentially basically a group of pins that are together right so for example germany travel tips is the board that i saved the pin on which you saw earlier and essentially it is basically a personal board so a personal board is a board that is only visible on my profile and that can only be accessed by me it is of course also visible to other people but they cannot really save any pins to this board because it is my board okay and the way it is different from a group board is that when you talk about a group board you actually have a board where more than one person can save pins so when you see this board for example it is you can see here that it has a lot of people who are actually you know collaborators on this board which means that lots of other people can actually save their pins and their images and their content on this board and not only me so of course you do have to send an invite and you can check out other videos on this channel on how you can do that make sure to hit the like button as well as subscribe if you're still here with me on this video i would love to get this video out to more people and each time you smash the like button it really helps me pop out my videos to other people as well so this is an example of a group board which is essentially a board with 4 000 uh 100 something followers and here's where you can read the board description which talks about you know all of the topics that people pin to this about you can see all the subcategories of this uh group board so you can see all of the different categories in which people can share content you can check out all of the latest images that have been pinned to this board now as i said this is different from a personal board where it is only me who gets to decide what goes in that board so either i can upload my my pins from my website as you can see in this board there are already quite a few of them or i can save pins from other people's um content and i can save them to this board so that in future i might be able to use them so for example this is a pin that i saved to the germany travel tips board which is not my pin but i found that this would be a pin that would be interesting for my audience and also for me to have in my board now again the reason why you actually have boards on pinterest is so that not i mean it's twofold so if you are an individual user on pinterest and you are doing this as sort of a kind of visual inspiration tool you're using pinterest just to make your vision board maybe to you know put up images of your dream house your wedding dress etc then in that case you will have boards which basically represent different categories so you could have different boards like um you know your wedding dress ideas or your summer vacation ideas or your home decor ideas etc right however as a business owner your boards really represent the categories of content that you create um you know information in so if you're a blogger you would have boards of all of the top categories that you create contact in so for example one of the categories that i create content is travel so you will see lots of travel boards on my on my account right so you can see germany travel tips you can see um as i scroll down you can see blog income reports again something that i talk about is money so that's something that you can see here as well you can see make money travel blogging you can see social media marketing you can see travel guides again all of these are personal boards which are basically categories of content that i share my pins on as well as safe pins on now what this does is that it essentially attracts my ideal audience so my ideal audience is a woman who is a millennial most the times it's a woman there are also men who check out my website but the majority of them is let's say women who are millennials who are interested in travel who are interested in personal development and who are interested in making more money online right that's my ideal audience so most of my personal boards will actually reflect that and my group boards are an extension of that so my group was where i collaborate my content with other creators so that my content gets discovered by other people and also gets shared by other people so that i get a bigger reach and get more eyeballs on my content right now again you can categorize these boards in different ways so if you're someone who has a lot of boards like me you can categorize them alphabetically which is a to z in which you can see all of the boards one by one depending on a to z you can categorize them based on the newest boards so the newest boards that you either created or joined will show up here or you can categorize them by the older sports you can also drag and drop and actually make a custom order for your boards so if you want let's say to you know move around your boards you can actually pick them up and you can just drag them down and create them somewhere where you think they would fit better right so that way you can move that board i wasn't able to do that successfully but let me just show it to you how it's done so here you go so basically it's squeezed out to a different place right now you can also group what's at the top like you can also select all of your group bots to show up at one place and all of your personal boards to show up at the other now again this is just a categorizing tool it isn't really a marketing tip it is just something that you know is helpful for you to categorize your content and figure out where it falls in which place and especially as a business user or as someone who's using pinterest for marketing you might find this helpful right again when we go on the pins tab we can see all of the pins that i have shared that i have saved from other people everything that has ever been on my account whether in my boards or whether in my pins or in my profile is going to show up in this particular um tab right awesome so now we know exactly what a profile looks like we know exactly what these you know statements here are we know what a description is we know what our community means we know what boards mean now next you're probably wondering hey shruti how can i actually save pins you know which are from my content to pinterest now again this means that basically you want to post pins on pinterest right so as you can see on the top there are different things that you can navigate as well so just for basics here are two things if you are a business account which i am you have a business hub where you have access to all of your insights so you can see on just the overview of you know what are your impressions your saves your link clicks some of your top pins you can see if you had any ads you can have access to resources for business as well the other thing that you can also see is your home feeds when you go there right so you can swap back from your profile to your home feed quickly so that you can navigate and save more content right now when it comes to creating a pin you are actually going to go to create and then go on create a pin we are not going to talk about a story pin or an ad because that's outside the scope of this video but i'm going to share with you how to create a simple pin for your account and actually add that up right now what we're going to use to create a pin is a free tool called canva which is my favorite tool that i use all the time to actually create pins and i'm gonna go quickly back to this tool so that you can understand how this is used now again there are different types of templates that are already available on canva you can have a free account or you can pay for it as i do um i tend to have a very high create a high volume of graphics that go out for my business which is why i prefer to have a premium account because the extra features really add value to my life and they save me a lot of time and also for my va which is a win-win now as you can see there are already templates here which i made so you can click on pinterest pin and you can go to go through any one of those templates and see if there's a template design that you actually liked and would like to create for your particular account right so let's say that we actually want to create an image for this particular article which is the ultimate um germany travel guide right so then i'm going to go here and just scroll down and see if there are any kind of travel pins which might actually go well with this topic right so again all of these templates might or might not be accessible to you depending on what type of account you have you can filter it based on language you can filter it based on color etc now when i scroll down i'm trying to look for a image which actually represents travel for me and would be a good way to actually create you know a post on pinterest or a pin on pinterest uh about this topic so the ultimate germany travel guide right awesome so let me look around for a travel pin i believe there was one of the top that i missed out on let me just go back up and when i go here i see this pin which is kind of you know it comes close to travel pin so i'm gonna go here and just make it germany travel guide now of course it can be any text that really depends on what your text what you're opening about i'm going to delete this because i don't need it and then i'm going to add the name of my website so that i actually have a kind of copyright you know influence over it because a lot of people tend to steal your steal your pins and use them off for their website so make sure to always add your website logo so that anyone who is using that pin knows where that came from right now i'm going to go to photos and quickly swap out the image at the back so that i have something which is actually interesting and goes with the title right so you want to make sure your pin is relevant so if i'm talking about travel and i'm talking about germany i actually want to have a pin which is about germany i don't want to have a pin which is about france right like it wouldn't make no sense for me to have germany travel guide and have eiffel tower at the back right not only will it make um you know the users confused about what i'm talking about it also wouldn't help me rank on pinterest because what pinterest does when it actually ranks your content or your pins is that it scans the whole image and looks for relevancy factors right so when it sees oh she has a germany travel guide but she actually has eiffel tower on the back pinterest doesn't understand what my pin is all about right i'm going to show you a really cool hack on canva which is called a grid again it is a feature which is also available to you for free and the way that i use a grid is to basically form a background for my text so as you can see germany travel guide is in white and i want to just pop that out so i will i just added a grid and then i'm going to reshape the size of the grid just by holding the cursor down and adding it here and then i'm going to let's say make it a different color so that it is more visible what this post is about right okay so now that i have this i can actually move it a little bit to the center because i want this to be not completely on the left again you can align it to the center to the right to the left depending on this you can also change your fonts and create a font or upload a font that is more relevant to you so let's say that i want to have this as my font and then i can make the size of the box shorter bigger depending on what i need and again i can double click on this image and move it around as well i also have a camera tutorial on this channel make sure to check that out if this is something that you need help with i'm not going to go into too much details of this because i really want to show you the process of this and not really the um the design tips though you can find that in a different video that i have about canva so it's quite simple i'm just going to download this image i'm going to download this save it on my desktop and then i'm going to proceed to pinterest to actually upload and post it on pinterest right so once i've saved this let me just save it quickly to my desktop so that it's easy for me to to find out i'm going to navigate circle back to pinterest remember we talked about creating a pin just click on create pin and you will get to the pin builder so as you can see this is the place where you actually create your pins right so what we're going to do is you can either upload you can click here and go to your folder and upload that from your desktop or what you can do is you can also drag and drop the photo or the pin that you have just designed so that you have you know it's just quicker and easier for you and again what you need to do is basically just fill up the things that are on your right so you can add your title so you can say it's the germany travel guide for let's say first time travelers you can of course be more consistent and have more you know in-depth strategy when it comes to this you can check out my video on pin descriptions as well as pin titles to understand exactly how this works and i'm going to just explain this shortly and say in this in this blog post i discuss no i i share top travel tips for germany and how to make the most of your time there again the reason why you're doing this is to make one pinterest understand exactly what your pin is about and to make the users who want to click on the spin also understand what your pin is about right you can also add a hashtag let's say germany travel etc now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to add the url of that particular pin now again this could be something different something totally different for you so let's say you have a product you can add the product url maybe you want to promote a certain you know a second person a second party website you can also add that url it really doesn't matter as long as it is a link which is not a spam which is not considered spam by pinterest you can add a destination link right you can even promote your instagram photos and videos on pinterest by actually adding a pin and then adding the link to your instagram profile so that's a cool tip for you in case that is something that you want to grow using pinterest you can also do that right not sure if this is double l or single l but anyway uh let me know in the comments what you think i i'm always confused between british and american english because i grew up in india where i studied british english but then i watched a lot of stuff which is american english and i'm totally messed up now and confused about exactly how to spell things however i hope that you understand how this works and what you can do now here is to actually publish the pins so you actually need to have a board to be able to publish this so i recommend having at least one board which is your brand board or your let's say business board so the name of my business here or my travel board here is indian girling so i'm going to save it to indian girling so that people who are basically you know who are let's say familiar with my blog or are following this pinterest account will be able to find that now when i go back to my profile i can actually scroll down and see that the pin was already saved there so you can do that if you are a little bit paranoid and you want to double check which i do sometimes as well just to make sure that my pin was published and search for my board and then see exactly where my pin showed up just to make sure that it is there and it is saved you know correctly so for some reason the search is not working super well okay let's see if this works now okay so i'm just going to scroll down and see where my board is i have a lot of words you all so it's a bit it takes a bit of time for me to actually look around however i do have the majority as group words because i do tend to be quite active on group boards i find them an excellent way to grow your tribe organically and even though they're not as effective now as they used to be before they're still decently decently effective and of course it's free it doesn't cost you anything to join most of these group words so if you get free publicity and you get to grow your reach it is 100 1 000 worth it so for some reason let's click last save two because that's where i saved the pin so that's where it should show up yes so this is my best of indian girling board which basically has all of my branded pins and you know from the beginning of time from when i was in pinterest so you can see the pin that we just made has been saved here right now of course you can see more stats eventually after 24 hours or more when pinterest will show you the stats of the spin so it's going to show you how many impressions your pin had which is essentially how many people looked at your pins how many people saved your pins so how many repins did you get and how many link licks did you get so how many people clicked out to your pin right so as you can see the spin is already saved i can also go here and save it to my germany travel tip sport because it's quite relevant to that as well now when i go back i want to show you quickly how the image or how the impressions and stats for other pins work so let's say let's scroll down and see something which has already been for 24 hours so as you can see this pin has point eight three thousand uh one one thousand eight hundred impressions it has four saves and 42 link clicks and this was last updated six hours ago so it was a pin that was recently shared and has these many um link clicks and pins now what it does is essentially tells you exactly what's working for your account and what's not working for your account so over time as you create more pins and you post more pins you will understand what's working for your account and what's completely bailing on your account so my tip of course is always to create more content of what's working and less content of what's not working again you have a very useful analytics feature as well on pinterest so you can go into your analytics and you can check an overview of your account so of course if you're just starting out on pinterest you will not have a lot of data so you really won't be able to get much from it but because i have been around on pinterest for a while i can have a lot of analytics data on my um you know fingertips so i have the number of impressions i had in the last month i had the total audience i have my engagements um how many people engage with my pins again don't be intimidated by these numbers because i've been using pinterest for a long time and i am a pinterest marketing expert so these numbers are um you know um higher than average of what most accounts would be you can also check your daily um sort of growth so as you can see you can see how many people actually view your content now again when you think about two million impressions from a completely organic account without paying for ads without you know having any kind of sponsored pins that is the kind of reach that pinterest has and to be honest this is actually on the lower end if you consistently work you can actually even grow this impressions to 10 million to 20 million and more it really depends on your strategy as well as how well you are you know really um using and leveraging pinterest as a platform so if you're interested you can also check out the pinterest traffic masterclass that i have in the description box below where i go into a lot more traffic building strategies for bloggers as well as business owners to drive traffic from pinterest completely for free so don't forget to sign up for that class if that's a topic that interests you okay and also guys if you're still here with me make sure to hit the like button and drop me a comment and let me know this video is helpful because that really helps me boost my video in the search algorithm and really also helps me do well on youtube and grow this small channel i would be really really thankful and of course it's free for you to hit the like button so i would love if you would do that again a really really cool feature of pinterest is that you can actually see all of the categories and interests that your audience is interested in of course this would not really be very beneficial for you if you just start an account today however if you've been there for a while you have let's say 500 1 000 odd followers you will have a lot of information on what your audience is all about you can see the age distribution of the audience as well so you can see my audience is majority female which is about 78 odd um you can also see one of the top countries that my audience is from so you can see united states india uk canada etc funnily enough these are also the biggest audiences for my business so as you can understand a huge chunk of my business does come from pinterest and i am really thankful for that uh because it's mostly it's like 99.9 organic um sometimes i do run a sponsored paint every now and then if i'm doing a campaign but that's extremely rare and i haven't really done it much this year so you can also see specifically the cities and the states that my on that my audience is from so what are the areas so new york for example is a big um big target group for me los angeles is a big target group for me etc again this is something very interesting if you are a business owner and you really want to see who your audience is how do you reach out to them what are the topics that you can create content in now again these are the top categories that pinterest usually has so this is kind of broad but of course you can go further down into quotes and actually see all of the sub categories that you get which would show you what are subcategories of codes that are popular so let's say that you are a personal development uh business and then you can actually go and see okay so my audience actually is interested in inspirational quotes or they're interested in funny quotes etc right so again guys so much information that is available to you within the you know free business account that you have um again you can actually create a business account really really simply all you have to do is sign up for pinterest and as you can see i'm going to quickly take you through how i did that so again you can just add your display name your username your profile your email address um maybe if you have something that you know your address or anything else that you want to add you can also add you know change your account settings so you can connect options like facebook login et cetera you can add you know your country your region etc you can also claim your website so as you can see i have claimed my website which is i've also claimed you know my instagram account so that pinterest knows when i'm saving something from instagram that it's actually my account and i get the correct credit for it right so again really cool if you have etsy shop you can also do that here which is amazing for you because you can directly save things from your etsy shop and put them on your pinterest profile and sell them as well right again i have also cleaned my youtube if you have shopify you can do that as well no other social media platform gives you that advantage to actually claim other accounts and enable your audience to click out and use that so i think that is really a big big benefit of using pinterest you guys so that's you all for this tutorial um make sure to check out the other videos in my description box below so that you can learn more about how to use pinterest to grow your audience income and impact online so that's it for me for this video let me know in the comments if you have any questions about using pinterest make sure to hit the like button as well as subscribe to watch more such videos on how to grow your audience income and impact online i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Shruti Pangtey
Views: 120,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use pinterest, how to use pinterest for beginners, pinterest strategy, pinterest tutorial 2020, pinterest tutorial for business, shruti pangtey, pinterest tutorial, pinterest marketing, pinterest for beginners, how to use pinterest app, how to use pinterest for beginners 2021, how to post on pinterest, how to pinterest, how to use pinterest for business, pinterest how to use, pinterest app, pinterest tutorial 2021, how pinterest works, pinterest for beginners 2021
Id: Guhq1YcviM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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