Pimp interview-Pimpsy

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- [Mark] All right, Pimpsy, Pimpsy, where'd you grow up, where are you from? - From San Diego, California. - [Mark] San Diego. - Yes sir. - [Mark] And tell me about your family, you had both your parents growing up? - [Pimpsy] No, actually I didn't, it was kind of a back and forth thing. I spent more time with my father than I did with my mom and, yeah, I moved out real early about at 17 years old, You know what I mean? I've been on my own since then and never really turned back. So you know. - [Mark] So when you left, when you left your dad's house, you went where? - I got my own place. Well, actually I had a friend who had a chic and he, I don't know why he agreed to it, but long story short I moved in with her, we would, that was her part of the spot and this was my part of the spot, and I had me some chics and I got half the spot, and then he ended up moving her to Vegas and I took over the whole spot. You know, it wasn't nothing major, nothing big and nice but it was my own, you know, and I was real young and happy to have it, you know. - [Mark] And how did you get into being a pimp? At what age did that happen? - I was playing around at 16. I started really getting into it at 17, but I like to say that, I was straight laced no chase by the age of about 19,20 man, you know, because a lot of times we do a lot of mixing and doing a thing that the game really would frown upon at a younger age but I didn't really have nobody to tell me or take me by the hand and say, Oh man these are what you're supposed to do, It's not what, what you're not supposed to do. I mean, I did so many things now that I look back, I find it hilarious. You know, one of the things I used to do I had a 84 Cadillac old, old bucket. I think I might've paid five or $600 for it, I don't remember but I had about, I don't want to exaggerate but I know I had enough chics to where I had a car load in the Cadillac and still I had to go back to my house and go get another one or two of them, and I'm pulling up on the stroll with an old dirty basket bumping, ♪Hey, dirty, baby I got your money, ♪ and it's all types of real peas out there man. And I got the windows down the chics, all out the car and dancing, and I'm thinking that these cats and these real players and pimps out there is hating on me. That's my mindset. They hating on me, man, they mad, because they see all this here and they just don't want to see me shine. But reality of it was, I was really making it hot, you know what I'm saying? I'm really drawing too much attention, and you know, it was a bunch of different things along those lines, you know what I'm saying? I didn't know what to tell the chic to charge, my chics out there, charging 20's and $25. I'm going home with four chics, four or five chics with a matter of maybe four or $500 at the end of the night. And I'm thinking they mad at me because my chics is in and out of cars, but no, they mad because their chics is charging mine ain't, so of course they ain't going to get money. You know what I'm saying? So that's basically the beginning of my game. - [Mark] So you didn't have any role models or anyone to guide you? - No, not as far as this goes, no. You know, I didn't, I think the first role model that I had that could really tell me any news that I could use was Bishop Don Juan and I met him I believe in probably '04. So I was about 24, no, I was younger than that, because I know we did real flavor and all that by then. So I was about 22 when I met Bishop Don Juan. - [Mark] You learn from the best. - Yeah, and he didn't only just tell me what to do. You know what I'm saying? The most valuable information was was what not to do, what mistakes not to make. And that was the most valuable, you know, cause you know you can listen to a person, tell you what to do and that's the only giving you the game that they didn't did, you'd just be copying and repeating. But the most valuable game I ever learned, was the game when a person took the time and tells me, "Hey man, don't do this man." "Avoid that speed bump, watch out for that pothole," "you know?" And, and that's what gave me such a longevity in the game. I mean, you know, I did that from that age all up to 33 and I didn't ever, I never did nothing else in between the time, back then, you know what I'm saying? It wasn't, no, it wasn't no game plan. It wasn't no, selling drugs or selling dope, it wasn't nothing like that. Every dollar I had smelled like pussy up and from, from the time of 19, all the way up to 30, like I said before that 18, 17, I was mixing and doing all type of other stuff too. - [Mark] So how many girls did you have in your staple? - Did I then? - [Mark] Yeah. - Oh man. I didn't, I know I didn't came to the ball with probably four or five at sometime, and I leave the other ones at home. I mean, I didn't have quite a few man, I didn't have quite a few, you know and these things I can say because it's all documented. I don't have to like, I ain't got to hide that from you all. - [Mark] And so yes, you did some prison time recently? - Yes, yes, yes. Very much so, federal prison time. - [Mark] Seven years for what? - It was actually a RICO charge, and then I, it was really because I went to trial and I went to trial, I fought the federal government and they tried to give me 23 years and I just went to trial on it. There's inside the case there's all types of things. You've got young cats pimping on minors and so forth and so on, and when you're dealing with a RICO case, everybody gets charged with the same crimes, and that was part of my issue with it. I didn't want to be put into that same bag with a bunch of guys that made the wrong decisions and rather than take this plea deal where I would have went straight home. I'd rather fight it and, you know see what comes to me and take my chances. - [Mark] So the seven years were for pimping and pandering? - RICO, RICO, racketeering enterprise that's the main charge. - [Mark] Oh, I see, okay. - Yeah. - [Mark] So when you had things going smoothly before the government got involved, the arrangement with the girls is that you keep how much of their money (Pimpsy chuckles) - How much can they get? (Mark laughs) - [Mark] And the girls are what races? - You name it. I prefer not to have black chics, you know what I'm saying? I started off that way, so I got a good dose of exactly the strain on the game that they can give you, if they allow you to, but being a black man myself, going to school with them and being around the neighborhood you be real familiar with them, and those are most likely going to be your first chics, you know what I'm saying? And so that's where it started off with but, when I got my first piece of snow man, I was turned out. I was trying to, the money, the money difference was just too much of a comparison to even think about, and so I kind of focused my way there, but-- - [Mark] What's the problem with black girls? - Well, - [Mark] Headstrong? - You could say that, you can say that word, I'm going to say this man, and their money don't match their problems, you know what I'm saying? The perks don't match their problems and that'd be the problem, you know what I mean? If I could, you can give me all the problems you want if I'm making a million dollars out of you, I don't mind but I'm not going to deal with so many problems for a hundred dollars, you know what I mean? I'm not going to do it, you know and then it was just too much for me, you know? And then to be honest, it evolved more into, I'm really deep into my culture as well, and I really didn't want to feel like I was bringing more onto my people than they already done went through you know? And this is just an awakening that I had at some point you know, in the game as well, and that's a whole nother subject that, might want to go into some other time, but it all just made more sense to me because that's what liked me, you know what I mean? I like what like me too, you know? And for the most part, you know white chics kind of dig me, you know what I mean? And I kind of dig them. - [Mark] So, as a pimp, you provide security, you're a money manager. Tell me what, what you're doing on your end. - Be easier to tell you what I don't do. - [Mark] Okay. - You know what I'm saying? only thing I can't provide for them is arrest haven. Other than that, I mean, you name it, I mean, that's my job. You know what I mean? Because they gave me their all, they give me a hundred percent, you know why I went to chics they will, "can I give you half my money?" I'll say, "I'm going to give you half my pimping then," you know? And when you get down to thinking about it, they not with that, you know what I'm saying? They're going to want a hundred percent of you, and that's why I need a hundred percent. So that entails when they need comfort, when they need somebody to talk to, when they need a tampon sometimes, they might, you know what I mean? You're going to have to go do it. You know what I mean? If that's really your chic like that, I mean first year growing, I might've had a problem with it in my mindset, but I got past that real quick. You know what I mean? What you need? I'll go get it, if you. know what I mean, if you're busy or something going on, so there's nothing I won't do, you know, it's almost the whole Bonnie and Clyde syndrome thing, you know what I'm saying? Where it's, you know, it's me and you against the world and you know, it's whatever and you also gotta realize these cats these days these youngsters, man, it ain't really so much how it was back then, because back then yo chic risked her life for you every night, every night, you know what I'm saying? It wasn't no internet where they could be tracked, and the phone now that could be found, a camera that the hotel might see the guy come in, no man, you're chic getting in and out of car at random spots going to random places, and if you, I started when it wasn't really everybody having no cell phones. So the chic going to have to go to a payphone and call you. You might not even have no phone yourself. You want have to just ride up and down the stroll until you see her back down. You know what I'm saying? So during those times, yes a chic going to pay you for security and all that, nowadays, man, a chic just paying you because she wants somebody to, share her lifestyle with, pretty much, you know? - [Mark] It's almost like a romantic relationship, right? I mean, that's what I, I see it evolve into a lot, man. It's really hard to find people that, find players and pimps man, that's really, really sticking to it, based on the principles of the game. You know what I mean? They playing on them, they playing on these chics mindsets and playing boyfriend and stuff. And that's why you see when these internet sites shut down they left a lot of prostitutes with nothing to do, they don't know where to go or what to do, and his dude, they sit in there stumbling, twiddling their thumb and they don't know what to do. It was easy to just go post the chic and wait for the phone to ring. But you know, that can't happen no more. Now they got to think outside the box, they got to figure out man, okay, she here, she ready to get it but what am I going to do with her? where am I going to send her to, you know what I mean? And now it's all the old veterans and all the guys that started from way back, see, it's easy for them because they didn't have all this even if they was using the computer. These days that was just something that was taken advantage of but their knowledge was set to where, you know, I could take this chic and put her in front of a porn video store. She going to get money there, or I could take her to this hotel because it's going to be a big convention this week in town. And she could walk around downtown and make, you know what I'm saying? And they going to think outside the box because of what's going on in the area. But see they not doing that now all they knew before was post the chic, wait for the phone to ring, you know what I mean? And then worse than that, half the chics ain't going to do nothing, if the phone ain't ringing they not going to go, that's too much work for them. It was easy to sit at the room and watch TV and play on the internet until a date came. But you think using their brain to figure it out and thinking, no, they not with that, man. They not with that. - [Mark] Do you have sex with girls. I have, I have, not all of them, you know what I mean? Because with me, it was a matter of I have to feel a certain way, and when I say I have to feel a certain way, I have to feel that she's really for me because in me I get back then, you'll get a lot of chics, You'll know, you will feel like I I might have, I might get a week or two run out of this one. I might get a month run out of this one. You know what I mean? She did came from five or six other cats. So I know I might get two or three more, I'm not nailing her, I ain't got nothing for her. But if I know, it's a chic that is really really for me and I could see her heart that all she wants to do is make me happy, well that turns me on, I can't lie to you. You know what I mean? It's a real turn on to me to know that, you know what I mean? That she's there from, you know I come from a background of not, I ain't got much family, I don't have a lot of people that I could have turned to and stuff like that growing up, so with that being said, my females became my family, my females became, you know, the first thing I knew about what love even resembles, you know what I mean? It was them. So that's when I would feel a sexual attachment to them. But without the dedication, I don't feel it. And being, you know, the type of pimp that I have been, you'll give females that just want to come with you because of your name, they want to be seen with you. They want to be known because they with you or whatever. And after the glitter and the grime wears off and they realize, Oh, I'm still doing, I'm still working, I'm working even harder. You know what I'm saying? I got it, you know what I mean? They don't be worth the status, it ain't worth the work to them. So them type of chase, nah I'm not going to let them get a piece of me and run off. But as far as just having sex with them there have been quite a few that I've been, you know that I felt that way towards, you know what I mean? And it's not something that you do every, I do every night or every day. But if I feel that way towards the chic, yeah, I might that's going to be one I know I can, I might have five of them. And out of that five, two or three of them, I might actually deal with like that, but the other two, you know, I already know, they just here for the meantime, they going to go to another pimp, another pimp, and you've always got to remember, whatever happened, they're going to run that to them, you know what I'm saying? Me, I don't want to hear about your other pimp, you know what I'm saying? I'm going to be able to figure out about him by what you do, by what the chic does, how she interacts, I don't need to even hear about him but these other dudes, a lot of times they gonna want to hear about me. "Oh, what was he like, what was he doing?" So my reputation going to spread through her and I gotta be, I have to be thoughtful of that when I deal with a chic, because she going to go somewhere else, I've got to make sure that whatever I do with her, I'm not going to be ashamed of her telling, you know what I'm saying? or speaking on. - [Mark] The reputation or the stereotype that pimps had or have is that they intimidate or they force the girls into doing things, but it's actually much more - I mean, you got some, that's the gorilla pimp, you know what I'm saying? Mentality, you know what I mean? But my prosecutor on my case, she even spoke on it and said, "No, he's a finesse pimp, you know what I mean?" Because of course a jury wants to understand, you know they don't understand how, there's no victim saying, Oh Pimpsy did this to me or did that to me, so she had to explain it to him, you know, he doesn't force him to do anything, you know, he, my thing is this. If a chic don't want to be with me or do what I need her to do, then I don't want her around because I believe inside of me that when I talk to her and I give her this game, then that's what she going want. It ain't gonna be no way around it. You know what I mean? She's going to want to do that, and if not, it ain't going to last long, no way. Now I get runs, and what a run is basically when I get a chic, I don't have her most of the time for no couple of months. Most of the chics I've had in my life, I've had for years and years and years. You see what I'm saying? So when you're dealing in that it's just a whole different ball game, you know? And when you gorilla pimping on the chic, a lot of time it ain't going to last long, because at some point it's not her family, her mama or whatever, somebody's going to get in her ear, and you know, another pimp going let her know and he ain't going to do that to her or whatever and she might just run off as far as chastising him. I know dudes that have physically chastised the chic and they not considered gorilla pimp, they just discipline them, see what I'm saying? So it's a different. Now if you get dudes, that's pulling up on the whole stroll and throwing the chic in the car and telling the chic, yeah, she got to work, that's the gorilla pimp mentality. And to me, man, that's just too much work. If I could imagine, I could never do that shit. It sounds like too much work. - [Mark] What's the personality trait that helps you the most to succeed at this - Honesty. I mean, as far as I go, I mean it's the whole honesty factor. Whether it sounds good or not, when a woman hears it, she's going to believe it's more honesty to come and they feel comfortable with honesty. You know what I mean? A chic might come to me and tell me, "well, I want to, I want to work, I want to do this for you" "but I'm doing it because I want to be your girl" and I don't do this, and I tell her like, "No, it ain't going to be that," "this is how it's going to work," You know what I'm saying? She might not agree with that, you know what I'm saying? But I'm going to give her some incentives that to take the place of that, and we are going to have to work out an agreement because I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I'm a dude, be this guy, be that guy for you if I'm not, because you're going to still expect that. You know, like I said you're putting your life on the line for me every day. So she's going to have those expectations in the end. So I think that the honesty that I give them whether it be the hard truth or not is really what they appreciate. I got chics that I dealt with. Like I say, from those years when I was 18, 19, 17 they called me through my whole biz, send me pictures through my whole biz. You know what I mean? And all they tell me is all these years later is, you know I've never met anybody like you and everybody I've met since you was just, and I think it's because of the honesty that I gave them and I just I always was clear with them from the gate. I'm not good at remembering a lie, you know? And I, I tell my son about, you know all these rappers talking about boss this and boss that and I say, man, a boss ain't gonna lie to nobody. When you lie to somebody as a boss, that means they your boss now. You're a boss and you lying to somebody, you are not, that person becomes your boss, because I ain't never, I don't see no reason why a boss should have to lie to a subordinate. And I take that mentality with me. So if I even caught myself attempting to lie to a chic, I just feel like I made her, my boss and I can't, I don't, I, that won't work well with me. You know, I'd rather tell the truth and to her and walk away and see what happens. And I'm gonna be honest with you, man eight times out of 10, they're going to appreciate it, and they going to come around. - [Mark] Do you ever have girls that are doing more than just having sex for money? They're kind of figuring out who's got money and trying to figure out ways on how to get it? - I mean, at first I wasn't with that, you know but when you start hitting the other States there's Miami, there's Memphis, Tennessee, and Chicago, man you learn about the chics that know how to slip a Rolex and crack them a safe. And you know, I remember, you know, being with a bunch of peas on the whole stroll or something, somewhere in Miami or something, Oh man, what'd you get tonight, man? I'm popping man, yeah man I got about $2,000, man. Yeah, a chic really been around here getting it, man. And you know what I'm saying? I'm thinking I'm popping. He tells me, yeah. Yeah. Well, my chic made about 35,000 a night. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, huh, you know what I mean? I didn't really get it until they broke it down to me. You know what I'm saying? They can go get a piece of jewelry or something and then go get the money for it, and that chic ain't even looking, she ain't even looking to have sex for real, I mean, if it's like that and that's all that's going on that's what she will do, but that's not her first initiative with them dudes, them chics is trying to make a hundred thousand that week. You know what I mean? And I picked up on it, but I never really school chics on that, the chic had that mindset and that skillset. Okay, well, okay. You know, I nurture it, but at the same time you also don't want to put a chic in that situation that ain't built like that. And then she get in trouble or something and then she get caught and now she feels like you to reason and now she want to bring you in on it, you know what I'm saying? but if that's the chic mentality, that's her thought process, well I mean, she going to do it either way or you know what I mean? All you can do is make sure she do it right. So yeah, you definitely, I definitely evolve into some of that as well, but I wasn't fortunate enough to have as many as my chics like that as my friend had because like I said, a lot of time them was the black chics that was, you know, fast like that, so, you know, me having white girls and different races, a lot of times they'd be a little more apprehensive let's say about those types of situations, and I was okay with that, you know. - [Mark] You have how many kids? - I have two boys. I don't have any kids, two grown men. - [Mark] Two grown men. - Yes. - [Mark] And how would you feel about one of them following dad's footsteps? (Pimpsy chuckles) - It's funny because me and my son had a conversation often, as a child, I tried to hide it from him You know, I tried to tell him that I was in the music industry and all the women he would see around me was girls from the videos and, you know, I came with all types of drag. But the thing about it is that these are the females that raised him. You know, I spent a lot of time doing that and I got incarcerated when they were around the ages of 13 and 12 and 13. So, you know, the internet is there, they can look and they can figure out you know what I'm saying, what their old man is up to. And I believe they might've known a little bit prior to that but I would still denying, you know what I mean? And they wouldn't just come out and say, "Well this is what you're doing dad." Or but they would ask, you know, like, "What does she do?" You know, now the internet age was, they can go on Instagram and see one of the chics that I got with her titties half out, you know what I'm saying? or some sort of, it was getting kind of harder to even keep up that facade. So long story short, I did a lot of trying to hide it. And now that they're of age, I really, I prefer that they, that they find something that they really truly love because the way I pimp, it was way harder, you know what I'm saying? The way I did it, you know it was a lot of times where I might meet a chic at a club, you know what I mean, a model chic. I lived on South Beach for a while and I meet model chics, and I'm talking about really beautiful women from other countries. And we, might be back of the house, I might be there had all kinds of drinks. I'm talking about three or four and they kissing and playing on each other, but I know I can't have sex with them because if I do in my mind it brings my value down and then bringing my value down. It's going to make it harder for me to knock chics and get more females because I don't have the I was never the outgoing pimp to walk up to every female he sees, Oh man, what's going on with your baby? I never did that. I built up my reputation in the hopes that a female would find me. You see what I'm saying? And the only way you're going to do that is by showing a sense of exclusivity is what I like to call it. You know, the more exclusive I am, the more they want me, you know? And then when chics is going back, telling them girl I spent the whole night at his house and I slept in the bed and he wouldn't touch me. You know what I mean? That the girl she's telling, going to be like, "For real?" and it's going to make them wonder, it's gonna open up that curiosity. So if the girl I did that with don't want to pay me or give me nothing, the chic she telling might be like, "well that's the type of guy I want." You know what I'm saying? Because especially a prostitute because a prostitute don't want to be out working and getting your money just to find out you over here, spending all day with this free girl having sex with her and spending money on her. That's a turnoff to her. When she know her dude didn't have sex with her to begin with, when he first met her till he got paid, then she knows that in her mind, she can go to work with a clear head knowing that's not what he's doing now. You know what I mean? Her whole focus is my duty as a businessman and whatever he was doing is for us, anything any movement he make is going to benefit us as a whole the way I grew up pimping, I didn't get to do a lot of things that I wanted to do. You know, I had to deprive myself of quite a few things. I mean, I didn't, in my first ménage à trois till I was 30 years old, you know what I'm saying? I was ducking that, I was really ducking that, you know what I mean? I wasn't having sex unless than a female paid me. You know what I'm saying? Up front, you know what I mean? It wasn't no, you know, just meet, old Sally down here and I'm giving it to her at the end of the night hoping that she decides to give me money later. I wasn't doing none of that. And, but that's something that, of course every man wants to do, and I want that for my kids. You know what I'm saying? I want my kids to be able to say, yeah I just met this chic, I think she was attractive. And you know, I like her, you know what I'm saying? I want to, you know, go spend now. I want them to think that way and go do it. Why? Because they got whatever business they got going on or whatever lifestyle that they living is producing their finances and they're not having to do they're not having to judge. They find time, entertainment time based on how they make their money, you know? But at the end of the day at that, anything that they decide to do, I'm going to do my best, support them and be there for them. Because I know how it's like to not have to not have that. You know what I mean? But my thing is to try to steer them into a direction that's going to be something that they really feel and they enjoy and that's in their heart. You know what I mean? And to do, because this right here, this ain't something that's hereditary, this is something that that's instilled individual by individual. It don't matter if you're, if your dad was a pimp is something a matter of, if you got it in your heart it's going to be in you, regardless of who you was raised by who you grew up around, it's going to be something that was in you from birth. And my mind said, I believe that. - [Mark] Were drugs ever a part of your scene? - As part of me? - [Mark] You or the girls? I don't do drugs. I used to smoke weed, a lot of weed at one point in my life, sip Promethazine and Codeine, You know, I was real tight at one point with the rapper, Pimp C, black people know about that whole, whole situation. And with his passing it kind of changed my whole thinking around it. It was something that he was really dedicated to, you know both of us stop doing. So, you know, after that, I kind of left that alone. But other than that I just smoke weed and drink the champagne. You know, I, it would be hard for me to do drugs when I don't allow my chics to you know what I'm saying? So they gonna be curious and they gonna want to know that they might not do it around me but they'll go out somewhere and experiment. If they started what I did, you know - [Mark] So your girls are not into it. - No, I don't even really, I would prefer them not to even smoke cigarettes. You know what I'm saying? So drugs is a no-no, you know because who going to get the money first, if she got a habit it's going to go to the dope man, I've got to wait for him to get his issue before I get mine. You know what I'm saying? I ain't with that. You know, I ain't going to say I've never had a female that did but I didn't know about it. You know, I went through a phase in my life where I didn't even know what crystal meth was, you know? And that's a drug where a female is still be beautiful. I'm talking about real beautiful. And she going to go be able to work for 14 hours, 20 hours straight. So you think you just got to a, a cold chic man, this, she just so much about my money, all she care about is getting my money but really she is that hyped up on the stuff to where, she don't even realize the time of day, the time of night, all she know is she want to keep going, keep active and she just keeps getting money. And I didn't know, I didn't know the difference. I didn't know what it was. I'm looking for chics on crack, you know those types of drugs, so I didn't know about that. So when I would find out or when I would learn about it and I would do my best to try to get them some help. As a matter of fact, there's a chic I dealt with and shen she was on this show, she's on Netflix, it's called Addicted. She's a chic that I had at one point and I had to sit down and talk to her when my other chic told me what she does. And I let her know, I'm like, look, man, you know, you should, you know go get yourself straight and you can do everything right, you can always come back, you know what I mean? I sent her home to go, you know on the plane and go get it right, and she didn't immediately go do it but one of my partners called me one day and said, "Hey man, your chic on this show, go look at her on Netflix" And there she was, you know what I mean? And she was blowing big clouds of smoke, crystal smoke at one scene and by the end of the show, she was in rehab, And you know, at the end I guess it was a month later and she was doing good. You know, she never did come back but the case in fact is that, you know, she went and got herself right, and I've never been the type to want to just have a chic on drugs and the money wasn't that serious to me, because I've always been confident that I'm going to get another chic, you know what I mean? I, my game, the way I put it down, I can do better and she can do better. So there's no point of us doing that. - [Mark] So the laws have changed quite a bit over the years since you started right? - You know, when I got arrested, see, I didn't, I played the game to where I could never be arrested but for pimping, you know what I'm saying? And that's the way the law is set up, that's not really no big charge, man. You might do two or three years would have. As long as you got a woman of age and all you're doing is pimping, you ain't forcing her, you ain't, you know, whooping her to death, you ain't really looking at no time and that's my mental, and that was my mindset. So I was ready for that, if that ever came but there was no need for that to ever happen. So that's how I thought it was, man, I thought it wouldn't be no problem. Well, now they got this law called the RICO, you know and they can get you for just being associated with a group of guys that may be pimps, a group of guys that may be drug dealers, a group of guys that may be gang members and being with that group is all it takes to catch this charge, you see? And that's something that a lot of these cats don't know, man, and they don't really exploit that as much as they should. So they'll see me getting arrested and say, "Aw, man he just, he did that wrong, he did this wrong." No, you ain't gotta do nothing wrong. All you gotta do is be around some other pimps, and you don't know what they do when they go home or what they doing with this chic or that chic but you hanging out with them, you thinking in your mind, well, I don't do what he do. I ain't got going on what he got going on but that doesn't matter to them. All that matters is you associated, you know and that's going to be your downfall. That's, what's going, that's what's going to get you, you know? So if you, if you're not ready for that if you're not prepared for that, man. You know, this is something that you don't even need to be involved in. You, need to find you a job in a lawyers office or McDonald's, you know what I'm saying? So that's one of the main things that I, my missions that I'm making my life right now is to kind of make these young cats aware what they getting into because you're not just going to get into this thinking in your mind, I'm just going to make some money out of some chics, I'm going to get rich. Now there's pitfalls that can come your way. and I'm a perfect example of that, you know what I mean? This could happen to me, it could happen to anybody because in my mindset, I don't break no law, I don't deal with no minors, I don't, I ain't beating up on them, I ain't force no chics to do nothing. I sat back and looked at all the other cats who was doing that and be the first one to say, Oh yeah, he messing up, he going to be in trouble, it's going to happen to him, he going to be, but it happened to me, you know what I mean? They're going to constantly make these law. They call it human trafficking now. That term used to mean coming from one country and you bring them out to this country, it don't mean that no more. It means coming from the club to the computer, you know what I'm saying? You just human trafficked her you ain't even took her a block. You know what I'm saying? So that's just really one of the main things that I really got to focus on. You know, now I focus myself on trying to find ways to evolve, you know, and take what I've been and how I've been, the person that I have been to evolve to where, you know they don't have no reason to come mess with me. When they look at me, they may say, yeah, well this is what he was doing, this what he had going on, but when they go down the whole list of thing they don't have no reason to come lock me up no more. And I want to make sure that everybody else that's coming up in this game, like I did man, avoid that. This is the potholes and dips in the road and bumps in road that I was talking about earlier. This is my way to give back. You know, like I said, Bishop Don Juan gave me the potholes and pitfalls to avoid. But during his time, it wasn't an issue. In his time, you know, they just came from the mafia area when they was getting the RICO charges. That's what it is, it's a mafia charge. So basically that's what was going on then. It was no need to tell young pimps about that because it wasn't going on. But now it's my generation and this is the this is the game that I need to get in, you know? And that's really why I like to still be out and talking to these young cats, man, I got to let them know, man, that you know, it ain't all peaches, man. You gotta be able to move smooth and you gotta move correct, and you gotta really think about your game, and you gotta make sure it's what you really want to do and the risks that you want to take, because this is what could happen. I almost did seven years behind this man and I missed a lot of time on my kids, my kids grew up on me, you know, my mom, she ate, I missed my best friend in the world and I missed having my partners, you know what I'm saying? Some of my best friends, you know, my family, Don Juan, little Mac, little Annie and all them man and all my people in Chicago. And, you know, from state to state, these are my family. They ain't just my pimp partners, they're just dudes that I done. You know, these is my family and friends that I put my life on the line for and you gonna miss out on time with them. So you gotta make sure that you ready for that and that you prepared to do that. You know what I mean? Because the last thing you want to do is get there and they give you these paperwork and tell you, "Hey man you want to go tell on so-and-so" because whatever reputation you did build, all of them years is over with, is over with. - [Mark] Which of the girls that you've had working for you has been your favorite. (Pimpsy chuckles) - Oh man see, you're going to get me in trouble with that one. - [Mark] Well I guess yeah. - I'm not gonna say no names but I had a real, real good chic man. And this is years and years back, the young lady had a twin sister and she was so down. She brought her twin sister around and having twin sisters at a time when a whole stroll was popping man, you can't imagine how amazing that was from my reputation, you know what I mean? To have twins walking, twin models walking up and down the whole stroll and really down for it and really, really about getting my check man, and that was, you know, she knows who she is but she doesn't know how I feel about her. You know, she knows that I was real fond of her. And so yeah, I had her and I've had quite a few others that to this day, I'm still in contact with I'm actually I'm contacting maybe 90 or 85% of them, even just as friends. You know what I mean? We just, we know we just friends, a lot of them are older now, they might be in the church. They might have kids, they have regular jobs, families, husbands and all types of stuff, but you know, they gonna always check on me and make sure I'm all right, and if they need a thing from me, they can always get it from me. So, you know, like I said, being an honest, being an honest pimp and you know always sticking out to my end of the bargain and doing what I'm supposed to do, makes it to where it's kind of hard to choose who my favorite would have been because I've had so many good ones. Like I said, I get run five years, seven years, eight years. So it's kind of a toss up. It's about a tie between about three or four of them just honestly, you know? - [Mark] Good answer. - Yeah. That's the basic point of it, man, you know but I had to give the first one her because she really put herself out there for me. I mean, one time I was on the stroll and I was with a a good pen friend of mine man, and some dudes tried to Rob me and tried to jump out on me and beat me with bats and all types of stuff man. And she came from where she was working at down the street and she fought them off when nobody else was able to do anything, you know and it, and this is the same chic I'm talking about. So it didn't just go from her getting money. It went her getting money to her, putting her, her life was unimportant in her own mind compared to mine. And the stories could just go on and on and on with her and several other chics, man, some of this chics do amazing things that'll bring a tear to your eyes if you just really was there to see it it really like you know what I mean, if it was a movie, you know, parts of the movie come and you see the sad parts it ain't really gotta be that sad. It might just be beautiful, and it might bring a tear out of you. These are the type of things that happen in this game, You know what I mean? A lot of us don't get addicted to the money. We get addicted to the love and what's going on in it. You know what I'm saying? You want to get a new chic because you want to feel that love one more time. You want to feel that comradery with that chic again, man you know, and it don't even gotta be about the money all the time, it's just the fact that you know what she'll do for you, you know what I'm saying? And it's just so tough to explain that to these young cats, man because they don't have that opportunity no more. All they can have as a female to tell them, "Oh, I would die for you" when we had chics that actually took that chance and proved that they would, you know, and that's a foregone time but I was blessed enough to be during that time, to be able to feel that love and that, and that pushed me on and motivated me to try to be the best I could be and try to evolve into whatever I could possibly become. - [Mark] What qualities did you look for in a girl? - Well, off the top, dedication and once again the same probably look for me. I want it to be honest, you know what I mean? I wanna let them know, man, you know regardless of what happened, don't lie to me because a lie that's gonna make it to where I'm always going to think about you lying and that's going to draw a distance between us. You know, even if it's embarrassing or it may hurt you, man, just tell the truth, you know what I'm saying? So dedication, honesty. I mean, you prefer them definitely look nice. But as most of us know, it ain't in the beauty, it's in the duty, you know what I'm saying? So those are the main things you want. I mean, I may get visually blinded by her appearance if her conduct is a hundred percent I don't care how she look, you know what I'm saying? So, you know that's going to be the main thing you want to get around. You want to meet her, You want to see how she dedicated, she asking you questions, you know, "what do I do if this happened?" "what do I do if that," she's really trying to figure out what to do to make this work between you and her. You know what I'm saying? Those are the things you want, you don't want to just to chic that her main motive is something else, and she just there to try to reach that motive, you know? And you can tell that and it's not going to last long. So my main thing is I like the dedication and the comradery, you know, and honesty. - [Mark] All right, Pimpsy, thank you so much. - Man thank you. - [Mark] It was a great talk. - Yes it was. - [Mark] Thank you. - Church y'all.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 1,521,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, pimp interview, pimpsy
Id: jTGO6eunjCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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