Interview with a NY pimp - From the documentary American Pimp

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yeah uh when'd you start pimping how long you been uh since i've been about 16. 16 yeah early age right why'd you start pimping what made you want to pimp well nothing just the type of environment i was around you know in seattle you know really wasn't no gangs around there in 85 86 when i started coming up so it was like the environment all the people that was having things and you know riding in big cars and wearing that big jury and all that fly [ __ ] you know they was pimping and all the [ __ ] worth having and that was doing things you know they was horns so that's like everybody was wanting to get with that you know it has a big big pimple yeah yeah there's a lot of pimps come out the city ain't no question yeah a lot of good hoes turned up out of there too probably yeah primarily uh wwe's right yeah white white women white women yeah predominant you know speaking of that what would um that's a very seattle is a very interracial city i guess yeah yeah yeah they ain't really too biased as far as you you know mixing it like that right tell what kind of woman you pimp on well i'm liking what's like me anything that's gonna come through the door with it you know i might [ __ ] with if if the coast is clear but now i'd like to have a white [ __ ] you know what i mean because that's a cliche go they do let you pimp black bears gonna make you pimp you know because you're gonna have one of the most snapdragon mouths one loud talk out talk wrong talk a pen where pecklewood's just gonna be meek you know pimp can pick with his hands in his pocket ain't never got to raise your hand you know what i mean just about out your mouth right you know when the [ __ ] gonna come through your door with it so how many women you got right now uh about two and a half you know yeah about two and a half i'm gonna tell the truth shame the devils you know what i mean because one bit's kind of on hold you know what i'm saying right yeah yeah they're all white girls uh no i got a peck of wood a black [ __ ] and a uh filipina right now you know so i'm mixing it up right now how you deal with all them personalities let's talk about that i mean do they all live in the same place with you a couple of them you know you know some hoes won't let you pimp you know on them real smooth if it's another [ __ ] around but now it's all about a pimp's discretion so you know the whole going to do what i say but now if it's comfortable for them to have their own joints you know we'll do that but now if it's tight or if we don't going somewhere else you know everybody all together now right you know that's not a problem everybody doing the same thing for the same person yeah how old are you 27 22 you got the same right here yeah so so so check it out i mean everybody's perception of of him is that you got three four hoes whatever you you're having like crazy monogamous every night everybody [ __ ] everybody licking [ __ ] that type of [ __ ] what well no for one thing i'm not going to eat no [ __ ] but now for two things you know like i said it's a pimp's discretion now you know if it's a fine joint and you know the [ __ ] been coming through the door and been paying it socking into my pocket like a skyrocket you know i might hit that joint you know if i'm lacking owner you know i'm a man now but now you know i'm just not [ __ ] everything to come through the door some fresh i don't really know too much about the [ __ ] [ __ ] ain't hitting no clinic or nothing for a pimp you know what i mean i'm not gonna run up in the [ __ ] because the [ __ ] probably ain't paid you know enough anyway right yeah tell us about speaking in the clinic i mean how regularly do you girls get checked up do you is that your responsibility uh no it's yeah well i make it my responsibility if i see the who ain't responsible enough you know what i mean because that's why i'm pimping on her because she can't think for herself and if she ain't doing that i might get the hoe in there you know every six months or something you know see what's up with her you know i might take it every six months uh take her on into the clinic send her in there let the whole get on the phone and make an appointment and go see it by herself right yeah you know yeah well let's bring him to another question i'm going to ask him when you when you having sex with your women do you practice what they call safe sex oh yeah i'm putting on my jimmy hat man yeah i don't leave home without that one you know what i mean right so the the women you're with are the your hoes is there a love relationship there what kind of relationship is it well no the bitch's been beating my door down for a few years you know i'm gonna love that dope you know what i'm saying but now it's gonna be a feeling there you know it's been reaching you for a while you know what i'm saying but it's not really no love jones because way before me and the [ __ ] have a love connection it's going to be a bad connection if there ain't no money involved you know what i'm saying it's a big difference between the fun part and the funds part ain't no fun if i ain't got you know no money uh yeah yeah that's initially what what what it stands for there's like an average average person to be asking what about true love you know bradley what about true love what about you your soulmate getting married what about that well maybe later on in my life but right now i'm asking from harassing i don't have no time for that so you know that's not even a part of this game that we're doing you ever been in love with square kind of love uh yeah when i was younger in my life you know what i mean i probably had my little heart broke or something you know or or something like that but uh not really since i've been grown yeah yeah i probably have man yeah i say we all have but not since i've been grown since i've been pimping ain't even been like that you don't want to be like that no it's not gonna get like that because then you know if i get across like that it won't be about my money no more and the [ __ ] feel like you know the most of them feeling's gonna get in the way of her horn and i can't have that well most people be thinking right now that's cold-blooded bradley no that's not really cold it all depends on who you are you know what i mean for the [ __ ] it's not cold-blooded if she [ __ ] with you you know any [ __ ] like you'll give you anything you want right well let me ask you like a more upbeat question here okay uh if there was any celebrity woman you could turn out who would it be uh i don't know because sometimes it don't really be about the beauty of the [ __ ] it'd be about to do the other [ __ ] any old regular you know all american blue eyes blonde haired dirty feet pekka wood [ __ ] at work you know what i'm talking about if she got a mind writing not really no celebrity pamela anderson yeah blonde big blonde that'll get more you know i look at it for face value for what it's worth you know uh uh uh chop chop anything exotic you know what i'm talking about it'll really really be cool well breakdown should you talk about shout out break down all the the slangs for all the uh well well like some some uh like orianno some from over there somewhere you know what i mean it's kind of rare you know what i mean to get one of them and flip it and you know what i mean uh uh buddha head chop chop uh white girl well no that's a chinese japanese girls tell me oh white girl uh [ __ ] ww white woman peck of wood all american almighty whitey uh black woman duck you know what i mean hammerhead meat cleaver you know what i mean they got a whole bunch of word for them blow down dirty [ __ ] you know what i'm saying but i [ __ ] with them when they [ __ ] with me you know what i'm saying yeah why the black woman got the worst name though well no it's just you know pimp got to be you know ready and polish the pepper on the duck you know most pimps you know what i mean that's what they had in the beginning of their career you know what i mean it kind of made you rough around the edges you know what i mean foul john down you know what i mean the pepper on the black bits that's cool right and i have them now to this day got one now a black woman ain't no question so you respect women it depends if she respects herself if she got some self-respect i'm a respecter you know what i mean right yeah but if she crossed my path and she's [ __ ] with me if it's a whole you know what i mean i'm gonna respect this pippin you know the [ __ ] gonna have to respect that right yeah what kind of childhood you have uh a pretty good upbringing pretty good in school hallway was in school you know what i mean like that right finish school and yeah i finished high school right and just started getting in trouble you know i was a few different other things before i got penman you know when i was a child i did all the burglarizing stealing all the normal [ __ ] you know what i mean right the [ __ ] the ghetto do you know what i'm saying but since i've been growing they've been pimping so you know right that was my education now so tell me uh you know so you don't hear no stories from your girls about tricks uh yeah sometimes what's the nastiest thing you heard what's the most crazy [ __ ] um a [ __ ] had to stick a vegetable carrot in the trick's ass the [ __ ] tell me this i didn't witness this the [ __ ] stuck a long vegetable kid right in the motherfucker's ass and the [ __ ] get 500 for doing that you know and that's how that worked out yeah i kind of found that was kind of comedy you know yeah that's about the weirdest wine a carrot a big vegetable carrot thick long one the whole set what makes it vegetable carrot different in the kitchen what [Laughter] yeah that was some strange [ __ ] it's a pimp just another job they ain't do you looking at the same thing same thing as a regular job and i pay my taxes do you pay taxes yeah every time the [ __ ] go to jail they're trying to vice get my business and the whole go to jail you know what i mean i got to be able to be a child i consider that my tax are you proud of your pimping ain't no question right the most powerful thing in the universe to me right but do you liken it to anything else in society as far as other other like other jobs that people have i'm saying is it the same to you as say a nine to five yeah yeah i consider it is right yeah i work tell us about you know most men out there think that you're gonna have a big dick really digging down a [ __ ] to turn around yeah is that true no that has no bearing on nothing that you do is pepping sex ain't even the thing the issue you don't have to have no big dick you just got to have a big brain through here through your mouth you know what i mean to be pimping on that whole head there ain't no sexual thing at all right i've had hopes for six months and never ran up in them right yeah how long are you playing on pimping uh well this is just a stepping stone to do something else that i probably want to do with my life you know what i'm saying but uh i got another good 10 20 years strong on getting somebody [ __ ] ass you know yeah that's real retire oh well you know i might do what you do man that'll be clever for me man to do something like what you do man give me the plug you know yeah i figured out the next 10 years getting out the business there so it's going to give me plenty of time to figure it out right right yeah and any bits that might even see my face on this here can come on and [ __ ] with me right now
Channel: Woujo Senejan
Views: 42,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ARRqgPG5z8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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