Pimp interview-Big Memphis

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- But your love is not like a square love. - [Mark] Yeah, love doesn't really come in the picture for these girls, does it? - Yeah, because I can't take a big bag of love to the car lot, or a big bag of love to go pay my mortgage with, you need a bag of money for that. - [Mark] All right, Big Memphis. - [Big Memphis] What's going on, my man? - [Mark] Big Memphis. Where'd you grow up? Where are you from? Let me guess. - [Big Memphis] Memphis. (both laugh) - A long time a Memphician. - [Mark] And tell me about your family. You had both your parents when you were young? - Na. - [Mark] Who raised you? - Streets, man. - [Mark] Where were mom and dad? - Man, next question. - [Mark] All right, next question? - Yeah, yeah. - [Mark] Understood. How far did you go to school? - 11th grade. - [Mark] And the game came to you at what age? - About 17, 18. - [Mark] 17, how did that happened? - I've always been fascinated by the players and the pimps, man. They was always... I liked those better than... They were more cooler than the drug dealers. - [Mark] Yeah, when you were that age, what options were there for you? - Selling dope, robbing, pimping. - [Mark] And the pimps just a little more- - Yeah, and the work in it. I sold dope, but it's just my heart never was in it. I liked the women. Yeah, the women was more... It was more funner with the women. - [Mark] Did you have somebody teach you? - As you step out there off the porch and step off in the game, you'll get cool with other guys out on the track, man. And you'll get the passing game along with one another. And that's how that'll go. In any occupation, you're gonna have a friend, like I'm pretty sure you got friend photographers. And as you out there in the same field every day, there's gonna be some older guy that's gonna take a liking to you and going, "Hey, youngling, this how this go right here." So, and that's how to go. - [Mark] Yeah. And tell me about your first girl you had. - Oh, the first girl I ever had, man. Wow, man, you take me back a whole lot of hoes ago. (laughs) Yeah, the first hoe I ever had, man. Wow. Yeah, Kim, a white girl named Kim, man. Yeah, uh huh. - [Mark] And how'd that happen? How did she come? How'd you guys get together? - Actually, she used to buy dope from me, man, but... She used to buy powder from me. And every time she'd come, she used to always have a big (indistinct) But she was working at the strip club. And she used to like me. She's was always telling me, "Man, you need to let me take care of you. You need to let me take care of you." And one day something had happened, I think I had lost all my money shooting dice. And she came through. I wanted to get some powder, I didn't have no money to get some, so she gave me the money to... She front me some money to get me some powder, and she gave me some money to put in my pocket. Like $1,000 put in my pocket, man. She told me, "Look, man when you get through it that last dopesack, why don't you just come and fuck with me al little bit?" And man, I got with her, man, and it's like I just never left. You know what I'm saying? And that one hoe, it just... - [Mark] I hear that from so many of the pimps, that a girl took him under her wing and showed them the ropes- - Yeah, she was already stripping, already in movement. And she really liked me. - [Mark] Yeah, that's the key to it, isn't it? - It seemed like the girls always... They always, man, pull you in. Well, a lot of times, a guy gets turned on to the game. Hoes get turned out, guys get turned on. A lot of times, I've seen weed guys get turned on, or even the taxi driver get turned on to the game. You know what I'm saying? Picking up hoes all the time. He's real cool with the prostitutes. He always out there on the track. He's taking the bitches to dates. And I've seen taxi drivers knock guys for their hoes before. Because see, a bitch will get to fucking with the taxi driver, and he's telling her, "You ain't got to give me all your money." You know what I'm saying? "I take you where you gotta go for free." And one day, her and her dude might get into it, and then, who is she gonna call? She'll call the taxi driver, and he'll let her know, "Look, you ain't got to stay over there at the hotel. You can stay in my room. I won't charge you for nothing." And he'll let her stay over there for a couple of days. And I've seen taxi drivers turn into pimps. I've seen it go all kind of ways. But a lot of the times, it'll be a woman that had turned a pimp on. - [Mark] And here at Memphis, it seems to be a really big thing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Mark] The pimp and prostitute thing is- - It's a big thing. Memphis is known for pimps and hoes. Memphis and Chicago. - [Mark] Yeah. - Memphis and Chicago. They're known for good pimping and hoeing. - [Mark] And you just came back from Las Vegas? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Mark] Tell me about what you do in Vegas. - I was just actually on some businesses this time. - [Mark] Okay, so you're not... You're girls don't work Vegas? - Yeah, of course, I work Vegas. Vegas always pay me. Vegas is a good city. Vegas can give it to you, or it can take it away from ya. (Mark chuckles) Yeah, it done both to me. It's been good to me, and it took away from me. - [Mark] How many girls do you have? - Two. - [Mark] Two. Right, right. And do you have sex with these girls? - Man, I try my best to refrain from that. If you could wake up and see God every morning, he wouldn't be that amazing to you. So you gotta try to hold that for rewards, man. You know, you wanna try to hold that for when they're doing extra great. (laughs) - [Mark] And what about drugs? Are drugs part of that? - No, I try to stay away from the drugs. I like keeping clean, but you know, out here in this world, a lot of the women, they gonna do something, man, because they really have a... Can you just imagine, man, having sex with all those guys, it's got to play some type of mental stress on you. - [Mark] So they kind of need something to numb that? - I mean, but I can understand it. - [Mark] Oh, for sure. - But I like them when they don't have a drug problem. Cause see, when they got drug problems, it makes them get extra conning and extra finesse. And they do a lot of... They tend to have a lot of lies and a lot bullshit when they get to messing around on the drugs versus when they don't do it. You know, smoking a little weed or something. - [Mark] Yeah, but you almost need to be drunk or high to be doing this kind of work. - I can imagine, man. I could put myself in their shoes. - [Mark] I know. What woman sober is gonna say, yeah... I've seen the guys these girls pick up. Beautiful women pick up- - Oh, my God. - the bottom of the barrel guys. - Oh my God. - [Mark] Unbelievable. - Oh, my God. - [Mark] And you're just like... (laughs) - You know, man, and I could just imagine. I can imagine. But you know, some of them, nympho, some of them like it. - [Mark] Yeah. - Yeah. - [Mark] It's a crazy thing. - It's crazy, man. It's crazy. But it's been going on for a long time, man. You know, the only... For years, it was a victimless crime. Nobody really even gave a flying fuck about it. It was a victimless crime until these kids... They started having these teenagers and stuff like that. That's when they start. But for years, it was just a public eyesore, you know? But now, it's the public enemy number one. - [Mark] Yeah, especially for the pimps. - For the pimps. Oh man, they'd probably beat me. - [Mark] Yeah, even the cops have told me they told me they don't want the girls, they want the pimps. - Yeah, they want the pimps, man. They public enemy number one, man. - [Mark] You've been arrested? - Yeah, yeah. - [Mark] What for? - Promoting prostitution. - [Mark] Yeah? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah man. You gotta (exhales) yeah. - [Mark] You gotta be careful. - You gotta be careful, man. - [Mark] Don't go on YouTube and talk about it. - Man, and still be (laughs) You gotta be careful, man. - [Mark] What style of pimp are you? Cause there's many different styles, right? - Yeah, you got many different styles. - [Mark] Somebody introduced me to you as a gorilla pimp. - You know... - [Mark] You're six foot four. How much do you weigh? - About 220. Yeah, about two 220. (laughs) A lot of girls, man, you'll run across a lot of girls, man that they'd been through so much in their life, they'd be so mentally scarred and so banged up that they tough. And they are... Man, they love to fight. They're rough, man. Man, you meet some rough girls out here, man, that are (indistinct) I met some rough chicks, man, and they ain't scared of shit. (laugh) They don't be scared of (indistinct) A lot of them, they don't feel like y'all together unless she's fighting you, or you're kicking her on her ass or something. It's crazy, man. You meet a lot of girls, man. It's like that, man. You meet a lot of girls like that. - [Mark] You've been doing this... How old are you now, Matt? - Man, I've been doing this a long time, man, over 20 years, man. - [Mark] And what has it taught you about human nature about women? - Man, it's taught me that, man, you either a trick or you're a pimp, man. You either give me your pussy or where are you selling it? It is one of those two because when you really look at it, everything a man do is to impress a woman. I don't care how you look at it. And see with a prostitute, they really paying a woman to leave. You're not paying it really for... The sex is just a plus that come with it. But you're really paying her to never call you. You don't got to see her again and never nag you. And to do what you wanted to do to fulfill that sexually and get out of your way, which a wife, she's nagging. So everything you do is to impress a woman. You work, you hustle, everything you do is to impress a woman. But with a prostitute, you can just pay her, have your way, and she can go about her business. It's taught me that most men are tricks, man. They love, pussy, man. They'll do anything for some pussy, man. - [Mark] What kind of crazy behavior have you seen from some of the tricks. - Man, I've seen it all. - [Mark] Cause they fall in love with the girls quickly. - I've seen it. Some of them, I've seen them fall in love with. I seen some tricks, man, that he's not happy unless a bitch is stealing his money. He lays it out just for a bitch to steal it. Some of them are not happy unless they're getting shitted or pissed on. So it's just all kind of stuff. Man, it's crazy, man. But it is what it is to where it went, man. Yeah, that's what it is. - [Mark] Does intimidation or violence ever come into the picture for you? I mean, if a girl gets a little headstrong or gets- - [Big Memphis] It ain't about heads. Like I said, a lot of them will start... Especially when they come in there drunk, man. They'll come in just ready to fight. You know, (laughs) they come in ready to fight. Man, you feel when they come in, they lit, they ready to fight. They got their shoes off, their wig off, and they just ready to fight. They got a knife, they (indistinct) Yeah, you're gonna defend yourself. I'm telling you, man, I'm telling you, you run across some crazy women and the streets make them... Yeah. Yeah. - [Mark] Yeah, I think alcohol or drugs, it changes the personality. - [Big Memphis] Alcohol, a bad motherfucker, man. - [Mark] There's some girls I've interviewed who your heart opens up, and you just want to like hug them and save them. - [Big Memphis] Man! - [Mark] But then three hours later... - [Big Memphis] You go like this bitch needs a fuckin (indistinct) (laughs) - [Mark] She's a different person. - [Big Memphis] Yeah, you're like, "Man, shit man," she's got nine different personalities on. (laughs) - [Mark] So you ever been in love? - [Big Memphis] No, no. Man, I've been messing around with prostitutes so long. But I can have a love for... The pimp love for a hoe is different. You know, you have a business, you've been around for a while. Y'all doing a lot of stuff together. You love what she doing for you. Y'all having a good time traveling the world, getting money. So, but, you know, your love is not like a square love. - [Mark] Yeah, love doesn't really come in the picture for these girls, does it? - Yeah, because I can't take a big bag of love to the car lot or a big bag of love to go pay my mortgage with. You need a bag of money for that. - [Mark] Have any of these women ever turn their lives around and lived a square life. - Yeah. And I have where some of them will come back. They'll call three, four, five years later. It's just not working out. I was just wondering if you're still in the game and da-da-da-da. - Yeah, I'm still in there, baby. You know what I'm saying? And they wanna get with it, you know, repeat offenders. - [Mark] Hmm. And stealing from tricks is part of the game for a lot of these girls, right? - Yeah, a lot of them steal, yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of them steal. - [Mark] They're hustlers. - Yeah, a lot of them, they're gonna steal. - [Mark] What kind of girl... What personality traits do you look for? What qualities? - Man, I'm looking for a smart, go-getter, a listener. That's what I'm really looking for, man. - [Mark] Some of these girls are just not cut out for this kind of work. - Some of them are not. And when they're not cut out, you just gotta let them go. You know, because messing around with them, you have a human trafficking charge. It'll cost you, man, so if it ain't working, just let them go. - [Mark] Yeah. And do you have kids? - Yeah, I got two sons. - [Mark] You raised them? - Yeah, they grown. My son, they're grown, man. They grown. - [Mark] They're following dad's footsteps? - Nah, nah, they not, actually. - [Mark] They know what dad does? - Yeah. They know. - [Mark] What do they think of that? - They think it's the greatest thing. (both laugh) They think their dad is cool. - [Mark] So do you think the prostitutes relationship with a pimp is based on like recreating what she had with her father, which was- - A lot of them are looking for the father syndrome. - [Mark] They call you guys, daddy? - Yeah. Well, that's where it comes from because of the instructions that you give them, what you're teaching them, you know? But in a lot of them, I don't care what they call me, as long as they don't call me bro. I ain't really hung up on the you got to call me daddy thing. When it just happens, it flows better because I called them mom, "Hey, mom." So dad just kind of flows off their tongue. And once they learning with you and learning from you, and you're teaching them a lot of good stuff, man, you know, you're the first flight they been on, first time they've done a lot of things, man, so they tend to call you daddy from that respect. Just out of respect, man. - [Mark] So a girl brings you 100% of her money? - I would hope so. (laughs) - [Mark] And then what does she get? - Whatever she needs. Whatever she needs, man. Ain't no what she can't have. - [Mark] What an honest guess at what these girls make a night? Because I hear all kinds of exaggerated amounts. - You really can't. It's hard to say, man, it's hard to say. I try not to put a cap code on it, man. So you really just give it all you got, you know? - [Mark] But here in Memphis, if a guy was to pick up a girl for like an hour of fun with her, what would that cost a guy? - $100, $150. - [Mark] Yeah? - Yeah, $100, $150. - [Mark] And so she'll end up doing this three, four, five, six, seven, eight times a day? - Yeah. If it's rolling. If it's going good, yeah. Yeah, if it's going good. Yeah, I like... You got some good cities that they give it up real good, but yeah, if they're coming back to back like that, she's gonna get them. - [Mark] And do you ever feel any guilt or anything about having these girls do this for you, so you can just sit back and collect the money? - No, no, no. They was already in the mix now, so no. - [Mark] Do you feel like you provide a service? - I mean- - [Mark] You give them guidance? - Yeah, you give them guidance, you give her... When she first met ya, everything she had was all in a bind, everything she owned was in a CVS bag. Now she got... She can't even count her bags. She can't even count her heels. She didn't even know how to eat lobsters. Now she's eating lobsters (indistinct) so I feel like you show them this is how it's supposed to be done right here. - [Mark] Yeah, and what's the most important lesson you've learned? - [Big Memphis] At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is what the county is, man. You know, what the county is all that matters at the end of the day, man. - [Mark] Alright, Big Memphis. - Man, it's been a pleasure, man. - [Mark] Thank you so much for sharing your story. - It's been a pleasure, my man. - [Mark] I wish you the best of luck out there. - [Big Memphis] You too, my man. - [Mark] Take care of your girls. - [Big Memphis] But it's been a pleasure, my man
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 526,474
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Id: VBJ0jz50Ivw
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Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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