Pimp interview-Big Knowledge

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all right big knowledge you know where are you from originally where'd you grow up brooklyn brooklyn new york and uh tell me about your family growing up you had mom and dad yeah my mother my pops he was doing him he was getting money you know what did your dad do for money got money yeah he was a panamanian in new york in the in the 70s and 80s so you do the math yeah i made it but he got a lot of money good childhood for the most part i mean i grew up in brooklyn in the 80s and 90s the birthplace of crack and all that so it was about as good as it could be watching you know your neighborhood turn to [ __ ] so you're you took to the streets early yeah what kind of kind of we kind of all really did like you know man like if you was i say all real street dudes started early all that coming in the streets when you're like 30 30 coming away like whatever you've been doing for the past few years like you should stick to that like by the time i was eight nine years old man my little cousin was i mean my older cousin we were breaking into houses you know we broke into the plugs house one time and he thought it was his girl and beat the [ __ ] out of him [Laughter] yeah he thought that was his shorty cause we broke him we climbed the telephone pole and went over that [ __ ] was dangerous went over to the window and uh went up in there and we just took stuff we didn't even know what it was we were taking drugs we took money but he ended up thinking that it was his girl man beat the dog [ __ ] out of it we heard it outside he was beating the hell out of her uh but i was like eight nine then from there it was whatever you know how did you get introduced to the game the game the game was always around me you know for various sources in new york well brooklyn at the time you had like different types of underworlds you know what i mean you had the stick up kids uh uh it wasn't really a lot of scamming back then it was you know the stick-up kid the africans were scamming you had uh car thieves i mean a lot of car thief crews you had the uh boosting crews and certain crews just moved in the same circles so you know like the big drug dealers pimps rappers they moved into cert certain circles because they was the ones that was getting money so i was what the drug dealers at first you know i mean and one of my og's one of my mentors he kind of he kind of told me that uh i could be doing other things it wasn't like i wasn't making money i was making a bunch of money but you know he was like it started that it started at a strip club we was at the strip club we just got paid i was doing insurance for all this some [ __ ] right there and these paychecks was was decent 15 bands 10 bands a week or so and we up in the strip club my uncles and i'm over there bmf and blowing money fast all over the place pop pulled me to the side and he like listen i want to talk to you this old man kept me at the bar and just talked to me the whole time i'm watching them over there having a ball they over there wow and girls everywhere so i'm sitting there out of respect talking to pops then at the end of the night he just stopped with the jibber jab in the [ __ ] he was really just stalling me to so i didn't go over there with them and at the end of the night funny i just spoke to the guy who this happened with he uh at the end of the night he said now this is the good part it was just chick um that my uncles would never have been throwing mad money on he said now you see that girl right there that pretty little red bone right there he said she bout to go over here and give all my son and your stupid-ass uncles money to this guy over here this the good part and i watch her go over there and just go she had the tall boots on she went in the boots started pulling out all this money and just like checked it in and out like this he said now if you want to go give away your money just go give it the old boy he said you can get smart so what's the difference between you and him he said you have all them girls coming by the house all the time and but you still out here hustling and running around with guns and like need to chill so one day i took a device it's a better lifestyle right safer i ain't nothing safe about it yeah i mean that's a misconception ain't no safety in this you know that's why you got these young cats they're coming around now all they see is the glitz and glamour you know they see the big cars and houses and you know all the irrelevant [ __ ] but when i called my case i was looking at 174 years 174 years yeah so that part how safe that [ __ ] feel i'd have been better off i could actually shot like three people and and not been looking at that much time see i'm saying so it's not real safety you gotta back back when i was heavy in the game you know it was a lot of traveling with females wearing a bunch of jewelry fur coats luxury cars and strange towns so you know how safe is that you've been out of prison for how long 22 months you do how long how much seven and a half years seven and a half years so you you kind of transitioned into this this that new hustle at what age okay we're talking like 96 98 heavy like going into the 2000s heavy i was dabbling in the 90s but i had such a mean catch on that my dabble was different than other people's devil like for me dabbling was having three chicks making a bunch of money but i was getting a lot of money doing my other stuff that the game money didn't impress me you know and i was making money you know but the game hadn't yet impressed me it was only when i just started focusing on the game then i seen okay well you could take it to the next levels and you know next thing you know you got a house with an elevator in it and exotic wildcats running through the house i mean monkeys and chinchillas and iceberg kind of [ __ ] that was the thing though you know how exotic how rare how different yeah i mean it was really about you know guys who really did it like when we was doing it because you know now you know i'm what they call an og a dinosaur like you know i'm retired you know i'm i'm the guy i'm the guy that a lot of guys is running my old place you know i mean like i'm i'm like popovich or something like that you feel me holy how old am i yeah 44 well i'll be 44 in a couple days you're not that old for the streets man listen i got shot when i was 19. flatlined and all that you ain't supposed to be here so for the streets 44 i'm a senior citizen in my hood you know what i'm saying i got cousins that died at 23 24 i got a lot of great friends like from 2001 to 2003 i went to like 23 funerals a lot of people was getting killed so you know i'm seeing a citizen in the streets you know a lot of us don't make it that far to be on the streets you know what i mean streets of new york are similar to streets in l.a same same story yeah and no see new york i make a distinction i'm from brooklyn it's a difference it's a big difference between brooklyn harlem and queens you know we dealt with a grittier reality our [ __ ] was more in your face you know brooklyn was where you could really come to die you feel me like the blocks i grew up on was notorious like you know for like brutal [ __ ] like you know i seen somebody get their head blown off and i was like six seven years old in the 80s you know man like mobile police stations parked on on the corner and you got cops like if there's an intersection there's two cops here two cops dead two cops eight cops for the intersection you feel me cameras on light poles and tnt squads you know so it was a different reality for us at that time whereas though in other places in the city these guys was getting money it wasn't that cash in brooklyn wasn't getting money it was just that everybody wasn't getting money so when he was up in harlem in queens there was a lot of dudes out in these places getting a lot of money so they should look different brooklyn it was only select few that was getting money so you're around woes you're around lions you're around you're around people you're around to have nuts so they want what you got so to like wear diamonds and jewelry and drive luxury cars you got to be a certain type of dude before i'm saying like you couldn't just be no sucker getting money in brooklyn you know like that that flash is almost flaunting it in the face of everyone i'm from tuck your chain land and that ain't about being a punk that's you don't keep waving steak in front of wild animals and expect nothing to happen to you not unless you just want to walk around with your gun out all day and that's kind of corny if you're trying to get money so you know we used to pull our chains out of the club and you know we flossed the club you know but we got guns stashed behind dumpsters i remember going to stash my gun behind the dumpster one day and it was already two guns behind me i was like oh half night you know like but you know putting guns in wheel wells or cars that was close to the front door of the car to the to the club that was how we had to move you know just to go to the club for the weekend and hope all of us make it back home because the shootout was definitely going to happen clubbing in brooklyn somebody was shooting it's like it was just when the shootout happened did we get to do the whole party or was it after you know but you know that that was the reality of what i grew up in you know the game has changed over the years right i don't even respect what they call the game nowadays that's why i ain't proud of it like i'm cool you know it um it's sad what's going on now and i say that because see when i when i was coming in the game we had love for each other we was all getting money you know it's a lot of money floating around um it's about real money like playing even broke dudes getting real money like you know um and it wasn't all the disrespect and these guys went around here disrespecting each other they got these girls doing all these weird drugs and you know and then they don't do nothing for the females that they're dealing with like your female was always your status symbol so if you was a high level asset out here they could tell by yeah shorty you know she was she was something different you know like when she was out there moving and grooving we had our females jumping out of range rovers and you know i mean porsches and like some cats had them in rolls royces you know i mean like minks to the floor you know iced out watches you know like really like they look like nba wives as they should now these shorties be looking like junkies and yeah you know like i i have yet to see uh a movement where there's guys out here actually caring about what they doing now it's just about being loud annoying making noise and disrespecting other people the females don't even understand why they in the game yeah everyone looks pro yeah you know like and the funny thing is i be you know a lot of dudes reach out to me og mentor me or whatever whatever and you know i don't waste my breath on a lot of dudes because i got other things to do but there's some cats that i actually see um they got potential to do things so i mentored them outside the game you know i'll be telling them uh hold on one second i'll be telling them about this uh i'll be telling them about crypto you know what i mean and i'm about to check mines right quick see that see that's what you put your money in where you can wake up every day look see 14 15 20 grand see i got a new hustle said take a couple three grand here four grand here throw it in the market you know what i mean so when dudes be asking me to mentor them that's where i take it from you know what i mean like yo you got any crypto you like you diversifying your life think about life outside of the game see the game is cute you know there's a lot of guys in the penitentiaries ask me oh man big dog show me and i just always tell them my man you know what the punchline of this joke you asking me about is where we at we sit here in the day room in prison i i you know like i had to pay a lot of money and a lot of stress and that i put on my family and my i had a i had a kid that had just been born you know while i was in jail and i'm in i'm in prison now you feel i'm saying [ __ ] all the money [ __ ] the maseratis the poor [ __ ] that this to that that man [ __ ] all that you know what i'm saying that [ __ ] don't mean nothing when you sitting in prison everybody ordered the same 150 bag a [ __ ] food and now this is money this food is money somebody will come [ __ ] you up for a bag you know because you owe them 10 bags of chips and some fish pouches yeah man so it's a different reality when you hit prison you know what i mean and a lot of cats don't prepare for outside of the game so when prison hit them they done [ __ ] up their money on worthless useless [ __ ] you know they just want to take pretty pictures for instagram you know and the females are so goofy while your daddy is taking the pretty pictures on instagram your pictures look weird you know all your pictures got you in like light up heels and stripper outfits in the middle of the street that wasn't fly [ __ ] like in my ever we didn't that wasn't you wouldn't even let your people get filmed like that yeah i mean wouldn't let her post a picture like that wouldn't let her put herself out there like that because that's representing you you know these [ __ ] be out there with like eight dollars worth of clothes on rice that you know my people used to go out there like really looking different but i'm the king of midtown this is midtown you talking about you can't go out there looking weird you feel what i'm saying like you got to look like you belong in midtown this midtown manhattan that's a lot of money around here you feel me everywhere they go it's those voices uh [Music] diplomats you wouldn't believe the people that come through the door man like and you know you get a call you wouldn't believe who i'm here with who i'm like all right cool you know like but it was the everyday thing in midtown to make 10 15 20 000 in the night was really nothing you know so we moved at a different pace you know now these kids is they got this thing called quota as long as they make a thousand dollars they they are happy they are and then they go blow 600 out of a thousand because they got to live in the hotel and pay for the rental and everybody got to eat and then they got to pay for everybody's various drugs and by the time we took care of the drug habits and the food and all that i need y'all to go out and get some more money that's right you know what i mean before i beat you up and and that's another thing now you know they want to beat these broads up and that was what we call running out of pimping like you got to beat the [ __ ] up dad you couldn't talk to her like you know one of my mentors told me he said listen if you ain't had to beat the [ __ ] up to get out here you you shouldn't have to beat up to get her to do what she need to do you feel me so i always stuck with that so when you ready to choke out or kick ass and all that you running out of game like fast as fast as you get mad and getting up you running out of game right now this is this is a representation of you this is somebody that's in your household so after you beat up then you're gonna send out there now everybody's gonna say damn he'd be beating the [ __ ] out he's been like it's not a good look you know that's not ain't no prestige in that you know and you know you don't get no points for that do you think the game is fading away it's overrun with these low-level streets house faded away the game would never go nowhere i mean let's just be honest prostitution zone yeah i mean nah see prostitution ain't the game prostitution is the act that females do while they out there yeah i mean and out of the game prostitution right solutions not the game you feel what i'm saying i don't know [ __ ] prostitution [ __ ] prostitution and i mean the game is the game the game got rules the game got principles before them saying like prostitution will always be around but that's not the game see the game is when you take a female or set a female and put them with a king you know i mean you take some queens and put them what they can well they're not even queens when they show up a lot of times that's the king's job you know i mean i always tell people kings make queens i mean even in old times like a queen could be whatever but she had to marry and make it because the empire could not be ran without a king you know i mean if you're a chess player you know the queens all the queen's moves is in protection of the king you feel me and if you push the right pawns forward you have as many queens on the board as you want i mean so they come as pawns and you make them queens but these [ __ ] nowadays they take them where they at and [ __ ] them up even more like y'all ain't even trying to build nobody i ain't even trying to help nobody you know ain't like you just wanna you know bring everybody over to your crib with your three five bedrooms and run it like a halfway house hey you want a room go over there and that's your room bro this is i mean i wasn't raised in the game like that you was always supposed to be able to sustain a household in the bank road that went for every female she got to maintain this household that's everything that comes with this household the bills the um and a bankroll you know i mean that's how that household grows in this household well it's a team effort but just like on every team the players don't go home together we come to the game we can't show up at the game we play our ass off and then we go to our separate residences so we can live our lives man man but when we show up on the court and we show up at the game we're all ready to play the game you know together as a team a lot of times the members don't even get along you know kobe and shaq didn't get along but boy do they get they have action they made money they bought championships i got to be your friend to win with you you know a lot of these dudes is more interested in what it looked like than what it actually is they rather look good on camera than be good in real life that's why i tell dudes you know my real life is better than the fake one you made up for yourself on instagram you know and a lot of cats don't don't get that like what you see with big knowledge is what you get you know i don't do no action because i don't give a [ __ ] about what people think i mean i say what i feel you know i mean if it's real it's real if it's wrong it's wrong because righteous is righteous i mean a lot of these dudes are just part of the part of the pack you know they go along with the flow what do you what do you live by that separates you from the pack i live by the cold like it's really a cold you know you don't tell on your friends you know i mean you don't [ __ ] on your friends the whole team eats you know this is these is the the principles that came [ __ ] the game that's the code of the streets you feel me anybody on the team eat that was all all the successful crews you saw it was where everybody could pull up in a fly whip and everybody had a nice crib and everybody had bags of money like even back to the supreme team and uh the frittata all these big drug crews from back in the day everybody had money that's what made it work you know when it's just one guy sitting at the top and everybody else look like they're struggling how'd that look that's not a strong team that's a strong individual you know my uncle taught me that when he starved the whole team out and i used to just see how it was another crew and when these dudes when i was doing the shimmers frog when these dudes used to pull up they used to look different when they pulled up you feel me like they used to look real different like benz's trucks fall from me we all ride him with this [ __ ] he first said cause he took all he done he shorted us on all our money and uh played us so we can't afford the nice car we can't afford to do this and that you feel me and i just used to see how much better the winning team looked as a part of the winning dude so i'm saying we used to go to the club we couldn't we never had nowhere for chicks to fit we fought deep and escalate what the [ __ ] we gonna take chicks at these other [ __ ] they packing them in yeah we got room in the bins we got room in the lexus they packing them in and sliding up out the club so you know what i mean but that's that big me little you mentality that bring down empires there's a lot of that flaunting that goes on in the black culture well and a lot of it's i think just it's just in the in in the hood for sure culture it's because you grow up and i have it that's what it is this is the things you see these are the things that you aspire to these are the things that you associate with money it's breaking that thought pattern for people that helps you create generational wealth it's knowing that the game is a tool it's not a career it's not a you know i mean it's a catalyst it's full to take you to the next level it's something you're supposed to use as a foundation for the next level a lot of people don't think about the next level it says right now self-gratification is gone we're moving we're shaking and i mean i could post some weird pictures and say some some some some funny [ __ ] and yeah sound cute you feel what i'm saying but what's the reality of that what's the uh what's the outcome you know i was always taught garbage in garbage out you know what i mean you put garbage into a [ __ ] that's all you're gonna get out of it you feed your body garbage expect to look like [ __ ] you know man so don't expect nothing good to happen when from your situation when you don't have nothing good going on with your situation i mean a lot of these dudes be [ __ ] on these females and then they'd be like oh man she's a punk she's a dead she's a that come on bro she's a punk you're whipping this bra's ass taking the money ain't that [ __ ] for and then when she stop [ __ ] with you or you gave her one ass open too much and she said you know what i gotta get away from you and she went to the police yeah i mean and they'd be like oh she's a snitch she's a chick you know man she's about 120 pounds and she's terrified and she knows that these [ __ ] with these badges and guns can get your ass the [ __ ] away from me right now i'm tired of taking these ass opens because you [ __ ] up the money at the casino i'm probably taking these ass weapons cause you got a percocet happy i'm tired of taking these ass opens because you want to shop every week so you got forty thousand dollars worth of clothes but you ain't never had forty thousand dollars worth of cash you know man but you wanna keep [ __ ] her up or blacking out on her because you [ __ ] up the money you know so that leads to indictments or chicks just not [ __ ] with you and seeking a better life elsewhere but then dudes want to be like oh man she ain't [ __ ] she's a [ __ ] she's a punk i can't really say that you know oh man all these [ __ ] is all render gigs ain't [ __ ] with no pimps a lot of broads just don't want to [ __ ] with child [ __ ] it's not like they don't want to uh a [ __ ] that's in their corner they don't want a p they don't want a gentleman that's gonna be silent for him but they just know y'all not that you know they could tell by your track record they can see by what you've done you know so you got a lot of females out here that's just they outlaws they're running outside the game doing what they do pig farmers as we call them they feel me they just out here doing their thing but it's not because see the difference between what they call renegade now and abroad that just don't want to [ __ ] with nobody right now it's not that she don't want to [ __ ] with nobody she just ain't found somebody genuine that she really sees is gonna have her best interest at hand that she sees a bright future with like because i know some chicks that leave the last dude and just do way better by their self and then go back and get with the [ __ ] and lose a little bit of [ __ ] they got when they was on their own because even with a starter kit a lot of these [ __ ] can't do [ __ ] you know there's no vision but they got that ao beat that all on the [ __ ] mentality and it's not really how i go it's like you don't take the [ __ ] money and blow it and come back and say hi [ __ ] come on let me see mo bring me some more it's on you yeah that's right i [ __ ] up 2000 at the casino [ __ ] go give me some more and the sad part is there's way too many females out here that just accept that and they really think that that [ __ ] is cute i'm like this that's a damn shame you like really you like flaunting his stuff they be all up in they do call taking pictures that's not your life though when you're done with you the car gonna stay you walking and he'd probably take you a little bit of clothes that'd get you and give it to the other chick that's the new thing too give the old clothes to the new [ __ ] there's a lot of not knowing your value out here that's why these females ain't making the right decisions yeah if you don't know your value as a female you'll settle for anything i know my value that's why i don't settle for anything what role models did you have as a kid growing up my grandpops my pops um were they hustlers yeah my grandpa uh local loan shop and the church guy and my pops was my pops like and he kind of legendary himself my pops are different because he made two legends one in the streets and one in the uh fashion world it's different my pop's got a mean bloodline for real you have kids i got five kids and you're raising them of course the difference between having kids and being a father like i got yeah i take care oh my you know three i'm grown so there's that right and when i'm in prison he went to prison while i was in prison uh the other one just turned 18. he's about to be 19. and then my other son his mom went to jail while i was away and she lost him so i'm still trying to figure out where he at and then i lost contact with her again so there's that you know man and you're your grandsons that are not in prison are in the streets or they're doing something well i got a baby that's a young boy he's a few months and then i got my daughter she's eight and uh yeah she's doing a thing you know good student yeah um daddy's girl spoiled right but i was spoiling her from from jail like i was sending her uh thousand dollar gifts from credit like so you know i kind of i kind of did a lot for her because you know compensate for me not being there so now she's like a little daddy's little princess type of type of deal you know what separates a successful hustler from a low level discipline a lot of these people don't have discipline you know they too in a rush to show off like for the same dude that seemed big knowledge in the trucks i came in the game i had a navigator with a bunch of tvs in it like crazy system uh i said i had money i was already getting money i was doing everything but it was the discipline like i slept on the a train before i slept on park benches you feel what i'm saying i slept on the park bench in my hood and my brothers came out there i was like why are you sleeping are you sleeping on the head like where everybody can see you look at this my hood ain't nobody gonna do nothing to me here i'm gonna stay right the [ __ ] yeah and go to sleep cause y'all just y'all see me you know what i'm saying i get on the a train and go all the way uptown and come downtown and go all the way up to town do that four times i got me enough sleep to get back out there i used to do this for four grand five grand in my pocket but i knew i needed that four or five grand to make other moves you know i mean so i'm not in a rush though like you got people that save up to buy jewelry like they'll take they'll save up their little thirty forty thousand dollars just to go buy some jewelry and be broke again after my man like bro like that [ __ ] is really not that relevant it's really not that serious my man i like just making money and keeping it the fact of knowing that and this is something somebody told me he said look can you afford to buy it right now like yeah he said can you afford to buy it twice i said i could afford to buy it three times he said well just knowing that should give you satisfaction you don't actually have to see when you go out there and the jewelry the cars the clothes all that doesn't show how much money you have that shows how much money you've blown you know i mean that's not a hundred thousand dollar car that's what you paid for you know it's not a fifty thousand dollar chain that's what you paid for it so i tell do that all the time like oh man you see i got the 20 000 on my neck no it's probably about six seven thousand you got on your neck you had to pay for the craftsmanship i'm a jeweler i'm not going to sell you the same weight in gold for at price and i'm going to do the work what do i get paid for then i'm going to buy my gold i'm going to melt it down i'm going to do your designs i'm going to do your change i'm going to do your logos i'm gonna do all of that you're gonna pay me for my craftsmanship i'm an artist so that's what you're paying me for now actual weight in gold and diamonds it's gonna be a lot less than what you paid for so you just lost some money you know i mean your brand new hundred thousand dollar car loss your 1200 shoes big loss stupid loss i got 1200 on my feet no you don't the guy you bought him from has 1200 in his cash register you have about 80 worth of material on your feet and they beat you over your head with the craftsmanship because the reality is i'm a wholesaler to somebody you know i got to have my margin on it so me as the me as the uh maker i'm going to put it at a low enough cost for somebody else to sell it for me and they can add their price to it so people want to see nice margins when they do business so i'm and i'm as the maker i'm trying to get it done at the smallest price possible you see what i'm saying so when we're working like that you got about eight dollars worth of material on your feet that you gave somebody twelve hundred dollars for so it's knowing what's really relevant is what people in the game ain't getting in the streets period you know it's knowing that that [ __ ] you blowing your money on trying to look like a rapper who talking about the streets but he's not in the streets see he raps and gets 300 000 for a show and then talks about street [ __ ] and he takes the 300 000 that he got from the show that your girlfriend went to and he goes buys more this [ __ ] that you really can't afford you know and you breaking your neck trying to live this life live this facade so that's what got the game broken right now there's no values there's no cold there's no morals we got [ __ ] screaming we don't love them hoes well why are you pimping if you don't love hoes you should love to [ __ ] out them hoes man the hoes love you you know what i mean you don't love the hoes like wow that's like being a drug dealer saying i don't like drug users like what how are you going to make money you know then you abuse your source of income you abuse the income that came from your source of income you know so it's a whole pattern of abuse that probably started with patterns of abuse from when a lot of these guys was raised up but you know these chicks is out here with the crack babies you know a lot of these guys out here now is was born in the crack ever you know their parents wasn't around i mean [ __ ] your mom or your dad not being around a lot of people know what they feel like they was raised in foster homes so their value system is [ __ ] up but they was raised by the system so it was a whole lot of pain and abuse that came from the system and they just you know give it back you know repeat the pattern yeah and it was i say my generation we was the golden ever the golden ever hip-hop the golden ever everything you know like when you think about all of the guys that's out now who are rappers they always say they they mention the the the rock chems and this and that because these are the guys that were real poets these were the guys that was about they craft you know scarfaces these were the guys that was telling the story and the pain from the streets so this is where they this is where they got they their their uh things from but then that left that sense of values left the streets so now everybody just man everybody out here now just want to do drugs shake ass and kill that's this whole generation doing drugs the [ __ ] are shaking ass and the [ __ ] just trying to kill each other you know they idolize the shooter the shooters are pawn on the board the boss ain't doing the shooting you telling me you a shooter let me know how much money you're not getting really you're the shooter i don't i don't want the shooter hanging around me the shooter is who i call to go i look i'm gonna give you whatever you feel as though your life is worth to go handle this for me right quick that's the shooter it's no honor and being a shoot i came up in the generation that bred the bosses for them saying biggie smalls and all these were bosses these guys you looked at they was bosses you know we emulated the boss the boss image these dudes running around looking weird and on off drugs if you're popping pills all day and sipping lena you're a junkie my name you not that and you're shorty giving you this money wondering why y'all not getting nowhere because he's a junkie you remember saying like this ain't that you know you got to have discipline that's what's [ __ ] the game up nobody got discipline without discipline there's disrespect without order there's anarchy and chaos you gotta have order going to prison taught me that this dudes i met in prison that i'm glad they built prisons these dudes belong in prison they belong in cages for the rest of their lives they've done some weird [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what i mean [ __ ] weird [ __ ] to kids and old people and women and just weird [ __ ] there's a place for everybody there has to be discipline there has to be law there is no law there is no discipline and the ones that are supposed to be enforcing the law and the discipline they're going with the flow they're making excuses you know i mean the black community the black man is being you know they taking the masculinity out of the community they got these boys running around here looking like sissies and weirdos and if you don't go along with it you homophobic nah listen don't really know a lot they think black men in the culture is homophobic average black dude don't give a [ __ ] what you do who you [ __ ] who dick you suck in i might give a [ __ ] about that just don't [ __ ] with my money you know what i'm saying that's how that's how real g's give a [ __ ] you know that's what we really care about don't [ __ ] with my money you know what i mean so you could be whatever you want to be however you want to be you know i mean but when you start promoting it to the to the degree where it's affecting a culture and you're making being a drug addict the norm all the rappers is drug addicts so the kids grow up to idolize these guys all the rappers is you know more effeminate now than they've ever been so the kids growing up thinking this is cool i think it's taking the choice away because the ones that are supposed to be the role models and the heroes these are the ones that's victimizing these kids mentally right now so the game is a product of that warren buffett said in five years you'll be the product of the books you read and the people you surround yourself with 90 of these kids don't read books they get all the information from it from the internet instagram you know that's what they call the news i saw it on the gram all right whatever that's what they think that's what that that's what validates their life instagram twitter before i'm saying i don't take none of that [ __ ] as seriously as everybody else i live i'm too rooted in reality see when your reality is solid that other [ __ ] is you realize how irrelevant that other [ __ ] is you know you realize how irrelevant that goofy [ __ ] is when your reality is solid you know i don't drive rental cars you know i don't do nothing i can't afford to do i don't mistreat my my females before i'm saying that was never my thing you know that's why every female that dealt with me still [ __ ] with me we still friends we still cool i still call and check on their kids see how everybody's doing i mean i still you know am interested in what happened with their life because the time we spent together and whatever we did when we was doing whatever we was doing it meant something you felt i'm saying you wasn't just a a piece uh a cog in the wheel as they say that when it broke [ __ ] replace the wheel now you what we did meant something we was building an empire everybody don't always see eye to eye you know just like a basketball team they have their little dynasty years and then people go to get traded they go other places that don't mean that it's not still love there that don't mean that it's not still that bond that yeah remember when we got them five championships you know i mean so it's always gonna be that love even for brothers i don't exactly see eye to eye with a like anymore you know what i mean i respect what you did while you was here i don't have no animosity toward anybody that i've dealt with i don't hate nobody i ever dealt with you know what i mean because it was love while you was here you know what would you say is the most important lesson you've learned in your life learning what to place value on you know a lot of these kids out here will never experience the type of money i've experienced i had two twenty thousand dollar cats you know what that is like and and then i had some ten thousand dollar dogs you know what i'm saying a fleet of cars outside like half a million dollars in cars that's my half an hour on cars a lot of people will never experience that but see once you bought everything you got all the you went to the shoe store and you got all everything that you ever you didn't did all that right you don't travel you done and you're still just making this [ __ ] money that's when you start doing crazy [ __ ] that's why you see rappers with cheetahs and all that cause they just [ __ ] it i want to buy it cause i can afford it because at that point money becomes irrelevant when you used to get money it starts to become irrelevant it's like all right well yeah i made some more money you feel me the money really becomes irrelevant so then you learn going to prison tells you what's really valuable because once they took the cars and all that [ __ ] and i'm sitting in here doing my time but i'm getting press pictures of my daughter people was dying you know i mean people that was fine when i went home they sick now that's the [ __ ] the money ain't gonna pay for i don't bought new cars and cribs and you know trinkets and you know [ __ ] that's replaceable but you know my cousin that died while i was gone before i had time to make amends for some [ __ ] we was going through i can't get that back you feel sad it's my cousin he died and we was really and we was beefing over some [ __ ] that we shouldn't even be beefing over i ain't gonna get a chance to fix that [ __ ] all right so that's what life is really about knowing what's valuable knowing what has value and once you learn that then you learn what not to hold in such high regard so i'm saying like you learn what not to place so much energy home you know if you're a stand-up dude and not just in the streets just as a man if you're a stand-up man you've got the best interest for the people around you you don't [ __ ] over your friends you don't [ __ ] on the people that's loyal to you and good to you you know we had a rule spoil the loyal when you're that type of individual life treats you good you don't have a lot of regrets even if you go to prison or whatever whatever you still cause while we in prison we sit and looking at the books like yeah it's like yeah none of us want to end up in prison but you really gonna say you didn't have fun while you was doing it you feel me like it's a roller coaster we enjoy the highs and the lows you know what i mean but would you change it no you learn from it you know if you're the same man at 30 that she was at 20 you wasted 10 years of your life and the same thing proceeds up the ladder it's a growing process and it makes you demand like it all has a build up like a movie you know you it starts here in the growing pains and this that is dirty then you get your values and your principles my pops taught me the biggest value and i don't even think he know he did that when i was a kid and my mom's and him was going through something and they tried to take me from my father and we was running through a parking lot and duel link the dude my mother was dating and my pops man my problem like slipped and he was holding me like this and i'm looking up at him you know because i'm like this and he hold me like this and dude got a gun in my pocket's head but my pot my my fam got the gun in his head my pop said what you waiting for shoot him and he said listen johnny i got the gun cop he got he got his gun cocked if i shoot him he's going to kill you my pops looked at me kissed me and said man shoot him anyway you feel me that told me die for what you believe in at the end of the day he wasn't about to fold and i mean and when he kissed me he kissed me with all the intensity of this might be the last time i see my son but when that dude seeing how far my father was willing to go for what he believed in that was when he backed off because when you're dealing with a man that's willing to die for his principles then that shows where you stand on yours you know all right big knowledge thank you so much for sharing your story man very interesting thank you very much you
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 557,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: jcJHrp5eNRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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