Pimp interview-G Gov

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[Music] all right g gov g golf uh where'd you grew up originally where are you from chicago you're chicago i thought you were in dallas uh both but i was born in dallas and uh i mean born in chicago and went to dallas in my teenage years oh i see so you you worked in uh chicago and dallas yeah yeah and uh what was your family like your mom and dad yeah i got a mom and dad good childhood yeah for the good part for the early part of life was real good and then what happened and then um basically you know my mother got off into the the drugs and um my father was living in l.a here in l.a um he was actually a san pedro uh military police officer there and uh we're we're in chicago and you know like i would say mostly uh probably not the no male figure in the house you know what cause how'd you get introduced to the game um i grew up around it i grew up you know um i grew up two two buildings over from bishop don juan i grew up around godfather g.o.d i grew up around a lot of the the old school um greats in chicago so as a child you know um going to school you had a you know you start to make your choices on what you want to be you can either be the drug dealer the gang banger of the pimp um the the drug dealers were going to jail the gang bangers were getting killed and the pimps were the one that you've seen driving the catalyst year after year right there's a lot of beautiful women around yeah the bishop used to cruise up and down madison avenue in chicago i remember probably like you do yeah and uh he was treated like a like royalty down there he is chicago's royalty yeah he is yeah that's right he's chicago royalty um and loved by many people that's what i mean i mean people would just flock to his cars yeah just circle him around every time he pulled over and you know i think as i remember i think the first time i saw him he was like i think he was helping people out financially right right you know he'd like he'd peel off some some money to some of the people that would come up with the the the legacy of a of a man like bishop is not really built on too much of the the money he gave out but it was the way he treated people um most people remember the way they were treated then whether someone gave him a dollar or 50 cents on the corner um they remember the treatment you give them and the treatment that bishop has given to the city and to the people um was always um love and a caring type of mentality you know and he's always have positive things to say never never a negative person so when you you meet him it's he gives you the positive sides to look at everything interesting did he uh help you with the your beginnings in the game um actually i had the um he had definitely some help he's definitely been been um he was definitely when i was in the game definitely plenty of help um godfather god um pretty much older than me and him was who i was able to get up under um as i was able to turn of age 18. and how did you get your first girl man in chicago the hood girl the girl from the hood you know it wasn't nothing spectacular about how i got my first girl was just the hood girl she in there you know doing everything with everybody and it was just like you know putting some some order around in her thinking process how old were you i was 19 19 yeah i was 19. what is it what does a a young man need to to do this kind of work is is it something you're born with or is it something you learn well it's um is it just survival it's not too much you need as long as the girl choosing you know what you want to do yeah i keep hearing that yeah it's um it's like you know um you see the difference in between um 20 20 over 20 years ago and versus today when women chose they chose because it was the way you were dressed the way you you you moved the way you talked your financial gains she had to see something in you to make her make that move um if you're you know what i say if you're convincing a girl or if you're trying to talk to her or convince her or whatever that's not really a real choosing you know that's more what they call it you know you're persuading her you shouldn't have to you should be able to just stand there dressed beautifully and that should be her choice because she likes the way you look you know so i think um you know it's all about what she really wants what she what do she want now she gets with you and she sees that your program is is shaky your program is is um not fit for her and she decides to leave that's cool you know that's where you know the she should be able to go anytime she wants to come in but um i think i think with me was it was straight chosen it was nothing because i didn't have any game to give him you know i was just i had got the game but even i had been around god and bishop and all them my younger years all my years you know even when i got the first girl it was like a freezer like first time getting the ball on the basketball court to freeze up you know yeah i've heard that from so many of the guys i've interviewed that even phil more slim said he didn't know this even this game even existed the girls the girls came to him and said i want you to it was like that with me since i was 14 or 15 years old you know girls were are you a pimp they were and i didn't know nothing about pimping until i got with god you know what i mean yeah and what is it what kind of girls and not every girl can do this kind of work right i think any girl could but do does any do they have the mentality every girl don't have the mentality to do it you know i think any girl could do it because i mean they all have sex so i think it's all about the mentality of the woman you know like when you know something so precious she knows this even as a child you know she knows not to give it away you know she was taught to protect it you know so yeah these girls are hustlers yeah these girls are really right right that this is what they actually want to do you know i mean if they didn't want to do it you better believe um they would be over there baking cookies or on the soccer field with their child they wouldn't be nowhere affiliated with this type of lifestyle if this is something they did not want but there's many different types of temps too yeah yeah well there's only one kind of pimp there's different types of people the way people do things yeah yeah it's confusing and my viewers like crucify some of the guys that i see they're they're mainly like hustlers that are gang wrote gang related yeah yeah well especially in l.a and uh and that those guys are still selling women that are prostitutes but those women are on drugs and they're right they're they're being forced or manipulated or threatened to do this kind of work you know it's just it's the same way as yeah it's the same way as any other um um a lot of your girls are coming to you asking you to do it yeah a lot of these guys do it because it's a trend it's a fad a lot of a lot of guys started selling drugs because it was cool a lot of them started pimping because it was cool so when you you'll end up with a lot of guys and that shouldn't have been in this lifestyle and because it's trending and because everyone's doing it and now they want to do it you have the gang bangers that come in and they want to get girls but they have no understanding you know and it's really not that's not pimping that's you know this is why i that's why i have to use force and drugs yeah i understand the difference in human trafficking and pimping i i understand you know it's sad that they don't understand the difference between the two but there is a difference between human trafficking and pimping pimping has nothing to do with human trafficking and human trafficking has nothing to do with pimping but you do have a lot of these guys that get girls hold them against their will beat on them um you know don't don't take care of them properly you have that and then in those type of cases that's where i think those charges are um definitely identical you know identifying fit but um you know we're going to chicago and dallas too say it again is that going on in chicago um as far as the the guys that are playing the game in those in that fashion not really you you really don't have too many of those guys that play in the game like that yeah here in la it's a big deal yeah yeah you know because they're mixing in the games they're mixing the gangs involved with it yeah yeah whereas guys like you and the bishop and all that are pretty rare out here right that's like what we see out here on the west coast is definitely different from what we see everywhere else like when you see guys chasing girls down down the street and screaming at them yelling at them and you know and i mean nine times out of ten you calling a woman a b word and i don't think that you're gonna get too much of her attention you know and if you do get a woman's attention like that you know calling her out a name and yelling at her and screaming at her but then that should let you know something about her mentally too that she's might not she might not be fit mentally fit for this lifestyle you know and you get a lot of that you get a lot of people that's not mentally fit and this is where you get the the misunderstandings you get the gorilla pimp you know you get all of these different i like showing the full range of it yeah but my audience tends to get very upset at those kind of guys yeah yeah and i mean believe me and they confuse the difference between guys like maybe yourself and and sharp and things like that and yeah real real pimps don't it's not in alignment with them mentally there's no way a real pimp can actually um look at a guy like and and even an abuse of you know the rule is it's a non-contact sport you know but the non-contact is between you and your woman that's where the non-contact you're supposed to defend her for anything else you know when you see guys out here just running a woman down to the ground and not trying to become a team um is where you see just so much of the um gorilla and the and the um what i call um you can just say the resistance in the game you know you know everybody used to be together one of the one of the pimps i interviewed in memphis explained it i think almost perfectly he says if you don't have any game then you have to resort to to force intimidation drug manipulation all that kind of stuff just to get a girl to do anything you want to do whereas if you have the style that some of the other guys i've interviewed right right have or maybe you have right then the girls come to you and they're looking for you to do this is understanding the levels of the game um a lot of these guys want to go from um selling drugs or working at mcdonald's straight to being a pimp and you have to mastermind the macking you have to mastermind the understanding of conversation being able to talk to a woman um if you don't i mean if you know you might be a kid that grew up and you know you you talk back you got smacked up so you think that this is the the result of putting your hands on someone and smacking them up and in reality that that's not it's it's but there are there are men young men that grew up that way and there are young women that grew up that way and that's what they relate to and some of these girls love to be here that's what i mean that's right that's exactly i'm not saying that's right exactly what i'm saying is it exists right it exists right right and and when they get hit for the first time they go they're home yeah right they think they think that that's working for love that's love they think that's not that that's love that's right that's right and you can tell you can you can kind of um seat it out of a girl you know you know a lot of back talk maybe not want to listen and and and those you could tell those girls want kind of more friction they want that yeah they look great right because i mean if you're in a lifestyle and it's like you know you go if you got a job you got a job there's no sense of um bringing in the extra um curricular uh mad activity and so you know you do you have girls in the game that love to be hit and uh but me i prefer um don't put your hands on them i mean you know it's that's the thin line between um on domestic violence in the human trafficking charge you know no those girls think these guys are their boyfriends that's what they all tell me yeah but you know um i mean all the girls you got six women with you all of them don't think that you're their boyfriend yeah they do yeah all of them they do and they are they told me that they are that's your woman yeah and that's why the cops have and at least in la have a hard time uh getting a conviction on these guys i think because right you talk to the girl and the girls just say no he's my boyfriend right right you can't arrest a girl for having a boyfriend or a guy from being a girl's boyfriend and you can't arrest him for holding her money right right right right you know he she brings all her money 100 of it gives it to him right but she's choosing to do that but that's real true pimping that's your woman see that's where it gets blurred yeah that's your woman that is your woman i know no but the lines get very blurred because those guys are probably doing something that's it's it's just it's such a confusing topic right you you feel like maybe those guys are still holding the girls against you know hostage or yeah that's her name right yeah it's it's well me personally once that girl if he's letting her out the door to get money every day she can leave that i can guarantee 99 you know and i understand how um the police and everybody look at it so they want the conviction on the pimp they have to get the conviction yeah the cops aren't arrested are is interested in arresting the girls no they want the pimp they have to arrest the pimp so to create this story they have to create a story that's going to sound good in front of a juror but if we can keep this same pattern story going then it'll finally be believable um when i came in the game you a girl couldn't dare run that type of lie to a police officer she would act did you go to work yesterday yeah where'd he put you down along here here here here why didn't you go get help then okay you're using us now for some type of leverage okay but but today these girls are able to run this type of game man if they're letting if you're not being handcuffed in the basement and you know um you guys are running in and out of the house and you actually have this freedom to get out and go you have that freedom you can just go um it's just today i think um and i think a lot of what they're doing is working they're giving the girls the the understanding that hey look long as you come out you can say anything we're gonna ride behind you and we're gonna charge these guys no matter what this is what they're doing now there was a 16 year old girl that i interviewed recently right and now that that needs to be in jail yeah right but but she told me she had a boyfriend but he was a pimp right and i was trying to convince her that you know she she shouldn't be doing this she's probably should probably get a different life yeah and i even gave her the money to do so right she's still with him to this day yeah and and at 16 i think um you know both of them she gave the money she gave the money that i gave her to get out to the pimp and she's still with him probably out of fear right but it's not something that that she had a chance to go she had a chance yeah but you know and my a lot of my viewers will get upset that i didn't step in and do something but they don't understand i'm i'm opera i'm one dude i'm a white dude of the camera trying to fight against the bloods right the game right which is a very powerful gang in l.a yeah one white dude of the camera is not going to get very far when the girl won't cooperate the pimp has a whole army of bloods behind him and there's nothing that's going to happen right right permanent right you know i might get her out for a week but that's she has to make the choice to go ahead and leave she was back the next day i think yeah with him with him yeah yeah and probably won't leave him no no and and all the other girls that were with him had black eyes she didn't but they did that's that's why you see the the the trickery now with the charging of because of stuff like that yeah and it's very hard for the police because you're gonna blame the cops for not arresting a guy whose girl's boyfriend right right because you can't you can't but when you you know it's just um you know it's it's sad because like i say you see so much of the the the the imposters and the re that's what you see you know you should never go to jail true when you when you play in the game the true way you should never have to see the penitentiary behind a girl have you done time yeah before money laundering yeah most of most of the attempts that are real pimps yeah as as most people like caught have done some time but they've done it for things like money money laundering or yeah things like that not for not for yeah mines was for money laundering for uh at a car lot so um you know we spent a lot of i spent a lot of money at the car a lot and and that's how i ended up in the feds but never for no not not for pimping um when i was in the game that was just like almost impossible i mean you know you have respectable women you gotta i'm respectable we care about each other and we know what our goals were yeah you know um that i think they want to wanted to pretty sure but i wanted to what they charged me for pimping oh yeah yeah i'm pretty sure they wanted to know the cops i'm sure in your city in l.a they all know yeah exactly what's going on yes the cops aren't dumb no no no they're just they're their hands are tied in terms of really getting a conviction right right right well as it should be in some real pimping yeah yeah if it's real if it's if it's real relationships and it's a real it shouldn't be like that it shouldn't the woman shouldn't i mean she's she knows she understands why she's doing it you know one of my one of my friends who i've met in this lifestyle that i'm not in but i've done so many interviews now that i almost feel like i am explained to me he's not done an interview in my channel so don't look for him but but he's a very knowledgeable pimp right and he said what what squares don't understand that this is almost a form of polygamy yeah polygamy is where you know right uh men will have multiple wives right right right and utah yeah yeah exists in the mormon community the fundamentalist mormons and uh it's a it's a thing that squares just can't understand they they just will they don't understand that it's something that the women choose and are okay with and the men understand and it's almost like it's almost like a secret society well it's no different from um i had a really good video with a really good talk recently with ron g who's a pimp in uh rochester right okay and he explained that he's playing it beautifully that it's like a secret society that that most squares will never understand and you know and i think they do understand it i think it's the money that's generated and the the guys that are behind it it's mostly your african-american um black pimps that are behind it yeah i think that causes a it rubs it just rubs i don't mean to be a jerk but white males that can't get a woman right are very envious of dudes like yourself right they just are yeah and it goes to there and it's like okay these they're black you know when when blacks were selling drugs they were giving them 50 years and 100 years of life sentence in federal prison because they figured out a way to make money here in this country um it's the same way even with this game um i mean um was it dennis hoffman ran one of the biggest prostitutions yeah in uh he was sitting on the the city um board for um on the government board in the city where he got it he ran for mayor in the government dennis was not an idiot right he knew he knew how the government worked he knew prostitution better than anybody right right yeah i mean he was pretty much him you have no idea and you're right you know and all the other well he's he called himself that hugh hefner no uh dennis hoff dennis yeah well you know i wouldn't no i wouldn't say he's a pimp but he ran a hell of a prostitution ring he sure did yeah he ran the hell of a prostitution ring you know did he do i think he had the concept and mentality of what it takes to be a pimp no i don't think so i think you have a more of a great business mind and you utilize it with women almost like the way you hefted had a very great business mind and that's the other aspect of being in the game do you have the business mind to orchestrate it into a business structure to be able to to get money legally i don't think blacks just went that far you know what i mean to um organize it more in a legal a legitimate matter or even try to find a place to pass laws that make it legal you know it's just it's like the the crack law no one wanted to step forward until 20 30 years and then obama gets in office and he's creates these crack laws but at first you know in the 80s no one would have stood up for it because it was horrible and the same thing with the human trafficking no one's going to stand up for into 20 30 years down the line and then people are going to stand up and these guys are going to get released early release because you know now it's not so harsh when i grew up in the 80s gays didn't come out in the public it was like the most harsh thing to do is to come out and say oh i'm gay i mean it's 2021 you can't even say nothing bad about gays on social media you're gonna get paid the world has changed right you know so so we're looking at the evil i'm looking at the evolving of the way the world becomes sensitized desensitized sensitized desensitized now you're taking out you know the um african-am american history from the texas school system you know first you guys were sensitive to it in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s but now you're not desensitized you're more desensitized to racism in here in america so now let's pull it out now so you know i think the world just goes through this phase to where now pimps are being more demonized to um for for the lack of understanding it's probably the the most extreme point in history when right now right where pimps are just demons demons right now they are they are just evil dudes and this is the most like you said this is the most this is as far as the public understands the public right the public's perception of a pimp is that they are just evil dudes that's right period that's right and a lot of these girls and some are yeah but but some are not right because but what i think a lot of people don't understand is that the uh culture the the the the street culture right that you that you've probably grown up in right and a lot of the pimps have grown up and is a it's a hustler mentality yes it is that exists on the street that the pimps and the girls live in and they've grown up in and they're not going to change right but what you guys are doing is maybe a a flashier more civilized version of hustling yeah that's what it's actually it's a flash he wants to yeah um it's not the killing you don't have to worry about the game yeah no one's getting killed yeah you know you're not killing anybody right you didn't get ak-47s uh blazing on the on the tracks but i mean you're starting to see it a little bit more now because of the gangs becoming involved into the into this lifestyle yeah and that's the part of i mean i call them pimps but maybe they're not but yeah but they are selling women for for the for profit and prostitution but most of my audience goes oh those guys aren't pimps but that's what they're doing so that makes them pimples yeah but it's a the way i see it is is there's a market for what these with these women are selling yeah right yeah it's the market you want more you want to blame the woman you want to blame their manager which is guys like you yeah do you want to blame the trick which is their customer right maybe maybe you should blame the the wife of the trick this game could be blamed on so many people right right and it definitely can i mean and there's really no blame to something that people will no it's just society yeah it's human nature you know it's human nature right but you know we all got like a little i think everyone has their little faults something they did wrong here there but and and i do understand the lifestyle itself can have a bad taste of someone that don't understand it but absolutely that's that's the wisest thing to do he just said that's it you know you might not want to go to the military you might tell your son no or you you know it's just you got some people that's gun holes i'm sending over my kids to the military right you know it's just the lifestyle some people just choose and it's yeah and and what i'm trying to do is just create a little more understanding of how the world works right right and doesn't right it works off of money it's thrived off of a stride off of off of money that's i don't think nobody out here would do the things they do if money did not was not involved money is king yeah money is king and if it and i know it was here you know before money was created even back in the biblical days but it's it's it's the thrive of um the barter system um you know we want we want things that we don't have you know i think we all just want things that we just don't have you know and that's the stressful part of our living huh yeah it really is yeah that's really stressful it's just you know it's just there are so many different cultures in our country and the african-american community in the city you grew up in which is chicago yeah which happens to be the same community same city i grew up in oh you grew up in chicago i'm from chicago okay yeah okay what's that north west side what's up oh okay i'm up here let's give my audience a really good uh idea of how different you and i grew up okay i didn't come from a wealthy neighborhood but i'm a white dude right i'm a white boy i'm a white boy from the western suburbs and you're a black dude that grew up on the near west side of chicago right right what madison avenue you and i couldn't have grown up more differently why right i mean maybe no you you said you had a pretty good childhood right yeah i had a pretty good job yeah but but most guys like yourself didn't right yeah yeah most of them did most of your friends probably growing up had dads that were in prison yeah pretty much most of them are already you know dead or something yeah and they had moms that were yeah on drugs right yeah yeah so and i didn't but it's just i almost think it's a societal thing that is hard for many to understand yeah most of the most of the country doesn't understand how few opportunities guys like yourself maybe had maybe not you you specifically right right i'm being i'm being i'm generalizing but most of the united states doesn't understand how few opportunities black males had as young men and how here's here's maybe the most important part they didn't understand how few good role models they had that's crazy because that's what i was getting ready to say it's basically the the your surroundings yeah i mean the new question of my barrage of questions that i ask over and over again of the uh prostitutes i've been interviewing is how how many good examples of loving relationships did you have as a child you know what their answer is none none none they they never saw a loving relationship in their lives no not even out of their own parents no not from themselves not from their grandparents nowhere so what do you expect them to do america yeah what do you expect these women to do yeah and then what do you expect the young men to do right right they've never seen a loving relationship no no you did right yeah i had i have you you're an exception yeah i had grandparents um i had my mother and they wasn't together my father but my mother was definitely loving as a matter of fact when i um because my mother was in the street life too she was well known in chicago um you know with bishop don juan and all of them maybe your life wasn't as as yeah as different as as most of the other it was a little different but it's like you get some people went to the streets to get the game and then some people got it at the breakfast table right at home so um you know it was more um but we we it was always love you know we was well taken care of there was five of us we i have a twin brother too named president we were well taken care of i mean my mother would you know she would do whatever it took to make sure what are your siblings um brother named president yeah yeah your name is governor governor yeah what's your other brother um famous yeah yeah these are giving names no no no no no no okay no but the um street giving names that we've been going by for over 25 years okay yeah but um yeah i had a very good um i couldn't i couldn't complain i had good parents you know i mean you know even though my father didn't live with us i had pretty much the support from either side but i you know at a young age we were you know going in and out of juvenile homes and you know pretty much pretty much the you know real bad kids you know what i mean and so you know transferring over to this game it was more like you know um or my mother seen it coming up the way we came up when she seen it and she seemed she she looked at me she said oh so this is what you want to do and she seen all the girls in the car and i was like yeah she was like well i'm gonna tell you one thing you know you treat them right love them and care about them and they're gonna do the same for you and i just looked at her because that was the first time i heard that after being in the game um almost three years and when i looked at her she was like i'm telling you treat them right and love them and that's been my that's always been my um that's been my number one um rule in the game is if i'm gonna deal with her i'm gonna i'm gonna have to love her and if i can't love her then i don't wanna be around her well because you know love is what builds hate tears down so even in this game you have to be able to um gas true love for these girls you can't it's not no big eyes and little yous and it's um it's no different from a couple from you and your wife being married you and these girls that y'all together and um you want the relationship to last forever you know you're not looking at the relationship you know they say cop and blow i believe cop and lock you know and the only way you're gonna do that is through true love and not the the beating the the yelling the screaming and all that you won't have a successful relationship and no relationship can it be successful in that type of matter no relationship at all you know so my mother she when she gave me that that was enough for me to take it take me off and ensure beautiful women real ones around me because you ain't a pimp without a prostitute you are not a pen without a prostitute awesome all right giga thank you so much for a very interesting talk appreciate it all right thank you very much all right you
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 55,523
Rating: 4.7701373 out of 5
Id: 7ECoqQfGahw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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