Suga Free on Becoming a Pimp, Leaving Pimping, Making Music (Full Interview)

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all right here we go sugar-free what's happening man welcome back to Vlad TV nice to be here yeah man been a long time fan yeah we did interview last time but we weren't face to face last time so this time I'm really looking forward to it right now I get to look at the man behind the magic that's right right on that's right now Ramona legends in the building right now not just do what I could do what I could do it so you know we did an interview some years back but I kind of want to go over the whole story yeah okay so where did you where we were actually born originally Gardena California Gardea okay but then you moved to Pomona Oakland Oakland yeah uh-huh how old do you mean total it's making sense yeah let's make it sense Hanna the the efforts that are pimping uh-huh smack see that's right from actually I grew up in Oakland okay yeah love Oakland man yeah still got a lot of my friends they're still there all right yeah but uh Oakland right after that okay you're out how old in Oakland from a baby to like five or six okay yeah and then divorced okay your parents got divorced uh-huh and then what happened to you Compton what the Compton that yeah uh-huh so you don't happen around quite a bit as a kid yeah okay yeah just no love skin okay so six years old you went to Compton right how long did you stay there till I was 11 okay eleven yeah and then what happened eleven you got ran over by a car whoa okay and a week later my sister got run over by a car okay and then we ended up in Pomona where the way people lived out there compared to leaving Compton at that time it was different wools differ about there's a lot of orange trees I people know sidewalks in some places people kept a garage is open all day okay I mean a lot of fruit trees in people who just cool you know we couldn't get K take no more kids you have J it's on a on the you know we got KJ lates kind of cool but yet for the most part you know I missed the radio stations but I would always go back on the weekends and record on cassette but Kate egg was playing mm-hmm and k GF j and k ee and all that yeah I mean from the back in me for those who don't know K Day was one of the original hip hop stations unless coasts Russ Parnham man yeah I'm yes sir they're the ones who broke eazy-e and waa yeah like a lot of the music that my family tree that you see right now there chuckles a lot of that connects kale and they still here they still here is that's a blessing us absolutely yes sir now I mean as a kid were you getting into a lot of trouble or not really wow you know when you first moved to Pomona you know what I had I gotta say yeah I got into some trouble okay well I guess you were affiliated with the three five seven Crips uh-huh that was in Pomona yeah okay how old were you when you first got involved in that around twelve okay so I mean you go from Compton which is like gang central yeah then you move to Pomona uh-huh you actually started sour banging in Pomona what what made you join at that point you know I just I kind of slipped into it the first people I met was my homeboy Bubba Brown and then there was Dillinger and little termite and Dillinger and termite was about that life and you know I just thought I had some cool friends some cool new friends and I liked you know and they liked me in that saya that's how that okay and what was happening during that early days the way you know we basically you know had a lot of fun and I just felt like I was what you know between these three cats I felt like I was just right at home yeah yeah and I guess you had a bunch of you know misdemeanors and some felonies around that time but that came later it started it started around the fourth grade you know fourth grade pretty early yeah fourth grade you're talking about 13 years old yeah way to hold it on before that 12 oh yeah 11 12 years old yeah okay and what are you getting arrested for during that time not just not not punished a little petty [ __ ] the kids do were you going - uh - Youth Authority yeah I've been a Y okay I mean when you first hit that did it did it shake you up and I'll really like no big deal yeah yeah I was sugar why those gladiator school that's right you're gonna fight over the smallest [ __ ] yeah you know I mean you know they don't you know Youth Authority it's just basically getting you ready for prison really just your prison yeah and we I've heard horror stories how the guards to make the kids fight make bets on it and you know like that type of thing it's all that you're getting locked up here and there you're coming out at what point did the pimp it actually start happening it was always there ok it was always there but it took up and try lost my son that really knew and that this is what I was gonna do yeah yeah I knew before but that kind of okay made it fish I mean how old were you when you first you know when you look back seventeen seven seventeen that's home first I went to why okay what taste of it I got out and just start running it okay each or not your first girl seventeen that's somewhere around there okay you describe that process at all why a man I think pimping is one of those things that as an outsider you look at it you know and I've read a lot I remember when pimps up hoes down first came out mm-hmm like you know my head was blown I remember I read every book from the sweet science of sin to you know Dom magic wands book to you know all the Donald Goines book and stuff like that cuz it's really hard to comprehend how a woman would go have sex with a man take that money and bring it back to another man and then repeat the cycle over and over again but that's pimping for you is deeper than that explain you just did okay basically you know yeah once you got to taste that was that something that you know you're gonna run with or was it just like a side hustle that you never there was something I knew I was gonna run away okay yeah I just knew it yeah and what was it about pimping that really it really made you think that way the ability to look farm beyond what your normal man makes see it just instantly like you know that's what I call the squares you know well then you know you could look at him and tell him what you're doing in they won't still won't hear you no one Wow was there like like an older pimp that kind of took you under his wing and started showing you the way yeah my uncle your uncle oh so he was a pimp yes okay how big was this table man you know he kept he kept a handful of good bronze man and they all resembled each other it was a chip Billy yeah you know that would be short like him and uh you know I just remember you know my auntie isn't and I'm doing his hair all the time oh you know Pro well no he just needed grease and water in his hair okay he was a prio dude okay and and you know some of the hair was just straight you know but uh yeah and he is just be fun to watch you know during the day and the special part about this is that he couldn't read or write good hmm you know you spend a lot of time out of school because he was sick and he made up for it okay yeah so is this year your father's mother your mother's brother yeah okay so you basically went up to him and said listen no no how did it work you know I was the first grandson so you know they would you know have a bar you know talking to me like I understood them and and that's kid you at some point you wonder you know why are you talking to me like this and then you get a little older and they still do it in other little cousins they really and you realized that telltale none of him like this so you feel a little special I guess okay ask Marco if you had any money one day and he said he said yeah and since would it and everybody around him started laughing and then he just asked me say man and even the girls at your school said they like you they'd do anything for yeah but all the time and he says some of them wouldn't play right because most especially young men they're just looking to have sex with women exactly but that's the only thing on their mind David they will throw everything away in order to have you know to have sex with somebody but but a pimp things completely differently a pimp doesn't think about sex no at all no matter how attractive that woman is No so that was how you were being groomed at that point in terms of the way you're thinking uh-huh okay but you know people are still sexual a mine were you having sex at an early age I'm not that's 15 15 okay so how do you separate that you got a girl who's attractive to you're sexually attracted to but if you have sex with her than the whole pimp whole thing breaks down right yeah in a major way yeah right so you have to basically no matter what it looks like yes you have to have self-control yeah so how do you do that at an early age when your hormones are raging and everything else like that number one you got to have you know that certain bone in your body that tells you it's okay to step outside this box you know I mean it has to work because you're born with that they're saying something you can create you got to be born like that but you said that pimps are born they're not made yeah okay do you remember how much that first girl brought back to you yeah yeah can you say it or no it's up there okay I mean you know okay so you start making money at a as a teenager yeah okay and got locked up for pimping and came back how old you get locked it so how old were you need I like to prepare man I was I was going back from juvenile hall like you know for like early teens but when a why stuff kicked in I was 17 okay well getting a pimp in charge is a little bit different than like robbery or you know what I am now yeah I never had one of them okay okay pimps don't go to jail for pimping they go for Miss pepper what happened when your mom found out that her brother was was helping her son to become a pill it was the thing you know it was the thing you know in the 70s it was the thing to the pimp was the thing he was the man you know you know I come on man you know some pablo macarthur and broadway you still look like a fashion show right exactly today but the host roles that he'll home he had talked to me right so I meant I grew up right there man North Oakland mmm between marketing and Martin growth uh-huh right I think it's Martin Luther King now and market no Eileen right there downstream from the otech high school and as a kid that's he the pimp was the hero right yeah yeah he had the best cars yeah man best clothes he taught the most women best career yeah there yeah you hate for him to leave the room yeah okay so now you're starting to build up yeah how big did your stable get I think a Dom magic wand said one is so close to none yeah you know I always kept at least six you know been times where I tried to get you know a little more out of hand with it but I like to stick with the five or six okay and do they all live in the same house with you nine depends on if they got along with each other and now right because fights start to break out huh okay and you had a bottom girl yeah and she kind of managed the other girls in a way or yeah what was the worst thing that happened in terms of girls not getting along spikes the fights ever given and and you know lost some money and stuff like that okay do the fights ever get bad like shooting stabbings that nuts have a thing okay you can get that under control yeah no it's done by choice not by force okay then my bum chest breaking now in a process you know when I taught it well III read da magic wands book uh-huh right and and he talked about you know a good amount of violence throughout his pimping career okay and I asked him about that you know and he he didn't deny it he said well fightin it's like a criteria you know it's like the jewelry the clothes and all that the cards are quiet ear it do happen is part of the game you know what I mean because you got to establish a certain thing you got to establish some fear in that female in order to get that respect you must establish that and she's gonna try you to see if you qualify to get that respect from her so it's gonna bring some fear and when and what I'm saying is violent you know I mean and and and it's something that don't have to take place but it do take place because you establishing something here that I am one that you listen to and believe in and nobody else and you know like I said when I had to fight it the girls it wasn't for money you know what I mean maybe you left the scroll and I told you not to you know what I mean you know when you violate certain things you have to check them if you do it you know what I mean verbally okay but in the pimp gang it don't necessarily work like that you have to really put your feet down what exactly was there any violence in terms of when you were pimping you know sometime it required you know a movement but for the most part man you know it was cooked you got some women you know that would purposely you know [ __ ] up and just to see if you would do something right and I mean but you know you look at the game nowadays and look at what it was in the seventies right I just pick up the phone and say he hit me and your ass went to jail right you know now you know you shouldn't dare put your hands on no woman but for no reason you know that's what your mind is full right yeah replace your hands that stuff like that that's that's what that's all about right there you know you see you see the pimps mm-hmm and in videos and documentaries and it looks like a glamorous life uh-huh but you know if you study it you realize it's one of the most stressful things yes you could possibly make I mean man and this is I mean you got to you got to understand something you know here it is you got multiple women okay these [ __ ] got different birthdays they both favorite food is different they like different [ __ ] on the radio some of them got kids it's just some I got kids that little far far out some got kids just across state it might be the birthday or the mother's birthday in here you are that you know that's why they say you know real people don't get no sleep because you know them [ __ ] constantly need [ __ ] you know what I mean and you got to be willing turn ok [ __ ] come on you know me right because I think what people don't realize is that you actually are in a relationship at each and every one of these way exactly exactly man exactly I mean you can't have a stable full of hoes and you know think you can have you know the square girlfriend on the side may have just like a regular job then all that money will walk away from you it's just not something that go with that you know what I mean by law this is a no-no yeah and you know it get a snatch a stripe or two above you you're pimping and right and [ __ ] like that and the women you're dealing with these are you know stable middle-class women with nice upbringing as a lot of times they have damaged backgrounds they have a lot of them got the same story which is damaged background [ __ ] like that B nosed by Brian Berg yeah yeah type of thing the wrong way and you know you you you know you nice to had a sand saying [ __ ] different shirt because let the hand you have a good hose that will a step before a college professor every day who got a phlebotomy license or hook a paralegal and we'll do some help when when nightfall come yeah man I mean for everyone who's looking at this saying that they want to be a pimp look it you know one of the most difficult relationships you've had with a woman now multiply that by six at the same time now it's different it's different than that different than that mmm explain it's more pleasant than that okay way more you get more joy out of it than that okay you can't compare that to that okay no I don't know that's a it's another kind of bad right it's the kind of bad that you square cats bad he would want to trade you it's bad right for the kids bad right you see my sanity by a longshot - yeah so so from the point that you start pimping at 17 - to the time that you eventually quit did you ever have a regular girlfriend a regular no never no weren't interested it's the last thing you want yeah you know she would have no idea of how season do you are up here but she would fill it you know but wouldn't be able to put her finger on it even if you tell her mm-hmm so whenever you talk to a woman the only thing you're interested in is can she be a hoe can she make you some money you're not interested in is no question of the hand should be I could spot a hoe and I could sit right here just open a window but I could tell you that bitch's the hoe I mean you know it's about how they walk how they sit down how they stand up talk if it's things to tell you you see how I mean when you look at all the girls that you were pimping over the years how many of them did you actually turn out versus they're already hoes and they just chose you if you look at percentages you know a few a few but you know the first turnout as always most really most of to me yeah yeah the first turn huh what do you think was the most difficult part of debt you know because were you getting busted every so often no no ever never got busted was good enough okay it's a rarity cuz you know I read a lot of other mail don't get busted for pimpin pimps get busted for miss pimping okay so you never miss pimped no I happen never never it's not on my record so girls never turned on you then it awkward you two police no no because you got to be good to these women yeah I didn't had I didn't have females mamas man glad that I walked in today life man I over and over man you know what I mean you know the boyfriend and the baby daddy and them they couldn't do not hmm you bring stability I half man right how older girls leave and just leave the life altogether I mean name it a game is basically cop and blow but you know I mean I mean you're gonna have [ __ ] five minutes man you know that's why you got a you know constantly be on the move about yours and you know keeping these women around because they can't blow up and you know make [ __ ] difficult you know you might have a jealous [ __ ] that you know [ __ ] will run [ __ ] off and yeah you know all kind of different reasons well [ __ ] end up homeless man well you know like I said before you're really having a relationship but with these women so you are sleeping with these women off I mean you know that your daddy fine right you know what I mean the pimp ain't no porn star you know what I mean but yes it's more money than sex going on exactly because they do that all day so if they could come home and doing that too or [ __ ] you know I mean you know you like God to them you know I could touch God whenever I want to I can get God to do this I can get God to do this dang you ain't you ain't got no more in a [ __ ] thick like that you know I would think like that well I guess one of your your kids mother Mother's was one of your hoes at one point more than one up more than one okay so a few of them got pregnant along the way by you but not for uh uh-huh okay when they got pregnant what was your initial reaction when you got your first one pregnant what did you already have children but by that point or no I probably did okay um probably did okay so when you got your first you know oh I guess pregnant how did you feel good great okay yeah and you end up getting so four of your children okay came from this how was that family structure like at that point it was great same thing that's great okay cuz understanding is everything aha so you never get anything from your kids they know what's something you know grown now mm-hmm you know daddy was a pyramid and mommy was a hell and life going on okay so you continue in this life mm-hmm and I guess 12 years ago you left it all behind I did is that that accurate does that's accurate that's accurate what led up to this what led up to it yeah well let up to you saying okay I'm gonna leave this whole life behind that what I think land up to it was after I completed smell my finger record I was no active ryofu and i might have been some of these ended up in some of these situations that you may read about where mother [ __ ] and got stretched out in the feds and all this oh [ __ ] because I was I was pissed okay I'll never want to be that mad recording a record ever again in my life what made you that angry during that time you're like a [ __ ] ran off with my kids man AHA you know how many kids multiple really yeah who those her children as well yeah okay yeah so okay so so one of one of your hoes had had a couple of kids and she took the kids and left I'll she would do this periodically uh-huh yeah which has a father just tore you up yeah Cadillacs auto up you know just also she was destructive in the process oh yeah yeah disrespectful with it and everything okay so the Lord told me to sit my eyes down and he was gonna take something from me and it happened in such a way it scared to [ __ ] out me up until Thursday I feel like 12 years is long enough to this is my Creator you know what I mean and he knows you know what I'm capable of and stop me and made me think about some [ __ ] and the [ __ ] that I've experienced little things little things in that 12 years I've got my little [ __ ] man that's that if I was running in the street I wouldn't have time to think no where near these little things so I understood just like his way of saying okay then get you some more understanding about to just hit you dog okay no forget this this dissonance 12 years that that net was important [ __ ] okay family Jay think about who loves you look what you can what else you could do mmm-hmm blah blah blah and I have a whole new but it's still in my blood you know what I mean I'm nothing to sit here and watch Vivid Entertainment make multi billion dollars a year and watch the all these porn sites be the most downloaded then [ __ ] NFL NBA all this [ __ ] put together mm-hm I'm not feeling ignored that [ __ ] do you think porn and pimping that's kind of the same thing man it goes hand-in-hand with each other okay it goes hand in hand with each other and and you know it is it is it it is what it is it is what it's always been you know this is what a mayor and the sheriff and everybody wouldn't had a drink at the end down a day right with a happy end mmm come on man look at our hit become look at America man right I don't got to have on a cowboy hat no no Wranglers and no boots man and a straw hanging up my mouth to let you know my home's been holding long before oh yeah oh listen one of the world's oldest professions yeah well it was farming and [ __ ] for sale right right yes right no I didn't invent it no you won't be the last one I do it it won't end with you it won't air with me all right I almost looked at the camera and said America come over come over there well you were kind of in a special position because at the time you decided to quit you were your rap career was in full swing right and it's always been there yeah it's always been there you know you know again you know it just goes to show you how how powerful you feel when you know you got that power I mean man you know ahold know everything that's going on on the street before you even hear it on the scanner a lot of it she's dating everybody from her from the dentist to the bag boy at the grocery store in this okay she probably stopped the bag boy from killing somebody you know what I mean no girls like him and he get to you know pay for this fine woman for our who's telling him that he's better than that and and all right never little do for like Superman that's okay that's okay yeah I've never seen the problem with prostitution and it's legal in certain parts of the country anyways right I've never seen why why you would criminalize look at this yeah I mean come on man come on you know look at the president look at this [ __ ] man I mean [ __ ] make the world go round you know I mean just just pick a you know Bill Cosby locked up Harvey Weinstein still walking the street I mean the meat - Snickers - man look let me let me just say something to you man if they just make [ __ ] perfectly legal to sell and let's be okay with everybody you can have your pick your size yeah I mean you can get [ __ ] you go into great detail oh [ __ ] man out to work today I'm gonna get this get this 12-pack going down here man and you know try and some Asian [ __ ] out you know what I'm saying just right just right here and and you because a [ __ ] gonna do it anyway right well look at Robert Kraft man then look at this man look at the owner of the pavement man man look man do you know how much money man the whole man man I'm talking about after - you can't man him tell you something man ain't no real hope man go don't like no trick that square sucker [ __ ] so eventually the Pistons [ __ ] off and you was square - oh she gonna start cracking jokes about your dick she's gonna start doing whoo and then they be on a big level whoo [ __ ] man you you you it's a thing you know what I mean it's a thing who's just a bill product could a doll in women Bill Cosby yeah okay Harvey could have had all them women mm-hmm but you've gone about just some old disrespectful ass way you can't keep doing this and thinking everything mother who are you first who are you first in here before your your the pimp before you start to run women and who are you you know I'm saying and and you know you know good husband go a long way with you man if you good so on period period well I mean even the laws are kind of interesting because men give women money all the time [ __ ] they never been free for a man period I mean you could look at it like that yeah you can't look at it like that man but you know if you out on the street man and and before imma [ __ ] give you a hot plate I [ __ ] will offer you some [ __ ] man Glen you think I'm bushed no I got you oh okay all right all right cuz yeah these cameras is it's just like that well what I was gonna say is that you had your rap career in full swing so you can step away for the pimp in and still horse yourself still pay my bill so pay all your bills where most pimps don't don't have that luxury okay isn't that true unless they had a big stash at the time they were retiring right yeah I mean you got some smart guys that have other things too you know lean back on you know some of those some of those guys who refuse to be touched by the law so they don't do and say stupid [ __ ] and you know they move well and all these different things yeah man well you said uh all your old friends ended up doing a lot of time for Pittman and a lot of my good friends sure not to be some monsters what do you mean by that I mean you know you think you know some of these guys you know what I mean and you find out that you know this is why always stated myself and I've always been like that I'm always out of the area you know where I lay my head at cuz I never like to mix what people you know it's easy to get that label you are who you hang around so I rather spend my time around quicken Ted you know people with super brains you know now then you know somebody I really can't judge you know what I mean 12 years ago you stopped doing this mmm-hmm have they changed the laws in terms of human trafficking and stuff like that since then they just switched it to human trafficking not seeing it coming okay mile away so you know what I'm talking about from a mile away what so what what change explain to me when they said when they start calling it human trafficking what changed overall I mean the name is scary it is [ __ ] spear it's [ __ ] scary from pimping and pandering I mean me with trafficking a [ __ ] get a lowering ticket and go about her way but you know the game got so disrespectful you know what I mean you know we wasn't brought up to pimp on no minors you know what I'm saying we wasn't brought up to you know do certain things that that uh that has evolved in the generations we wasn't taught those things you know you know a lot of it's disrespectful and but yeah I've seen it taking a turn and show enough man yeah here they come luckily your Africa and you get out the way the word human wow you know human yeah human trafficking and luckily you got out the way before all that happened damn right damn right I could talk about it like iceberg slang right right I can I can go in detail about it and have fun with it play with it like Donald Goines mm-hmm legends in the game you know what I mean who words I mean I couldn't remember man you know being away and man it wasn't nothing like a girl Donald Goines book man to make me feel all right in that that square stinking ass one well let Russ on the screen you had a Donald Collins book or iceberg slip book man you looked at those little words mess so good mm-hmm it was a rip in the page maybe you cared about that rip Yeah right you know I read his books what I read I read I know slam I read a bunch of dog going there's a dope fiend and horse son and a horse on yeah and I was one of my family oh you like that one horse on hell yeah hell of a book man a lot of it [ __ ] is real he talked about real people that exist we got some selfie today yeah I heard that he would basically I mean he was he was a dope fiend himself right yeah he would basically get his book advance and get high then go right into the book and then repeat and you know that's the sad part man you know when you have to replace the drug I mean the whole drug you know not just you know take care of your business you know when you when you got this kind of time and and be who you're supposed to be when you're supposed to be this person does everybody do something you know how do you look at a bottle of alcohol and get drunk to you staggering hitting walls what do you look at that bottom like that see you it's how you do things you know and you know with musicians but you know a lot of our legend players and you know people we admire man you know there was the you know that bad as gangster we ever knew but something like a rock took him down a needle in a vein there's the only thing that can get him you know what I'm Amos that's a trip to me ya know I just interviewed uh mark curry I'm kind of earlier talking Oh Oakland yeah right that's right look man how you doing man he actually told me a story off-camera about how he was about to get jumped by a bunch of dudes and I guess had a Raiders game right and you stepped in and basically saved him man is that right yeah did you ever the story all right I mean you know that sounded like me man because you know I don't like I'm always the piece like in my camp you know Ted and you know chugging them dad tell you a lot of [ __ ] there keep away from me because then they know how I get you know and man should nobody be mad at nobody man look cuz look what we could be at you know we could be a long way from this good [ __ ] that we're doing if something [ __ ] up happen in the club or something like that and I'm glad they do that mm-hmm you know what I mean and don't tell me a lot of little petty punk [ __ ] that be happening man you know because I much rather not you know rather skip over that [ __ ] yeah yeah man is that right man yeah yeah yeah I swear to God like he didn't talk about on camera cuz I just yeah I didn't mention it but he told her the whole class I know sugar free coming later today cuz Oh sugar free let me toss the Raiders game yeah what you do is about to really beat my ass and sugar free oh wow start getting in their faces yeah like yeah it was probably one of them things man yeah yeah woah yeah man my oak time in Oakland actually an Oakland Raiders right my hometown tonight man yeah right off ok yeah yeah that's a fart Kurt yeah in a real way was that big so at what point did the rapping start the rapping was always there so I was like 9 ok yeah Sugar Hill Gang Rapper's Delight was a time man oh we had was like Mix Master Spade at ITT kid frost Mix Master Kan ice-t the beginning beginning right for LA you know yeah so I guess he's our battle rapping while you were locked up yeah it kind of but but I didn't how it turned out though ok you have a manager who say [ __ ] about this the other day he said man said Freedman if you were still a battle rapper I know you're warm some [ __ ] out like may not you know I give him one [ __ ] run for their money now you know battle rap like that I choose to talk about the game in it and you know help teach somebody something you know pull somebody out of something bad you know that young guy out there who may think he you know I know what it's like man you know it's just my own medicine that I used so you start with valor rapping yeah and then at what point they how old were you when you first start recording man like 15 aha so early yeah yeah real early are you ok j-jimmy a hot track studio okay you know we didn't realize you to take our little money you know we it was the two inch to enchant penguin drill right doings right on mission right and Jimmy he was you know when I'm oh oh you know rock star Morris Day you know Prince type cats you know what I'm saying and his wife for bringing food and he was just be listening to the beat while he eaten and she looked at like yeah man I like that I like that they see you know an hour go by then that's two and and you're looking at you like wait a minute and then you get this bill you like oh man right this is true but Jimmy's do I think he's still around today but he taught us something and I got home real fast okay real fast did were you sugar free back then no Royal Rock that was my rap name okay 100 free for three I was in Wasco state prison man when that hit me I was on my way to do some time and Wasco was the reception was locked down 23 hours a day and uh you know it was yard Rico and we had to go back everybody had to go back to the unit and right before I walked in my unit it just hit me I was thinking all the Titus rap names you know that fit you [ __ ] that was dope like ice-t right this [ __ ] cool right Ice Cube just make a call right I'm thinking up you know I'm putting these Redman Method Man I mean these [ __ ] grown-ass man that serious dinner [ __ ] with chop and it hit me before I walked in the unit sugar free I wonder I had a pencil this big leg right and I wrote it on everything shoulda free sugar free I wrote everything I was just so happy I mean I'm in prison but I'm happy as [ __ ] right 23 hour a day lockdown I'm happier than a [ __ ] right so I'm writing home I told it's my new rap name might see a free said I'm telling everybody right I got out I said Tom I'm like Tom a chance my name he was like man what is it the cancer sugar-free said no he said no would you do it he said well rock man what you doing I said me just trust me I let I let him clown you know you trust me right he like yeah I trust you I'm like watch out his ride out man it fit me like a [ __ ] Tom he's like all right man I'm on the right to salvage and and show enough he would ask ten more women will come to my shows and anything and he would sit there and come to every show like ten and ten twenty he wouldn't tell me this [ __ ] right he would but I tell him and I'll think about that you know and which was how can you talk the way you do and these women because I'm not talking about them right to them you know freak that tell them that talk that that's a it because there's somebody at they job every day that they just mmm right you want to say some [ __ ] are you going to just dump my seating in and you know thanks for you know thanks to you you know me having a bad experience with a child of mine being taken away from me I get to help people right and I like that man and it really works out man they do when I first heard the name sugar free the first thing I thought was okay he's saying that nothing sweet about it alright that's what I thought that's what you're supposed to think okay was that the meaning behind the desk remaining behind okay so I got it custom made him behind okay I don't [ __ ] hell of a name just stop hell of a name hell of a name hell of a name I mean it - yeah yeah so you go from recording in the studios uh-huh at 15 just putting up your own money right 50 bucks an hour or something like I'm sure that's what it was around the reel was at that time was around 16 yeah sixteen dollars for the tape yet you bought the tape mm-hmm all that tape and uh and then the time we have to pay for the engineer right and then and then that but you know who's some junk as you tell he tried to show us a little love mm-hmm right but but got us where he could yeah right and it meant us you know step our game up so you continue to record yeah and then you eventually met DJ Quik right how old are you when you met quick okay 2020 our 24th okay see you by that time you'd been doing it for almost 10 years yeah I've been doing this man okay were you releasing projects on your own or no just do it just to be doing it aha so you're paying for the studio time but you're not putting it out I mean just just some of my homies and yeah okay that was my audience man you know my homies and you know my family my little cousins you know I always had one phone you know to me you know at night you know they go to bed and I just bust a rap before they go to bed tell them a little story and then start laughing talk about you know smoking weed in hoes and [ __ ] like that and you know so they yeah there was my little fans man so you were it was like a pure just to art expression for you yeah wasn't it I have to do it now aha I had to do it okay someone's had to do but then you meet DJ Quik right you know I mean Street gospel came out 97 I'm at black tone first okay black tongue then I met DJ Quik that recommended black hold well black town is a DJ Quik homie okay yeah yeah very very uh okay we tell him here and then he introduces you to quick yeah he introduced me to everybody hi-c second or nine aha clicks whole crew yeah got it dude quick see the vision right off the bat yeah he sought mmm-hmm I mean you know fazham came out in 97 I mean your album came out in 97 I assume you're working on it like in 96 or so yeah yeah and by that time quick had already had a big body of work ya mean his first album was yeah you know what was the name of that first down the quick put out tonight yeah yeah yeah yeah big hits on the radio yeah he was gonna leave it and I can't believe they heard me on a cassette man I'm gonna tape right and he had already worked with with Tupac he was pretty much the main well I should on a second yeah man yeah yeah yeah right yeah what not there let me rewind for a second I guess you were in the sessions for the chronic yeah was AHA the chronic was 193 1992 okay so that was before quick yeah haha was I had been waiting on him for years aha I've just been in line waiting on him okay so I was there what blacktone every day aha okay and well with some of the things but you're you're sitting in on the making of the chronic which no offense your projects but the chronic is considered one of the greatest hip-hop masterpieces you're damn right you know I'm saying damn right and it was carpet like this it's hot was hard like this I would sit on it every single day and not say a word and my ass would hurt if I got a chance to where it was a little pillow around I came up that was a you know I'm saying man I can i came up you you know it was it was cool I'm like oh [ __ ] and it got to the point where eventually when a seat became open John pain was somebody in in there was the engineer at the time but actually man you want to see like yeah and I was sitting there I'll speak when I was spoken to I mean it was pretty much the model artist there's number one I'm just I'm in there with Tony Lane well black tunnel I know how to act I know what to say I know what not to say I know what to do and what not to do you know the wheels won't do's and don'ts are normal and scan it right through that thing man watch them do it do that man all right I mean you're there with dr. Dre Snoop Dogg dlc dlc - Nate Dogg Kurupt Rage RBX I mean I mean it was a lesson all the legends but you weren't contributing no at all no you're just basically happy to be there happy to be there yeah at one point Dre did actually to go on the mic booth and I forget what song it is bubble to say who's the man with the master plan and [ __ ] what a [ __ ] God yeah he wanted me to say a [ __ ] what a [ __ ] God now I don't know he was just testing the mic go what he was doing but Matt was so happy when he asked me to go to rumba do this [ __ ] it was a big-ass door man when you pulled that [ __ ] it was like a suction strike myself one in there close the back big ass mic only but the weight at the end mm-hmm I was so happy to do that I think wasn't it Drake who ultimately said that line and the song and the one that came out I guess so yeah I think so a [ __ ] god yeah but for some reason he asked me if I would say that yeah I don't care if its own there or not he asked me to do it and he ain't a man I would I would have loved to be in your Russia I went home when it went up what uh man what a Polaroid picture that day yeah yeah I wouldn't show my sister I was likely let Jude like so but then you know she's my worst critic you talked about that that's another bladder interview right there okay see you sat in on the making in the chronic uh-huh so you're on sugar and all them as well yeah so that then you me that then you and you and DJ Quik start to link up right and I guess why you bullshitin was originally meant for Tupac the music yes aha yes okay it was meant for pot and I'm it ended up being for me and what a hell of a story that that I mean that's somehow the music just period you know yeah dudas dudes man scientist man did you continue to hang around death row after the chronic you know as they no no no cuz we had we had went on and started laneway records ah yeah well that's the old I tell startup yeah I could label together yeah uh-huh yeah yeah got it yeah okay and then that's how he links you that's right we took all a good knowledge that we learned from God's grace loop and everybody and we applied it and we want with it so then you and DJ Quik work on ghetto Goff Street sorry Street guys let me start over to ghetto gospel I like that done you know the gospel I like that you get a gospel yeah I like that that's an actual song right yeah who do you get a ghetto gospel that let's move no man look I don't know where it was I was in the Bay Area somewhere are you tell me this and it can me L writing you a big fine a chewy okay yeah okay now I remember going there right now like a lot of other radio stations you you might you get up there get off the elevator and walk down the hallway you might see a country station you know a season people at the country radio station mm-hmm a couple of doors down might be a jazz station right couple of doors down it's a church station okay now look man people thoughts three gospel man was a church record mm-hmm I mean I had the blinds closed on me one day man up in that building man huh now I don't and you know I think it was violent I'd sure want to chewy one of them said ain't man they thought your record was was a church right oh yeah right so yeah man that was that was a trip that was a real trip well el debarge's on your record on my way man I don't think people realize how big El DeBarge was in the 80s man El DeBarge big now whatever he had whatever else and I'm saying that is Heights that's show my god special dude hey man James man yeah man I'm talking about it's just like meeting - you're your homies that from your neighborhood I'm [ __ ] man I mean they're fighting all that day they ain't how they look nothing like just some pretty [ __ ] on there - yeah you know what I'm saying and you know that hit home with me and uh when I first met me they just welcomed me in this family I was family and man that's it right now today that's like unbelievable you know what I mean you know these are things these are reasons why you remind yourself when you're in a position like this to be cool a you know stay level-headed and appreciate every day that goes by that you're in this because of the friends that you acquire man from this [ __ ] you know what I mean and those two dudes I mean I could steal they could still come to me today I could still go to them today for anything you know Aaron James the bars man you know what a cold story yeah yeah that was a hell of a project I guess and well and you were still pimping back yeah yeah it was a trip to them you know well because you know the hip-hop has this real obsession with pimping brought it right everyone calls themself right pimps too short too short you know it was always called so I'm a favorite rapper in the world yeah that's my friend man yeah me and me and sure go way back we've got good sense man yeah and you know and I've talked too short and I've asked them straight out yeah have you pimped you know he'll walk that's me one night at a party and handed me I was seventeen eighteen hundred dollars and said you the reason why I'm hoeing and walked away she never told me her name division never even looked back over and shoulder Wow just like BAM and I counted I'm like okay drinks on me does that make me a pimp I don't know that makes me pimp inch for sure it walks like a duck that's okay and that's perfect and that's okay and that's okay right but not you you were actually hands-on man just I mean I'm trying to think are there any other rappers that were actually pimps and you got to ask him yeah I got to ask him I guess right yeah you know I mean you got TI pimp squad click okay I've never heard of to you know T I actually pivot not to say yes and I'm just saying I've never asked oh oh yeah got a lot of game about herself yeah you know you know I'm not putting him in that category nothing like 8-ball I run that 8ball & MJG talked about pimping very pimp not not sure I'm not sure pimp see I heard those kind of it I heard too but yeah I've never really seen nobody really get down like me yeah I'm just saying me but you were the act you know what I consider the the most authentic actual pimp in all hip-hop history so you were really doing it full-time you know I felt like I had to do both yeah I mean with the success of street gospel you didn't think hey let me just put the pimp in the side and just focus 100% on this music no no no why is that what's our big I could kid mmm right and and I got to know you know a lot of nice women man a lot of them are still cool with me today and yeah yeah it's not a bad you know I guess when you've done it like that and then you put it down and you you go day to day and you still something you live by it's still a satisfaction there you look at 2019 mm-hmm and rapping off beat there's something that you see quite a bit right with blue face right probably being the most prominent okay these days mm-hmm but no one is rapping off beat when you were doing it we're they I'm not familiar you know you know I you know I don't you know like jumping in and out of because when I say offbeat I don't come off I mean I mean jumping in and out of the pocket the way you do yeah and and it's not offbeat yeah that's why I declare depends on how much rhythm you have as a listener okay my numbers are crazy and it's funny and fun to watch my listener juggle that which makes them realize okay what and how am i listening to this mmm how am i listening to this man you know I mean your ones and your twos matter this ain't none but numbers man I like to I like to call it the metric system I play with it you know I'm so deep into it you know I call it the metric system you know because I'm my chop is just so accurate in on the numbers that it's mind-boggling and I want it to be yeah what do you listen to blue face what do you think I've never heard her you know her blue faces no like da Tiana nothing yeah hurt that song yeah that's blue face yeah I liked it yeah I like that that's it yeah it's a hit right yeah I've never interviewed who face but I think yeah II would say that that you know I would say the blue faces influenced by sugar-free okay what I but I'm so focused on my own [ __ ] that I haven't really checked yeah fair enough I mean again I mean you know too short was mentor of mine you know so snoop Method Man and rad man Eminem you know what I mean you know them flame throwers chop chop dudes I'm so I get it I get that you know and last time we did an interview I think Kendricks to pimp a butterfly yeah was out right and I really felt like stylistically he really you know came coat King Kunta and you know the way everybody listen to it yeah everybody kept telling me I'm on a long time without listening to it okay will you file a listen to it I was like dude uh-huh I don't really hear me up and I mean I did you could you could tell I mean you could you could I mean you could tell you could tell us something it is it is like some pockets that yeah and are very familiar but in the beats election I think the way yeah you see what I'm saying yeah like that hard [ __ ] yeah both of them weren't together and yeah kinda yes it just it because when you listen to these other albums they don't sound like that out right that albums very different I'm not going to say that I hear sugar free and a more yeah there you know or a good kid bad city or second ad but yeah when I hear to pimp a butterfly I hear I hear sugar freak okay that's a compliment to both of you man yes yes yes demand I mean kid roots only rapper to win a Pulitzer yeah man a dude like something to say about Kendrick minka he was brought up right mmm-hmm carry yourself right they speak what speaks what he feels man yeah he's very necessary mm-hmm I agree yeah I can't picture this rap game without went out here yeah yeah I mean right now I feel you know this is something I brought at my interviews is that right now I feel Kendrick Lamar as a king of rap right now right now right if he dropped on the same day as Drake jay-z whoever right think here take the shot I think that most people would want to listen right and yeah first yeah a lot of good strong positivity coming out of this young man yeah that needs to be heard you know through these airwaves and he's very much needed and necessary you know like I said and you know all the other cats too that you named in that same line mm-hm they have they have a certain job to do yeah you know all along that deadline right they're so damn right yeah he dropped three gospel 97 and then the New Testament drops in 2004 wai-wai-wait 7 years between these projects you can't you can't really call it you know it's just something that happened okay yeah was just something that happened and yeah it was a big gap were you and quick still on good terms during this whole time we're not really you know when you when you when you de Maistre when you're the mad scientist when you're DJ Quik you uh I mean he still learning about himself he's the mad scientist he he you know I mean you're still lucky you still feel lucky to be in the race hmm I'm still in the race you know I still had a number and I'm still running mm-hmm so I'm good you not I mean so the the seven-year gap was a learning experience okay so then you came out of your second album yeah whoo Testament and did quick do well he quit produced on it but he wasn't the only producer on what on the New Testament yeah quick had some influence but he wasn't the only producer okay whereas on the first wait the New Testament the New Testament yeah yeah yeah quick did did some production okay but not because on the first album you did the whole thing pretty much right right but on second album you worked with someone producers right when you compare the new testament to your first album well I well when I mean will you or believe okay there's no comparison there's no comparison then why is that it's a different feeling there's a different time experience from then to then the highs and lows of the business me recognizing that this is a business all that you know you know coming in and then going to your second project the realization of this is a job this is a real business yeah yeah right and and ii i'm actually charted I mean the first one's considered a classic but I guess the second one did numbers-wise it did better I can't imagine so I really the main I've been waiting to get here where I am today mm-hm you know when you're when I was a kid and I tell myself man I'm gonna be so tight when I grow up I'm at that point right now I'm that tight I'm that guy that wrapped like I wanted to wrap like when I was a kid I wrapped like that right now the cold bad [ __ ] so this record the resurrection is all of that all it at all the you know long periods of time without putting a record out and you know the pain of that and the joys of it right because your last album high-power pimpin was ten years ago right 2009 my so this is the and even longer right period of time right and it was planned like that mm-hmm watch when you hear this [ __ ] so quick this on the production on this yes yes yep she's gonna blow your mind man I can't wait uh-huh see it's it's all a plan it's all a plan you watch when you hear this we've got a single out right now call hole in my heart I'm very pleased with it you know and it's doing good things right now I got a fresh video out for it yeah man spitting peas at these fleas now yeah mm-hmm we're gonna see who we gonna see we got some swing swing back out well you Nipsey Hussle have a song together called turnt up mmm were you and nipsey close at all or may inept its COO I didn't talk to nip every day but when we did see each other we smiled did our love talking it updated each other and would party mm-hm and you know was nice watching him grow yeah yeah I interviewed him a few years back okay and you know we ran into each other from time to time yeah good deal good spirit yeah how much spirit marry very much you know when you look at the business moves that the Dipsy ended up doing yeah later on yeah he was talking about all that in our interview like right when it was young four or four years ago that's right when he was young when you didn't expect this [ __ ] to fly out his mouth here we come with a whole bunch of positivity buying the owning you know ya had a head on the shoulders laughter so how did you feel when you heard the news about nipsey just sad yeah Sam you know just said you know I open er yeah a shot yeah and to see how the city you know came together came together for his funeral you sold out the Staples Center the first person running that since Michael Jackson yeah in LA right now and you know I think nipsey is so celebrated not really because it was rapping it's because of what he did outside of rap right you know he was a dope rapper but he was really more of an underground rapper right he was not on the radio because people people like to compare him to Tupac these days and it's like huh did you know Tupac no I didn't know pop personally okay no but you know POC you know was an incredible artist but I never considered him a business man okay you know I'm saying maybe later on in life cuz he's only 25 when he passed and huh but you know not everyone wants to run a business and I'll deal with all the headaches are okay I think Paco's focus on his music well if she was focused on his musical he was also very much focused on his business right which brought people together how he helped people yes and taught people and how smart he was yeah about business you know what I mean I think in in our community that's amazing that's what we want you know what I mean and to see your brother right next to you doing that it automatically makes you feel like the hey Matthew do this I can do this too okay just do work you know it just requires more of me or more my time to make this actually happen and stand up yeah I realized how big that is yeah you know and it also highlights what happens sometimes when you try to help your community and you spend time in your community how how the hatred from your own community is worse there were some of the worst things you know you could experience yeah but you know I hope I'm prank man that better get right you know yeah cuz you know we can't go nowhere but up from here yeah man I mean in a shout-out to big you who did run on the gang peace march I think running was called when I see rollin 60s and eight-trey gangsters right now together for the first time 40 years okay and and everything yeah it's a [ __ ] tragedy you know people comparing them to Jesus Christ now you know that's deep it is it is and I think he he did some of the same things that Jesus did I think that's why they're making the comparison oh yeah yeah you know when you look at the situation's were like Michael Jackson and r.kelly okay I've always felt like you know people like to paint these these two men as monsters now okay but I think that not enough time is spent what essentially I feel is the parents pimping their kids okay do you feel that that you know for example you know we don't know what happened in the Michael Jackson situation behind closed doors okay we just don't is behind closed doors he's no longer alive he denied it while I was alive but you see these parents that would leave their 10 year old son with his grown man for a week at his house well you know by itself yeah we're two people and no two people been raised the same man you know what I mean you know you know I mean certainly certain things you know - a black mama and a black daddy father it's automatic no no is the automatic certain [ __ ] just throw red flags up just period you know I mean you know how I was brought up that's some [ __ ] you just don't be doing you know I'm gonna type I have a hard time with my kids but in that day little friends I was man you know what I mean yeah for real I would much rather have just meet this just me I would much rather you know I didn't look at my mother as a babysitter you know you know you guys go to Grandma's you know while I you know now my mom lived her life she raised us already you know I never felt like that do you know what I mean you know they it's not her responsibility touch it so yeah man totally not what with young kids I don't care who you are right cuz you know some of these parents got houses from Michael Jackson yeah you know you know you look at the art gallery situation well you know yeah well seemed I came here to defend herself you're gonna me he was the greatest Entertainer of all time and he left yeah and he gone he took that title with him ain't no taking it very ain't no taking it back yeah like I was saying to me did that okay did that or Kelly he's still here yeah what do you think about the art Kelly situation I mean again you know man you you you don't these same two kind of accusations man you want as an entertainer man keep coming around and and and [ __ ] with you man you know [ __ ] like this so you know cats just got to watch it man and so I'd like to say about that you know and let's see how this man end up defending himself in a court of law you know what I mean because I don't I couldn't I didn't tell you you know I'm saying I mean these bras man is date date date crafty you know oh yeah oh yeah I've interviewed some of them well I didn't even want to know [ __ ] yeah Lisa fan out she was in the documentary right and see I didn't watch none of the documentaries why did that man because I don't man I don't I don't want you know I mean here here it is another one our great brothers being taken down you know what I mean our Kelly we're gonna see how to court you like you know deal with this matter man I think it's a big I mean if it's true I mean what a big waste you know while you might throw your career or what I think and then it could be another one in them cases were you know all them women lie you know well I mean I can tell you that I was living in Oakland at the time that the our Kelly tape started it you know circulate yeah and you know I remember watching it a lot with everyone else that was watching it yeah you know just to see is it is it really are Kelly okay and that was our Kelly and that girls I'm not the latest one that popped up no no the one back in you know $2,000 thousand one thousand kool-aid oh my you know tapes did the tape the one he went to trial for right okay it was all over the streets no Berkley you know see I've never seen that I saw it and let me tell you that that girl right there was was not what a in adult okay yeah man and he's tape on that [ __ ] I mean I think once you saw that you really don't don't have any sort of belief in are Kelly's innocence after that all he just happened not to get caught because the girl said it wasn't her own oh [ __ ] and then the parents said it wasn't hurt okay and and the father played bass on our Kelly's album before and after you see what I'm saying yeah man of stuff can get picked man he get he gets very thick yeah especially when money is involved that's rotting away in the bushes you insured have a relationship yes it's really cool yeah well since the last time that we talked to me I've never had a problem with mr. Knight mmm-hmm well since the last time we talked he I mean the whole situation happened at amps parking lot did you know um well yeah yeah yeah Terry not right offhand yeah no okay but you saw that video I've seen that right and then ultimately shook took a plea deal from 28 years okay how do you feel about the whole situation I think that was that was horrible I think that it shouldn't happen I hate it to see that again oh these great people when we get this power we need to keep keep this power and in build you know um I don't know what but there what but that was about I none of that I just hate to see [ __ ] not go well when they you know when they when they're supposed to yeah man I personally thought he's gonna get off when I saw that video I'm like yeah this this kind of looks like self-defense if you ask me yeah but apparently you know I remember I interviewed a Greg hating he was a the detective that you know was on the Tupac and Biggie cases and he said that sugars real problems became during the process before trial when he's on the phones and he's using his attorneys to coerce and try to obstruct justice and that was all going to come out in trial and shook knew that right yes so I guess he had two of his lawyers got caught up and his lawyers and his wife yeah got caught in what the Lord is got caught up in witness tampering I guess right didn't want to lose their license or something that says did the wife you know the wife well I guess she sold the tape to TMZ and then violated her probation on that Oh so all those situations all that [ __ ] that it's all gonna be come up in trial you know and those are new charges its compounding an already bad situation with those charges against him or against other people all just oh so she feels included in all that absolutely you probably do half that time you know in the state meet me standing on the outside look you know looking in you know turning my TV channel I'm watching this this stuff go down you know number one first of all first thing that go through your mind is hip-hop just like look at look at look at hip-hop what we don't what is it to us you know only time don't tell what hip-hop is them where we want it to end up and how we want it to end up it's hip-hop a still brand-new yeah I mean it's the newest genre of music and it's has taken over the whole world back cuz damn right I mean listen meet me myself I was born in what used to be Russia you know a Soviet Union right now yeah and you know I moved here I was four years old then you know about a year ago I interviewed the biggest Russian rapper standing rocks in Iran and he was telling me how hip-hop is the main genre in Russia right now hip-hop is the main music in Russia we have overtaken rock a long time ago and now we were taking pop you know so and that's mostly done not through TV or radio it's all through YouTube and social media so it's almost like a revolution of of music going on everyone listens to a book you know and it's gonna grow further it's a huge market yeah I couldn't believe that [ __ ] yeah you know this [ __ ] is still been there rapping in rush this [ __ ] still got the plastic on it there battle rapping yes and and and he said that what's what makes it different over there is that all the biggest rappers over there uh-huh the only thing their versions of Drake and Ron you know and then Kendrick they are battle rap so imagine I mean you have examples in the West you know Cassidy bottled cannabis bottles you know a few small artists like mad child from Canada and you know if you artist did a job button right a few people did but no one that's really sort of first second echelon right so imagine you would have a battle where Drake will be battling Kendrick how many views would that get that would definitely get more views than I mean not definitely but probably move used in their most recent videos because you already have all the people following them and everyone on the outside plus you have the element of you know conflict and competition we just ads for you know further interest on top I'm by no means comparing yourself to any of these you know great artists I'm I'm saying that is that within the context of Russian rap you know I am probably by now I don't one of the top three artists in terms of you know concert crowds and views etc etc so that's why when I go into a battle we get those crazy views and I mean the biggest one I have I think is 40 million views you know and that's actually move use them my biggest video yeah see you know I mean a man I mean they they going straight for me yeah - don't yeah that's dope that's dope that's dope [ __ ] oh I don't know is I know we want some grimy well [ __ ] it over there getting it up yeah yeah I mean China yes becoming you know oh yeah I had to read one of the big laughs and China hip hop they have hip hop dance China Japan man I mean like these other soils is I'm watching it before my eyes man and it's this [ __ ] to see a little Japanese can't pop locking and it's on the same level as as some [ __ ] like pop and John yeah some [ __ ] which is one of my favorite pop blockers cool boy is one of my favorite pop blockers take a lot you know what I mean but you know watching these cats from other soils man like these Korean kids to break dancing to a whole different level I know another Laos and Belgium once at like one of the big break dancing competitions in Afrika Bambaataa what was hosting it and these kids I was a former breakdancer myself and what these kids were doing was far beyond anything else man like like man I go way back just on a Bay Area tip man to DJ's right I met Qbert yep Qbert right all right mm-hmm bad mother fat right you know I've been up on Qbert see all up in the hole I'm with the hole everything you know the whole bear this is why I live in the bushes that's because I study all this [ __ ] yeah I even go back and recap you know what I mean if I got to go back to Beach Street move you know what cool hurting there my god I'll go dig yeah I know too deep for you know what I mean so I'm totally you know I'm saying you know consume but the whole the whole hip hop thing man and I like where it's going man it'd be fun yeah I agree Matt I've never minded you know this night interview lil yachty and I told him like listen man I'm the only I'm the only media guy that's over 40 that's consistently supported what you did yeah probably Oh probably over who actually defends me yeah probably hmm I mean if there's people out there who you know don't necessarily talk down or bat but probably yeah maybe I mean I don't know I can't necessarily say I don't know what people are saying behind closed doors I know a lot of people don't like me no I mean publicly though like like I watch yeah the little yachty discussions on vlad TV or tomorrow or whoever else I'll sing every last one of them I've seen every single one of them i watch everything I'm seeing everything [ __ ] I mean right I never hated rotten you or anyone else okay yeah and you're in your freshman class like okay hip-hop is gonna change that's fear problems become more emo now okay that's cool that's cool this is one thing and I may I swear to you Vlad man I do not want to grow up to be old grumpy hatin ass MC right I don't man I don't man take this [ __ ] man where wherever I'm going like what it's entertainment imma like whatever they take it auto-tune no out of to see orange hair man whatever face number sees or whatever thanks tattoos whatever whatever this hip-hop is to you because it's all kinds of music wrapped up in one hip-hop is the only genre means you can do that with yeah that can be every day I mean look we're so special I let me tell you so matter of fact the number one song in the country right now yeah is old town road by little Nozick's you know that that's a country song done by a rapper see there Billy Ray Cyrus jumps on a mix and a lot of people not realizing man ain't listening to a lot of country-western right now right they get it right I'm talking about they kicks is getting a little mo bolder yeah and they they run she's getting just a little bit mo mo picker I mean we got it got a little more fry chicken to it then you know you're saying yeah it do listen to country-western now man got more watermelon to it then it had but I listen when when little nas X when that old town Old Town Road song it hit the charts in the country charts and they took the song off right because they felt it was maybe a parody of iron tree music right so Billy Ray Cyrus jumped on their song okay and it went number one other country charts once again okay he said what police are saying country yeah okay waning and he's rapping on that have you heard that song I've heard of our of her of it okay look okay alright now look you know your boy since you brought it up okay all right your boy Willie Willie Willie whatever you got a song called [ __ ] you [ __ ] okay your country do right okay Macca pulling up right now some up and so my Instagram it's rough it's spread out in the front I mean like [ __ ] you [ __ ] right I mean we got wheeler Walker jr. yeah Willie Walker chillin okay wheeler Walker juniors older songs from 2016 but it exists but this [ __ ] exists we're lorewalker junior man right I mean he said [ __ ] your friends you know because they [ __ ] up his relationship he would say [ __ ] the dog he don't even want the dog to come back home right right this is here this is I mean like they did the cowboy hat and you see through the window you see the [ __ ] leaving them in the pickup she leave it wheeler Walker junior that's my Nick you you know we can't play it in the actual video but you want to hear Old Town Road the remix yeah play for you so I just played you Old Town Road right for the first time you've never heard this is current and this is right now number one song in the country right this is where hip-hop is going I love it yeah I love it yeah I need more we need more man and that's just the way it is man man I'm a big fan of what Waylon Jennings man I go back to I love Bonnie Raitt mmm you know what I mean the nick of time I mean that just sucked me right on there I mean Dolly Parton always was was a good favorite look how many black songs that was that was made after her writing you know what I mean I mean just the the Coal Miner's Daughter you need music to make music man I mean Johnny Cash Johnny Cash man right Willie Nelson mm-hmm Amy knows his daughter okay I didn't know oh man she got a song called she got a song called [ __ ] got [ __ ] up cuz he got in the way you think I brought it back let it sit right now Amy knows a mean else about to pull it off hold on Willie's daughter Oh what Blanton I'll just put you up on something Amy Nelson don't you dare we all got [ __ ] done don't you dare do it or not it's called got [ __ ] up or uh [ __ ] got [ __ ] got in the way it's oh [ __ ] hey man uh uh hip-hop is infiltrating country music and I'm here for it yeah man you know hip-hop is everything man I'm glad you know you know you know these I mean I mean you know Garvin and everybody man I mean come on you know I mean we we I mean we you I mean getting a studio and jam and that bring us together than fine you know you make a lot of people happy and smile you know what I mean music is music man you know it's let's make good music well this is sugar-free yeah pleasure having you here and that you know we met we met back in 2004 and I could honestly say that you look younger healthier your skin looks better oh you know I mean that you did back then so whatever you're doing in your life you're doing it right right on thank you cuz you know as someone who is yeah I guess 50 years old right now 49 49 almost 50 yeah man you know we lost so many of our legends that's right in this age range and it looks like you're taking your health seriously I am you know you're taking your life seriously yes you know you're looking at long-term plans to run this and a man that's that's the most important thing that's right black in a real way man you know anyway I was about to drop yes sir man a resurrection that's gonna hold you yep all the way to here man oh man let me you know since we since we you know you know we you know we got got some babe lesser bait from Bay water flipping a building I did a song called TMZ where I'm talking about all of a rappers using all the names to tell a story so you know check that one out man that's just something that I did for my brothers man I have nothing alike oh yeah man I've gone out of my way to try to interview as many the bay rappers as I can right on just to keep the sneak he's kind of a bad shape right now yeah I know the shooting actually had a spleen removed yeah in my condition I can't be around nothing filty everything got to be sanitized when you're dealing with me right now because I'm so easy to get infection they moved my spleen meaning my immune system is not strong as it should be well I can catch a cold and die if I catch pneumonia I can die yeah I mean yeah my immune system ain't strong as it should be you know someone anything to take me out I can't catch a cold simple you feel me bad well you're actually supposed to start your sentence already but you know I guess 40,000 people signed signatures asking asking the courts to delay it and you actually have a 60-day delay right now 40,000 people that's a lot of love right there man it's a lot of love 50 lat 50,000 50,000 you know I mean it's a lot of love a lot of people rooting for me a lot of people through this [ __ ] is just unjust but then they don't even know about the part that I don't have a spleen they remove my spleen they don't they don't know about the part my moon system is not that small you know but I've been there over for me for you too short right oh yeah you know - filthy rich - right on you know - a lot a lot of the newer cats man you know sob RBE list goes on and on always loved the bay always consider my home oh yeah and a my sugar free you know keep doing your thing I keep killing them I will you know I mean you know and just can't wait to have to see what was coming up man okay that's what it is oh man people
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,070,106
Rating: 4.7743587 out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, Suga Free
Id: ljir_cEZPT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 55sec (5995 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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