Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'GIVE'

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[Music] everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here in the classroom today for today's lesson I want to take a look at phrasal verbs that use the word give so for this lesson I've selected seven different phrasal verbs let's see if we can get started so the first one here input is give away and we have two definitions for this one the first one says to offer something for free right at no cost okay that one is pretty easy to use right if a coffee shop is giving away coffee that means they're offering the coffee for free at no cost to the cut to the customer right again same thing if any kind of store is giving away stuff for free right that means there's no cost to the customer right they don't have to pay okay a second definition says to reveal or make known for example I put there a secret all right imagine I want to see a film okay a movie I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie okay but my friend he's already seen this movie okay so he starts talking about the movie and then he tells me the ending of the film okay but I didn't want to know the ending of the film so in this case my friend just gave away the ending of the film right he gave away he revealed the end of the film or he made known the end of the film to me okay or imagine I have a secret and I tell this secret to my friend and I say please don't tell anybody but then my friend he tells people so in this case he gave away my secret right he revealed my secret to other people so he gave it away ok next one there says give in and again we have two definitions the first one says to submit or hand in okay this one also is not too difficult think about school right if the teacher gives you a report or you have to do some kind of assignment like an essay okay and the teacher says please hand in the assignment by friday right so friday is the deadline that's the due date so in this case i have to give in the assignment by friday or give the assignment in by friday so anytime you have to submit something then you have to give it in right and usually by a deadline so you have to give it in by july first or something like that okay and then a second definition there is to accept or acknowledge defeat okay this one is a little more difficult to it to understand all right think about a government okay a government does has a certain policy or certain law okay and other countries they don't like this law and they want the government to change that law or to change that policy ok but this government says no way we're not going to change the law we're not going to give in to the pressure from other countries right we're not going to accept that defeat we're not going to give in okay think about one more example imagine there are two teenagers right two teenage boys okay and the one teenage boy he likes to smoke cigarettes okay but the other teenage boy he doesn't really want to do it right he doesn't want to try smoking the cigarettes but the other friend he kind of pressures him he says come on just try the cigarettes until eventually the other boy might go okay fine I'll try it so in this case he gave in to the pressure right he kind of accepted defeat right he was he was trying to be strong and saying no but he's been defeat so he's going to give in to this pressure and he's going to try smoking the cigarette okay next one says give back and i put here to return something to its owner usually okay this one's not too difficult as well if I borrow a book from the library then usually after two weeks or three weeks I will give the book back to the library or give back the book right if I borrow something from my friend right if I borrow my friends car then maybe the next day I'll give the car back to my friend so that one's not too difficult you just return something usually something that you borrowed or something that you rented you return it to its owner okay next one there says give off and i put here to emit or send forth okay just remember hear this word am it means to send something into the air right like to send a smell or light or heat into the air so if we think about a garden a garden gives off a nice aroma right or gives off a nice scent that means it sends that smell into the air and now I can smell it so I might say oh that those flowers really give off a nice aroma or think about if I walk by a bakery or a pastry shop right it usually gives off a nice smell okay also a little different think about like an electronic product right like a TV if you use a TV for many many hours maybe the TV will start to get hot right same thing with a computer if you use it for many hours and don't take a break it starts to get hot so we can say it's giving off a lot of heat right so again it's emitting the heat it's sending that heat into the air so it's giving off heat okay next one there says give out and again we've got two definitions the first one says to huge okay this one is also fairly simple to understand imagine somebody's at a bus station or a train station or a mall okay and they're distributing a pamphlet or they're distributing a flyer so we can say the person is giving out pamphlets at the mall or the person is giving out flyers at the train station so they're just distributing them to people right and you know probably for free all right something like that okay and another one their second definition says to stop functioning or to fail okay all right think about a car for this one some cars have a manual stick shift right it's called like a manual transmission okay but imagine I get in my car and it won't work right I try to switch the gears but it's not working okay in this case the manual transmission has given out or it gave out right that the stick shift gave out same thing imagine i press the pedal for the gas in the car but it's not working so the gas pedal gave out right it's stopped working it has failed so usually if it's something mechanical or it's something electronic then we can say it gave out if it's stopped working right my computer suddenly gave out right or the keys on the computer gave out so they're not functioning they're not working it has failed okay all right and our next one there is give over and again to definitions the first one is to hand over or transfer okay think about an old person okay an old person maybe is getting sick okay and maybe they're thinking is not so great okay so in this case they can't really manage their home or they can't manage their finances so they need somebody to do it for them so they might give over control of their property to their or to their daughter or to a lawyer maybe or something like that because they can't do it themselves so they're going to transfer this as we said hand this over to another person so they're going to give it over to another person okay so anytime you transfer something or hand over something that's yours to another person you're giving it over right a company might give over control to somebody else right if they're losing money and they can't run the company by themself anymore then they're going to give over control to maybe a bigger company or a wealthier company okay and the second definition says to do something without restraint right without fighting it okay this one's a little more difficult to understand okay imagine this imagine I'm thinking about becoming religious right I want to be Christian or I want to be Muslim ok now if I give myself over to God or give myself over to Allah then that means I'm not going to fight it I'm just going to accept it I'm not going to have any restraint I'm going to give myself over to that God or whoever it is or whatever it is okay same thing imagine somebody dies okay and I'm sad but I don't want to cry I'm sort of holding back my tears I'm fighting my tears but then eventually I can't do that anymore so I'm going to give myself over to my tears that means i'm just going to accept my tears and i'm going to cry so i'm going to give myself over to my tears or give myself over to my grief okay something like that ok and the last one here is give up and again two different definitions the first one is to stop doing to quit or surrender ok this is a really common phrasal verb if I have given up smoking that means I've stopped smoking or I've quit smoking right ok anything that I've given up right if I've given up you know eating sugar then that means I've stopped eating sugar right if I've stopped playing you know a sport maybe I always played baseball and then I stopped playing it so I've given up playing baseball okay a second definition says to lose hope for okay this is pretty similar this definition but it is a little bit different imagine I always have wanted to become famous right maybe I'm a musician right or a singer okay and so for many years I've tried to become a famous singer or a famous musician but I just can't okay so now maybe after many years I've realized this is just a dream it's never gonna happen right so in this case I've kind of lost my hope for becoming famous so I've given up on becoming famous right I'm not going to chase that dream anymore I've given up on this so again one more example imagine I've lost my wallet and my wallet has my credit cards and my ID and money and everything else so I searched everywhere for this wallet and I call my friends and I check at my workplace I can't find it so after a couple weeks maybe I'm good I've lost hope I'm not going to find it I've sort of accepted this so in this case I've given up on finding my wallet right I don't have any hope for it anymore it's not gonna happen okay let's see if we can erase the whiteboard and let's take a look at some written examples using each of these phrasal verbs okay so look at the first example did you hear that the barbershop is giving away free haircuts today right so the haircuts are at no cost to the customer they're free haircuts okay next one why did you give away my secret I asked you not to tell anyone right so why did you reveal my secret or tell my secret to other people okay next one here do you know when we have to give in our assignments right so when do we have to submit or hand in our assignments okay next one the government refuses to give in to pressure from the terrorist group so they're not going to accept any kind of defeat from the terrorist group right they're not going to agree to any of their demands okay I'll give back your car tomorrow thanks again right so again somebody lend me their car and then I'm going to give it back I'm going to return it to them tomorrow okay those flowers give off such a lovely aroma right today they send out or they emit a lovely aroma I've been giving out my business card to clients all day so I've been distributing my business card to clients or to potential clients okay next one I need to get my car fix the brake pedal gave out right so it's stopped working or the brake pedal failed okay all right next one here the police requested that the bank robbers give over the hostages right so think about that some criminals they got guns they robbed a bank and they kept all the hostages so the police are asking please transfer the hostages to us so give over the hostages okay next one here you should just give yourself over to your tears so stop fighting your tears and just let the tears happen okay couple more I gave up drinking almost five years ago so I stopped drinking alcohol or I quit drinking okay last one she's giving up on ever getting married right so that's kind of sad right maybe she's been trying to meet somebody for many years but now she's lost all of her hope so she's given up on ever meeting someone special okay that is the end of today's lesson I hope you found these examples clear thank you so much for joining me here at maple if ESL and i look forward to seeing you again next time [Music]
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 18,905
Rating: 4.9280772 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, grammar, english grammar, phrasal verbs, frasal verbs, Phrasal Verbs - 'GIVE', phrasal verbs with give, give away, give away for free, give in, give to pressure, give back, give off, give off a smell, give off light, give off heat, give out, give over, give yourself over, give up, give up on
Id: Ng_zX9jIZCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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