Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'PUSH'

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hello everyone and welcome to make-belief ESL my name is andrew and thank you for joining me here in the classroom today for today's lesson i want to take a look at some phrasal verbs that begin with the word push so for today's lesson I have selected about 11 different phrasal verbs as always we're going to look at some definitions and many examples okay we've got a lot of work to do so let's see if we can get started so the first one there says push on and the definition is to move forward or to continue doing something okay imagine this example imagine I am travelling across Europe okay maybe I'm in France okay and my friends say should we stay in France or should we continue to Germany okay I say I think we should push on okay so in this case it means I think we should go to Germany right let's not stay in France let's push on right let's move forward let's go to the next place okay one more example imagine I'm driving in my car okay and it's a long drive maybe it's like a 10 hour drive okay and I've been driving for eight hours already so I have two more hours to go but I'm tired so I say to my friend maybe we should take a rest you know or I'm getting pretty tired but my friend says no no come on it's only two more hours legs push on right so in this case let's continue driving for two more hours so let's push on okay the next one there says push in and the definition is to go in front of other people in a line okay this is basically used in one way it's usually a negative thing if I'm waiting in a line up for example at a movie theater and somebody pushes in that means they went somewhere in front of me in the line without permission right so they sort of rudely moved front of the line so in this case they pushed in right or they push in the line in front of other people so again this one usually describes a sort of negative move by a person because they didn't have permission to go on the line so they went in there in sort of a rude way so they pushed in okay next one says push out and it says there to force someone to leave a job or activity okay think about this imagine a company okay and a lot of the employees in the company are getting older they're maybe 55 or they're 60 years old okay and the company they want to get newer younger fresher ideas so they might try and push out some of the older workers right they might try and convince them to take an early retirement right so again we might say all of the companies trying to get younger and they're trying to push out the older employees right so they're trying to force them to leave okay another example imagine I'm on a sports team okay we all really love each other on this sports team but there's that one guy and he doesn't cooperate with the rest of the team so maybe all the other members on the team they might try and push out this one member right they might take a vote and they might say I don't want him on the team yeah I also don't want him on the team so they're trying to push this guy out they might not tell him about the next practice or they might not tell him the location or the start time of a game right so to try and convince him to leave the group so they're trying to push him out of the group or from the team something like that okay next one there says push off and the definition there says to leave somewhere or to go away okay this one's pretty simple imagine I'm at a restaurant with some friends and we finish eating our meal okay and so after the meal I might say so are you is everybody ready to leave right are you guys ready to go right so another way I can say it is are you guys ready to push off or shall we push off or let's push off so again that just means let's leave right let's go somewhere else let's push off okay also notice this can be used in a rude way if somebody's bothering me or annoying me I might say to them hey push off right that means go away as it says there or leave leave me alone push off so in that sense it's kind of a rude way to say go away right leave me alone so it's a command that you would give to somebody okay next one that says pushed around and the definition is to treat someone unfairly or to bully someone okay this can be used in two different ways but they're very similar imagine the bully at school right the kind of strong guy who thinks he's stronger than everybody and maybe in this case he's physically pushing the smaller kids around right like get out of my way or he's sort of punching them or hitting them in some way so in this case the bully is physically pushing other people around okay but imagine the other example in the office the manager he's giving orders and commands to all the employees you do this and you do that and he's not being nice about it he's being rude he's saying it in a very negative way like an order so in this case the boss is pushing everyone around okay so it's not physically in this case but he's treating them in a negative way right he's giving them orders and he's not being nice so he's pushing everybody around so we can use in that physical sense and then we can use it more in the sort of verbal sense that someone is giving orders okay next one says push aside and it says there to stop worrying about something okay imagine I have homework okay I've got math homework and I've got English homework okay well the English homework that's really fun right so I'm gonna focus on the English homework and I'm gonna push aside the math homework right I'm not gonna worry about the math homework I'm gonna do it later and I'm gonna focus on the English homework so the math homework is pushed aside okay it doesn't have to be just homework or something physical imagine I have a problem okay and I'm thinking about this problem all the time it's making me feel stressful okay so I don't want to think about it so maybe I'll push that aside and I'll think about other things right I'll think about positive things so I'm not gonna worry about that stressful thing I'm gonna push it aside for the moment and think about other stuff so again it can be physically pushed something aside or it can be more mentally push something aside so I so to not think about it or not worry about it okay next one says push ahead and it says to continue with something even when there are problems okay this one's pretty simple imagine I have a project and the project has many problems maybe there's problems with the budget or maybe some of the members on the team are always sick okay so there's many problems but we still need to continue with this project so we need to push ahead right so if you're pushing ahead you're gonna continue doing it as it says there even when there are problems so let's push ahead with this project let's not worry about the problems let's continue doing it so let's push ahead okay and it could be the same thing I'm driving and there's some kind of complication right maybe there's a bad weather but I really want to get home so let's push ahead and keep going right let's not stop let's not worry about it let's just keep going forward and not worry about the problems okay we've got a few more next one says push back and to delay an appointment until later okay again this one can only really be used in one way right imagine I have a meeting on Tuesday okay but actually I realize I'm busy on Tuesday so I might ask the other people is it okay if we push back the meeting until Wednesday or until Thursday or just until a later day so again let's push back the meeting until a later day or let's push back the meeting until next week instead of this week because we're all busy this week so let's push it back until next week so again it's kind of just the same thing as delay but usually it's used for something like a meeting or an appointment okay next one says to push for and it says there to try to persuade someone to do something okay if I'm pushing for something that means I support this idea right so imagine there's a new position open at the company maybe it's the position for a manager okay and I think that this person would be really good in that position position so I'm pushing for him or I'm pushing for her to get this position okay another example imagine there's a birthday party okay so for the birthday party there's two ideas we can go to a restaurant or we could go to a bowling alley okay let's imagine I really like bowling so I'm pushing for us to go bowling right I'm supporting this idea and I'm trying to convince or persuade the other friends or the other people coming to the party to go bowling so hey don't you think we should go bowling I really want to go bowling that's a good idea so I'm pushing for this idea right I'm supporting it and I'm trying to get other people to agree with me right so I'm trying to persuade them okay two more their next one says to push something through and the definition says to get being accepted for example a policy okay this one's usually used when talking about a government right a government might try and push a new policy through right so again they're trying to get that policy accepted so that it can become a law for example okay a company might do the same thing imagine a company wants to have a no-smoking policy so they might have a meeting right they might try and discuss the topic and they might try and push this new no-smoking policy through or push through the new no-smoking policy so again they're trying to get this new policy accepted or again it could be a law and they're trying to get the new law accepted or get the new law passed so they're trying to push this through okay and last one there says push up and it says there to increase something usually a price okay think about this imagine there's a new product there's a lot of demand for this product so usually when there's a law of demand for a product it pushes up the price so we could say rising demand usually pushes up the price but if there's decreasing or falling demand it usually pushes down the price so we can call that an opposite to push up the price or to push down the price so usually it's used when discussing this idea of a sort of economic market where prices are pushed up or prices are pushed down right if something is rare like a diamond for example if the diamond is rare then that will push up the price okay all right I want to see if we can erase the whiteboard and I want to look at some example sentences for each of these push phrasal verbs okay let's see if we can take a look at some of these examples the first one says I'm getting tired too but let's push on for 10 more minutes right so let's keep going for 10 more minutes next one look at that guy he just pushed in line I hate it when people do that right so again he went in the line in front of other people without their permission okay next one ever since he turned 60 his company has been trying to push him out right so they've been trying to make him retire or force him to leave the company okay next one should we stay here no I'm ready to push off so I'm ready to leave in that case the young boy always gets pushed around because he's fat right so again this is children at school they pushed around this kid because he's fat there's no other reason for it so they're being mean to him they're bullying him they're pushing him around okay next one you need to push aside all your worries and focus on more positive things so again you need to stop worrying about all these stressful things and focus on more positive things okay next I know this is difficult but let's push ahead and finish it right so let's keep going let's continue even though again even though it's difficult even though there's a lot of problems let's push ahead and finish this project okay next one could we push back the meeting until after lunch I'm having a busy morning so again the meeting was probably originally scheduled for the morning but I'm so busy I want to delay the meeting until after lunch so I want to push back the meeting until after lunch okay next one I'm really pushing for a new microwave at work the one we have now is so old okay so imagine there's a meeting right the company has a budget they're discussing what should we do with the extra money in the budget well I want them to get a new microwave right that's my idea so I'm kind of persuade other people to get the microwave so I'm pushing for a new microwave okay couple more I hope they're able to push through the new childcare policy so again I hope they're able to get this new policy accepted and then you know turned into law if it's the government or if it's just a company then it becomes a new policy okay and last one there says demand for the new cellphone has pushed up its price again so because there's higher demand this has caused the price to go up okay that is today's phrasal verbs lesson I hope you found it useful thank you so much for joining me here at maple leaf ESL and I look forward to seeing you again next time
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 21,769
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Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, phrasal verbs, push phrasal verbs, push, push on, push in, push out, push around, push aside, push ahead, push back, push for, push through, push something through, push up, push someone around
Id: -qc49IUF15c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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