MAKE Phrasal Verbs

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okay welcome to today's lesson today's lesson is going to be about make phrasal verbs I'm writing a book at the moment about phrasal verbs and I hope that by the time I put this video up I'll be able to release the book and you'll have two different methods that you can obtain the book two different methods to obtain the book you can use Amazon if you prefer or you can sign up to this channel and subscribe to the channel and if you stay with the channel a number of months I think I'm gonna be six months I'll send you the e-book for phrasal verbs though ebooks gonna be hundreds of pages long it's gonna have a lot of drawings and illustrations to help you understand these phrasal verbs so it should be a whole course and it will accompany all of these videos that I've made so you'll have a lot of material there if you want to learn phrasal verbs by heart and I guarantee that I will make the course extensive and thorough and what I mean is I'll try to include every phrasal verb that I have ever come across so without further ado make phrasal verbs so if you make over something or someone or a place even you could even make over a flat it means that you're doing the flat up here to use a do phrasal verb you're renovating the flat you're creating a new look but I have to say that this phrasal verb is most often a noun a makeover and if you talk about a makeover it's usually a person who has had some kind of new look somebody has created a new look for the person maybe a new hairstyle maybe new clothes and so that would be a makeover and you look more you see that word more often as a noun and as a verb I guarantee it now all of these ones are about running if you make for some where you run towards that place if you make towards somewhere you run towards that place if it's the same as or very similar to run up to or run over to you should remember all of these up to and over to phrasal verbs covert to run over to - over to shoot over - there were millions of them where you can get a verb add up to or over to and it means approach in some kind of way now if you make off with something it's the same as run off with something so again it's a running phrasal verb make it's very often about running and so you might say the thieves made off with a million pounds in cash yeah they ran off with after they held up the bank they ran off with a million pounds in cash they made off with a million pounds or we could say they made away with a million pounds and that would be the same and so there's not much difference between these two they made away with a million pounds they ran away with a million pounds after they held up the bank and make after it's the same as run after which means chase so if you say the policeman made after the robbers and were bearing down on them something like that it means they were chasing the robbers they were chasing the people that held up the bank okay if you make if you make up and this if you do want an object by the way you can have an object you can just say make up with someone he made up with his wife we made up with his friend but quite often it is without an object and you just say they they had a disagreement they had oh I've got the same one up here they had a disagreement they fell out with each other and then they made up yeah so this one and this one are the same I should make that clear then they made up and it means they reconciled they became friends again so after you have an argument if you make up it means you become friends again you understand each other's position and you you stop disliking each other so you reconcile make up with someone is the offer opposite of fall out with someone so there's another good phrasal verb as well if you make something up for example the journalist made the story up it means he lied about the story he invented it to maybe to sell some more newspapers or to make a name for himself something like that now if something is made up of something it means it consists of something so you might say the class is made up of kids between the ages of 12 and 14 something like that or the class is made up of upper intermediate learners yeah you can use it like that and you can also make up a list which means draw up a list which just means create a list that's all it means create a list and I think when you draw something up or make something up it often sounds like a rough draft it does sound like a rough draft a first version now if you make someone into something for example the newspapers made made him into a hero it means that they made him look like a hero they turned him into a hero very similar to turn into something I suppose you could say the witch turned the prince into a frog or you could say the which made the Prince into a frog but I think we'd normally say turn into there but I think we normally say turn into for physical things and make someone into something a hero is not physical really you know you're kind of speaking more we are not talking about physical changes from a from a frog into a prince or a prince into a frog you're talking about making someone into a hero so I hope you can see that that's a little bit different from turning someone physically from one form into another okay if you make do with something it means you get by with something and what I mean is that you you managed you managed to deal with a situation by using what is available so you might say I don't know I didn't have a jump of at the time and I was cold so I may do with a small rag that I put down my shoulders and made into a blanket you ever made into a blanket I made the bag into a blanket I may do with a blanket instead of a jumper I had to make do with a blanket so it's when you use what is available and it's often not ideal okay if you make it up to someone a make up for something there are two here and they're very much related because they both mean compensate but this means compensate for something so make up for breaking the VARs make up for being late make up for not turning up whatever it is maybe you missed a meeting with your friends so you try to make up for not turning up by doing something and so this is the second one make it up to someone by this is when you say who you're gonna compensate so I made it up to my friend by buying him a drink or I don't know buying him a meal whatever it is but you compensate someone by doing something and you compensate for your crime your sin your mistake so you compensate for something now makeout has a number of different meanings it could be it could mean assert he made someone out to be so he claimed that someone was like this so you might say he made me out to be a hero he made me into a hero and that would be very similar to make someone in to make someone out to be it means you you claim that someone is like this very often when they're not by the way so if you say the newspapers made me out to be a hero it means that you're not a hero but the newspapers made you seem like that so it's an assertion but it's a dubious assertion a doubtful assertion dubiously assert I ought to put that in dubiously assert where you don't waive probably not the case when when you say I don't know the Prime Minister made made the doctor out to be a monster it means that it's dubious claim it's probably not true okay if you make out that you pretend that and I mean pretend like make-believe a number of students use this word in the old-fashioned sense and I think it's because in their language it still has that meaning where we used to use pretend meaning want to be or would like to be like he pretended to the position of king it means he wanted to become king well I don't mean that meaning of pretend which nobody really uses anymore I mean pretend when you pretend to be a policeman and you dress up as a policeman you speak like a policeman so when you pretend you're doing something dishonest you're lying and it make out that you're you're lying in some kind of way so there's a connection here to make something up Lyle invent but you make out that something happened you pretend that something happened now make something out it means perceive and comprehend so if you say I couldn't make out his handwriting it means I couldn't understand his handwriting it was so terrible but I couldn't perceive what it meant I couldn't understand what it meant and also one last meaning in the States if you make out MIT make out with someone you kiss them with tongues in England we never used to say this not when I was a kid we would never say that we would always say get off with so that's another meaning of get off get off with it you when I was a kid it meant kiss someone anyway passionately okay make of something what do you make of the new prime minister what do you make of what you read in the newspaper yesterday it means what do you think of the new Prime Minister it means what's your opinion and it's very common this one may cough and I think it's very similar to when you say think of which is opinion but think about which is plan which is not similar to make of think about its plan and think of is opinion yeah what do you think about going on holiday next year it means what are your plans but what do you think of my new shoes what do you make of my new shoes it means opinion and I also want you to compare hear of and hear about because if somebody says have you heard of Mozart it's very different from have you heard about Mozart hear about it means heard the news hear of it means have you ever heard this name in your life so I'm sure you've all heard of Mozart but I don't suppose any of you have heard about Mozart because I don't suppose there's any news about Mozart in the in the news at the moment so do compare here of him about think of think about and think about make of as well which is opinion okay I think that's all for today because we've already done made up with make up make up with someone and fall out with someone so there you'll make phrasal verbs there will be lots of exercises on this in my ebook and they'll also be lots of exercises about these phrasal verbs in my TV show lessons which are also going to be available if you join this channel but I'm going to work on that I'm going to make the channel available for subscriptions very soon and if you subscribe every month you will get a nice ebook with plenty of lessons vocabulary grammar comprehension exercises for TV shows so that you can so that you can study revise brush up on your phrasal verbs in the comfort of your home own home watching your favorite TV shows okay that's all for today please subscribe like blah blah blah and I'll hope to see you all soon
Channel: MrSkypelessons
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Keywords: make phrasal verbs, phrasal verb, phrasal verb lesson, phrasal verb course, learn phrasal verbs online, study phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs with make, vocabulary lesson, EFL lesson, ESL lesson, TEFL lessons
Id: SyM_u-UZ04E
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Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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