8 Useful English Phrasal Verbs With MAKE | Improve Your English Speaking | Speak English Fluently

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[Music] hello everyone my name is Seema and I'm here to teach you a new lesson on some smart expressions with the word make now I know this is a very common word right so how many of you can tell me what is the meaning of make well I'm sure you know make generally is used to explain the word create you make something you make a cake right or you produce something but the great thing about English is that you don't need to know really big words to speak good English even if you know this word you can speak a lot of English and speak really well you know how you simply have to pair this word with a preposition or an adverb and you will come out with some really smart expressions by using this simple word now in grammar these smart expressions are also called as phrasal verbs and believe me when you use phrasal verbs you are gonna sound like a really fluent speaker in fact a lot of native speakers frequently use phrasal verbs or smart expressions with many words but today I will take you through the expressions with the verb make the first expression is make up now we have paired this word make with the preposition up okay but now make will no longer mean create because now that we've paired these two words together they come together to mean something totally different they mean to forgive each other so when I say to make up simply means to forgive each other so how do we use that in the sentence the couple decided to make up after last night's fight so you as you can see they're not looking very happy you're quite angry at each other I'm guessing the guy probably burned dinner last night and they had a big fight so it's fine now because they have decided to make up or they've decided to forgive each other we can use it in another sentence by saying why don't we just make up and forget everything that happened okay so another couple or maybe just friends they're obviously going through a disagreement of some sort but they want to just make up they want to forgive each other and forget everything that happened they want to make it right right so that is makeup for you okay we have another expression which is make up for now please note that we have make up but we also have another preposition so we've got two prepositions and the expression is make up for it means to compensate or it means to repay or it means to reimburse now what do you mean by these words they all mean the same thing right I mean each of these words they mean the exact same thing but what does it mean to compensate or repay or reimburse so compensate means to make sure that a loss is kind of not going to affect you so much so let's say for example you are in a business and the business is not doing too well but you want to compensate by kind of working extra or maybe making better investments so you are gonna make sure that you repay or you compensate by reducing the loss okay let's look at it in a sentence so you say I didn't exercise last week but this week I made up for it so what happened here last week you didn't exercise so there was some loss what was the loss the loss was that your diet plan did not really go in the direction that you wanted it to do but you made up for it I have mentioned the word made up because it happens to be the past tense of the word make okay so you've got to also pay attention to the tense if you are saying a sentence in the past tense or referring to something in the past like last week then you will use made-up you will change the form but the expression essentially stays the same okay then we have another sentence to help you understand this a little better you could say we need to make up for the loss due to negligence so over here we've got some gentleman sitting in an office in a board meeting discussing their work and I'm assuming that they're probably going through a certain financial loss in their company but they want to make up for the loss due to their negligence they want to compensate they want to repay they want to reimburse and see how they can make it right okay our next expression is make off another preposition used with the word make to give you another smart expression so what does that mean it means to understand or to make sense of something both of these expressions mean the same thing when you understand something you kind of see things more clearly when you can make sense of something you kind of see things more clearly and how to use that in a sentence you could say I don't know what to make of his behavior so this guy out here is quite strange he's quite erratic and he's probably not behaving like he usually does so you're simply saying I don't know what to make off his behavior I don't understand his behavior it just means that you're not able to make sense of his behavior okay so you must use the settings very often and this expression you can also say miss RIA is quite strange what do you make of her so we've got this lady here and she's obviously very different she's very unconventional and you don't understand her personality and when that happens you can always say oh did you see that girl she's a little different what do you make of her that's one way of expressing that you don't understand something so make off is basically used to say that you understand or you can make sense of something and that's how you use it in a sentence we have another expression which is make out okay what does that mean it means to see things clearly it means to see things for what they really are now I want to ask you a question can you see that gentleman over there I can't I mean he could be anybody he could be a friend he could be you know a movie star he could be anybody well why can I not see him because he's standing out there in the dark so I would say it's hard to make out who's standing in the shadows so when you cannot see things clearly it means that you cannot make out things very well or if your handwriting is like mine this is actually very close to the way I write which is why we've now used the digital screen as you can see you can say something like no one can make out which means no one can clearly see or figure out my handwriting in fact the other phrasal word for this would also be figure out so you have another one for you as well okay all right then let's move on to the next one which is make up things now here we've used make with the preposition but the word things happens to be a noun now why have we used this because we're making up what we're making up things and what does that really mean it means to tell lies it means to cook up stories you know we cook food but there are some people in fact a lot of people who love to cook up stories in fact cook up is also an expression to say that you're just making up things you're just telling lies you're not telling the truth so let's see how we can use that in a sentence okay so he made up things when he was questioned for being late okay so as you can see here's the boss and here's the employee and this employee seems to have a problem with coming on time to work and I'm assuming that this is not the first time he was questioned right so what does he do he makes up things he cooks up stories one day he might tell the boss that he had to run an errand the other day he might just tell his boss that you know he met with an accident but in reality I'm pretty sure he just woke up late he's making up things he's making up stories okay and we have another sentence here which says stop making up things I know it was you now when you want to you know call out people for something that they're doing especially when they're telling lies you can straight off tell them that stop lying stop making up things I know it was you as you can see that the mother over here is reprimanding her child because she obviously believes that the child was telling lies about something we now have another expression which is make off what does that mean it means to hurry up or to escape with something obviously when you're escaping or hiring off it means that you are running away from something right and that is pretty much what the expression make off means so we have a sentence here which says the pickpocket made off with the wallet there's no way we can find them now which is true if you are honest you know on the street late at night possibly you shouldn't really go alone because this is something that could happen to you a pickpocket will take care of wallet and it will make off which means he will just run away or just hurry off with your wallet and you will never ever find him or her right so that's the meaning of make off and then you have another sentence which says let's make off before anyone finds out so I love this picture because there are these are two siblings I guess and they're kind of doing something very not here they're possibly pranking someone but they want to make sure no one finds out so they want to make off they want to run away they want to hurry away before anyone finds out what they've been up to which is not a very good thing that they've been up to okay then we have another expression which is make for another preposition which is for and the meaning of make for is to move two words to move in a certain direction it could also mean to head for a certain certain direction so they both mean the same thing and they are the meaning for this expression in a sentence you could say please make for the door to your left to find your room I think this is a really good expression to use in a formal situation so if you are kind of showing a visitor in your office where to go and how to go if you're giving instructions about where they have to go you can use this expression by saying sir why don't you make for the room on your left that's the conference room so this is a very good expression as you can see there is a hotel manager who is explaining directions to his guests or if you are at work and you want to head toward your home or you want to go home you will say I have to make for home or my mom will be worried well I have to say this all the time because I always get late at work so I want to make for home okay the other expression is make do okay now what does this expression mean do is actually another word but we are pairing it would make to give you a great phrasal verb which means to adjust or to compromise so what does that really mean when I say to adjust it basically means I have to make do with or use whatever little I have so and then in a sentence you could say we have to make do with whatever little we have so I'm assuming that they're not going through a great time financially they have a very tight budget but they have to possibly use little of what they have and do the best that they can with what they have so maybe they are just earning like maybe 200 dollars a week but they have to do everything with what they have so they've got to make do with just that much of money okay so these are the various expressions with make and I'm sure if you use these expressions your English will sound so much better so I will urge you to keep practicing and to keep learning in fact I will want all of you to put in your comments and show me how you can use each of these expressions or maybe at least two of them to see how much you know okay so I'll be back with some more lessons until then this is me saying keep practicing and keep learning
Channel: Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons
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Keywords: phrasal verbs, english speaking practice, learn english, speak english, english conversation, speak fluent english, learning english, english grammar, english speaking course, english for beginners, english lesson, english phrasal verbs, english speaking lesson, spoken english lesson, speaking english, how to speak english fluently, english speaking, english vocabulary, how to speak english, english conversation practice, smart english, beginner english, native speaker
Id: fAIi6DIoVx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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