Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'FALL'

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hello everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thanks for joining me here today for today's lesson I'd like to look at some phrasal verbs specifically expressions that use the word fall okay and I've chosen what I think are the most common phrasal verbs to use the word fall okay so let's get started so the first one here says fall behind okay and the definition is to fail to keep up with for example a schedule of payment or the competition okay if I fail to keep up with a schedule okay just imagine I have a project and maybe that project should be finished by tomorrow okay tomorrow is the deadline but I'm working too slowly and I will not finish by tomorrow so I have fallen behind the schedule right I will not complete this project by tomorrow right probably because I'm working too slowly so I have fallen behind okay same thing if I have fallen behind on a payment it means I don't have enough money to make my credit card payment or to pay my rent or maybe I bought a new car and I can't make this month's payment so I have fallen behind in my payments right okay and last one there to fall behind the competition okay imagine there are two companies okay maybe both companies are successful but one company they start making new products and they start becoming more successful so that means that this company has fallen behind the competition right they are not making the same progress as their competition so to fall behind the competition okay let's take a look at the next one all four we have two definitions here so the first definition says to be deceived or tricked okay am imagine my friend he says to me did you know that I'm friends with Tom Cruise and I say really you're friends with Tom Cruise Wow incredible and then my friend says no I'm just joking so I fell for my friend's joke or I fell for my friend's story so this means I believed my friend's story but actually the story was not true so I was tricked I fell for his joke okay second definition to become in love with someone okay so imagine I meet a woman and I quickly become in love with this woman so I can say I fell for her or I fell for this woman so it just means to become in love with somebody if you become in love with somebody you fall for that person okay next one fall off and it says here to lose popularity okay this is an interesting expression okay so I think we all know who Britney Spears is right Britney Spears is an American pop singer okay ten years ago Britney Spears was very popular but these days her popularity is not so high it's a little low she's lost popularity so we can say Britney Spears fell off right I can say this about an actor a musician a company right if a company loses popularity and their products are not so good anymore and nobody cares about this company anymore I can say it fell off or this company fell off so that's a great expression okay next one fall back on and the definition here says to rely on something as in a back-up plan or a plan B okay so imagine I have a skill maybe I can cook okay and I'm good at this skill but my job uses different skills so let's imagine I lose my job right I no longer have this job so what am I gonna do for money what kind of job can I find well lucky for me I have the second skill of cooking so I can fall back on this skill so I can use a secondary skill if I mean to right if my first plan doesn't work no problem I can fall back on my second plan right so it's usually used when talking about careers or jobs you fall back on your sort of secondary skill okay so that's a very useful expression okay next one fall apart and I've got two definitions here so the first one says to get worse or break completely okay so usually with this definition we're talking about relationships if my relationship is falling apart that means it's getting worse right if my marriage is falling apart that's a really bad thing it means maybe we will get divorced right my marriage is falling apart it's not in a good condition right I can also say my life is falling apart that means nothing is going well maybe it maybe includes my relationship and my job and my relationship with my family it's all going poorly so what I can say my life is falling apart okay and a second meaning there it says to disintegrate okay that's a difficult word but I'm gonna explain it imagine I have some clothing or furniture or maybe electronics like a computer okay let's imagine my computer that the keys are all broken and maybe the screen is broken so I can say my computer is falling apart okay same thing with clothing maybe I have a shirt it's an old shirt it's not very strong anymore it's weak maybe it has holes I can say my shirt is falling apart okay so that's another useful expression okay one more last one it says here fall into the definition to be involved in something by chance or with little effort okay so this is another good expression imagine both my parents are actors okay so since I was a child I've watched both my parents be actors I've become friends with their friends who work in the TV or movie industry okay so for me to become an actor it doesn't really take much effort i can say i fell into acting because I was raised in an environment with actors okay I'm gonna give one more example for this one okay let's imagine that I have a rich uncle okay and that rich uncle dies so after he dies I receive all of his money okay so I can say I fell into some money again it was sort of by chance because I didn't plan on my uncle dying and it's little effort because I didn't have to do anything so I fell into this money right okay I'm gonna erase the whiteboard and I'm gonna write up some examples for each of these expressions okay so let's see if we can take a look at some examples with each of these expressions so the first one here says because two of our project members are sick we are falling behind right okay so remember if we're falling behind I mean things are going slowly we will not finish by the deadline right and we can see if two members are sick then clearly things will go slow right so we're falling behind right next one the young boy always falls for his older brothers jokes right so this is a common example right the older brother tells the younger brother some kind of joke but the younger brother believes it right so he falls for his older brothers jokes right he believes his older brother's jokes okay next one he was so handsome and charming that she quickly fell for him right okay imagine a very good-looking man like like a Brad Pitt so many women have fallen for Brad Pitt right I think this is probably true because he's so good-looking and he's so charming he's so handsome okay next one after his music career failed he had to fall back on teaching to pay his bills okay so his chosen career was music but his music career was not so successful so he had to fall back on teaching to make money right so he had to use his sort of secondary skill to make money because the first skill was not successful okay next one his marriage has been falling apart for many years so this is a bad thing right this means his relationship with his wife is not good it continues to get worse so we can say his marriage has been falling apart has been getting worse for many years okay two more she had to buy new shoes because her old ones were falling apart okay so imagine a woman she's wearing high heels but the high heels are breaking so the high heels are falling apart right so she needs new shoes right okay and last one when his grandfather passed away he suddenly fell into a lot of money right so again he didn't have to make any effort to get this money and again it was sudden so it was by chance that he received a lot of money so he fell into a lot of money okay so that is the end of today's lesson I hope that a lot of these examples were very clear thanks for joining me in the classroom today see you again next time
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 22,011
Rating: 4.9602838 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, Phrasal Verb, Verb (Literature Subject), Teacher, Lessons, Learn, School, Student, Education, Students, Teachers, fall into, fall for, fall behind, fall off, fall back on, fall apart, Free, grammar, English grammar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2015
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