Can I Photoshop Myself As The Green Goblin?

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today it is once again time to embarrass myself in front of the whole internet i am gonna make an attempt on turning myself into the green goblin [Music] i asked you guys what i should turn myself into next and some of you guys requested the green goblin since it's a big thing now that is exactly what i'm gonna do today however i am gonna turn myself into the comic version and not the movie version because i feel like the movie version is just a bit boring i mean it's just armor really and the comic version has just a little more spice and you know that's what i'm all about for this fantastic idea i shot some photos may he have mercy on my soul this is going to backfire real freaking hard but you know dedication is important so uh yeah well just like previous times first i'm gonna do the editing parts of the character itself and then in the second half i'm gonna do the environment so uh let's just go ahead and drop this into photoshop welcome to photoshop as you can see i have loaded in our beautiful beautiful photo this is one of the best ones i've taken yet and i already masked it out because that's incredibly boring so that means that we can start right away then i'm gonna go to liquify because the green goblin isn't the hulk but he does have quite some muscles and i do not so let's go ahead and make this just look a bit more rips and intense i'm just gonna stretch out all these areas just like so and a little bit on the right as well i think something like this should be pretty good so let's go and hit okay and there you go look at that difference then believe it or not i'm gonna add some liquify again because my face needs to be a bit more sinister the goblin has a very wide creepy smile so i'm gonna try to replicate that as well as i can this looks incredibly weird this completely messed up my teeth i'm gonna have to fix that later anyways other than that i think this is fine i guess i don't know we're just gonna go with it oh my look at that i almost forgot his eyes are a little bigger too so let's go and do that then let's see what we can do to change the color of my clothing and skin because this is clearly not right let's first start with green and then we just have to paint that green stuff all over the skin areas this is looking very sexy though isn't it the goblin doesn't have eyebrows either so let's go ahead and erase those this seems to be working pretty well for his eyes i'm just gonna try something here obviously the goblin has these really bright orange yellow eyes then to give those some depth i'm gonna add some shadows just like this i hope this is gonna work i really do then the middle is gonna be a little brighter okay so far so good then we need the black irises which are very tiny and very creepy i'm just gonna try something like this oh that's kind of creepy this is actually not even that bad then um we don't need my hair of course so we can just go and uh kind of erase this and then of course his clothing is purple so let's go ahead and add a beautiful purple color let's start with a simple color just like so and then afterwards we'll go and make it look more realistic the last little area there you go for the most iconic thing of the goblin what i have this beautiful witch hat i'm just gonna put it right here and then uh we're done let's see how the heck are we going to do this first of all we are going to need a lot of warp and i mean a lot this is going to look very interesting i don't think i've chosen the most optimal way to do this if i'm very honest oh that is beautiful he's going swimming we're just gonna use the same thing over and over again right until we have something to be proud of this already helps a ton though this doesn't seem to be so bad you know what let's first go and add the ears because i feel like that's gonna spice it up a whole lot i don't think we can see if the hat's right if we don't have the ears so let's put this guy right about here then it has to be a little bit bigger something like this maybe is that right no it's not something like this should be about right you'd think and the main ingredient is some color and then i think that doesn't even look so bad at all and a little more green inside of the ears i actually quite like that maybe we do need some ambient shadows in here though then we can simply just take this one flip it and put it about right here i mean it's it's perfect of course this one has to be below the face there you go and now as you can see the shape of the hat instantly looks a bit better i still wouldn't say it's fantastic but we can work with it let's start by making this purple then for this one we're gonna need some serious shadows so let's go ahead and do something like this the main light is clearly coming from the left so we're gonna keep that in mind we can also use some highlights very good just a little bit on the left side to create that extra lighting of course all of this is gonna look far better when i'm gonna add the background and everything but for now this will do see now it is getting some shape i think it's a fantastic idea to go and make some boots or add some boots let's see if this one works also got the left one i'm going to make this a little smaller and of course we are going to need some warp again let's drag this all the way here and this one there something like this shouldn't be too bad i think then for the other one it's pretty much the exact same story then we can go and make these purple just like all the other stuff and once again we are going to need some shadows again so let's go ahead and paint some shadows i don't think these feet are going to be visible but whatever because i'm going to be standing on top of a glider which i think is going to cover it but we'll see it's fine and the same thing on my left boot of course the goblin also has these gloves and that's gonna be a bit more tricky because i'm never gonna find gloves in this exact position so instead i found this one that's big and here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna use the end of this to replicate the uh start of the glove and then my hand itself is going to be the glove if that makes sense the chances of failure are extremely high right now but uh it's fine we can we can do it then i'm gonna paint this back something like this and this is where it's going to attach to my hand then i'm gonna try desaturating my hand and making it a lot darker then i gotta make sure it only shows on my hand there you go i think this can work it's just the nails that now stick out which is technically not possible once again we're gonna need some shadows because the light is still coming from the left i completely forgot that this belt needs to be brown it's a bit weird because in some photos he has a brown one in some photos he has a black one so it really doesn't matter all that much i guess but i kind of like the idea of brown so i'm just gonna go with this of course not the metal areas almost forgot maybe a bit less saturated something like this yes then the only thing that's still missing is his bag he's got this bag with all these bums and everything inside and that's the only thing we don't yet have so i'm gonna use this one and let's see it's gonna hang on his right shoulder i think i'm guessing somewhere here seems like a good spot and then we just need the sling or belt or whatever that is holding everything together i'm gonna have to do some copy and pasting but it's gonna look fine at the end something like this and it extends all the way to the bag itself then we have to remove this one back here and attach it to the bag somehow i think like this is actually fine yeah and then it is once again this is looking good though then it is once again some shadows so i'm gonna go ahead and add a very nice well shadow a little bit in here and of course on the bag itself probably the most important thing just like so then we also want some shadows below the sling mostly right here see now this is looking pretty sick actually i think out of all the i turn myself into videos this is already the best one and i didn't even add the background yet and then to think it all started with this away shoe it's disgusting why do i always have to make such an incredibly big fool out of myself i mean just look at this who puts this on the internet voluntarily okay anyway um is there anything else we can add before putting this in an environment that is actually i think most of the small details i can only add when i start adding the environment so um we should go and do that so far so good if you are still here you're obviously enjoying what you see so uh consider subscribing anyways now there's only one thing left to do with the environment so we're gonna need some explosions some bombs and some more explosions so uh yeah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and there you go isn't it freaking beautiful me as the goblin i mean this is i made for this role literally if you have some fun ideas for next episodes definitely make sure to comment down below and then i guess that's it for today if you like this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall content feel very very free to subscribe that would mean the world to me and also you because you're gonna see a lot of very cool stuff in the future then i hope i'll see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 289,005
Rating: 4.9771318 out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, marvel, MCU, green goblin, norman osborn, doc ock, doctor octopus, iron man, spider man, spider man no way home, no way home, spiderman, peter parker, goblin, marvel comics, doctor strange, new spider man, sony
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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