Designing A Shirt In Photoshop and Illustrator | Raster Vs Vector Design

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yo what's up my name is rich welcome back to another video in this video right here we're just going to do a quick uh t-shirt design but more important i'm going to show you guys some tools that i may use during the t-shirt design hopefully you guys can pick something up i already did the t-shirt design but i'm going to try to backtrack from the very beginning and hopefully you'll be able to pick up some tips and tricks that can help you with your t-shirt design alright so here we go here we have adobe illustrator first and foremost if you don't know anything about adobe illustrator adobe illustrator is a vector-based program and photoshop is a raster based program i'm going to use the mixture too i did a lot of the designing in photoshop so i can show you guys um because i'm not great at putting raster versus vector into words but hopefully that you're able to see it and you can see the difference this is a raster image right now in adobe illustrator my cousin deluxe drew this for me appreciate your looks and uh it's a little ninja as you can see he actually drew this i believe on his ipad but he saved it um possibly like in a jpeg or a png but it wasn't an actual uh vector based format so as you can see how the lines is not as crisp that's because it's the rasters so the image is actually created by pixels and not points so what we're going to do is take our little image right here so here we have image trace i'm just going to leave it at the default settings except i'm going to click ignore white then i'm going to hit trace right now it's going to analyze it and turn it into a vector based format and i'm going to hit expand at the very top so now you can see it's creating the points and you can see how it's not pixelated let me see if i can undo it so you can see zoomed in how it looked before as you can see this is how it looked before um in pixels now we're gonna vectorize it and ha and now you can see it has a straight edge so the difference between the two already now i can resize this without losing any quality i'm trying to make this super huge check it out still the exact same crisp lines within this image so that's very important to know hopefully um you can see the difference along with that so let me undo it real quick one more time and this is right here this is the jpeg format it's a raster image watch what happens when i resize this so i'm gonna make it very large and as you can see if i can find it it just even gets even blurrier and blurrier because you cannot resize a raster image larger and maintain the same uh quality alright so now we have our image i'm gonna take this uh picture on over to photoshop just so you guys can see um this is the final product that we're going to end up in i actually colored this in photoshop which you shouldn't do but i'm a little more proficient in photoshop so i can do it a little bit quicker but whenever you do it in such a large format you can always take it back to illustrator and do the whole image trace thing but um i'm seeing a lot of butts here but i said it again the point of the matter is i just want you all to see the difference between raster and uh vector but anyways if you're going to design it in photoshop what i would highly recommend is to go ahead and make your dimensions in the same format and size of your actual t-shirt design so i'm going to open up a new document and what we're going to do is take our little measuring tape and actually measure ourselves damn my shirt is dirty why didn't anybody tell me and we're gonna actually measure or if you don't want to do that type in on google uh t-shirt dimensions and it'll pretty much give you the common sizes but for the most part we're looking at about 12 inches and by like 16 12 by 16. over 12 usually for me is pretty large for a size small or a size medium i usually wear a size medium shirt um so i like my designs about 11 inches but 11 inches still doesn't look as bad even on a 2x as long as the other side is pretty big so um we're going to do about like 11 by 12 or so actually we're just going to go ahead and do it 12 by 16 i believe actually we're just going to go ahead and do it 12 by 12. so here i have 12 inches by 12 inches resolution 300 dpi so you want it extra crisp quality rgb means you're working on screen colors and cmyk means you're working with print colors what comes out of the printer okay so for the most part we're going to want to work in cmyk depending on our printing format um for t-shirts uh for the most part if it comes out of printer you're going to want it in cmyk but i know a lot of websites recommend that you upload it in png which you have to save in the rgb so it can get a little confusing but let's go ahead and do a cmyk okay so here we have it a 12 by 12. i went ahead and click paste now smart object is still going to keep its format from illustrator where you can resize it but as soon as you turn it into pixels um it's gonna lose its quality whenever you resize uh larger once again however this is much more crisp than the photo that we had so look at those lines it looks good now so the first thing i want to do with this image is i actually want to close up these gaps because i actually want to do a full color design to be honest it really doesn't even look that bad the way it is right now i definitely like it okay you know actually i lied i said i wanted to close up these gaps but whenever you paste the photo from illustrator to photoshop if it's a black image it usually ends up being some kind of gray so there's a few different ways that you can turn into black you can double click go to your layer style hit color overlay turn it into black or you can um levels move the output all the way to the side um you can go to your hue saturation and then lower the lightness all the way so either way works you know there's always more than one way to do things in photoshop and illustrator that is very important to know because there's really no right or wrong way to do things some some ways may be faster than the other but um in the end as long as you get the same results in a timely fashion then you're pretty much good to go alright so now i'm going to take the pen tool the pen tool is super important in photoshop and illustrator it's going to be one of the most versatile tools so what i'm going to do is just go ahead and give a little click right here and i'm going to go ahead and start dragging it in the direction that i want it to go and now i'm going to click on the other end where i want it to be and i'm also going to drag it so that you can create somewhat of a little bit of a curve right there and if it's not perfect you can always hit alt on one of the points i don't know the specific terms for all of these even though i went to design school so you can click on controller all you can click around especially if you're very unfamiliar with these programs the most important thing to do is fail a lot just keep clicking around if it doesn't work undo and then try it again if it doesn't work undo like that's the best way you're going to learn about these things so um i went ahead and overlapped a little bit and then i came over here i'm just gonna go ahead and come back around click right here drag in the direction i want to go click on the other side go ahead and do the same thing so um once i do that basically i'm just creating a selection i'm to right click hit make selection i usually like to leave the feather radius 0.1 pixels so it's not completely crisp and cut off i don't really know how to explain this part not the greatest teacher guys but that's how i like it set but i hit ok and what i'm going to do um i can do it on the same layer if i would like to of the actual ninja but i like to leave the original layer alone click on a new layer and then i'm going to hit g for the paint bucket tool and then i'm gonna click on my color drag it all the way down hit black boom there you go now we have a nice closed off area and all we're going to want to do is do the same thing for the rest of the areas like i said there's more than one way to do this um what we could have also did was we could take our brush and we can make it the same size or at least what it looks like the same size as was used for the original design and then we could take our pen tool and go from the very middle of where this uh path was and then we can go on over here right click hit stroke path and now um we're gonna click the brush tool because that's what we selected our um brush from and we hit okay so we can kind of get the same effect um the only reason why i don't like doing that is because we don't necessarily know the exact size so sometimes it doesn't match up um as awesome in the edges so that's why i like to do it all the way as you can see right here i will need to come back and do something like this just to clean it up a little bit more so like i said anyway works whatever way works for you is going to be the best way but anyways i'm going to go ahead and skip that step because we already did that part so i'm just going to go ahead and delete everything and paste in one that we already did from the design itself so now we're here we have full solid portions now we're at the part where we should be coloring the design which should be done in illustrator but uh i'm just gonna go ahead and do it in photoshop don't know why i just happened to do that earlier because i was already starting on it and i was in the groove and i just went for it but i'm back over here and i'm gonna take this color uh gray uh with the eyedropper tool a quick little eyedropper tool key isn't using all or as what button is it over here i think it's command or something on the mac i'm not too sure i click it so much i don't even know what buttons i'm clicking so come on over here what i'm going to do is take our design i'm going to hit the one make sure you don't have this button click to continue cont contiguous is that how you said uh make sure you have that clicked so it only selects certain areas so i'm going to click on this area i'm going to click on this area since everything is closed off it only selects those areas i'm also going to click on this area oh my bad i forgot to tell you hold shift that way it also selects more than one area instead of letting go and you can see in this little area right here what they used to call um ants your selection is how two selection two areas are selected one right here is selected and also one right here selected so what happens if i don't click shift is that right there i click on this and i click on this then the previous one wasn't clicked on it's no longer clicked on or selected um so if i click on it and i hold shift now i have both areas selected shift shift shift shift shift shift now i'm going to create a new layer i already have one hit g from a paint bucket tool click on it and then we have those areas colored isn't that amazing so now we're going to create a little bit of a shadow i'm going to go back to the previous image and then i'm going to just use the eyedropper tool again because i don't recall what color i used and then how do we create the shadows there's more than one way to do this as well there's always going to be more than one way i'm going to hit new layer and i'm just going to take the pen tool and i'm going to do the same thing as how we closed off um the strokes earlier the paths so i'm going to just select this area right here hit make selection and then i'm gonna hit our paint bucket tool boom what's going on right here guys what's going on right there so what we need to do is we only want it on the circle part so we could do a few different ways once again we can click back on the layer with just the the major portion color we can hit w we can hit magic 1 and select outside and hit backspace or we could also just come on over here hit um alt between the two layers so that color only shows on that layer itself isn't that amazing so all we got to do is rinse and repeat those steps and then we'll have a full color design but like i said we should have did an illustrator because in illustrator we could have chosen the actual colors like pantone colors that a screen printer would be familiar with so um what we're going to do is we're just going to take this whole thing on over hit control all we're going to head back on over to illustrator delete that and now we have this paste it now look at that it looks a little fuzzy right so we're going to pull up image trace once again and in the mode we're going to click color we only have let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine around nine colors ten eleven eleven colors so we could just make this eleven colors just so that it doesn't overdo it um in this color selection right here and then we're gonna hit ignore white and hit trace and see what happens and boom it's beautiful look it looks exactly like how we did it in photoshop but now it's in illustrator almost as if we did in illustrator so i'm just going to go ahead and head on over to the top hit expand and now it's going to separate all of our little layers as if we did it in illustrator check this out so now i'm going to hit v oh check this out um it's all one grouped layer so what we need to do is ungroup it i believe you just hit ctrl shift g is that right let's check and see yep that's correct so now everything is nice and separated um so you can actually change the colors of everything you wanted so now um what we're going to want to do we're going to click on one of these colors right here i'm going to go ahead and click on that we're going to go up to the top hit window go down to okay swatches already have it selected right here in this bottom left right here in the swatch window let's see here we are this little library button we're gonna look for where is it color books and then here we have pantone pantone cmyk coded pmk what i can't even speak pantone cmyk uncoded etc so i'm going to go ahead and go with cmyk coded at the very top here we have just our actual cmyk right here this is actually very close to just cmyk print is already so we have the bandana and it looks like scion we have the eye that looks like magenta um the other die that looks like yellow it's probably a little bit different let's go ahead and see click on this one made that scion oh it is a difference so um here we have that sound gonna click on the little shadow right here and we're gonna make it like a darker version as well maybe a little bit darker there we have it that's pretty good so now we can do that for the rest of the colors and boom what do you have we have the exact colors that we want if we go ahead and highlight over the pantone it tells you the exact pantone color that it is selected so that's a universal language that we have between ourselves the designer and the color that we see in hopes that it's the same as the color that's being printed by a screen printer or whatever format of printing they're using um so that they see the same colors once it's printed at least i think it's a universal language between the two i don't know it's been working for me um and it's been spot on colors so feel free to fact check me that's all good but um yeah that's pretty much it for that part we have a whole ninja right now full color and uh it's pretty simple it's pretty cool so i went ahead and took this ninja and turned to a full t-shirt design it's actually gonna go on a hoodie um so there we have that right there hustle ninjas in the back and then we have stay hungry um i've been using that a lot don't know why i think it's pretty neat that we started that from the first video on to here um mm xix that's the year that i started youtube um which is pretty cool way to always put the year that you established so if you wanted to put like 2020 put in roman numerals in a way it doesn't make sense but it's like a different format of you using the same text in a different fashion so even though photoshop is a raster based program what i wanted to show you is that text the actual text itself is in a vector format so photoshop is able to pick up on these types of things see i scaled it up and it still holds this nice little shape and all of that nice little edges but i'm going to do is right click on that same layer i'm going to hit rasterize and i'm going to hit ctrl t to resize it and i'm going to make it large once again and now sees now is scaling up a raster image instead of the actual uh vector based format of the print now you can see where the edges are not clear in comparison to this other text that's right here so um i hope that helps you understand the differences between the two if not i'm sorry but um so yeah this is going to go on a hoodie um i can't decide y'all y'all need to let me know so we got the that print on the back and then we got the ninja i was going to put it on the um the chest portion but it actually doesn't look that bad just like in the center nice and small um so y'all let me know between those two i really don't know and i hope this video helped y'all out y'all really i need y'all's help and commenting down below if this video helped you um because there's a few tools like using a pen tool and the simple things that may have been done that i'm just not sure if it's helping you all out but if it did comment down below i really need to know so i can start posting more videos like this but um of course i'll get the hoodies up on the website if you are interested but that won't be into the next video because in the next video i'm going to show you how we're going to take this design and actually order some transfers and get ourselves a nice little heat press and press it onto the hoodie so i'll see y'all in the next video please comment down below let me know if this helps you out comment like subscribe and i'll see you [Music] soon [Music] you
Channel: Hustle Ninjas
Views: 39,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a t shirt design in illustrator, t shirt design photoshop, design a t shirt, design a t shirt template in adobe illustrator, how to design a t shirt, shirt design, t-shirt design tutorial, t-shirt design tutorial photoshop, t-shirt design illustrator, t-shirt design photoshop, t-shirt design, t-shirt design on illustrator, t-shirt design app, how to design a shirt, how to design a shirt using photoshop, how to design a shirt on teespring, design a shirt app, shirt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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