Design and Apply a Brand Identity with Julia Masalska - 1 of 2

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi welcome back to Adobe live this is our very first illustrator live stream of 20/20 yes thanks for joining us my name is Gus Martin I work behind the scenes here at Adobe I also do some drawing and some things on the side but most importantly I'm a fisherman and I'm joined by our wonderful guest Julia moussaka this is her third time with us Julie do one tell them a little bit about yourself yeah well I'm a graphic designer and currently located in Denver Colorado I have been working and designed for about four and a half years doing working for different industries so I'm very excited today yeah to create something on Adobe live we are super pumped so she's gonna be doing some branding and working in Illustrator making logos today tomorrow there's gonna be some mock-ups and some photoshop and maybe even some dimensions so you're gonna want to stick around for both live streams but first we have some housekeeping that I want to take care of because you're here you made it and I want to let you know how you can engage with us so first off let's look at the schedule this is our last livestream of the day today but we also have the same schedule tomorrow so make sure you come back in the morning we kick things off with Kathleen who's in chat right now with a Photoshop daily creative challenge right after that we did a photo retouching livestream with Peter Samuels he does a photography for animals and it's amazing and animals always break the internet so check that out then we did the XD daily creative challenge with with Howard Pinsky our favorite and finally we're live here at the end so thanks for joining us now that you're here make sure to stick around in 30 minutes we're gonna give away a prize to everybody that's in chat well not to everybody everybody will get a consolation prize but one lucky winner in 30 minutes will get a prize so I have to do stay stay busy and chat and then we'll also be reviewing your daily creative challenge designs from this morning from Kathleen's challenge we'll be doing that an hour and a half so if you have questions about it there's a tab right above chat that says challenge and you can read about it there so that's the housekeeping yeah like we can tell them a little more about your project for today sure I wanted to say hi to everybody in the chat first thanks for being here Marco is from Germany here let us know where you guys are coming from it's always exciting to talk about different countries and different cultures I'm from Oakland right across the bridge yay Brazilian arrows awesome and a lot of regulars we've got Tim of course Alexandre Thurston okay clean good to be here thanks for watching oh oh keep letting us know where you're from and I do want to give a quick PSA I don't know if anyone's joining from Australia but there's some really big fires going on yeah yeah unfortunately it's no joke and we're all creative so we can all do something to help out with a situation that's going on over that be it spreading awareness about what's happening or maybe even solving some of the pollinating yep so please check that out and support the cost mmm too bad does koalas I always feel so sorry for any situations like that is terrible it's really tragedy so on a lighter note I just want to say that because we probably do have some people watching from Australia our hearts go out to you and yeah let's chat about what you're working on julia has some sketches that we're gonna be working off of today to build a logo we thought maybe we could show those to you yeah so we are working on a brand for a flower shop it's a young woman who recently opened her flower shop and now she wants to give it make it a whole brand and that's that's the reason why we're designing this logo and later on we'll we'll apply the logo too with different lock ups to different applications like we can we're gonna create a landing page for her business card and different little things that she can use for her business so but today we're gonna start with the logo itself here I already made a couple quick ideas of how I imagined I'm imagining this brand so you see a lot of very playful you know typeface very female oriented and and serif I'm gonna be using serif fonts did she give you any like direction well actually it's a fiction fiction Airy lady so normally would be so I'm kind of trying to give myself some directions and breaking is you working working on personal projects it's always best if you create yourself a visionary character and if we switch to my screen we can quickly see her this is her this is Mary so Mary is very passionate about about flowers and they're there for her shop name will be a rosemary beautiful yes we have some comments in chat - they like some of the they like some of the sketches and logos and I think you wanted to give people a chance to pick some of their favorites so sure yeah we can definitely look at them so so the idea is that Mary has opened her own little shop and she wants a brand that's very classy but still kind of has a little pop of color and therefore we're gonna be looking at different color palettes that we can use for for her brand and for that we could for example go onto the site Colorado be calm and at the at the top you will find the trends I like to look at this site because you'll really see different different color palettes that you might not have thought of so I think it's very interesting to take a look at this and it's very easy to add these color palettes to your library by just clicking add to library and then you will see them right in your illustrator so for example I have downloaded this color palette right here and we can make a use out of that or we can take another look at that but let's take a look at the logos with our GoPro cam real quick so you can see my different ideas that I had so I've been I've been actually sketching type here sorry I've combined with sensor if I think I think it's always a good contrast that can be applied to different brands I have made some some little illustrations that we can use in and as patterns or as graphic elements to you know create background designs for example yeah and so many different styles here yeah until you really explored a lot of options here yeah definitely not I'm always trying to you know to see what potential the brand has and see different ways to translate the you know the brand language into the logo and what we're gonna do later on is also trying to see how this logo can be applied and for different purposes for example we will have a longer variation of the logo for the website and we will have icon icon version that's only like a graphic image so we can put it in patterns or as graphic elements and our prints so yeah yeah I'm excited I don't know I don't know what it's gonna come out to but these are the initial ideas and yeah we could job jump right into it and try to find some fonts and some yeah put some ideas together I have a few new names in chat we've got Justin joined us Petra from Sacramento also very close to us and I think Juergen was joining from somewhere far away and I can't recall where it was not Jurgen let us know I can scroll up oh yeah from Guatemala oh so thanks for joining everyone if you have any questions while Julia is working or you want to contribute some ideas this is very much a collaborative live stream so feel free to jump into a chat on behance and let us know what you're thinking because we'd love to hear from you awesome cool yeah sorry going for it yeah cool Tim I was also saying the hovering art director action figure can stimulate the client requests just make it pop yeah that's exactly what we're gonna do today we were gonna make it pop so I've started here with some color palettes that I picked myself but let's get back to this to the color site we have a quick question from Justin how would you scan these in and bring them into illustrator I'm actually you can actually just take a phone picture or anything but I'm just gonna use these as references for myself I'm not actually gonna bring them into illustrator I'm just gonna take a look at them you know to recall all the ideas that I've had and the different styles that we can make use of so I'll just keep them right next to me visible while I'm working inspiration zombie army also says the oh and rosemary looks fun there are a lot of us here so yeah probably this one oh yeah could be or this one I was thinking this one maybe but well okay so let's take a look at the color da da da be calm trends in graphic design and we can see different color palettes that we can make use off I have I think I've added this one to the library already which is really cool I might as well so my idea was to bring darker blue color combined with you know rosy rosy colors it can be a very light beige or a light pink or it can be a light light red that's a little bit more huddle it has a little bit more white touch in it so that was the idea and here maybe we can also take a look at this one for example it has pretty natural earthy tones which can also fit to the brand and we can make maybe create a combination of all those ideas so I'm gonna add this to my library and what's really cool too is you it's really like you mentioned it's really easy to make these both on desktop you can just upload an image yeah you can move little pointers around and make your own or it'll do it automatic exactly you can also do it right here you can also just extract them from an image yep let's see if I can just take it from my from my Rose picture rose there we go we have a color palette just base from roses picture and but I think it's a little bit too colorful for me but maybe not combine too many colors with each other I will probably take two tones that are a little settled and then one that makes it pop just like the art director says yeah right okay so let's get back to our illustrator we also have some people mentioning Adobe capture and that's also a great tool because you can just use your camera to take these color palettes from the world it's right here outside you're feeling inspired by a pond or a building you can actually take a picture on your phone and and then extract a color palette which is pretty cool yeah that's awesome as you can see here I've already kind of picked these two subtle tones and the red combined with it so I might I might go for this one it's just my problem with this right now is that this color this pinkish color is a little too cold for me I kind of want it a little bit warmer so I go into my color and I'll go more into the warmer reds and I'll see what I find there yeah maybe it can be something like this Thanks but I might want it a little bit lighter so it has a greater contrast into the blue because we're gonna be using this color on top of the blue or on top of the red too you know to put the typeface on or graphics so I've got to make it pop gotta make it pop exactly that might be it actually this red might be a little too too poppy I'll go more into the wider version of it so I'll just move it into the white direction I always loved playing around with that color picker yeah infinite possibilities ah that's a maybe a little too white yeah that could be it okay then what I would do is I would look at my sketches again and I would see what kind of typefaces I was imagining so here I have a lot of sensors so what we can do is we can go to the we can go to the fonts page a good friend Adobe fonts yeah and the cool thing here is I can really type my name of the brand and I want it all in caps so I just type it in caps and then I can pick here if I want an insensitive cool serif what kind of properties I want to have what weight I want to have with anything all the things that can possibly define it and you can even pick the languages here at the bottom so for example you have a Russian name and it will only show you typefaces that I have the Russian language in it cool so that's pretty cool and here I already find some that I'm interesting for me for example this one looks very classy but it still has this little edgy sensitive character to it so I'm gonna take a look at it it's like a rose but has thorns you know yeah correct and I can see here they have lovely italic versions here as well cool that we can use in the brand so I'm just gonna activate the whole family right here and then let's see what else okay this was a little bit display let's go back to our illustrator I have the German keyboards so sometimes I would be typing Z Z instead of wise and the other way dizzy and wires switch didn't he have some extra yes right exactly so that is interesting look something up we also had some questions about your B hands so in a little bit if we have a break we can show people sure right from behind definitely maybe your Instagram and let them know where they can follow you yeah for sure ok that was love it love it display that already sounds French and it looks great I love it nice that's really nice yeah all right and then I would just copy paste it try different other typefaces that I can use total newb what key did you hold to drag it and duplicate it drag it and duplicate it I use I hold the left mouse key drag it and and click out ok cool easy yep just in case there's some you know newbies in the chat like myself yeah copy paste is probably one of the most functions that you will use and control the yeah a lot of designers will come into Adobe live and there's the key has totally burned out like oh yeah there's no letter on it anymore you know I also found myself trying to press the ctrl Z button in the real life so for example when I've been like 24 hours working on some project and I went to the kitchen and I made some coffee and and then I did some dump thing and I spilled the whole coffee or something I'll be like do control Z let us know if you've ever done that I'd love to know I'm sure some of our viewers have done the same thing yeah because I can totally relate to that yeah I would love that yeah and I see there is another very interesting typeface that I could be using Starling hmm Starlin 10 fonts there we go activate it let's see on the next page what we can find come on something a little bit extraordinary maybe you'll have to let me know when you find one you think is extraordinary why because I'm curious well are you asking me mm-hmm okay I guess when you see it you say oh this is it this is a little extraordinary yeah yeah because it's not a typical typeface classic sans-serif it's more it has more weight to it or this one is for example its sensor if but it's more simple as simple and therefore it kind of stands out or for example if you look at this R mm-hmm it has this little curve in it cool oh yeah it gives the typeface a character and I think typefaces that have that character are the extraordinary ones for me cool thanks for explaining that yeah this one for example looks very nice it has a very nice flow specifically to our brand so I'm going to take a look at it cool it's really nice how easily you can just kind of browse these and figure out if they work yeah some people in China have found my youtube channel you can watch me fish on YouTube yeah I also have a youtube channel hey Julia also has one yeah it's more suited to the topic at hey she makes really amazing videos so you should check those out it's fun yeah I'm trying to help designers or freelance designers to learn things that that I've made the experience in but you usually don't learn in school like for example how to approach clients or you know all the like legal stuff that you need to know before you know and starting the work with a client super helpful I think a lot of folks that watch Adobe live or participate in our communities not all of them but a lot of them are self-taught having some access to information like that and resources that can give them kind of a leg up yeah it's super helpful yeah and I wish I wish there was a I wish I had looked things up like that before before I jumped into it I made my own mistakes so um yeah I think I'm trying to be helpful I'm just trying to yeah that's super helpful I tend to be like the type of person I thought the stove to figure out if it's hot yeah same thing you know some people are smarter than that if they do they're I know I know just not me oh this one looks great like monarch ah let's see have you ever created a fun third typeface before oh I've created a typeface that's um I haven't really created it and I have just modified the typeface cool it's it's been the scan typeface that I've I can show it real quick I might be hands or if you have it up already oh it's this one actually if you if you just click on it so basically it's uh if you go down yeah right there oh so basically it's a distorted typeface glitch in the matrix yeah exactly I love this it's a project that I've been working on for years now it's all about like distorting photos I do it with a scanner so I just put a photo on a scanner and while the scanning process I move the photo I look and it divides the colors for example if you have a black and a white photo it divides it into colors and then you can make amazing patterns like this yeah that's super cool yeah anyway so that was the font that I made but I frequently modified typefaces for example for logos I just used a vector of the typeface so I outlined the typeface when I'm creating the logo and what I do is I just you know play with the with the vectors move the dots that's fine you're inspiring me to try that make my own glitchy yeah for sure okay Marcos called it natural chromatic aberration yeah Paco such a photographer yeah monarch our monarch I love monarch huh hi Ally thanks for joining us we are designing well Julie is designing a logo right now for a flower shop and then she'll be applying that logo to some branding assets and then doing some mock-ups tomorrow so if you have any questions on branding identity graphic design career development any advice feel free to ask exactly yeah you guys if you have any questions about freelancing let us know I'm here to answer so I have picked these two for now so what I do is I copy paste them and put them on the side so I can modify and remember the typeface later on but what I do with these right now is I'm gonna outline them it's gonna be command shift and an O and then these become vectors so I can actually go in and modify them awesome if you wanted to turn that off how would you turn like if you accidentally outline type could you go back and reverse it yeah you can just go back just ctrl C controller is a great friend cool okay let's back come back at it I think this is really interesting because this typeface has a little character to it this R has this you know rounded shape and it kind of reminds me of hands that kind of reach out to something and it has this motherly feeling I don't know I just just my my instinct tells me that holding a baby yeah exactly and I also really love how it's been played with it oh right here mm-hmm you know how it's kind of like an asymmetric here and it's very soft soft and white it's gonna be easy to read let's go back and I'm gonna increase the distance here a little bit I've got a lot of new people joining chat thanks for saying hi we've got Siobhan chin chat we've got even evgenia sorry I know that I can yeah okay yeah probably Russian right mispronounced oh no sure yet awesome thanks for joining us your name's beautiful I just can't pronounce thank you we have a chat and win in just over six minutes yeah I've missed it yet you'll have a chance to win 100 free stickers custom stickers from sticker mule so stick around for that you won't want to miss it awesome cool so what I was thinking here is that we could really play with the oh and make it some kind of rosy you know shape mm-hmm so the logo is unique and still the typeface is very classic so what I can do here is I have told you to do that oh no no no I went back because I wanted to increase the kerning a little bit okay cool so because I want it to be easy to read from afar and a good thing to see if things are easy to read from far is to zoom out yeah exactly so you can see that this is really easily readable from far that's a really good technique because you can even contrasting it to the one above it yeah it really did it's it makes it a friends yen and I think the the the boldness and the thickness of the typeface is really important that it's not too bold and not too thin because from distance you know that I cannot comprehend lines that are too thin and also for the print it can be difficult so for logos I'm trying to choose typefaces to have a little bit of weight but not too much cool I think that's a great tip also nola hi welcome Daniel's here Bojan boullion is here hey Walt a thanks for saying hi stick around like I said we've got Chatwin coming up yeah it will be fun so yeah I'm just gonna try and create a shape that we can put into the old so if you would like to modify for example a letter you can zoom in click on your on your on your vector that you want to modify and you can basically just do it come on don't fail me now what's really cool about illustrator as a program and I know a lot of our viewers know this but everything's built other vectors and they're kind of it's kind of like building with blocks shapes and it's a lot of overlapping and subtracting shapes and weight I don't know it's locked it's like locked a second only money anyway so what you can do is you can modify the shape but you can also o'problem cut out that's why okay I can release the mask and then what you can do is and then what you can do is you can create a shape and put it into the Oh for example so that's what we're gonna do right now we gotta go to our let's use this right for now oh I think I have I have it snap to grid yeah actually that's what Jack Watson just said okay Jax a former Adobe live guests oh okay if you would have a really good suggestion for us yeah thank you yeah let's see what I'm just I'm just trying to figure out okay pencil tool sounds good okay so now let's create something something that could remind of a flower you do that with mouse yeah just now sprout in chat do you use a mouse the trackpad I use the trackpad right now but I also have a mouse here so I'm actually able to use both but at the moment I mean I'm just using the trackpad what are you all use up there in the internet world [Music] Matea says put a rose flower into the letter put a rose flower into the letter O and that's kind of what we're doing except a little bit more abstract this is a flower shape this is not really it's more like a like oh but you can see what I'm saying right you can just put any shape into it anyway but I'm just gonna experiment with different other shapes meanwhile so if you guys have any questions let give us something to talk about yeah we've got some people in chat saying that they're Oliva marinas trackpad all life pin tablet mouse mouse and pin tablet stylus for best precision pin table mouse are stylish now it looks like a lot of people are using mice no rats just mice Jim sorry those magic now I'm using them all sexually I'm tryna just give this some color here I give you the line color yeah yeah it's just so I can see what I'm doing yeah a lot of a lot of people are using mice mice that's the go-to that is somehow but I'm a flower shape let's just uh let's just continue feel free to keep playing until you feel good about it that's the fun of these live streams is we can just experiment and then once you feel good oh nice you know like I don't know if you play video games about looks kind of like a slime yeah yeah and like some video games there's a monster called a slime drop little slimy drop yeah it looks kind of like a slime okay maybe uh oh Yury gay be like hey Colby welcome Colby's also been a guest on the Dobby life yeah that's cool as you can see like I'm just really I am I'm just experimenting and maybe yeah we'll find something cool that will work huh we should keep experimenting always yeah Jack Watson says Monster Hunter I think there are slimes and Monster Hunter okay that almost looks like a shape of like a leaf or something okay maybe we can also combine em now you're getting fancy yeah now we got a fancy huh oh I forgot to get my razors and now our fireworks are going on yeah the Chapman countdown has hit zero which means we will be right back [Music] all right works you know what time it is it's chattin win if it's your first time here let me explain it for you really quickly if you're watching the live stream and especially if you're on YouTube all you have to do is come over to behance dotnet slash Adobe live log in to chat and then say anything you want in there it can be high or you can give Julia some nice compliments or you can and then we'll select one random winner that's been typing in chat here in about a minute and you'll receive 100 custom stickers from sticker mule yay and you can see we love stickers yes I only have one once the side compared to yours oh yeah I literally how like the whole Adobe Creative Suite here I love your stickers and this is a great this is a sticker from ladies wine and design ooh it's a cool community of ladies who have events Lucas congratulations congratulations we will send you information on Behance very shortly I'll send it to you after this stream on how you can claim your prize and for every one that did not win you can get 10 stickers for $1 all you have to do is go to this URL and then you can get 10 stickers for $1 and they're the same type of stickers you would get if you had one okay I need to remove this this is very this looks very ugly okay what I wanted to mention is ladies won in design so it is it is actually for ladies to support ladies but men I think I also welcome so it's always they happen they have really cool events where they actually have wine and design talks cool so they usually have some leadership lady talking about how she got where she is right now so it's always very exciting and I really love attending those like chapters in the u.s. they have chapters almost in every city cool yeah worldwide so maybe we can drop a link in chat there is ladies wine and design ACEF there is a it's by the way it's created by Jessica Walsh who was the owner of and Walsh in New York and she's formerly has been a partner of Zac my Stern Walsh I think every of the designers know it it's a it's a great agency in New York they have one Adobe live oh really off last year for two years ago oh wow yeah sure it's a really good info with us yeah that's nice yeah Stefan Stefan Sagmeister is I think he's from austria austrian designer yeah he's very tall - he's very tall yet the most german guys okay yeah cool awesome let's get back to our leaves okay Eddie drops we had a couple questions so I'm gonna start I just need to scroll up on the chat and make sure I sell them oh also Stephanie says she's going to her first one tomorrow night yeah he's awesome question for Julia when you present logos for your to your clients what format and size do you send them okay how do you share it how do I share it usually when I'm communicating with my clients you when I'm communicating ideas with my clients I am creating a presentation and then I'm talking to them on a video conference so I can be a blue jeans it can be zoom it can be I don't usually use Skype but a zoom and blue jeans are really good for that and you can I can share my screen and there I present my logo designs for me it's important to have a face-to-face conversation with them while I presented because I can really see what they're feeling and what what they're thinking about my design so I can really recommend sharing design ideas with a video conference that's a really good and then and then what I do is I usually put the logo kind of like here white on black and then next year on black and white or I just put it on different slides because that actually makes it really visible how the logo is readable and you can really see the shape the best way because it's the highest contrast there is and what I like to do also is I like to mark the logo up so the client has an understanding of how to how the logo can be used and how it will look on different things like for example a t-shirt or a bag or a website or sometimes I create like a visual for a social media page and how their logo will be implemented in that so yeah there's different different things that you can do to help your client to understand what the logo really means and how it appeals you might get a little less pushback that way too right context and showing why you made this exactly oh that's for sure yet they might not be like oh I make it green you know or whatever they they might have some gut reaction that they might actually reel back on yeah exactly and it's always important to before you do the presentation to really put the brand voice into words and to really try to understand what the client needs and wants and this will help you to argument or to justify the way you design something so for example if you say the company has a ecological aspect to it and you choose the color green that's a reason you you don't you don't give a reason as an I like it or you know your personal opinion you try to make it reasonable with brand voice itself that's a really good tip it's kind of like you're a North Star in a way right you're exactly it's your signpost and you're reminding them all along like here's why I've done this yeah exactly so yeah to answer your question really quickly jofi on yes we're gonna be doing design feedback and 53 minutes around there and it will be on the Photoshop discord so there's a link to that actually on the challenge tab right above chat yeah excited about that yeah this look this reminds me of coffee actually so if I would create a coffee coffee brand this probably this could be the steam from after coffee yeah you should save that for later yeah but we need to get more into them into the flower shape so I'm gonna experiment further yeah I feel free angela is wondering if you recommend any certain websites or online communities for someone who wants to start freelancing I would not recommend fiber because I think the designers are not getting paid their value and you simply cannot survive of designing on Fiverr I think also many clients realize that it's not the best platform because the the there is many people who are not very who don't have enough practice so you never kind of never know which again I recommend if you're starting off working as a freelancer for agencies like creative circle for example there's I think there's plenty of those where you can you know get freelance contract work for a couple months and that can really give you a good insight into companies for example I had a friend who got the chance to work with Dropbox you know through creative circle and you get you get an insight into this company and then on your resume you can already say okay I have worked for Dropbox you know and Dropbox it was as one of my clients so that is that is very good and then you can just approach local agencies as a freelancer offering them your service in case for example they have tight deadlines that they can reach out to you and you can help them out with some freelance work like something something quick like retouching photos or that's what I've been doing for for an agency recently so that really gives you the opportunity to work from home to be more flexible and to still you know get your work in totally and I know like I we have some friends or people we work with that have made connections in the de Graaff design branding space that have a lot of work and they're constantly looking for someone that's kind of like maybe an understudy or like you said like backup for overflow were yeah and they can send you either full projects or they can sign you on to do some of the more like day-to-day tasks of like finishing up or polishing some designs that they've worked on or even like packaging them together and exporting them and sharing them yeah we're preparing them for print for example I did a lot of production work as well and it's fun yeah it's a great way to get your foot in the door get some consistent income going so you can continue to work on your freelance brain yeah correct yeah are you familiar with design sprints design Sprint's yeah for sure I think it's a great way for companies to get results fast so we have a question about it and you want to speak about it but if you feel comfortable Justin's wondering what type of design Sprint's you you you like and then what type of scrum you use and I think scrum is like again like an agile versus waterfall type management system you have any insights on either of those feel free if not well there is there is this book called the design sprint and it's about really a concept of how to create one of these prints I can really recommend reading that because if you're a freelancer you can offer this as a service to companies and I think many businesses really can profit from the benefit from that because they don't only get a design from you but they also get the strategic way of you know developing their brand and it gets them thinking about their own brand as well so so this design sprint has a concept of a five-day intense design sprint the first two days I think are for ideation and creating a bunch of ideas and you know putting them into different concepts the third day is really to decide on the concept that the direction and the fourth and fifth day is more into really producing a lot of content in based on this on this art direction so yeah I can really recommend that and this book this book is really is really cool if you want to learn about Sprint's I think it's important to build a foundation before you go ahead and make creative decisions right for char's if you just go out there and do it then you might end up wasting your time on that direction the debts on the line yeah for sure he's got Munir and chat our good friend thanks for yeah yeah good to see you good to see you I'm just trying to recreate the rosemary shape right now so rosemary has these long leaves so I'm just I'm just trying to get this into my logo I love that you also have sort of a similar just get to you've explored yeah exactly exactly yeah show you but I can't right now yeah so I'm gonna use this as a graphic element in a little bit cool so today we're going to just you know go do the basic ideas and build them out I'm gonna build them out for you guys tomorrow okay we can also try and play with a ellipse tool modify the shape a little bit here if you feel comfortable answering while you work medoras wondering in regards to portfolios he's in the proud he or she is in the process of putting it together and is wondering if wondering what they should include to attract clients they should include the work that you would like to do so you create the portfolio to call for people who are who need the kind of work that you put into your portfolio so if you want to do packaging design you put a lot of packaging designs and you into your portfolio because that's what you want to do right so I think it's really - interesting - or it's good to focus on the things that you're strong in and that you're passionate about you might you don't want to get hired for work that you didn't enjoy exactly although it might look good on your portfolio or it's it's I don't know an interesting client but you don't want to do that work so why would you put it into your portfolio to attract clients who want you to do that work so yeah I just try to represent your abilities and I would also definitely try to include all of the tools that you can work with so for example if you can use a 3d program you should definitely include if you want to go into that direction you should definitely include this toolset into your portfolio so that the client really can see what you're able to do so yeah that's super smart I also think that's a good idea not to bombard or overload your portfolio with too many projects yeah sometimes I'll look at portfolios that have you know really long like maybe 15 20 projects and then it becomes hard to know what to look at so I would just focus on like a few a handful of really good projects you feel represent your skill and your interests like Julia said to create a variety of shape I usually go into the transform tool and there you can reflect so you can reflect vertically or horizontally or you can I mean you can change the angle but you can turn it anyway so so then I just reflect it and that's what gives it a little bit different you know variation that's great there we go and then you can just play with the size a little bit and then you almost have two different shapes mm-hmm it's funny how your brain kind of little tricky like there they were saying but as soon as you flip it you think oh those are slightly different yeah exactly okay that could be something let's see that could be something right feel it it's like it's like you know there is this little little person in the tunnel going and looking for ideas and and then and then you kind of like try try and find in this in the tunnel are you like searching you lozano like picking up rocks and things yeah then you find a diamond yeah you know a lot of design and as everyone's seeing right now is really just exploring and not being afraid to like make mistakes cuz sometimes really amazing designs come out yeah have you seen those shapes that I started making those flame shapes this one this one was the first one so now look how it evolved from this shape to this shape right it's just all experimentation really cool though it's cool to see yeah I was trying to not you know prepared too much so I really can show the way I do it so now we can use the shape it almost reminds me of a tulip nice oh can you tell people what you did okay combine this all right so I have multiple shapes right here and then we have this Pathfinder mm-hmm bar by the way I really recommend you guys use the properties side toolbar because it's as long as soon as you select an object it really shows you a variety of things you can do to this object specifically so if it's a text it will show you different typefaces you can pick and things you can do with a typeface and here it can you can see the things that you can do with shapes so I really recommend you guys use the properties panel here so what I did is to combine the shapes and go to Pathfinder and it unites the different shapes together go into one and now we can do we can fill it with a color and it's just one shape awesome we have a follow up to our portfolio question around that's awesome feedback but what if you are a jack of all trades and a master of none so what have you actually do multiple things well what do you then do with your portfolio I had the same problem because I was when I studied I studied industrial design which does not have to do much with graphic design but while I was studying industrial design I learned how to 3d prototype things and I think that's a tool that I can come that complements packaging design because it's really helpful to understand how 3d model looks like and what you can do with the lighting to create a great render so find things that you can combine of that that complement each other so for example if you do illustration and graphic design I will concentrate on those two things and for of course you should pick the multiple things that you can combine that you're most passionate about so yeah yeah so maybe all those disciplines aren't like as separate as they seem on things exactly like as you start doing them you realize there's a lot there's actually a lot of crossover and you can use them to form your own superpower it might not feel like a jack-of-all-trades situation yeah I really like this line line version of of the shape various this one is not very attractive to me you know so I'm trying to I'm trying to understand what makes it look a little weird so I'm just I'm just gonna so this is something that I can like take a good little grip on and I would be okay this idea kind of has something but it's not final yet so I'm just gonna copy paste it again without right and left mouse key mm-hmm and drag so I just continue I da ting on this cool idea what do you like about it with the line work as opposed to the film is it the space I think it's the white space that's in between the lines it seems more appealing to me than the shape as a whole yeah it also seems it feels a little feminine to me like in terms of its shape I don't know for sure I'm not a designer but girls I feel like I can tell that's a flower whereas the other shape not so much like on its own yeah so for example if we would take this like that that could be already a logo yeah hey BAM there we have it boom okay let's do this again we didn't think it was 100 so for logos I like to leave a little bit more space between the letters to increase the kerning a little bit because it's better you know it's better edible and it's more it looks more sophisticated you know it gives you more time to reflect I feel like it also like if you read that and then close your eyes you can still see it yeah for as sometimes if you like it has enough weight to it that it kind of imprints on your vision you breed okay let's try on this a little bit more yup Norris agrees the line versions more intriguing because he gives depth and layers like a flower would mm-hmm definitely we could also play with inside of these shapes and we could also play with the opacity hmm that would give it a completely different impression mm-hmm but I don't quite like it yeah and then we can also take these shapes and multiply them even further full bloom yeah Osama is wondering if as a graphic tab does a graphic tablet make work much easier what is the advantage to using a graphic tablet I think like a tablet with a pen for me I could never get used to that because I'm I'm used to sketching on paper where I can see what I'm sketching so I don't like using a graphic tablet where I'm just looking at the screen and my hand is somewhere else for my brain it just doesn't work so what I do is I use an iPad and there you can you have different applications like fresco for example where you can create vectors and you can just send them over to your desktop computer and you have your vector right there so I can really recommend that I do that sometimes too yeah you know it's a great tip it does take practice to get used to that for sure it's a little strange on the tablet though it's very intuitive for me because I catch on paper and it's basically the same thing just digitalized so okay Yuri likes more pedals more pedals she says ooh more pedals nice yeah it makes it more complex right it makes it more unique and since our shape is not very you know it's not very straight it has a certain like a flower it's never 100% symmetric right so it has some kind of some kind of I think that was really intelligent how you manipulated the shape slightly every time that you've duplicated them and flip them because you're right it does feel more organic that way yeah they're kind of the same because they their origin is the same shape right so that I kind of can connect them together since they have this little tip that's not very straight mm-hmm Kathleen has a good tip in chat that illustrator on the iPad is on the way oh yeah sneak that already yet max yeah you can also sign up for a better version I think Paul Trani tweeted it yeah link so we have a link somewhere too Tim might be able to share it in chat we have it for max yeah you can sign up for the better version the better version better version or beta I'll be your translator listen you can read all the names from chat oh yeah you're way better okay okay I like where this is going it's interesting actually mm-hmm if you try to so I always tried to imagine how it how this would actually look like so then I did this do you find yourself gravitating more towards creating like this flower for example I would consider more symmetrical than asymmetrical like it there are some slight differences but it's kind of symmetrical do you tend to gravitate more towards that than like an asymmetrical logo usually I like the simplicity and minimalistic shapes but in this case it's really not that simplistic because this shape is pretty complex mm-hmm it's not symmetrical and it has different you know the combination of shapes you would think of regular look there is I have seen logos like this but they have been cement completely symmetrical yep right but here I think the asymmetrical design gives it a certain uniqueness because there won't be the same vector the same vector won't exist ever because I've made it just now yep yeah I think that's a really good point and sometimes like depending on what the brand is the company is something that is totally symmetrical it has straight lines and doesn't feel like it was made by hand might make more sense but I think for the branding that you're working on like this obviously fits kind of like you said the North Star earlier like that yeah the mission a little bit closely more closely okay that's so now I'm going to copy paste the whole thing so I have variations of the logo because I can see this as a logo already I have I would like to explore a little bit more so I'm trying to I'm trying to play with the size and with the thickness of the lines to see how how this looks I billion oh thanks for joining us we have a question about from John John is wondering why you're not referencing an actual rosemary sprig or if you referenced one while you were creating this yeah I was actually working on that right here I was trying to reference the long leaves of the rosemary I think it's interesting although it might remind of kitchen so I would like to I would like to concentrate on the flower in general maybe and like use shapes that are made by nature like you know the golden a golden ratio for example it's something that you can use and it's just general yeah of course I could use I could definitely use rosemary itself as a as a reference mm-hmm we could also try and make these leaves a little bit longer hmm it's an interesting idea so teach also suggested maybe using the shape pillar to remove the lines between the shapes in the center I guess that's also something that could be explored with something complex as this like you have a lot of shapes inside of it so you can what you can also do is what I like to do sometimes is I [Music] I'll line the stroke and then and then you can go ahead and connect all the vectors hmm no I think it's the other one I said it's this one ugh line cool okay and now okay create something a little bit weird mm-hmm that's why we're experimenting oh nice okay let's see if I can no access these shapes here Karen says your petal curves matched the are serif and it looks awesome thank you hey Elena thanks for joining us yeah this is uh a little I think I have to connect them in a different way I wish I could help you but you're an illustrator than I am I'm happy to look it up though if you want to be a researcher or if anyone's watch oh this is it actually you have suggestions at any point feel free to let us know okay so I have this shape right now but the lines are not connected to shapes so what we can do is let's see if this worked oh no this gray is creating weird shapes right now compound shape okay maybe you have to ungroup them Stanley says marriage maybe and then Eric says far-left I think we just want to divide in good reminder Tim if you are interested in us giving a review or Julia specifically reviewing some designs that you've created we'll be reviewing the daily credit challenge designs in 30 minutes all you have to do is share those in the Photoshop discord server you can get there by typing bitly bit ly / PS and capital letters and then discord into your browser once you're in just share it in the current challenge feedback channel and we'll take a peek in about 30 minutes which I could connect them something Ryan says if you keep it as paths and divide it probably would work divided so maybe if we keep them paths and hit divide okay let's try this keep them as paths and then divide okay yeah that that works the only thing is what I actually wanted to do is what I actually wanted to do is I would like to make the shapes that are white right now I would like to make them black so basically I would like to remove or make this oh I see you know what I mean yeah okay maybe this okay let's let's try it if in case anybody a few guys hasn't has an answer to this let us know what will continue have lots of suggestions but they are slightly different if you third option on the bottom Stanley says and then Eric says it's the merge one on Pathfinder so Yuri also says it's merge merge okay yeah we have this that's good or shape let's see if we can pick these shapes now yes nice thank you thank you awesome okay cool yeah now I'm gonna pick all the shapes and Kathleen says the shape builder tool okay shift don't we break - yeah okay hey thank you thanks everyone it's it's I think it's a really cool thing about Adobe life is that you really learn together you know done to do things we get to explore these things together and learn from one another and I think really in essence that's what community is yeah that's why we create these streams and have the discord servers and all that fun stuff [Music] okay but it doesn't let me fill hmm is it a cutout and Joffe yawn sorry I think might be pronouncing that incorrectly again shift em I think gets you to the shipbuilder tool okay let me let me try this hey how about that okay this kind of give this impression a little bit mm-hmm okay yeah could work could work as line art as well as uh yet could work as it oh oh [Music] brain blast yeah right I wonder how it would read it'd be interesting to experiment with this cuz if it's small enough it might be confusing but it also might work let's see see how this works Wow okay see it is all right Ryan's got got a solution for us although a lot of people are saying that Pathfinder tool would be our friend Brian says select the paths the flour unite on Pathfinder then Jabba by X square behinds like both and then click divide okay that sounds good but I think I have a really quick solution right now yep damn hey nice okay I think I think the oh right now seems very dark mm-hmm so I might increase the the shape thickness so I would like to add a stroke to this stroke is a little big that's increased in size also thank you to everyone who helped us out yeah thank you so much suggestions are always helpful yeah okay I don't want to convert it to path yet it's copy paste this okay this is what we're working with actually there is a very easy solution to this as well to just take this one and make it white yeah very simple okay now let's increase our hmm to bring it forward yeah maybe mm thick lines yeah that's work okay why is the middle yeah are the strokes so large that they're all still overlapping oh okay I know why he because this okay okay okay it is interesting I like that it is interesting yeah it could work actually it has a lot of it gives a lot of whites white space right let us see what else we can do with that you know some people in chat are saying it looks kind of like a lotus flower yeah I think it does it does it does a little bit but also it kind of reminds me of tulip actually that's true yeah it also kind of looks like hands in some way oh yeah five fingers right yep and one of them is shorter than the other yeah just a bit and it has to do with hens because Mary has to arrange the flowers with her hands and have you ever seen how how people work with flowers they like use they create a certain structure and then they kind of like poke the flowers in between to arrange them I watch videos on that yet that's really cool it's yes when you were doing your homework for the for Mary's bread no when I was uh when I was preparing uh before I was preparing a flower arrangements for my wedding oh cool yeah that's awesome all right the fire agents at my wedding were very simple they were just they were just lavender just bunches of lavender that's really nice though yeah they smelled really good okay now let's make a little variation here just make a little variation hey fozzy welcome Gaddafi says it reminds me of Russian nesting dolls we have a Russian nesting dolls is what it reminds Madhavi of okay you know like this yeah yeah yeah I know what you mean matryoshka okay I think it's cool that we have now a little symbol that we can use mm-hmm so we can start creating different lockups of the logo because I can see this this is my favorite so far what do you guys think I like it I think I think this is my favorite so far it's simple the typeface stands for itself but also we can create variations like this later on cool so let's drag this one over here and see how the lock up can work so I'm gonna outline this ungroup it and then I'm gonna pick these four letters and put them underneath oh nice let's see how this works you know this is a really simple shortcut but had you ungroup the cow and you man shift G yeah and command G is to group something nice easy questions yeah that's that's good just in case mm-hmm okay I'm gonna group this I'm gonna group this I'm gonna group this and then I'm gonna pick these three things because if something is a group it's seen as one object right so now if I Center those they're gonna Center the objects now if I hadn't group that all the letters will be together I see because it would be like an infinitesimal point it there will be a single objects and then they'll be all together ah that's smart make sure the group I think the spacing here is a little too close if you think about the spacing here and the spacing here yeah here I'll maybe increase it a little bit it's kind of interesting it gets bigger every time yeah right it's it's yeah also thanks for joining us Yuri is really nice to see you in check yeah Yuri I remember you from the last dreams yeah she's great she's been one of our friends for a long time yeah and also hi Sam thanks for joining Sam's watching from upstairs oh cool hi Sam uh sir yeah okay this could be a lock-up this will be more like a vertical solution let's see if we can create a little a little frame for this if you hold shift it creates a perfect circle right always oh yeah if I hold if I create a circle so I press the left button and then shift and then I drag it oops uh-huh okay there yeah yes and if I press shift it creates the perfect circle if I let go shift it modifies it can be an ellipse or something really yeah okay cool hey Anthony thanks for joining good to see you okay let's see what we can do with this so my intention right now is to create a little shape that goes around the logo mm-hmm you know so little little house for the logo tiny little house every logo needs a house yeah Madhavi is wondering what the name of the phone is if we could get forever yep yeah so we got this typeface from Adobe fonts and it is monarch ah bold cool so there you go for later and I think it's a really cool typeface it's it's a SAN serif but it's still very rounded and it has this are that I really love and I think rosemary the art is very characteristic for this logo so it's also characteristic for the word you know when you say rosemary yeah weird so that's why it kind of helps you to pronounce it yeah so client is wondering if you have any tips on kerning and if I mean in general like how he should know how close certain letters should be to one another I think it's about the feeling I can't really describe it because different typefaces have they're different you know the different spacing if you have a very thin compressed typeface and you leave a little bit of space in between you will already have just a little bit of space will be already enough to kind of bring the letters apart so that it's really well readable here we have a very thick typeface so a little bit more white space between the letters helps helps you read it cool and we did the look-back tests where we zoomed out a little bit yeah make sure you could read it from far away exactly you can even read it from here mm-hmm this far where is this typeface here is a little bit more difficult to read now if I increase the kerning here a little bit then it will be easier to read as you can see it's not compared to the other one right yeah exactly Karen it's kind of like the squint test yes but your house you can do that - yeah trying to figure out if it works helps generally I think if you take this space here around the whole the whole logo the space of black and of white should be 50/50 hmm so you could you take this space in between the letters you try to kind of like put it together into one square and it should and if you had two squares on black and white they should be just the same size first if that's understandable totally okay so yeah I think I think that's like the basic graphic design role that they use it's amazing how much math is in graphic design even though you don't have set you say oh it's too feeling you know experiment until it looks right at the end of the day a lot of it's math and also it depends on the color that you're presenting the typeface in because if you have black and white is the highest contrast but if you have yellow on white you have to even think about it more how this will be written read a book I would try to avoid yellow on white of course but sometimes you know colors create a different a different way of seeing the contrast are seeing the space between the letters so yeah it always depends what good point colors are important and right now obviously we're in black and white but we do have some colors we're gonna play with eventually yeah for sure yeah I'm trying to stay to stay black in black and white as long as we're designing the shapes because it makes it just very easy to comprehend you know how it looks from far yeah the contrast is just helps a lot cool you Manuel shared a link in chat for a game to help you improve your kerning so uh-huh it's approved item which means it's probably legitimately I think I've made that test once yeah I've done it I've done the yeah thanks for sharing I've done the Pathfinder or not Pathfinder the path tool game you can find it online in different places and you have to the challenge is to create different shapes but the path tool and a certain number of lines wow that's cool yeah it sounds very interesting our pin tool I should say okay so I'm creating this little kind of stem P shape let's see how this is gonna go I want to I want to have a little bit of playfulness in this we're gonna fund whatever a fun yeah that sounds fun let's do it let's see um hmm I would like a little wave in it so I'm trying to hear I think it's here it's exactly Yeah right there nice so preview don't be scared this is not it yet hmm this is not it yet and then we choose smooth and then we have this perfect wave bingo so squiggly they're always fun yeah I like this maybe a little smaller I like the shallow kind of making a beautiful home for this rosemary logo oh yeah with a little curtains okay hmm I'm gonna work on this exact because I would like it to end on this side mm-hmm just like it does here so I'm gonna increase their ridges to 11 so it's in like that damn and then nice I'm telling you it's all bad yeah your mathematician okay and then I'm gonna go to reflect our favorite tool Oh actually I don't think it reflects because it's not a shape I'm just gonna affect it like this cool all right now let's match this to this line yeah so it kind of connects a little bit but not quite mm-hmm I can picture that as actually being like a stamp we'd like put on a piece of paper or like if you ordered flowers from rosemary and you had a car there'd be a stamp on that oh yeah and now that's the goal to kind of try different lock ups how the logo can be used and this typeface so this could be for example number one right here this could be number two and then we can also try and make this our little flower symbol stand by itself and just make it a little house as well nice Karen says that the shape that you made around the logo looks kind of like a flower basket yeah there we go it can interpret a lot of things in that house yeah pretty cool that's a great point Karen yeah also just a quick reminder we are gonna be giving some design feedback in less than 13 minutes your designs don't have to be complete by any means we're just gonna go into the Photoshop discord and check out what's been shared in there it could totally be a work in progress and then provide some feedback and hopefully you can use that feedback to improve your designs yeah so when you're using something like this in a circle it's always good to have this the logo in the middle in the perfect middle so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna group the flower because if I Center the flower like this it will look like that and that's not what we want so we want to group it command and G and then we pick the circle and we select the circle as the key object cool and we just Center it right here yeah with our line tool now it's in the perfect middle that's awesome so that could be one and then we can also just use the typeface by itself so these are all brand elements right we have the logo which is the typeface we have this little flower that we can reuse and patterns and we have this thin line that's either a circle or a shape like this have you ever handed off like brand assets and some logos and things to a client that then took them and like we combine things and use them in ways that you didn't intend well I think experimenting kind of helps in that case so anything that's a different arrangement than planned it's great I know I feel like sometimes a designer might think like oh no like I wanted it to be like this but then they took it in they're like I like this typeface in this logo they start mashing oh that you know that's what you mean that the client kind of played yeah they kind of take the assets and then they make their own thing out of it yeah that's why it's very important to have a brand guideline file or book yeah so bigger companies have every little thing in the in their bread brand gallon book so every little thing has like this for example if I would say this this is a thing here this flower here it has to be in a certain size has to have a certain thickness so for example the client could take this this part here and it's a vector form right so if I just try to show you how the client could use it the client could use it like this yep and that would become something completely different it doesn't have the same ratio between you know the line thickness and the proportion is just off so it's always important to give a brand guidelines for the client that's really good and smart I've never handed off designs before but I feel like that would personally bug me if I hand it off some things and then it guy sure and unintended ways that represent my design work but not fully my design work yeah to avoid this disproportional scaling I outlined the shapes so right now we have this vector it's not really a shape yet it's just so to make it a shape we go to object path and outline stroke and now we have shape really cool so now if we scale this up the proportion would not get yeah the proportion would not get distracted cool so you can kind of baby baby-proof it a little bit yeah and also if I make it smaller the lines don't get too thick yeah super cool that could be a bun one variation of the logo richard has a question for you sure richard is currently working for an in-house company mm-hmm go back to it because chat just moved and I lost it okay working for an in-house company created a logo and brochures etc and he's wondering if he can use these on his B hands portfolio to help promote his freelance work or does that work belong to his company it's always fixed by the contract that you have with the company so when I've been working with agencies for brands like Panda Express or Jameson whiskey of course you cannot publish the work before they do what I for example do is I publish publish the work when it's already online anyway yeah you can you can take the images that the company posted then they're officially you know open to the public and anybody can publish them so that's when when you're actually you know when when they cannot see anything to you but if you publish work that hasn't been published yet or is in progress or is in production it has to be fixed by contract so you can I think there's a form that you can make the company sign to allow you publishing the work or you can you can just read the contract on that on what you're working where it should be affixed if you're allowed or not allowed to publish but I will be very careful with that I would definitely make sure that you're allowed to publish it especially if your in-house I'll just only add if you're an in-house employee of a company and you're creating work as an employee on company time any of the work that you do technically belongs to that company yeah and so before you go and use it for you know your own personal projects or freelance you should definitely get clearance at least that's my my personal opinion I think so otherwise you might get into some areas you don't really yeah I have one little tip for shapes like this so I've built this from two halves of a circle but you can also just use the rounded rectangle tool and then just adjust the corners to the center yeah I blew my mind so my aim right now is to to make a dark version of the stamp logo so basically I'm gonna put a dark background and bring all the inside inside shapes in white so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna outline stroke of all the shapes inside cool and then I'm gonna reverse this in black and now I'm gonna make all of these white damn nice I love that so we have a black and white version of this mm-hm and we can use this for different purposes again right this can be for example a sticker that you put on the flower bouquet when you're closing the paper you know it can be different you know it kind of looks a little like you know when you buy fruit at the grocery store and there's like that little sticker sometimes on the Apple or the orange yeah cheers could be like that but for flowers yeah exactly just neat and the cool thing is I've already made some mock-ups mm-hmm and tomorrow we're gonna be really mocking those up and it will come to life you know you can really you will be able to really imagine how the brand looks I also got a sneak peek of some of the photos that Julia took oh my gosh yeah I can share photos I can show you the photos that are not edited yet so so you will see it's just a pictures that I took and get ready there's Sweden let's see let's see let's see I have to find okay okay we can go look at this for example this could be like a gift card that you're sending to somebody this is supposed to be a packaging for the powder that they send to keep the flowers fresh and there can be a little message inside like a message in the bottle so so yeah things the little details details yeah that's wonderful and that's rosemary in the background right that's not rosemary actually that's some kind of other plan but it does look like wasn't worried a little bit yeah you're right so I'm gonna edit those I'm gonna make sure that stuff like this does not exist I'm gonna make the shapes a little bit more smooth and the background less blue mm-hmm just you know basic retouching work cool and then we're gonna mock those up and we have for example business cards here that we're gonna be making and it just looks more realistic if you take the pictures you know and you said this was your first time taking yeah it's it actually woke up photos yeah which is really amazing so anyone watching you know obviously you have that it's not it's not different for it but well actually to be honest a lot of our phones nowadays can take photos that are good enough for a buck oh yeah for example this one I think already looks pretty good except for little details here I'll have to remove some some of the things and the background of course has to be more white here but all in all this looks pretty minimalistic and I think this would be a good way to mock mock it up I'll also remove the brand here but that tomorrow that's cool and we're also tomorrow going to play with dimension a little bit yes exactly so we not only gonna muck things up and in Photoshop but also in dimension we're gonna put the logo on the mug or in the bag you know different things that we can find there let's see cool I can't wait to see that yeah I'm so excited this is coming along better than I thought great you know when you're coming to the stream you never know what's gonna be so I really was a surprise I super appreciate and I think all the viewers really appreciate coming in without like a specific agenda and kind of experimenting like you name it takes some courage and it can be a little nerve-wracking but also you come up with something that's really new and you've had fun with it and people have seen your exploits do you remember the shapes that we started with I still love this line it's really funny so good but that's how it's how it starts you know you just experiment and you know don't be discouraged by by weird looking shapes in the beginning it's all coming yeah imagine if we stopped on your first shape yeah right yeah we wouldn't have this that's for sure and we wouldn't have had fun with those squiggly lines yeah for sure I'm gonna make them go a little bit more into the center because right now they're sticking out to the sides a little bit so I just trying to I'm trying to reflect them cool do you ever use like like a line or a guide to like make sure things are in line like would you ever bring in I don't know something usually I use the alignment tool that we have for example if I want to make sure that this is all centered which I didn't or maybe I did I'm just aligning those things see it was not aligned yet so let's see let's make sure that this is all centered here BAM I actually do not move this this shape we are clicking on it a second time so it's the key shape meaning that everything will be aligned towards the shape so now only the center parts are moving the shape stays cool so if you double-click on something it becomes the key well I first select them all and then I just do one more click on this shape right and it becomes the key object cool that's a great tip yeah many of those things I learned by doing I've worked for this agency and I haven't been using those tools before and and my boss will come up to me and be like is this aligned center-aligned yeah I think that's all it is that's the things that you learn in design school but since I didn't go to like graphic design school it's it's not something that I'm familiar with so I'm just designing you know when I started designing my graphics looked awful I was I was I was really bad in the beginning but then I slick I learned my tools and you just you just become better that's totally practice again nobody starts off amazing at anything that's true you just have to practice and oftentimes the people that you look at that you admire that you want to model your work after you after started off in the same spot exactly not knowing at all what they were doing just heads up we have 15 seconds left before we're going to be doing some design reviews yeah we'll give you like you know maybe another minute or two to make sure that you wrap up what you're working on and put any finishing touches on it or make sure you export something that's work in progress share it to the photo shop discord and then we'll go in there and give some feedback here very shortly yeah I can't wait to animate this I'm gonna do a little animation with the leaves well cool hopefully hopefully I can I can do it by tomorrow maybe that they open mmm Thanks maybe this will be the key point here yeah that they will be turning around cool or maybe that they will be turning I don't know let's see or maybe it will go from black to white so the contracts contrast will be the opposite Louis that's what I'm gonna do it now right here I'm super excited now yeah that's awesome we have one question for you so I think maybe we can tackle that and then we'll do our design feedback yeah Manuel is wondering how you got your first job my first job I guess let's say design job because we probably my first design job so I've for the first years of my career I've been working as a freelancer so I've been basically helping businesses grow with design because I think design is a very strong tool that can really help people with any kind of business so I started off working for my mom I started working for my mom's friends I started working for my own friends and that's how I basically learned many many things and when you're working with your mom you're allowed to make mistakes you know that's a good thing you can you can be sure that you know that it doesn't have a bad effect on your nobody will judge you but in any case design can be very beneficial for for any kind of business so I would start with small businesses if you're just starting freelancing and I think the most important thing is to really make sure that people know what you're doing because many people don't know that you're a designer if you're not publishing anything or if you're not communicating it so when I did started doing work for my mom her friends noticed that the brand of her medical school she has a medical school my whole family is in medicine I'm the only one who's went the other direction but her her school started to winning popularity because the designs were appealed more appealing and she started doing more advertisement and going on on social media so that definitely helps growing a business and that's where I started and then other people came who also needed something done that's awesome it seems like when you first started out like having some type presence is really important and then like just word of mouth right like yeah I hadn't talked to her friend they talked to each other and then before you know it you actually have them stream of work yeah the whole time you're building up a portfolio and projects that you can show to people that aren't in that circle exactly kind of builds off of itself correct cool eric says he said no to his mom because she wouldn't pay him oh my mom didn't pay me neither sometimes you have to do work for people my mom didn't pay me but she bought me groceries that's awesome not our family my family is very business oriented so I grew up with making business and I think I've learned a lot from my mom being a business person mm-hmm she did that she did it the hard way she learned it all by herself you know as a designer to like half of it her more is being knowing how to run a business correct exactly you know the design skills are important but you have to know how to run a business to keep it alive yeah that's why many people many designers are working for an employer because they are just not they just don't know how to you know promote their business mm-hmm but what spy design has a great book on a business design business and events and things or something like that I recently got that it's pretty cool they've been here on the stream as well it's by design the two sisters don't worry okay yeah exactly this one is really good and there is a bunch of insights into hey and you how to create freelance oh yeah that's cool and when you get the packages actually if you click on the pic yeah you get a bunch of cool stuff with it so yeah I reckon it's really neat and they are good friends of ours so feel free to check that out so with the time not all of the time we have left but we do want to take a second to review some designs that have been shared in the discord this is the Photoshop discord it's part of it's part and parcel with the daily creative challenge so we're going to be reviewing daily creative challenge designs let me show you that real quick this is the Photoshop daily creative challenge and today is our second challenge so the challenge was to design a business card with custom text using liquify and warp filters if you are just discovering the challenges or if you haven't signed up yet you can click this blue button you'll get notifications so with that let's go to the discord oh yeah and you can join the discord by clicking this button for a community chat or down at the bottom here you can join the discord I'll take you to a landing page and then you just join up so with that let's review some designs that have been shared in the current challenge channel this is a business card designed by net bug Adamson Abigail and feel free to give some feedback I'll chime in when I can but I think I'm gonna lean on your expertise I think it's a great color combination um it seems like something some very very elegant business concept I like the sensor that you've used here maybe the only thing that I would do is take Adam Adams and Abigail a little bit apart so it's better edible and kind of connected still connected with a with the end but but make it a little bit of take take it a little bit more apart I would say okay or maybe you can also what you can also do is pick a lighter color for the pink so it hat creates a bigger contrast to the black mmm I also yeah I think if they were lighter this would lips feel a little less busy yeah I think like the pink and the black it's a little hard to read especially right here for me you lose all of the white space and the a and the beef yeah but I really like the approach that you're trying to play with layers you know that you're creating this layer of pink and then the layer of of black I think if you would offset print this business card over look great cool for for people that don't know what is offset print offset and basically prints color by color okay so so first you would print the pink layer and then you will print the black layer on top hooker oh they'll be looking great and also you could play with textures Adams and Abigail could be for example glossy mm-hm and if you leave the end Matt and Adams and Abigail glossy it will be easier to read for example on the business card I love that it's great feedback thank you for sharing that bug we'll move on to the next one by Jay Lewis that's awesome I love how the this gold texture is already applied and it looks looks really cool yeah I like it too what does it say so it says Jay Lewis and then I think it's their instagram send jay live live is sent live assent okay this is a bit difficult to read because it's a bit distorted mm-hmm so the challenge was to do liquefying warp filter so yeah that's why I was done yeah but maybe not on that part okay um I think maybe I would first of all I would leave a little bit more kerning between the letters Murph's more space between the letters so it will make it more better edible then I think the background image also plays a big role because it has those gold tones in it as well so the contrast between the gold and this the photo that you took in the background is pretty low so it makes it very difficult to read yeah so maybe I'll turn down a little bit on the on the liquid ooh what was it called liquefied horrifying yes yeah actually you know Jose Jose just mentioned that this actually says a Jay Lewis joint joint Jay Lewis's Instagram handle so actually what might be cool is if this were just instead of jail oeis if it's an edge a Louis joint and in the back was just this picture yeah it might be kind of like it would say the same thing yeah you would still be able to use the gold and some of the techniques yeah that's different there's definitely a possibility to that just a suggestion but I really like it I think I think it's really cool I think this mock-up is also amazing yeah I think that's really nice it's really stylish yeah good job okay let move on to the next one okay okay here we go this was done by snowy so we have to you know eat this and this this is what they placed on the market that's really cool yeah I like this texture it almost hurts it almost feels like it's a thick layer of paint or something huh I like the colors it reminds me a little bit of you know when you have those suits and you want to hide and major what's it cook Oh like a ghillie suit or camouflage yeah cover flash yeah exactly it almost reminds me of that and I think it's really cool that this logo with a tree is also very interesting white on this background yeah it's just I mean the way you put the information I would expect some text on the background maybe mm-hmm some and more information citizeness yeah maybe like a phone number or name or something like that in that white same white tone yeah that's a great suggestion I think it's really cool maybe I would I would decrease the size of your handle a little bit otherwise it's really cool it's different yeah a little more breathing man yeah exactly maybe a little bit more yeah I love hear how it feels like paper like a pinhead out or something like there's a lot of depth mm-hmm in this camouflage so it's definitely very interesting it's wonderful I love the job - nice job snowy okay we'll do a couple more here we go peace of Jesse all right thank God starry night it's very nice Jesse I love I love the way you put the typeface is that a typeface or is it something that you drew yourself it looks really cool I'm very interesting yeah Jesse if you're watching let us know yeah I also love how on the backside for putting the text in information and you left you left it just black so it's really easy to read and I think you've done a really good job yeah I love this touch right here feels like there's a lot of weight up top with the starry night and it's kind of dropping these almost like it's raining its transition into them yeah I think it's really nice mm-hmm I like it too it's amazing great work thanks for sharing thank you and looks like we are okay so this is a thumbnail for no no for the project which I think we can skip because we're gonna review that yeah the business cards today dynamic design call it definitely looks very dynamic cool um there is a little black parts in the word dynamic maybe you can make them less black and more earthy yellowish tones so it creates the contrast to the black background it will make it easier to read I think that's a great tip I also this is very small and it's not designed related but I would just remove this second this last slash on the Instagram technically don't need it and it would then line up more easily with the truth yeah that's true and I like the way you put the type it's a very simple sense serif very easy to read mm-hmm and like oh it's all it's all uppercase on the front and there everything's lowercase on the back I think that's a nice touch mm-hmm yeah I love it yeah good job okay let's see what else we can get to Amanda jh mm-hmm cool there is definitely a lot of play and in a typeface really good job what I would do maybe for the sake of readability is to leave a bit more space between Amanda and JH because at the moment I'm reading Amanda J Amanda J page so um yeah cool that's a good tip I like other friends who seem so business he like this is like seems like typewriter style yeah and then the back is kind of like playful so you can kind of tell right away that like if you flip the card over you're like oh this is probably this is a creative person yeah for sure which is kind of nice it's very creative yeah awesome great job Amanda awesome okay this would be our last one and then we'll get back into your work okay this is Joshua in the wild oh I love it it almost reminds me of a movie poster mm-hmm Joshua in the wild I love it too do you know the movie into the wild I do this reminds me of that yeah and it really has a mood to it because it's this gray tones with a lot of fog it looks very cold and foggy and a forest it has a certain suddenly this wildness mood for sure yeah I really love it I mean this could be a tackle boys card right here yeah it's great it's got good vibes I think yeah I love it I also love that you put the contact almost like a photo you know it's it's almost like a the typeface is cut into a photo yeah I agree I like how they were like there were effects added to Joshua and well it's still legible it's still very legible yeah which is pretty great huh it's a great job Josh yeah awesome all right so that's it for us we have another daily creative challenge going live first thing tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. so there's gonna be a new challenge and new work Sheridan the discord so make sure you come back for that yeah and we're gonna pop back to Julia's screen and finish up what she was working on before wrapping the day okay yeah if you guys want to send more of those designs to review I'll be online on discord later on as well so I can maybe give you some feedback if you like awesome that would be great just mentioned me and then I'll know okay yeah you can ask Julia yeah okay cool I'm actually pretty satisfied with this at the moment we have a variety of lock ups we have our little flower as a you know by itself I think it works pretty well and then with our typeface that's still dominant but not you know too much mm-hmm this lockup can be used for a website for example you know how they put the logo on the side because it's also aligned on the left side as well so darker work that we can use for our flower shop collateral paper stickers mm-hmm bag maybe that vial that you have to yeah just an idea yeah and I'm definitely gonna be using this typeface to create our cards and all of that stuff so so this typeface will definitely keep in mind great I'm gonna show him quickly like where we started to just yeah it's funny we started here with Mary and then we went into our colors and we went into this typefaces and we went into this super weird shapes the best super weird so from here we went to this yes isn't that cool yeah so I'm very satisfied with the result the thing what we can do right now is maybe try how many minutes do we have left we have about 10 minutes a little bit long 10 minutes let's try the colors cool that sounds great we can only save a little bit at the end to to like you know wrap up and again let them know what we're working on tomorrow I think sure let's do that okay cool let's start with this guy here I'm gonna group them all just so it's easier to drag and drop them and like you've used grouping more than control-z which is good you have it that means you haven't made very many mistakes well I've made mistakes and I just moved away from them kind of happy accidents I'm just moving I'm just moving away from the only don't show me the slide I'm moving from the top left corner to the bottom right corner so this is where the end result spool is this a stream of conscious yeah exactly everything down the page it's it's funny because actually that's the way we're reading right from left to right mm-hm and you can see the progress like that that's fun how big is your your artboard your space that you created here that's pretty big it is pretty big because I usually what I do is I create a an artboard that I can later on slice and put into my B hence no base so later on I will rearrange these and I will start with a logo in the beginning you know how behance project looks like mm-hmm that's a really good tip so you're designing on something that you can hardly reuse those yeah exactly exactly it's a personal project so I'm gonna be using it for a B hence oh by the way I've started the series of monthly branding projects the last one that I've had is Galaxy unseen as a packaging project for a cosmetics firm yeah so I'll show that I'll show your UV hands and everything once we're ready to wrap up yeah everyone follow you and check out your projects let's do that okay let's try the colors these are the colors that we picked oops Taron it is our pleasure thanks for joining us she says thank you both you're fun to watch and very talented oh thank you sign Stone says wonderful to both of you Julia and Gus thank you thank you see people are learning a lot and thank you for the wonderful feedback yeah thanks guys I'm really excited to have you all here from all over the place yeah watch me work it's always fun I love the colors it looks so good yeah right the color gives it a little pop yep as you can see the white on the light pink is not enough contrast but we will change that that's why we have the darker color here so we can keep up the contrast okay so here now let's change this one to the dark blue nice and now we have yeah I think it's a great really cool I'm happy with that yeah okay let's try the next one that would be this guy yeah move it down up line make sure everything's everything is outlined outline stroke and then you can do the colors again and I also like to put the colors on different background colors mm-hmm so for example if we have this dark blue we can move it those mine you know so you have a little bit of contrast huh yeah that could be a sticker as well for example this is so cool to watch come to life I know I'm really excited myself I'm ready to go brand some stuff okay and now we can do the opposite Gaddafi likes the colors awesome yeah I mean the colors page the the colors are Adobe com is really cool for inspiration mm-hmm sometimes I just take pictures from that I see on B hands or on Pinterest I just look up the pictures and then you can just you know take the color palette from there it's super smart and I think it's kind of like I don't know if you like right for a show or if you try to like capture ideas if you do those on the fly every day remember you're feeling inspired whenever you want to capture color palette do it and then at the end of a week or a month you have so much material to pull from exactly I'm just kidding you know use it in any way you want that is so true hey Yan thanks for joining good to see you yan eric is probably my oldest live streaming friend oh wow I've been watching Adobe live since 2015 cool tried and true okay okay so we have about four minutes left okay so you see the idea yeah let's wrap it up you see the idea I'm just applying to the colors to the black and white logos that we have so tomorrow we can mock this all up and we can put those on our different collateral that we prepared we're gonna go into dimension so make sure to stare I'm gonna show my little tips and tricks on how to put the lighting and how to 3d models we haven't done that in like I don't know at least half of me yeah we're excited to have dimension on the livestream tomorrow before we go I want to show everyone your behance page check and show them your Instagram so they know where to follow you and how to reach out so you couldn't find Julia on be hands this is her URL up here mm-hmm 4/6 DF DF I think I should be also featured on next to the chat yeah in the info yep I can show you that yeah that's that's easier probably instead of on the info tab inception so just check this out she's got some amazing projects that's the last one galaxies on scene it's all rendered in dimension so all this packaging I've done in Illustrator this is some animation that I've done you're Pro yeah by the way it takes a long time to make this kind of animation because you have to render every single picture I think it was 21 pictures Wow and then I adjusted the lighting and you know I turned the object that's awesome so we're gonna see a little bit more about how she does this tomorrow and creates all of her beautiful projects so make sure to follow they were here you can also find her on Instagram just another sunny girl follow me and usually I'm posting a lot of like process work when I'm working on something you can write to me if you have any questions exactly or just just you know I'm ready to help him whenever I can yes I have one quick PSA real quick I'm the creative residence he's open right now oh yeah and they are looking for creatives to work on a passion project for the next year for a whole year applications close next week I think on Wednesday and they might extend that but they might not I just want to make sure everybody knows that if you're watching and you're creative and you're looking to just dive into a personal project for a year you can apply to this program if you get it you'll be paid a salary for a year to work on whatever you decide to work on and adobe will equip you with all the resources you need to find yeah it can be the stores yeah it can be illustration photography ux/ui can be any kind of graphic design julia Sandusky I think she's working on an environmental project how to reduce waste and she's also creating graphics you know regarding to that I think it's also very interesting to check out the work of the current residents to get an idea of totally what they're doing yep so you can find out about how the residency works here you can figure out how to apply here and then there's also some bits about the current residents down towards the bottom as you scroll down so just peruse the page if you're inspired you should totally apply there they're looking for people just like you so please check that out and with that that's all we've got today yeah I'm looking forward to tomorrow thank you everyone for joining us we'll see you tomorrow we'll be live again at 12 p.m. Pacific time until 2:00 p.m. see you guys great job Julia thank you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 53,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, graphic design, branding, identity design, how to brand, freelance design, logo design, type design, Adobe, Adobelive, Adobe Live, how to design, how to draw, illustration tips, graphic design tips, Julia Masalska, Gus Martin
Id: X9ABxK4MVqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 37sec (7057 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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