Adobe Illustrator Tutorials Vector Text Effects for Awesome T Shirt Designs

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oh welcome back to keep on creating i'm mike this is my t-shirt printers let's create something [Music] first off welcome to all the new subscribers it's great to have you here if you haven't subscribed already make sure you hit that subscribe button down here and ding the bell so you know when a fresh episode sneaks into the channel and smashing that like button would be awesome too so today today i really felt like i needed a haircut because man my heat is getting so long today what we're going to be doing is taking this text over here and turning it into something awesome something that we could end up printing on a t-shirt for merchandise or anything like that making it simple but cool and punchy all in illustrator vector goodness let's do this let's start by getting a new page open so i'm going to hit up here where it says illustrator and go across to file drop down to new and get this new document page open now i'm going to go for an a4 which is this 297 by 210 millimeter and i'm going to make sure it's just horizontal so this way around and click create to get a page open with our page already let's get our text tool up so i'm just going to hit t which is this tool over here that's our text tool or type tool and just click on the page and start typing in so i'm going to keep on okay i'm just going to hold down my command key click off any part of this page over here hit v to get my selection tool and i'm just going to click and drag that up there okay and then i'm going to type again so i'm going to hit t to get my text tool up again click on the page and let's open creating let's get rid of that four it's my brilliant typing skills okay now what i'm going to do with these both selected so with my selection tool i'm just going to drag over both of them and let's just select a font so i'm going to go for let's see it doesn't really matter whatever font you want to use i'm just going to be using this font here okay let's select with this creating bit okay i'm going to hit e to just get this transform tool up which is this tool over here you can see it gives me these little nodes all over the place all these scale guides so i'm going to click and drag that now you can see it's a bit warpy at the moment just hold shift and it creates a nice just even how it's meant how the font is actually meant to look so it scales it up in proportion okay just hit v again to get your point tool your selection tool and i'm just going to drag that into the middle of the page let's just make this a little bit bigger so again my transform tool of e and i'm going to click and drag while holding shift and alt just to get a little bit bigger okay and this one we're going to come back to in a bit but before we go any further what we have to do we have to convert this text to outline so we have to continue from a font and turn it into a graphic file because there's no good working like this it'll just be a nightmare so with them both selected so to select them all again you can just go command a or you can just get your selection tool over here and click and drag over everything with your decision you spin the roulette wheel on that one now we're going to head it up to type and i'm going to drop down to this create outlines and you can see there's the quick key over there shift command oh click on that and you can see it takes it from that font and now you can actually see it's given us all these nodes which is turn this font into a graphic now just having a look at this graphic just for design's sake you can see how close this t is to this eye so if we had to zoom out of this you can see it the t also almost becomes that eye over there so i'm going to zoom into it again it's okay when it's big like this but you always got to look at things small and big so i'm gonna just hit my direct selection tool which is a or this tool over here okay i'm gonna select my font and i'm gonna hold shift and just drag it away from that line there basically i'm looking for almost this gap over here between this end and this g to be the same distance between here here here here and here so you can see this font isn't actually designed very well let's just drag that up there so it's nicely spaced okay so i'm just going to zoom out again did we convert that one yep we converted that one right so let's start off by smashing up this creating bit to smash up this creating bit we are going to be using this pathfinder tool quite a bit so if you haven't got this window open you can't find it just hit it up to window and drop down to where it says pathfinder with a shift command f9 so if you can't find it just find it over there what we're going to do we are going to crack this number one we're gonna get our pen tool up so we're gonna hit p or you're gonna select this tool over here i'm gonna split it let's make it from about here i'm gonna go all the way across all the way to here okay it's gonna click down here so just keep on clicking and let's go i'm going to start from let's go yeah let's click it about here and i'm going to go back up this way and click over here and then i'm going to just close my shape off by clicking this a little bit over here so you can see it gives me that little o to make sure that i'm sealing off this or creating a closed pass i'm going to click on that okay now i'm going to hit v okay just to deselect everything and click on my artboard space now i don't know where my swatches have gone but let's get my swatches up so i'm just going to go down here swatches and get them up basically all i want to do is just change these colors around so we can see what we're doing i'm just going to select our text so i've got my selection tool which is this tool up here and i've selected this creating bits let's just make that blue for now so we can see the difference between our new shape and our graphic behind it now with our new shape selected so i'm just selecting that i'm going to hold shift and i'm going to select this creating part at the back over there okay now in the pathfinder window you can do this a couple of ways we're just going to use this divide section over here so i'm going to click on divide okay and you can see to the r really hasn't done that much but what it actually has done i'm just going to close this window over here what it actually has done you can see if i just go over here and i've got my smart guides on it basically selects that a little bit over there so it's actually going through all these little bits here if you haven't got your smart guides on just go command u and it switches them on so command u and it switches the minus so you see i've switched it off and go command u and switch it back on so with my selection tool selected which is this tool up here i'm going to go through and delete all these little bits that i don't want so the first four what we're gonna do is just ungroup this so i'm gonna go come on chef g okay and that ungroups everything so it splits everything so even that little bit is not no longer grouped to this section over here to ungroup if you can't find the quickie or type it in this is going to head up to object and you're going to drop down to this ungroup over here okay so let's just run through and just delete all these little excessive bits so you can see like i don't want that little bit over there delete that select this one hit that backspace okay i'm going to move fast through all this just going to delete all that delete that and have we got everything okay cool yeah got everything there now all these little bits here are still separate i want these blacks to be joined so when i click on this one i want all this black area here to be selected likewise for this blue area so let's select this blue little bit at the bottom over here so i've got my pointer tool which is this tool over here my selection tool i'm going to click and just drag just over those little bits there okay head over to my pathfinder and i'm going to click unite so it unites all of those so when i click that one little blue bit you can see it selects all that blue bit there likewise for this top section just going to click and drag over it so select all those little bits there and i'm going to click unite and likewise for this black section over here and it's going to be a little bit different i'm going to select this bottom bit over here okay and then i'll hold shift and just drag my marquee through that little arrow there i've selected everything i think so let's just make sure okay cool yeah so you see we've got that bit that bit and that bit and you can see i've missed a little bit there so i'm just going to put these back select there hold shift click that and hit the unite button now they're all selected all together let's really start smashing it up now so what we're going to do is i'm going to select this black bit over here i'm just going to click and drag it oddly just about let's just drag it somewhere over here and i'm just going to click this little blue bit and just drag it that way so you can see it's kind of giving that shattered effect there but what i'm going to do is take this a little bit further now so i'm going to select my black bit and i'm going to get my rotate tool up so i'm just going to hit r or you can just go over here and select this rotate tool there now you can see it's giving us a little anchor right in the middle over here what i'm going to do is i'm going to take that little anchor and i'm going to put it just snap it up there to that part over there now what that does it basically rotates from that area there so that is my anchor point so let's just rotate this a little bit further out just about there so you can see it starts off nice and thin and it comes out what you're looking for actually going to move it a little bit up okay likewise for this little bottom bit over here and drag that in this way a little bit get my rotate tool up which is r and just create it oops i'm just going to drag my anchor point there get the anchor point and reposition it on this edge here and i'm going to drag it this way this time just pull it in a little bit with my selection tool okay probably went a little bit far with that one just reposition that anchor again and just drag it in a little bit so it's sort of thin and just gets a little bit thicker over there okay cool let's add a little bit more few cracks in up here so i'm just going to get my pen tool hit p and let's just draw some very sharp triangles so let's draw a long one like that okay drag it in there guys and bring that down there i'm going to rotate that a little bit so you know the rotators is just that r it's going to drag it over there a little bit cool let's just change the color of this one get that swatches up again i don't know why my swatches aren't in my side pattern just put them up here so we can get a hold of them okay so i'm going to make this let's make it yellow so we can actually see it okay so with that in there i'm going to hold click this hold alt and just drag it make another little sharp one over there just take the top of that a off cool and just scale this this way i want one coming in just on the side of here just to crank that up a little bit and i'm going to hold else again click and drag this i'm going to rotate this so get your r up and i'm going to flip it around all the way this way and let's make one coming in here cool now the cool thing obviously because this is vector you can just click on that little node there i want that to be a little bit wider so you can see i'm just making a little bit wider entry there just want that little bit peeking out over there which is cool and just make it so it goes there let's just make another copy of this yellow one so i'm holding alt while dragging it and i just wanted to i want to get pretty close to that one and just put it about there cool okay yeah okay let's keep it like that so i'm going to select both of these so i'm going to hit this one hold shift hit there and i'm going to just unite it so i'm going to click this little button over here click on that and just click expand and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to hold shift and select this black part of our graphic over here so hold shift select that and now i'm going to hit this button over here holding alt and click this button over here and you can see it punches it through there it's going to click expand again and make sure it punches out all those little bits just punch this bit out here so double select again so you're going to select this one hold shift hit that blue area and hold alt and then click this minus button you'll see it punches it through there and likewise for this section up here the same as this bit down here we're going to unite these two areas first they become one graphics i'm just going to select both of them hit this unite button over here okay and then i'm going to hold shift and select our top blue area header we back to our pathfinder hold alt again and click on that and then click on expand and you can see it's now created that little shattered effect going through that looks pretty cool let's just work on this top section with our keep on bits i'm going to drag that in over here now we can make it bigger so i'm going to hit e get our transform tool up which is this tool over here i'm going to hold alt and shift at the same time just to scale from the center not too sure where the center of this actually is so to find out the center we're going to be just going to get m okay and that brings up this rectangle tool over here it's going to quickly just draw a rectangle completely over the whole thing and you can see it kind of gives me the middle of it there so get my rulers up i'm going to go command r you can see my rules are popped up and i'm just going to drag a guide in okay from there to there and you can see it pops in that guide now i'm going to select this rectangle that we've done just delete that don't need that anymore and then select our keep on bit and just just find out what the center of that is okay just push it off to the side you can see now nice and centered up there okay and i think yeah size wise that's pretty cool let's get that rectangle tool back up again so m or this tool over here which i just pointed to which is this rectangle tool and i'm going to draw a rectangle let's make it about here ish okay cool let's get that swatches up again and let's just make it red for now okay now obviously we can't see i'll keep on bit over there so there's a few ways we can actually see it again you can just right click and head on down to arrange and send to send backward or send to back or there's your cookie there shift command and that square brackets okay so just do that and you see now it's popped up it's basically sent this piece of red graphic all the way to the back and we just left with our black text on top or back graphic on top okay so let's just stylize this a little bit i'm going to give my absolute or direct select tool which is this tool over here okay and i'm going to click on this little corner drag it in a little bit while holding shift obviously if i don't hold shift it can go up here i want to still keep a little structure to it so i'm going to drag it into there likewise for this side just single click and drag it in to about there ish okay cool and let's just break this up a bit too so let's just get our pen tool which is p and i'm just gonna click let's just click from about up here take that top piece off just click over there click yeah should we do click there just bring it down to about like here-ish okay just click all the way around to seal off that graphic let's make another little bit coming in over here it's gonna go right through there just break it close that graphic off and let's make one from the bottom so i'm gonna draw another little triangle coming from the bottom over here okay doesn't matter that you overlapped that little bit okay so what we're going to do let's get this all united up so i'm going to hold shift click on this one hold shift click on that one hold shift so i've got all those three elements just change the color so you can see i've got all those three elements selected head to my pathfinder tool and i'm going to click unite so they're all one object and then i'll shift and select our red bit over here so i'm going to click on the red so i've got those two objects selected hold alt and just click on this minus and you can see it's basically punched everything out so just quickly send this to the back you know what the back command is because i showed you a little bit earlier and you can see we've got that little crack through let's just tighten this a little bit up here i'm just going to zoom right in and just select this little point over here and just drag it in just make sure that it's a straight line and not a curving line over there okay cool just wanted to make that a little bit smaller to me it was a little bit big okay cool so there's our base structure at the moment so we've got all the little design elements going on in here all the bones of it or weird colors going on now it's time to get those colors dialed in and make this logo look really cool to start adding in color i've got a library so i'm going to get on up here to window and drop down to the libraries and i should get my library right cool there's my keep on creating library just get the swatches up and what i'm going to do i'm going to add this theme to my swatches so i'm just going to go add theme to swatches cool i've got my little swatches down there okay let's close this library up again and the first thing i'm going to do is just head over here to my layers just open that up and make a new layer so i'm just going to create new layer take this layer and i'm going to label it just double click to there label it background cool okay and i'm going to drag it below our artwork layer this one layer one here is our artwork layer okay so we just know which is which now with my background selected it's gonna get my rectangle tool up so i'm gonna hit m and just draw a big big block over here so let's draw a big block like that i don't want it red i wanted a black color so i'm just going to use my black over there let's just change this area over here to let's make it our blue color in fact i'm going to change that to our blue color and i'm going to change these two colors over here to our nice and bright and reddish color and let's change this keep on bit over here to a blue okay so that's what that looks like there now to add a little bit more to this well let's add in you know what let's add in one of those lightning bolts so i'm gonna click click click click click and click okay and let's just make this just that black color there okay cool that looks pretty sweet the lighting bolt is just a little bit too solid so to break it up i'm just going to go and select it so get my pointer tool up or my selection tool just select that and let's just flip this color around so all i'm going to do is go shift x which is just flipping my stroke and my fill around over here and you can see it's just it's kind of disappeared because we can't actually see it at the moment and let's just give this a stroke now i'm going to stroke it to the inside so i'm going to hit this little button over here says align strokes and you see it says alarm stroke to inside i'm going to click on that and there's just a scale of this up over here just quiet this will make it nice and thin let's have a look how that looks cool so it's not so overwhelming so looking at this design from a screen printing point of view you're going to be looking at a three color plus a flash or an under base so technically it's going to be a four color so you're gonna have to print that in the base first probably hit that twice and then go color color color yeah that's right i said to remember how many colors they were in the print why i'm not actually seeing it you can see it i can't see it without having an underbase the print will look a little bit dull now that may be what you're looking for maybe what you prefer but if you put that white underbase on it'll look like that give it some pop if you do do this tutorial head on over to the keep on creating facebook group which i'll leave a link in the description below and show us what you've created and that about brings us to the end of yet another episode make sure to follow us on our social channels all linked over here smash that like button subscribe if you haven't and i'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Keep on Creating
Views: 75,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe illustrator, adobe illustrator for beginners, adobe illustrator tutorial, adobe illustrator vector tutorial, color separations, halftone effect, illustrator, illustrator tutorial, illustrator tutorials, rip software screen printing, silk screen print, silkscreen printing, spot color separations, t shirt print, adobe illustrator cc, illustrator cc tutorial, illustrator cc, adobe illustrator tutorials, graphic design, adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners, illustration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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