Photoshop vs Illustrator vs Indesign - When to use each one

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today I'll show you when to use Adobe Photoshop Illustrator or InDesign [Music] you [Music] now most people are pretty familiar with Photoshop and what it can do people that use illustrator however a far rarer even rarer so are those that use InDesign in this video I'm going to go through an overview of each one so you know which one to use for which application let's begin alrighty let's get started and in the most common program out of the three and that is Photoshop I've pasted it in a standard Chuck Norris picture off the internet I'm gonna show you how the image is made up Photoshop is what we call raster based which is a fancy word for saying that it's based on pixels if you weren't aware zooming in will show you exactly what this means pixel images are made up of a grid of different squares in each one of those has a color as you to mount this up to blend together and that's how the image is created Photoshop is number one for image editing Photoshop it is perfect for taking the image off your phone your camera or even the internet and touching it up in this example here I'm going to play with the black and white balance by changing the curve one of the real strengths of Photoshop is using the layers cassini arrow have David Hasselhoff and Chuck Norris on two separate layers so I can move them around independently of each other by using the transform tool it's very easy to resize move skew and add perspective different objects this is what makes Photoshop so popular for those funny image edits where people swap the head from one thing on to another before we had Instagram filters we have Photoshop filters and there are heaps of them here there's a huge range of effects that you can achieve with these filters here's an example of one this is liquefying liquify enables you to more pan image around using very little skill the presets are very powerful and not much time having never done it before you can get something that looks pretty crazy [Music] another really prominent use for Photoshop is retouching fashion images whether need it or not so in this example I'm going to use the clone tool the basically I can hold down the Alt key and set my target and then when I come back and paint I will transfer that bit of texture into its place so this is commonly used to get rid of imperfections and little marks and things like that it adds to the effect that people described as being airbrushed I've established that Photoshop is the number one program for editing images especially when it comes to print and web so why don't we need illustrator well let's revisit that concept of Photoshop being pixel based here I've got a simple pattern where I've drawn a rectangle and a circle Photoshop stores this information by recording the color of every single pixel on the grid when we zoom in we'll see the problem with this we can see you hear that our circle is beginning to become pixelated the way to get around this is to draw all of our shapes in an enormous resolution so that way we have to zoom in for some time before it starts to pixelate this however makes really big file sizes which isn't quite ideal if we switch to illustrator and have the same type of pattern and we can see the difference between raster and vector graphics every time i zoom in here it simply redraws it and you can see that we never lose quality if I hover the mouse over I can see that the vector is highlighted whereas Photoshop stores the final image in a series of pixels on a grid illustrator stores the instructions to create the image in this example it will keep instructions to know that there's a rectangle here and a circle here as well as the proportion and relative positioning of each every time we zoom in or out it simply follows those instructions to redraw it on the screen and create it perfectly for this reason illustrator is perfect for doing things like logos if we visit our teaching tackle logo here and zoom in we can see that all of the little shapes that make it up are made out of vectors the advantage here is that I can blow this up to the size of the building and it will never lose quality I can also shrink it down really small for something like a business garden and it'll look great there too I've pasted it in a picture of the Hopf to show that illustrator in fact can handle raster graphics it doesn't automatically convert them to vectors however so if you zoom in that still will become pixelated the illustrator is particularly good for quickly moving and placing different elements to create things like posters it's important to note that illustrator does have a range of grass to editing capabilities but it's not really anything compared to photoshop in fact it calls it the Photoshop effects but it's still vastly cut down from what you'll find in Photoshop despite being vectorbase that fills an illustrator are quite powerful here we have two examples of different fills the one on the left is a straight gradient you can bring up your gradient panel select your object and then change your range of parameters to do with the gradient you can also change from linear to radial and include extra colors if you wish this example on the right isn't as well-known this one uses the mesh tool you can see when I hover over it's divided the shape up into a bunch of segments I come up with the white cursor tool and click on one of the segments I can set the color for that segment and it will try and blend it into the other ones around it here's an example of a poster made as an instruction sheet using illustrator all of the individual shapes are vectors and gradients of it applied to make different parts stand out in this program it's extremely easy to move things around and to place them here's another example of some more advanced editing in Illustrator zooming in might make you think this is something that's been done in Photoshop but hovering the mouse over reveals that everything is in fact vectors this section on the front here we can see is a gradient mesh and we've also used some of the filters from the drop-down menus to get the drop shadow and the texture because this is an illustrator every time we zoom in or out its redrawn and it should never pixelate of course illustrator is vector based it's also good for making files for laser cutting you can see here the pieces for my heart puzzle from my valentine's day 3d printing special each one of them is made up of vectors and this is a type of path that the laser cutter needs to follow to be able to cut something out we've established that photoshop is great for single images illustrator is good for logos and single page layouts and that brings us to Adobe InDesign InDesign is what you switch to when you've got to create a lot of something here I've set up an example page to show you some of the ways that InDesign can work here some features that might be of interest we come to either of the rulers and click and drag across when you let go it'll leave a guideline now when you're moving things around you can easily snap to that guideline the text boxes are a little bit different to other programs you can see that we can resize them and there were some text hidden underneath you'll notice there's a red plus here which is telling us there's text that's not fitting well we hit the plus it'll prompt us to drag another text and then the text will continue in that if I resize the original one the text will flow between them as it needs to now images and InDesign are a little bit different as well well we click on them we have two functions general resizing will resize the box and effectively crop the image if you double click now you can resize the actual image but that doesn't resize the box if you click on an image and hold down Shift + ctrl now you're resizing the bounding box as well as the image in the same go if we examine the components of our design we can see the InDesign supports both raster and vector graphic zooming in on my Chuck Norris image shows me that it is in fact still pixels if I come over to my logo and zoom right in you can see that the vectors that make it up are still traced around the outside despite this press being a vector from illustrator you notice that the quality doesn't look that great that's because InDesign where it can keeps a reference to the original file and then displays a preview quality version only that means if I update this design and illustrator it will instantly update in InDesign saving me a lot of time if I come up to view over print preview it'll transform to the highest quality possible-- to show you how it's actually going to print like we touched on earlier the real beauty of InDesign is when you need to do a lot of something because of its templating system you'll notice under my pages panel that I have my master up the top and then my actual page is down below let's make a copy of my logo and set it up as a watermark then a double click on a master and it turns black up here and the pages of blank then I'm gonna paste in my logo I'm gonna resize it and move it up to the top left hand corner I'm gonna make a copy and put it in the top right hand corner now you will never actually place this without white space here but as an example for now it'll do the job but double click to come back to our page you'll notice that it's been applied because if this page is labeled with a which corresponds to the a master up the top as they're adding new pages you'll see that each one automatically bears the image that we set up in our master if I want to come back to my master at anytime and edit the way this is positioned when I come back to the page it'll instantly be updated there as well we also have some really good templating for our paragraph text I come to this text box here and then make sure I have paragraph Styles open I can add a new one from the button down below if I double click on it the control box will come up what I'm going to do is rename this one with whatever I feel in this case I'm going to call it heading one now when I'm editing other text all I need to do to apply this formatting here is to click on heading 1 in a complicated document you're going to end up with probably five or six different paragraph styles this means you can write and edit your text in a program with spellcheck and then when you paste it in it's very quick to come back and click single time to set the type of style that you want just like with the master layout paragraph Styles can be edited very quickly by double-clicking them and then changing whatever we want soon as they hit okay everything in the document will come through an update you can see this one here has turned accidentally to the heading one so all I need to do is put my cursor somewhere in the paragraph and then do a single click to revert it let's do a little recap Photoshop excellent for image editing that includes the images off your camera and as well as graphic designs and single pictures that you're making for a variety of applications illustrator excellent for logos and in some cases single page graphic design layouts and finally InDesign which is set for making long documents where you can use the templating to make sure everything stays consistent well that wraps it up I hope you found this overview on comparison very informative thanks for watching and I'll see you next time g'day it's Michael again if you liked the video then please click like if you want to see more content like this in future click Subscribe and make sure you click on the bell to receive every notification if you really want to support the channel and see exclusive content become a patron visit my patreon page see you next time
Channel: Teaching Tech
Views: 97,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, photoshop, illustrator, indesign, graphic design, image editing, filters, touch up, photo editing, logo design, vector graphics, raster graphics, pixel graphics, template, gradient mesh
Id: fWJ_BvfUo6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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