Phil Robertson Fooled the FBI Without Saying a Word | Duck Call Room #42

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[Music] are we on there we're on the air ladies and gentlemen i hate to brush in yelling like this but as boys silas robertson seated right over there two things we never saw ever you and if if there had been one we would have spotted him we never saw a deer track ever ever no deer tracks from 60 through 64. we're at the roaming age see is this the day you were dropped off in the falcon and you had to get 10 miles back to your house oh yeah yeah this is in dixie dixie louisiana there's a town called dixie well in dixie we went in the woods we stayed in the woods big pecan trees you know bottom land hardwood not one deer track that's one two is we never laid our eyes on a beaver or beaver trap there were no deer and there were no beavers and this is uh what is it 2021 since jesus healed up 21 add the 21 that's about 50. about 50. more than that you know 55. yeah right 55 or 60 years ago in these united states of america think about it there were no there were no beavers damning up streams and there were no deer at all well you just look both those animals on what has happened in the last 50 years they stocked them they said a pair of them here and a pair of them there and from that stock they started stocking them in the 60s and when i by the time i got to louisiana tech about about a year after i got there i'm squirrel hunting i looked down i said whoa deer track i said they got deer over here but they had just stocked them and you know and it took 50 years and now where we are so did are they there now beavers and deer oh yeah oh yeah i can remember i grew up hunting the tinsel swamp yup down here in madison parish 10 lick hunting club beside africa hunting club and i can't remember seeing pens where they'd catch them there and they would take them to other places but we had there i i grew up seeing there but when we'd get here and get around you know i i didn't see no deer when i was young running around in the woods around here and i never saw any wild dreams much until i got in my 70s you say dreams so we went from deer no beaver no deer now we're going to dreams now so i may correct me if i'm wrong see we've been running together for over 70 years well the other night i got in a scrap [Laughter] in my dream a large monkey [Laughter] he came out of a big tree and and when i saw him coming toward me i dove and then because he was just right on me i said i gotta i gotta fight back so i jumped and grabbed the monkey and the monkey was started hollering and when i woke up i've got miss k i've got my hands on this k you know about right in here ah so the monkey for miss k and she squalled out you know she said what was all out about i said i thought you were a monkey a big one and they come out of a tree i mean i never would have thought you would say i had a dream about a monkey if somebody told me i would dream about a monkey attacking me i get a lot of attacks in my dreams things are coming after different kind of people are coming after me you know they're going to kill me first one thing another i'm running i'm on a cliff you know and i'm fixing to go over the cliff i dream like that all the time but i was surprised that it was a large it was a monkey a monkey what do you have for supper i don't know but i need to change recipes good well boys we could pontificate on jesus number one since since we follow him uh by the way now y'all are up here what do you what do you all call this particular room what is this this this is the duck call room so this is uh i don't get here that often in fact i haven't been here in a couple years but it's good to have you yeah i driven by it from time to time yeah but but the idea was i said i'll fish the river miss k get me out of town i'll fish the river we'll survive i'll sell the fish now here's a guy have a couple of degrees from la tech but i said you know i said get me to the woods and she was sitting there looking at me though and i said i'll start fishing the river for a living we'll sell the fish i said we're gonna it's gonna be pretty hard times i said however i said i reached in my pocket i said you see this duck called it's the only one like it i said it sounds just like a duck i said when the duck call takes off i'll figure out how to get it on the market i said and when it takes off i'll rack my nets my fishing nets and good times will have come our way i said it's like a ship way out there but you can't see it okay yeah i said but it it's it's it'll be a ship going toward the dock well we started building duck calls but we couldn't make the reeds fast enough and i told miss k i said you know what i fixed the call of psy up and see if he'll come over and build these reeds these duck calls we need a man a reed builder because i said we got all these reeds but i said this both of them are flared up on the end it's got a little dimple in them to keep it from sticking and i said the length of them a little mold you know so i got on the phone i called over i said si what are you doing well served in the army for 25 years i'm over here now taking care of golf courses i i work on a golf course i said for our living he said that's what i do deadbeat job yeah mow the grass you know and he could get in and you do a little hunting from time to time on catching some frogs and blue winged teal lighting on the pond and the golf course i said look i got a i got an idea i said i need somebody to build these duck call reads i said because we're gonna get this duck call on the market it's doing pretty good i said we got a long way to go i said but there's only and i need a read man and you the man i said one stipulation you have to duck hunt every day of the duck season you have to duck hunt and o'sell's on the phone he said i'll be over in a couple of days yeah i bet you he was a perfect attender it was that quick and i looked up two days later and he added you all he pulled in and all right what room i'm playing so now so that was a good choice on your part yeah well i wasn't i didn't even bad matthew about it is he no no look that's what's so amazing about this story my wife comes home friday afternoon okay this friday afternoon like five o'clock she's working for the government she's in a deadbeat job too okay we're both miserable at what we're doing okay and she had said since when i got married i lived with unk we did for uh three months before we you know bought our own our rented place but anyway she said i'll never go back to louisiana never so she comes home friday afternoon you were in alabama at the time oh yeah i've got a place in alabama so she comes in and says uh you know what you need to do you know and i said what's that she said uh you need to see if uh phil can pay you and you just we go over and you work for your brother you know so first thing i do is i get on the phone i call trace lee and say hey uh your mom's dying yeah and she says uh where's i'm at i said well she just told me uh that i need to go uh you know they failed and pay me i need to go work for my brother you know and try to say yeah you're probably right she she must of doctor have told her she's got cancer or something we both thought she was sick to die yes she's gone nuts yeah so look this is friday afternoon yo so we kind of are still talking about saturday you know that's when you call you know and say hey look what you need to do i need somebody to build these duck call rates and number one building duck call raise that's the most boring monotonous job there is you sit there all day and you got to bend them okay you got to put a rivet in them by the way sir how many years did you do that because it was 99 until whenever 10 or 12 years yeah because i've i've retired what 93 my come over here at 99. but anyway sunday rolls around we go to church sunday and i tell the people that church i said well if i can sell this place you know i'm out of here yeah so look we go we go home we're cooking dinner you know so i just sit down and start eating dinner not knock on the door one from church says you ain't sold your place yet have you i said no i was just talking about she said i'll buy it so friday afternoon okay my wife tells me hey you need to go work for your brother saturday you call and say you need to come over and work for me you ain't gonna get paid much but hey you'll eat good you know we we'll live off the river what did i tell you about the ship yeah and he said hey look i can see the top of the ship out on the ocean and i said wait what are you talking about he said oh hey it's the ship coming in and when it comes in hey it's going loaded with so i said well we're going to be having about a year or five so i said how long did it take that ship to get here i said hey i said to you i said it's coming do you still see the ship and he said oh yeah i got waxy before i was just seeing the mess of it he said i'm gonna actually see the ship now and the smoke coming out well i said when's it gonna unload i said it won't be long now it won't be long showed up and hey is that the docs and it's unknown i'm more interested in hearing about this childhood that y'all grew up in but we haven't even introduced this show or taken a break and this episode's gonna if you haven't figured it out yeah this is a show it's called the duck call room we have a special guest we're going to break all that in after our first break this is going to be the best episode we'll be right back i'm not even going to talk all day today i'm gonna let these two do it all oh we'll be right back after the break [Music] so yeah you spend a lot of time caring what you look like no i really don't you don't you don't know what you look hey well you know what some people try and look good some people are concerned with their looks like martin he's trying really hard well hey but he's not here today but kicks or what it is boy it is what it is hey and if you're worried about what you look like on top of your head maybe you got some male pattern baldness or receding hairline there's a product for you out there if you're worried about your receding hairline male pattern baldness it's called keeps you need to go there not everybody can be a psy robertson and just be naturally beautiful in in spirit and in looks the way he is so we got good news keeps can help it offers the same doctor recommended fda approved hair loss treatments but you only got to pay half that it's a great deal you'll love about keeps it's all online you don't have to go to the doctor you don't look go online answer a few easy questions snap a few pics of your head and your hair and a licensed doctor is going to review your info and recommend the right hair loss treatments for you then it shows up to your house it's 20 21. nobody likes leaving their house anymore this comes to you so don't make trips to the doctor the drugstore just go online get started we got a special discount for them go to k-e-e-p-s dot com slash robertson for fifty percent off that first order that's robertson slash robertson just look good with all that beautiful hair and say fifty percent so sad looking back on it was it worth it oh yeah well that's what i was going to ask you from our childhood going back okay our father raised a huge garden okay my mother okay and my sister they put up everything we raised in the garden they canned okay and mason jars and mason jar you know quartz and pints you know did you ever think you would be where you're at right now looking at how we grew up so here's the deal if you remember we were poor i guess in the eyes of the world but i never heard anybody say we were poor we didn't know it i never heard anybody get up in the morning and say boy we are planning we are up against it here we didn't know no air conditioning no television no no heat i mean one fireplace in the end of a log cabin you say you put a bunch of big log on it before you went to bed but no you said well what about bathtub no bathtub number three washed up you bathed in a number three washed up wow and i was about number three on the list of four so by the time he got to the hours by the time he got to me it was cold and dirty y'all i always use the same water same one same water okay and if you like you number three or four yeah pretty warm you know not 98 but it's on up there pretty warm yeah but i don't know what the women did side judy and jim they didn't they didn't bathe in the tub i don't guess i didn't see it i don't know so the older you were that was the seniority the oldest one first down pecking order pecking order number three wash tub we'd sit it out there you know like in the cooler munch and let it sit there in the sun for you know an hour before you jump over in it but uh the mormon that's so good but then they went from there right out of the way and we we moved up because i at some point there was a pipe just coming out the back of the house they they had put a pump on the well instead of dropping it down with a rope you know they put a pump on the things so we had like running water but it was just coming it was just a pipe going out of the log cabin and you'd get up on that you know and and do the best you could with the tank it's cold so i ran naked until he was he was about six well when they got time to go to first grade free spread yeah free went to school today first thing you gotta do is put your clothes on that's an ain't going so i said hey wearing no clothes that's something i said are you going to wear clothes you ain't going you know we will feel phil says we're we're we're gatherers gatherers hunter hunter guys hunters and gatherers i'm pretty much just a gatherer yeah because look you used to be able to find all kinds of uh wild plums wild grapes all the slow slow blueberries blackberries blackberries you could actually go out and pick yourself a basket and some of our neighbors old women they had things like peach trees growing in their yard and we had farmers who planted watermelons so we were kind of like coons we weren't we we we dart out in there get get us two or three pizzas a piece get back in the brush and eat the peaches and you know check around see if anybody there would go back out there get a couple more so we didn't take more than we could eat but we we had peaches fresh pieces every year but we we didn't we we were stealing peaches basically but i thought in the grand scheme of things like pecans orchards you know people have we hit we get them coming out of the brush pick us up a rack of pecans you know a bag of pecans get that and then watermelons you know they were big melons 100-pound bags remember side would wait till the biondos would would harvest their watermelons would come up in them tall grass and look out there where they'd leave some you know some of them they wouldn't pick up wasn't big enough so we'd look to the right and the left i said let's go for it so we go get a watermelon run back in the brush and you could drop that watermelon big old yellow medium watermelon and some of them you have the heart of it we just sit there and eat the heart and the brush we'll go get us another one about a couple of melons you you're good to go mother sold avon okay and we didn't know it at the time we had permission to hunt all the people's land but they had told my mama no don't don't tell them that they got permission because we enjoy chasing them too much because hey no no because we'd hear the pickups come in and hey buy it open through the wood we're going to run jump behind the logs big laying down hidden in grass or brush whatever the farmers all chased us okay and we had permission to do it we didn't know it by the way so they they called i got a phone call about seven or eight years ago and yeah and this guy said he said phil he said you remember mickey mcdade i said yeah i said what's school's on me he said that's me i said well well you know oh he said we've we've been sitting around at the cafe talking about you and si and tommy and all the old robinson boys and he said and our daddies would come in and say and i'll tell you what that robinson bunch they like a bunch of deer they see you coming and they take off they didn't jump bob warren finches and never even looked back so we're running from their dads or chasing it but they're having a big time doing it yeah because of course we're getting pecans peaches anything that grew we considered fair game squirrels gotta take them we gotta get them so he said we've come up to a con conclusion about those days because now we own all the land he said we miss [Laughter] they looked and they y'all me inside on tv you know about it they saw it they're like is that that bunch we were running around we were trying to catch that bunch and they never could get good i remember one time they was i don't know if you remember we was up there by the dump and they was uh we heard a shot and we went over and it was it was two young guys i don't know who they were but they shouldn't have been there and they had shot a deer and you told them you knew or knew i might have been some embarrassed you know north of there yeah and uh you said you need to get off of here he said get what you can get just don't let me catch you that was because of that wasn't it [Laughter] she had a little deer meet there let it let it ride yeah that was because of that yeah yeah we were poachers but you know i looked back on it i don't know so they said they missed us so they kind of enjoyed it i think well we never did mess with any of their like they boats motors all stuff like the tools no anything anything like if they had a shed where they had tools on we never messed with anything like that anything growing pecans peaches plums all that that was fair again that fair game yeah you almighty put that there yeah yeah don't matter hey we never did because one time i remember a deputy chef coming to the house and he had a oh beat up raggedy looking some kind of hat and he said uh we found this over at mr grimes is a boat house and uh y'all stole three motors that's the only time i've ever seen my my dad really mad he told that sheriff he said hey don't you ever come back knock on my door again unless you got one of them handcuffed to you and you seen him do it he said because hey they'll hunt on on the land he didn't he didn't even sit us down and said y'all do that he knew we didn't yeah he knew we knew we wouldn't have done that and come find out it was it was old man grimes his kids and his friends they died well they were in high school they stole three motors got scared and they threw them off twelve mile bio bridge just stood them in the water because they got scared their own people yeah then they were trying to pin the child they were gonna put it on us oh no yeah because i knew we hunted on their land yeah everybody knew that [Music] well look we're pumped to have wild willie's uh beard products as a partner of the show but look don't take my word for it the name wild willis you know who we got to talk about it we got the boss we got wild willie himself uh yeah you know this beard straightener is really cool uh i've been working with uh psy to try to really help his beard out um it's kind of sad so uh i was hoping something like this would help and uh you know there's a lot of guys who are into you know making their beards look nice and it is nice you know it's nice you grow it out your wife may not be sure about this beard the best thing you can do is take care of it uh that's why wild willy's beard straightener has been amazing and i actually got it for my son-in-laws uh i have a new son-in-law got him this as a gift he doesn't have a beard so i'm trying to encourage him you know when he does that he has something because you know the younger guys they want to just drop a little subtle hints yeah yeah i mean we need you know we need this and so yeah we most of us comb our hair and uh put something in it so you might as well take care of i mean it's basically the underside of your head and with a nickname like butt cut i mean the boy obviously needs a little hair straightening advice so this is a great deal look the wild willis beard straightener is a two-in-one beard brush that uses ionic heat to style your beard to perfection it has multiple heat settings up to 400 degrees it's easy to use and you can shape your beard in seconds for a professionally styled and sexier looking beard and it actually kills all the bugs that are in your beard that's not on my list but if you're saying well hey i'm just sounding like it that's a next video what the wild wheelers beard straightener works for all beard styles and even works on their hair on your head so if you're like cy you got a little ponytail coming out the back you can straighten that thing too skeleton the compact size is great for home or travel use and in case you accidentally leave it on safety first it automatically turns itself off you don't have to worry about burning your house down look for a limited time our listeners can get 25 percent off your wild willy's beard straightener at checkout just go to there's no promo code needed that's for 25 off at checkout style your beard right with wild woolies 25 that's a good deal hey [Music] well when was the first time that you uh said i think i need to make a duck call what well brought that on that that now that raises an interesting question because you know there was i'm formally educated but i thought what am i going to do with my life now all i want to do is stay in the woods anyway but so i finally just came up with an idea i had one duck commander duck call and uh i broke these just in case this topic came up i had no idea what to do he had those hidden in his shirt you know so so here's an interesting to me it is at least there's all kind of people running around on planet earth with particular skill sets the world's made up of a lot of different individuals and i have concluded that everybody every last one of them although some will beg to differ everybody has a skill set of some sort in our case it's it's like playing piano by ear you you hear these various birds and i took these this hangs on the rack when when duck season's over so the goal wasn't exactly just to build a duck call and market it the goal was it's broader than that because you hear birds fly by most people do not think you know i need to build a device that sounds like that bird well i can bring him to me so i can bring him he'll think i am one yeah and the other thing is you say so one one bird flies by this bird flies by he doesn't have to fly by in me to hear him to know what he sounds like because i've been listening to him my entire life i'm in my 70s i've heard wood ducks all my life no one on planet earth not one had ever said why don't i just build a device that sounds like not only a mallard i want to sound like a witching i want to know what a pin tail sounds like what a hen sounds like a pentel end i mean a a teal hen and a teal drake and a woody and a gadwal animal you said most people you know how does a widgeon sound so this is a compilation if you want to call it that of years of research we know what they sound like because they stay in the woods all the time a woody's flying he only does that when he's flying if he's sitting he'll go it sounds like one of them so look so you take one well you got one duck under your belt of course you had the mallard hand instead of that you got to teach people how to use them they go you say no you got to come from your lung and get you get your tongue planted on the roof of your mouth and there's there's a mallard and there's a wood duck two species he left out one important thing but there's far more we we don't tell you we stay in the woods all the time we pursue these flying birds vigorously relentlessly yeah when it's open when it's legal to kill them we're after they're there okay and we're after them so look so through the process now now we're in 2020s you say the the idea was way back there far deeper than most people think now here's a little thing i built that i came up with it in less than an hour with a bandsaw and super glue and i wanted to see if i could build a one duck tall that sounded like multiple ducks different kinds so here's a little thing it's an ugly little thing one of the most copied things in america i never held it against anybody who copied it you know you know you know duplication is you know what's the some duplication there's something about form of flattery that form of flavor so look here's the teal this is a drake that's him that's all he does and look that little hand that's with him i got a teal hen and i got a tail drake and it's on hanging on one lanyard well watch widgeon i've got the same thing of the teal that's a teal a widgeon goes that's a perfect widget so i got two ducks out of one device bingo but not through yet then i figured out that little this right here if you put your finger and stop the air up the tongue goes from two drops down so i've have a everybody has a little piece of meat it should be there you can check it open your mouth real wide there's a little piece of meat coming down off the roof for your throat you ever seen that thing hanging there the reason god gave you that mr husky is that so that you could sound like a pin tail because if you can't flutter your uvula it sounds nasty but it's not uvula hanging down so i'm going but my fingers in the end of it so instead i i got now i've got it flutters yep without that little piece of meat it would be no pin tail some kind of computer uh a backhoe back in a backhoe yeah there you go get out of the way get out of the way i'm backing up you could use it for that for our flagman you know well listen teal out of one little device let me be blunt that's hard to do it is very hard so look all these years later people have said hey yeah i had you get it to you but you asked about you know did it was broader than i'm just going to build a duck call we wanted to get them all look here here is our gadwal we call them grey ducks in the country gray ducks [Music] that's him so we got gadwall jay's come up with that and he had a whistle like this whistle we took the whistle glued it in the end of a cracking cause so you got a crack and a whistle and when both of them are done together it comes out which you think impossible so that's the gad wall so now we got all these different species and we're sounding like them here's an old mallard drake if you're a tenor you you can't use it if you got a real high voice like this i'll tell you what voice i'm out you're out but the guy who can say well what i'm trying oh bernie oh berlin so that our listeners will know you say so what's your point it took 40 years to do all that 40 years and here's the reason and now we're in a little room and you say you look around and i'm looking at me over there picture and i looked like i was about 15. i'm actually the scariest 15 year old i've ever seen my hair is black my whiskers are black and it looks like i dyed my hair my hair black but you like it one time so i all i'll have to say to the audience is uh life has not been kind as far as the way i look there's old dog what was that old dog airside vegas vegas yeah there's vegas old vegas she was a fair retriever that was the one that you shot you leaned over me to do it and ever since you did it that dog every time he got near me if i got too near she'd bite me because she thought i shot her yeah well ladies and gentlemen what you just heard was more than 35 years of research and development working for you well no it was 40 years of research and development working for you here's how this came about we got to take a break i hate to be the boring guy i'm uh all i am today is a stop i'll tell you how this come about after we come back from break after a break [Music] hey sir what you know what kind of dad i am no i'm a big softy and you're you know what you that had you are you probably a dad that loves naps right yeah well you know what no matter who your dad's like you can get them a gift they can feel really comfortable in and you know what that is tommy johns so from ball catching dads to ball scratching dads all dads agree when they're wearing tommy john underwear they're much more comfortable and they can do everything better that's why tommy johns doesn't have customers they have fanatics that's why they catch their balls so well hundreds of thousands of them who after 13 years and tens of thousands of five-star reviews call tommy john the most comfortable underwear they've ever worn because with dozens of comfort innovations once a dad tries tommy john underwear he ain't never going back like breathable lightweight moisture wicking fabric with four times the stretch of competing brands you know what i need stretchy pants for my stretchy underwear with over 14 million pairs sold dads across america love tommy john underwear and there's no risk because he's always covered with tommy john's best pair you'll ever wear or it's free gear run t i just wish martin was here so he could have said guaranteed so right now listen to me go to duck for 20 off your first order that's right now order by june 15th for delivery by father's day hey that's today get 20 off your first order at see site for details and give your dad's balls the gift they didn't even know they needed [Music] there was three duck haul manufacturers i know p.s oats was one who was the other two one of them okay yeah jensen yeah cajun fox funk okay that was the three man i didn't say anything about all that because i you know well i was just going to say that come back because you said you uh know it's pretty good but it it's not really right there so you said hey i'm gonna make one that sounds just exactly like what a duck sounds like anyway with all that when you come up with that the three and one yeah the pentax what's that yeah but when you uh he was blowing him other cows and you was having to manipulate them work on them all the time oh yeah just working on them sound yep we just started with a oh and i remember we'd have to take it to something yeah yeah you had to do that cut it cut it down we tried to make it easier for for the guys and gals there's some women duck callers you know out there more and more of them all the time which uh that's a positive thing i don't know where we rank now i i've never you know i don't know where we rank as far as sales and all that but i would think probably we're we're up or near the top yeah we're we're definitely we're top 10. we're done man stones so y'all are the brains y'all are the y'all are the power workers underneath you know the idea that's way back but now i tell you what i'll give old stone credit to put as many duck calls as he does together and at the time he has it is amazing how many duck calls that dude can turn out i knew it was a good call by the way his story is jace brought him on board on a duck hunt and i watched him and i was vetting him in my mind i watched him i listened to his verbiage as if then there was any foul language and whatever and i was watching this dude well he joined up you know took off to afghanistan they sent him over there so he served his country well he came back so jay starts to take him duck hunting well after about studying him for a duck season or two i said stone i've come up to with a conclusion son i said i have officially vetted you and he said vetting me for what i said to marry my granddaughter and he said he said you're talking about nan i said yeah i said al's girl i said my little granddaughter and he said well she's not but it's 17 i think i said that's what i'm trying to tell you don't wait till she's 20. i said that's way too old i said move now son i said now look now i've vetted you and told you you can marry my granddaughter because you're a man of good standing you served your country you're a godly man i said i've officially turned you loose on my family members starting with nan and i said however i've said go but you need to go talk to al her dad who is my son because he has the final say not me but it'll help you if you tell him i said it but you was good good to go i said that'll help you when he's so he goes over and tells al he said look your daddy told me that i can date man but i had to check with you but he's vetted me and said i was i was good to date her he said you got past him and he said he said yeah he said i can i can go he said if you got past him he said wait till she gets to be 18. then make you move well he's the one man works here today yeah and so does stone but it all started romance in the duck blind yeah yeah that's amazing crazy that's how scary a while when he come back from afghanistan he lives around you yeah i have a question how did this guy come about how did because you hired godwin correct he he was he was a he was a wayward man given some drunkenness and foul language and somebody ran up on him i don't know whether how converted him or how i converted him i don't forgot tony told me well it was weird because me and tony rodeoed you know together and he'd moved off and uh built all the condos in new york and paid off everything that's what he went up here for well he come back and i ain't seen him in probably two years and he called me and invited me to go to church well i busted out laughing i thought he was joking because i knew what he was doing because i was doing it with him [Laughter] he was serious he kept he kept calling and uh that was pretty cool because he didn't care what i thought about him you know like some people oh i don't want to tell people but he loved me enough that he wanted a shirt he wanted me to know the hope that he had so at that time we just got johanna adopted her because what year was that by when were you converted 1996 january the first at one o'clock in 96 96 that's the way to ring on the new year yep well and so that y'all know each other because you're working with them oh yeah yeah the first time i met you at some kind of duck calling contest at a duck calling contest we we didn't that's when uh they the feds bought ten saw down there bought all that lane hardwood bottom and bought our hunting club so we didn't we was kind of in between finding somewhere to hunt well this guy in the neighborhood invited us on the duck hunt we'd never duck hunted and uh we went and man it got me when he talked to him and them suckers and talked back the hair on the back of my neck it just stand up by the way we got a call yesterday uh from the spaniard oh yeah come in yeah spaniard and i said i said what are you doing he's well i'm test flying he said i'll be flying one of the the second largest transport jets in the air force okay the spaniard is about this close to be running yeah and he flew over he said we come over and i said haha were you flying when you came from over in mississippi somewhere to come he told them so let's go to west monroe and they said why he said well i'm from there and he said you know them robinson's over he said oh yeah i know he said but you know he said i didn't want to get them all stirred up but he comes to here the other day yeah but he flew over he said about 20 000 feet took about 20 minutes 25 minutes he's flying one of the largest jets in the air force i said i said how in the world did you figure all these and [Music] looking at the the way you call them all your computer screens and he said oh you get used to it he said but he's like number one in his class the spaniard is an air force pilot and us knowing him hey how he was acting back then and we like you wouldn't would you let him fly you yeah no but now i guess hey maybe hey come on he's official yeah oh yeah so what year did you start working at duck commander you were converted in 96 by this gang and then did you just go straight into the duck hall room no oh i got to be friends with you know i worked at the paper mill for 21 years i've been working there as long as i've been working here it's pretty pretty neat yeah what actually do you do up here i feel duck tall so you put them together you happen stone yeah well well you answered that question how did y'all because y'all turn out a lot of that cause it's just there's not many of you as in your words should stay the course well hey stone automatically who's yours read man so i retired from the reed jackie jackie jackie is the read man and yeah they claim he's a read man of all readments he's good yeah yeah is he better than psy no no he makes more reason no no no no he makes more because stone automated everything but back to what i was going to tell you all about right thousands of duck calls right oh yeah tens of thousands hundreds of thousands we done built since february 80 83 well good night since february yeah hear how this came about okay when he comes without it at the time there was three duck call manufacturers p.s oats jensen and falk okay and i you actually met with uh yinson i think didn't you yeah i met him well yeah but you actually was you you had the double raid system and he tried to sell it to jensen and then justin turned it down and he the only thing phil's ever said about his duck haul my duck call sounds exactly like a mallard him that's true and he's got a good story about that and i'll get him tell him but that's how it came about he ever the only thing he's ever said about okay look i'm building a duck call that does one thing it will make you sound like if you learn how to blow it it'll make you sound just like a mallard hen on the water and that's what some amount of duck would think you are one yeah they'll come over and you put them in the pot yeah yeah now here's here's the story okay a fbi guy called phil one day and told him i run i run the lie detector machine okay and he said and since i'm a avid hunter he said i went and i uh recorded live ducks you know calling and then you know i i made a test i run that through the machine that is a lie detector and i run you on a duck call through the machine the machine said you are a duck yeah yep yeah he called me told me that that's very cool he know he said the reason they had them what that machine did when they wire people going undercover stuff and they would he they he had them they had mac they wired them but well so when the crooks are talking you know there's not another way they got them on tape well what was happening was the reason they built this machine is is people would say that ain't me that's not me on that tape that i didn't i never did that and they said well you know what sounded like him but he said how can you prove it well they had to have some proof so when they run you through the machine if the machine says you said it yeah you said it you said it well he took that blew into it with a duck call and had and taped some wild ducks put put them on it and they put them together and he said it was a match so you're a duck called according to the machine was a duck what was that it really wasn't a duck it was just a man who knew what he was doing yeah but that's pretty pretty good i said i'm going to use that information you care if i use that he said oh no i don't mind that's marketing 101 right there we're endorsed by the fbi yeah that's it voice analyzer i love it well let's take one more now i think we got i'm i'm getting lost in all the stories let's take a break i'll find out how many more we got and we'll be right back [Music] hey sah yeah do you know what one of the classes they made me take in college was oh it ain't no telling it was insurance 301 or something and you know what i don't understand at all i don't know insurance it's tough do you understand insurance no do you know how to get the best prices on insurance no i 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pontificate about jesus way more we we do talk about jesus we just talk about silly things like eagle of the pigeon as well he's pretty well the centerpiece of our podcast i like that um so phil we do emails here on this podcast we have our fans email us in yeah and we had an email a few weeks ago and i remember do you remember the guy that emailed in about the jonah and the whale yeah he wants to know what kind of fish and so do you have an opinion on what kind of fish what are you talking about now jonah and the whale he he's jonah what kind of fish yeah they wanted to know it's real simple a big one yeah that's exactly right that's what i told him somebody says look if you're gonna you know by faith we believe the universe was formed at god's command so that what is seen was not made out of what's visible if you control the atomic structure of everything what holds this woods together the concrete you look up you look in the oceans and all that look the almighty could make a fish that could swallow monroe louisiana yeah i mean yeah that's true that's true yeah there's no varmint no thing you look out there in the ocean somebody a dan showed me yesterday big ol one of them big whales came up you know unbelievable the size of that thing he was bigger than the boat oh yeah and look yeah one time all the dinosaurs and all that god's just showing you some of the things he's made if you want to build a big enough fish to swallow a man it would be as comfortable as being in this living room sitting down there you know and you're in the fish's belly i mean it's no problem no problem yeah well so that got us we that got me inside were you on that episode well we got all pontificating i just love that word what is the question you want to ask when you get to heaven yeah so we have people emailing that in right now i wouldn't be asking questions i would just be thinking i'm glad i'm here yeah i ain't worried about how because i've already got that figured out i didn't like yeah you know why you ended up there so yeah it makes you uh watch what your lips say and watch how you roll you say your emotional love it did i see love joy peace fruits of spirits kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control did i see that coming out of that individuals that's what that that's the way they were man woman it didn't make any difference you say you're either a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness watch this right here here this happens to be the first president of these united states you do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life and above all the religion of jesus christ these will make you a greater and happier people than you are we should have listened to george washington happier but what did we do god there's no god all yale princeton all these big fancy colleges at one time all their gates were you walked in all bible verses 200 150 years ago 200 years you're like they were all preaching schools all of them and you look at them now they just been stripping away the bible verses over the years and now you look up no no more bible verses and not only that and look at now the crop that they're producing and you're like yeah washington d.c our capital of our nation it's written in concrete everywhere yeah george washington uh we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers we certainly are not to be entertained to the higher duties of religion to me to the distinguished character of patriot it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of christian make sure you're a christian before anything else first president of the united states you say well the second one john adams what'd he say john adams where is he uh suppose a nation in some distant region should take the bible for their only law book and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts they're exhibited what a utopia what a paradise would that region be if people just love god love their neighbor he said think about that world so what do we do uh the christian religion is above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times the religion of wisdom virtue equity and humanity i have examined all religions this is the second president of the united states i've examined all religions and the result is that the bible is the best book in the world that's the way they were talking 245 years ago 250 years ago that's the way our government officials were talking all i have to say is look at us now it's quite different it's a sad story y'all are watching the preliminary collapsing of an empire you're saying it's imploding trying to be good without god boys ain't gonna happen here comes karl marx one more time i'm like when are they gonna get off old carl they just keep going back to him one of the ungodliest people on the face of the earth i'm going with jesus and what he did three days later he died and three days later raised from the dead let's see my sins are removed guaranteed i can be raised from the dead given power from the holy spirit and all i'm commanded to do was love god and love my neighbor for the life of me where's what's the downside to that there well here's the problem it makes too much sense maybe it much seems like we shall see if we die and they're right it's just i guess we're in a mess boys that's why we need what if we die and we're right somebody got hell to pay you got it it ain't gonna be me i'm gonna chase ducks the rest of my life on the earth you know so i keep going until we depart the bible calls your physical death as a departure your soul and spirit goes be with god your body goes in the cemetery when jesus returns it's the last event when he returns he's bringing the body the soul and spirits of the ones who've died there's a resurrection of their bodies and they'll be given immortal it's a gathering and not only that it's a gathering and the only thing that involved with it with me i will have a change of address yeah i'll change the address boy it will never be okay i get to say it but i would think they would be oh it will be we're talking about the creator of the cosmos okay wouldn't it wouldn't be nice to duck from now don't run out of bullets that's right and no limit and no game wardens no i just kidding all right yeah we've gone down that road here on this podcast before well phil we appreciate having you and hey if you're wondering we're going to end with a little bible reading like we always do i got one dialed up here that phil alluded to earlier but if you're wondering how do i get to where he's talking about he he mentioned a few traits that are found in galatians 5 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against such things there is no law those who belong to christ jesus have crucified the flesh with its passive passions and desires since we live by the spirit let us keep in step with the spirit jesus number one hey you can't go wrong can't go wrong thank you phil hey no problem [Music] you
Channel: Duck Call Room
Views: 274,167
Rating: 4.9335909 out of 5
Id: DAtK5KCnz-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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