What Phil Said at the Funeral for ZZ Top's Dusty Hill & Struggling to Live a Christian Life | Ep 326

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i am unashamed what about you so uh i'm back in the southern lair uh southern reporting here trying to just make sure you know oh hold on i'm gonna make do something's wrong and down here from the southern lair so dad you were um you were gone the last two podcasts that we recorded and because you have such you know large shoes to fill we decided to jason i decided to have a a double women's perspective podcast we have mom and anand own a podcast which was interesting the baldwin sisters that i call them i would say then we have missy it was pretty interesting it was it interesting that's right we kind of went back you know look some memory lane kind of talked about and then has never obviously been on the podcast so i talked about a lot a lot about mom's family i felt a lot older during that episode i felt like i was sitting on a porch just talking about time gone by you know yeah so maybe for our older listeners it was yeah it's a reminiscing well it's my job it's my job to look after your mother so that's one well her sister is older than she is so that's two but we're at the stage now where you begin to take in your kin folks to live with you the rest of your days on on the earth where we're looking after our kin so that that's yep that's what that falls on the heading of so well by the way that's very biblical you know that's a that's kind of how it's always been the ancient idea of multi-generational taking care of each other of course they still do it over in the eastern culture but in the west now it's pretty much just you know somebody kind of loses their uh sense of belonging and they just wind up someplace you know it's just kind of a sad thing really for most of the culture the coolest things about being in jesus is when you're called you know because god is pursuing us and circumstances come out where you hear or introduce to jesus and you break that that cycle a lot of times in generations and then pass it on and pass it on those are powerful moments in my mind see i'm in my mid-70s miss kay's about two years behind me but we're pretty well at the stage not so much me but the herd and we're at the you know you know running over furniture you know tripping on furniture and coming off the back porch made the misstep i mean you know where we're at we're at to watch them watch them carefully stage you know what i'm saying i think the number one exact problem the health number one i read this somewhere health issue for people over 70 is false that's it they fall because in your mind you're like hey i'm still getting it you try to jump over whatever it helps if you are going into going toward 80 it helps if you uh just put it bluntly i'm not a doctor i'm not i recommend this and that another hey i'm just saying it helps if you're thin your weight is thin the older you get there's not as much to carry there's not enough the equilibrium point so somebody said well man you you you you're losing weight well you know you're getting skinny i'm like i'm i'm i'm at my plan weight which is 169. 63 169 i said that's pretty light i consider it i'm not as apt to stumble or fall if i if everything is pretty tight tight pulled together here i'm not saying i won't want a what tail or my head but uh tomorrow better thought on that rant was that nobody's ever gonna confuse you just based on your outward appearance of being a doctor i've never seen a doctor look like that but they asked me for a lot of doctoral advice and i have you know he's asking you for doctor well if it's me i'd lance out and they didn't wait we don't want to lance it i said well it just looked like familiar swell up there you know i've seen your medical practices throughout the years it's rudimentary that means i'll look it up your medical practices lean toward a butcher that than a surgeon you got a point i've i've said it many times that dad was born 100 years too late he would have been the frontier doctor you know that that would have been his deal i just keep things keep things simple try to stay off the pharmaceuticals i just think you're better off in the long run yeah probably so well i was there well i agree i went to georgia for three days it was it was one of those things where you're like i'm doing what was i thinking when i agreed to that three days yeah but i did it there was because there were three events i went to a school the first night christian school and it was an outside event which is just as hot in georgia as it is here but there were i don't know how many people it was well over a thousand gathered out there in a little meadow and but it was hot it was not as hot because they did it right before dark and uh that was the toughest one because you know when you're outside and there's chaos there's kids running around which the first thing i see when i go up there there's a guy standing they had it kind of roped off okay so there's any craze fans you know in georgia but i see a guy that looked familiar and he he kind of waved because he had come up there and it was a guy i remember being a part of bringing to the lord probably 20 years ago but it made me realize you know you you have these bible studies late at night somewhere you bump into people and you look up one day 20 years down the road and here's this guy who's now has his kids enrolled at a christian school three states away and the guy who shared jesus with him is fixed to get up and speak and it was a it was a nice it was just a nice encounter to to get a report 20 years later i felt good about that so so you should so he was from he was from west from here and now he's in jordan yeah he lives so i don't know he's talking about generations and everything because he has not his wife and i saw his kids all because i saw where he was sitting you know when i got up there and i actually invited him because i said well i'm they got me preaching somewhere sunday and he was like really i was like oh yeah and uh so but he i also saw him there so which was cool so i did the school thing which i didn't feel like was because i'm you know me i'm i'm just going with strong coffee in the holy spirit no notes i'm just introducing jesus but my first two or three attempts to break the ice al as they taught us in school were just crickets because i pulled up into this place and i looked around i mean the stadium looked like basically our our public high school stadium who's won numerous state championships i mean it was quite the spread everything was neat they had the practice facilities the buildings were awesome and so i said boy i pulled in here and i i realized that either y'all have a really good football team or somebody around here has got a lot of money which i thought was funny but it was just nothing yeah so i thought that fell flat fell flat uh so then on the way over there i said what is this city famous for the name of the city was i think it was locust grove locus i said what is this city famous for and the two guys giving us the ride they both kind of stopped and were thinking this well one of them said we got a train station i was like yeah that's always unique so i thought well that was funny because i thought so i said that i said i asked what what locus grove is famous for i said there was a long awkward pause i said and the guy in the past once upon a time you could travel through here and stay here he said we have a train station which i thought was funny if that's the best thing you could come up with nothing crickets so at that point i was feeling a little bit awkward so i thought you know what let's just get to jesus and it pretty much just went as powerful as i could a 45 minute introduction to jesus well someone down in south texas the wife of dusty hill he was the base guitar picker with zz top yeah tell us how that went well because you did somebody called and said uh i think it was his wife said he requested that when he passed over to the other side uh that i would he requested that they get in touch with me and say a few words and and i told them you go back to genesis 4 jabal he was the father of those who live in tents i thought it was jubal no jabal that's his brother oh jubal was his brother but but one of them jabal he was uh he he was known for making living in tents and raising livestock he had a they had a pension like ranchers you say that's uh according to the gypsies according to the bible that there are certain skill sets that you see and people tend to be very good at what they're doing genesis 4 says the dna is put in them by god uh the brother his brother's name was jubal and he was the father of all who play the stringed instrument and the flute so dusty being a a connoisseur of picking guitar i listened to him for years uh i decided i said i think a good text and i started jace did you bring up jabal or what was his name again i brought up i brought up them and uh i just mentioned did it did everybody chuckle or no it was it was quiet but uh but i did ring up i said brothers i said the reason i'm here is just to inform y'all i said peter said that dusty has just departed from his tent a temporary tent our bodies he's departed from that biblically speaking and his soul is with the lord well soul and spirits in heaven but his body is asleep so i just quoted him brothers we don't want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep so you're in fourth thessalonians 4 11 yeah or to grieve like the rest of men who have no hope we're at a funeral here but we're told the apostle paul told the thessalonians listen other words we don't want you to get confused about what happens when you die because jesus has already said whoever lives and believes in me will never die so do you believe this he said so we believe the reason why we shouldn't grieve like the rest of me and to be ignorant about physical death is because we believe that jesus died and rose again now there's the gospel as the centerpiece when it comes to talking about physical death you say you better make sure that you believe that jesus died and rose again or you will have something to be worried about so and so we believe how could this be that god will bring with jesus this is the judgment day those who have fallen asleep in him so they didn't die you have the ones who went to hell and the ones who went who have gone to heaven and if you believe that jesus died and rose again you're on the heavens side of it so here comes god bringing with jesus all those who have fallen asleep well we know it it's not their bodies their bodies are in the cemetery down here on earth or been exploded when a mortar hit them if they were in the military you say hmm but there's still hope and no worries according to the lord's own word we tell you that we are still alive if you haven't physically died yet when he shows up and are left to the coming of the lord will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep something happens the resurrection is first resurrection of the dead when jesus returns bringing all those souls god himself come down from heaven loud command voice of the archangel with the trumpet call of god i was telling these people about this and i was somewhat uh i was not doing this in a low-key manner oh really no i would i raised my voice hey dad hang on a sec let's take a break so we've been talking quite a bit lately about sort of the struggle of life even in the christian life and i know because you know i have a lot of struggles and we all do and sometimes we need a guide someone to help us i mean the holy spirit lives in us right but we sometimes need some someone with some uh flesh and bone on them to be our guy one of our sponsors uh is a group called faithful counseling and they've come up with a brilliant idea because you know i am very pro-counsel and it counts a lot of people myself so both of you but sometimes you know it's great to have a trained person that can guide you through a process and these guys do it online they have 3 000 therapists spread out across the country there it's available worldwide you text chat phone video you can start in under 24 hours once you start the process so sometimes when you need a guide you need one quickly right it's secure convenient professional and it's also affordable so if you're having some issues and you'd like to have a guide a trained professional licensed counselor you might want to check these guys out they're a great sponsor go to faithfulcounseling.com slash unashamed that's faithfulcounseling.com unashamed you're going to fill out a questionnaire they're going to assess your needs and they're going to match you with a counselor that you'll love that's faithfulcounseling.com unashamed the dead in christ will rise first i pointed to the casket where the body the tent of dusty was and i pointed to it when jesus shows up he's bringing dusty back with all the rest of them and they're going to be reunited with a resurrected body and they will live forever we who are still alive you say what about the ones who haven't died yet physically and our left will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so we will be with the lord forever therefore encourage each other with these words i just gave them that text and uh so i spoke willie was there right before me oh he spoke i thought willie did a good job okay so and they they asked him to do so uh i saw gibbons you know we've met him before through duck dynasty the yeah our theme song was you know sharp dressed man did they play that song they really didn't they were all they stuck to the uh oh so they weren't playing the z they stayed with the church choir when i passed on it'll be up to youtube i wouldn't mind it if you throw a little zz top in there all right i'd rather have that than the church choir i mean i just oh it's a connection there so i'll make a note make a note when i'm put zz top in there i think gibbons is a godly man too we've all had our struggles through work through this life so these people that wrote about some of our people contacted us and thinking that i don't know whether i can do this i'm struggling with sin and everyone has to understand when you come to jesus and your past sins are removed they are really removed they're not counted against you it's over you are are justified before god even with all the sins that you had yeah some of these younger bucks in america now they're thinking that it's going to be instantaneous relief and and you don't have to to walk a godly life we're the light of the world the salt of the earth because we're in the light of the world jesus and we just need to understand that you're never going to get past your struggle with sin the great news is your sins are forgiven and there is the mediating work of jesus that will keep you cleansed and you need to learn things like self-control and how to live your life and how to show people what the light of the world looks like we are being like jesus in a sin feel world and our struggles are there but they've been paid for so we don't need to be always singing the blues that's kind of the three or four that wrote us you know what what's up i'm not worth it my wife deserves more than me and i'm struggling with the internet porn argument they just have to learn you just have to start taking things that are sinful and get past them but it's a struggle and it'll last you the rest of your life what's crazy to me is that we did this show and somebody had the idea since we look like we look and are married to the women who we are because you remember when these this production company comes down just that proves there's a god well right they're looking i mean this is part of my speech here i'm like people look at me and they look over my wife and they're like what's going on here and so that was part of the part of the flavor for that show so somebody has the idea to get zz topping balls and that song sharp dress man because originally you know they had this idea that we were going to be driving around in rolls royces and doing all this with the wives and of course when they came down here we just acted like who we were and you remember but you remembered that commercial that we did we were actually going to ride around in a rolls royce that they had gotten from somewhere but the problem was it wouldn't crank and so remember that okay in this neck of the woods rolls royces they don't run too well they sit up a lot yeah they put them up on bricks yeah so i'm saying though you had this song and then when people hear that song they think of our show and then here years later you're down there at one of the zz top members at his funeral sharing what you shared i just i think that's that's just crazy to me i mean and i think it's a it's a divine appointment because you're right there's no way more than likely we would have ever met those guys had we not had that connection with the show but because of the few times we spent with them obviously there was a influence so much that somebody said you know i want those guys to come speak you know when i pass on so dad i had a couple questions about one is was there were there a lot of people at the funeral was it small was it this was how big was it the the people in the music business uh over a 50-year this period they day back 50 years ago i've been listening to them for 50 years they're my age so in their 70s i think dusty was about 72 and uh yeah his wife was telling about how he died and you know it just just out of the blue they didn't they didn't expect it but uh all i said to gibbons when i saw him i remember him when when they came down here and the two tour buses and they requested that we have squirrel for they wanted squirrel for dinner yeah well we got some we got some rock and rollers we're gonna have some squirrel here but uh so that's the last time i i've saw them a few few things they did with duck dynasty you know but but the bottom line was in other words it was just uh it was family and friends is what you had family and friends and it was just the crowd that surrounds the rock and roll apart and the innovations yeah they'll let their crew of course you know like you fit right in that crowd well i guess yeah well yeah i told gibbons i said gibbons let's face it because gibbons is the is he and the drummer or the last one standing i just said let's face it dude we're getting old but but i gave them the living i gave them a a in my mind good news that there is life beyond the grave i just want them to know that if they come in they knew what they were fixing to hear so he abound i think he listened how did they react how did they react during did like people just were they quiet or because you you sound like you were pretty much into it and i was just curious it was as responsive as a funeral is yeah well i've been at some funerals it wasn't quite though this one was quiet yeah i'm glad that that that we were invited down uh it's it was an opportunity to point people to jesus and yeah and to just be be generous toward them we love them i'm kind of like jace oh yeah i'm kind of like jace it's surreal because you know jake we all grew up you know that was our music growing up i mean we love susie type and so who would have ever thought you had an opportunity to be there in a moment for their family you know like think about it that's pretty amazing we we've some of the legalistic types have said well you can't listen to rock and roll music and this and that and the other but you add it all up together i said let me see now a jubal was the father of all those who played stringent instruments and the flute well al the almighty says in genesis 4 that he made people who were real good at at stringed instruments and flutes which would include pretty well anything musical instrument there is so i'm just saying god made people who are very do are very skilled in that particular uh part of their life so i i'm looking at it like i don't look at it as a downer you know i know what lewdness is and cursing and carrying on all that they take it overboard a lot of it but the bottom line is you say the old zzz toppers they played rock and roll music well the bottom line is we they came down we befriended them we were real yeah i think jesus had that had a bad reputation because he was after everyone and i mean remember matthew 11. and i've i think you did a good job you know i to finish what i was doing on my three days up my second night the church there that had brought me in they did a community like invitation and so and it was packed which i was wondering during this coronavirus how many people gonna show up but it it was it was packed so it was on a saturday night which was strange as i was at the hotel of course i wear just whatever i don't dress up i mean my wardrobe is limited and so when i was getting in the elevator there was a couple that got in and they were like as fancy dressed as i've ever seen two people and i just uncontrollably said wow y'all look nice and of course then i realized when you say that you're putting them in a awkward position because they're looking at me they can't say well you too because i you know i mean they're they didn't know who i was and so they kind of got awkward they didn't chase each other it would have been it would have been rude if they just said and you don't look so great well right you well you look like a homeless person but so then i realized that i thought oh i probably shouldn't say anything awkward but the woman who was trying to break the tension said well someone might be going to a wedding tonight and so then i was like who is she talking about and i was like oh you're going to a wedding you know so we had a little laugh which broke the tension i said well someone may be going to speak tonight at a church but then the woman's immediate response she went oh that's nice you know it is saturday and i thought what is she talking about i thought she she thinks i'm making this up because it was saturday who goes to church on saturday but you know if you're at me i got camouflage on i thought they don't even believe that i could be associated with a church and then she caught me on at that saturday so i left so i went to finish my story and it was packed i told hang on jason let's take a break so one of our sponsors is helix sleep which we love they do mattresses and the good news is they've gone beyond the bedroom and they've started making sofas they started a company called all form a-l-l-f-o-r-m all form and they make premium customizable sofas and chairs and they ship them right to your house they lisa and i went online we she got to design everything from the color of it to the style of it everything that she wanted they have fast free shipping the most time it takes you know weeks or months to get furniture it takes three to seven days and it's right to your front door and it takes a few minutes to assemble and i'm telling you guys james i'm the worst assembler in the history of assemblers and yet lisa and i put this couch together in about 10 minutes which tells you how easy it is because i'm not very good at that sort i always have leftover parts when i put stuff together and so it works out really well uh they're big they're roomy uh you get 100 days to decide if you want to keep it that's over three months or they'll pick it up for free which you won't want to send it back trust me so to get the perfect sofa check out allforum.com unashamed that's all form dot com slash unashamed and right now they're offering 20 off all orders for our listeners so that's all form.com unashamed and get yourself a great couch so i told them that story and they did laugh and and uh so i shared jesus and then i came back the next morning because you would brought up this jew i want to turn this in then sunday morning we just met well they didn't tell the church members i was preaching well it was older members you know saturday night one that was just a community so it was whoever but sunday morning i got up there looking like i do i thought these some of these people are thinking are you kidding me this is the preacher which is my point uh when in right in the middle of the section when when jesus said blessed are those the poor in spirit uh the ones that that are who mourn the meek uh the ones who hunger and thirst for righteousness the ones who shows mercy the pure in heart the peacemakers the ones who are persecuted and blessed are you when people say false things about you and all that well if you get down there you're the salt you're the salt of the earth and the light of the world and it goes on to say listen don't don't don't don't don't kid yourself you've heard it said don't murder he said i'm telling you anybody who's angry with his brother will be subject to judgment and it goes on all the way down to look somebody comes to you you want to borrow something give to the one who asks you and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you well that's part of that being like jesus attitude all the way through max get married and stay married in other words don't be swearing by this and by that well you you just step back and look at the big picture of all that you say he said you've heard he said you know don't murder he said i'm telling if you're angry with your brother you're already subject to judgment well if you read all these verses and put them together that explains why i don't care who it is they invite me to go somewhere along with you jace we point them to jesus and we point them to these qualities that they need to acquire and learn as they go forth in their faith so you know somebody said well what about after you mentioned give to someone who wants to borrow well when i walked outside in the parking lot fix i had the law of course i had my bodyguards there whatever some guy walks up there and he said you want him homeless guy he said hey he said you said you know if somebody wants to borrow something from me just give it to him right i said yeah he said i need 20 and i said you were listening to that lesson closely weren't you he said yeah i said listen if you drink this up the judgment of god is going to be on your head i said i'm going to give you the 20 dollars i reach in my pocket i said i'm going to do what jesus said so i gave him 20. i said but if you drink that up i said it's on you not me i said so don't drink this up i said use this as you use a good deed he said i'm gonna give you one better net he said i'm gonna pay you back i said well that'd be kind if you did i said but here's here's the 20 and i did what jesus said right he said yes sir you sure did so he walked away and into the streets he went so we'll see so so it's interesting dad you brought that up about because you mentioned earlier though i loved him we had a lot of and i gave him the 20 dollars you know what he's saying well then and it's then it's up to him what he does with it so cause that's the the benefit and the giver so you brought it up the earlier that there were people that had written some questions in about struggling post christian life we have we've had three or four that were together and uh all different perspectives but i i want to go there because you just you mentioned about what jesus said and one of the guys in particular i think it was jeremy that has struggles with this idea that he just can't live it like he's just kind of you get to a point where you think well i can't do this and jesus said what you quoted him saying but you gotta understand a couple of things about that he jesus was speaking to an audience that was trying to be righteous by their own holiness and so they said you know as long as we keep this rule then we can live this way and so he was convicted of that and said look you think you're just going to go by this small set of rules but your hearts are bad because you're not really putting your faith in god so we come along on this side of the cross and you know when you look at what he said to them all that's true and still applies to us the difference in us and them is when we have faith in jesus we're not depending on our own works and keeping law therefore even if we do have the bad thought even if we do get angry with our brother we can appeal to the cross of jesus so i think it's important for people to understand that on once we understand the cross and where we put everything towards you go back and read those passages you don't want to approach it just like the legalist was you're putting yourself back in their positions a lot of people think i'm gonna do right so that i'll i'll look better before god what he doesn't understand is the reason we reach out to our neighbors no matter who they are are good bad and the ugly and all the ones in between we're doing what we're doing because not we're not doing it to be saved we're doing it because we are saved we we are saved and we reach out to our brothers to point them to the one who can save them so we don't get tangled up we understand it's a journey it's a walk and jesus is there 24 7 thankfully to be there when we stumble but i think what they're missing if you read if you just take galatians 2 21 and think about it if you claim that by your righteous acts that somehow you're going to justify yourself and you you read this verse what you're doing is in direct contrast to why jesus died because it says i do not set aside the grace of god for if righteousness could be gained through the law christ died for nothing so when you think about it when you're setting yourself up as a rule keeper and justifying yourself you're saying in that moment christ died for nothing i don't know how he could be any stronger in that don't go down this road you're looking at the cross and saying yeah but that was meaningless that was for nothing these guys that are doing the the seriousness hang on let's take another break so one thing the pandemic has done is for a long time it curtailed a lot of people eating out because i don't know if y'all know this or not because none of us eat out much but most people eat at restaurants they don't they don't eat at home they don't they don't know how to cook or or prefer not to we always have so you know we didn't really change that the pandemic didn't change your habits that they did in terms of eating you still just kind of did what you always do not do that i was already self quarantined your influence is good so one of the things that people can do uh which i think is pretty interesting is one of our sponsors is a is a company called marley spoon and martha stewart who we all know well she's a famous chef she has designed recipes and they send you the food and the recipes to your house and so you can make them within 30 minutes so you get to cook and you get to learn how to cook but you get to cook 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further you go and the more you reach out and serve others instead of worrying about yourself you just get up in the morning and you love god and you love your neighbor and just let that be known i think the problem is it's like you know the the third speech i gave on this trip they had a title for me which i only have one sermon which is an introduction to jesus and it takes various forms depending on the holy spirit and where i'm at i guess but they said the title was all in i'm all in but i got so i started looking i was like what does the bible say about all in and what i what i was surprised at was that where i started in my mind was that in first john 4 and verse 10 to go with what phil's point is here it says this is love not that we love god but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins which is the same goes in with what i just read in galatians two you know galatians 2 20 says i have been crucified with christ and i no longer live christ lives in me so i made the point and i went to luke 15 to do it the reason jesus was eating with the tax collectors and sinners is because it's more important to view this as god pursuing us than we pursue in him because ultimately christ's death on a cross and his resurrection is what saves us i mean that's why we don't set aside that it's not about oh how much i love god he just said it's about how much he loves you that that's going to be the proper mindset well if you don't have that as the foundation i think this is why you get off into that kind of stuff that's why and to to to matt's point he said i read scripture daily and the more i learn about jesus and his grace i find myself being reminded of what a bad person i used to be well there's the apostle paul's statement's hal he said i was the worst of the worst but when he looks at the mercy of god it's because of mercy that we were saved and we stand before god it's back to that romans 7. you remember what a wretched man i am you know paul said in romans he said but thanks be to god that i gained victory through jesus christ so that i mean of course they're still in the first part out where they're they're struggling with their own weaknesses and they don't understand it's been paid for it's it's it's been it's removed yeah you need to realize that yeah what i was going to say is so i started studying about this all in and what i came up with was in colossians 3 and verse 11 and there are similar passages like this one of them is galatians 3 26 and 27 another one is in first corinthians 12 where i always bring that up to show that christ in christ as far as salvation is concerned is the only place you can find true equality in the world because it says there's neither male nor female there's no bond they're free there's neither jew nor greek i mean there's no you know in our interpretation there's no high class middle class low class it you're in jesus's class i mean it there's no white collar blue collar i mean he says that over and over but at the end of that verse in colossians has the same reference at the end of verse 11 he says you know there's no greek or jews circumcised or uncircumcised he get he gets down to the innocence but christ is all and is in all it's like he's the which goes back to my point it's more about christ now you can say all in he went all in for us because he came down lived became a human lived a perfect life and then died for us i mean to show how the extent of his love and grace and how much he wanted to pursue us well whatever you do with your life you're never going to match what he did for you that's correct i mean there's just no comparison kim from texas jace uh whose son is struggling after obeying the gospel she said i i would love to hear you guys explore this aspect on the podcast sometimes we we we sell finding our salvation as a way to make all of our problems go away or as we live in the world we have to live in it it's not easy but her last statement and she's the one that jeremy you and matt and whoever else among you you need to listen to we have to sold jerome and remember why we chose to be born again because she's made some of the gospel what jesus did for surrendering only to god not the other forces that vie for us which is a good point she's saying you need to look at what what god has done for you through jesus and relax and say i mean it's up to them to say i wonder if i ought to get this filth quit watching this filth on this little black box i have here and this immoral stuff i'm watching and all the the the danger of sinful people getting naked stripping this and that another looking at i wonder if i already just curtailed that it's so they they they keep watching it saying well maybe they're addicted to it al so how do you get them off of it yep well because you can't look at it from a commandment perspective you have to look at it from a jesus perspective let's take our last break [Music] so i was going to read this verse jason you made me think of this when you said something a minute ago in uh second corinthians 5 21 paul said god made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of god so your your sin becomes on christ it's not it's not on you anymore but but listen to the response in in chapter six as god's fellow workers we urge you not to receive god's grace in vain for he says in the time of my favor i heard you in the day of salvation i helped you i tell you now is the time of god's favor now is the day of salvation so i love the idea that if you stay trapped in sin because you want to own it instead of giving it to the one who said he would become sin for you then you take that grace in vain and you won't live like the day of salvation so it's a release factor it's a realization that yeah i can't do it there's no way i can be perfect but that's why jesus came that's why he died that's why he became sin for me and that motivates you in a completely different way than why am i so bad why do i keep messing up instead of putting it on him it changes your perspective and allows the holy spirit to bear fruit through you because that's why you have the holy spirit and it's not a 100 yard dash it's a marathon a long race a long journey so that's where i was going you know in the in the lesson when i spoke sunday morning i didn't really get into this but i went into the principles because i had studied it for hours i mean because i figured i'm in a hotel room by myself for hours the best thing i can do is study my bible and so uh when i read that colossians i went backwards because the first part of chapter three you know he says set your mind on things above where christ is seated in christ who is your life and i kept going backwards and backwards in colossians and when you read i love colossians 1 15 and following because it describes why jesus is superior not only to all religious leaders but to all other you know humans because it says he is the image of the invisible god the firstborn over all creation for by him all things were created things in heaven and earth visible invisible thrones powers they were all created by him for him he is before all things i kept focusing on this all things and in him all things hold together he's the head of the body of the church and then 21 it says you were once alienated from god in enemies in your mind because of your behavior but now what to your point now christ by christ's physical body through death presented you holy in his sight without blemish and free from accusation that's what they're wrestling with right there well right they don't realize they're viewed by god as perfect well then it says the mystery of godliness in verse 26 is that christ is in you 26 and 27. that's why to go back to the galatians 3 26 i no longer live i'm mean uh galatians 2 20. i no longer live but christ lives in me so the point i'm getting to is chapter 2 verse 9 so then it says this for in christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness in christ you got it so it's like when you turn it around and make it not about you and it's about christ and who he is and what he did and the extent that he went and the amount that he pursued us and then you're given that access with through his spirit and dwelling you you make it about him instead of you on a daily basis and you'll look up and you're now doing things that are grace motivated and have the right foundation for making better decisions yep yeah i think that's really good james and i think that's exactly what we do we either go inward where we focus on ourselves and our short falls and our sins or we compare to other people and and we say well i'm not as good as that person or i'm not as bad as that guy over there and you know why did they get blessings and why do i not get blessings we had a letter from a guy named john it was a very honest struggle of how he's trying to come to faith but i noticed throughout his whole letter dad if you read it it it he was constantly comparing himself to what he didn't have in what others had and so i think that's another way the evil one traps us because then it's not about what christ is doing in me no matter what whether i was successful yeah you're not worthy of being saved that's what the evil one is whispering in there here i always go back to that john the baptist statement i mean jesus said there was no no human greater ever born than john the baptist you know matthew 11 he said that and john the baptist to me in a bumper sticker moment said he's got to become greater and i got to become less and the bigger your life gets for christ the lesser you become that's right i mean my i share this in my speeches my number one fear in life for years was to say anything in public i just uh i mean it's like fingernails on a chalkboard and so here i am i just gave three speeches in front of thousands of people now they can't shut you up can't shut me up you know what i say right before i go up on stage you know i say this every time because i get nervous i'm looking around and and i i wanted to say this that sunday morning that we had together was as close to a heaven heavenly experience as i've had in a long time they had a choir back there but they weren't dressed like choir people they were dressed for ordinary people and they have the little worship team up they sing a couple songs but these and we're in there you know probably there's probably a thousand people in there it was just voices being lifted up praise to god and i mean the hair was standing up on the back of my neck it just sounded so awesome i mean i know we make a joyful noise to the lord some of us and we sing but when people who can sing and they are good with the stringed instruments you said they're just the sounds that were coming out of there i thought yep this is this is what we're doing this is heaven so then it hits me right before i get up and i'm like i gotta go speak in front of these people and i always say the same thing it's not about me so i get up there with my bible and i'm like i'm gonna introduce jesus i mean these are the only thing positive i have is what i found in jesus yep that that's it so it takes all the pressure so a lot of your weaknesses are overcome through god's power i think that's why he said that the powers in jars of clay we're all like clay jeremy are you and matt listen do you need to pay attention there guys you're going to be all right i've told this story before i tell this story before but as we close out i'll tell it again so macko and our good friend is a carpenter and he built uh uh built me a pulpit when i first started preaching at wfr and it looks like a cross when you're looking at it from the audience it is a cross but it's also got a thing you know you can put your bible and your notes on and on the back of that cross where no one can see but me he carved into that wood it's not about you and it was on the best messages any friend of christ could have ever done because you know you think about it when you get up to present the word of god if i look at it every time for well i can't really speak boldly about this because i fall short and wherever i'm at if if i if i compare it back to me instead of what the word of god said i could never preach a sermon i could never teach a lesson i could never proclaim the word of god i'm just a weak vessel like everybody else of jar of clay so when you realize it's not about you but it's about proclaiming what christ does in us that totally changes everything and i think for guys like us who proclaim all the time we're just openly admitting we're sinners we fall short of the grace of god but if we got trapped in our weaknesses we could never proclaim anything that's true we would never be able to take the evil one uses that to try to shut us up look right before i got up they they baptized five teenagers from the night i guess either from the school or the night before which that fired me up yep and uh so i just off the top of my head i thought about jesus when he was baptized and and god declared that identity because he had brought up about how we compare ourselves to other people you know when jesus was baptized and we know he wasn't doing it because he had sins or anything but he was he was giving up his his life for for us and started in his ministry by the power of the holy spirit but god declared those three things this is my son whom i love and i'm well pleased which is where we get our identity so i looked at the young people and said that's what god is declaring to you but guess what happened next he went from the water to the wilderness which is then the evil one came and basically those three temptations were you got to prove yourself you know why don't you exalt yourself and uh i can't off the top of my head i thought of this oh and then he's like follow me indulge yourself yeah i was like well that's what the world offers it's like you got to prove yourself out here you're better than others exalt yourself you're the greatest thing ever because you're better than so-and-so or look better and and just indulge yourself in whatever but in all those those issues jesus said no and he surrendered himself gave his life and that became you know our anchor so i wanted to share that because that's who we are i think that's this battle that we're talking about is really what we all go through yep constantly i like it all right we're out of time thanks for listening to the unashamed podcast help us out by raiding us on itunes and don't miss an episode by subscribing on youtube and be sure to click that little bell to get notified about new episodes and for even more content that you won't get anywhere else subscribe to blaze tv at blazetv.com unashamed
Channel: Phil Robertson
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Id: ENzTo24bX6Q
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Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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