Phil Announces His New Ministry & the Mysterious Lost Episodes of Unashamed | Ep 344

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i am unashamed what about you yeah yeah i appreciate that that's dan the man uh damned speaking of the woolly the woolly look or the slick look he went with the slick look he's thirty-nine what are you a lot i feel like we've started mid-stream willie or wooly he's talking about we did uh we did remember on the last podcast we talked about two types of males they're the woolly types that be like you and then there's the skinheads but it all comes down to the hair do i leave lose it do i keep it do i sell it do i get rid of it or do i make it grow a lot of talk about how but dan over there he said just just slick it yep just snickers no hair no hair no hair he just got rid of hair but he's also this morning he brought us some cups here a while ago i appreciate that those of you listening dan has entered the lands on the premises if you're wondering what's going on here 45 minutes ago an hour ago down in the middle of the woods dan we didn't have the operator jimmy red redneck gibson on the scene because he's up there you know getting ready to go so wait let me ask you that so is is he red because he used to have red hair or is he red because he's a redneck or is it some combination it's a combination of okay well he's married to a redhead well that too but he's a heavy equipment operator but he was not on the scene down in the woods this morning we had two gate valves we just put a dump across the bayou we got these gate valves and mack hobbs welded up for me so dan said well i'll i'll take care of the track over here you know get them off the truck these things are expensive track hoes they're gates the track hoe's expensive about 150 grand and dan jumps up on that thing you know and i'll say dan you're a heavy equipment operator right now oh look you know the first time the iron hit the iron and you know i was watching him because you know i didn't want to get around this thing we picked it up off a trailer and if it falls on you you're dead so yeah he just was and i saw the hole that you dug if you fall in that you're dead yeah amazing dan went from a eunuch that helps miss k her butler he went from that to a heavy equipment operator and i'm watching him and i mean he's he's doing it it's slow everybody's moving in slow motion but we we picked up two big pieces of iron swung them around laying them down over in the woods go come back got the other one put straps on them and he just raised just think about a big metal gate well that's about what the thing was but dan's over there he never missed a lick on the whole thing all he did was get in there that's good and he was looking at a lot of people don't know he never missed he never said that he did great best thumbs up all right what i'm saying is translation do not ever underestimate dan i mean skin head he's got a routine he wakes up in the morning he he eats algae and you know uncooked egg whites i mean he's very healthy oh what are you talking about how do you how do you get the egg whites if they're uncooked separated from the yolk or that liquidated um egg whites on the store oh they sell that that way it seems that makes me uncomfortable i don't know why what i'm telling you is but a guy has multiple skill sets and you know i tell you he's decided not to marry i'm just saying can you imagine date women and anything like that you imagine meeting a guy on the street you say what do you do for a living he says i actually separate egg whites from the yolks no that's just to keep him going no i'm saying there's a person who's doing that as a job if you can buy one in the store that's i'm having trouble wrapping my head around that all right so dan we're gonna have to invite you on the podcast officially sometimes so you can defend yourself yeah exactly what did that have to do with the cubs i don't know we ran out of coffee he's a good other goodness of his heart i said call them pretend i'm bringing some cups this morning i will say this that y'all can't see me but the head thing the shaving the head that's for aerodynamics oh good to see you dad most people don't know this the unashamed podcast originally we had before we hooked in with blaze we were going to call it net faith podcast i don't know where that came from but i saw some old names faith net faith and it was i don't know what is it what i don't know i tell you one thing daniel stevenson that guy right there and his daddy his daddy and his you know they were strict on him but i i can just tell gary right now gary that boy is the most trustworthy individual i've seen in a long time steady eddie gary so uh so yeah so we net phase days before you came into the into the project and so dan we actually recorded there's there's like 15 or 20 lost episodes out there floating around somewhere of me dad and dan doing this only bring the trustworthiness up because we enter culture now and we're almost to the point to where when you see someone or run up on someone that is 100 percent trustworthy you need to take special note of that that's all i'm saying but i mean you know i trust him with my life or or my money actually you do both because oh yeah you know he's he's the guy so and he does take care of mom as well so we love dan that's awesome we'll have him on the podcast sometimes so i want to mention this um something brand new dad that's uh that we've just come out with and it's called the c-plus gospel series uh which is really cool it's a this is uh mom and dad along with ben and melissa my cousins uh ben and melissa atkins started a 501c3 kind of like miami and it's called c plus ministries because dad says he's a c plus man right and so my point with the c plus thing was that we're in the book of matthew we're fixing to run up on a text in matthew 16 after jesus asked peter in them he said who they say i am well some say elijah one of the prophets you know they're saying you're all kind of people so they was given guessing at who jesus christ was and he but jesus said well what about you peter this is coming up and later on in our study of matthew he said who do you say i am he said you're the christ messiah the the the savior of the world that's who you are right and he said i'm gonna give you the keys to the kingdom peter you're gonna be the ones that open the gate to it son so what they've already said it's near it's near so right below there in in matthew 16 from that time on so everybody take a note when you get to matthew 16 about the mid mid part there when you get down there where jesus said look here's what's fixing to happen he's he's predicting what all the prophets said about him and uh what he said was in the middle of 16 you get out about verse 21 start there and here's what you're going to do this will be great for you people out there that that are bible readers what you do is you write down the next time he says that right next to matthew 16 21 from that time on he must go up to jerusalem suffer many things at the hands of the elders the chief priests the teachers of the law all these people he's dealing with they're all going to be gathered together against him along with the roman empire that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life he sets the standard he's talking about the coming kingdom he being the king and the way he's going to end up the messiah of the world the savior is because he's going to die be buried and raised from the dead start there the next time you see that is matthew 17. just turn one page any any and what's this when they came together in galilee this is matthew 17 about verse 20. the reason i call it c plus gospel the son of man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men they will kill him and on the third day he will be raised to life and check us out the disciples were filled with grief out they're like what he said they're going to kill me they didn't understand the ramifications about the resurrection you don't run away from somebody who you know is fixing to be raised from the dead when they finally did hang him on the cross out everybody hit the road including peter who's sitting there with the keys to the kingdom yep everybody deserved it he said this is going to happen now watch then you put beside matthew 17 after put matthew 16 you put 20 18 chapter 20 verse 18. so you turn a page or two and you get to the part about what jesus said we're going up to jerusalem see if this sounds we we are beginning to get very redundant jesus is we're going up to jerusalem the son of man will be betrayed to the chief priests and teachers of the law well that's what he said back over there in in matthew 16. they'll condemn him to death they'll turn him over to the gentiles there's the romans the roman soldiers ramming a spear in him to be mocked flogged and crucified what a what a a thing to say about yourself you're saying this is what's fixed to happen well lo and behold you put your next text matthew 26 verse 2 so you follow what jesus is saying he who he is what he's going to do and matthew records you know what jesus christ died was buried and raised from the dead and he said i now have all the authority on earth and in heaven i'm the one that killed and i'm back standing here and they're all looking at it well why is everybody so shocked he told him what he was going to do well when you get to mark you start over there in matthew and in mark throughout the book of mark the gospel jesus is going to be condemned he says the same thing mark recorded him doing it you get to luke jesus just said i'm going to die be bear and raise from the dead you get to john jesus said i'm going to die be buried and raised from the dead and each one of those guys matthew mark luke and john howe record the same story so the question is why be so redundant and why keep saying something over and over and over here's a news flash so you can't miss it right it's impossible to miss if you'll just read the text about what he said who he was what he did what he's now doing back in heaven at the right hand of the father mediating for the members of the kingdom the kingdom came and guess who was doing the sermon the preaching and when you get to the book of acts peter because he's the one that had been given the keys he said you were the help of wicked men put jesus to death by nailing him to the cross he said now peter's all fired up because he saw it right he ran away when he looked back he said good night the grave scene where mary and peter and john ran up there's a good now where's his body what what's going on they still didn't grasp the levity of what he said the whole time he was with them it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the gospel is jesus dying for the sins of the world being buried and raised from the dead god has become flesh we remember it as christmas we're counting time by and when you read through these texts and you get into the epistles it just keeps coming up it's preached paul told the corinthians it's received it's stood on it's believed and if you don't and if you get out of whack and you forget what you heard you'll be condemned so jesus died was being raised from the dead it's not rocket science and look for all you who say do you cover that material in this little the c-plus gospel series we cover that for the ones who want it we do it in air coming out of heaven god becoming flesh dying on the cross we have that the empty tomb and the air going into heaven and the final era is what we are now waiting for in september of 2021 all we're waiting on is the return al that's right so the perfect story the purpose of this uh booklet is a resource for you guys and and so when you get it just know that the purpose of this ministry is to get the gospel out so it's just a resource and it's hopefully the first book of many uh we started out with the gospel because that's the most important place to start uh we're probably going to use some of the books we've done do something on the book of john something on act something by the way so it's just a resource go to c plus ministries dot org c plus p-o-u-s and you can get a copy of it by the way the final thing that you go in and there it's i i want to remind you of the gospel i preached to you which you received on which you've taken your stand and this gospel is what saves you and what happened to me i passed on you this is critical of first importance right one place in the bible it says this what i'm saying to you is of number one importance jesus died was being raised from the dead that's first corinthians 15 and the epistles and it just keeps coming forth in all of them right what happened in matthew mark luke and john so just to let you know everybody when you buy this book this money does not go to us this is a this is a non-profit every money bit of money goes in here it goes to advance the gospel so it's not going it's not coming to us so just so you know that's the purpose of it um let's take a break so one of the things we talk a lot about is the second amendment and how important it is during this uh last couple years there's been so much craziness i mean gun sales and ammo sales have been record levels in america i think it's people just knowing they kind of got to look out for themselves you know because you're not sure defund police you know all this different stuff that's going on in the world of course i was thinking about australia dad because they've had some pretty draconian lockdowns but i thought you know they all gave up their weapons on the big buy back a few years ago probably not the best move if you want to be an independent free people you know you know so one of our sponsors is a company called i target and so what they do is they help you train without necessarily having to you know fire a bunch of ammo that's hard to get now anyway so it's dry fire training which helps develop your muscle memory sharpens your reaction speed so you do all this through an app on a phone which is pretty neat and they have all the major calibers for you to be able to use and so if you want to check these guys out it's i the letter i target pro dot com you're going to save 10 plus you get free shipping when you use the offer code fill so that's i use the offer code fill save some money and make your shooting a little more proficient so before we get into our thing i do want to mention uh that uh we want you guys to be sure and rate and review and share uh on all of our social media platforms that's important uh for the podcast so be sure and remember that so jase we're uh matthew five i i've been doing a little deep dive i actually had to study this last night because it seems simple when you first read it but i to my knowledge i don't think i've ever participated in a deep dive of matthew 5 and the beatitudes and what gave me trouble was you know when you see this when he starts the the sermon the red letters and he goes up on a mountain which i've used this as a joke to legalist and organize religion around the world this first verse so you know you're a preacher so if you want to use this look i'm going to give you a funny you know for people who who are uncomfortable with anything happening different in a church organized setting in their day actually jesus goes up to the mountain and he sat down everybody else stood up yup so i'm like we do the opposite so my joke is when people say you know i don't know if it's something you know ridiculous like you can't eat a biscuit in the holy of holies or whatever or they try to you know this is my spot or whatever it's like well if we want to be like jesus we should have the preacher sit down and the crowd stand up amen see how well that goes over that would be all for it they wrote a book about that exodus you went to israel uh i've heard people say that they take people on these tours to this spot did you go to this spot i did go to this spot and you went to that that spot because i've heard this part of that yeah which is pretty cool you know because this is one of the most famous when people say this is the spot well right i mean look the whole the whole thing looks similar it's basically the sea of galilee is in a bowl so if you get on any little mountain there there's a lot of places where there are cliffs where a crowd could be underneath but the spot they deemed it's real pretty they somebody put like a little hut where you could have dinner under the yeah under there and there's a cross and i mean they had they they they made it look kind of like a picnic area but uh it is surreal to imagine if it wasn't that spot it was somewhere like that spot but it makes more sense on how you could be heard right a lot of people when you think they have microphones but once i went there i thought i see how this will work because sound would travel down to where well just yeah but he starts off giving the road map to these people with these qualities and the reason i think i had difficulty with it is you know this word that's translated blessed which means happy in our in the english language a little more happy with a little more substance substance substance i would say but so if i just read it he starts off saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforting blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled blessed are the merciful they will be shown mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they will see god blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of god blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven and then he kind of goes on about that last point about blessing are you so happy are you you know when people insult you persecute you falsely say all kinds of evil against you because it's very counterintuitive for that that's what i was getting at i mean if you just we've all three at some point off and on off and on have experienced that wow oh yeah but it's just a given what stands out is i mean if you just put happy in verse four happy are those who mourn what well how does that work right you would never think that to be true and look i'm gonna be honest most of this stuff when i was a youngster this was frowned upon like you know willie and i fought pretty much every day for a couple of years and we always got to the end and i would usually say say mercy he would never say it there was a couple of occasions where i was he had used some trap to get me and he's like say mercy i didn't even know what that meant but i know i wasn't going to say it you know i mean look if i would have died mercy comes hard for all human beings yeah that's basically mercy comes hard especially in in battle in conflict you know that's right i'm like i don't know what that means but i'm not saying it because he wants me to and right now i'm dying i could be dead that was the reason jesus said it just because of your conclusion there so well what got me to thinking i was like i see why we don't talk about these qualities much so i studied i read pretty much most of the night because i was trying to get my head wrapped it was a list of qualities that he possessed and they didn't and we don't until there's growth there's repentance there's there's yeah these things are not easy to come by no so here these don't they don't come to you naturally that's why when the world jay says well we can be good without these qualities because we're not going to read that joke you all read yeah well it's the exact problem to it we say have you ever tried this or just as a lifestyle and they'll ha they have to say well not really i don't believe the bible well if they read these qualities you would think they would say yeah but but it's not possible human beings it's not going to happen you say yo it can happen well it well because we do the opposite i mean you just think about people people make fun of people for being meek or use that as weakness or they're not hungering and thirsting for righteousness they're hungry and thirsting for food and a beverage you know i mean it's that's it just go to facebook how do these qualities are they part of from what i've heard about facebook from a guy that i've never heard of facebook i've never looked at facebook i don't know what the face in the books i don't know what about that what it means but this is a book i'm reading now and it's face to face with it but do you find these this is the original because i'm going on what y'all told me everybody y'all said everything's a lie on facebook until proven otherwise it's actually that's a long way from what jesus said it's actually a really good illustration it's just weird because it's true you're not going to find these qualities on any kind of social media platform very rarely so the question is why it ain't there why is it not there because because that's about exalting yourself well this is all about glory yeah now you're on to something and trying to only make yourself look better i mean that's part of the whole purpose behind it even the stage stuff that people do on social media it always seems to be some hidden thing with people the state of vermont they gather together and champ as champions of the idea that this is the only place in america where there's really no religion we finally got rid of it well i'm looking at at the poor in spirit the ones who mourn the meek the ones who hunger and thirst for righteousness the ones who are merciful and the pure in heart and the peacemakers why would they rail against those quantities that you would see in human beings why would you rail against it well i mean because you don't understand it i i mean this as much as anything well hang on jess let's take a break so dad you always say you always told us coming up that one of the things that about blowing duck calls is if you you always tell audiences if you do it in the house you're gonna drive your mother crazy right you remember saying that or your wife so so always practice outside yeah all right so give them a little bit of taste of what why that is the reason is you're inside a pooped-up place now to us that's music right i mean that's a that's a mallard hen is what that is but what if you're a female duck hunter you would drive your husband crazy that's exactly right well i'm training my daughter uh felice i'm training her on how to use a duck call and amazingly there's a little headway there and she informed me that she got on the internet and all this stuff you know she said you know i there are women duck hunters out there oh yeah yeah no doubt about it and and someone can blow more each year so to some duck call sounds are great to others not so great and so sometimes i've noticed this about dad because dad wears hearing aids that when he doesn't want to hear certain things you can just turn those down right or pull them out that's part of the beauty of them but what you want to do is obviously hear when you want to hear and so one of our new sponsors uh is a company called md hearing aids and they offer a much more affordable hearing aid most uh average 2 400 a pair theirs are only 299.99 which is really good they're nearly invisible they're rechargeable they're water resistant they ship them directly to you which is really good so if you want to improve your hearing or maybe shut some people out when you want to go to use the promo code unashamed you're going to buy one get one 299.99 for each offer so it's really good free extra charging case that's 100 value just for listeners of unashamed so go to use the promo code unashamed or you can call them 833-581-1546 that's 833-581-1546 you have to hear them to sound like them there you go well here's what i think i i think just reading this when you try to kind of practically put these things in your life that's where the difficulty is that's where i had trouble recognizing so how do i do this so the more i studied here's what i came up with y'all poke holes in it it's not gonna hurt my feelings here's what i came up with i came up with that i think what i think is is the first four of these beatitudes that somebody came up with i think that's a good name for them yeah that's pretty good i think they are about how your heart relates to god and the next four are how if you have that relation then the ones who believe he exists exactly he must believe he exists well and i'm i'm going to show you what i mean but and and the other four are about how you relate to other people now here's where i came up with that because like when you get to seven which would be verse seven the fifth quality which is merciful and the pure in heart and the peacemaker and and happy are those who are persecuted well god's not going to persecute us so i know he's not talking about that's other people we're going to persecute you yeah god is rich in mercy so we're not talking about being merciful to god he's he doesn't need mercy from us you know so but the first four i think make more sense because if you look at it with your heart for god because you when you think what does it mean to be poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven that this is what i had trouble wrapping my head around because i'm like how do i be poor in spirit in the world and that's why i think it's your heart towards god because when you think of being rich in spiritual take a cursing if you're poor in spirit take a cursing and instead of retaliating you just forgive them and move on well i think that would be blessed are those who persecute you what i think it means is that your spirit in view of the existence of god is poor because you realize how much you need him it's this is where you get in the desperation the brokenness people who don't believe in god they don't think they need need god they're not poor in spirit they're they're only i don't need their heart there's no need i i think that's what it means now look i could be dead wrong if y'all have a a different idea no i think that's me no i think that which leads to the second one well blessed are those who mourn because it which by the way on that pouring spirit so if you think about that's why i think it says for theirs is the kingdom of heaven well think about what the kingdom of heaven is it's where god reigns well unless your heart is broken to a point where you would look to god to reign you wouldn't be part of the kingdom so i think those two things that's what made me think about it i thought oh because you wouldn't want to be a part of the kingdom if you didn't believe there's a god and you wouldn't believe there's a god if you weren't poor in spirit if you were prideful in spirit you'd say i don't need god i know what i'm doing and i think people have over over thought the word poor it's kind of been applied through the years it's like people in poverty or you know they don't have much going on in this life but that's not what he's talking about at all because you could be highly successful you know which jesus is going to run up on some people that are that have a good have their spirit is right and it's in tune with god or it's not i mean you're poor in your decision-making process which has led you to realize that you can't answer your problems and there's a need for god i mean man you can go back to your sin problem or your death problem but basically just a life problem you're not coming to god unless you realize that you you just you can't do this right which i think is poor in spirit yeah i think overall the human race does not uh uh d they don't deal with the issue when when paul talked to titus he said when the kindness and love of god our savior appeared he saved us not because of righteous things we had done but because of his mercy he saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the spirit that he generously poured out on us so you read that text you say it's all about mercy because if you get what you deserve none of us would make it none right let me read this they provided a way where if you the merciful they they will be blessed yeah i'm going to get a reward i'm going to get to that merciful because i think that was the first one how we interact with people let me say something just before you read that so dad you and i sat and had dinner with uh the family that owns hobby lobby yep and so these a billion dollar over a billion dollar company very successful would you say those folks were poor in spirit yeah i mean they were as successful as you could be in in american culture and capitalism all that but their hearts desire through all this success is how to help people how to get the gospel out i mean to me that's that kingdom-wise that's what it's all about too much about culture and they are exercising and being the light of the world they are insulting life is exactly where he's headed without no so i think if you think about two verses that these will help you about understanding what we're saying about being poor in spirit one of them's a famous verse uh proverbs 3 5 and 6. and the others james 3 16 which says where you have envy and selfish ambition there you find disorder in every evil practice so i think being poor in spirit is the opposite of having selfish ambition because you're you're you looked at yourself and you realize you know what i'm not taking plus if you're not the big dog you don't care well we're happy with being the little pup well right so there's a humility you're right that kind of runs through all of these but but in proverbs 3 5 and 6 i think it for what he's introducing here in matthew what he's setting the precedent because we know where the next two chapters are going to go he's going to get to what's going on in your heart which i think that's why he started here i mean when you say poor in spirit that's your heart that's down deep where all the decisions are being made and all your emotions are bundled up into one and that that's what he's looking after not somebody who can correctly identify the list of rules that you're supposed to follow with your heart or not now thank you exactly right there the purpose of this section beginning what do you this because this is three or four chapters he's fixing to go through this yeah is to create a contrast for what the mindset has been up to this point about what a kingdom life look looks like no doubt there's that's why that's the way he starts and he starts with such crazy ideas because like i said i mean i've been following jesus since i was 14 but when i read this last night and thought i i don't know when i skimmed it i thought yeah we got this but then when i started analyzing it i was like what in the world does it mean to be poor in spirit right what does that look like well and i had to come back to house you begin to say boy i've got some work to do yeah i was found to be like i was poor in spirit about being poor in spirit let's take another breath but i wanted to read this because i think this really goes in with what he's fixed to lay out he says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding that's what proverbs 3 5 says which which the only way you wouldn't lean on your own understanding is if you were poor in spirit because we want to say oh i understand everything i know everything i'm i'm the greatest i'm i mean even you know we just did a thing on being a c-plus man but most people it's kind of like jay's looking at someone you know you've been around them you've been close to them you interact with them and you find it very difficult having been around them with them work with them play with them eat with them and you you begin to say when is the last time i heard a belligerent string of profanity vicious profanity or hatred direct when's the last time i heard this person i've been around for years when's the last time i saw him pitch or her pitch a big fit and just holler and rant and rave about something then you're like it's not that big a thing but to them they're ranting and they're very you say well what about the people who just steady as she goes yup steady as you go steady as she goes that would be poor in spiritual i don't see any belligerence ever coming forth from them right so it's just kind of a learning curve because we certainly left alone there's plenty of it start with facebook and you know google this and that and mother and people yeah yeah yeah the attacks are just ad hominem just just just pour it out you say yeah i i kind of well that's why all these were kind of heart yeah and it and it really starts at the simple i yesterday at least i hired this 16 year old kid he's working on her flower beds and he came in last night and it was funny because you know i said come and get some water you know whatever he comes in he sits down he said mr al he said how do you know you have faith which is an interesting question and i said do you believe that jesus is who he said he was do you believe that he really is god and he came to this earth and died for you he said yeah i believe that i said do is he your lord or you he's above and you're below he said yeah and i said then that's how you know you have faith it starts there now it grows exponentially but if you don't start with the important spirit then you're never going to get to that point i mean he's got to be more i have to be less yeah and i think that's why i didn't say this but i thought it the reason i broke them into two categories was jesus didn't but you know he's gonna eventually get to you can sum the whole law up with two things love god with all your heart soul mind and strength which i think those four things those first four verses represent that verse correct and then the next one is love your neighbor as yourself which i think these next four represent that exactly i think you're onto something i i think i am uh uh i'm gonna read this because i think this is cool when you get to the blessed are those who mourn and blessed are the meek so basically you know you think why do you mourn there's some suffering going on either physically emotionally spirit you lost someone there's pain in your life so you mourn but it says for they will be comforted well we know who the comforter is and then it says blessed are those blessed are the meek and so i thought what is meat and i the word that popped into my head was powerless you know when you're meek you seem powerless whatever that means so more i studied i i've i wound up in romans 5 because i know we studied romans but i didn't look at it from this vantage point but you know he said we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ and we've gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of god but watch this next verse but not only so but we also rejoice in our sufferings which is another contrast we don't rejoice in our sufferings very often right i mean let's just be honest you can read that and it sounds great but we're like no there's nothing happy about this yeah but watch what he says why we rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance and perseverance character and character hope but watch what what happens here and hope does not disappoint us because god has poured out his love into our hearts which i think is the whole point of what he's representing here about getting your heart right before god by the holy spirit whom he has given us there's where your comfort is going to come from so it's basically that's why when i read that blessed are those who mourn for they'll be comforted because the pain that happens in our lives is has our heart in a situation that god specializes in comforting right so and then the you say well what about the meek and the powerless well then he goes on the next part he says you see just at the right time when we were still powerless which i think that's a synonym for meek christ died for the ungodly very rarely with will anyone die for a righteous man and y'all familiar with that so and i thought of another verse where you know that one that says uh in second corinthians where it says we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the power is from god but you remember what comes after that in that sect corinthians 4 yeah ii corinthians 4 6 but then it says that this all surpassing power is from god and not from us so meek people come to god and he supplies the power right but then you know the next verse is after that in 24 we are hard-pressed on every side crushed perplexed but not in the spirit persecuted but not abandoned we always carry in our body the death of jesus so that the life of jesus may also be revealed in our body which if you go back to the beatitudes there again i think those first four represent what the christ what the cross of christ appeals to and those the next four is about more the resurrection and how you you interact with other people right which is one step two let's take another break so i got two illustrations jason that i think prove what you're saying is true on the meek side you remember moses and exodus we see how moses was born he was raised in the house of pharaoh he gets to be 40 years old and then he thinks this is time to lead he goes out and he kills this person that's mistreating his fellow hebrew i mean this is a guy who's been trained who's physically there he's got all the power but then he realized in the moment nobody was going to follow so he takes off he flees and he winds up in a desert tending to sheep for 40 years and then he winds up god calls on him comes back through a burning bush and says all right now you're ready to leave 40 years of being in the middle of nowhere having no interaction and at one time he thought he was the big deal and the reason i bring him up is because i think it's somewhere in numbers it says moses was the the meekest man on earth in other words the most humble person on the earth at the time when this was going down was moses and the only way it happened was because he then wasn't didn't think he was the guy but after 40 years out there in the desert of understanding that god really was bigger than he was he then was able to lead so his life sort of broke down in 40 years then his last 40 years he led the people out oh i agree 100 i think these first four things all take time and you have to you have to like marinate in the misery of it all but i think you're 100 right in all those stories that i thought of in reading this there was a common theme and it is while we wait in these qualities god is working that's right every time while you're in it he's working i think that's why i read that romans 5. it's a process that we don't we can't stop and recognize it so i'm developing character here because this sure is painful yeah and you know it's just not happening well it is worthy of no we covered this before in the podcast but this is so similar to uh when you start reading blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted the meek they'll inherit the earth uh praise be the god and father of our lord jesus christ second corinthians chapter one about verse three look how many times he says this and we've covered this before but it's a good time to insert it what text again uh second corinthians 1 verse 3 the father of compassion and he's sitting there talking to him in matthew the god of all comfort which yeah this goes with four where it says blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted that's right he comforts us in all our troubles he's always there so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from god so it has a way among human beings of spreading now it begins to spread when you're around people who are comfort comforting to be around than the ones you're you're waiting on some belligerent yeah howling and bl for just as the sufferings which is mentioned in the beatitudes of christ flow into our lives so also through christ our comfort overflows if that's even when when when if you lose loved ones and something unfortunate happen if we're distressed it's for your comfort and salvation if we are comforted it is for your comfort which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer life's always going to be there's going to be suffering there from a lot of different angles but you need to be ready for it and without god it's difficult to deal with i hope for you as firm because we know that just as you share in our sufferings so also you share in our comfort that's a lot said about comfort but it goes along with the beatitudes because well with this particular group of people there was a lot of going on if you read first and second corinthians there was a lot of work that needed to be done among the brothers because they were yeah you know some of them said i follow paul i fell asleep they had broken it down and there was a lot of uh discomfort among them yeah right well it made me think the attitudes that jesus said that day was not being demonstrated right exactly i i left out one key point on verse 5 that i discovered which when it says blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth well the meek when you come to god he supplies the power which is why i read that romans 5. and that's why i think it says for they will inherit the earth because when you have the spirit of god god is reigning the kingdom is here and that's why he says you will inherit the earth you know when you think about that verse revelation 5 10 it says he has made them to be a kingdom and priest and they will reign on the earth yeah so i think that's what it's referring to because you think when all these other things he's talking about heaven you know he says for theirs is the kingdom of heaven because god is your father jesus is your lord and savior and you now have the holy spirit you're part of the kingdom of heaven on earth but when he says the meek will inherit the earth i think that's more about you reigning on the earth being spirit-filled that's right while we're here now that's right i don't know of any other way you could because why would you want the earth if it's gonna burn up one day just like if somebody says hey man you guys rule we're like yeah yep yep that's right of course then they usually laugh they go back to that demon-possessed guy they go so i wanted to say this for the last one i guess this we're doing the first half of this because we're almost out of time so the the fourth one was about blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled and i i think that seems obvious but you got to realize when you come at god with this brokenness and with perhaps mourning in pain and and powerless and you're now you've done a terrible job of doing right because we are all sinners we're all imperfect so i think there's a lot of places you could go but the one that i i really liked was when paul in philippians 3 and i think this goes in with what that's saying in verse 7 he said whatever was to my prophet i now consider loss well there's the poor in spirit yep for the sake of christ what is more i consider everything a loss which there's the meekness and the mourning because he looks back on his past i mean his whole path i mean here's a guy telling us a morning he was killing other christians before he came to christ i consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing christ jesus my lord for whose sake i've lost all things i consider them rubbish that i may gain christ now here's the part about hungering and thirsting for righteousness and being found this is verse 9 of philippians 3 and being found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law which i think that's what jesus is fixing to address in the next three chapters but that which is through faith in christ jesus the righteousness that comes from god and is by faith which is when you asked that question earlier about the guy saying how do i know i have faith i was thinking of this verse i want to know christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings becoming like him in his death and so somehow to attain to the resurrection from the dead when you have that mindset you're literally getting up with the spirit that's right that's a great mindset to hunger for you know for but isn't it interesting that he uses two physical um components hunger and thirst but put in a spiritual context in other words as much as you get hungry and every day and you eat and you get thirsty and you drink just that same automatic i have to do this to survive he puts it in spiritual context and says that's the way i want you pursuing righteousness just like you would feed yourself and to your point whatever you put in is what's going to come out correct in your life remember all that hebrews what it's for and where it says you know you know you take the scriptures and you feed on them and and and you train yourself to distinguish good from evil that's right there's a lot of truth in that you know what i'm saying yeah dale's point i mean when the guy said how do you know you can have faith you know first john 5 says i write these things so that you may know that you have eternal life that's it i mean that's what's more of this yeah you put more of these qualities especially the red legs sure keep you going into your heart yeah and then next thing you know you're like huh i'm becoming g i'm becoming like jesus jeremiah johnson when that old mountain man asked him you know he said where's all the trouble he said huh what trouble it's a good way to look at all the stuff that the world throws at you james boy y'all are taking a beating aren't you you say beating yeah that's a good way to end this thanks for listening to the unashamed podcast help us out by rating us on itunes and don't miss an episode by subscribing on youtube and be sure to click that little bell to get notified about new episodes and for even more content that you won't get anywhere else subscribe to blaze tv at blaze unashamed
Channel: Phil Robertson
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Id: ep7LDTMcVe4
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Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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