Phase 2 Hunter Leveling Builds - What you need to know! - WoW Classic - Season of Discovery - SoD

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yoyo Gamers nature here today we're going to cover a couple quick builds that can help you level fast as a hunter on the road to level 40 for Wow season a discovery Phase 2 now real quick make sure you hit the mash on that like And subscribe if you enjoy the content before I get started I did an entire video that broke down Phase 2 talents and builds alongside with another video that covered all the new runes so I'll link those in the description but keep that in mind as I'm not going to cover all those things since they're in the other video this is just a quick video that gives us some build ideas just for leveling cuz this is the number one question that I get asked based off of those videos that I put out now the first build that you should know about while leveling this is actually going to be like technically the best build but this applies just to individuals in a mage AOE group or fiveman dungeon centered centered around those big AOE po now I got this idea from my boy Z and Rock Apes he's one of the best hunters I've ever met so again this is centered around big AOE pools I understand that most players won't be able to do this now basically we go to the traditional Marksman build here there's not nothing really special with that however when it comes to the runes um that's when we get a little bit crazy here first we get explosive shot which is going to do big AOE damage so explosive shot doesn't have a cap on the ability like a lot of AOE so this can hit as many targets that are in the AOE Splash Zone plus we're going to go Lone Wolf here remember Lone Wolf got upgraded from 15% to 30% increased damage so this is going to be huge cuz this is going to basically go into our explosive shot everything's centered around that ability now then we're going to pick up sniper training cuz if you remember if we're doing big AOE pulls there is going to be a setup of some sort done by like the Mage or priest maybe a paladin so th those setups are going to happen we're going to be basically standing in one spot so we should have the sniper training proc up which is going to give us 10% increased chance to crit on every single mob that explosive shot hits that will be huge now keep in mind here we can get a gorilla as early as level 32 yeah I said gorilla um and although kill command won't work with thunder stop Cobra strikes absolutely could be viable in this scenario so a lot of hunters don't even know what Cobra strikes is this basically when you crit so we just went over if we're doing a big AOE pull with the explosive shot and we have the increased crit from sniper training that's going to crit something I guarantee it so now that's going to make our next pet ability crit and thunder stomp is an absolutely huge ability you guys for AOE so thunderstomp is going to start off doing more damage than lightning breath actually does right now not only does it do more damage it will scale big as your pet scaling goes up cuz you're going to be leveling then pet abilities with longer CDs and higher Focus are going to scale more than other abilities now there's no way to really confirm exactly what this is but Thunder is one of the longer abilities in higher Focus cost of all the pets so it's going to be safe to say this is going to hit really hard and if it's going to crit on every single mob you guys this is like absolutely insane so I want you to keep an eye out for it and as it pulls up as we get into this when people see it go ahead and throw that in the comments it's going to be exciting to see how that works now the second build for leveling this is more of a traditional build it's going to be the Beast Mastery build so this is the Bas basic build here the only thing that deviates from standard raid builds would be to pick up something like beastial swiftness although we get Dash and dive while we're leving for a pet at level 30 that won't have 100% uptime right so we still want beastial swiftness if we're leveling in the open world or in dungeons or in the open areas or even for the PVP that occur Beal swiftness is really good so one of the most asked questions I get is do I pick up Marksman or do I go be Beast Mastery while leveling now to be honest either or is fine and that's why I've linked both of them here but Beast Mastery does have some advantages that are massive for leveling that's 100% what I'm going to do so number one your pet can move faster in the open world beast Mastery also has the lowest Mana consumption to be efficient and sustainable DPS and sustainable Beach DPS is what's key while you're leveling number three your pet can hold threat much easier in Beast Mastery especially with the Beast Mastery Rune which is massive while leveling so you can sustain the damage as well number four lastly your pet will scale as we level while Marksman is going to be a little bit more dependent on your gear which assuming most of us have the BFD items you really won't be replacing your gear out however while you're leveling your pet is going to be scaling more and more so that traditional damage of saying well Marksman does a little a little bit more than Beast Mastery won't be true when you're level 30 35 cuz a pet scaling will catch up with all that being said here's the Marksman build as well if you're in um a two Hunter group where you can run Master Marksman this is actually much more viable in that type of scenario as well Marksman just feels good for some people and I'd still run the beastmastery rune for aggro reasons but Marksman is absolutely viable you shouldn't steer away from it if it's what you prefer again I just prefer the Beast Mastery but you could easily drop a lot of damage with the Marksman build while leveling here too now reminder hit the like And subscribe join as a member if you're really feeling like a Croc that's all I got for you today until next time peace
Channel: Naturetvz
Views: 8,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Dy1aFbE7mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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