EVERY Addon You NEED for Season of Discovery

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World of Warcraft is one of the most customizable games in the entire world with add-ons that can completely change the way the game looks and feels but there's some things left out within the normal game that can easily be enhanced by using the right add-on for the situation today I'm going to break down what I think are all of the most essential add-ons for World of Warcraft classic so that you can enhance your experience while not taking away from that love that magic that feeling of playing World of Warcraft and you can get all of these things set up right now on classic era so they will translate over to season of Discovery and you won't have any issues just logging in and playing the game so with that being said let's Dive Right In the first add-on I suggest getting is going to be a weapon swing timer weapon swing timer is a very useful add-on and you can set it up just for hunters if you want but melee also love to know exactly when they're getting their hits to attack now you can also customize these with weak RS which I'll talk about later but downloading a standard weapon swing timer is one of the easiest add-ons just to enhance your gameplay to know how long you have to stand still in order for your attacks to go off or just to know when your next attack is going to be happening the second add-on I love to suggest is what's training it's called what's training because it tells you what you can train and at what levels so if you just open up your normal spell book and scroll down here you'll see that at level six I can learn Arcane shot and Hunter's Mark this is very use while leveling so that I know when I can return to my trainers to have an extra rank of something very strong like I know that at level 18 I can go to the trainer to get multi-shot and I know I need to save up at least 20 silver for it leotrix plus is one of the most useful add-ons in the entire game this add-on is like 50 add-ons all combined into one you can just download it and you can automatically sell all of your junk so you never have to worry about anything staying in your inventory you can repair automatically you can automate gossip which makes some of your quests go quicker and automate Quest skipping both of these make the leveling experience a lot easier but there's a ton more that this add-on can do you can make sure that you block trades or block Whispers or you can set it up to invite everyone from your Whispers so that whenever they message you imv your entire group gets invited you can also enhance a lot of the things like my quest log you'll notice that my quest log looks a lot different than most people's it's a lot bigger and easier to go through and that's because I am using the leotrix plus enhanced Quest log Max camera zoom which allows you to scroll out a lot further than the game would originally allow you to scroll out and I would always suggest setting weather density to very low this just pretty much makes it so that there's not a lot of screen effects that are making it hard for you to see one of the first things you want to set is hide error messages basically what this means is you won't get those error messages whenever you don't have enough energy or don't have enough Rage or Mana where your character is saying can't cast that yet I can't cast that yet from there we want to clean up the game make things look more aesthetic well the first one is going to be bagnon for this I use bagnon there are a couple other add-ons like Addy bag that are pretty much essentially the same ones but bagnon will let me know what is junk in my inventory it'll also let me organize things in whichever ways I want I could also if I wanted to check on my other characters and their inventory or even on my bank bagnon is super useful you can see I can check all of the gold on any of my alts and it is just an all-in-one bag add-on that makes things a little bit more aesthetically pleasing but if we're talking about aesthetically pleasing you might also want to change your default action bars and to change your default action bars a really good add-on for that is just going to be Bartender Bartender is really nice because you can actually use it with your normal default aesthetic action bars and it will allow you to very quickly keybind anything you want so I have character specific keybind set and if I wanted to make it so whenever I press let's say the equals key then I was able to add my poisons to my weapons it is the fastest way to set all of your keybinds and you can set up all of your bars whichever way you want my bartender profile will be in the Discord along with all of my other UI profiles and if you hate reading all of the quest text itself to be able to figure out what you need to do for each individual Quest there are two major add-ons that you might want to use the one that everyone almost everyone actually has this is called questy questy will tell you whenever you open the map where you need to go for whatever your next quests are it'll also show you whenever you scroll over a mob if they will drop your new Quest items and you can easily complement it with one of the most popular leveling add-ons in the entire game rested XP as you can see this Arrow right now is just telling me where to go basically to power level my character I can make this a lot larger so you can see what steps I'm on and the nice thing for this add-on is it literally will give you an arrow telling you exactly what to do for all quests and it'll even Mark all of the quest givers so you can see my active targets I could just click on this guy and he comes up right here now I go here and the rested XP will automate what I'm doing now it'll tell me where to go next which is going to be to pick up this next Quest you can obviously see that it will track me killing the next mobs so if I'm heading this direction towards the next Arrow at the same time I also want to be making sure that I am killing some of the nights saers and thistle bores if you're going to be trying to level quickly you want to be doing all of this at the same time and rested XP will literally just tell you exactly how to do everything in the fastest way possible now rested XP is a paid guide so if you want to use it you do have to buy the guide yourself but it will show you all of the the class runes all of the quests all of your upgrades for season of Discovery everything you really need to do for the fastest leveling routes and so you can just kind of sit back and relax and just kind of follow an arrow on your way up to 60 or 25 for Phase 1 but again this is a paid guide and it is absolutely not necessary for everyone to have on your way up to whatever the max level is at the moment so you don't need to have it it just makes things a lot more convenient and makes the game a lot easier for you if you're leveling and of course if you want a discount on this guide there is a link in the description which does help support the channel but you do not need it and let's go back to any of the other add-ons now as I'm telling you all of these add-ons you should be using here's an add-on that you absolutely should not be using and that is going to be pawn p a WN I don't know how this add-on traps everybody but it always does it this is the add-on that basically will tell you if you have an item in your inventory that's an upgrade or not at low levels when things have zero stats on them it is very reliable but the issue is that at higher levels it actually has no idea what the stat weights are for items in the game and the stat weights are very different during the leveling experience you'd have to customize it to make it very reliable so it's telling me that this belt will be an upgrade for my hunter which is absolutely not true so I highly suggest you stay away from the add-on pawn it will tell you that something is an upgrade when it is not an upgrade and it will deceive you and waste your time the next add-on that I'm going to suggest for you guys is plater you can see these name plates right above the Target plater and kui these are two separate add-ons that do the exact same thing but pler has a little bit more customization actually a ton more customization and my profile will be in the Discord but if you do want your enemy name plates to look something aesthetically pleasing something a little bit larger for yourselves like this then I suggest either getting kui if you don't want to have to customize it at all or pler if you want to customize it a little bit the next add-on that you should get but is absolutely not necessary until much later in season of Discovery is going to be Nova World Buffs and Nova instance tracker now the good thing about Nova World Buffs not to get World Buffs is actually that it will tell you which layer that you are on and it will tell you which people in your guild are on different layers so if I were to want to get onto Russell's layer or Aussie's layer I can whisper them and ask for an invite to switch off of the layer that I am on currently so this is extremely useful for layering if a lot of the mobs you are trying to fight are maybe despawned or a quest NPC is despawned or there's too many people killing the same enemies that you are if you want to go to a fresh layer where you are the only person there Nova World Buffs is amazing for it Nova instance tracker on the other hand will track how many times you have entered into a dungeon and tell you when your lockout is up we will have in season of Discovery the same dungeon system that we had back in Classic this is basically the same one that's on era where you can do five dungeons every hour and so if you want to do dungeons on your way up to level 25 or up to level 60 whatever it is then you absolutely are going to need to have Nova instance tracker these two work perfectly together and they are just so easy to get you download them and never have to set them up the next add-on that I suggest you get is called rare scanner all this does is let you know whenever you are near any sort of rare spawn Whenever there is a rare spawn near you you will get an alert that will be a sound alert as well as a popup on your screen then you can go and attack that rare spawn for some amazing loot or maybe potentially even some really good Quest items the most customizable add-on in the entire game we oras if you don't understand we oras don't worry all you need to do is go to wag o. i.com and then you can click on whatever class you play now if I wanted this drid HUD that you're seeing right here if I wanted this for classic World of Warcraft all I would need to do is click copy import string type WWA and then import it right here so my feral Druids could instantly have this HUD and I'll just show you actually what it looks like to import it and now if I wanted to I could then customize it now I will delete this CU I don't want it myself but there are some really useful weak Wars that are amazing The luxthos Experience group you can see here up top will tell me how much xp I have how quickly I will hit the next level how long I've been spending at this current level my rogue re resources right here this Center HUD that you are seeing is just a very simple Rogue HUD that I will show you as I go and attack this mob that will track my combo points my slice and dice my BL blade flurry anything else I really need to track will just be tracked right here in the center of the screen now again all of my UI will be in the Discord Channel I will try to keep them all up to date and up to date new week Wars for every single class for season of Discovery but we Wars are the most essential pretty much addon in the game and they are they go so crazy they go so in depth don't even worry about it if you don't know what we Wares are maybe start with something small but it is really easy to get in over your head if you're using weak Wars so definitely I suggest hold back if you need to don't dive in too hard if you don't understand what weak Wares are right away just do what I did find one you really like and then just import it itself now the last add-on I think is absolutely essential if you are going to be playing World of Warcraft in any capacity is going to be mini map button bag all of these little icons would be showing up all around my actual Mini mini map right now and it would be kind of annoying it's not very aesthetic instead mini map button bag just places them all in this one button right here I can check Atlas loot if I wanted to check what gear would drop off any of the bosses I can just go in here and check everything and on that note as the bonus add-on lfg bulletin board if I wanted to join Molton core if I was looking for a specific dungeon this will track the entire looking for group Channel and have everything organized in a very clear place so this just makes things very easy if you want to make groups because we don't have a group finder in classic World of Warcraft and with that those are all of my absolutely essential add-ons for World of Warcraft classic if you use some of these or all of them they will greatly enhance your experience while playing this game especially as we move on towards season of Discovery there's a ton of new things we have to discover which means there might be some new add-ons to track new Buffs or where the new runes are but if you want to stay up to date with all of those of course feel free to subscribe and follow the channel or if you want to have them in game themselves then of course you can always grab rested XP the leveling and guide add-on that will tell you where everything is in the open world and give you just an arrow to follow one more time though it is a paid add-on you don't need it you can easily go with all of the other add-ons everything else is free and we'll just enhance your gameplay and make you have the most fun while playing season of Discovery with that being said guys enjoy your experience and I'll make a ton more guides for you here on the channel I'll talk to you all on the next one
Channel: Sarthe
Views: 188,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow classic, metagoblin, sarthe, scottejaye, sarthe wow, classic wow season of discovery, classic wow addons, sod addon guide, season of discovery addon guide, wow classic sod, wow classic addons, wow classic beginners guide 2023, season of discovery, season of discovery guide, season of discovery prep, every addon you need, season of discovery best addon, best addon wow classic, best addon season of discovery, season of disvovery leveling guide, level fast season of discovery
Id: _YsXjDwqS6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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