Warlock AOE Gold Farm & Leveling Guide - Season of Discovery

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yo what's up guys this is a video on how I grinded levels from 25 to 40 as a metamorphosis Affliction AOE farming Warlock and I know it sounds crazy but in this video I'm going to show you exactly how I did it I'm going to show you my talents I'm going to show you my runes I'm going to show you my rotation I'm going to give you my mentality on why and how it worked and it's actually really really fun it's really exciting it's a great way to farm gold if you're 40 if you're not 40 it is a great way to not only AOE grind as if you're a mage in classic wow but you're not you're a warlock um it's also a great way to just do your quests really fast uh you can literally AOE pull infinitely you have infinite sustain infinite mana and health uptime if you do it correctly with the correct build the correct setup and I'm going to show you how I did it today if you guys have thoughts if you have concerns if you want to know more about it if you have any questions after this video please leave them in the comments join my Discord there's a link under the stream I will have talent calculators and all that stuff built out and also linked underneath the stream um but you can see here proofs in the pudding guys infinite up time you can literally just pull mobs till your heart's content um really really cool way to play the game I had a ton of fun doing this so yeah any feedback you guys let me know I don't even know why I'm making this video If you guys like it if you think it's fun it's exciting give the video a like a thumbs up and anyway we are going to jump straight into it this is the AOE warlock leveling SLG gold farming guide by your boy winky okay so let me run you through the talent build that I would use um I will show you the endgame level 40 version of the build but I will also show you which talents I would prioritize while you're AOE farming to level up and once you hit 40 um I'll give you the build that I I would be going for in order to use this to try an AOE Farm open world uh if raw gold farming or if you just like tanking a lot of mobs um solo open world if that's your thing so the first thing I prioritize is five points and improve corruption that's going to give us our instant corruption okay very straightforward very easy you need corruption up on all your mobs then we're going Five Points into drain life uh this increases the amount of Health you drain with your drain life spell by 10% that's huge it's pivotal this this entire process runs off of the coordination between drain life master Channeler and siphon life um just sustaining you through insane amounts of of incoming damage so five out of five corruption five out of five dra life in this order is the way that I would go at this point you can really just decide whether you want to go into amplify curse first it's up to you um I mean if you're doing it this way you're already you're only level 19 right so improved cursive Agony most of the mobs are going to die before cursive Agony even tick and 2% is not a huge increase amplify curse is a decent option here personally I go three out of three improved Agony because of other you know there's just not much else to do at that stage then I go two out of two improved life tap and that's going to be so that we can start to do these poles larger and tapping is going to sustain our Mana you got to remember uh improved life tap Stacks with your metamorphosis and when you're in Metamorphosis form it increases the Mana gained from your life tap by 100% so you get that from meta and then you also get an additional 20% um with improve life tap so 120% more Mana every time you press the life tap button which is huge I mean that's massive in tandem it works really well um at this point I would probably go into amp curse right and I'd be amping Agony On whatever mob has the most health right at that point um going two and a grim reach that just increases our range okay now the options here that are left are pretty bad okay Nightfall is completely useless because we all it does is it gives you a chance to proc an additional um Free Shadow bolt okay we don't need that because we're in metaform and our shadow bolt um turns into Shadow cleave which is now a melee cleave ability that is instant anyway um so Nightfall is literally useless so we're not doing Nightfall okay F concentration is also completely useless F concentration gives you a chance to avoid Interruption when you take damage while channeling something like drain life in classic wow this is very good in this version of the game it is not and that the reason being is because drain life is no longer channeled when we're running master Channeler we get a DOT that is drain life it doesn't get push back when it when you get hit right so there that leaves us improved drain Soul which is fair improved drain soul is a decent option it's probably the second best in my opinion at this phase um and the idea is you can spam rank one drain soul to uh constantly be killing mobs and having better um Mana uptime with the buff right it's good it's not as good in my opinion as just putting the remaining two points that you need in suppression suppression will uh all but hit cab you basically while you're leveling if you're pulling orange mobs your Affliction spells will hit we all know how annoying it can be when your uh spell damage and you're not hitting that orange mob that Hunters are just running up and auto shotting it's just the way the game works so at this point it's bread and butter time guys we've hit Level 30 we are going into siphon life you now have another button congratulations you you can now drain life siphon life corruption and Agony you have four dots that are all instant cast once once you get to this point this is when the AOE farming really starts to take off okay at this point I put one more Point into suppression you can put a point down in a curse of exhaustion if that's what you want it doesn't really matter you can you can put another one in suppression if you like right you could go into improv drain Soul if you two two point you could you could take these two put them in improve drain Soul go with curse of exhaustion right it's it's really up to you cursive exhaustion is kind kind of useless for the intents and purposes of this build but we got to start slamming points in the skill tree okay so what I would recommend is putting one point in cursive exhaustion maxing out suppression and then we get Shadow Mastery it's all for the shadow Mastery okay you want to get five in Shadow Mastery for your 10% increased uh damage dealt or life drained so you're now getting 10% more healing right and it's important in the video that you saw prior this of me doing my AOE pulls I didn't even have the five in Shadow Mastery I was not running Shadow Mastery I actually was running uh Five Points in a cataclysm to reduce the amount of Mana uh that I was using on searing pain and that was just left over from when I was level 25 um rating uh BFD so it it was kind of just there and I didn't want to Respec um but with Shadow Mastery you can't can't go wrong 10% more life drain 10% more damage done GG easy last point that we get is it going to be in dark pack I would say dark packs probably worth it um it's another button it's another it's a uh life tap that you can do where you get Mana without spending your own life you're spending your pets Mana which is amazing especially if you're running something like succubus um I would encourage you to run imp with this build because fire Shield is basically a Thorns effect um but 31 points straight Affliction domination this is what I would uh suggest running if you're having trouble with survivability you can throw Five Points in a demonic Embrace right um and then you have an extra point you can put really anywhere you can have a bigger health stone that's always good for sustainability you can go into improved imp for sustain or for for um more stamina right you can really do whatever you want um personally my my build that I would do is this okay so we're going to talk about runes here you guys we're going to talk about the leveling runes we're going to talk about the endgame runes which ones are you going to be running why etc etc the tldr of runes guys is you're going to run Master Channeler on your chest metamorphosis on your hands invocation on your waist Everlasting Affliction on your legs and demonic knowledge on your feet now that being said while you're leveling there only two that matter are Master Channeler and metamorphosis if you can get Everlasting Affliction on your legs do it because it's going to help your life greatly if you can get invocation if you can get demonic knowledge on your waist and feet do it but these two are absolutely not required by any shape or form okay if you're level 40 and you want to use this uh build to grind gold or do anything like that then I would say go ahead do your dark Riders get your demonic knowledge get your invocation these are really really really good runes for the build so uh but they're not they're optional you don't have to run this all you need that is 100% required metamorphosis Master Channeler if you're leveling Everlasting Affliction will make your life 10 times easier okay so let's talk about the reason why metamorphosis very straightforward this is what the build is all about this is what gives us our toolkit this is what gives us our surv ability you need metamorphosis to make this build work period end of discussion you need it okay and then stack Stam stack armor you need to be able to take the damage okay don't sleep on as well the life tap that you get for metamorphosis life tapping for for 100% extra is insane it's very good Master Channeler also hard required this is what makes your drain life a DOT no longer a chance handled spell this is what makes um fell concentration a useless Talent now it's really really good okay Master Channeler is required you can't do it without it now Everlasting Affliction is what I this is the only build I've ever seen anyone run at it by the way drain life drain Soul Shadow bolt Shadow cleave searing pain and incinerate and haunt refresh the dur the duration of your corruption it is amazing you guys this right here Shadow cleaving on when once you've pulled like four or five mobs Shadow cleave refreshing your corruption one saves you a ton of Mana two sometimes sets it over the threshold of whether your dots have enough damage to actually kill the mobs you're fighting and three it does it on three mobs so you're saving yourself three tab Target gcds it's crazy it's really really good Everlasting Affliction can save the entire pull it makes life so much easier if you're AOE pulling and you're running Everlasting Affliction now let's go to the optionals in your waist slot invocation this is a new Rune with phase two refreshing corruption emulate curse of Agony or siphon life when it has less than 6 seconds of duration remaining causes it to deal instant damage to the Target equal to the Spell's remaining periodic damage the beauty of this is corruption is included right so if you are cleaving three different mobs with Shadow cleave and everlasting Affliction three mobs are getting corruption refreshed due to ever Everlasting Affliction if you time it correctly all three of those mobs will be in the last 6 seconds of duration of corruption and therefore you will be chunking them for the the amount of the Shadow cleave damage you'll be chunking them for the amount of remaining damage on the corruption dots on those targets and you'll be refreshing those dots on those targets for the cost of one Shadow bolt it's really Mana efficient it's really good so invocation is great if you can get it you can get it demonic knowledge this is just a really good flat spell power increase I'm not going to lie it increases your spell damage and your healing equal to 10% of your Demon's total stamina plus intellect so if your demon has 100 uh stamina and intellect combined you get 10 spell power uh it's very very strong it there's also just no other option for feet I mean the other options for feed are Dance The Wicked Shadow flame Shadow Flame the math on it is just terrible it's just absolutely dog not good I wouldn't run it um but you can if you like if you don't have anything else then yeah sure absolutely run shadowflame right if it's Shadow Flame or nothing yeah run it um Dance of the wicked is also good you know the problem with dance of the wicked is you need to be spamming searing pain in there uh to get your Critical Strike uh and increase your spell Critical Strike you'll see in the video that I just played actually I was running Dance of the wicked because I didn't have demonic knowledge or Shadow flame and I was leveling and dance of the wicked was what I had and it actually came in clutch a couple of times uh I would Shadow bolt um and it would crit and I would get 2% of my Mana back which is great it's it's awesome um so that that's very nice so I mean it it none of them are terrible the best one in my opinion is for sure going to be um demonic knowledge on your feet for your for your belt there's really nothing Shadow and Flames de but there's really no point you're not going to be getting too many crits the the whole idea of this build is to dot dot dot slowly take them down and gain your life back right often times too if you're critting you're killing mobs too fast if you kill mobs too fast improve drain life is not you're not Min maxing the full effect of the improved drain life okay I'll keep rotation quick and easy I'll I'll throw in some tips and tricks that I've learned as well the goal of this is to of course have as many dots as we can up on as many targets as we can we want to open with corruption if you have siphon life then open with siphon life you want to drain life after you've pulled two or three mobs and you want drain life to always be on one of the enemies that you plan on let living a longer time you want to Mid Max the amount of time drain life is active if you put drain life on a mob that is about to die there's a good chance you're not going to get the life gain out of it that you need to sustain life tapping and pulling additional mobs you might just die so make sure you're always drain lifing um the highest level mob in the pack but it's fairly straightforward tap tap tap dot dot dot put drain life on the most uh the most health mob tap tap tap dot dot dot once you start getting the Rhythm and the hang of it you can start adding in your Shadow cleave for your refresh uh on corruption with Everlasting Affliction other than that though tap tap tap dot dot dot put life life drain on the highest health and you're good that's it GG done you are AOE farming congratulations you've done it I appreciate you guys you guys can find me at twitch.tv/ winky if you have any thoughts comments or concerns put them in the comments below I'll see you on stream by [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: winkypotomus
Views: 27,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, asmongold, react, winky, wow, highlights, reaction, clips, classic wow, streamer, content, creator, reaction video, discussion, gaming, death clip, highlight, warlock, warrior, priest, paladin, druid, shaman, mage, rogue, one life wow, challenge, challenge mode, challenge run, difficult, one life, no hit, no dmg, frontier, ahmpy, bobka, jokerd, mitch jones, graysfordays, winkypotomus, lmgd, homies, season, of, discovery, SOD, tank, guide, does anyone read these, lol, gold, farm, leveling, leveling guide
Id: 7-hELE5pEbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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