Explosive Hunter Build for INSANE XP | Season of Discovery | Phase 2 Hunter Leveling Guide

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what's up Hunters solid here with another season of Discovery phase two guide for both leveling and dungeon grinding while there are a few approaches you can take for your journey to level 40 there's no doubt that spell cleave groups farming the Scarlet Monastery dungeons are pulling the best experience in the game right now and if you're a hunter you could absolutely be joining these groups for insane XP for this build you want to use the following runes heart of the lion on your chest exposed weakness on your waist serpent spread on your legs trap launcher for your feet and explosive shot on your hands as for talents I dumped all of my points into survival for this build you get the additional raw damage output versus humanoids and other creatures you get Savage strikes just to kind of fill the points here for melee but entament is going to give you the chance to root your enemies and your explosive and your Frost trap which is huge then you get the additional duration on your freezing traps but also the Damage Done from your imulation explosive goes up by 30% big explosive trap damage there and then you get the decreased resistance with trap Mastery beyond that you will actually be figing pretty frequently with the early burst damage you can do with double trapping in some of these poles you're going to want to improve feain death and then sure Fred giving you more hit chance and of course giving you the ability to reduce movement impairing effects isn't nice not going to hurt got to spend the points somewhere to get down to the next TI either way so killer instinct's going to get you 3% more crit and then you're going to put the rest of your points into lightning reflexes if you've got one extra point after this you can grab wyvern sting you can throw it on deterence you could I think I put it yeah over here on on Hawk one point in Hawk um do whatever you want with that last Point not going to be super relevant since this is mostly a leveling build either way um but you can use it for just dungeon blasting trying to get those pre-bid items if that's something you want to do as well aspect of the Viper is another very relevant thing here this gives Hunters the ability to have basically unlimited mana and it can drop off any boss in Scarlet Monastery as far as I know while I do suggest you collect every Rune you will need to at least beat level 34 for explosive trap and to have unlocked trap launcher and explosive shot runes for this to work if you do still need to collect the other runes from Phase 2 I have guides for every single Rune on my channel so please go check them out okay so with spell cleave groups you'll typically be running a paladin or warlock for the tank cuz they have good AOE priest or Druid for heals and then in assortment of ranged DPS with big AOE damage Mages will pretty much always be king here but Hunters can do really good damage and we provide heart of the line for the group plus the utility from our traps to really help out with these PS here's how the pull should go as your group is preparing to pull the next group of enemies place your Frost and explosive traps down either in the choke point near the line of sight location or wherever your tank plans to stack the enemies as your tank pulls the enemies into the designated location your traps will trigger and by now your trap should be off cool down as well cast explosive shot and multi-shot and then once all enemies are properly gathered up and clumped use explosive trap again while explosive trap does do a fair amount of damage with the dot it's really the initial explosion that does the bulk of the damage as a result you really do want to be using explosive trap as soon as it comes off cool down to maximize your DPS beyond that just keep spamming explosive shot and multi-shot accordingly and you'll really be able to pump during these fights as for frost trap I do encourage you to open with it but you don't always need to spam it like your explosive trap however it does indeed help out in situations where your tank loses aggro or even if your tank dies with entrapment talents both of our traps have a 25% chance chance to root the enemies in place and this is on every single tick from the trap so this has definitely been something that has saved my groups from wipes on multiple occasions now this build isn't only good for leveling in Scarlet Monastery by the way you can take it to any dungeon and you can take it to dungeons at level 40 when you're questing or trying to grab those last prebis items before you go to ner again and get the best item items you possibly can for your character um I don't think this style is necessarily going to be good when it comes to raiding I think melee Hunter is looking to be the best we'll see both Marksman and Beast Mastery have their place as well but uh this explosive style really is for the spell cleave AOE group and it's a ton of fun you could take this build to strangle Thor and Veil because the entament is really good there um but really I just thought it was a lot of fun we got crazy XP with the spell cleave group I mean um really can't encourage people enough to do this if they're trying to get really fast XP in Scarlet Monastery hope this video helped you out and if it did give it a like subscribe to my channel for more season of Discovery content and enjoy the rest of this Scarlet Monastery Cathedral run oh you get get for a you for a for for for infidels they must be purified for Arise My champion at your side my lady for is for for
Channel: Solid Jake
Views: 16,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft classic, wow classic, season of discovery, sod guides, sod gold farm, hunter guides, hunter gold farm, season of discovery guides, season of discovery gold farm, classic wow guides, hunter leveling guide, phase 2 leveling guide, phase 2 hunter leveling guide, trap hunter guide, explosive trap hunter, explosive leveling guide, best hunter leveling buid sod phase 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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