Advanced Uldaman Pulls - How I Made 600 Gold - Season of Discovery | Classic WoW

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that's right I went back to ulam man okay 10 more hours call me crazy but not only that I got another monolithic bow but I've made a whopping extra 600 gold if in the previous episode we were at 1,600 gold now we got a total of 2,200 gold the reason I'm making this guide again is not to flex but to show the improved version of this grind with two pulls instead of four and from 25 minutes per clear down to 13 minutes per clear which means you can do four dungeons per hour with about 220 mobs cleared so smash like subscribe ring the notification Bell and comment down below how your dadbod and your Boomer reflexes are not capable of handling such a complex pool so sit back relax and let's explore together the improved version of ulam Man 2 pools back to emman same back entrance we have now prow rank two which is stealth on the pet we go straight here to the left on top of this rock as you can see the position and we start casting eye of the Beast now the pet goes straight from stealth and you're going to be able to skip the dwarves and you're going to be able to skip the Sentinel and after you pull all the mobs the mobs won't body pull these mobs when they come back because they're not of the same type once you get to this pillar here on the left the purple pillar you can cancel the s try to aggro This Bat if you don't aggro him it's fine and as soon as you get aggro from the bats around here here is where you kind of use the Sprint if you can use it later if you don't Agro the bat is fine try to not get daed by those scorpions if one is facing you just go and let him hit you in the front in the face now you come here avoid those pillars come to those mobs on top here and then once you arrived here don't go further than this room where we are right here pull those three mobs there and that's it if you go further than this the mobs will respawn that's why you have to sit here and after you pull don't leave this place don't move too much further away here I'm moving close to the wall so I can resurrect my pet and have it for the next pool then I'm going to dism it so I can benefit from The Lone Wolf the runes are on the left side if you're watching the video for the first time and the talents I'm using uh are survival talents you can check it on my previous uh guide which is the previous video um I'm going to wait until I can Target the geomancer I have a macro SL Target uh stone vaol geomancer is going to be very handy and I'm going to pull the obsidian Sentinel as well because he's going to die with a pack of mobs and it's extra loot a viewer from my stream at by the way where we're doing this all the time he showed me a screenshot that he got from the obsidian Sentinel a g Reaper a level 40 epic and I'm not even sure how because the obsidian Sentinel is a level 42 Elite but in the past the obsidian Sentinel has been recorded to drop even pendulum of Doom so hey why not he's going to die with the pack he doesn't have any casting spells and so on now a couple of extra trps a lot of you said that they have problems with the geomancers make sure you have classic cast bars and don't as you can see under the unit frames there's a cast bar that's called classic cast bars and whenever they're casting a fireball you have an opportunity to restack the mobs because whenever they they're casting they're not moving right so if the mobs are moving towards you the pack of mobs and the geoman are discussing Fireball you jump up and let them get into a nice pile again never pick once the fireball it's about to end and use your burst here use like I tried here with whirl Buffs but to be honest the whir Buffs are not necessarily needed neither the potions it doesn't seem to make a huge difference in terms of damage or clear speed and um hey if you have them it's nice if not it's it's okay uh in the future it's going to be easier to do this because blizzard has announced a buff to Hunters small buff to range Hunters where explosive shot is going to get 15% increased base damage but also serpent stin is getting like an 8% damage or something like that which is going to probably speed a bit the kill but even if you get that puff or you don't get that puff you need to learn the basics because uh the basics are the ones it it's only hard in the beginning until you understand the casters and how they work the first P it's always easier because the mobs are not above level 44 which they remain orange to you but the next pool is going to have more Elites so the first pool usually has like 30 mobs this way the second pool will have 25 mobs but all of them will be Elites so keep that in mind a couple of extra tips if you haven't watched the previous video the macro it's really important for targeting uh the geomancer I have it on my auto shot macro SL Target theol geomancer I killed a total about 2.5k Elites I'm talking only of the steam vaol mobs maybe maybe more and um I haven't even counted the Scorpions and the bats so far I got three rare items Two monolitic bows and one a KN blade and the monolithic bows I sold them both one for 250 one for 300 gold maybe you saw it in the intro we're going to kill them and loot them and then I'm going to show you the second pull the second pull uh it's a bit easier for the first one like I show stay on that uh Stone and don't move until the mobs come closer to you don't try to pull the boss on the first pull because is uh they're going to reset I haven't found a position where the boss doesn't reset and it's quite annoying sometimes when you do the pull with the pet your pet will get D and it will die before you pulled all the mobs you can faint death resummon new pet and try again it only only Wast like 30 to 60 seconds by doing that but you're able to pull more mobs another thing and another trick to keep in mind is that uh if you wipe and you come back in and you try to do another pull with a pet those mobs like the the Brawlers and the mullers I think have swipe attack uh flurry wind Fury attack so basically what they're doing if they're not hitting you for a specific amount of time they're building up extra attacks so whenever you're pulling with a pet after you did a wipe those mobs will have extra attacks and your pet will take more damage so it's going to be a bit more complicated and always the first pull with a pet is kind of the best one now for the second pool we can come here where the obsidian Sentinel was it's quite okay use eye of the Beast and then just go straight into stealth and then we're going to go between those uh dwarfs don't worry they don't aggro the stealth seems to be quite good for the cat this is a bit more tricky because um it has a lot of Elites so you don't want to use your uh Sprint yet if you aggro this bat it's okay I I didn't really want to Agro him here I already lost like a a lot of HP you want to get there with full HP with a pet if possible I lost here like 200 hp and as soon as I aggro those mobs here on the left I am going to use Sprint for some reason I didn't and I got like DZ here this was a scuffed pull but if you get dazed jump with the back and strafe and try to get unded and then come behind this wall and get to this last back once you hit the SL pack you can cancel the eye of the Beast and your pet won't even die and then you just have to wait here until the mobs come you can place your traps you can go back there uh the second pack doesn't reset I haven't had it reset anytime I think uh the reason why the first pack reset is because of the boss but not necessarily cuz sometimes it reset even without the boss I think the distance between the you and the mobs is just too high I usually place the frost trap here at the bottom of the stairs and place um after that an explosive trap you see I let them cast then I go up and I come out I let them cast you see how I stack them jump up and down and then just pick once that this second pack has two types of casters there's the stone ball geomancer with the fireballs and you can see I ate that fireball I'm not going to eat the second one and it also has the flame Weavers this is harder than the previous uh pull but it's not impossible so what you have to do here is to pick down at the beginning more and try to use explosive shot and um explosive trap and reapply and cool down the frost trap that's basically the secret don't pick too much swap between aspect of the Viper and aspect of the hawk when it don't have Mana you can just in the beginning you just swap to Viper and cast one explosive trap and your Mana will go to full because of explosive iive trap will hit all the mobs and um just keep on repeating as you can see the first geomancer is about to die then things are going to become easier once both or three geomancers how many you have are going to die then you're going to have to deal with the flame Walkers those one will put an emate on you and sometimes you can get like two or three emulates on you and you just kind of like your life will disappear from your health bar having um the mighty troll head helps but that's not a fix you want to get uh the ability of not to get hit by it so some health potions and critical situations can help now sometimes you have like the unfortunate event where you the mobs split in a u shape and half of them are on the pillar and half of them are on the ground there are ways to fix it just try to pick only down or let the casters cast up as you can see I let a couple of them cast up and then I let them uh stack up again we got look they're casting but I jump up again so they can catch up with the casters that's the idea this fight it's usually longer if the first pool lasts like uh 5 minutes in total with the pool this one will last like probably 7 minutes because those level 45s take uh less damage maybe it's going to take a we're going to be able to do this under 12 minutes once we get the hunter buff it's going to be really cool with that explosive shot extra damage also the chimira shot is going to get buffed and so on uh I've seen another viewer on my stream linking me a screenshot he came here for the first time and he got in the first pull I'm not sure if he was uh joking or something but he got a a pendulum of Doom and a monolithic bow in one pool now I'm not sure if he's Photoshop skills were really good but it seemed like it was legit imagine having that amount of luck I was lucky as well like I managed to make like so much gold you're going to get a lot of things here yesterday I got like 14 slot backpacks one thing that I I stopped getting and maybe you guys can tell me in the chat if you got some of them are those whight Supply uh boxes cuz now the whight supply boxes that you get from ulam man reward you with about 12 gold for completion so the ones that drop here are the total scale bracers I got in the past I got the white Bandit mask and there was something else I don't remember exactly what but if you get those that's an instant like 12 gold of course you made the investment to buy the materials but three white banded masks are like three gold and um you make a nine gold profit I think blizzard reduced the drop chance for them or something cuz I wasn't able to find U many of them lately and I'm halfway through red and I want to get that 16 slot backpack as you can see we keep on uh pushing those mobs and once the flame walk are dead or there's like one flame Walker left you can just go Full Burst on them you can stay more outside just tdge that ulation um swap between the aspects and try whenever you're bursting down the leftover MERS you want to use multishot a lot because multishot compared to explosive shot or uh explosive trap it does full damage because it's not a spell damage it's like the hunter ability so white damage more on those MERS and the multi shots on cool down because the multi- shot look gives 300 damage while an exp iive shot gives like 16 to 24 that's the secret keep the Trap always down and listen sometimes even if they're five mobs down remember to put your trap because I've died many I've died many times they only need to hit you once basically look I have 750 HP they keep crushing from for 600 and they have like stacked flirty attacks so you're going to be dead if you're doing that there we go this is the we are 12 minutes into this sport 12 minutes 35 and they're about to die I think we do them under 13 minutes in this pool and we reseted the pool once so you can consistently do do them in 12 minutes but with resetting the pet with going outside with um it feels like you can do like four runs per hour consistent this run totally had 55 mobs killed and um it was 12 minute 56 as you can see I have 2,235 gold and I think I want to do it again I have I I really want to get a pendulum of Doom not because I want to sell them it's because I farmed it in the past and I I really want to get it let me know in the comments below if you did this Farm let me know if you like this improved version obviously if you watch the previous video you should watch this one because this one is much better you kill way more Elites and you have way more chances to get the epics hope you enjoy the video guys if you did Smash like and given the fact that you're still watching the video you might be interested on my second YouTube Channel radamus TV there's going to be a link right here on the screen and you can easily find it in the description of the video right under the twitch link thanks for watching hope you enjoy Phase 2 and may you be blessed by the gods of RNG until next time stay frosty [Music] [Music] bye-bye no
Channel: Frostadamus
Views: 77,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frostadamus, burning crusade classic, burning crusade classic guide, tbc class pick, tbc gold, best game, console game, xbox, ps5, expensive items, best arena gear, official release, patch 2.4.3, black temple, guide for tbc, classic era servers, how to prep for tbc, tbc items, Season of discovery, best mmo 2024, new games, gold guide, classic wow, world of warcraft, New PC game, wrath of the lick king, what class to pick
Id: 20M0o-q_iWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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