Hunter Full Guide! - Season of Discovery - WoW Classic - Everything you need to know top to bottom

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hey Gamers nature here today we have a special one for you we're going to cover the full level 25 Hunter guide for Wow season of Discovery we'll touch base on your runes gear talents rotation pet raid consumes even some extra tips and tricks make sure as always give a like And subscribe cannot tell you how much that helps let's dive right into it now if you're brand new to wow classic and this is your first time getting into it in season of Discovery you may not know this but different races have different racial abilities the first thing we want to do is not fail on the select screen before we even play the game torren Hunters have a built-in 5-yard AOE stun ability it does have A5 second cast however this can be great in PvP and in PVE during large trash pools that allow stuns also side note not on the tool tip but Toran Hunters have the largest melee range of any race in Wild classic what that means is if somebody comes into your dead zone as a hunter you can typically get off the first melee hit before them or in PVE you can use this to make your melee weave window smaller Toren Hunters also have a little bit more Health they have plus five to herbalism and a little bit more resistance to Nature damage next we'll touch base on orc Conor now or Hunter are thought of to be one of the best if not the best PVP racials for hunter in the entire game the reason for that they have a 15% chance to resist stun effects this is absolutely massive if you resist a stun effect and you can keep somebody from getting into your dead zone a lot of times that's just a w and you would win that fight or encounter they also have 5% increased damage to their pets plus five to axes now this will not help in PvP however this would help in PVE um while leveling or while melee weaving and then they also have the ability to enrage this doesn't help help your ranged attacks however it does help your melee attacks so in PvP if somebody does get stuck into your dead zone you can enrage you'll receive less healing but you'll be able to do a little bit more damage lastly for The Horde we'll touch base on troll Hunter troll Hunter is thought of between Alliance and horde to be the best PVE Hunter ratio that you can get the reason for that you have berserking this provides a 10 to 30% haste buff for 10 seconds the haste increases if you use it as your health decreases they also have regeneration increased for your mana and health pull while you're either leveling or in PVE content to get additional Mana during boss encounters they have damage increase versus Beast for those encounters and then they also have innate built-in plus five to Bow weapon skill now that equates to about 3% hit at level 60 which can definitely be viable until you get to bis gear on the Alliance side we have dwarf Hunter dwarf Hunter has stone form this could be useful against Rogues poison in PvP it could also be used in PVE on nature encounter sometimes to avoid mechanics to continue to pump they have a five a plus five skill increase with guns they're resistant to frost and they have treasure finding which could be a little bit fun when you're leveling lastly for the alliance we have the night elf hunter now a lot of individuals that are newe to the game make the mistake of reading the tool tip tip for a night elf hunter and thinking this is a PVP only race that's absolutely false so to give you the correct information a night elf hunter has nine more agility as their base stat than a dwarf Hunter at level 60 they also have three more agility than a troll Hunter so they have the highest base agility stat of any hunter race in the game they also for PVP they can use Shadow meld where they can fade into the shadows and go invisible and they wouldn't appear again until they start to cast or they move this could also be useful if you're soloing dungeon content at level 60 as well they have a Dodge chance increase which is great for PVP whis form which unfortunately you've died but in World PVP this is actually an advantage as well and then they are resistant to Nature damage this is just a small extra amount of resistance and it's useful against classes like Shaman which are on the horde side excellent once we actually Zone into of the game we're going to keep an eye out for runes runes are brand new to wow classic and are basically extra abilities are Buffs that can be found in an open world just by simply looting them or doing different objectives there's a full guide on Wow head I'll link that into the description the first Rune slot to cover is the chest slot we have cover strikes your critical hits with shot abilities cause your pets next two special attacks to critically hit Lone Wolf you deal 15% increased damage with all attacks so while you do not have a active pet and then the two you really want to look out for first is heart of the lion the hunter takes on heart of the lion increases total stats by 10% for all nearby allies and then in addition the hunter gets an extra 10% making 20% total this is thought to be the best in slot or best Rune to use if nobody else in the raid is running Kings buff or heart of the lion themselves next we want to pick up Master Marksman this increases your Critical Strike Chance by 5% and reduces the Mana cost of all your shots and ability by an additional 25% if somebody else is already running heart of the lion or King's buff this is actually the best ins slot or best Rune to have right now cuz it does the most amount of damage next we have the hands Rune we have carve a sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for 50% weapon damage Beast Mastery your pets damage and health are increased by 30% and focus regen by 80% in addition your pet grab is also a taunt for 3 seconds this is great in PVE when you're starting off and have lower gear and is also amazing for leveling we have explosive shot you fire an explosive charge into the enemy dealing three charges total of fire damage the fire damage is also AOE so this will affect multiple Targets this is actually your best in slot Rune if you're fighting mobs or trash with three or more targets chimira shot this does 85 % weapon damage and refreshes the current sting on your Target in addition triggers an effect at level 25 we only have access to serpent Sting the effect here is just 32 damage but again this refreshes that serpent sting which is also doing damage as well a side note here Chimera shot currently costs 12% of our Mana pool explosive shot costs 7% of our Mana pool these two abilities are on a 6sec CD lastly we have the leg Rune slot we have serpent spread targets hit by your multi-shot are also afflicted by your serpent sting for 6 seconds we have kill command increasing your pet's Damage Done from special attacks by 60% for 30 seconds each special attack done reduces the damage bonus by 20% so this will work as 60% then 40% then 20% just a fair warning here these first two runes right now are unviable kill command was basically nerfed into the ground when Magic pets were nerfed as well right now this is only going to net you about one DPS we don't want to worry about these two at this time the two we want to look out for while leveling first is sniper training this provides 10% crit while you have not moved for 6 seconds so as long as you stand still for 6 seconds and remain standing still you gain 10% crit we have flanking strike you and your pet deal s simultaneous instant 100% melee damage afterward your bite and Raptor strike deal 10% increased damage and then that can stack up to three times in addition your Raptor strike has the potential chance of 20% to reset flanking strike when it comes to professions while we're leveling we'll want to pick up Mining and Engineering the mining is simply to level the engineering while we're getting up to 25 however once we hit 25 we'll drop Mining and we'll actually pick up leather working if you need to here you can stay mining a little bit to farm materials to save up a couple gold but leveling leather working is going to be fairly cheap to do and the reason we'll want to get leather working is so we can get the Epic craftable gloves later and Engineering is going to be crucial in raid as your best in slot cuz it'll give us access to three things the minor recombobulator Target dummies and then heavy Dynamite excellent now that we've picked up all the runes we have and we've leveled the 25 we need to go out and get our pre- raade B now the first thing we'll want to do as a hunter is get humbert's Helm this is farmed off the Elites in the Southeast corner of hillsbrad Foothills this can only be attained by The Horde if you're Alliance don't worry you can actually purchase this on the neutral auction house next up we'll want to get Scouts Medallion this can be purchased from the vendor by getting honored in war song Gulch you can get this on Alliance and horde for shoulders your best ins s item is mantle of Thieves you can actually solo Farm RFK and get this yourself it is a rare drop for those not looking to do as much effort a leather worker can craft dark leather shoulders you can pick this up for very cheap on the auction house I checked today it was 90 silver on The Horde now if you're trying to get a little bit more you can also pick up dervish spals this is a random enchant but it's a Boe drop you can get this on the auction house if it rolls agility it can roll either seven or eight agility so just one more than what the dark leather ones can roll on the back we'll want to pick up Cape of the Brotherhood for PVP or glowing lizard scale cloak for PVE now the glowing lizard scale cloak can be soloed as well in whing Caverns for the chest slot when it comes to hord we want to pick up the panther armor on a liance side we're going to want to pick up tunic of Westfall this is obtained by completing the defas Brotherhood quest line the final part of that quest line has you going to the dead mines to kill the final boss in there called van CLE next up we have the Jurassic wrist guards this is techn technically your best in slot item and you can pick this up by killing a rare elite Raptor in the Northeast section of the wetlands however because the extra strength of two is the only reason separating this from the other items you can actually just pick up any Boe uh wrist cards that has five agility you can pick these up on the auction house when it comes to your gloves this is actually a great item that we can get fairly easily there's a lot of people rolling leather working and we'll touch base on that in a second you can pick this up for usually under two gold maybe even less now when it comes to the belt on a liance side we have a quest line called high perch Venom this is in DUS wallow Marsh we can pick up and get this belt fairly easily as well as leather workers can craft the deviate scale belt which is great as well for PVP cuz of the additional stamina and spirit either one of these would be be perfectly fine for your pre-raid setup technically wind board Bel is B flipping back over to The Horde will want to pick up defin belt there's two things you need to know in order to get this belt the first thing is you need to pick up befal Elementals quest in Splinter tree post this sends you to the southern middle part of ashenvale to kill water Elementals for bracers while you're doing that Quest there's a named mob there that's on a 15-minute timer called Tidus when you killed that named Mom tiddis it drops a bealed water globe this item says if you click it you can start a quest that's the quest called Janu of the earthern Ring Once you turn that in you'll get a second quest to then go to Splinter tree post and turn it in as well that's when you'll get the deathin belt it's fairly easy but you need to know that you have to have befouled Elementals before you can start that part of the quest next when it comes to your leg slot we only have the access here to get troll Bane leggings this does 14 agility and four spirit it's a Boe random World drop and it is very rare as well so your next best item to get pre- raid would be leing of the Fang this is really good for weaving because of the five strength but it also does nine agility next we're going to pick up on The Horde side warong boots this is obtained by completing the warong supplies quest in ashenvale on the Alliance side however since we don't have access to that we'll want to pick up feet of the links fair warning here even if you're horde if you're a melee Weaver this is still going to be your best in slot this can be picked up on the auction house on The Horde side for around 9 Gold I'd assume it'd be a little bit more on the alliance since that's their only option now when it comes to ring we'll actually want to first get honored with warong on Gulch cuz remember we did that with our neck and pick up Legion ear band we can also obtain monkey ring by going through RFK and then we have ring of precision as a random moral drop we could pick this up on the auction house there's also a ring called Savana ring this is what I looked out for and I was able to get this really cheap a lot of people don't know about this so Savana ring is basically like the dervish shoulders we touched base with earlier this can roll up to six Agy and it can be equivalent to the monkey ring now side note here when it comes to your chest you can also look for the dervish tunic this can roll up to 11 agility so these are two items a lot of people don't know about but these are what you'd want to look for on the auction house now on the trinket slot there's not really a lot to talk about here pre- raid we want to roll engineering as a hunter and I'll touch just based on that in a second but minor recombobulator would be great it's just a miniature Mana pot that we can use we can pick up Rune of Duty this is just going to add a little bit of survivability because remember we've already gotten honored with warsong G and we could obtain this at Friendly when it comes to weapons here armor piercer pre-a is going to be king now I get a lot of questions about the one-handers and let me touch based on that so the combination or any combination of one-handers you can get raid or pre- Raid is not going to equal 11 agility because of the Kings buff that you innately get ail agility has a multiplier of 2.72 so basically if we take 11 agility multiply it by 2.72 that's what it would be equivalent to with attack power and that's better than any combination of the one hands with that being said you do have the 2% hit sharpening stone that can be used in BFD so if you are not getting a wind Fury buff in planning on doing any type of melee attacks you can then put the sharpening stod on and the one-handers would become best in slot what we would pick up here as far as the one-handers go is Outlaw saber now this is a quest for horde only if we can obtain that we can get Scout played this is obtained through getting revered with war song Gulch and then we could pick up any combination of the other items now prison shank and Talon voles Guys these are kind of a ger baate you can't really get those they're they're rare mobs they're hard to get if you see it on the auction house you might be able to get it as a Boe but you really want to go for basically on the Alliance side Scout blade Wing blade or cruel Barbed and again you just use sharpening stone on both of these if you're doing ranged only now when it comes to your pre- raade B for your weapons steel Arrow cross row crossbow is absolutely your pre-raid the reason why is once you obtain steel Arrow crossbow and you have most if not all your preus you'll be able to go in Spec over into Marksman this item is going to make those aim shots hit like crazy and it's going to be great to get before you go into raid side note it's a Boe you can pick this up on the auction house as as well now that we've farmed our full pre-us and we're going into BFD here's the items we're going to look out for this is your B for the face we'll have Twilight Slayers cow this is an absolutely huge item because it's part of the set the set on two-piece does 12 additional attack power the three piece adds a chance to hit now the Artemis cow technically is better just in this but you'll want to prioritize getting the Twilight cow if you can Scouts Medallion remember we farmed this already by getting honored with war song as part of our pre-raid setup this is still going to be our abys for the phase there is an alliance equivalent of course now when it comes to the shoulders we'll still want to keep the mantle of Thieves if we were able to obtain that if we were not we'll want to look out for Sentinel pauldrons now this has the same agility as the durish shoulders that I covered however this adds 10 stamina so this is going to be your best in slot for Pb PP because of that stamina when it comes to cloaks we'll want to look out for the waterproof scarf in BFD just because it has four more Spirit bracers nothing's changed here at all from our pre- raade setup with the gloves we'll actually take our tough and leather gloves that we got pre- raid and there's a quest line I'll put the full guide in the description but once we complete that quest line we could turn these into the Epic Level this is the only epic item besides the the crossbow that will get as a hunter for this phase this is a huge item as it does six agility one hit and has a 10% haste buff on a 10-minute CD for horde I've seen a lot of horde trying to pick up cord of aquanus this is not your B the defin belt is still technically your best for the phase we'll keep that from our pre-raid setup when it comes to legs nothing has changed here we'll either keep the trolls band leggings if we were able to get them if not we'll pick up the leggings of the F for boots we're going to want to pick up twilight Slayer foot pad the important thing to note on this item is it helps complete our threepiece set although it might be a downgrade as an individual item we still want this item for the overall set bonus when it comes to Rings there's a quest line obtained in BFD by killing it's right around the the third boss and it's just a quest that we pick up and we complete where we get banned of the Iron Fist this is the best since it has seven agility and four strength when it comes to your second best ring there's three choices here we can pick up monkey ring ring of the Precision or the same ring I touched on based on in pre-raid Savannah ring of agility that rolled six agility when it comes to trinkets we're going to want to pick up Avengers void Pearl this does 18 attack power 10 Shadow resists this is going to be the main item we want to focus on in our trinket slot this is a quest item that you get off the final boss in BFD there's one guaranteed drop every single raid so this should be relatively easier and easier to get over time when it comes to the second slot assuming that this black mloc egg that only drops 1% um it's kind of a mean assuming this doesn't do any type of damage at all with that companion then minor recombobulator is going to be your best in slot here this is going to basically be a small health and Mana consume that will allow you to click your buttons a little bit longer now when it comes to in raid there's two items I'm going to note I touched base already in the pre- raade about the wind Fury so we will still want to use two one-handers if we're a individual that does no melee at all because we're going to use two of the sharpening stones that do 2% hit if we're not that type of player and we plan on doing any type of melee during the raid we'll want to pick up Guardians Trident Guardians Trident does 12 Agy 11 Stam this is going to be absolutely huge in PVE and for PVP however side note when it comes to PVP fathom blade this hits like an absolute truck and it has a chance to do a blast knockback this is a great PVP item as well it's halfway decent in PVE I will as a side note mention that twoand ERS are the best in slot items for some classes like Warriors so you'll want to pass this to them first but if you can pick it up for we'll want to look out for two items now I've seen a lot of hunters rolling on Naga heart render stop doing that this is not your item this is about equivalent to a steel Arrow crossbow that you can pick up as a Boe cuz remember we're using aim shot in our rotation we'll want to pass this to the m this is their best in slot if you ever played classic before this is basically your Striker's Mark let them have it the Bale modon blunderbus this is a high and decent drop rate we'll want to wait around since there's usually only one or two hunters in the raid we'll pretty much get this guaranteed through the face but this does six ay which makes it way better than the Naga heart render I know it's a faster weapon guys but trust me this will net you more damage even in an aim shot rotation now last item the ashari air ballast I probably don't have to say this but you'll want to do anything you can to get this item it's absolutely nutty even though it's a 2.8 attack speed and we'll probably clip our aim shot a little bit this is still going to be best in slot by far you'll want to pick this up the next topic here we're going to touch base on is talents then we'll go right into pets that go along with those talents now I want to give a shout out to the community all of you guys watch watch the video put it on Spotlight we had over 50,000 views and we called the shot before anybody else what the talents pet and rotation would be and it was nailed on the head so appreciate all that we got a w there now here's what you need to know when it comes to talents the first thing you're going to do in any spec is go improved aspect of the hawk this is the best talent you can get point for Point pound forp pound regardless this is basically a 20 to 30% uptime on a 30% haste buff it is nutty now when we're leveling you guys the next thing we'll want to do is pick up two out of two into improved ride pet three out of five into endurance training five out of five into unleash Fury and one out of five into ferocity the reason for this while leveling you may notice if you're a classic player and coming back to S because of the runes you do a little bit more threat than what you're used to this build is not only going to allow your pet to do a little bit more threat but it's also going to allow your pet to have a little bit more survivability and if you get in tough spots you can res it quickly so this is a great build the fastest build with leveling now with that being said guys when we level just to be realistic there's not really a bad answer Marksman feels kind of bad cuz again you're just going to be ripping thread off your pet but the there's really no wrong answer level how you want nothing's a big deal the reason I like this build here you guys is cuz as soon as you hit 25 and your Gear's not that great this build is going to be what's best to go and farm solo content like RFK Wailing Caverns to get some of your pre- raid gear and not only that but when you step into raid and your Gear's not that good this is your best build as well so you're going to save yourself a simple respect now when it comes to your chest Rune if we have another hunter or Paladin providing Kings buff then we won't run heart of the lion we'll run Master Marksman it's the best Rune to have if we do not have that in raid heart of the Lion's not that bad anymore pick this up give your raid the buff don't cuck the raid at all now when it comes to the hand slot when we first hit Level 25 or while we're leveling Beast Mastery Rune is is absolutely amazing this adds a static amount of damage at level 25 is a great Rune to have as we get better gear we can pick up Chimera shot or explosive shot in this build however I love the Beast Mastery because we have Unleashed Fury as a multiplier for a pet this adds an additional 30% multiplier when it comes to your leg slot what we're going to pick up in this build is going to be sniper training if we're a turret player or flanking strength if we're a melee weave player there isn't a bad answer here when it comes between these two the only bad answer is going either kill command which is only going to net about one or two DPS or serpent spread which is garbage as well so we'll pick either flanking strike for the melee players we'll pick sniper training for the turret players that's the Beast Mastery build now for your Beast Mastery rotation here this is going to be fairly simple we're going to just utilize what we have it's not even the main focus of the build however what we'll do to maximize our damage in the build is we Auto attack multi-shot Auto then we're going to Arcane shot if serpent stings not up we'll apply serpent sting here Auto if we're a melee Weaver we can go in and Raptor strike if we're not a melee Weaver we do nothing for this slot Auto attack then we'll Arcane shot again same thing every other rotation is when serpent sting will drop and every other rotation we can utilize it in a different spot so just remember when you're using your Arcane shot if serpent stings not up you'll reapply it for the Marksman belt five into improved aspect of the hawk we'll put five out of five into efficiency five out of five into lethal shots then we'll pick up aim shot aim shot is going to be nutty with that steel Arrow crossbow or any weapons that you pick up in BFD now for the chest Rune same rules apply Master Marksman is your best in slot however heart of the lion is going to be what you pick up if there's no other hunter or Paladin in the raid side note this build is very Mana intensive we'll want to get master Marksman if we can when it comes to your hand room we have a couple options that are all pretty much viable sorry carve you're you're not viable but Beast Mastery is going to do about a static 11 damage and Beast Mastery in this build you guys cost no Mana so that's the key here on a really long boss fight this is a great pickup chimira shot is going to be your best in slot or best Rune technically cuz this is going to do anywhere from about 20 to about 35 DPS on its own explosive shot that side note is also viable you'll want to pick up a second pair of gloves I'd recommend the toughened leather gloves from the leather workers and equip this room on there you'll actually for trash you can switch this on to do more DPS on any pools that are three or more mobs that'll this will do more damage if it's two or more mobs it's basically equivalent to chimira but it has less Mana pool so this costs 7% and instead of the 12% that Chimera costs lastly for the legs room we have two viable options here as well we have sniper training for the turret players or encounters where you can't can't really meley weave and then we have flanking strike for the melee players both of these are great technically speaking sniper training will Edge out flanking strike with 100% uptime I'm going to be careful though wording that because it's not very often you can have 100% uptime if you're 80 90% uptime or less in most fights you will be flanking strike technically will do more damage in those scenarios on the build if you picked up sniper training at the end here's how your rotation will go we're going to start with an auto attack aim shot Auto attack apply serpent sting followed by immediate Chimera so we don't clip our next Auto multi-shot auto Chimera shot and repeat now as a side not if you're getting into position and you need to be moving during your first rotation that means you can't use aim shot so we'll actually start at the second part of the rotation and just go Auto serpent sting followed by the immediate Chimera Auto multi-shot auto Chimera auto aim shot then we'll repeat now the main focus of this entire build is to stay stationary as stationary as you possibly can be in order to maximize the sniper training uptime the second thing you need to focus on is you don't want to clip your Autos I'd recommend picking up weapon swing time on the flip side if we picked up flanking strike instead of sniper training here's how our rotation will look this is called the max weave rotation we're still going to make sure we get our Auto so we don't clip at the beginning we're going to use this first part of our rotation to get into position and get ready in melee range so we're going to as we're moving into position we're going to apply serpent sting followed by an immediate Chimera shot we're going to hit our next Auto again very important we don't clip this Auto we're going to follow that by an immediate aim shot Auto attack then we're going to do a crazy thing here we're going to hit chimira shot as we push W and go in and hit Raptor strike and flanking strike at the same time it is 100% possible and very doable to go in and get all three of these abilities in at the same time this is like an absolutely nutty amount of damage every time that we have Chimera shot going up and moving forward we're doing that we're hitting Chimera shot pressing W going in and hitting Raptor strike now as a trick here we're going to have a macro setup for a raptor strike and flanking strike so what'll happen is we'll go in we'll hit the macro this is in my Google doc uh sheet in the description we're going to go in hit the Raptor strike it'll Auto automatically flanking strength at the same time every time it's up this is going to be your B rotation moving forward unless if there's any changes next question I get asked often is nature what do we do for PVP well to answer that I don't think there is a a perfect answer I think it depends on your play style what you're looking to do the build that we just went over I think is great for maybe killing people Midfield in war song or going out in like group PVP open world and you're just sitting in the back trying to pump as much damage as possible like in the Ashen Veil PVP event now when I'm a fresh level 25 I'm going to go with the Beast Mastery build that I already covered cuz that's going to be something great my pet's going to be able to do a lot of work for me in that build now when it comes to defending the flag capturing the flag or really trying to get sweaty in in like a duel or one V one situation the build that I like is going to be to first we can keep improved aspect of the hawk I probably wouldn't here but we'll get three out of three into humanoid Slane two out of five into deflection two out of two into Savage strengths three out of five into improved Wing clip and then one out of one into deterence deterence is absolutely nutty in a PVP situation in a dual capturing or defending the flag we can keep improved aspect of the hawk here if we want to me personally I'm going to put another two into improved wind clip to keep that up put two points into clever traps which is going to increase my trap uh freezing trap duration and then I'm going to put one point into surefooted which this is just going to give me a hit for a little bit more damage but also give me a chance to resist movement impairing effects 5% doesn't sound like a lot but B basically one out of 20 times you get to have a w so I think this is a great point to have as well now when it comes to your chest runes here I'm going to pick up aspect of the lion to make sure I always have that uh equipped cuz there's probably not somebody else in your range to give it to you when it comes to the hand slot I don't think you can go wrong here as well I think explosive shot if you're in like group type of PVP can be good Beast Mastery can be great chimer shot all these can be good so let's just say we pick up Chim shot when it comes to the uh leg Rune I'm just picking up flanking strike cuz when somebody comes into my dead zone I want to do as much damage and punish them I I've had almost 500 damage from a raptor flanking strike combo somebody coming into my dead zone and they instantly regretted it so this is a great point to have as well the next thing we'll want to do when we hit Level 25 and pick after picking up our talents is get a good pet now the the best ins slot pet to have is a 2.0 attack speed cat or Raptor the reason for the 2.0 attack speed is because flanking strength scales with your pet damage and a slower pet would do more damage now we'll also want to pick up claw rank four that's found from taming an elder ashenvale bear in ashenvale or a barbed crustacean one of the yellow crabs at the beginning of BFD the dungeon we'll also want to pick up bite rank four this can be learned from taming a leech widow spider in the wetlands or a giant Moss creeper in hillsbrad Foothills now the next thing we'll want to worry about when it comes to pets is what look are we going to get there's a ton of looks here I'll put them all up nothing is wrong um just make sure you get a 2.0 attack speed on the pet when it comes to the looks category here might I suggest getting the ghost saber this is one of the coolest looking pets in the entire game and it hasn't been viable in classic for a really long time so pick up a ghost saver it's in the north of darkshore in the Naga camps you go around there's little cat figurin you click those and they have about a 10 or 20% chance to spawn the ghost saber on the flip side of things with the Raptor I'd suggest the deviate stalker which is found in the Wailing Caverns dungeon I just like black but pick what you want here any Raptor has 2.0 attack speed and I'll put the link to wpia for the other cats that have 2.0 attack speed when it comes to PVP and pets the thing you want here is one of three things we'll actually bring back from the grave the wind serpent the wind serpent is a burst damage pet and it's absolutely nutty so you can still use some of the multipliers here with With the Wind serpent if you're a fresh 25 and you pick up unleash Fury and have the Beast Mastery Rune this is going to hit really hard you're going to do 400 to 500 damage on the opener of a PVP encounter now my personal preference for PVP is a 1.2 attack speed cap we want to go to hillsbrad Foothills pick up the starvy mountain lion we have ruk he's that new pet that gives you flanking strength we can pick that up for 1.2 attack speed or we have the rake which is a rare found outside of mour all right now we've got our runes gear talents pet and rotation all situated we need to get ready for raid so let's go over the consumes now the first thing I'll mention is everything we're going to go over is going to be linked in the guide that's in the description for food we want to pick up smoked Sage fish this says three MP5 it's a 15minute buff with Potions all of these can be stacked on top of each other we don't have to pick one we can bring lesser agility for eight ay ogre strength for eight strength strong trolls Bud for 6 hp5 elixir of defense for 150 armor elixir of fortitude for 120 HP for onuse potions these all share a 2-minute CD we have Mana potion this is going to be the main thing we use in raid especially for the max weave build as it consumes a lot of Mana this is going to be on average about 520 mana on use swiftness potion for Speed free action potion for a get out of jail card on stun and movement impairing abilities now side note with free action potion if you've never used it you can't get stun or get movement impaired then use it you have to use this first and you have a 30second immunity window lesser invis invisibility AB ility potion you can use this for PVP shadow of protection a lot of high-end guilds use this on Kus the Warlock boss in BFD fire protection potions minor magic resistance potions you can use these in PVE and PVP and then when it comes to the black fathom sharpening stone we touched base on it this is the best in slot Stone to use however you wouldn't use this if you're in a wind Fury group and you play to melee weave you would only use this if you're going like a turret build and not planning to meley weave at all cuz this will will basically block the wind Fury from being on you for bis consumes these are things going a little bit above and beyond we can pick up Scroll of agility two and scroll of strength two on the Alliance side and the hord side this does one more to each of the stats for nine Agy nine strength and then on the hord side we have agam magin a agility and agam Magan strength this does 10 and 10 now I'll link the guide uh in the Google Document however we go to Camp Taho we complete tribes of War this opens up and we collect blood shards you can actually purchase those for really cheap on the auction house it's four blood shards each to unlock both of these we have dog whistle and spiked collar these are really hard to get we get dog whistle out of scarlet Monastery and then we get spiked collar off of a rare mob in duskwood in engineering we want to make sure we come prepared with heavy Dynamite minor recombobulator for a little bit extra mana and health and then on a side note make sure that right now you level up your fishing or purchase any winter squid you need on the auction house this is huge because as a hunter what's going to happen is this is a consumable that we're going to use later in the game you cannot use winner squid until you're level 45 however this is something you can only Farm in the winter so coming in March you won't be able to get this anymore after that and we'll want to have a stockpile up and ready for the higher level caps so make sure you stock up on winter squid all right that is all I have for you today this has been a fun one now as always make sure you like And subscribe if you enjoy the content and you want me to keep pushing it out other than that that's all I got to say peace
Channel: Naturetvz
Views: 64,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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