SHAMAN LvL 40 GUIDE, BIS, SPEC: Season of Discovery Phase 2 | Classic WOW

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welcome back guys phase two of season of Discovery is phenomenal we are doing the level 40 guides for all classes guides where we cover overall best in slot gear updated professions multiple Talent specs which runes to use and some tips and tricks yesterday we covered the Druid the master of all trades today you guys voted in large numbers for the shaman the emblem of The Horde the twoand totem wielder the brand new jack of all trades let's let me know in the comments which class you want to see next from the remaining ones most votes equals next video there's also an updated Armory Link in the pin comment if any changes or mistakes arise if you like the series Smash like and with that being said let's get right into it shall we for shamans the neuro arcano filament monocle seems to be the best in slot if you already have tailoring just go grab it if you have letter working don't stress too much about getting tailoring as letter working has two options for he helmet which are are great as well the difference between them it's quite small the Piston pendant for the necklace into the lightning rod shoulders 17 damage with nature spells but also 1% chance to hit on top of that seven intellect blood Rod cloak with seven stamina six intellect and whopping 11 spell power into the electrom Mantic chain shirt which has stamina intellect and 20 damage per second for a male wear for bracers we have some nice leather bracers with nine spell power and 1% hit moving into the weapons for weapons we have one hand dagger and a shield the one hand dagger is the glimmering gizbo blade with 19 spell power and The Shield is from the strangle Tor PVP event but it's really cool it has five stamina eight intellect increases Damage Done by healing uh up to 14 it kind of looks cool especially for a shaman it has like such a nice horde vibe to it however if you don't like PVP if you don't want to do the strangle torn event there's a nice Shield here called the irradiated Tower Shield which is almost as good actually I think it has only two spell power less also it would be a shame not to have both epic weapons fingers of Arcane accuracy is the ones I went for for the 1% hit although I think probably the 18 spell power clot gloves would be better electromagnetic wa cord has 11 spell power 1% heit five stamina eight intellect so far we see a lot of hit on the shaman very good at this level cuz the new world buff from noer will not have heat we'll have crit instead so we're gaining heat fast electrom Mantic pants which have 22 spell power four MP5 stamina and intellect and Inc two set bonus will give you 12 extra spell power but the cool stuff it's the three set bonus which reduces 0.2 casting time of your lightning bolt spell very nice very nice uh Shaman set overall I think it's one of the best made in terms of stats and then we move to the pants which have eight spell power and uh four MP5 as well stamina and intellect for the Rings you obviously go for the hypercharged gear of conf floration 11 spell power and the advisory ring from Warson gold is going to be pretty cool as well MP5 and spell power perfect stats for a shaman we have the Rune of perfection which decreases the magical resistance of your Target by 20 if the bosses and nor have a lot of resistances this might come in quite handy or if you don't have yet the miniaturized com combustion chamber and then you can use probably the invoker void Pearl with this one until you get your miniaturized chamber combustion chamber uh eventually those two will be best in slot totem we going to have the 2 MP5 totem carved Driftwood icon now let's move to the elemental shaman talents very straight and simple for the elemental spec we have five points into concussion increases the Damage Done by your lightning bolt chain lightning and shock spells by 5% then we have convection reduces the Mana cost of your shocks lightning bolt and chain lightning spells by 10% call of flame increases the Damage Done by your fire totems by 15% into Elemental Focus 10% chance for a clear cast Five Points into Call of Thunder which increases the Critical Strike chance of your lightning bolt and chain lightning spells by an additional 6% moving into Elemental Fury increases the Critical Strike damage bonus of your searing magma and fire Nova totems and fire Frost and nature spells by 100% critical startic damage bonus huge two points into storm reach increases the range of your lightning bolt and chain Lightning by six yards into five points into lightning Mastery which decreases the cast time of your lightning bolt and chain lightning spells by 1 second and finally ending with elemental Mastery when activated this spell gives your next fire Frost nature damage a 100% Critical Strike chance and reduces the Mana cost by 100% so far so cool Elemental has been buffed let's say by 50% only from the talents deep into Elemental now let's move into the runes and see what we have there for the chest Rune we have overload and this seems to be buffed from the last time we did an elemental shaman guide uh it went from 33% to 50% chance to cast a second similar spell on the same Target with no additional cost that causes half of the damage or healing with no threat shamanistic rage into lava burst this is from the phase one but moving into the waist Rune the new ones fire Nova your fire Nova totem spell is replaced with fire Nova which causes your current fire totem to emit damage at its location so now we can combine some sort of chain lightning with fire Nova to pull some of that AOE damage as well we do have other runes though we can use power surge as well each Time Flame shock deals damage it has a 5% chance to reset the cool down on lava burst chain lightning and make the next lava burst or chain heal with intens seconds instant so you have options they're situational probably you're going to use mostly power surge and for the foot run I didn't know exactly what to choose we have a couple of options we have the healing runin and we have the decoy totem and also we have the spirit of the alpha which is probably what we're going to use we're going to apply this on the tank so it will build more threat I think like kind of the foot runes weren't that great developed but uh hey maybe that's just me now let's move into the enhancement spec and see what's going to go on there for enhancement we go for letter working 14 strength 14 agility 1% hit and an onuse effect which gives you 20% attack speed for 10 seconds Helm it's kind of a must if you don't have it you start leveling letter working now necklace with 16 attack power 1% crit into the TRU Slayer shoulders 12 agility 22 attack power blood drenched draped which gives you 1% crit probably there's a better option here um maybe the drape of thism L into the electrom Mantic chain mail this is a a new set with uh stamina intellect attack power and a lot of other stats such as um crit but the set bonuses are cool we're going to get into them later Forest stalker bracers if you can't get these ones I think they're a pale of male bracers with seven agility 22 attack power are going to be the very next best thing then we're going to move into the one-handed weapon which are the fist weapons 260 and 280 speed two of them how however there's going to be an option now for the chest run to have a dual wield or to have two-handed spec we're going to get into that later for a two-handed spec here we have more options obviously we have the thermop plug rocket Cleaver but there's a really nice uh totem maze at the PVP event which has like a 360 speed knock Target silly for two seconds strength stamina intellect maybe maybe it's time for two-handed enhancement shamans uh gloves we have The Machinist gloves seven strength six agility 30% attack power and fighting mechanical units and 1% heit into dark vision girdle which has 24 attack power chance to hit stamina and intellect as you can see we have a lot of attack power on the gear a lot of stamina and intellect stats same goes for the electromatic pants which has 10 stamina 10 intellect 28 attack power hit 24 attack power two set bonus and also the three set bonus gives your attacks a 5% chance of restoring 100 Mana I think this is going to be quite interesting we have the electroman the boots which have 11 agility nine stamina N9 intellect and the legioner band eight strength eight agility five stamina hypercharge gear of Devastation seven strength eight agility 10 stamina and then we move into the Avenger void Pearl and gyom manting experiment 420b which gives a combined of 36 attack power for both but also some attack speed for the totem we went for the carved Driftwood icon for the enhancement talents I went for Five Points into Shield spec because I don't think the 5% Mana it's really good value for five Talent points if you're never going to equip a shield however just go for Five Points into ancestral knowledge moving down we have the 5% Critical Strike with your weapons by thundering strikes into the improved ghost walth it's a must have as a shaman and then we went two points into enhancing totem which increases the effect of your strength of Earth and Grace of totems by 50% flurry Five Points increases your attack speed by 30% for your next three swings after dealing a Critical Strike few points in improve weapon totems increases the M attack power bonus of your wind Fury totem by 30% and increases the damage caused by your flame Tok totem by 12% three points into Elemental Weapons which increases the attack power bonus of your rock bit Weapon by 20% your wind Fury weapon effect by 40% and the damage caused by Your Flank Tong weap weapons and frost B weapons by 15% going down the rabbit hole we have weapon Mastery which gives us a flat 10% damage buff with all weapons moving down into storm strike which um gives you an extra attack also create a great Synergy with nature damage um dealt to the Target for the next 12 seconds for runes there's an option on the chest between dual wield spec if you're using a dual wield or two-handed weapon Mastery which is the new thing each time you strike an enemy with a two-handed weapon you gain 30% attack speed with two-handed weapons for 10 seconds wow shamanistic Rage with lava lash if you're doing a dual wield I'm not yet sure if they're going to modify the lava lash by any chance for two-handed weapon spec as well if not you're going to go probably for a lava burst here for the waist run we have the M storm weapon when you deal damage with a melee attack you have a chance to reduce uce the cast time of your next lightning bolt chain lightning lesser healing wave healing wave chain lightning or lava burst spell by 20% it Stacks up to five time until it becomes probably instant it lasts for 30 seconds it's going to be pretty cool for the enhancement shamans I'm really looking forward to see how this is going to turn out to be and for the foot Rune we go for the spirit of the alpha as well let me know how you feel about the shaman so far are you going to play Elemental are you going to play enhancement or are you going to play our next shaman which is the restoration Shaman for the restoration I went for the tailoring if you have tailoring go for the monocle if you have letter working go for the letter working helmet they're almost the same don't try to waste a lot of time and money unless you're trying to parse for one 100% more than anyone else necklace it's pendant of homecoming which increases your healing done by spells by up to 13 pretty cool necklace we have the generaly padded shoulder pads with 11 healing down by spells in intellect and spirit cloak of invention 15 healing spells and two MP5 and here normally the clot set would be superior for healing only there's a clot healing set than the male one but to be honest it's not by a huge margin and if you're really not parsing to be the best healer and to do 99 just go for the electrom Mantic sure male set and just have fun more with it because it has damage and healing and very good item is I'm just repeating clot so far it seems to be better keep in mind that some of those items are not in their final version also for the bracers we have the oil stained bindings which give damage and healing up to nine and three M up at 5 Seconds there is healing bracers with more healing but I'm kind of looking for that MP5 for shamans I think I have the old mindset that shamans needs a lot of mana and I'm always looking for gear with MP5 when it comes to the weapons really cool weapons as you can see see we have uh two moving elements here we have the gear Manders Grace which is a healing uh mace with 20 spell power four intellect three spirit and a shield with 1.7k armor nine intellect and 22 healing spells and top of that four MP5 total of 44 healing spells they look pretty cool and I think if you pair them they're going to look pretty nice slick fingerless gloves 22 healing and 14 Damage Done by Nature spells uh mechm sash 24 healing done by spells I think I called this set electromagnetic but it's electrom Mantic 22 damage in healing spells and four MP5 as you can see the stats are pretty good the I think the clot pants have like 26 healing only H but they do have intellect and spirit and then we go into the boots which have eight damage and healing and uh four MP5 the set bonus are 12 damage and healing while the clot set has MP5 and spirit I think hypercharge I would go if if you only have one option to pick the ring the healing ring has 13 healing power while the damage ring has 11 it's too less healing so I would get this one if you plan to play uh both Resto and Elemental for example if not just go for the healing one if you are a 100% healer go for the healing one we have the advisor ring and we have the miniaturized combustion chamber um with the void Pearl for healing if you have the one for uh damage dealing that's fine as well those are going to be the best in slot for Resto in phase two from my point of view there might be some items that might be better but if you're looking to look for something for overall I'm trying to put here something that would be for overall for a bit of world PVP for a bit of assist for a bit of support for this is how I would gear one character now let's move to the talents Five Points into healing wave which reduces the casting time of your healing Wave by 0.5 seconds into two points in title Focus which reduces the Mana cost by 2% three points into ancestral healing increases the target armor value by 25% for 15 seconds after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells Four Points into healing Focus which gives you 54% chance to avoid Interruption cause B damage while casting a healing spell one points into totemic Mastery to increase the radius of my totems uh restorative totems increases the effect of your Mana spring and healing stream totem by 25% two points into t Mastery I wish I would have taken more here into one point in nature swiftness really cool cool down to have it whenever it's needed the most and three points into healing way then four points into purification increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 8% finally one point into Mana tip totem which to tell you the truth I'm not even sure if it's going to be that needed if you're playing like an OG Shaman let me know if you would do anything different in terms of talent now let's move to the runes Healing Rain into to shamanistic rage Into Water Shield you could even go for Earth Shield if you want but the new runes is the ones that we're really curious about the way through the power surge each time your flame shock deals damage it has a 5% chance to reset the cool down on lava burst and chain lighting and make the next lava burst chain heal or chain lightning within 10 seconds instant I'm not sure if power surge is the best Rune here but it's not like blizzard gave us uh many options the foot Rune however it's a good one it's called ancestral Awakening and when you critically heal with your healing wave or lesser healing wave you summon an ancestral Spirit to Aid you instantly healing the lowest percentage Health party member within 40 yards for 30% of the amount healed this is going to be a pretty cool and you're probably going to crit a lot I'm curious how this is going to look and if it's going to prop multiple times and you're going to have multiple ones um summoned or if it's going to be only one and then once it disappear you can summon it again with a critical strike with your healing wave to be honest I haven't seen a lot of rest of shamans in Phase ones maybe they're all excited for the elemental or enhancement or tanking spec but who knows maybe phase two will bring more of them that being said let's move to the tanking spec which is the last for the evening for the tanking spec the gear is going to be quite similar to the enhancement Set uh the helmet is going to be different the helmet is going to be the male helmet from letter working it has a lot of armor 342 lots of stats agility strength stamina intellect but also a proc to uh engage the radiation mitigation protocols this helmet causing you to immediately remove all active poison effects and gain immunity to all nature damage for 3 seconds I'm not sure if this is going to be something that must be used in U Nar if it's going to have a use some Shaman tanks will choose the DPS helmet for 20% attack speed but I guess that's a matter of personal preference if you want to be more uh threat oriented or mitigation oriented for the necklace I went with the one for attack power and crit but there's also one that has Dodge defense rating and stamina something like that drape of dismantling uh lots of stats we went for an electroman chain mail a full set for a lot of attack power and also some chance to get some Mana back I don't think shamans had a lot of Mana issues in phase one but please correct me if I'm wrong I I remember that shamans used to be like one of the best tanks or in the game so far for the bracers we have the storm chaser bindings might be a quest cuz I saw like multiple pair of braces for level 35 and then we have the oscillating blast Hammer with four defense and 2.4 speed there's another Hammer which has 16 attack power which is similar in terms of damage and speed and for the shield we have the engineering Shield the wirling true Silver gear wall which looks cool and has really nice stats as well fingers of arcan accuracy 1% heat agility stamina and intellect makes it great for tanking skull duggery waistband a lot of armor more strength agility and stamina electrom manting pants stamina electrom Mantic boots agility stamina and intellect into the legion air band into the hypercharged gear of Devastation and uh well I kind of use the the DPS trinkets here but there is a tank trinket available I can't see it here because I have like an enhancement setup on this one but there is one trinket available with a bit of stamina some Dodge and a cool down that increases your armor by a lot it's going to be nowh you're going to find it uh with ease for talents I went deep enhancement Five Points into Shield spec into five points into crit into flurry increases your attack speed by 30% for the next three swings after dealing a Critical Strike I had a choice here to go between the armor value from items or 5% Dodge I chose the 5% Dodge then I went for two points into weapon totems three points into Elemental Weapons one point into Patty because how can you be a tank without Patty and then I went into weapon Mastery which increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 8% finally finishing with storm strike now let's move to the ruines we have the trio of Shield Mastery way of Earth molten blast not too much changed here for the waist Rune we have fire Nova which is going to be pretty cool because now we going to have more AOE damage with phase two but also you have the option to use the M storm Weapon It's situational whichever do you think you want to use probably fire NOA you're going to use for trash packs and doing a lot of damage and for the foot Rune the decoy totem can come in really handy here especially if the boss is about to cast like a really big spell and you need to avoid some of that damage I think is going to be pretty cool let me know in the comments down below if you would play the tank Shaman any different than phase two now let's move to the next thing phase one didn't make the shamans that happy and you can understand why they didn't have their whole arsenal their whole kit phase two is going to make the shaman whole and it starts with the very first wind Fury totem reincarnation things that they get at level 30 and 32 at level 40 they're going to get a couple of very good spells they get flame shock they get a new rank of uh chain heal when it comes to Healing they get a healing wave both of the major healing spells like chain heal and healing wave are a Max rank at level 40 chain lightning not one but two rank of chain lightning at 25 they had none at level 40 they have two ranks and the damage is going to be obnoxious however the Mana cost is going to be probably still a problem we'll see how the shamans will manage to manage that lightning bolt also comes at level 38 with 165 Mana cost in theory shamans have everything they need to make it work in phase two and not only to make it work but to be one of the top classes to play in season of Discovery Phase 2 if you're looking to get into season of Discovery or return to rat of the Lich King level some new alss and so on I highly recommend getting rested XP add-on the add-on is free with all its features and the guides are available up to level 20 making your leveling fast but also efficient since now it incorporates Rune guides is this addon a necessity not necessarily but if efficiency is your goal resid XP delivers it has the potential to accelerate your leveling speed by 30 to 100% ultimately saving you valuable slpl time that could be better spent elsewhere personally I also use it to quest for gold at max level in each phase because it gives me a good route to follow for maximum gold per hour and if by any chance in the future you think about making an upgrade to a full version use my code frostadamus for 5% off links in the description down below hope you enjoyed the video guys if you did Smash like and given the fact that you're still watching the video you might be interested on my second YouTube channel for sadus TV there's going to be a link right here on the screen and you can easily find it in the description of the video right under the twitch link thanks for watching hope you enjoy Phase 2 and may you be blessed by the gods of RNG until next time stay frosty [Music] [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Frostadamus
Views: 30,839
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Keywords: Frostadamus, burning crusade classic, burning crusade classic guide, tbc class pick, tbc gold, best game, console game, xbox, ps5, expensive items, best arena gear, official release, patch 2.4.3, black temple, guide for tbc, classic era servers, how to prep for tbc, tbc items, Season of discovery, best mmo 2024, new games, gold guide, classic wow, world of warcraft, New PC game, wrath of the lick king, what class to pick
Id: IDc05W8A17U
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Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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