Perplexity AI Review VS ChatGPT

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there's been a ton of talk about perplexity AI on how it's much better than chat GPT and whilst this is a trending theme currently online I want to put this to the test so join me in today's video where we compare different outputs with perplexity AI vers chat GPT here we are inside perplexity Ai and one of the interesting things that you can do with perplexity is head over to the focus option and you can categorize or have a more focused search using different criterias so for example if you're looking for something like published academic papers you would select the academic option alternatively if you're looking for videos or general forums you can select it to YouTube or Reddit now the thing with perplexity that you can't do with chat GPT is you can't Number One enable the co-pilot and whilst chat GPT uses its own model perplexity actually uses almost all all of the AI model and you can change this in your setting area under the AI model so whilst we're comparing perplexity to chat GPT I think it's important to recognize that perplexity is kind of using chat GPT along with all the other language models let's get both chat GPT and perplexity AI in the same window I'm going to just start things off with a general query so we're going to say our Bon is radioactive I'm going to grab this and paste it into chat GPT and now they're both giving us answers now there's some quite interesting things going on here because with chat GPT as you see right here it's a straight to the point concise answer but that's as far as it goes because with chat GPT we've not asked it to do anything else we've not asked it to give us references or sources or anything on the line so it's just answered our question in the exact way that we've asked it whereas with perplexity it's found all the sources it's then then referenced all the sources and it's also given us related questions to the question that we've asked which then we can click on and it will start giving us answers for the next question whether or not that is more handy or less handy than cha PT I guess is up to the person searching on one hand that can be really useful because it's actually giving you all the sources so it's one less thing that we need to think about or even ask for where on the other hand with chat gbt it's just given us a straight direct answer and if we want more information it will give us the more information for example we're going to ask chat BT give us a reference for this and now it's searching Bing but here's something interesting it actually feels a bit slower than what perplexity just gave us and because we've asked it to give us a reference it's now giving us all of this new text and it's also added quotation marks in these references and comparing the references to these references they're actually from the same places although perplexity seem to have given us more variety inside perplexity we're going to go to the focus and we're going to select YouTube and inside chat GPT will start a new chat I'm going to ask both chat GPT and perplexity AI to find me videos about the latest cameras in 2023 so we'll do search and search what's interesting is that chat GPT seems to be searching Bing and most likely the video tab of Bing whereas perplexity has is actually searching for the YouTube videos and we can see that perplexity seems to be much faster than chat GPT right now chat GPT has finished giving us a response and it's given us three of the top videos and it's also given us links right here but only two of these selections have linked us to YouTube which means that one of the options it's found there is no video on YouTube that represents it which is actually interesting because we didn't ask it to find us blog post or to give us the the best op options we asked it to get find us the best videos about the latest cameras so chaty PT didn't do the best job here whereas with perplexity AI it's done exactly what we've asked we've asked it for the videos and it's taking us straight to the video so and also perplexity has given us more options to go through and again whether or not that's good or bad is up to the Searcher now I'm going to give both chat GPT and perplexity the same question again but this time I've changed perplexity to Reddit and again we can't do that with chat GPT so let's see what sort of results we get so on chat GPT I've added an additional find me a conversation about AI on Reddit so let's see what it comes up with now on chat GPT it's actually given us an error but it's given us some suggestions whereas on perplexity AI it's asking for a little bit of clarification so it can find us some better results so I'm going to try regenerating on chat GPT the answer to to see if it was just a glitch in The Matrix and I'm going to give some further Clarity on perplexity to clarify it so on perplexity we're going to do future impact and do send and then we're going to click the regenerate and see what comes up it seems in this case chat jpt is actually faster than perplexity by quite a bit and it's also given us the reference however this is a reference from a article from the Independent website and not directly from Reddit so let's see what perplexity gets us if it ever decides to finish whilst we're waiting for perplexity to find us do search what I'm going to add to the chat GPT conversation is find me direct links from Reddit and do enter so despite chat GPT having direct access to the internet it can't actually find us direct links from Reddit now perplexity is taking a tad too long for my liking so I'm going to go ahead and refresh the page and try the search again somehow we've managed to break perplexity so we're going to have to kill the page and come back to it now whilst perplexity just crashed I do want to point out that Chachi PT also crashes every so often so we're going to search for AI again on Reddit but this time it's not actually asked us for further clarification it's just giving us a direct answer about what AI is and if we click on the link it does take us directly to Reddit where we where we're able to access forums so that is pretty handy whilst this was a quick demonstration of some of the differences between chat GPT and perplexity it seems to me that chat GPT is still ahead of other language models now that it utilizes the GPT store you can do a wide range of different things that can streamline anything that you're really after to do whereas with perplexity you do have the focus tabs and they have somehow managed to directly access specific sources that chat GPT cannot if you need something for greater research with better access to the web i' probably say go with perplexity AI but if you're looking for something that's more task orientated or overall for writing and general task completion chat GPT is still probably the better bet however your best option is to try them both test them and make a decision for yourself thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Marty Englander
Views: 13,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T1QrhCeCcAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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