The New AI Tool Helping Me Write (actually) Unique Content

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when it comes to creating content for your online business most people are using AI all wrong a lot of you and I'm totally guilty of this as well use large language models basically like a Content Farm we just get tools like chat TBT or Claude to write a bunch of stuff for us and it doesn't sound like us and it doesn't feel like a human being actually wrote it there's no unique personality to it which is exactly why our content doesn't stand out in the vast sea of content that's out there to make your content stand out it has to sound like you it has to contain a unique thought process behind it a unique point of view from you so I think I may have a solution which solves this problem it's Google's notebook LM so notebook LM is an AI powered tool it was created by Google Labs which is Google's experimental group and what it does is it allows you to upload your documents into a notebook documents like Google Docs PDFs text files you can copy and paste your notes if you're taking notes and say like notion or Evernote or even if you are taking notes with you know a pen and notebook imagine that and then once you've uploaded your documents you can start talking to and chatting with your documents you can be asking a questions and I'm going to show you all about this here coming up it's like having a virtual research assistant at your fingertips now I'm going to be honest from what I was hearing about this tool before I started using it I wasn't all that impressed I was like you know sounds okay but why can't I do something like this with say chaty BT or Claude for that matter I really didn't think it would be all that helpful for my content workflow in my business but I was completely wrong I'm kind of loving notebook LM not going to lie and this video I'm going to show you why and how you can be using it too to benefit you and your online business so before I show you all of the cool things you can be doing with notebook LM there's a couple important things that you do need to know about first thing you need to do in order to access notebook LM because it's a Google Labs product is go into your Google workspace admin area go down to additional Google services and then make sure your service status is turned to on and then once that's on you want to go to labs. gooogle https labs. gooogle scroll down you'll get to this page right here scroll down and you'll see notebook LM and you just click the try it now button once you've clicked that try now button and you get into notebook LM this is what it looks like as you can see here it's super clean you can come in here create a new notebook and you give it a name you can say new notebook this is where you can add your sources this is where once you've add added your sources you can start uh talking with your information if you will so I'm going to take you inside of this notebook right here now I'm going to get super meta with you here because this is The Notebook that I used to put together this specific video I'm going to show you all of this so I took a bunch of notes in Google Docs and I uploaded them so I can just come up here to the plus button and then I can upload as you can see here from Google Drive from PD uh PDFs text files or copy and paste text I think one of the biggest benefits when it comes to notebook LM so let's look at a a typical workflow that you might go through when you are creating content right so maybe you've got your topic you do some research maybe you're using perplexity if you haven't used perplexity it is hands down the best research tool it's an AI powered Search tool you can click the link or maybe it's up here uh go watch that previous video I've done about perplexity and you're getting all of this research right maybe you're creating this big huge dock of all of your research so you're get you're doing the research then you're putting all the information into one doc or multiple docs then the next step in your workflow flow would need to be okay I'm going to go through all these notes and start pulling out the important things based on what you think is important and you are going to put together a an outline or a blog post or a podcast episode or a video a YouTube video script or chapters for a book or whatever it is that you're creating but that's super time consuming right so you've done all this research then you've got notes everywhere and then you start to okay I want to do something with these notes to make something that's actually tangible that I can create content from so again that's going to take you a ton of time and this is exactly where notebook LM really really shines so what it's going to do it's going to automate this content creation process for you helping you with things like the research or generating ideas or organizing your thoughts or script writing notebook LM can really make your content creation workflow so much faster and so much easier now I'll share with you in a minute how many documents that you can upload into one project but as I have uploaded all of the sources here I can start asking questions to these notes and I can say um what is notebook LM and so it's looking through all the content that I have uploaded and formulating that answer so here's the answer the other big thing uh of this too is it creates citations from where it is pulling this information from your specific um notes which is really cool and then you can see here that is prompting you with questions if you don't want to type something in for example you can say in what ways can notebook assist content creators in their workflows let me click on that so there you go it's just answered that question again it's taking the answers here from all of the notes again I can just continue to ask questions and let's just say I really like this response I can just pin it to the notes here and you'll see it right here I can also ask questions of these notes so for example I can unselect all the sources here and then I can select all of the notes here and as you can see I can create an outline uh it'll suggest related ideas it'll help me understand things or I can ask any question I want of any information that I have selected this is where it gets into the real beauty of notebook LM in that it's helping you come up with new ideas make new connections that maybe you didn't even realize there was within your research by the way I think you can have a thousand notes on your wall here and in terms of number of sources that you can upload it's right now at time recording this it's limited to 20 sources but per Source you can have 200,000 words in each of your sources I don't feel like that's a big limitation at this point so let's start from scratch here and let's just say that I've uploaded all of these Google Docs as part of my research for this specific project and these are actually notes that I was using and I want to start asking questions to my research to start to put together some form of useful content so I can start by and again it's giving me predetermined questions and I can you can start there or you can type in your own question let's start with this first one in what ways does notebook lm's Source grounding feature benefit content creators also Source grounding means is it's pulling information from your specific personal knowledge base which is the information that you have uploaded by the way the information that you're putting in here as your sources is not being used to train Google's AI inside of notebook LM here it's just stays within notebook LM it's not being used to train Google's AI that was one of the questions that I had when I first started using it and diving into to it so let's click on this first note here and we'll see what it says okay so within 3 seconds it popped up this answer notebook LM Source grounding feature benefits content creators blah blah blah blah blah blah so let's just say that again I can click on citations and it has all I can click to specific citations and I can also let's just say I love this point I can pin it as a note so I've just created my first note let's just see what are the key advantages and disadvantages of notebook LM compared to other AI power notet taking apps which I'll talk about here in a minute but let's click it anyway and let's see what it says okay so again within a few seconds it just answered me key advantages and key disadvantages so this was something that was in my notes for example but I didn't put this together yet so in a matter of seconds I've asked a question of my notes and it's given me the advantages and disadvantages of notebook LM as it compares to other note taking tools so cool let's pin it and create another note let's just say I want to type in and I want to learn one key capability of notebook LM what is one key capability of notebook LM for online businesses so again now this is where I'm shatting basically with my information information so again it's pulls out information that I've been talking about allows you to synthesize a whole bunch of information cool let's pin that so now that I have some notes here and you can keep going here and add a whole bunch of notes if you want to let's just say that I want to select all of these notes you can do different things with it now you can summarize you can it can you can ask it to suggest related ideas to the notes I have created you can have it create a study guide if you want to to if you're you know if you're using notebook LM to learn Concepts and so forth from a Content creation standpoint you can create an outline you can combine into one note Etc let's click on the suggest related ideas so what it's just done here is it's taken the notes that I have created here and looked for related ideas to what I have pinned on the wall of notes here so grounding in user Source materials I.E the documents that you have uploaded enhance workflow and productivity improve content quality and accuracy so it's looking at all of the research and documentation that you've uploaded and it's pulling out specific ideas from that content again making this way easier to put together a piece of content for whatever you're creating content for so two more ideas for you for Notebook LM is one of them if you're doing Zoom calls in your business maybe you're doing sales calls or coaching calls or team calls or what have you and you're transcribing those calls A lot of times people are just sort of having to go through the transcripts and pull out the important information which is a huge time suck well you could just upload the transcript here into a new project in Notebook LM and then you can use the AI to pull out that information and let notebook LM do all that hard work for you now here's a pro tip when you are if you are going to upload a transcript into notebook LM it's super important that you format it correctly so essentially you want to make sure that each paragraph within the transcript includes the person's name who is speaking otherwise if you don't do that notebook the AI is going to have a real hard time processing the transcript so make sure that it has the name of the person who is speaking another idea for you for using notebook LM is you could use it as a help center for your team or maybe an onboarding guide for when you bring new people onto your team you can basically create a knowledge base of all the necessary information that new team members need to know so that when they have questions they can just come right in here and to start typing in questions that the AI will read your notes and it will answer their question for them in a YouTube interview that I'll share the link to in the notes below Steph Johnson who is the person who who is designing notebook LM for Google said that recognizing and capturing fleeting hunches or surprising ideas even without immediate understanding can lead to valuable insights and Connections in the creative process he mentions this in that interview is he's got a running Google doc where he puts all of his thoughts into so he can upload that Google doc into notebook LM and begin asking questions to make connections for him across all of his notes and random ideas or suggest new ideas based on the things that he is capturing in his day-to-day life and finally as with any AI tool this has its own limitations and drawbacks so when I'm recording this video which is March of 2024 you are limited to only being able to upload Google Docs you can copy and paste your notes you can upload PDFs and you can upload text files so if you do a lot of work for example in spreadsheets or Google Sheets or what have you right now that's not supported the other thing I would love for this to be able to do is the ability to add a source which is a URL so for example if I wanted to upload parts of my website and I have a specific URL for one of the pages on my site I would love to be able to upload that currently that is not a functionality that exists another another limitation and I do hear that this functionality is coming but currently I wouldn't trust notebook LM to write my finished product what I mean by that is if I wanted to write a complete video script or a complete podcast script or a complete book chapter or a blog post or whatever it is this is not your solution but I do hear that they're going to be adding that capability to notebook LM so that not only can you add your research and it will synthesize it for you and create all these notes for you and then you can put them all together for an outline then the other big step to this obviously is creating your finished content piece and that I understand is coming and then of course garbage in garbage out so if you are uploading irrelevant or not very high quality research or notes or what have you into notebook LM you're not going to get the AI is not going to pull out high quality things for you whatever information the AI pulls out for you is going to be based on how good the input is all right thanks so much for watching this video if you have any other use cases for Notebook LM that I didn't cover in the video here I'd love to hear about them put them in the comments below this video also if you like the video hit that like button and I also want to invite you to subscribe to the channel here thank you in advance for doing that and I'll see you in in the next video by
Channel: Rick Mulready
Views: 72,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, AI, online business, productivity, Google AI, NotebookLM
Id: oRP7i_xXx_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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