Is Perplexity AI better than Google AND ChatGPT?

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perplexity AI can legitimately improve your business and your life in terms of your business it can save you a ton of time and give you an edge over other businesses in your industry let me tell you why imagine having an AI assistant that can bring you the most relevant and upto-date information on whatever you're looking for all summarized and perfectly curated just for you here's how perplexity Works perplexity is an AI based Search tool that curates realtime answers to what ever questions that you're looking for and you can customize it so it tailors your search results specifically to your business super cool using perplexity is going to make doing things like researching content ideas for your business or keeping up on the latest trends or changes in your industry way more efficient so check this out I have perplexity AI on the left side Google on the right side I'm do the exact same search in both perplexity and in Google and the search it the question I'm asking is what are the very latest trends in AI for online businesses so check this out I want you to notice the difference in the results that it gives you as you can see here over with Google as most of us know when we search on something it's just going to give us a whole bunch of different results all listed out and we have to go in and search for information that is relevant to answering this specific question as far as what are the very latest trends in AI for online businesses so it's not super efficient on the left side here you see perplexity look at the difference in the search results that it gives you so at number one it's summarizing the answer to the question that we ask and providing sources along the way so as you can see here it's listing out the sources at the top and then it also cites the sources within the search results so for example right here number two talking about personalized customer service if I press on if I click on number two it's going to take me to the this Source this this web page so it's taking this information from this web page how cool is that right so not only is it summarizing the results based on the question that we're asking but it's also including sources and citations so I want to point out the differentiating features that make perplexity so awesome for businesses to use and the first thing that you're going to want to do is you want to go into the settings section and then under profile you're going to see a section called introduce yourself and share as much as you'd like this is where you begin to tailor the AI experience in the search results that you get specifically to your business so in the introduce yourself section this is where you can put your bio where you put about your business about your target audience about maybe you want to include your tone of voice and your writing style who you serve how you serve them what products do you sell Etc once you put all the information in the section here then it's going to ask you some additional questions you don't have to answer them but the more information that you can put specific to your business and your situation the better tailored experience that you're going to get from perplexity so for me it's asking what inspired you to start exploring AI for online businesses your journey and insights could be valuable to others in the same field so I could choose to fill that in or I could skip it another really cool feature of complexity is this Focus section on in the search box here so if you click on the focus drop down here you're going to see six different options here at the time recording this video you can see search across the entire internet you can choose Wolfram Alpha computational knowledge engine you can search specifically to YouTube or Reddit or if you're doing academic research you could have it search specifically in published academic papers I choose all because I want it searching across the entire internet but this is where it allows you to hone where it's searching if this is relevant to you the next piece here is co-pilot now this is a GameChanger when it comes to perplexity so regardless of whether you have the free version or the pro version I'm currently using the pro version it's like $20 a month and if you're going to use perplexity like I highly recommend that you do in your business I definitely recommend that you get the pro version the reason being is you get way more uses of co-pilot during the day you can see here as I hover over this I have almost 600 uh uses of co-pilot left today and it's very limited for the for the pro version now what the co-pilot feature is it's almost like adding an assistant on top of the search experience that you're doing it's going to allow you to hone the questions that you're asking so if you ask and I'll show you here in a second if you ask a very broad question co-pilot will prompt you to further refine that question so that you can get the most relevant information that's helpful for you the other thing that it can do is you can ask follow-up questions to the search results that you are getting so let me go back to the what are the very latest trends in AI for online businesses search that we did a minute ago so if you scroll down to the bottom here you can see number one you can ask a follow-up question to this information that it gave you as a result it's also suggesting questions to ask as a follow-up to the information above so you can see here how can AI be used to improve customer service what are some examples of AI powerered content creation for online businesses what are the benefits of using Ai and online business operations so let's just say I want to dive deeper into the content creation one okay so as you can see here it gave me more sources along the top here it has the citations within the search results again so if I want to know more about writing assistance I can click on one or five here uh from the citations and then it is has given me another really indepth answer to the question to the follow-up question of what are some examples of AI powered content creation for online businesses so as you can see here if I scroll down I can keep to Pilot is continuing to prompt me with additional questions if I want to know more so I can continue to dive deeper into this information and because the results that perplexity is giving you are up todate perplexity AI can identify p patterns Trends and insights that can be super helpful for you in making strategic decisions in your business this might include Market demands customer preferences or areas for expansion or adding additional offers to your business as I mentioned another feature of co-pilot that is super cool is when you ask a fairly broad question co-pilot will kick in if you will and ask a follow-up question on how do you want to refine that search so I'm just typing in here how can I use AI for my online business pretty generic pretty broad question and as you can see here co-pilot says what specific areas of your online business are you interested in using AI for so if I want to skip this I can just choose Skip and it'll answer that broad question or I can tailor this question to specific areas of an online business where I want to learn more about how I can use AI for my online business so let's just say I choose Marketing sales and operations you may have noticed there there was another field there so if you want to type something completely different in there you can too if one of the options wasn't something that you wanted to choose so now it's breaking down my answer within the categories that I just chose so as you can see here it's answering based on those three categories Marketing sales operations and then it even gives you an implementation guide just a few bullet points here so really cool co-pilot allows you to further refine your search when the AI thinks that that the question that you're asking is a little too broad and like a good assistant is taking initiative asking you hey do you want to refine this even further so you can get better results from this question another huge differentiator with perplexity is what they call collections so collections in and of themselves I don't think are anything groundbreaking it just allows you to categorize if you will and organize your searches so for example maybe you're using perplexity in your business and across your team well you can set up different collection for different areas of your business so that specific searches are staying organized into a specific collection based on whatever it is that you've set up so yes that's cool however the really cool thing is when you set up a collection there's this AI prompt field and what this allows you to do is literally write a prompt telling perplexity for example how you want to format the search results that it's giving you in the collection that you're setting up so here's a super quick example that I set up so I set up a collection called YouTube channel research and the AI prompt that I set up is I want you to display all the results in the following manner so again I'm setting up the format for how I want the results to be shown to me when I do a search in this collection so number one headers for each section that describe what the section is about in less than five words summary the biggest takeaways Broken Out by bullet point specific details as to how this information is most relevant to online businesses now so as you can see here this is a very very basic formatting prompt one use case for how this can be super beneficial for you is let's just say that you write blog post and you have different sections of your blog post on a regular basis well you can write a prompt in the prompt field here so that whatever you're searching on for a specific blog post can be formatted in the blog post format that you generally use thus saving you a ton of time when you normally go back in and format things and and move things around now one thing to note in the collection here when you set up a prompt it's not going to retroactively work with anything that's been in that collection so let's just say you had a collection before you set up the prompt and then you go back in and create a prompt for this collection past threads as perplexity calls it basically searches they're not going to be affected by that prompt anything going forward will be affected by the prompt so after setting up that prompt any search that I do that I want formatted however I set it up in that prompt I can just come into that collection and do my search let's just say I'm in the YouTube channel research collection here and I type in what is the number one trend for AI right now now notice I'm keeping this question broad because I've already written in the prompt to include in the search result how it's relevant to online businesses so I'll click search so now it's just given me this amazing report formatted based on the prompt that I set up so you can see here AI Trends overview it lists out a few now I did ask what is the number one Trend and as you can see here at the top it says AI Trends overview lists out a few and then it begins to break down each one and then you can see here the section relevance to online businesses and it does this for each of these Trends so it's basically written a blog post essentially for me based on the question that I am asking and of course you can copy it uh and edit this and so forth and again I have the co-pilot feature at the bottom so if I want to dig into this question further I can do that so now how can we use this to come up with content ideas on a regular basis for our business and I've just gone back to if you remember the original search I did what are the very latest trends in AI for online businesses I use the co-pilot follow-up question what are some examples of AI powered content creation for online businesses it's giv me AI writing assistance social media content and so forth so let's just say that I want to dig into automated content generation so I can say what are 10 YouTube video topic ideas based around the above suggestion of and I can just copy and paste this so I just asked that question and notice immediately co-pilot if you will kicks in and it's asking me what is the main focus of your YouTube channel or the target audience so again it wants to give you a result that is most helpful to your specific situation so I can just say AI tools and automation for online businesses so now as you can see here it's given me 10 YouTube video topic ideas based on the description of the Channel that I gave it the future is now how automated content generation is changing online business and you you'll notice that it's given me a little description for each one of these basically here's an idea of what this video could be about so I immediately have 10 ideas that I could do videos about now let's just say that I wanted to dig in even further and I wanted to get 10 topic ideas based on one of these so I could say what are 10 YouTube video topic ideas that could be taken from number nine above so this is I don't like the fact that it asked me to answer this question again I would hope that it learned based on how I answered this before but hey we'll go with it AI tools and automation so now it's coming up with 10 new ideas within one of the results from the earlier query okay so here they are automate your blog AI tools that write posts for you creating a social media Buzz with AI so again I've just generated 20 really solid content ideas in a matter of seconds along with short little suggestions on what the video can be about after the title idea and by the way you'll notice another feature of perplexity is when you're doing a search in addition to articles and so forth It's also searching YouTube so if there's a video out there on YouTube that's Rel into the search that you're doing it's going to come up in the results here and you can click on any one of these videos and watch this video right within perplexity you don't even have to leave perplexity now one question I get is how is perplexity AI different from chat gbt and I think they're actually quite different for up-to-date search and researching perplexity really really shines Chachi BT is more for doing tasks so it's not really seen as a replacement for Chachi BT rather they're very complimentary to each other depending on your business needs I'd be using both in your business now one limitation I am seeing with perplexity right now is I use zapier and there's no direct connection like at the time recording this video anyway you can't choose perplexity as an option directly in zapier you have to do a workaround and use like a web hook or something like that along with the API code from perplexity which if you're not super technical it's going to make it a lot harder to use perplexity within automations if you are technical great I would absolutely be using perplexity in your automations to consistently get you know Trend reports content research all the stuff you can automate so that you're getting this information so that you're giving your business a real advantage over other businesses in your space so to recap here perplexity is an AI based Search tool which is going to give you the most upto-date information and really allow you to do those deep searches when you want to dive into a specific topic it's going to give you as you saw exactly what you're looking for in your search rather than a whole bunch of search results like you get in Google or bank it includes sources so you can fact check different information it's got the awesome co-pilot feature which acts to sort of your Search Assistant allowing you to really tailor the questions that you're asking specifically to you and also dive more deeply into the search that you're doing you can customize your user profile so that when you are doing searches it is based off of the information that you put in your profile thus the search results are now tailored to you and your specific business and then also collections which not only allows you to organize your searches but it also gives you the ability to create specific prompts within each of your collections so that the results that you're getting and not only ated but they're formatted in a way that is most helpful to you thanks so much for watching today's video I want to invite you to subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any videos I've got coming your way here on the channel also if you have any questions or comments please leave them in the comments below I'll be happy to answer any questions that I'm able to and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Rick Mulready
Views: 10,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, Perplexity AI, AI, Online Business, Productivity, AI Tools
Id: CvksJu__-l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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