I use Perplexity MORE than Google and ChatGPT

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I use perplexity more than I use chat gbt more than I use Bard and more than I use Microsoft co-pilots for five main reasons and I'll be discussing those five reasons in this video I'll also be discussing how to use perplexity I'll be going over some examples how to kind of turn collections which is a feature within perplexity into something that is more useful than custom gpts how I use it in content creation and how I use it to create automations within my Community it is clean sexy and fast give me an indepth uh report on Whimsical diagrams and what makes it useful for presentations and how to use the plugin to create Graphics oh follow-up question let's do features use cases and comparison with other tools how to use it we also want to include that so those four four things features use cases comparison with other tools and how to use it look at how clean this looks and so it gives us use cases right here and we can find uh YouTube videos on it boom just immediately it does so in such a clean manner it is a beautiful simple interface the next reason it is better it has realtime information I believe that it uses the internet much better than Bard much better than Microsoft co-pilot formerly known as B chat it is incredibly accurate I've noticed it is the most accurate of any of the internet accessing chat Bots this real time incredible accuracy is very useful within my community so this is my community that I started about 6 days ago and I set up an automation where if anyone posts within the drop AI updates Here Local tourist posted this right here and it didn't even look at this link what it does is it grabs if someone posts a article or if anyone po post anything uh like a headline using zapier to use the uh perplexity API and it's going out finding information on this and providing a perplexity summary so AI powered summary so it's finding information so now people in my free community can post headlines that they find interesting and now we're creating these realtime AI generated summaries and I use perplexity for this the next reason I think it's better than chat gbt is is its awareness you can feed it tweets it has real time awareness that is simply better than even Gro a lot of the time so if we go to AI headlines for example and if we were to just copy this McKay Wrigley tweet here where chat UI a tool that he's working on drops next week and we go to perplexity and drop it in we can paste it like this it'll literally tell me everything I need to know about this software look at this it's telling me who uh McKay Wrigley is is about the tool that he's creating and the new version that was scheduled for Monday January jary 8th rly described as an update version is really really good emphasizing its power and Polished nature and it tells me everything that I need to know about this so it's very context aware the fourth reason organization and collections now this is where it gets really fun so I just gave perplexity this information on a new chat we can actually create collections so if we created a collection right here and called this just content format and we give it an icon very similar to custom gpts just do this bot here we can give it custom instructions basically or an AI prompt and it will affect every thread in this collection so we can say I want you to create an organized outline of this event with headings we can call this outline and we can make the custom prompt I want you to create sections with heading of context what is the event meaning which is why it matters to people who are interested in learning AI interesting facts or data interesting things on this event or topic that would capture people's attention and then an indepth full story about whatever was placed in the chat so now we created this so if we wanted to create content on any given topic we can get it to create this presentation outline and if we click on presentation outline it'll take us to this special page which is a link that you can save fun fact if you go to Voice Control if you go to Voice Control and and we go to commands this is on Mac and we hit plus sign when I say summon per lexity outline while using any application open URL open this URL boom now we have it immediately accessible and I'm using voice control it normally stays off but it's right here anytime I want to we can hit this button right here we can go wake up summon perplexity outline immediately accessible there we go now when we're using this presentation outline so if we come to my website and we find these headlines imagine if we only had these headlines and we just grabbed this right here easy 3D models with Luma Labs Ai and then we just pasted this within this presentation outline which we can save and access immediately and it asks us follow-up questions what is the main focus or event that you want to create an outline for their new Genie model and just like that it will should do it in that exact format that I just showed context what is the event a new model called Genie by Luna Luma laabs AI which is a 3D model generator this tool allows users to create realistic 3D models and text descriptions let's click on this link here um we can find more information about this we can find videos images on websites I hardly ever leave this page though you can see that stuff right here if it's a video you can click on it and watch it directly in perplexity why would you ever leave then you have the meaning section that we denoted you have the interesting fact or data finding interesting things on this event topic that would capture people's attention and then we have the full story if we create a notion Page look at the quality of the report if we just paste it in here perplexity report and we can get these over all we need is a headline you can get these reports and you could actually create it with citations and what I always do is I use I very often use perplexity with notion and you can just very easily I just put sources and then quickly Nest this in here and then you have the sources right here and so they they're not sticking out out and so you can create very easy highquality notes right here we can add cover change cover perplexity I just think it is absolutely insane how solid of a report this is with realtime data so I'm a content creator on Tik Tok mostly Instagram and within my community that I created as a content creator I think of everything I talk about and everything I learn as just the engine and as long as I'm getting better Lear learning more about a given sector which I happen to choose AI I'm creating better and better content making money creating communities building value on the internet and learning at the same time then I think that is an incredibly valuable Endeavor the engine that I've created is creating the best possible inflow systems so I personally am trying to spend the least amount of time on my phone possible I've set up Ino reader Twitter lists Ino reader basically feeds different channels into one central location it's very similar to feedle and a new one readwise which I'm actually testing out right now but it's basically a place where all of the information that you're interested in feeds into so you don't have to surf the algorithms that will make you addicted rather you have 100% control over what feeds into Ino reader then you can actually create Twitter lists which feeds into Ino reader using some software that I'll talk about in the next video and then these things come in however when they come in it lacks full context which is how I've ended up using perplexity whenever I lack full context I want to as quickly as possible get to context and all of these three things that I'm about to talk about have to do with finding context and why it's useful for creating content so the first one is content synthesis it's incredibly important to not only get context but to synthesiz in an accurate manner the founder of perplexity has been tweeting some stuff recently that I found to be be incredibly interesting perplexity goal and mission is to be the most knowledge Centric company building the fastest most accurate answer engine is one step towards that there was a difference between getting on command information and building knowledge this is the tweet that hit me hard because I use these tools so frequently he said that there's a significant intersection in the groups of people who love not just using perplexity for web research notion for knowledgebase and editor for work Arc as a modern browser raycast uh launcher or toolbar and he goes possibilities are endless he's talking about the intersection between web research notion for knowledge-based management and editor for work and then raycast which is a modern launcher for toolbar I use raycast it's incredibly useful so like if I were to copy this um I can launch raycast right here and I get all of my recent copies and I use notion to organize the perple it information and so if he's trying to either integrate or create the system that allows for Knowledge Management using these different tools I definitely agree here that users like me could create amazing products built by non-technical Giants and so I 100% agree with this and if that is very core to his mission I'm super excited and of course perplexity can help with creating content ideas overcome blank page syndrome and obviously the additional benefits as a content creator it has personalized recommendations so if you go on the internet and type in perplexity labs and you open this up perplexity also lets you try it is the best place to try all of the new AI models that come out that are incredibly fast so you can use one of the Llama models tell me about the history of user interfaces you can obviously compare the quality and here we can see that llama is giving us a much longer response resps so the Llama one was 54 tokens per second it's fun using these new models and they add models to this incredibly quickly let's go through basically all the features within perplexity it has this simple interface right here you can toggle co-pilot on or off off will be much faster but turning on co-pilot will a reduce hallucinations and B the quality of the answers are just insanely better and it gives you follow-up questions there's no follow-up questions and just the quality goes up and in order to get co-pilot you need to have the Pro Plan when you have the Pro Plan you can choose which AI model so I can use Gemini Pro and and we can then give this a go with Gemini Pro um tell me about Runway ml uh video creation tools and how to use them in an indepth report and what we are going to do is we're just going to click all of these we want to create created as in-depth as possible we're going to send it and again it understands your questions gives us a follow-up question we answered it reads the response searches the web finds the sources gives us the sources answers based on the sources and we can see here that runwayml is a browser-based video editing software that leverages machine learning to streamline the video creation process enter a text prompt adjust the settings and generate integration with other tools case studies Etc then we can follow up it gives us optional questions that we can use how can runwayml be used to generate Aid driven videos we can press that we can watch the different videos on the side if at any moment you want to add something that you do on the main site to a collection you just click add to collection and we can add it to presentation outline it won't be in the outline format but maybe you want to access your presentations whenever you're creating presentations you have them all right here you can see all of your different threads you can also copy the link to this and you can share you can make this collection or a custom perplexity available for other people to use with your custom prompt I'm beginning to hire for my community and bring on some moderators and project managers and people who are managing different parts of the community and sometimes there is a language barrier for your employees and you can actually create custom chat Bots and they can find live information and how to present it to the community you can create custom perplexity Collections and they can come in and use it and it will create the exact format that you want and finally I also use zapier and so this is something that I'm getting significantly better at as I'm looking to scale my efforts more as not only a content creator but a community leader I want to scale it to hundreds of thousands of users and in this process I'm going to need to use automations or at least I want to use automations so this is the code necessary to use the comp lexity API in the exact manner that I want to funny thing is never coded a day in my life I went to chat gbt and pasted the API instructions from perplexity into chat GPT and it gave me the code to put into zapier to get it to do the exact thing that I wanted the thing that I wanted to do was when someone posted in my community what it will do is it will look in this content and it will look in a certain space so it looks in a certain space which is this space right here drop AI updates so um so it knows what community and it knows what space it then takes the information posted in this post plugs it into perplexity and within and so we give it a roll and the instructions and then we plug in one which is a variable I guess I've never learned how to code and if you scroll up we find that info one right here this variable pulls the information from the topic name and the body of the post so takes all the text in the post within Circle makes it a variable which is topic one I generated this code and gave it at my API key which I can't show on screen right here takes that this information and goes out on the internet and takes the information posted and creates this long response I have free access to claw so I'm actually taking the perplexity response and formatting it in the exact format that I want before it sends it to Circle it will comment on the post and give us an AI powered summary so local ghost posted it takes this information finds realtime information using the perplexity API feeds it into Claude and then Claude spits it out in this format that I actually am going to change it's kind of boring I started this community about 6 days ago and I'm going to be adding a lot more automations and I'll be sharing it here so this is actually the first video that I'm doing in a long series on this website and I'm going to post all of the resources and they're going to be available right here in a free course format on futureof to be diving into Knowledge Management after this because this is something that I am diving into none of this should be SE as I am the expert here's how to do certain things I am going to be sharing things as I learn them the reason I wanted to start future of content was because I'm interested in the future of content it is something I'm actively learning I want to create the engine to actively learn this with a tribe of people with different interests and I want to find the best way that we can self-organize and create a fun free community with in-depth experts and really investigate all this stuff so if you're interested future of content doxyz more information I'll see you here for the next set of videos on the brain tools
Channel: Riley Brown
Views: 218,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aphHCBSTx7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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