Is Perplexity AI better than ChatGPT? Cancel Our ChatGPT Plus Subscriptions?

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are we going to start using perplexity AI for all of our AI language chat model needs or are we sticking with the classic chat gbt and just saying bye-bye perplexity AI welcome back y'all in today's video we're going to be checking out perplexity AI we're going to be comparing it to chbt because end of the day we don't want to spend 20 bucks everywhere I don't even know what the cost is for perplexity AI Pro I'm actually going to find out right now I've never used it before this is completely fresh but I'm going to basically gut check it based off my years of experience with ch gbt that being said I have seen some influencers in the space talk really good about plexity AI oh this is better than Chad gbt 10 reasons why this is better than Chad gbt okay let's actually find out if that's real or not or they're just basically Shilling some random platform to start we're just going to go ahead and create an account here so I'm going to hit sign up as we know with most good platforms you can get a free account so I'm going to go ahead and add just my name here or say Corbin me continue here okay username already exists someone is already me I wonder if they have my old username let's see okay perfect and here we go so we got $20 monthly 200 yearly so really seems like Chad gbt set the standard there when it comes to how much you're willing to pay for AI model because of the fact that that is how much co-pilot is as well no I don't want to use it in the phone okay we're in let's go ahead and start testing here also side note I have no clue how big this community is when it comes to perplexity AI I've heard about it on Twitter I've seen it on Twitter so for all I know I could get completely bashed in the comments right now because is the next thing so for me to test this fairly I'm actually going to go ahead and pay for the 20usd here so we can compare it between Chad gbt plus and the perplexity AI plan which is called Pro we are in let's get started let's go ahead and check out what's going on here when it comes to AI image generation as a base level generate an image of a dolphin on a surfboard let's see what their model looks like as we know Del 3 is used in chbt actually don't know what model they use in this context so it can't do it based off the prompt but I do notice over here that has a generate image option also different way of structuring answers here we got sources answer and then just relevant information I'm hit generate image here uh choose style okay so it wants Define tun let's just say photograph and see what it does so there is our image let's go ahead and push it towards chbt as well so as we know this is going to work but first thing we will notice here is that Chad gbt gives us more ability to add more input there was four outputs in perplexity AI this one I have to basically in order to compare the two I have to add photography as it does not allow me to choose style customly it has like four different style choices so keep that in mind if you are looking for an AI language model for the purpose of AI image generation you tell me which image looks better your preference I will say though what is really nice about plexity AI I do kind of like this user interface I do like this user interface where it gives sources up here like it's it's utilizing more of the screen compared to the Chad gbt so that is a plus so far I've seen on this end collection okay interesting okay that is actually really solid we can actually create collections which is something that chat gbt really needs because right now it's just chat chat chat chat chat but it looks like we can actually create collections here let me see uh vacation we can add an icon option option optional we can actually share it as well let's see what it does okay so we're in this thread here uh I want to go to Bali in December from New York I I obviously we need to do add like budget uh dates and stuff of this nature I'm just curious on what this looks like user interface wise once we do that though okay threads interesting now one thing I don't like right off the bat is that this suggestions is kind of annoying I wish I could kind of minimize that and just deal threads so maybe there's a possibility in the settings okay so you can turn this off if you don't want them training on your data default delay 3 okay interesting so they're willing to take the cost there AI model interesting okay interesting this is not bad Al although like obviously we're going to use gbt 4 right I'll do default though gb4 is the best model as of now let's go back to library here okay for their discover page I'm kind of confused on the correlation here cork is increasingly being recognized as a sustainable alternative plastic is this supposed to be like sources that are quoted essentially let me know in the comments below if you know why some of it has to do with AI and some of it is just really really random here like we have actually more features here when it comes to YouTube find me a tutorial on how to implement open AI with zapier let's see how it does that interesting um it seems like it has good results here I don't know who this guy is up there but he seems like he really knows what he's doing in that context so I should probably check him out that's actually you know what y'all I mean Beyond this I'm actually kind of impressed by this I was not expecting it to be this good the fact that I think this is really good in the context that as of now I'm I'm going chest a little bit of code in here but so far this does give the user a lot of the stuff that basically most people use these chat Bots for right and it basically makes it so it's less like less of an open loop for example the image one where it's like only four options less of an open loop but it's more constrained which could be a bad thing could be a good thing depending on how you use these models you can search Reddit okay this is very interesting I might actually have to do more videos on this uh let me try an attachment now before I test this code if you're familiar with my other videos when it comes to coding in this kind of platform is custom instructions is fundamentally important here and as I see here doesn't seem like it has custom instructions and it doesn't seem like it has the ability to create custom gbts which at least in my use case when I bu building out software is pretty important for me which maybe is not their like bread and butter that that might not be what they're focusing on here as we know with Chad gbt and even co-pilot we can look at images and derive code so I'm going to go ahead and add the zap your dashboard here so I'm going to say based on this image please generate the go ahead and hit enter here let's go to see what it comes up with like the logic flow ooh okay interesting sources aren't really relevant in this context these videos aren't really relevant in this context the code it's not horrible it's not horrible you can get away with this I would suggest if you if this part is interesting to you I would suggest you check out that video right there I go over why custom instructions is important and why I use it in chat gbt really helps with just like basically making sure that you're not dealing with rabbit holes that lead you down to Bad Code that being said this isn't horrible um I would want the ability and I may be wrong here let me know in the comments to turn off stuff like sources turn off this kind of stuff and just focus on the code not bad though so based off my use of like the last 30 minutes I will say I am impressed by this although this doesn't have certain things that we see in chat gbt such as custom instructions and creating custom gbts on turn and on top of that a gbt store so if you value that kind of stuff I would lean towards using Chad gbt still me personally I'm probably going to stick with Chad gbt still because the use case for this I feel is more in the context of using AI language models to basically Urban beat keeping guide mirror interior design how did drafts involve I don't use uh these language models like this like my my productivity and workload when it comes to using these models is more the context of helping me code and just building out different files and you know basically I just want to get XYZ done faster and just kind of talk to a model in the context of coding out stuff if you want to use it more in the context of what is kind of described here and it's kind of more lasered in this may be your switch so it's up to you let me know in the comments if you want to see more stuff on perplexity AI did I miss anything and you've been using this platform and you're like yo Corbin you missed a big part of this entire thing let me know about that that playlist right now right there for now is just going to be a gbt playlist but may transition to a perplexity AI playlist that's a random video and that's my face I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 4,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai automation agency, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business
Id: dhMw_J5ZkLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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