Perks of getting your period (ft my mom)

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are you sure it just wasn't something you ate mom i'm serious it feels like someone's grabbing my stomach and twisting it all right all right mom what what what what's wrong i think i'm dying you're what oh take care of my webkinz oh no no no that that's that's normal hon what look i get it getting your period is all part of growing up with a uterus but i wish it wasn't okay because i got my period super early i was 10 years old when my mom explained to me that every month or so the house that is my uterus will shed its lining take out the trash and begin a new cycle and cause my body to leak fruit punch into my bed for seven days straight i was officially what the boomers call becoming a woman in fifth grade yay this meant learning about pads and how freaking loud they are this meant popping advil like candy at the bus stop and of course this meant mother nature would be announcing her monthly return with a swift punch to the gut god but there was no way around it and boy did i underestimate how much fruit punch there would be is that blood blood what where blood where on your chair are you okay are you bleeding me what bleeding no no that's this is this is crayon it's crayon some kid must have tried sure that doesn't look like crayons you see it's coming right off it's coming i don't wipe it right off there it came right off oh okay now couldn't i just tell my fallopian tube fellows that i was simply on my period wouldn't they understand well no getting my period made me feel embarrassed partially because i bled on a chair in class but mostly because in fifth grade no one else had gotten their period yet we wouldn't even have our birds and bees talk until later that year so how could i tell them anything how could i explain this i barely understood what was going on here by the time we were all in middle school though my friends got their periods along with a complimentary terrifying story to share and as for those who were blessed with other parts my small town's hush-hush abstinence-only birds and bees education failed them tremendously um hey do you have any extra pads i just got my period yeah sure thing you we we don't talk about that what periods it's a natural process yeah but so is taco bell and you don't see me telling the world about it quit complaining and just hold it i oh what no no no no okay quick crash course in periods just in case the system failed you too you can't hold your period it is not the same as going to the bathroom it's blood well i just think it's silly that females want free stuff like you don't see me demanding free toilet paper and stuff ow owie [Music] i'm bleeding please quick somebody give me a band-aid sorry a band-aid you want something to soak up that biohazard for free try quit complaining and just hold it i can't it's blood oh i see i see i now understand the grave error that i have made yes so with that in mind i'd like you to imagine that happening every month for a week straight spilling out of your point is if we could hold it we would god i wish we could because we'd never let it go along with the free kool-aid no one ordered my dreaded shark week also brought me horrible cramps that would leave me bedridden splitting migraines that lasted for days and intense nausea that kept me from keeping much down it was like having the worst flu ever every month for a week except my sense of smell was highly attuned for some reason but only for that week as the years passed my time of the month was getting worse and worse and my mom was missing too much work so one day she brought me in to see my doctor and at the age of 15 i went on the pill ah illie unclench those pearls yes the pill is known for preventing surprises and it also helps people like me with ovarian cysts to have a less deadly shark week but the pill that's i know it's hard but everyone deserves bodily autonomy besides i took them wrong what how do you take a pill wrong well when the doctor explained how they worked she said you'll take one green pill once a day at the same time every day for about three weeks this will basically trick mother nature into thinking you suddenly have a guest over to put it simply so mother nature can't set up all the decorations she normally would because she's too busy being a good host but when you get to this week of white pills those are placebos they're fake pills the hormones stop so mother nature will realize she's been tricked and she'll throw everything out of the house that is your uterus and a fit of rage but you already know what having a period is like however since she didn't get the chance to put up all those decorations there's a lot less trash for her to throw out a lot less aches and pains from cleaning the place up she still has a great sense of smell so be aware but yeah that's basically how the pill works does that make sense huh yeah great so you'll start each pack on the sunday after your period got it got it and just like that i started my first pack and i was pleasantly surprised to find these little mike wazowskis balanced my hormones back to normal my skin was clear my brain was focused my crops were thriving you're doing amazing sweetie and then for my sugar pill shark week i had no cramps no migraines no nausea and the lightest flow i've ever had in my entire life it was almost too good to be true this pill was magic oop and it's sunday and it's still shark week do i start these now or wait till this is over hey don't look at me this is your idea i was afraid that taking the pill while still on my period would like mess me up somehow so i just waited until my period was completely gone then waited till the nearest sunday and then started my next pack but that was a pretty arbitrary length of time sometimes i waited a couple days to start the pack but sometimes an entire week so i was delivering my body these funky hormones at an incredibly irregular rate every month i would gaslight mother nature into thinking we had a guest over i would gatekeep my mike wazowskis until sunday and then i would girlboss my way through all the hot flashes and mood swings these random encounters were causing us i don't know man they just keep showing up it's crazy i'm not crazy you're crazy i thought these were just bad side effects i was having from this particular pill so i went back to my doctor and asked to try another one and another one and another one until finally she'd put me on the pill with the least amount of hormones in hopes my body would chill the heck out and that's when she asked me out of curiosity what's your routine with taking the pill and i told my doctor oh i wait for my period to go away completely and then start the pack on whatever sunday that follows you're supposed to start the pack to interrupt your period i am she is yep learned something new every day so yeah life became a lot easier when i started inviting those fake guests into my uterus at the same time every month wonder if that made any lasting negative impacts on my body guess i'll find out later but as i grew older and busier and started college i began forgetting to take my pill which made mother nature think her guests were leaving early and it was time to clean up early as well so kool-aid in the bed again yay so that year i found an ob gyn and started looking into other options an ob gyn is typically the kind of doctor you see to help you through pregnancy but they offer all kinds of services related to your reproductive health like testing and cancer screenings which is why it's really important for everyone with a uterus to start seeing an ob gyn once a year after they turn 21 but a lot of people don't like to which is understandable if this topic is a tough one for you here's another video you can watch and i'll see you later alligator the ob gyn has got to be the most uncomfortable kind of doctor for me to see i'd much rather get all my teeth pulled with zero painkillers than have a complete stranger swab my guts with a q-tip because at least the dentist will knock you out for that besides the fact that this is such an invasive procedure to receive i also have a history of trauma and although i've worked with many great therapists over the years and my mental health is better than it ever has been my body sometimes goes into fight mode at these appointments alright take a deep breath oh i am so sorry i don't know what's gotten into her that's all right let's just take a break and we'll let your body calm down despite how scary these appointments can be they're vital to staying healthy plus these places have you fill out a thorough confidential questionnaire so you can let them know before you go why these days make you nervous and anything else they should be aware of a good nurse like mine will spend plenty of time talking with you and helping you feel safe before and after your checkup and personally i make sure to do all the self-care i can on those days or better yet i ask a trusted friend to go with me and hold my hand so yeah when i went to the ob gyn i learned of two other options to help manage my cysts and my shark weeks the first was an arm implant this one's really popular it's the most effective it's the quickest to insert it stays right here in your arm it lasts a couple years and it could get rid of your period entirely whoa in my arm like right under my skin exactly i don't know that sounds gross what's the other one the other is an iud an intrauterine device also very popular it's this little t-shaped thing that basically hangs out on your uterus's couch and makes the space super uncomfortable for anyone to come over like like a ship roommate but they are stuck to that couch and that couch is glued to the floor so if you're lucky mother nature will give up and go on strike so this also means no more period and these lovely little trespassers can stay up there for years that sounds amazing yeah it is but but what well i have to insert it with this while holding the door open with this and the uterus is very very sensitive so it could feel like you're going into labor but but this is an operation right like i'll be under anesthesia right no sadly that's not how the procedure is done but we do advise you take some advil before you come in now pardon my french but are we living in the stone age you're telling me you're gonna stick a silly straw up the fire escape of my body shoot a butterfly in there and make my uterus think it's time to tango and the only thing that can make this process a little less terrifying is to take the medicine that can't even ward off regular teenage period cramps how far has science yet to come if this is the only way to do that yeah women's health regarding contraceptives aren't really a priority so so yeah i had a lot to think about she sent me home with a little brochure of how this carnival cruise up my cervix was gonna go and said to call and let her know if i'd like the iud or to just continue the pills and i'm sure for some this would be an easy no thank you i'll stick to the pills or better yet stick that stick in my arm why don't you why let mother nature gaslight gatekeep and girl boss you into feeling like you're giving birth but on the other hand what's 15 minutes of pain if it means i might not have a period no more bedridden cramps no more days-long migraines no more kool-aid in my bed it's like a fun game of would you rather so although i was scared i figured it was at least worth a try right whoa what listen i'm you from the future i don't have much time to explain but i'm here to warn you next week make sure you get ow ow ow get what the iud the pills what do i get just make sure you get sorry thought it was you owe [Music] so i called my ob gyn i brought a friend with me to hold my hand i took two advils as if that was gonna do anything and i showed up to my appointment when i got there my doctor reviewed each step of this procedure then when i was ready it was time for my uterus to fight the biggest battle of its life listen up troops we got a big storm coming so i expect you to be alert aware and ready for battle do you hear me mom yes phase one phase one complete ready for phase two copy that commence phase two yes ma'am target is locked deep breath you're gonna feel some pressure look alive troops hold her steady we're trying no no who pressed the you i'm sorry it just felt like you fool are we done uh no oh okay are we almost done uh no i barely touched you wha but but i listen i can see this is very painful for you and i wouldn't want to continue without anesthesia but no sorry i was going to suggest you come back next month and we try again under ultrasound the thing you use to look at pregnant bellies exactly that way i can see the path better and my tool won't bump into any walls ah oh you know what i'm i'm good ow why is she oh yeah those alarm bells are probably going to be going off for a day or two sorry like i said self-care is a priority after any trip to the ob gyn and as for my next visit i ended up trying out that third option the arm implant and after about a year of having it and only a couple light periods i've found this works best for me but everyone is different the only perks of having your period is having complete access to the right doctors options and health care choices for your body whatever that may look like for you oh man should have got ice cream yesterday that's it that's what i was trying to tell my past self make sure to get ice cream well i'm gonna go blast myself to the past with that quick and simple message thank you for watching my videos talk to your doctor to see if having a period is right for you and as always stay safe you
Channel: illymation
Views: 10,947,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illymation, illymations, illyanimation, illystrations, storytime animation, animated storytime, animation, illymation real life, illymation face reveal, illymation ex, illymation boyfriend, illymation abusive boyfriend, illymation song, illymation animal crossing, illymation vidcon, illymation cat, illymation luigi, first period, period hacks, period stories, period stories animated
Id: SSQrPsQq_q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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