Smoked Tri-Tip | Brisket Style Chopped Beef Sandwich

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hey everybody i'm chef tom with and this is smoked tri-tip well tri-tip is a fantastic piece of beef we often grill up a tri-tip medium-rare slice it thin it's great on tacos it's great on sandwiches but today what we're going to be doing is smoking this thing like a brisket i'm talking about smoking it past 210 degrees until it just chops and falls apart for barbecue sandwiches with that fat cap intact on top and the right amount of love and care and attention this thing is super juicy and delicious today we're going to be cooking on the kamado joe classic 3 charcoal ceramic grill and we got to get that charcoal fire going early this is sort of a medium smoke time we're looking at probably about four hours today so the big block charcoal is ideal nice big chunks they burn slowly you can throw some wood in there and get that extra aroma going uh but before we can even trim these things up we gotta get the charcoal going so we're gonna fill up our basket with the big block charcoal here get this lit up and just get it going what we're cooking with today are some creekstone farms master chef prime tri-tip roast these are about three pounds a piece so shout out to creekstone for sending these over if you guys haven't had any creekstone primed beef yet go check it out it's delicious we appreciate you guys these things look really nice already now we've got some tri tips with the fat cap on which we really want to work with today the only cleaning up we need to do maybe on this opposite side is where i see some of this silver skin and if there's any of that right near the surface i'll take it off if there's any of that hiding underneath that fat cap i'm not going to worry about it today because i want that extra fat on the surface of these roasts for this long smoke so that's what we're looking to clean up just a little bit of silver skin on the opposite side here on the fat cap i'm just going to go ahead and kind of score this fat cap so we can make sure we rub some seasoning down into it and that's really all there is to it now before we get to seasoning the outside of the tri-tips we're going to season the inside with an injection now these creekstone primes have good fat content for sure but it never hurts to add some extra moisture and some extra flavor from the inside out with the end goal being a chopped beef sandwich here i want a sweet barbecue flavor profile so we're going to see that in the injection itself so for the base we're going to have one cup of beef stock here and we're gonna add to that some barbecue sauce so this is the smoke on wheels kansas city bourbon barbecue bootleg two tablespoons just to add a little bit of sweetness this also has some great umami to it uh it's got dr pepper in it some soy sauce lots of good stuff also going to add a bit of heat with the flay volcano so this is a smoky red chili sauce i think kind of like chipotles and adobo so just a little bit of heat and finally i'm going to get about two teaspoons here of the butcher house brine so this just kind of gives us our flavor base some salt some sugar some garlic some onion so we'll give this a good shake just to make sure that we dissolve everything it's all evenly incorporated before we start injecting i'm going to pour off half of this or about half a cup to include in our wrap later the other half will inject into the tri-tip those specific measurements are perfect for doing a single tri-tip so i'm just going to double that for our two tri-tips we're cooking today all right so we're going to fill up the pistol grip injector here and just like we always do with any piece of meat when we're injecting what we want to try and accomplish here is working in a grid pattern so we're going to hit this every couple of inches just adding some liquid in each spot you should see it pump up it'll start to come back out just a little bit totally fine and that's how we know that we're getting all that flavor and moisture added to the inside of these roasts and for the most part it's going to tell you just how much it can handle so if you pump and you keep pumping and it starts to come back out means it's time to move on luckily we kind of have that fat cap to hold things in on the bottom side so these will hold a decent amount of injection so all right so once those are injected just going to kind of roll these around in that that injection that's on the board this will give us a binder on the outside for our rub to stick to so for our rubs today we're going to be using the bovine bold by plowboyz just one of my favorite beef barbecue rubs it's a little bit finer in consistency so i'm going to put it down first because on top of that we're going to add some extra texture and depth of flavor with the cattleman's grill smoky chipotle and this is a coffee based steak rub great for beef so you're going to have some turbinado sugar in here with the ground coffee with the chipotles lots of earthy flavors and as this slow smokes that turbinado sugar starts to caramelize on the surface and it's going to give us this beautiful dark bark thing on the other tri-tip here just a base layer of our bovine bold great barbecue flavors and then that that celery seed kind of thing going on and then the chunky smoky chipotle on top this we want to set up just a little bit before we flip them over and do the fat cap side so once this is kind of appearing moist on the surface the surface should look a little bit wet you can flip these over and remember we've got all these crevices to work with here on the fat cap to really work our seasoning down into all those little nooks and crannies extra texture is a great thing and let's just kind of mop up the board here no rub left behind all right well the kamado is sitting at about 250 degrees now that's what we're going to be cooking today i've got the slow roller set up so we're ready for that indirect smoke i'm just going to add a chunk or two of hickory wood before we get going pop the top off here real quick i've added some fresh charcoal to our already very hot charcoal down there we're going to nestle just a little bit of that hickory wood in so we want to make sure that we can get some ignition here see a little flame make sure that we're starting to burn some of that smoke cleanly there we go and we'll put it back together all right so we're going to go fat side down just to give us a little thermal barrier from any heat coming off of that plate there plenty of room for the smoke to roll around our tri-tips well we're about two and a half hours into the cook now our tri-tips are looking beautiful fantastic bark formed on the outside soaked up lots of that hickory smoke as well as that charcoal smoke now we're going to be wrapping it up and adding back some of those flavors from the injection smells incredible in here i mean look at the color we're getting on those tri-tips really beautiful oh yeah that's just been dripping down hitting the top of the slow roller there and coming back up in the form of flavor so we're going to take these over and get them wrapped up in foil all right so we're gonna place this down on a cup of sheets foil uh just checking the internal temperature for those of you that are interested it's pretty similar to when you're doing a brisket we're at about 165. not that that's super important we're really looking at the color that's how we're judging that we want to wrap this at this point but 165 roughly a good spot to do your wrapping now remember we've got that liquid from the injection that we saved back we're going to add about a half cup of that into the wrap so now we get the chance to really braise this beef in this flavorful liquid we're going to wrap this up super tight so those juices are just brazen over the top of that tri-tip as it continues to release juice and fat and it's all going to be in there together developing flavor all right back to the grill all right so we'll check on these again in about an hour just to see where the temp is at all right guys so this has been almost another two hours so about four and a half hours all day and our internal temperature temperature is really climbing up to where we want it um what's important to note is much like brisket when we kind of probe it this thing it there shouldn't be much resistance this should kind of be softened up and tenderized if we go into this deepest part here 210 degrees on the dot so that's what we're going for i'm gonna leave this open here in the grill for just a little bit longer we'll kind of form up some of that bark on the surface once again we don't want to lose all our juices though so we'll make some little boats here and let's just give this another 30 minutes or so to kind of crisp up on the on the tops yep we've kind of barked back up on the outside still got all the juices underneath i'm going to do a really just quick kind of rest tinting the foil we'll let those juices kind of redistribute just a little bit this isn't the most important step in the world when you're going to be chopping or shredding a piece of meat so keep that in mind you don't have to rest this for an hour or anything we're going to be incorporating all those juices from the foil into the chopped meat so if one piece is a little bit drier at the end but we toss it through the sauce it doesn't really matter in the end all right so we're going to start getting into our tri-tip here oh man just super tender in fact if we i wonder if we treat this kind of like a brisket wow that's really juicy still i mean if we cut this thing kind of like a slice of brisket i'm not exactly using the right knife for slicing here but man it's hanging right it's dangling even a nice thick slice it's still got all that fat running through there that's reminds you of the point meat but essentially what we're gonna do for these sandwiches is just to do a chopped beef here on the ends man it just wants to shred apart it's so tender at this point and we haven't even worked any of the juices or fat back in from the foil yet but that is incredibly juicy honestly a surprise to me the first time i cooked a tri-tip this way so once we get that back on the pan we can kind of take some of those juices some of that fat put it right back over the top and work that into the beef wow we'll grab a real slicer here just so you guys can see some of these slices if you wanted to serve this like sliced brisket that's just hanging yeah it's too hot to do that that's a bad decision almost entirely broken down just barely holding together we even got some goodies left in here that's some of that fat cat left behind [Applause] let's see how it tastes just straight out of the grill we're gonna get some of that bark and then some of the juiciness oh we got the crunch back on the outside after wrapping it which is great man savory beefy there's just this touch of sweetness which i think we get out of that smoky chipotle seasoning because of the turbinado sugar and of course out of that smoke on wheels barbecue sauce that we injected it with i mean it's flavorful all the way through but honestly the thing that stands out to me is the smoke great smoke flavor coming off the kamado and it gave us that great bark as well what i want to do now is toss up some of this meat and a little bit more of that smoke on those barbecue sauce and build a little sandwich so we'll just sauce a portion of it now for our sandwiches not too heavy just a light drizzle all right a generous drizzle this step is optional this is a fantastic barbecue sauce especially for beef but we already know this stuff's great without it alright so we're gonna throw some onions down on the bun a nice fresh bite from the onion [Applause] man [Music] fatty smoky beef on top do a few of these spicy dill pickles on top that acidity really cut through the fattiness and the sweetness that's it simple i'd be hard-pressed to believe it's not brisket it's it's not brisket but it tastes like brisket it's crazy um one of my favorite grilled roasts just became one of my favorite smoked roasts in recent history and i'm super glad that i could share it with you guys today i'm telling you tacos are up next i see breakfast tacos in our future well thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed the recipe hit that subscribe button if you have any questions or comments so there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to thesauce all things barbecue where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 158,468
Rating: 4.9406562 out of 5
Keywords: atbbq,, the sauce, chef tom, allthingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, bbq, barbecue, beef, smoked, tri-tip, brisket, chopped, sandwich, recipe, kamado joe, charcoal, grill, smoker
Id: mYb1bfzFfu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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